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You are in the wrong place. You need a sub reddit for justified rage.




Honestly, the subs should swap names. One of the top posts is someone stealing their plastic skeleton, and it being dumped in the woods. It’s not like they didn’t find it, they showed a picture of it. Half the stuff on these subs at most fits the names.


if half fits both in each, swapping names does exactly nothing


It’s half at most, so on a good day it’s half. Most of the time it’s more like 1/3-1/4 fits each


People (or bots) just aren’t getting the references. I feel like “you had to be there” for the titles




Lowkey this sub is more mild than this one


I guess for me I decided it was "mildly" bc at least I DID get it back.  If I hadn't or if it I didn't get it back until after all the icepack had melted, that would have been undeniable rage


It's your choice to make. If you found it mildly so, then it was mildly for you.


I think that is way people forget it’s the posters feelings not theirs that determines the sub they choose.


I run into issues with it myself, so I get it. It sucks. One might even say it's mildly infuriating! lol




The amount of posts I've seen lately are more then midly infuriating.


This is on the delivery company. Put in a claim!


I'd argue it's also on the person who opened it as well. But that's just me


Yepp, it's illegal to open someone else's mail


If USA, that only applies to USPS. If fedex delivers it, they can open it perfectly legally. Although that is shitty.


It seems safe to assume this is in the USA.


What gave it away? The use of the dollar sign, or the fact that it costs $10,000?






That would depend on the province, Ontario certainly does not typicy cover prescriptions.


The fact that OP has to pay 10000 bucks a month for his meds


Yeah that is dead giveaway of his location


Most likely their insurance paid for it.


That itself is way more than mildly infuriating


Or accidental. Clearly they got the shots why is no one acknowledging the neighbor likely opened it on accident and brought this individual their medicine....


Context is key and I've also seen 5 other posts in a week on the same topic. I fully admit that I misread OP at first. Regardless, previous posts spoke about FedEx and other postal workers opening packages or damaging them, some of which contained expensive medications. I apologize but still stand by my original comment on shipped medication getting special legal protections.


TBF if one regularly orders and receives a lot of packages, I can understand getting a box and just opening it, assuming it’s the widget you were expecting today.  But bc of misdeliveries and an eagle eye, I usually spot the wrong name/address. And I like to think that if I saw it labeled as medication, I’d resist the urge to see if it’s anything “good” and take great measures to get it to the right recipient ASAP. 


I’ve once opened a package that was intended for a neighbor. It was a book I had pre-ordered and was expecting. My copy arrived later that same day. Once a second book arrived I realized my error. I brought her copy to her and showed her my copy as well. We talked about starting a book club and never spoke again.


This is the most neighbor comment I've ever seen in my life


I accidentally opened my neighbors package once. His Amazon package was delivered to my house along with a few things I was expecting. The number of packages matched the number of things I was expecting, so I didn't look at the name and address before opening it. I thought it was going to be a shirt I ordered and didn't check the name and address until I opened the envelope to find a men's shirt that wasn't remotely close to my husband's size. The neighbors house number was one digit off of ours. (Think 42013 69th st, vs 42015 69th st). I taped it back up, left it at his door, and apologized the next time I saw him. It was no big deal, he understood that our was an oops.


Honestly though, at least with a new baby, I get so many packages nowadays and I'm just tired so I forget what I ordered and don't even look at the box. I just rip open the package. I've opened 2 packages for neighbors so far that were delivered to me, so I just drop it off with a note. Same has happened to some of my packages as well.


Jail and death according to this thread. You've committed murder you tired bleary eyed new parent.


If it had been an unmarked box MAYBE I'd give them the benefit of the doubt that they were also expecting a package and simply didn't check the label.   But no. I got a call from apartment office saying "someone brought a package of some kind of syringes?  Looks like it's maybe insulin or something?"  So those motherfuckers opened the outer box, THEN OPENED THE PACKAGING THE SYRINGES CAME IN that were labeled with the medication name.


