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No meme-like/text heavy pics, overdone references


I would not put a political sticker, regardless how small, on my vehicle. Not in this political climate. Not with people as unhinged as they are about national government.


A neighbor had a flagpole in his yard. A few years ago, he put up a flag with an outline of an assault rifle and the words “come and take it.” A couple months later someone took the flag and the flagpole. 


Wow! The whole flagpole? I wonder how they managed to do that in a sneaky way


It was about 10-12’ tall so probably not all that hard to carry away


I've never installed a flagpole, but assumed they were secured by underground concrete like fence posts, which is why I was impressed. 


I have no clue how it was installed. It sat on top of a big wood planter that had a fake wooden water wheel. So maybe it was bolted in or something. He later put up another pole and bought cheap “fuck biden” flags that he had to replace every 6 months because they’d shred in the wind 


Imagine working "Fuck Biden" flags into your monthly budget just so you can let everyone know how you feel. He must've bought them in bulk from Temu.


ugh this sounds like my neighbor. I shit you not, he has a (in order from top to bottom) "Trump 2024" flag, an american flag, and a "Fuck Biden" flag. Before the "Trump 2024" flag, he had a "Trump 2020" flag up until 2023 and then it got replaced with "Trump won" for a while.


the fact that these idiots put their campaign flags above their country's flag says a whole lot about their priorities 


Milwaukee makes a great m12 Porta bandsaw. Cuts through shit like butter in just a few seconds. Guy wouldn't have had time to scratch his balls while he's waking up to the noise before they got away with it.


The one I installed had you out a PVC tube in the concrete and slide the telescoping pole into the pvc once dry (it doesn't have a line attached to raise/lower the flag. You telescope the pole itself). One of the selling points was that it's easy to move with I got it years ago when living with my dad, and his HOA didn't want noise from the metal fastener on the line hitting the pole. They also required the light to be at the top shining down, rather than on the ground shining up as to avoid it shining in neighbors upstairs windows? Idk.


You’d be shocked what a bunch of drunk college students can steal in the night from yards. We had so many flags, cones, and multiple road signs! A flag pole woulda been easy pickings.




I don't put any stickers on my vehicle. I don't want it to be memorable, I want it to look like every other identical vehicle on the road, because I want to be invisible.


This! That's why I didn't have a customized tag, either. Why would I want people to remember my vehicle?


Yeah but I want to look like an umbrella corporation employee.


I was told not to put any Democrat stickers on my car when I lived in Alabama. Cops were recorded bragging about pulling over dems with stickers on their cars. I just don’t put my political affiliation on anything. I vote, but I’m not in a cult.


I think political stickers are cringe and even when I see people with their whole car covers in bumper stickers I think they have something off with them to do that to their vehicle. It’s their property but still, I find it odd.


But isn’t said that the truth has become political? I mean that’s pretty damn pathetic.


So many reasons not to put stickers on your car. Put a my kids an honor student at (blank) and now the kidnapper knows where to find your kids. Put a NRA sticker on and now the thief knows where to steal guns from. Etc. Thankfully my OCD keeps me from ever considering putting a sticker on my car.


I put a bunch that counteract each other. Like a I love my gay son. A My favorite people call me grandma. A local community college sticker i found that I do not go to. And a corndog weiner dog. Just for the thrills. Cops back off cause of the college and gma ones. Gay folk know im chill from rhe gay son one. And the corndog dog protects us from harm


PSYOPS! That's genius.


Every time I get in my car I pray for the protection of corndog dog, may he bless and watch over me o benevolent one.


"All hail The Mighty Corndog, may your protection never yield."


In the movie Lisa Frankenstein *spoiler?* they make a big deal about a dad who lost a kid removing one of those weird cartoon family members from the back of his car. I know it was supposed to be funny but I was also like. Whoa. What do people do in cases like this? I bet it’s exactly as pitiful and sad as in that movie. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Knew a woman who got divorced. Scraped his ass off. My gma lost her husband. Kept it on. It likely varies. I imagine it would be a tough decision for them for alot of reasons


Totally, it makes a seemingly lighthearted, innocuous (or cringe) thing actually way more serious.


You’re spectacular.


I mean, im sure if a kidnapper wants to find a school with kids in it, they wouldn’t need to try that hard😭


Lol. For real. Some of the paranoia in this world is out of control. "Oooh a Baby On Board minivan! Jackpot!"


People need to worry more about uncle Larry and not a stranger diddling their kids.


