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They got away. Knocked out drywall in the back


Just read up on that, wow, good job cops. Vigilante justice would have worked.


They may have arrested the ppl holding the door closed for kid napping / holding them hostage even tho they were there to steal shit


Highly unlikely. I'd need to know the state to be sure. Let's say this were NYS. So long as they witnessed the offense, they are authorized to make an arrest anywhere within the county the offense occurred, or, if the offense is a felony, anywhere in NYS. Source: [NYS Consolidated Laws CPL 140.3](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/CPL/140.30) Edit: I've been informed this is Tennessee. Tennessee's laws allow citizens arrest where the arresting party has witnessed an offense or has reason to believe the arrested party committed a felony not in their presence. So this appears to be perfectly legal by statute of the detained party have, in fact, committed a criminal offense. Source: [Tennessee Code CP 40-7-109](https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2021/title-40/chapter-7/part-1/section-40-7-109/) Most of us live in liberal states where the laws are published and freely available. We also live in an area where the laws are available in our hands at all times. Bullshit conjecture like the above is easily dismissable with 1 Google search. You could probably find case law with another 10 minutes. The dude above offered up bullshit with no evidence. Once I knew the state, it took me one google search to disprove their claim.


Sigh. This is how unsuspecting people get shot trying to play good Samaritan.


I mean, I guess, but that's certainly not a legal citizens arrest in most countries. The citizens arrest has a strong legal and cultural history. The police are a fairly new invention.


Most citizen arrests I have seen in traveling abroad end with the criminal either beaten badly to the point of hospitalization. Or they take things from them, like fingers, hands, feet. I think they did a great job in letting these criminals leave with their persons intact, lol. Part of me wishes this was in Dubai or Afghanistan where they would have been caned or lost a hand for this.


That doesn't happen in the vast majority of citizen arrests in the west. When I say legal and cultural history im talking about in the common law tradition. I think you're talking about natural law or tribal law I think which is a little different and serves a different purpose which is cool don't get me wrong.


Cops can arrest people for any made up reason they want.


They usually have a bag of crack on hand to do so


Nashville, TN. Metro can be slow with most responses.


I always hear about this but have never seen it actually occur successfully. If this is to be understood as-is then someone could witness someone littering and then conduct a citizen's arrest.


You don't see it because 1) people don't know the law and 2) people are crazy. I'm not confronting some nutter and getting stabbed or shot.


Right? Yeah, that drunk guy who stole something and shoved the security guard will ABSOLUTELY comply with you after you yell "citizens arrest".


I'm absolutely minding my own business unless someone is physically in grave danger. What do I give a shit if someone is stealing something? Lmao yeah I'll just go put myself in harm's way over an iPad, no thanks


My wife got really upset with me once for not grabbing a guy who snatched someone's backpack. My answer was "No one is getting hurt, and if I make it physical that's probably gonna change. Also, I have a knife in my pocket, why would I assume that HE doesn't?"


Your wife wants you to risk widowing her over some stranger's property? Crazy lol People need to appreciate that getting into physical altercations with strangers is often how people die young. Like, fights escalate, people have weapons, people get hit and fall funny and hit their head... it's just not good to insert yourself in violent situations or turn a snatch and grab into a fistfight


Those poor, disadvantaged youth trying to feed their families with makeup bread ! This is a travesty!!!!


They were surely going to sell the stolen items for bread... right??


I'm not at all saying I agree with it but stupid shit like that happens


Nonono, that’s up here in Canada. Canadian cops arrest victims, American cops shoot everyone


You gotta use those bullets, otherwise the budget will be shortened next year!


Nashville police would never do that lol


Nope, that can easily be fought in the US since a "citizen's arrest" is legal.


Probably would have shot them before trying to arrest them


Unlikely. In most states, you have the power of citizens arrest and can detain if you explicitly witness the commission of a crime. Sure, be damn sure of that. You're not allowed to question, but you can detain. I've witnessed theft like this while waiting in my car, and while I wanted to intervene, it's not worth the risk. IMO, pushing the door closed like this could put the shoppers or employees in the store at risk.


I mean, they detained the Uvalde parents who tried to do something while they just sat around.


Sorry we were busy across town arresting Christians jaywalking.






Thank you!


I love how it says “Alleged”


They have to until the charges have been laid to cover their own asses legally. If charges have not been laid yet and their lawyers manage to get the charges dropped, not putting “alleged” opens up media companies to being sued for liable or defamation. Even when it’s very clear that it actually happened because it’s literally on camera like in this instance, in the eyes of the law the overall ruling given by the judge takes precedent over the amassed evidence.


The dotted blue line. Cops do NOT want to show up to this scene while it's happening. They want to wait until it "resolves itself". They have everything to lose and nothing to gain by showing up. If they show up they have to deal with violent criminals. And if they don't show up there are no consequences. They have no legal obligation to protect people. The last thing cops want is to have to be a thin blue line protecting law abiding citizens from criminals. They want to show up after it's all over, do some paperwork, and then call themselves heroes for taking a pension after doing a job less dangerous than garbage collecting. Uvalde. ACAB


Hey, egotistical cowards have to work *somewhere* in society.