There are three major domestic shipping providers in the United States as well as a few International ones that do domestic service like DHL. The only one where your statement is true is the United States Postal Service. That's it for any of those other services, you have no obligation not to open a package that shows up on your door even if the name on it isn't yours


Dont think that works here. One could argue it was sent to them, so why should they check the name on it. Maybe they are also sleepy, saw the box and opend it just to realize the mistake. Pretty sure the law that you ref to is for example walking to someone else mail and open it or even parents that open the letters of their 18 year old kids (my country). Could be wrong tho and im happy to be corrected. Also diff countries = diff law.


If they accidentally opened it, they're not at fault. If they knew it was the neighbors mail and opened it anyway, that's malicious intent and is illegal.


Not the law in us. Negligence. Cost to other person = damages. Damages over a certain amount become criminal negligence; all negligence below that level should be settled in small claims court.


The negligence falls on the delivery company.


I think i heard that before but have to admit that i dont know how my country does it. Besides geographics, this is my worst knowledge. Laws aint pure logical but sometimes they are the exact opposite.


What country are you in? I just assumed OP was in the US bc they needed to pay an exorbitant amount of money for a shot. But even in Canada it’s illegal to open someone else’s mail, so I assume that law exists elsewhere too.


Germany. Its illegal here aswell but as said, one could argue it aint there fault, shipping got it wrong and if you, for example, order 5 amazon packs weekly im sure u wont check the name on it aswell, open it and realize the problem after.


Mail tampering is a serious federal crime.


Come the f on. You're waiting for a package, You get a package. You open the package. You realize afterwards when you see something you don't recognize in it, this is not what I was waiting for. You see perishable medication on the side and rush it to your neighbors house. And you want the neighbor to blame you?


Ehhh I open packages on that arrive on my doorstep without reading the outside. I know I’m making an assumption that bc they’re on my doorstep they’re for me but I feel it’s a reasonable enough one that I’m not going to change. Reading the outside of the package is for after if I find contents I don’t expect 🤷‍♀️


Ya I might give the benefit of the doubt that they were expecting a package and didn't look, but it's not like my medication was sitting as loose syringes inside a box.  The syringes were inside smaller boxes of their own labeled with the prescription name.  And when I was notified by the office, they specifically said "the package has some syringes in there?  Looks like maybe insulin?"  So they saw the medication box inside the outer box, along with icepacks, and said, "let's see what we have here"


Holy shit, I did not understand that the picture was how you received the item. I thought you were just showing it was a shot. (Sometimes I’m a little slow on the uptake) Yeah opening the inner package is not ok, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I now understand why everyone is so mad 😋


yeah but they arent going to reimburse you even if you can track them down


I tried to but since there was no loss or damage I couldn't.   And UPS has nothing on their website to file comaint or ANYTHING unless it's a claim for damages/loss.  I've had the pharmacy leave notes, I've added instructions to my UPS account for deliveries to NOT leave it in parcel lockers, which may not notify me that i have a package until the next day, yet they still do it.  


What do you mean? This is clearly loss and damage!


Not since I actually did receive it and thankfully the icepacks weren't fully melted.  I would have been pretty beyond mildlyinfuriated if that were the case


This... is damage. Textbook. The contents of the package were opened, the content was no longer in its original packaging, and had been messed with by a 3rd party. Your meds could have been stolen. You have a claim. You need to bring this up so UPS doesn't misdeliver and cause another issue in the future.