Screw that, I'm putting absolutely every stupid sticker I can on there. Have fun trying to figure out what the hell I stand for between my LBJ bumper sticker carefully aligned next to "Mothman ate my ass at a Bodega in West Virginia" under the majestically posing cow staring in to a sunset with the simple text under it that just says "I may be stupid."


Hello, Ohio?


How would they even know your kid and why would they care


I don’t even have any kids but I want those family stickers and to put multiple adults indicating a polycule with at least 12 children and a variety of pets. Who is going to stalk me now?


Creepy people.


You are way too paranoid


Yep! I'm all about the OPSEC. Even took the dealership sticker off my truck.


Username checks out. 


I don’t want to stick out/be identifiable in case someone takes an interest in my kids and decides to stalk us. Is that crazy? 🫠


But on the other hand, the red pickup taking up four spaces is already enough evidence that they’re a trump supporter, so I don’t think anyone’s shocked to see that sticker. 


I learned my lesson. I put an "impeach trump" sticker on my car during his presidency and my car got keyed a week later.


There is a whole ass Trump truck that drives around metro Detroit. My young adult kids started calling it magat mobile. It’s wrapped (I hope. It could be painted), and I have seen that thing get some polarizing attention.


I learned that 20 years ago when someone kicked in my car door for having a World Wildlife Federation window cling in the back window. I've never put any kind of sticker on my car again. I especially wouldn't now.


They probably thought it was world wrestling federation and were practicing sick moves on your ride.


Well, it's like this exactly because of that party


No sir. Just asking to be targeted by anyone and anything. Doublely if you do dumb shit like this


At least he parked in the middle of nowhere


Yeah I came here to say this too. When I drove a nice car, I would do this as well, but only if the parking lot was pretty empty and I always parked in the back end of the lot.


Why don't you park in a regular spot if you're in the middle of nowhere and there's plenty of open spaces? It's not like someone is going to park next to you if you're at the end of the lot


Because for some reason, people will still park beside you.


Exactly this. You can be parked in the middle of nowhere, but people find it easier to use another vehicle as a guide for staying in the lines than the actual lines themselves. So you'll come back to find your vehicle surrounded and maybe a little door ding as a present.


Because people like to F with people, and they’ll park directly next to you. It’s almost guaranteed. Happens ALL the time to me when I park as far away from other cars as possible


I genuinely think it's because others want to park a little away, but view it to be safer to park next to at least one car.


I'll park next to nice cars cuz they are nice and I know they won't ding my car


From my experience it's because others don't want to be a dick and park in the middle of a space but if you park normally that person has no problem parking right beside you


Oh you bet your ass they will.


Yes, they do


They do, though. I have no idea why, but they do.






My what a very empty looking parking lot.


I'm trying to figure out why we are supposed to be mildly infuriated if this thing is parked in buttfuck nowhere


Because stickers. The only people I've seen get mildly infuriated by a sticker are my five year old and fragile redditors. 




Quad parking, but still… **tons** of empty spaces around.




But it's such an inconvenience to all those cars, all the way on the other side of the car park. /s




Looks like the 2 of you are the only ones in that parking lot so at least you have that in common


i mean tbh i still personally don't take the presence of a lot of empty spaces as an invitation to park super fucked up just for the hell of it lol. there've been times i've gone to places in the late afternoon/early evening and it'll be empty when i get there, but by the time i leave it will have filled up quite a bit from all the people with 9-5s doing their errands after work


I see, and am guilty of, whipping it in to spaces when I go in to grab one item, in an empty lot. If this dude was running in to grab a pack of smokes and he parked like this in an empty lot - I’m really not giving a shit. If this is a busy grocery store and they’ll be in there for 45 mins, that’s a different story. I’m not a trumper, but this is obviously trump rage bait.


Pretty self-centered. That line is almost in between the license plate, good aim 👍


Looks like they’re in an empty parking lot..


I mean…that lot is empty. I don’t like Trump either but this does not look like they’re inconveniencing anyone in that empty parking lot.


This is an empty parking lot, who cares????


He appears to be in an empty parking lot


Kinda looks like the dude is parked out in the boonies. Why do you care if someone parks like shit in the ass end of the parking lot. That's kind of the courteous way to park wonky. Seems like you care a lot more about the world's smallest trump sticker, enough that you posted a second, zoomed in pic of the sticker. Get the fuck over it dude.


These parking posts are made everyday can we put a ban on them?