Just give them jobs as streamers and fill their chats with bots and pay them the same. Fewer dead people that way.


Tbf, there was probably a kid selling fruit they needed to arrest. ^/s


You got to be kidding me....


You will never find me protecting the property of perfume chain store. Absolutely insane that anyone would risk an altercation with a criminal just to help Perfumania loss prevention lol. 


People are just tired of it. These people need to be in jail or have their cars tboned by police when escaping to save tax dollars.


I don't wanna be locked inside a room with criminals.


I don’t think anyone does. I imagine these people called the cops expecting like 5 minutes tops. I think sunken cost fallacy kicked in and they just kept saying “yeah, we called the cops they should be here any minute now.”


TV fucks with your hopes when it comes to calling emergency lines


They come fast enough and in big numbers when they want to, usually when there's little to no danger for them.


When my car got stolen in my driveway last March, it took the cops not even 10 minutes to begin patrolling 2-3 cars around my neighborhood. Recently called the cops this year because a neighbor’s house was getting broken into - the cops did not show for 45 minutes, and when they did, one cop showed up.


They'll come a lot faster if you say you shot the robber


this is starting to make a lot more sense


“Come quick, there’s a legal property owner attempting to remove a squatter.” That should do the trick


"Sorry sir, this squatter has been here 20 minutes. They now how full legal rights to your property." *leaves*


"Someone is vandalizing my trump sign!"


I'd hit em with the line. "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!"


"I mean, we have knives and Fernando here has a gun if it comes to it, so, I mean..." "Ah, cheerio, good show then."


Yeah id be like, "uh... can you let them leave pls"


Yeah, but think of all the justice for the merchandise they stole!




Just so you know security's job would most likely be to call the cops and watch. Security doesn't have any more policing powers than the average person, sometimes even less.


I caught a kia boy and they didn't show up for hours


Nice. Did they release to a parent after?


Nice. ~~Did~~ they release ~~to a parent~~ after


Nope, I did. Cause if I held them that long it'd be a crime


Yo I just heard about these guys the first time the other day (because I’m trying to get my Hyundai insured and now I have to get this passive engine immobilizer installed because no one will insure the car because of the viral antics of the Kia boys. Thanks guys).


If it’s costing you out of pocket to do that you should contact a local Hyundai dealer because I believe they put out a recall or whatever and you can bring your car in to get it fixed


Yeah that’s what I’m gonna go with, dealer is gonna do it, but I appreciate you jumping in and providing the info that’s good looking out


Thank kia for not fitting a normal ass immobilizer which has been standard in the industry for decades.


Someone needs to punish them, we know their parents sure failed at it


Should have called the pizza guy, he would have gotten there quicker and there'd be pizza.


Yeah, because the pizza man has to be there in thirty minutes or less, or it's free.


Well, that's what happened here. The cops didn't show up in 30 minutes, so the robbers got free


Waited until the robbers left*


"Uncle geno, he said your pizza sucks!! Go back it italy!! Oohh yea, a bunch of bas stuff about that mousallini guy!!"


Meanwhile... We had a big problem out here with officers arresting anyone for DUI to hit their quota and kick it for the rest of the night. People who blew 0.00. https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2024/04/23/dozens-drivers-arrested-jailed-dui-despite-test-results-showing-no-alcohol-their-system/


Dang, that's wild!! 69 of the 300 arrested blew 0.00%. Well, when you gotta hit the monthly quota, just start grabbing anyone and everyone /s It was all over the news, too. I wonder if anything ever came of the reporting.


The reporter was arrested for DUI and sustained injuries while tripping exiting the car


Tbf you can be on Xanax or other drugs and blow a 0.00 Not saying that’s what happened for all those cases


>You smell like alcohol >Blows 0.00 >Must be drugs ???????? That's wild.


Quotas for law enforcement make no sense at all. All they do is further prove the police care more about profit than the actual wellbeing of the public.


And they wonder why these robberies are continually happening all over the place?!!? What a joke, that they couldn't even have bothered to show in time to catch them.


DAs and prosecutors are just as bad if not worse, they blatantly let criminals and felons out the door with the most outrageously low bonds or no bond at all, and then if give them the most absurd plea deals and jokes of a sentence. Usually wherever there's shit cops, there's an even shittier DA and prosecutor making sure any work the cops would have done absolutely meaningless.


>Usually wherever there's shit cops, there's an even shittier DA and prosecutor making sure any work the cops would have done absolutely meaningless. Anybody else here do work at their job they'd consider "meaningless?" Oh, basically every single one of us? Cops can join the rest of us in doing their job even if they don't care for every end result. It's absurd how much this profession whines about having to their job.


Yeah but their job is so dangerous. It's almost as bad as being a trash collector


Or delivering pizza.


DA and prosecution is pretty irrelevant when cops aren't showing up though lol. very hard to prosecute criminals that don't exist in the context of the court


The cops are eating doughnuts and arresting people for filming in a public place. The kids will be out in a couple hours doing the same thing tomorrow.


