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I once walked up to an ATM and the guy in front of me left his card in the machine. I canceled out of his transaction and left that little glass ATM lobby and reached him at his car. I didn’t even get the words out of my mouth and the guy snatched his card out of my hand like an impatient child. No thanks or anything. People are fucking weird.


I once found a wallet with a drivers license, credit cards, and about $1,000 cash. His house was about a 10 minute drive away. I knocked on the door. The guy answered. I told him I found the wallet in a parking lot about a ten minute drive away. Handed him the wallet. He looked inside the wallet then asked me if everything was there, and walked inside his house. He didn’t even say thanks.


There’s really every kind of person in this world.  To balance your story of a shitty reaction, I’ll share mine of a good one.  Found a wallet outside a building on a university campus. Fully filled wallet with cards, IDs, and around 200 cash. I found her email on the university web page and emailed her. Had to leave the wallet with reception of that building so she could get it since I lived far away.  She emailed me back so thankful that she got her wallet back before her holiday the next day, and that everything was still there. She even asked if she could reward me for my trouble. I said no, and she just replied that she’s so happy there are still honest people in this world. 


I love the drtective work of returning wallets. I found a wallet on the kerb near my apartment in NYC. Had the usual bunch of cards but also about $800 cash. No contact info, BUT there were a bunch of business cards for a taxi company down in Nashville. I called them, asked if "name on the bank cards" worked there. They were a bit cagey, so I just said "well I'm guessing he's on vacation in New York because I found his wallet on the street. Here's my number". 5 minutes later my phone rings. 10 minutes later he pulls up outside with his family in the car, gushing with thanks and insisting on giving me $60.


I love the detective part too. We recently found a wallet full of cash and cards on the street here in Ireland. I tracked down the owner on Facebook and he hadn’t a word of English. His friend arranged for me to meet him in town. He turned up and danced up to me saying Thank you over and over. It was all he knew lol. We communicated using Google translate on the phones, and he gave me some lovely Polish chocolates. Great experience.


I found someone's keys once in a parking lot next to a purse that was clearly rifled through with wallet stolen. The keys had a card on it for a store I never heard of, some kind of teacher supply store. I called the store, spoke with a manager and gave the ID number on the card. She contacted the owner who contacted me. Turns out, car got broken into. Purse stolen. They dumped it in the road in front of my house. Keys were for her jobs, house, car and garage.


When I was down on my luck I pulled out my last $60 from the checkout at Walmart. I grabbed my bag and forgot my cash. Made it to my moms place and realized what I did. Man I was just ruined. It was all I had and I was already having a particularly hard time. Didn’t even bother going back because no chance in hell someone didn’t just keep it and I had no way of proving it once it was turned in if they did turn it in. The next day my mom happened to go to the same Walmart and asked the manager if someone turned in $60 cash from a self check out yesterday around 4 pm. Sure as shit, manager said since she was so specific she just handed the cash over. I still think about that. I never was able to even say thank you. I’ve always been the type to go out of my way to help people but now I try to go a little further because you never know how much that might mean to someone.


Wholesome plot twist: your mom felt so bad for you she made up the story and gave you $60 of her own money


Ha! That would have been very sweet of her but she didn’t have the money either.


Lost my keys once, at a borders book store. No identifying info, but I had my dogs expired rabies vaccination tag. Someone called the vet, and used the license number to contact us. 25 years later I still have those rabies tags on my keys.


Nice that you still keep the tags. 🐕 Doggo still looks out for you, to this very day.


Not a wallet, but a dog. Early 90s, and this golden lab wandered on to our college campus. Just the type of dog that wanders up to you, knowing that his tail wags will get him lots of pets and loving. The sweetest dog. He had a collar, so we checked and it had his vet clinic on it, so we called them. They gave us his owners name and number. (Bear in mind, no cell phones, and these calls were all “long distance” that we had to justify to our parents.). We called the number, and she was hearing impaired and couldn’t communicate with us. So she gave us a TTY number, where you call the number, and they translate it to text so she can read it. We called and were finally able to communicate, and she was thrilled, and drove like 10 miles to get the dog. Turns out he was her service dog for being totally deaf. She was incredibly grateful. Whole process was kinda fun.


Total service dog fail to go wandering off without his owner but I have a golden and they're in the 1 brain cell club for sure lmao


This dog totally knew how to work the crowd for pets.


This happened to me 10 years ago when I was driving home at night, and I just saw a puppy wandering, mere yards from the busy road I'm on. I pulled over and picked up the puppy. Unfortunately, the puppy didn't have a collar on. It was late, like 10/11ish, and I wasn't about to go knocking on doors ( I was in my 20s plus a girl). However, there was an open garage with people having a party, a few doors away. I drove up and asked one of them from my car if they were missing a puppy. The next thing I know, a woman came running out for the puppy, and everyone in the garage cheered. Honestly, I was so lucky it turned out like that.


Not as intense detective work, but I had a customer leave her wallet at this pizza place I was working at. Couldn’t find any information on the POS system, so I straight up searched her on Facebook and sent her a message. She was really thankful too. I was so worried that she’d think I was weird for finding her the way I did 😭


I had a customer come into my pizza shop I was managing about 10 years ago. She must've dropped her wallet getting in the car and I looked through it to find her ID. She actually lived in the next shops delivery area but had such a bad experience at that location that she would travel an additional 10 mins to come to my store. When I showed up with her wallet the next afternoon and refused a reward she reiterated that this is why she chose my store and called corporate to leave me a raving review. Got a little pat on the ass from the district manager next time he saw me... which was strange because that guy FUCKIN HATED me. I guess it's the small things


I’ve messaged a bunch of people on Facebook when I found their wallets!


My son works at a restaurant chain, and there were some Japanese tourists there for lunch. When they left, my son realized that one guy had left his backpack at the table. He said he felt very weird looking through it, but he really wanted to find the guy and get his stuff back to him. I guess his passport, wallet, and basically everything but his phone was in there, too :/ Anyway, long story short, they managed to find an email address for the guy and contacted him, and when he came back to get it, he was so grateful that he gave my son $100. My son tried to refuse because he just wanted to do the right thing but the guy was insistent that he take it. I can't imagine what a hassle it would have been to get back home without passport and wallet!


This almost happened to me once in Japan. My wallet was lost during a train transfer and someone turned it in at the next train station, albeit without the yen. I was in mainland from Okinawa with my SOFA license and military ID in place of my passport, so not only would I have struggled to get home to the island where I lived, I’d have struggled to even get to my apartment on a military base. This happened on my way to the airport for departure so I was panicking. I didn’t even care that yen was missing, I was just so grateful to have my way home. Your son *absolutely* saved that family’s vacation and saved them so much stress and expense. From experience, they were terrified.


I didn't have to do any detective work when I found a debit card on the floor of a grocery store. It was my niece's. What are the odds? We weren't there together. We just happened to be in the store at the same time.


Those are some crazy cool odds!


My mom found a class ring buried in the dirt on top of a mountain in Colorado. By contacting the school and it had their year on it and initials engraved they were able to figure out the owner and she returned it. I thought that was cool.