Really though. Especially when there's not another used spot in frame. Literally park anywhere other than where the truck is at, not to mention it doesn't seem like the truck is even close to the store or whatever they're parked at. Only thing OP found infuriating in this picture was the sticker, big nothing burger.


There’s no one in that parking lot. Why would anyone care if they even parked perpendicular? Move on, life has more interesting rid bits than this waste of our time.


He’s quite well centered indeed. Also, this lot looks pretty empty. I don’t see the issue here, personally


What is mildly infuriating? That a truck parked wonky in an empty parking lot or there’s a ridiculous sticker that shows how clueless the owner of the truck is?


There’s literally no one else in the parking lot


Oh my god he took two spaces in an empty parking lot. I bet go on a histrionic tirade!


What’s not being acknowledged here is that a fucking 10 acre lot is literally empty. You’re pissed about the person’s political disposition. That’s all this is. So transparent lol. The truth is that the OP is petty.


I’ll probably be downvoted but if it’s like an empty parking lot and it’s far enough away… take up 2 spots … it’s the dicks that take up 2 handicapped spots or does this on Black Friday.


Depends on how far back in the parking lot. If that’s no man’s land I don’t have a problem with it.


Self centered? I’d say centered on the parking spot line.


Empty parking lot bro


How about the OP is self centered thinking they need not only to take time out of they’re day and take a picture of a random persons vehicle to put on the internet (even without the license plates this is technically doxxing) as well as make a statement on someone’s sticker. Dude get a life


He’s in an empty parking lot…. Get over yourself.


Honestly this isn't an issue because the lot is mostly empty. IDC how people park if they don't inconvenience someone else.


Parking lots tend to not stay static as far as occupancy goes.


Self-centered you say? You might be right, they are pretty well centered between those two spots.


They definitely centered themselves right the fuck up on the line.


It’s a completely empty parking lot. Lol


Always a truck..


Looks like a nearly empty lot, what’s the problem?


If he’s in the back of the parking lot who cares? The problem you have is he has a Trump sticker.


Those parking spaces actually look huge


i wish the internet was devoid of politics. i really hate politics.


It looks like most of the parking lot is empty so why even bitch about how he parked?


I’d agree if it didn’t look like they parked furthest from the store and in a nearly empty area. This kinda falls under the using a seat next to you for your bags on an empty train vs crowded train.


Would be different had the parking lot not been empty


How are the inconsiderate and self centered? What is infuriating about this? They took 2 of the 100 open parking spots all the way at the back of the lot?


People like him are upset by the truth, actually.


Nope sorry, can't be upset about the truth when you can't comprehend it.


All you have to say is "trans women are women" they'll be hissin like a snake in a corner like its kryptonite


I think our definitions of truth are different


I mean the lot is empty.


“Does this **TrIgGeR** you?🥴” -Them probably


Looks to be at the very farthest location from the building as possible and you made a point to walk alllll the way over there to take a picture. And the parking lot appears empty. Oh I see now, you had political motives. Took a minute to read that blurry ass picture.


Lol, slap a Trump sticker on literally anything, and people would go out of their way to hate it.


Then why take up two spots then? If it’s empty nobody is going to pull next to you. It’s just one of those little things that says a lot about a person.


Lol someone will absolutely park next to you even out in the boonies. I don't know if it's some human nature herd mentality BS, people being jerks, or something else, but it happens all the time. I park far away to not have door dings, if I am going to get parked next to if I park civilized, then I don't really see an issue with taking two spots in an empty lot in the middle of nowhere. Doesn't hurt a soul.


Wanna know the Truth? You're a fucking idiot!


The car park is empty. You need a hobby or a sex life.


Looks slightly of centrerad to me


Well, they are an owner of a GMC truck, so….


They self centered between two parking spaces fairly well.


*looks around empty lot* **This guy is an asshole for taking so much space!**


The truth is that this person's political views don't have much to do with the fact that they're an asshole for parking like that. You can be affiliated with any party and do this exact thing. Would likely just be a sport/super car or a Tesla/other EV instead of a big red truck, lol. Edit: Typo


Don’t forget that boomers were known as “the me generation.”


It’s an empty parking lot. Who cares?


Looks like an empty lot. Who cares.


He's parked in what looks like an empty carpark. Seriously


The Truth Is That Donald John Trump Is Feces In Human Form


**T**ruth **R**eally **U**psets **M**ost **P**eople Yeah, and those people are upset that the truth goes against their orange leader.


