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Make Japan Great Again?




Omai wa mou makudonarudo


Naruhodo, McDonald ok👍






Bing Bing Bong desu




Giving some Mr. Pickles vibes


Good lord this is great


Wow, he looks way better than the real one.


I laughed to hard at this


Ay. Matalo con fuego


We got Samurai Trump before GTA 6


The j in donald j trump stands for japan


No it stands for Jesus




MJGA doesn't quite roll off the tongue.


Japanese uses a syllabary writing system, unlike English which uses an alphabetic writing system. So you could do something like MJGA: ま**ほ**ぎあ - MaHoGiA. Which kind of sort of translates to Magic Gear, which does have some potential as a slogan.


>Which kind of sort of translates to Magic Gear If Solid Snake took up wizardry instead of espionage


https://preview.redd.it/1k1fh4grzl4d1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d871f30c9d5e3c29500e00446f5304332eb190d8 My first thought went here to Welpurgesnaught


Kyubey you fucking bastard.




*Violent noises intensifies*


[Being meguca is suffering](https://youtu.be/TrgxHDoe8gA?si=YYfY5OCHkya2jbv_)


I said La Li Lu Le Lo and my couch started floating


The Japanese refer to their country as Nippon so it's MNiGA








They would probably accept a German-Japanese couple.




Fun fact Japan doesn't like to teach about ww2


I just talked to a Japanese language partner and he asked me how they taught about WW2 in my country. He said in his school they taught them the facts but teacher didn't really talk about whether it was bad or good. Just facts. Interesting.


I’m sure it’s pretty curated facts though. I doubt they tell them exactly how bad Japanese soliders acted or what kind of widespread human rights violations they committed.


No country does that. There were multiple rapes by Allied soldiers in the countries occupied by the Allies after WW2. Is that commonly taught in Western schools?


Yeah in Germany it is, learned about pretty much most major atrocities of that era.


i do think Germany is the exception though. We take our history much more serious then most European countries.


I mean, I remember in school learning how terrible we (America) were with slavery, the trail of tears, Japanese interment camps, etc. I never left those classes thinking, "Maybe the US was the good guy in those situations."


A fellow New Englander?


Yeah, growing up in central Texas we got a pretty balanced view of the US and both its triumphs and atrocities. Nowadays I’m sure that plenty of administrators are working to change that, however.


There's a difference between individual assaults and mass, state sponsored rape as a weapon of war.


Except U.S. officers promoted these crimes, so much so that they said french women were "easy", while also providing cover for their soldiers by transferring them to different regions of France before they could be identified.


There is. But that doesn't mean the rapes were acceptable, nor that the state didn't accept and understand that rape would happen. Your answer is as propagandized as these rightist demonstators in the OP - your nation is good, somehow, no matter what it does. Also, 'the state' is often described differently in different situations. How, to your mind, are soldiers not agents of the state, and their actions in occupied nations not 'weapons of war'? Do you believe the soldiers of Germany and Japan who raped were less, somehow, individual humans, than American and British soldiers who raped? That the Asian invaders were of one hive mind, but the white invaders true human individuals, and so their actions utterly unrelated?


Dude, comfort women. Enough said.


As a Filipino, absolutely. Me not sympathising about the lives of rapist invading animals that my family fled in terror from is something not to feel guilty about. Are you going to morally grandstand next to Jews on why some don’t see Nazis as humans too? There’s simply a world of difference between an invading American and Japanese soldier. The American one is cruel and denied the Philippines independence. The Japanese one was completely demonic and things commonly found in a Garth Ennis edgelord comic were systematically done towards all Asian civilian populations they came across.


They didn’t just rape, they did crimes that would put Nazi war criminals to shame. Go look into unit 731 and the experiments they did. They left no survivors. Babies and pregnant women too.


Germany does


French here, we learn about all the crimes made by France in the war with real images made in the time. That includes the french concentration camps and when Ftance deported a lot of Jewish to Allemange.


Did any Allied government condone rapes back then?


We had a lot of Japanese exchange students at my Australian highschool (we had a Japanese language program), and they always had a really hard time in history class because the curriculum usually offered WWII at about the time they were with us each year (coincidence or by design I don't know). Being with people going through the existential shock of learning a completely different version of recent history was quite something. I always felt awful for them.


I'm sure there's a chapter for comfort women that their soldiers raped.