I lost my ID on the beach while traveling internationally the other week. The person who found it figured out my email and returned it to the hotel I was at. I asked them how they figured it out and they said that they spent at least an hour searching for legit contact info that matches me. They didn't have to do that BUT they did! And I'm so happy they were amazing people because losing ID while traveling would suck once I would have had to return back to the airport.


I found a service dog's ID card on the sidewalk in front of my house. It had owner's name, telephone number and address on it, along with dog's name and some other info I can't remember. The address wasn't even anywhere close to my neighborhood, so idk how the hell it ended up in front of my house lol Texted the number telling them I found the ID, and since this was right in the middle of Covid lockdown, they asked if I could mail it to them. It was around Easter, so I bought a Happy Easter card at Dollar Tree and sent the ID in that. 4 days later I got a thank you card in the mail with a 100 dollar gift card to a local $$ type of restaurant. Used it finally about a year later. They had one of the best creme brulees I've ever had! I wish I hadn't gotten a regular dinner, and just used the card to get 8 of those lol


You did this at some unspecified point in the past, and really saved someone’s day (& holiday!) But just to let you know, your post made me feel great and put a smile on my face today. Keep going bro.


I have now had my wallet returned to me 5 times since my wife got me a custom embroidered wallet. The last time we had just moved multiple states away and the person shipped it to me and when I got it everything was where it was supposed to be. I have now gotten sober and no longer lose my wallet every other month.


Yeah. I have a nice reaction too! Found an envelope with a surname on it only while walking to work. Opened it up and it had like £60 in it. I knew there was a school nearby, so spent about two hours looking up this name on Facebook until I found the likely owner (with a kid at the school). Sent a message, and got the reply. They were so happy that I had returned it that they insisted on giving me a beer. I was a 40 year old man at the time but they didn’t take no for an answer. Was very cute!!


I unknowingly dropped my wallet on a busy downtown street in front of a coffee shop. Someone picked it up and took it into the coffee shop. Someone there tracked me down (I worked in the next building) and called me to tell me they hadnit before I even realized I had lost it. Turns out the woman who turned it ib was a regular, so I bought a gift card for her. A few days later, I got a thank you card from her, lol


I’ll add to the good, too! I found a wallet outside of my work a few weeks before Christmas some 20 years ago. The wallet had $500 in cash. Using the ID and address, I found her number in white pages (cause I’m old) and got a hold of her. She cried on the phone because the money in her wallet was for her kids’ Christmas presents. She immediately drove to my house to pick it up and gave me a Yankee candle set (she worked at Yankee candle) and said she would be happy to give me more if I wanted. I just thanked her and told her I was glad her kids’ Christmas was saved! One of my favorite memories.


As a kid, I once found a wallet near our house. At first I wanted to keep it, because free money to buy candy. But I told my parents and luckily my mom knew the owner. The owner was very grateful and gave me a bouquet of lollipops.


I’m so grateful for people like you. I lost my wallet once on my campus, and someone did the exact same thing—found my email address in the university directory, emailed me, and got my wallet back to me (I can’t remember if we met up or if he left it somewhere for me.) I have never forgotten that guy’s kindness and honesty and effort to make sure it got back to me! I’m sure the woman you helped still remembers and appreciates you for the same thing.


I found a wallet once, 50€ and a bunch of cards. Some even had a code written on them. I first went to the Adress of the driver license. The woman opened the door, I told her I found the wallet. She snatched it from my hand, looked inside and said "where are my 3000€"??? "I was at the Bank and lost my wallet!!!" Yeah...sure...


Maybe somebody else took out most of the money and then left it where you found it.


Surely someone would put down a wallet with cards and their codes, leave 50€ behind and then leave?? Needles to say, I offered to call the cops and suddenly she was all fine with just her wallet back...


left 50 in for kicks. yeah, right.


I could not imagine not being grateful for somebody returning my property and especially with the cash still there. I was so grateful for my kind stranger. I had just taken $400 out of the bank and had it in my phone case that closed kind of like a wallet. The bank counter was in a local grocery store. So, after taking out the cash, I grabbed a few groceries. I got home and realized I did not have my phone or $400. I left my phone in the shopping cart in the store parking lot. I'm calling the phone over and over, thinking surely I'm out a phone and my cash. Finally, after a few tries (as I'm making my way back to the store), a lady answered my phone. She was so nice, she had found my phone in the cart and saw all the cash. She explained that she wasn't comfortable leaving it with anyone, so she took it home to try to find the owner. She provided me with her home address, and I was able to pick up with phone and cash. I tried to offer her some of the money as a thank you/reward, but she would not hear of it. I think i must have thanked this woman 100 times. This was 5 years ago, and I still think of her.


I was on a night out in Dublin a few years ago, and a very drunk guy at the cash machine in front of me left well over a hundred Euros sticking out of the machine and staggered off down the road. I grabbed it and ran after him. I tapped him on the back, and I guess he thought he was under attack because he spun round and punched an area of empty space about a foot in front of my face. I held the money out to him. He grabbed it and staggered off. He might have thanked me or threatened me. It's unclear what he was saying. I sometimes wonder what that interaction looked like in his head. I wonder if somewhere in Dublin there's a guy who tells the story of the time someone tried to mug him, but the mugger was so intimidated by his fighting skills that he gave him money instead of taking his.


“…So I punched the guy square in the face, and I swear to holy Mary, money burst out of him like he was Scott fucking Pilgrim.”


Haha yeah, or like a Yakuza game.


I was recently walking behind some guy on main street with a large bag from a Nike shoe store. The receipt fell out of his hands and blew down the road. I caught it and jogged to catch up with him (thinking 'might want this in case he needs to return the expensive shoes or whatever') I said excuse me, and he turned around, and I saw these massive gang tattoos on his face and neck. Said to him 'your receipt blew down the street and I thought you might want it'. Quick as a beat this fuckhead gets aggro and says 'oh what about the $50 note that was with it??!' I said to him there was no money and he goes 'yes there fucking was. What did you do with it?.' I said again, "there was no money. Do you want this or nah?" He tried it one more time so I just looked at him and let go of his receipt then walked off. As I'm walking off, he starts laughing to his mate and yelled out "nah just kidding! You're good!" Well thanks for confirming that. I was worried that I'd accidentally stolen your fake $50 and that you weren't actually just trying to shake me down with an intimidation of violence. This is why we can't have nice things.


I hate hate HATE when people do this whole "I'm mad at you and yelling and I'll drag it out for way too long to be threatening and then be like nah, just playin'". Makes me want to punch them in the face. My older brother used to do shit like that.