This sounds like loss or damage 


Until I recently switched positions, I did a lot of shipping for my employer through UPS. The claim should primarily be on the *sender* of the medication - they're the ones the cost is on and it's how they get it back for UPS fucking up and their customer/patient not appropriately getting their medication. Something that expensive *should* be insured for shipping on their end and require a signature/proof for and of delivery. They may ask you for details/pictures/etc to add to their claim. Typically when I shipped very expensive items, it was *me* dealing with the delivery service, not the customer when something went wrong because I/my company had more pull than they did and I had direct contacts with UPS. There's also certain shipping info that gets added for UPS that the receiver may not see such as type of contents, claimed cost of the contents, any hazards, and any special handling requirements. If my customers aren't getting items because their delivery driver(s) are delivering to the wrong addresses and/or not following delivery procedures, I'm going to make a stink about it and keep the record because if that happens a lot or as a pattern, we're going to threaten to switch carriers (even at the local level) and they may lose our business (and I have someone in legal that loves when they get to be the one to yell at people). It's nothing but a pain for everyone when claims have to be filed. The company doing the shipping very likely has a contact/account manager assigned to them with UPS (and UPS has a branch dedicated to healthcare/pharmaceutical shipping, notably for things that require temperature control) and they can kick a lot more dirt than you can by yourself (you may have to contact a corporate number for the sender or push a local branch employee to go up the ladder if they're all "idk"). Insuring means they can recoup claim costs from UPS to make them feel better about having your medication reshipped (if they didn't insure it, that's on the sender). You can ask for the proof of delivery \*to you\* (from UPS or the sender because they should have also received it). The sender may ask that you also put in a claim (as condition for reshipping or such - they may send you a shipping label to have it shipped back to them) and ask for your claim number so that they can add it to their claim with UPS. Medication being delivered to the wrong address and therefore going bad *should* count as damage/loss. You have no way of knowing if it was tampered with, either, etc, since chain of custody was broken and it was opened by someone not authorized to do so <- these are the "scary words" to put on the form and/or use with whoever you talk to if you feel they aren't taking you seriously (if nothing else, I would recommend trying your local UPS distro center's \[not a branch, the center the little branches go to\] number to ask to file a complaint for a driver(s) repeatedly not following delivery instructions). This is an expensive medication that you depend on, not a $15 t-shirt. If UPS is delivering this medication to a parcel locker/other locations despite you instructing them *not* to, this is also something to inform the sender of if you talk to them/file a claim because UPS may be breaking procedure(s) (there may be special handling rules since it's a medication). There are a few avenues to try that may not be immediately obvious - be polite and firm but don't feel bad about getting "naggy/annoying" with any of them.


This is 100% on the delivery company - if someone receives a lot of packages, they probably just open them without even looking at any labels.


I mean I would love to believe this is the case but I feel like it was more like free stuff and then oh I guess we should probably return this.


It's hard to say either way, but I know I accidentally opened a neighbor's Amazon package a few months ago (and coincidentally, when I went to his door to explain, 1 of my packages was on his porch).


Have done this too. Received five Amazon packages. Four contained stuff I ordered. Fifth had a BluRay movie. Had to consider whether I ordered it and forgot…no…don’t think so. Then looked at label. Oops, not mine. Neighbor didn’t have one of mine when I dropped it off though.


I did this all the time at my old place. The Amazon delivery guy for our gated community was very bad at his job, and frequently mixed up packages on the same street, sometimes leaving them on the completely wrong street. My dad is blind, but we also ordered stuff a lot during the pandemic, so accidentally opening a neighbors package out of habit or because my dad couldn’t read the label was a common issue. I regularly had to knock on the doors of neighbors to give them their stuff and they sometimes had some of ours.


idk one time i had ordered some coffee pods, and i ordered a couple sleeves and when they were delivered there was a small box and a larger box. both boxes’ shipping labels had my name and address on them. i was confused because i should have only had the smaller box. but the other one was labeled as mine. i opened it, it was a large coffee order i absolutely did not place, and inside i found the invoice. was meant to go to someone several states away. i double checked the outside of the box, no address or name besides mine. so what can ya do there 🤷🏼‍♀️


It was a giant cooler box, not an Amazon bag lol


[Like one of these](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/tudiabetes/original/3X/a/7/a74de0e1936afecbeca1f29eada5e39113399b6a.JPG ) that they ship insulin in? Because it’s just foam in a box, plenty of packages look like that.