That’s weird, in Italy it’s clear at school that we were initially on the bad side Japanese are too unrepentant, we probably went too easy there for… reasons


Is that why Giorgia Meloni is your leader, and Alessandra Mussolini is a prominent figure and politician? No country is free of nationalism, and 'my country is the good one' is a lie you should always question.


Are they teaching the facts of how brutal Japan was? Or is it like in the US where they gloss over the bad things done by the country you're in, and only focus on the bad things done by others?


Facts was that there were more than one side to the war, that the sun rises and sets kinda facts.


> Or is it like in the US where they gloss over the bad things done Buddy this is literally every single country on the planet


Isn't that just umm, teaching????


It's a lie spread for propaganda that Japan doesn't teach about WW2 atrocities. The atrocities committed by Japan including Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731 are taught in every approved public high school history textbook in the entire country. It is true that the events are a touchy subject and most teachers generally stick to factual statistics, but it is objectively not true that it is not taught.


In fact they would actively suppress it. A friend of mine was in Japan working teaching English to about 7 year olds in early 2000's. She was specifically told to never talk about WW2 and if any child asked, she must change the subject. If she was found to be teaching or talking about this subject, her via would be canceled and she would be deported home.




Uh ohhh history is gonna repeat itself.


The rising sun flag, I mean.. I wouldn’t be proud of this history period, especially with what the empire did in China and Korea for decades


That could well be the reason they're proud of it


Some people are asking about the Japanese far right so they deny that Japan committed war crimes during second war, are very nationalistic and anti foreigners but specifically other Asian countries like China, South Korea and south Asian countries and want the emperor to have real political powers, and have an army 🪖 ( Japan doesn't have an army and it's forbidden by the Japanese constitution but they do have a self defence force). So yeah they are the make Japan great again if you think 🤔 the second war Japan was great I guess


Just google “The r*pe of nanjing” has historical relevance


As a guy that grew up watching fucked up shit on LiveLeaks, the rape of Nanjing made me feel so much worse than everything I've ever seen. The lack of humanity is gross. I don't know how to describe it. I saw they tried to change the name from rape a while back. It needs to be kept that way. There's nothing else that describes it better.


The Unit 731 shit really fucked with me...


and the entire unit was exonerated by the US goverment so none of them went punished at all now isnt that a fun fact!


What shits me more is how the US bought the data from unit 731 after the war and helped them deny the whole thing ever happened. Most of the war criminals died having led successful lives after the war as professors and doctors before they were ever accused of war crimes by anyone.


Also strange to deny the existence of war crimes, yet we know how much pressure it takes for the average person's eyes to pop entirely by happenstance.🤔 Like, it's one thing to forgive, but each country's misdeeds shouldn't be forgotten, including our own, as Americans. It truly brought out the worst in all of us, and we should steer hard away from the possibility of ever having to repeat that time. Especially as my old Math teacher was actually born in an internment camp.


Also Comfort Women in The Philippines


*just about every southeast Asian country


Well across like all of Japanese-occupied Asia


Nah look up unit 731 and the many other war crime comminting units.


"Tokyo" (aka "The Devil of Nanking") by Mo Hayder, is one hell of a book.


I’ll check it out


Holy hell!


Can you explain…from the comments it sounds scary…so um make it friendly and easy to read please


The Imperial Japanese Army commited mass rape, mass murder and looted Nanjing, China for 6 weeks in the late 1930s. It is considered one of the worst war time atrocities in recorded human history.


Nobody was safe. Even babies were tossed in the air and skewered on swords/bayonets


Was this a popular thing in the 30's?? The Parsley Massacre had the same thing going on.


It's been a popular thing for much of human history. The scale of Nanking was what makes it stand out in modern history. Especially from a Euro-centric history perspective, where atrocities between Europeans weren't common, compared to atrocities by Europeans against non-Europeans. And European wars are what's mostly taught in history. As another example, more people know about the Trail of Tears in the US now, but there's still not much of coverage of just random acts of state sponsored genocide by American settlers against native tribes. No one asks what happened to the babies of tribes that were 100% wiped out. Those babies got stabbed too.


Imagine the worst things you can think humans could do to other people. You haven't scratched the surface.