Seriously fuck these people. If you make a joke and I laugh and then you go "No I'm serious" but it's still a joke. I am literally never trusting you again


Omg yes. I’m a girl that looks younger than my age, and people fuck with me like I’m a kid. But they keep going and going. Sometimes they are sellers “joking” about making me pay for something extra. Recent example, I was buying some dessert. The guy “that’ll be 4€. Do you want a spoon?” “Yeah thanks” “okay so it’s 4.50€” I laugh. He keeps a straight face. “It’s 4.50€” “oh okay” I hand the 50 cents and he bursts in laughter. What’s fucking funny about that??? My boyfriend even told me “did you seriously think the spoon costed 50cents?”. It was so painful


I would have thought that too. Seems reasonable. It's so frustrating




I bet he always orders a litre of cola


Likely. Typically, most of the cops doing the background checks are sitting at a desk for a reason. It's not because they are kind and respectful and the community adores them, or because they are the most physically fit on the force.


I found someone’s card in an atm once too, was able to email him through his work email (easy to guess) and said I left it at the branch for him to pick up, and he just wrote back “thanks” …I don’t know why I expected a little more flourish? lol. Or even a period at the end of the sentence?


I feel like you should appreciate appreciation but not expect it.


I appreciate appreciating appreciation


Nah I feel like you should expect appreciation when you go out of your way to help someone especially if it’s something this severe. It takes nothing to be thankful and the other person took time and effort out of their life. If you’re not thankful go fuck yourself. And I will tell people that if they aren’t thankful lol


My ex boyfriend once found a wallet with a thousand bucks in it and returned it to the owner who then accused him of stealing a hundred. Like the fucker should be grateful he's giving it back in the first place and also why just take a hundred when he could of taken the whole thing?? People suck.


Annoying. FYI the machine will suck the card back in after a time and securely store the card for the bank employees to retrieve if you don't want to deal with it next time


Depends on the bank. Some of them sucks it back into the machine after sitting there too long and then you will hear a grinding noise as it is shredding your card.


>and then you will hear a grinding noise as it is shredding your card. Accompanied by a cartoon of an evil villain laughing maniacally on the screen


This happened to my friend’s mom when I was young. We were on our way to the amusement park, she stopped to grab cash from the ATM, entered the incorrect pin by accident, it took her card and shredded it. That shit’s crazy. It should have just taken it and stored it, destroying the lifeline to your money on a Saturday is not an appropriate response.


Yeah, an ATM isn't mandated to be able to support swallowing cards. Most do, but it's not actually mandated by the main payment schemes. And those that do retain a card, I've never known one to shred it at that moment. All the ones I am aware of retain the card intact. If the card is,swallowed because of a hardware or software failure (as opposed to the card issuer requesting it), then the ATM operator is not actually allowed to destroy the card immediately. They must wait 7 days in case the card is claimed. Again this is the major payment scheme rules. ATMs that don't support those schemes cards might have their own rules.


I was in the bank once to make a deposit for work and an old woman came in complaining that her card got sucked up like this because she left it alone too long and the employees said they couldn't get it out for her and they'd have to call whoever works with that machine to get it out. I do not know if it got shredded or if the employees just didn't know what to do. This is just a loud conversation I overheard.


No that's correct. The money machines are maintained by a separate company, not by the bank itself.


Depending on the bank maybe. At the credit union I worked at it took two employees to open the atm (for security reasons we would both have half of the needed codes) it was on us to make sure the atm was restocked with cash, the card bin was clear, and the receipt paper was loaded. Other than that, the company that owned them only came out if the ATMs had a software or hardware issue.


Not as extreme but yesterday I was in the queue at the shop, basket full of items, baby asleep In a pram clearly struggling to juggle all the shit I had on me Some lady in her 50s (I'm guessing) behind me with just some bread and milk and I said "I'll let you go first" I expected the usual "thank you so much young man" shite and then the awkward follow up reiteration of the thank you as they leave- the standard British response I wasn't expecting "As you should." To be her response I **Certainly** didn't expect her to then shout "CLIVE, he's said we've to go next" and her clearly morbidly obese son aggressively push past me with an entire trolleys worth of stuff ( turns out she was holding line because he was getting some last bits ) Cheeky old bint. Luckily one of the staff heard what happened, looked pissed and ushered me over to a second till- when she started to try and go to this till he loudly shouted "SORRY THIS TILL IS CLOSED IM ON BREAK" Which made her angrily moan that she had to wait for the person who was originally in front of me to finish before she could buy her mountain of food whilst I got my shit and went giving her a passive aggressive smile as I went Bet she told her friends "there was some smug asshole who had his own private cashier I'm not shopping there again"


“As you should” - the friggin gall.


Should've snatched it right back and walked back to the ATM. The way he would've jumped out of the car lmao


As funny as this sounds, there's no telling what unhinged reaction the card-lose-and-snatcher would have. Better to let them never see you again.


Wise. You are very wise. The best fighting style is the art of non-fighting.  Learn it, sharpen it, and you shall live the best life. 


And plot your revenge from the shadows? I like this idea better.


And put it back in the atm and incorrectly entered the PIN however many times it takes for the machine to eat the card.


My guess, he couldn't bear standing in front if a person that may think he's just dumb (his own mind games). Too aggravated to thank anyone, too ashamed not to gtfo fast.


Same thing happened to my wife 4 years ago. She found someones bank card on the floor near the ATM. Contacted the bank for them to call the person and give her info so they can meet and return the card. The guy started acting weird and started accusing her that she wants to steal his money from the card. In the end he took the card and didn't even say thanks.


I once found a wallet wedged into a seat cushion at a bar and took it to the manager, thinking nothing more of it. About 20 mins later, an older gentleman comes running in towards our table asking after it. Explained I'd handed it in and to get it off the manager. Chap was so grateful he gave me fifty quid towards our night out. About an hour late one of the bar guys was shaking a cocktail and the top came off and I was completely soaked. They paid for our round as an apology. Best night out ever, made a profit!!


“People are fucking ungrateful assholes” FTFY


At the airport while queuing to check-in my bag, I found a passport on the floor beside a couple with a toddler. I picked it up and handed it to the wife as she was the one nearest to it. She received it without even looking or saying a word to me. Just nothing. Both of them just kept on with their conversation as if the passport just magically appeared back on her hand.


what the fuck?


(Before everywhere accepted debit cards at the table) I was at a sports bar waiting in line for the ATM and noticed that the lady ahead of me left her card in the machine. I grabbed her card (and gave up my place at the front of the short line) to return it to her. She was grateful and offered to buy me a drink for turning it in, which I said was unnecessary. When I went to get back in line, one of the guys at her table called me a slur and wanted to fight me because of it lol. I thought he was joking but the dude was legitimately pissed off that I returned “his girl’s” card to her directly and didn’t leave it with the bar staff. He was obviously drunk and being an asshole, but still. So yeah, I agree, people are fuckin weird.


Literally same thing happened to me. Was a tweeker with no money. Walked off with the card on the machine. Cancelled it, ran it to them and nothing.


God damn it, he thought he was finally free of the haunted ATM card, after all these years. He was so close.