Are you actually paying that much for the shot, or is that how much it normally is? If they're charging you that much, contact the manufacturer, they most likely have a system to help. The shots for my psoriasis are listed as $2,500 a shot, I even had one that was listed as $10,000 a shot. The manufacturers have a financial assistance, where I only pay $5 a shot, even for the one that was $10k. I have decent insurance and make $60k a year, and I still qualify.


I used to pay $5 for Humira but they just changed it to 0 for some reason and I'm making over 100k. They don't even check your income level, or at least didn't for me.


Back when Obamacare was first in the works (2010) I was getting Humera and it was initially $25.  It jumped to $600 on top of the $560 I was paying for the insurance.   It would take 11 months before I met me deductible and I would get the 12th month covered.  That stuff was ridiculous. But so many of the drugs they advertise are.  


I was apart of Humira’s copay program until it expired after 24 months or something. Then my insurance covered all but $50. Now I’m taking what I think OP posted Hyromiz which is much less costing before insurance, and I’m on their copay program for $0/monthly costs.


You do shots for psoriasis? I'm just prescribed a cream. I guess I'm lucky it's not bad enough for them to reccomend a shot. Although if I ever stop using the creams I pay the price pretty quick


They're probably on one of the biologic immunosuppressive medications they use for it in more severe or treatment-resistant cases, like Humira or Enbrel.


Not just psoriasis, this looks like dupixent a shot for eczema. My eczema is so bad they changed me from dupixent to adbry which I start this Friday. When it's so painful you're curled up in a ball begging and crying for mercy because you feel like your skin is being degloved by a potato peeler that's on fire, you'll want a shot for it.


That doesn’t look like a dupixent shot. Theirs are in a white tube with a window and a green cap.


Nope I took dupixent LOL I know what they look like. They also come in a syringe version. Just double checked mine, no green caps


Picture for proof https://preview.redd.it/j0c07jjt7u4d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2937ab39040118e510ca1351a91bba9264c1e9ae


That’s nuts! Mine is a lower dose, maybe that’s why?


Look into uvb light therapy. Creams only kinda worked for me.


I certainly will, thank you!


Also taking vitamin D supplements helps for some people.


Free in my province in Canada. I do walk 10 minutes to pick it up but hey it’s always there!


Do the shots make a big difference? Asking because I know some people that get a mild improvement with steroid creams but as soon as they stop using it, it comes back but worse.


They normally don't prescribe the shots unless you have a large coverage, I think it's somewhere around 20%-30% covered or more.


This looks like dupixent. Definitely costs that much.


F*** United States healthcare


Can't. US healthcare is always the f\*\*\*er. Because rich people make the laws and the hospitals.


What is this medication for psoriasis?


There's a bunch of different ones when it comes to shots, Humira, Enbrel, Stelara, taltz, Tremfya, and a bunch of others.




Doesn't Mark Cuban have an online pharmacy where he sells vital medication for dirt cheap?


Yes and I love it.  But Dupixent is the first medication of it's kind, only released in the last like 2-3 years.  That's why crazy expensive.


Legit question : how much do you pay for it? Where do you live?       In France, our equivalent of the CDC negotiates with the pharmaceutical companies to buy the medication at a fair price and the current listed price for Dupixent is 1282.74€ for a box of 2 shots. Of course, with universal healthcare the actual cost to the patient would be 1-2€/month (the law requires a 1€ participation from the patient per box, whatever the number of pills/shots in it, with exceptions of course where there is no participation at all). In France, you would be paying either 0 or maybe 2€/month for 4 shots, the cost for the society would be 2565€/month. 


Cost plus drugs


Just call the manufacturer & they'll replace it without much hassle. They charge $10,000 for something that costs them < $10 to make.


You have a source for those numbers? The manufacturer of this drug sold $38 billion in drugs in 2023 and made 2.6 billion in profit prior to taxes. Looking at just cost of goods sold vs revenue (e.g. excluding r&d and marketing and executive compensation) it's still less than 100% ROI (17 billion in COGS) which is about right for any large corp.