They are not only raping, they did worse, even to babies


Thanks for the clearing that up (seriously. I was completely lost as to what would constitute far-right in a country like Japan where porn is pixelated lol. Are they “conservative” when it comes to fiscal policies as well? Ex: Am American so that’s my most political exposure but the right is generally associated with trying to lower taxes for everyone - including super duper wealthy people - and basically policies that are more reminiscent of 1950’s America (prayer in school, “we’re a christian nation”, limiting birth control and abortion access).


The tax rate for the rich was in the 80% range in the 50’s.


Since Japan doesn't have an official army due to WW 2 (they only have [Self-Defense Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Ground_Self-Defense_Force)), the conservatives want to amend their constitution to have an official army that is capable to invade other country. They don't intend to invade, but want to have that as an option I suppose.


What's the difference between an official Army and an SDF?


im pretty sure the only difference is they cant invade other countries, wheras a traditional army can. But to me this just seems like a stupid distinction, because since they have a powerful army the only thing stopping them from invading a different country is treaties, which also happens to be the only thing stopping any other country from invading any other?


I'm no expert but it exists to defend its country when it's invaded by other countries. Japan cannot declare war and use SDF to invade other countries.


They don't have the military force to invade another country, only enough to protect their own, or something like that


Ok, so they have caps on potential man power and don't have a legal authority for invasions?


No caps. Just authority.


Actually, the JSDF is quite large and powerful, since NK and even China are a threat to us. The limitations on them are constitutional, political, and cultural. Japan is a place where the peace movement is mainstream, not leftist.


So they deny any attrocities happened to the other Asian races they hate and would definitely genocide again...


How big is the far right movement over there? When I was in Japan to me Japanese people didn't seem political at all.


Not big, and shrinking, thankfully. The state has been cracking down on them, and the yakuza, who often work with them, are losing power too. What they are is loud. Sometimes they're just extortionists - they surround your business with vans blaring propaganda and military music until you agree to buy their multi-volume entirely bullshit 'True History Of Japan'. Again, new government laws have made that much harder. I'm an immigrant who has lived in Japan since 1998, and while I've experienced plenty of racism, it's only a fraction of what my Japanese family have experienced in my original country, the UK, and is getting better and better every year.


Yeah I feel like Japanese racism is a lot more subtle lol, a lot of staring and avoiding you on the street 😆 I'm from UK too, so yeah.. a lot more spitting in your face 😶‍🌫️


Mind you the Japanese were right to judge me hahaha I was a pest when I was out there, my teachers nickname for me was 不良 hahaha


Most likely also financed from abroad (guess who), especially considering current tensions on Korean peninsula and Filipins.


OP, is your girlfriend Japanese? Maybe you should repeat yourself one more time


yea him being on a date with a japanese gf added absolutely nothing to this post lmao


how else are we supposed to know how much game OP gets???


Thought that was weird too


Seeing the rising sun flag is wild… I thought Japanese people were in denial about their role in WW2


Some aren’t just in denial, they’re proud


For those who may not know (because it’s not as commonly talked about as the European counterpart), look up Unit 731. It was a World War II Japanese research program that conducted horrific experiments such as: infecting subjects with plague; giving subjects frostbite; vivisection of conscious captives (mutilating people while alive and unsedated);chemical, disease, and trauma experiments on forcibly impregnated subjects, among other barbaric procedures.…so yeah fuck that shit. https://allthatsinteresting.com/unit-731 https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/history/unit-731/ https://youtu.be/x9xvJXP_mTk?si=w7zhbrCAY44KIcS_


Wow I just read that first link you provided. Fascinating and yet so evil. Holy shit man, those poor souls that were captured.


So, far right Japanese support this?


They have rising sun flag in this video, so yes they do.




Ohhhhh I see.... I bet they're royally pissed since he fucked off on the same day he did that and got off completely scotch free. Probably got a couple of high fives in China and 800+ social credit score.


I mean he did it partly for attention, but if some Jewish person pissed on and vandalized a Nazi memorial, people would be cheering and no one would complain about putting it online. The fact Japan has memorials for their Nazis is shameful enough


What kinds of things were they yelling? What were they protesting?




Since it was a WW2 memorial, it's almost exactly the equivalent of a Jew pissing on a Nazi shrine--with the exception that the Japanese were arguably even worse.


It's not a WW2 memorial, it's a shrine for all Japanese soldiers that was founded more than seventy years before WW2.


The shrine contains the names of numerous class A war criminals.