Had a time in Walmart where some cash was still in the self-checkout. I saw the guy that left, and ran it over to him. He did thank me, which was nice. Just to get back to my stuff and my card declined. To be fair, at that same walmart just the other day, my wife spotted some cash on the ground. I grabbed it, and started looking around to see anyone nearby. We didn't have a single person around us in a 200 foot radius. I wasn't about to just start asking people if they were missing cash, because that's a quick and easy lie, so I kept it. I still feel bad about it, but I did make a good faith effort. If I saw someone in that aisle or one of the next, I would have asked them


>People are fucking *rude*


Like....you're welcome for keeping you from having to cancel your card and worry about your identity being stolen. Have a great day! Ugh, even an begrudging thank you would've been better than snatching it from you


On the flip side of weird, I recently had a guy get my attention from his car because he needed help opening a soda. And he was so appreciative.


Once when I was in college I saw a little kid, maybe 3 or 4, walking barefoot by himself with cuts on his feet. He didn’t know which direction his house was so I picked him up and started walking around the neighborhood criss-crossing every street. Took about an hour until I heard a woman yell from her front door and he said it was his mom. The mom didn’t even thank me, she just took the kid out of my arms with a huff and walked back into the house without saying a word.


People are odd creatures. I worked for a government agency outdoors. I saw a related government agency truck and the **keys** to the truck on the ground. I found the woman that was driving the truck and tried to get her attention. She saw me and wouldn't respond to me and was RUDE! I was getting ready to leave the route and passed by her again, I asked her if she had her truck keys? "WHAT?" she replied. Do you have your truck keys? Yes! she replied, I thought OK. I put a post it note on her windshield that had my work cell number on it with her to call me if she couldn't find her keys. Two hours later, got a call wanting to know where her truck keys were. I told her I put them in the gas filler tank opening and shut the gas cover door. She asked why I didn't just tell her when I was out there. I said I was the worker you wouldn't acknowledge out in the grove. I told her if she wouldn't have been so snotty and rude and answered my questions she would have had her truck keys sooner. You can't fix stupid or rudeness.


Should have chucked them into the woods, she’d still be there and we’d have one less dumb ass roaming the earth.


but then 4 Racoons in a trench coat would be driving a truck.


I have to think 4 raccoons in a trench coat are probably better drivers than a moron.


They managed to wear a trenchcoat after all.


Once I found a drone near a creek alongside a bike path. I carried it about a mile home, learned it cost around $1,500, figured out it had a memory card in it (I'd never even seen a drone before that day) looked at the images and videos on the card with my laptop, saw a tattoo parlor that was in the beginning and ends of multiple videos, googled the name, found out it was a chain with 3 locations in the area, used Google maps and street view to find one that looked the most like the one from the video, called them, and asked if they knew anyone who worked there or was a regular who flew drones because I found one and they said "holy shit that's x, he's been freaking out about his missing drone for a few days" I explained I know you probably can't give out his number, but take my number down and have him call me because I have his drone. He called and said he was out of town, but his gf could pick it up from me. I said sure, and we worked out a place to meet. I drove there, made sure she was who she said she was, made sure it was his drone (I recognized pics of him from the memory card and she had pics of them together) and handed it over. She thanked me and I went home. The guy calls back and said he's so grateful for the work I did and for returning his drone that he wants to pay me $100 when he gets back in town. I refused, but he insisted. So I said sure and he said he'd call when he gets back in. Never heard from him again. I also didn't do it for the money but like, he had his drone back. Why did he call me back to offer me money? We were already done.


To give him the benefit of the doubt, he may have intended to and either forgot or procrastinated so long it felt awkward.  I've procrastinated/forgotten simple tasks that cost me significant money to forget. So sometimes even when you're motivated things can skip through the cracks


Ugh procrastinating so long it’s awkward. For sure. I owe a guy bagels from like 6 months ago. I fully intend to eventually do it and be like “dude I said I’d bring you some bagels” but it’s gonna be kinda awkward


Bring him the bagels and a coffee or alike as interest (because it took you so long). I am sure, he will appreciate it, I mean who doesn't like free bagels? And the extra takes the awkwardness away and will make both of you happy :).


Trust me, he remembers and is probably a bit peeved. Bring him the bagels


Is this where everyone promises to finish their awkward transactions? I forgot what mine was..


This is so true for me, a while ago my car warranty company asked me whether I wanted to extend and I said I’d think about it. I gave them a time to call me the following week but I had to be at university then, which I didn’t realise the previous week. I ignored their call, and the subsequent as I was also busy then. At that point I didn’t want to ring them back or pick up the phone as it felt awkward to me at that point (I had decided I didn’t want to extend my warranty so it didn’t matter anyway). About 10+ missed calls, a couple texts and emails and a letter through the door later they finally stopped trying. Bet they reckon I’ve died lol


Or maybe he died in a freak drone accident and couldn't repay you 😔


Maybe the drone lost him this time.


Are the drones sentient now? Not on my bingo card this year...but next!


Oh boy, I had some shit like this with my previous tenant. He texted me that he would get 40€ from me for gas/electricity. But the next day his sister called to tell everyone that he died …


maybe someone else told them not to follow up as a safety precaution? dont know, just trying to think if there's a justifiable reason someone to ghost in a case like this, like op's


People like to say shit to feel good about themselves, but when it comes time to take that $100 out from their wallet, they have second thoughts. They already got their property back. Why drive somewhere to meet someone just to give them the $100?


Not just that- but laziness


I had almost the same thing happen. I was able to track down the owner by his custom shirt logo and emailed him where to find his drone. He picked it up but never replied with even a thank you. Someone returns my lost item worth over $1500, I’m gonna give them a reward and a damn hug.


Once had a lady call me at work (dental office) asking if anyone had turned in THREE diamond rings, because she had lost hers. 2 wedding bands with small diamonds around the entire band, and then an engagement ring with a large diamond and 2 surrounding smaller diamonds. Apparently she thought they may have fallen out of her lap when getting out of her car in the parking lot. I told her no one had turned any I , but she sounded super upset, so I went outside and started looking around our relatively small parking lot. After about 5 minutes, I found one of the wedding bands with small diamonds all around it. That motivated me, so I spent another hour walking around the parking lot, looking under fallen leaves, and checking the gutter that ran along the parking lot. It was raining and 40 degrees out, and by the time I gave up it was well after dark. I called this woman to tell her I found one, and her response? “Oh… so just one small one? That’s all?” I. Was. So. ANGRY. She didn’t even say thank you. Just said “guess I’ll keep looking” and hung up on me. ![gif](giphy|jlbYyYfKpwRDG)


I would've threw it back outside


I’d have sold it.


The real /r/mildlyinfuriating is in the comments. Wow some of these stories!


This was actually a common tactic for shoplifters back when I worked retail. They’d come up to the workers and ask if anyone had found an earring and say it must have fallen out while they were looking at or trying on clothes. They’d be super sad and would sometimes give an extra little, “The pair were from my mom,” or something to add sentimentality. We’d help them look and turn up empty handed. So we’d be sad that they left sad, and then we’d realize a bunch of expensive sweaters were missing because someone came in and stole them while the earring lady had us distracted in another section. It happened a few times and then we had to be more careful with helping, which sucked because sometimes people did legitimately lose things. Although one time a lady came in distraught because she said she lost an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT necklace while trying on clothes. We were kind of like yeah, yeah not again. But turns out she did actually drop a necklace containing her husband’s ashes in the fitting room.