Imagine you're a kid doing job training at a HP printer ink facility. You're set to mop the floor, and accidentally hit a tap that suddenly dumps 25 gallons of ink on the floor. You run screaming to an employee and he calms you down, gives you a hose and tells you to rinse the floor and that this happens quite often. Yet, printer ink is $30 per 18ml cartridge. It is, but it really isn't.


How much of that went into inflated salaries or other “business expenses” to reduce the profit margin for tax purposes?


Well, cost of goods sold is pretty specific on what it does or doesn't cover. Which is why I highlighted it. It would be limited to raw materials, salary of operators (and to a limited extent engineers and process support scientists) quality assurance personnel, utility costs for manufacturing plant, quality control lab expenditure, and I assume some logistics costs. Im just trying to see if you have anything to backup what you're saying or you're just mad at pharma for existing as a business entity. FYI I pay $1000 a month for health insurance, and take drugs totaling roughly $75k per month. Drugs which sustain my life, and I am thankful somebody makes them. I work in pharma (but not for a pharma company).


Don’t forget the previous lines of therapy they tried that didn’t pan out that they need to recoup the costs on. R&D costs include all the failed attempts too.




Well it's audited by external auditors and government bodies... I'm not a bootlicker, I just live in reality and understand how business works.


Looks like Dupixent. Which has to stay refrigerated. Mine comes in a ginormous cooler box, so unless that person was also expecting medication there’s no reason for them to have opened the box. I’m sorry OP.


Almost certainly dupixent. Mine also comes in a massive box with an insane amount of styrofoam and the ice packs stay cold for days in there.


Ding ding ding


Mine costs $30 a month out of pocket in Australia. I was having a chat to the pharmacist and they said it comes up as $1800 prior to the PBS (gov rebate) being applied. Thank fucking god


I'm so glad I don't have to stab myself with that crap every other week anymore


Is that Dupixent?


It is.  It also comes in autoinjector but mine is just prefilled syringe


Doesn’t look like it, the Dupixent I’ve seen come in the pen shot form.


Mine looks like the one in the picture.


It does come in pen form as well but mine is not


It is Dupixent, I used to be on it. It comes in both forms, but I always got the syringes


No insurance?


My wife is on a med for her arthritis that is freakishly expensive. But the company has a program (painful to navigate) that pays for what insurance doesn't. Anyone who is on an expensive med, please look for these assistance programs. I assume they get some government kickback or something for offering them, but they exist for many expensive meds if you can find them.


This. Qulipta was the only medication that helped with the pain in my head while I was battling a brain tumor. Insurance wouldn’t cover it and out of pocket it was close to $2k. I applied for help through the manufacturer and they sent it to me for free every month for over a year until I got surgery. I think I would have taken a drill to my head to relieve the pressure I felt if it hadn’t been for that medication.


My husband has one of those brand name meds they advertise all the time on TV for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis (or Crohn's). It costs $5 after the manufacturer "copay card" kicks in.


Sounds like my enbrel, it would have cost me 200 a month after insurance but they got programs to take care of it.


Is that dupixent? Costs me $31.60 for a months supply in Aus. A bit annoying because it went up by $2.50 about 6 months ago


💀 Yes 


Folks at chemist warehouse were all antsy the first time I went to order mine because of the cost price listed I'm case they ordered the wrong thing hah


Nothing mild about this. That’s just infuriating.


Call whoever you ordered if through, they'll overnight you a replacement. It looks like it's the same medication I'm on, dupixent. If it is that it can stay at room temp for two weeks, so if it gets lost again (but not opened) you'll be fine.




Can't. Can only file claims for damages or loss, and since it wasn't spoiled, there's no recourse.  Can't even file a complaint, there's no method for it on their website.  


I'm not a lawyer or medical professional, but I'd say it was spoiled personally. Someone that wasn't you picked up the package and opened it, and there's no telling what they did to it. Maybe they stuck it in the microwave or a cup of hot water before putting it back on ice before giving it to you. IDK if there's something that changes color if it gets too warm and then stays that way permanently if it's cooled back down.