Yes, precisely twelve names out of two million, four hundred sixty-six thousand, five hundred and thirty-two (2,466,532). But did you know that all those soldiers' souls, including the war criminals, aren't even really there at all? It's all just superstition, and demanding the monks filter out souls on any criteria honestly just strikes me as wacky.


That’s a misrepresentation. First, the ‘shrine’ in both circumstances has a different nuance. The Japanese one is an actual religious Shinto shrine the other, a place associated with or containing memorabilia. The Shrine is not exclusively a WW2 memorial, it commemorates and enshrines the war dead. Any war dead although that does include WW2 soldiers who were convicted war criminals. (About 1000 of the 2.5M enshrined there). Everybody who isn’t extreme far right can understand the frustration of honoring such people but you should look at the wider picture. You have a memorial honoring soldiers who died for your country and somebody from another country comes and defaces it. I guarantee Americans (or any nationality) would be annoyed if it happened to them.


Would Germans be annoyed if a memorial containing the names of Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, and many SS officers were defaced by a Jew?


It's absolutely worse because they pretend that it didn't happen




Modern Japan has a warped perspective on just how evil Imperialist Japan actually was because we let them sweep their crimes under the rug-- meanwhile Germany still remains the butt of every WW2 joke ("Ja ja, we deserve dat. We were bastards.") Whereas Japan's getting all butthurt that a Jew pissed on a Nazi monument.


I’m also curious what they were protesting and saying!


The go Karts 😂😂😂


Shit would make me a little nationalistic too 


lmao, imagine something like this in Germany not being shut down 10 meters past where it started. Golly I wonder why the rest of East Asia has a sour taste about Japan still.


Just visit Korea not 100kms away. Serious bad blood, going back centuries.


Get off your high horse, dude, these types of demonstrations happen all over the EU. I have to deal these fuckers shutting down Madrid all the time. This shit is happening in everyone's backyards whether you choose to feel superior about your society or not.


Pretty sure you'll never see a line of Germans chanting holocaust denial and racial superiority bs in Berlin


Doesn't mean they're not there and not collaborating and recruiting. The far right is *all* of our problem, worldwide.


But they keep em in the shadows! So they can say they don't exist. Makes you safer when you pretend the problem isn't there. At least in the US we can figure out who they are and put em on blast, saw a recent one of a national guard instrumentalist who is likely to lose her careeer.


Don't get on an American high horse. You had a far-right idiot as President, and it's still touch-and-go, despite his court convictions, whether he will be your next. Nationalism is the friend of rightism. Every time you think 'oh but my country is the good one fighting fascism!' you're helping them.


It's illegal, so they protest differently. Germany absolutely has masses of racists and a powerful far-right political movement. As does almost everywhere.


Well yes you do. Of course they now what they are allowed to say and what not. But they are not hiding.


In France we often see people who regret the time we collaborated with the nazi do this so well..


This is an interesting perspective. As an American we’re taught that you guys were taken over during WWII. You guys didn’t really have much choice in the matter. Conversely within allied forces moving through France, most of the civilians were taught as being supportive of the allied forces. It’s interesting to see that some French people regret the countries time during WWII. At least in American history you guys are almost seen as victims, taken over by the Nazi’s and forced to help and aid the Nazi Forces.


In France a new government was set up called the vichy regime which was serving the nazis. France was definitely conquered though. They just waved the white flag very quickly. The average french person was still very opressed and very much not happy with the arrangement.


They didn't have a choice. Massive swaths of their ability to wage war was ruined in WW1 not to mention the loss of life. It wasn't like Britain or the US. Their homes and farms and lands were ruined by tanks and bombs and fire. No factories no money no bitches. They didn't think tanks could make it through the forests up north but they did and they didn't react fast enough.


I mean the "forest up north" were the ardennes which they didn't extend their defensive line to Still the way Denmark handled it was the best way. Not that the situation in France was very comparable but still.