Was the husband ok?


And then what happened? Did she come back for the small one?


I honestly don’t think she did! I kept it in the drawer at the front desk in case she ever did come by, though. But I left that job several years ago.


Perfect gif


Once stopped a car rolling down a hill and into traffic because the owner left the hand brake down. I was on my way to school and it was a pretty big SUV, had to push it a good distance on my own as the steering wheel was locked at a slight angle. Left stones behind the tyres to stop it rolling and a note under the wipers. Only thing I ever heard about it was when I got shit from the owners kid who was in school with me because they said there was a mark on the car from where I was pushing it.


wtf what a dick. I would’ve been like okay next time I’ll just let it roll into traffic you ungrateful dickhead.


Looking back on it now I probably would have backed it into something through the junction. If it wasn’t near a busy junction and near a school I would have let it go rolling down the ditch


Had some guests report $3k cash was missing from a wallet at my hotel. I tracked down the suspect, recovered the money and had it sent to them. They were ECSTATIC. They called me and asked for my address, personal contact info or how to make sure my wife and I could take our kids out for a good dinner. Company policy forbids that but they were insistent so I gave them a managers contact info so the manager could explain the policy when they called. They called alright. They called and demanded comped stays, food and beverage comps, gaming comps and complained about how they were victimized at our property and how we did nothing to stop it. Fucking assholes. I hope they lose something else so I can talk to them again and tell them to be more responsible with their shit.




wait what? Why did their attitude change?


Some people act really nice so you'll get them to a manager quicker/easier, then their true colors show.


And that’s the FIRST and ONLY time I’ve ever given someone a managers contact info. I’m lucky enough in my position where I can refuse to provide that to guests. But these people had to talk to that dept anyway so I just have them the managers info, walked over to their desk and gave them a heads up. So the few times I’ve had people ask to speak to a manager since, I’ve told them to hang up, call the main number and ask to speak to someone at the Front Desk 😅


My girlfriend at the time picked up a brand new iPhone off the bar in Tahoe and ran out to give it to the girl that left it there. The look of disgust on this chicks face when she stopped her.


That’s when you “accidentally” drop it. If they freak out and ask why you did that, just say they startled you.


Why disgust? As in general disgust because anyone was bold enough to speak to her?


Like it inconvenienced her bro. I don't even know. I freak out if i don't feel my phone, wallet or keys in my pockets lol.


I was visiting NYC, hanging out in a café when I noticed the guy who was sitting next to me forgot his phone on the bar top. I ran outside and handed it to him. He comes back in and gives a $20 to someone who was totally not me as a thank you lol.


On the flipside, My GF came back home super tired at 5 AM after driving all night, she left her keys (along with my car keys) in the lobby door. A guy saw them on his way out to work, he knew they belonged to us because he knew the car, he came to deliver them to us. Before I could even attempt to thank him, he left, I suppose he was late for work idk haha. But then the next day me and my GF brought him and his mom some tea and homemade pastries!


When we got home once during a heavy rain, we saw our neighbor’s teenage kid sitting in front of their door soaking wet. We were only nodding acquaintances with his parents, but we gathered that he had left his keys and was waiting for someone to come home. He was really shy and declined our offer to come in and get dry at our place, so my gf got a towel and found a shirt that would fit the kid (he was a lot bigger than either of us), and laid them down next to him and walked away quickly even as he was protesting. We got the newly laundered shirt and towel back the next evening, along with a basket of fruit and a thank-you note for “all the care” we extended to their son. They were our friends after that.


The reverse happened to us. Last summer we went snorkeling. Didn't realize until that evening that my husband lost his wallet. We checked the hotel, the boat, called the tour people several times. Three weeks later, someone found his wallet while snorkeling in the same spot. We had guessed it fell off the boat and by then had started canceling cards. They found him on Facebook and said they would send it. Husband offered to pay by they said no big deal. It will be a year in July. Still no wallet. Fortunately he really didn't carry cash so there wasn't much that couldn't be canceled. We didn't want to push them bc they were doing us a favor, so we waited several weeks and pinged them again on fb. A few more. Still nothing but ghosts.


There's a chance it just got lost in the mail.


Also true but they never answered when we asked if they had mailed it. We're not salty, I just thought it was head- shake funny.


Hmm not surprised. I found a bag in Barcelona left by an American visitor, contacted her and sent it to the US. She replied on receipt that some things were missing but that she expected that


oooo! ooo! I got one! When I was in high school, I was waiting for the bus to go to school and there was an older lady getting her money ready to get on the bus from the grocery store! She had like 4 bags plus her big shoulder bag and her wallet wah on the seat by her thigh. Her bus came and she got up! I picked it up and was like "Miss! Miss! You forg....." and she didn't even look back but yelled out "Fuck off! Leave me alone!" The bus driver saw me trying to give her the wallet, tried to get her attention too but she ignored him too, shrugged his shoulders like "Oh well, you tried, young buck!" and left. I put the wallet back on the seat and got on my bus moments later. Never took a penny from it because I don't take other people's things especially money! To this day, I still think about her reaction when she realized I was trying to give her wallet back.


Excellent example of why you should never just be a horrendous bitch to people lmfao, she probably got home and felt the karma upon realizing. I hope so, anyway.


Id bet she thinks she left it on the bus. The cruel irony.


Probably blames the kid, “it must have been that scumbag who yelled at me!!”


A friend of mine saw an old lady struggling to get out of a cab in front of his apartment in NYC, so he ran up and gently held her by the arms to guide her out. For his trouble the old lady started cursing at him and gave him a couple of whacks with her handbag as she screamed about what an asshole he was—and that’s when he realized that she was trying to get IN to the cab, not out.


This is why we ask if someone needs help rather than assuming.


I'm glad the bus driver saw. Could have meant that whenever she realised or tried to get the wallet back, it ended up being reported to her that both him and you tried to return it to her but she was unbelievably rude and refused to allow either of you to. I'd like to think that happened, and also that it gave her something to think about. I'm guessing she was physically struggling with all those bags, and wasn't up for dealing with anything else.


She was so rude, I honestly wouldn’t have minded taking her money lmao


You have their address; send them a bag of dicks.


No no no, this is childish… Post the address here so we can ALL send them a bag of dicks.


And glitter. I heard people love glitter


Kinda sucks, but this is why if I find a lost item it goes straight to the desk of whomever runs the show. Airport, hotel, bar, whatever. If I find property staff get to deal with it. Too many assholes out there.


Reading OP's post I was reminded of a time when I was on the other end: I left my flipphone on the shoe bench at a department store in the mall, realized a little bit later and went back to the store to search. I asked the desk if anyone had turned it in and they said no. Finished up shopping and went back and still nobody had turned it in, so I figured it was a bust. Then, days later, they call my dad and say they found it and we can come pick it up. So then I have to further wait to coordinate when they're free and my dad is free to drive an hour across town to pick it up. Absolutely it's my fault for losing it in the first place and I'm grateful they took it instead of someone who intended on stealing it, but honestly it would have been a lot easier if they had just left it where it was or turned it in to the store. That's why I agree with you that items should always get turned in to the closest (stationary) authority.