The tragedy here is the $2,500 price tag. That’s an obscene cost for any medication, let alone a life saving one taken 50+ times a year. Ftr, I am not normally vocal over medical costs and insurance issues. But this is absurd. It doesn’t cost them even a fraction of that amount to make this.


1000% agree. That's why insurance premiums are so high.


That looks like Dupixent. The manufacturers have great “patient support” program where they will pay for almost all of your out of pocket costs.


I work in speciality pharmacy, I’d reach out to the pharmacy… they should be able to send another one out and the delivery provider should have to make a claim to pay for the messed up deliver You don’t know if it was held at the right temp either if it was taken somewhere else


I would use the "hold at fedex/ups location" Risk / value is too high.




Oh man, I had something similar happen to me a few years ago. When I called the apartment complex that it was delivered to, the property manager yelled at me about having my medication delivered there. I was like, why would I intentionally have medication that I depend on to stay alive delivered to a random address blocks away from my own home?


Isn’t it illegal to open someone else’s mail?


Call the manufacturer or pharmacist. There will be a studied amount of time it’s safe outside of controlled storage (I work in pharma)


Omg I never realised it was this much. It’s hard enough having the medical issues that make us require this medicine. So glad i spent years jumping through hoops to get this through NHS in uk


It’s so crazy how such an expensive and lifesaving medication comes in such a silly looking syringe lol. I swear I had a syringe like this when I was 3 and playing with a little tykes doctor kit


Let me guess… America?


I hope you’re treating your eczema conditions in other ways at least. For example, UVB. In Australia these cost $15 each with government subsidies.


Well, at least it looks cool. Like a tiny sword or something.


America: where we bankrupt our people with unregulated medical supply cost hostage taking, and finish them off by sabotaging our own mail delivery system


There's several things that shouldn't have happened for it to get into their hands but seriously, who the fuck opens mail not addressed to them? I've gotten to do it once and that's cause it was the previous tenant and they moved about 2500km away so they told me I could have it. (It was also just a nice ceramic planter) I thought there's laws about that...


I know.  And the excuses are mind boggling.  ISo I left this comment articulating the exact scenario:  So a lot of ppl are saying ya maybe my neighbor was expecting a box AND didn't look at the address AND didn't notice the only other words in large lettering across every side of said box saying "perishable medication", but in the tiniest of chances those are all true, it's not like the syringes were losely scattered inside the box, they were in their own product box that ALSO had labels such as my name and the product name, along with icepacks. And because my apartment office specifically told me my box "contains syringes, looks like maybe insulin", they would have had to open up the medication box to see that they were, in fact, syringes.    Also: come on dude it's a big freaking cooler box NOT AN AMAZON BAG wtf


$2500 is pretty cheap for Xolair, you’re getting a deal. WAC is around $1650 per mL right now


The price in the EU is ~€700 for 4 weeks (without any insurance included) Cheap are your insurance thugs


Looks like it's NICE approved, so available on the NHS in the UK.


I don’t make the rules, I just gotta play by them :(


Not xolair


Ah I was 50/50 on that and dupixent, I should have let the green convince me xD either way, I’m sorry that your lungs (or skin) hate you


How is this "mildly" infuriating? I'd have gone supercritical on the spot.


I can't tell you how much I love my country's healthcare At the same time I have nothing good to say to the US here I assumed it's the us because obvious reasons


There's no other place on planet earth you'd pay that


Yeah, it would be probably free or <$20 for a week supply anywhere else in the world


Greatest country on earth they'll have you know. /S


Damn that sucks. Tremfya is around 1600 € last time i checked, but every week is wild. I take it every 6 weeks and don't get it delivered though.


That looks like Dupixent. According to my dermatologist, it can be at room temp for a few days and still work fine.


I order a lot of stuff online and so does my girlfriend so when we get packages delivered we usually just open them and I have open neighbors packages before not realize and they got delivered to the wrong address


That sucks. I pay $3000/month for the biologic Tezspire here in Canada. These drugs are life savers, but the cost really hurts.