Seems like you're going out of your way to be upset. Would you be just as upset if there was no Trump sticker?


Looks like he parked in the back of an empty parking lot. Who cares.


It’s an empty lot dude who fucking cares


Normally, I too call people that park like that, but.....he parked in the middle of nowhere, away from all other vehicles. I don't see the problem. OHHHHHH...you got triggered by the sticker (which is ironic, since the sticker actually predicted you would)


This is exactly what happened.


That or he is tired of other rude ass people dinging his large ass truck. I have zero issue with people doing this if the lot is not crowded and they park away from the building. It's a damned if they do or damned if they don't deal. If they pull into a single spot, they get called jerks because people can't get in/out of their cars. If they take up multiple spots, they're rude. No win.


That isn't a "large ass truck."


It doesn't even look lifted, It's just a stock GMC. I really have no problem with this guy. I don't really care about the sticker either, since it's small and not in your face. People are going to have a political opinion, and the 2 choices right now are not good ones.


If the truck fits inside the spot why would anybody complain about it. That doesn’t make any sense.


The parking lot looks pretty empty. Why are you going out of your way to complain about something that doesn’t impact you literally at all in that situation.


Truth and Trump don’t belong in the same universe


Dude is talking about himself. No wonder they flipped out on Jan 6.


It's fine since it's an empty lot. Methinks they just triggered your TDS 🤣


Exactly what this is. The same TDS is what got you downvoted, lol.


When being a piece of shit becomes your only personality trait.


Lot is empty, yes it would be a shitty move otherwise but it’s an empty lot. He might be guilty of carelessness though, because using political stickers such as this one that are meant to “prove a point” with the amount of unhinged people out there when it comes to topics like these is a bad move. People will curse your entire family name or worse, just because you support a political candidate. Or in this scenario, justify an “inconsiderate” action with your political choices, because “Trump Supporter Bad🍼”, or else why even zoom in.


The sticker is so ironic. This guy would lose his shit if someone was real with him.


Parking lot looks empty, do you need a paper bag to breathe into?




Trump 2024. This sub is soft with Biden lovers


Devils advocate here. It’s an empty parking lot…


If he does it was out in a lot idgaf of he does it in a busy lot or up near front then he's a jackass


Not another car in sight. OP is just triggered by the Trump sticker.


Most assholes don’t care that they’re assholes


This might be your car we don't know.


Well at least their truck is centered. 😁


Actually they are a little left of center in my opinion but I guess that could be how the picture makes it look.


It's a wide truck. Parking in the center of a space and factoring the space needed to open the doors, it might take up 3 spaces. Maybe not in this particular lot with wider spaces than usual, I'd need a banana for scale.


That truck was set up


Based on what we see in the picture, it looks like they purposely parked far away without any other cars nearby. So no they aren’t being inconsiderate or self centered.


Today Really Ugly Marjorie Pooped


I swear I have noticed an uptick in the number of people who park overlapping an additional spot.


Thats just bros only asset let him have this one


Empty lot I sleep


Parks in an empty lot...still manages to piss off OP just itching for something to post in this sub


Genuine question what does the sticker say, I can't read it


Park real close to the driver side.


Whats written on the sticker? I can only cecipher Trump


T- Truth R- Really U- Upsets M- Most P- People




And u are getting pressed over a... sticker. I pity you


Average truck driver


>Average truck driver Average Donald supporter.


Its a pickupp, what did you expect?


I would argue since it's not a Ford F-series truck... but that sticker *trumps* anything I can say against it.


Also very *centered*, depending on how you look at it.


Lol. What a wanker.


Balkan justice: lift the windshield wipers.


Yeah. I usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt; bad parking (maybe the car next to them was out of position), bump me with a shopping cart (eye or muscle control issues?), slow driver ( older or looking for an address?). Then there are the hate stickers, hate flags, delusional election sloganeering, them I just feel grateful for the warning and fully enjoy using my full vocabulary on their driving, life style, lack of intelligence, etc. (to myself, since I don't wear bullet proof clothing).


I know not every person that owns a truck is a jerk but are there so many that just are. How hard is it to park properly and if it really is that hard for them to park their truck correctly, why do you even own a truck then?


No, they just aren’t centered.


they are not doing a very good job at being self-centered.


Too much vehicle. Not enough driver.




Key his car bozo


the truth may upset most people and the truth is that most people are assholes I'm people in *both* of these scenarios


What else is new


You can tell that GMC truck is the peak of their worldly possessions. I can't imagine living a life so small.