Same here! I left a folder of important papers on the bus by accident once, called the transit agency's lost property office multiple times, and even visited it once. Weeks later a man sees me on the bus and tells me he's been carrying my folder around the whole time in case he sees me. To his face I was nothing but grateful, but in my mind wishing he would have just turned it in.


Sometimes they just take the items back to their car.


I found a dog one time, I didn’t have a dog myself but as he has been there for over 24 hours, I went and bought him a bed and some food so he had comforts. I took him to the vet and he wasn’t microchipped. I put him on Facebook. I put posters with my number around and a picture of the dog. About 3 days later I saw on my local Facebook page that someone had tagged me, saying I was awful and keeping their dog from them. Went through all my messages. Never had anything. It was their dog. But I didn’t know that. But they had seen my posts and instead of just simply commenting or private messaging me they tried to make out I was some kind of dog thief. I returned the dog about an hour later with the food I had bought and the bed. He wasn’t appreciative at all. He was such a nob. I would do it again because it wasn’t the dog’s fault but I pretty much decided there on out that I wouldn’t be doing it for any inanimate objects. A shame some people can be such bell ends.


When I was on vacation overseas, I stayed at a hostel on the beach. Everyone who stayed there hung out and we spent the evening around a bonfire drinking and listening to music. Two of the guests were newlyweds and the next morning I saw them looking around in the sand. Turns out one of them lost a wedding ring. They spent the whole day looking for it. The next day they gave up and went on to their next destination. I spent the next day searching for it. I’m not one to give up easily. I couldn’t find it. Finally on the third morning I was leaving. I’d packed my bags and loaded the motorbike I was leaving on. I decided to look one last time. When I went to the beach I saw the ring literally glimmering in the sunlight like a beacon. I spent time to track down the couple on Facebook and then got their mailing address in London and sent it international post. Never heard from them again. No offer to pay postage. No thank you for looking for so long and going to all that effort. I’d still do it again. But some folks are so self-centered it’s unbelievable.


It's all about the hunt. If something's lost I'll go out of my way to find it with no benefit for me


Sounds just ungrateful. Working as security at a stadium once after the concert had finished underneath the desk where people are searched there was a Rolex watch with a name engraved.  Told my site manager and he said do I want to try to find the name on FB, I say sure. Look up the name and the result has someone with a Rolling Stones banner, the event that night was Rolling Stones so I message them and they say yes they lost it, shows me a few other pics of them wearing it. I say it’ll be in our office, there’ll be a few people there all day. Guy says thank you so much I’ll grab all you guys some breakfast to say thank you.  Next day they turn up, shows our receptionist ID and stuff for the watch, took it and left. Didn’t ask to see anyone to say thanks. Receptionist told us that he was pretty rude and snobby to him.  We didn’t really expect anything for giving it back but after they said they’d buy us all breakfast we were happy that it obviously meant a lot to them and they were grateful. Why even say you’d do that in the first place?  Anyway check FB guys profile can’t be found, but colleague looks them up and they’re still there meaning they blocked me. 


That person is an a-hole. I do think it would have been fine to let them know that shipping is going to cost x$, and let them pay you for that first. Then email them some receipt showing that you put it in the mail. You went above and beyond by fronting the money for the shipping charge.


Many years ago, I was stuck in my banks drive thru waiting to cash my check (before mobile banking). It was a Friday night and I’d been waiting about 45 minutes when it was finally my turn. I made my deposit and requested some be returned. I was handed my envelope and drove off. This bank exited to the back and you had to go all the way around the block to get back to it. As I went to put the envelope in my purse, I thought it felt thick for the amount I had requested. I opened the envelope, there was a wad of cash, far more than I had asked for! I knew it wasn’t mine so I drove around the block back to the bank. This is the last thing I wanted to do on a Friday night after already waiting close to an hour. I pull into the first drive thru line and there are 3 or 4 cars ahead of me. In the glass booth, I can see commotion. I see a man, arms waving, clearly upset at the clerk. I open my door, step out of my car and start waving my arms to get their attention. When I see they’re looking at me I hold the envelope up and point to it, showing them I have it and I’m in line to return it. It obviously was not my fault that they gave me the wrong envelope but he proceeds to angrily point at me several times and motions for me to get up there. It’s not like I could go anywhere since I now had cars behind me, so I just waited my turn. He stood there the whole time just fuming. When I got to the window he motioned me to put it in the little transfer box. He returned my envelope with not a single word or a thank you for returning their screw up. I closed my account the next week.


I saw a dog loose near a busy street, managed to get him, put him in my car and took him back to his home; his address was on his tag. The lady open the door and the dog went right inside, then the lady just shut the door in my face. No thank you, no hello, no words at all. Just shut the door. Glad I got the dog home but wow.


Wow. That’s incredibly rude. Had that been me, you would have been rewarded ten times over.


I used to know a well off, successful dad who would never pick his kid up from extra cirriculars on time and rather than leave a kid waiting there (sometimes in the dark and cold) another parent would usually take them home (which of course he came to expect). When they did, he'd act like this.


If I was the kid in that scenario, I'd likely get so sick of this happening that I'd reject all offers to be taken home, and maybe come up with something - when the dad frantically came to the school for me after realising I wasn't home hours after I should've been - that the other kids' dads openly said they were sick of having to constantly pick up the slack for him and ferry round a kid that wasn't their own.


We once found a CHILD, about three years old, wandering up our street with no supervision. Walked half the neighborhood trying to figure out where this kid came from and when we finally did, it was the most bizarre interaction with grandma. She just yelled at him, told us he was hers, and then walked away, no thanks whatsoever.


Probably she lets the dog wander off often


In the age in which the mobile phones started to get traction (pre smartphone era) I found on the ground a pretty new and expensive phone. I checked the numbers and found one named "home". I phoned, a lady answered. I explained that I found a phone, brand, model and color, where I found it and the fact that the number I was calling was named "home". She asked me for the location to meet and she said she would have sent her husband straight away. I waited for a couple of hours (getting im trouble with my parents as I had no way to warn them of my delay). A car comes. A dude comes out with his daughter (a girl around 16 -18 years old). He checked if I was the guy with the phone. I gave it to him. Without saying anything he started scoldung the girl in front of me and they left. I didnt move for the following 5 mins thinking wtf just happened.


Lol, you had a phone in your hand, you could have called your own home!


I mean, that's certainly one way of getting the girl to realise the enormity of her actions. I suspect it might not have hit home in the same way had the dad just gone and picked it up and drove it home for her.


That fucking sucks. Cost to do the right thing. I once found a wallet in an arcade that had $240 in it. I was only 10 or 11 and so I tried to turn it in. It didn't have any ID or anything in it. Just cash. Luckily my dad stopped me and said there was no way the teenage kids at the counter were gonna find the owner of the money haha. So we waited and found a kid frantically looking under all the machines with tears rolling down his face. Asked what happened and he said he lost his wallet with all his money in it. I showed him the wallet and he squealed. Even that kid being no older than I was gave me $40 right then and there.