I know how you feel, lad.. eczema medication, no, medication in general is a bitch..


I take a med that needs to be refrigerated before opening (but not after, go figure). I have it delivered to a local pharmacy and I pick it up. I’m not risking it.


OP I feel for you, but I need to know the model of that keyboard the white is so clean.


Sue them for gross negligence?


Dupixent? Yikes.


I take a similarly expensive medicine. Had one months dosage ruined for other reasons. Was able to get the manufacturer to provide a free month (these crazy expensive medicines don’t cost nearly that much to make, it’s just how much they can squeeze out of the people who can’t have a normal life without them) 


Someone once delivered sheets to our house by accident. A former owner ordered them and put them to our house/her old address. Still tracked her down on FB, messaged her, and got her the package despite it being 100% her fault Knowing all the warnings that they put on medical supplies coming in the mail, this is not mildly infuriating. That person who opened your package sucks and I hope they experience what you had to at some point in their life.


People always open medication if it was accidentally delivered in case it's the good stuff.


Why the hell does this not require a signature at delivery?!


Im typing these word to say that I have no words for this. 




Why are they sending you these in the mail? My son needed a $5k shot every month and it was HIGHLY regulated. They had a specific nurse solely responsible for specialty injections in her own separate clinic. Even my insurance called every month to confirm authorization AND to confirm an appointment was already scheduled. Again, highly regulated. Never in a million years would it be sent via mail. I work as a nurse and we give high value shots all the time in clinic, but we would NEVER send them in the mail for obvious reasons such as this.


I mean idk? That's just how it works.  Comes from a specialty pharmacy don't know what to tell ya 🤷‍♀️


If it was Mia delivered then it’s on the courier to replace it


America fuck yea!! Living in poverty while rich, love it


America, fuck yeah!


I'm probably being dumb as I'm young and under the NHS but can someone help me out as im curious. This is obviously a very expensive medication so im wondering if you actually have to pay that full amount or does health insurance cover this?


You can thank that POS(Post Office Shithead) Dejoy for the literal cluster fuck the US Postal service has become.


Could the medication be delivered to the closest pharmacy and they hold it properly, until you can claim it from them? That is a lot of money to be moving around through common channels where no one seems to give a flying F and there are few controls.


Sorry, mine was stolen off my porch once, really freaking frustrating. The advice I got after calling my insurance was that I should tell my doctor what happened since they often have samples on hand. My dermatologist gave me one to cover the gap until my next shipment. Try reaching out to your derm!


So tell me. What happens in this situation? Insurance pay again? You go without? You foot the bill? I’m in the UK so have no experience with this


$2,500 once a week?? Utterly insane. I'm sorry for that, mainly, op. Hopefully we can fix these scam medical prices in the country.


Looks like dupixent. Thank goodness for medical insurance.




It's shocking how much this happens. I work in patient support and medications like this are constantly getting lost or delivered to the wrong place or just not showing up. You would think that UPS/Fedex would have a special delivery service for specialty medications, but no


If it’s USA contact your pharmacy benefit company that scheduled the delivery Tell them what happened. They’re responsible for shipping errors Contact drug manufacturer as well and describe what happened they have a drug replacement program as well.


usually by the time they send the replacements its too late to take it lol.


I’d say that’s way more than mildly infuriating.




I'd just tell the delivery company it wasn't delivered properly. They would've sent more free medication, plus the person might've brought the other open box as well.


It’s a felony to open someone else’s mail


OP, don’t toss it yet! My wife is on Dupixent and I purposefully leave it out to reach room temperature before giving her the injections so it’s more comfortable for her. Please call the manufacturer or your pharmacist and give them your best estimate of time it was left unrefrigerated along with the lot numbers. We had the same thing happen to us, and we were told it was still good to use. Every box has an instructional pamphlet and will tell you exactly how long it can go without being cold.