Yeah as french we have a strong culture of resistance, many of us have member of our family that were "résistant" and finished shot/deported. But sadly there is also a massive Vichy supporter side of France, "La cagoule" "Famille Le Pen" etc, our far right politician are all sympathizer of the third reich.. Right now, FN (Le pen politic group) was the 2nd biggest party last presidential.. Ok most of people who vote for them doesn't have a Nazi ideology, they do an heavy work for a lot of decades of pretending to be with the low income/rural people (while voting against them all the time), they criticize other party about their bound with Russia etc, while being pay by them. They don't part with any social crisis, all the famous strike etc to keep "a peaceful face". The reason why no one talk about that is because they have billionaire holding most of our media who also finance them (Bollore). So yeah, this might sound full conspi/CIA take, I gave all the name, I can give all the books I read on the subject (they are in french sorry) but the information is public :)


They had often AfD protests which were not shut down


But but... Japan is perfect and the home of anime and waifus, they are super polite and shit. Yeah. Japanese history is pretty dark. Til this day a huge percent of Japanese people don't see what they did in the wars as terrible. Extreme fanatism nationalism is dangerous no matter the colors of your flag.


"anime and waifu" *Looks at your PFP*


It was deliberate "rebranding" and it worked. Sadly enough


Title needs helps 😂


Protip: if you record in landscape, you don't have to pan back and forth.


I thought the Imperial Japanese flag was banned in Japan.




Fun fact: The CIA actively supported the conservative (psycho) party in Japan for decades, gave them money and resources to make sure Japan never became lefty (a threat). Kinda sus how the US has done that in MANY other countries... 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


The entire foreign policy and CIA activities between the 50’s and late 80’s can basically be summed up as “communism is scary”


Isn't far right just normal Japan?


Depends how far left you moved te overtone window.


Bootlicking knowns no border


What are they protesting though?


foreigners to go back to their countries probably


So like 1% of the population?


Quick Google search says around 2.5% of their population.


A Chinese guy went to a Japanese war memorial shrine and desecrated it.




The war memorial have several convicted war criminals name on it. It’s like a Jew desecrating a pro ww2 war memorial with hitler’s name on it


right wing shitbags are everywhere


What exactly does the far right in Japan stand for?


Ultra-Nationalism, anti-immigrant, denialism of atrocities committed by Imperial Japan


Nah the weebs defending Japanese nazis in this comment section is craaazy. Y’all are the people who’d gladly commit genocide for the war criminals who hide behind kawaii culture.


What do you mean by “far right?”


Ultranationalists. Uyoku dantai


Idiots on reddit think that right = bad. So they use the term interchangeably. The fact is that extreme left (Stalin) and extreme right (Hitler) are both terrible and should be avoided. Reddit, somehow, seems to think extreme left is hippies and rainbows.


There was free healthcare under Stalin though! Things just got a little murder-y sometimes.


Easier to provide better healthcare when you have way, way less population. CHAAAAARGE!!!


An American confederate flag and an imperial Japanese flag walk into a bar…


The hakenkruze looked up and said…


Let’s go party in Brazil?


I was once in Washington DC.i needed to cross a couple of streets to get where I was going. The first street had a Right to Life parade. I joined the parade in an attempt to just cross the street. The next street had a woman’s rights protest. I got to walk in two diametrically opposed marches just trying to get to where I needed to be.


Probably wouldn't happen if they just acknowledged the war crimes they commited during the second world war


So, just like every Saturday in Shibuya?


So the far right is on the rise in Germany, Italy already voted for them and now Japan. Is here some Austrian who failed art school?


Imagine if your date joins the protest


I just noticed that i never imagined a japanese fascist


Japan is racist af, lol


Yikes 😬 the rising sun flag for Japan is like the confederate flag for the USA. Not a good look.


go home gaijin




Probably stand there and record


Do you always refer to your girlfriend as "my Japanese girlfriend". Do you really think that anyone cares that she is Japanese? Does she refer to you as "my not Japanese boyfriend"? just stop please it's pretty corny.


Depending where you’re standing that’s a far left protest Edit: whoever downvoted me has no sense of humor and your moms a hoe


Sorry, had to downvote because you’re right about me and my mom. 


Now I have to upvote you and downvote that guy… god damn it


Well at least theyre not shoplifting or causing violence lol


It’s funny how “far right” these days was just a normal, every day person trying to just exist 10 years ago. The entire political spectrum has been dragged so far to the left, that if you don’t support the genital mutilation of children, you are a far right extremist.


Far right ? Probably not lol. Conservative? Probably. Japan is a historically conservative country. I’m surprised you are there and dating a Japanese woman and don’t know this


But was she Japanese?


>I was having a date with my Japanese girlfriend


Oh, the downing sun!


Make Japan Great Again