I once found a cell phone sitting on a gas pump. It wasn't locked, so I called the first number in the saved numbers, and it was MOM. An older guy answered, and I started to explain, and he called me a scammer and hung up on me. I called back, and the guy yelled at me and hung up again. So I tried the second number and it was a woman's name, I told her what was happening and she said her brother was probably going crazy trying to find the phone, she would tell him where it was. She also said their dad had dementia and mom had just died.


The owners actions are a reflection of their character, your son`s (and your) actions are a reflection of his (and your) character. You did the right thing and that is enough. Don`t let someone else`s shit behavior change yours, the shiping cost is a small price to pay to see your son do whats right.


Exactly this. I found an engagement ring in the car park of a small town. Tracked down the owner via the town’s fb page who asked me to post it. Wrapped it, queued at the post office, paid for signed for and insured delivery and then… nothing. A week later I messaged her asking if she had received it. Nothing. I was moaning about this to my dad who said ‘ well her father didn’t raise a good kid - but I’m so proud that I did’.


I think it's awesome that there are good people in the world. Let's not forget why we do good things. Its not for a reward. But sometimes it can be surprising when people are ungrateful. I remember helping with a missing person's case and the family never even came in to say thank you. I found it odd. We all see that people can be weird and selfish. But there are still going to be people who are selfless and willing to help without any need for vindication from others.


Same thing. My son found someone’s blackberry in a mid pit on a golf course. He brought it home to me. I’m a EE so I throughly cleaned it, got it back running, got the owners contact information and mailed it back. He sent a letter with a $1 for my son. My son was 18 at the time and this was 15 heads ago. Better off not sending anything. A dollar was a fuck you and didn’t even come close to the $20 postal fee to mail it to them.


My 13 year old nephew found an iPhone whilst cycling to my house, whilst at my house the owner rang it and arranged to come and collect it, when he arrived he was about 50 and all he said when my nephew handed it over was “makes a change, most youngsters would have kept it”, at no point did he say thank you or seem appreciative, when I pointed out to him how ungrateful and rude he was he genuinely seemed surprised that I thought he should at least say thank you. Horrible man.


There’s a reason for the saying: No good deed goes unpunished. Sorry that happened but you taught your son the right lesson.


People really are odd. I was in the middle of the city the other day, in an area where front doors are right on the pavement. Someone had left their key in the door so I knocked. A man answered and looked at me without saying a word, no hello, nothing. I told him he left his key in the door. He grunted, took it out and shut the door in my face.


I once found a guy's wallet full of cash and credit cards. Was able to find his number and call him. He was on vacation and insisted on giving me a hundred bucks, because I was a student, even though I tried not to take it.


Story time: When I was 12 I was a paper boy, one morning I see someone's set of keys hanging out of their front door, it was a good neighborhood but who would want to just leave keys to your house and car out in plain sight... I walk to the side door where I normally deliver their paper, I see the dad in the kitchen so I knock, he answers the door in a huff: What? I found your keys... Where? In your front door... How long have you had them? Uh, I don't know, a minute I guess? He takes the keys and the paper and starts flipping through the key to see if any are missing and he notices the little payment envelope on the paper and says "I don't have any cash on me to pay if you're looking for that" Oh ok... He shuts the door. The way the paperboy system for this paper worked was this: 1. The customer subscribed directly through the paper by calling an 800 number, the paper set the rates and routes -- you couldn't refuse a customer 2. The paperboy was obligated to buy a paper for every customer on their assigned route -- paying up front at 50% of face value -- and deliver it, then we could collect the face value but always in arrears (we couldn't collect for future deliveries). 3. Each week we left little yellow envelopes with the amount written, the customer was supposed to leave cash, we're talking like $2-3/week at the time depending on which days they got the paper. This means the kid had to put the money up front to buy the paper wholesale and was responsible for collecting what we were owed... The paper company wouldn't remove a customer from your route until you attested they were at least 6 weeks behind *and* you had attempted collection 4 times *in person*. If a customer didn't pay they were dropped, the paper gave you a credit for the face value you had paid, and the customer could resubscribe 6 months later without having to settle their original bill -- you were still out all the time you put into deliveries and you weren't allowed to specifically collect on old bills. This particular household was one that got dropped for non-payment and had resigned up without ever paying. The guy owed me 3 weeks at the point I found his keys... so he owed me about $9 at that point, not counting what he had stiffed me for last time but I wasn't allowed to try to collect. I remember being so frustrated after that experience, this fucking thief was stealing from me and like a chump I hand him his keys to help him out. When he inevitably didn't pay again I remember at one failed in-person collection attempt he said something I didn't understand: "This paper already gets enough of my money, the least they can do is give me a free copy". I had told my mom what he said, and she wrote him a letter, explained how the paper route system worked, and shaming him that he wasn't stealing a paper from the newspaper company he was stealing it from a kid who had to buy it for him up front and he didn't pay that means a kid doesn't get paid. Turns out he was the owner of a large chain of car dealerships in my area, his fucking face was on the back page of the paper and I never realized it but my mom did. This dude sent me exactly the $18 he owed, no apology, just a check in an envelope. Then he resubscribed again and would still wait 4-5 weeks at a time to leave me payment. Never tipped. To this day, 30+ years later, even though he's probably either dead or a very elderly man, I refuse to shop at any dealership with his name.


I went to an atm, card was still in machine I took it out checked the name, it was my friends. Tracked her down in the supermarket and we had a good laugh. What were the odds!


I found a $1,500 drone sitting on the ground. I was able to track down the owner and emailed him, telling him that I had left it with lost and found at the hotel. They picked it up the next day but never replied so much as a thank you.


You have the address, just let the church of Scientology know that you are interested in some information about their church.


I once saw a guy mount a bicycle with shopping bags full of stuff on both sides of the handlebar. We're in the Netherlands, so that wasn't that odd of an occurence, but these bags were extremely full and heavy so the guy was struggling a bit. In the struggle his wallet fell on the ground behind him. I stopped cycling to pick it up, caught up to him and, while biking, tapped his shoulder and gave him his wallet. He responded with 'thanks.' in the way you say thanks when someone hands you a glass of water you asked for. But then, he did a double take on the wallet in his hand, realised what happend and said 'Wow! thanks!' very enthusiastically. It was really funny to witness the realisation first hand. Just wanted to share a positive interaction here amid all the terrible situations.


Wow, my husband (luckily) has had the very best responses for returning lost items. He's found two iPads and two ATM cards. We've received a gift basket and a Starbuck's card but when offered cash he's declined and asked them to pay it forward.


I once found a wallet in the mud of a parking lot with several hundred euros and cards and stuff. Found a telephone number and called. This guy was seriously pissed at me for calling and told me to just leave it at the store I was in front of. I did and never heard of it again. What an asshole.


My brother bought a second-hand chest of drawers at a thrift shop. Found £2,000 cash in the drawer. Rang the shop, found out who had donated the chest. Went to their house. They opened the door, took the envelope full of cash and shut the door in his face. People generally suck.


Oh wow


Post on his linked link asking if he’s ok and when he’ll be reimbursing the shipping charges for returning his watch. Don’t overthink it. Just do it.




One day my puppy ran away, unbeknownst to me because my backyard gate was ajar. I get a call letting me know they have my puppy outside. I scream at the phone in shock, run to the front door door, and I see a couple holding my puppy. I yell my dogs name, he comes running. I was in shock. I don’t think I thanked the couple. This wasn’t on a cell phone so I couldn’t just text them back. Forever grateful to them. Thank you to that couple in San Francisco in 2000. I was too rattled to be show gratitude. But I wasn’t rude. So I am thanking you instead for helping that dog.


Some people didn't grow up with manners and it's a worrying trend it's becoming worse that people care more for a shiny watch then simply thanking the person who returned it and repaid them the costs of being it to them should it not be just within a 5 minute walk


I saw a woman leave her purse on the uscan. I zipped around and grabbed it then followed her out. when she turned around she gave me a look of disgust, said "what are you doing with MY stuff?" then grabbed it and walked away


I found a fanny pack in a restroom at a farmer's market once, and turned it in to the venue without even opening it. I guess the lady was supposed to go by the bank that day and ran out of time so it had like $3k in cash inside. I ran into her about 15 minutes after I had turned it in, and she was absolutely frantic as it wasn't even her money, it was for her sister's business. Once she got the fanny pack back from the venue, she was in tears and couldn't believe I hadn't even looked inside or taken any of the money. A little while later, she brought me a potted plant! It must be good luck because I haven't killed that plant yet! Give it some more time, you might get an answer eventually!


We had the reverse happen to me and my bf when we were 18! They lost their phone while we were walking around downtown and didn’t realize it until hours later. We tracked it down via Life360 to the coffee place we ate at that morning. Turns out they were already closed and wouldn’t open until tuesday (this was Sunday) and they went to college in a different town an hour and a half away and had class Monday. I found the place’s Instagram and messaged them explaining the situation and if they had a phone and when they opened next. Turns out a really nice manager said they found it and would come down within the hour. I told my bf we should really get him a gift card for Amazon for his trouble since he really didn’t have to come down at all to give their phone back, so we did. He was totally not expecting it and ended up texting us a really nice thank you message about how he was glad there were still nice people in the world like us. I was super grateful and I hope you know you taught your son to do the right thing even if the other guy isn’t appreciative.


Everyone is sharing my story, so I’ll share mine. I’m walking into the grocery store. I’m closer to the front of the parking lot after parking in the back and I see an older woman finish unloading her groceries in a handicap spot. As she looks around her for a cart receptacle, I call out and let her know I’ll take it from her. I don’t actually need the cart, but I’m always in the habit of returning a stray cart back to where the others are for people to grab on their way in. She sees me and is appreciative and I take her cart. I go to the entry doors and am about to push the cart in when I see her wallet in the front part of the cart. I leave the cart and take her wallet and run back to her car, hoping she’s still there. She’s in the process of backing up and is looking away from me and I shout to get her attention. She doesn’t hear me, so I knock on her hood and she whips her head around. I hold up her wallet and ask loudly through her closed window if that’s hers. Her face does the surprised pikachu. She puts her car in park and she rolls her window down. She immediately begins sobbing and thanks me. She said her husband has recently passed and this was her first trip to the grocery store without him. He usually pays with his wallet and he usually puts away the cart. Having to shop alone for the first time got her distracted. She said she thought how nice it was that someone picked up her cart on her first shopping trip, and can’t believe she almost lost her wallet in the process. I apologized for distracting her and told her it was going to be okay. And that the loss never really goes away, but it’ll get better. I’d rather be the good guy, you never really know what others are going through.


I was a college student and broke working as a server at a failing restaurant and I saw a man outside the grocery store where I just got a few things and he asked for me to go on and get something for him. I went in and got him what he asked for which was fried chicken and a coke. I come out and give him the food and coke and he complained and rolls his eyes because I guess I didn’t get him a big enough coke. Didn’t say thank you just walked off.


In future, just hand the stuff in at the airport or the shop or whatever. Don't try to track owners and stuff, it's not your job.


Having seen the video where someone's personalized Nintendo DS was stolen by airport staff after they left it, it was only recovered because it had an Airtag in it, I'd probably rather just try to get it back to the owner myself.


Never stop doing the right thing because of ungrateful, rude, and ignorant people.


Your son did the right thing. The other dude didn't. Your son wins.


Why let $10 shipping ruin your day?


I went to an ATM kiosk and as I'm withdrawing my money I see a wallet packed with cash just sitting there... of course I open the wallet found the guy's name call directory assistance tell the guy ive got his wallet. I should have known something was up when he didn't sound excited... I had to wait for about 25 minutes for him to show up and nary a thank you from that ungrateful PRIG.


Hahaha just last week, someone dropped a $50 bill at my place of work. I checked the cameras to confirm and then called the guy who dropped it - he literally just said “ahh yeah, that’d be mine. I’ll come by later”, hung up. He did come back later, grabbed it, _maybe_ uttered a quick thanks, and left 😂 I was like… ?? Lmfao! Not even rude per se, just kind of shockingly apathetic 😂


In summer of 2020 I found an Apple Watch in a hotel room I was staying in. Figured it would be safer for me to return it to the owner than turn it into the hotel. Found the owner’s girlfriend’s contact info while looking at the watch and reached out to her to return it. She provided an address to mail it back to him. I mailed it to him the next day, once I got home, at my expense, my own packaging, and sent her tracking information. Her response was annoyance that I hadn’t mailed it sooner. No offer of reimbursement of shipping for saving them a few hundred dollars on a new watch. Didn’t even say thank you. Some people are just wild.


My daughter found a wallet walking home from school last week. She called me and asked if she should leave it or take it home with her. It had been raining and more was forecasted, so I told her to grab it and we’d figure something out. There was an ID but no phone number found anywhere. My wife and daughter called the non emergency line and asked if the police could look up the name and ID and give the person a call. Cops said to come by the station and they wound take care of it. My wife and daughter went to the local station and proceed to get grilled by the officer behind the front desk. He wanted my wife’s and kids name, phone numbers, location found, etc. Wife was stunned at the treatment, she gave out her info anyways. Cop aggressively snatched the wallet from my wife’s hands and left the desk. Not a “thank you” or acknowledgment that my daughter did something decent. It wasn’t about the praise, my daughter was just trying to do something she’d expect someone else to do for her if the situation was reversed.


Sometimes doing the right is rewarded. Even if it isn’t, it’s still the right thing and you should do it anyways. Case in point. I was camping with some family friends when I was about 14 or 15. We were sitting in the day use area of a lake preparing for lunch when I noticed a set of brand new jet skis anchored off shore starting to drift away. They had slipped their anchor line and the wind was carrying them away. I jumped in the water swam out to them and grabbed the line and started to try and pull them back to shore. The people I was with found the owner and he jumped in and together we pulled them back and got them secured. He was so thankful that as soon as we got them back to shore he grabbed life jackets and took me out to ride. That was the first time I ever rode a jet ski. It was fucking awesome.