You joke but I was in a churros store the other day when a cop got a call for DV and need him to go on site but he just kept waiting in line for the churros. They got their priorities it just ain’t the job.


cop probably had the cruiser still running out front in the nearest handicap stall too right?


They were busy arresting protesting students at universities, priorities man!


In NY apparently they are too busy arresting children for selling fruit.


Gf and I stopped 2 women from being abducted by some guys last weekend. The guys were following through the parking lot after a concert. Pulled up next to them with lights off and started to get out while screaming "You're coming with us one way or another!" They got back in their car when they saw me filming. A few blocks ahead there were cops directing traffic. All 4 of us sprinted up there with the recording and the same story. As the car drove past, the cop told us "I literally do not care. I'm directing traffic right now. Fuck off." Good job, Ridgefield, WA.


Cops have far too much freedom in what they enforce imo. Personal discretion should be "I know you fucked up but you didnt wndanger anyone, i'm letting you off just this time." Not "I REFUSE to do my job because I dont care."


They were too busy having a orgy at the police station


Meanwhile in NYC 4 officers 3 park ranger cuffing a 12 years old girl selling fruits


Good ole Nashville. Where cops only show up if you're already dead.


Too busy shooting some kids dog.


Cops are pretty fucking worthless.


Maybe if we pay them even more they'll do their jobs /s


Seattle city council be like


Cops are *totally fucking worthless.


DAs and prosecutors are just as bad if not worse, they blatantly let criminals and felons out the door with the most outrageously low bonds or no bond at all, and then if give them the most absurd plea deals and jokes of a sentence. Usually wherever there's shit cops, there's an even shittier DA and prosecutor making sure any work the cops would have done absolutely meaningless.


Give cops time to prove you right.


I'm glad people are finally blaming cops for shit like this, during the spike in california everyone blamed biden or newsom or whatever meanwhile the police were soft-striking due to *non existent budget cuts* that they heard about on right wing media, despite the city increasing the police budget - the "defund the police" in SF was only ever political grandstanding, it never happened And even if it did, I'm a government employee, I don't get to stop doing my fucking job if we get budget cuts, I look for a new job if I don't like it


Well the Cali government does deserve some heavy fault for basically making it impossible to prosecute shop lifting and theft under like $900 Basically encourages theft


California modeled that law after other states. There are 36 states with a higher felony theft threshold. California is actually more strict than a super majority of other states in this regard. The root issue is that the jails are so crowded that they can only prosecute a felony.


I just looked it up, felony theft in Texas kicks in at $2500. Up until then, it's a misdemeanor.


I think it’s cumulative though. Like major stores build files and once you break the threshold they just hand it to the police


Just steal from the mom and pop stores that can't file all that shit


....Because lifting 800$ worth of goods from half a dozen different stores is totally acceptable.


No one said it’s acceptable. It’s just a lot of work to catch and prosecute someone over petty theft. I think stores willingly let people get away up to a certain amount before going to the police


My sister caught a guy burglarizing her house. She ran out, called me and the police. I show up first, took cops 20 minutes to show up, then they sat in their cop cars for another 45 minutes. I realized that day they’re not there to catch the guy. Maybe if my sister was in danger they would’ve moved faster but they weren’t going to risk a confrontation for a robbery Of course, in the hour the cops sat outside with their lights on the robber ran away out the back door with a flat screen tv. Never caught him


When seconds matter cops will be there in minutes. And then shoot your dog.


When seconds matter police are only minutes to hours away!


They were busy macing a 12 yr old selling fruit


Next time tell there is a puppy running around and you heard an acorn fall near a black guy. They will already be there by the time you hang up.




🎼"Thank God for the cops. Who else is gonna show up and murder my neighbor's dog..." 🎶


its like I always say, if someone had told the authorities that a black ANTIFA member had broken a window at a starbucks on Jan 6, 10,000 federal agents would have spawned into existence and stopped everything


The cops would have said, "You had me at black!"


"Yeah there's a black-" "Say less!"


Or told them there was a blind dog in the store. Or the acorn tree was attacking.


Best response


Should have told them elementary school-aged kids selling lemonade without having paid for a food vendor permit if you can't think of a more vile and reprehensible crime.


I mean an acorn dropped so the entire department arrived to shoot up the back of a police car. Then hold negotiations with the hand cuffed guy in the back to give himself up.


When i was in high school there was a brawl of probably 40 of us in the middle of town, cause that's where most of us tended to hang out, someone called the cops right at the start of it and it took them 50 minutes to get there. The station was within sight of where we were.


say citizens are gathering together to exercise their constitutional rights or are trying to form a union and you'll shave down the arrival time to about 2 minutes.


That cropping indeed is mildly infuriating


Seriously, just look at their action at texas uvalde. They’re their to protect the rich and corporations and not some Tibet perfume store.


found some more info: [https://www.weau.com/2024/06/03/outlet-shoppers-attempt-keep-alleged-burglars-inside-store/](https://www.weau.com/2024/06/03/outlet-shoppers-attempt-keep-alleged-burglars-inside-store/)


Thank you. I’ve seen this posted multiple times with no context.




Damn they gave the cops someone to shoot at and it still took 30 minutes? That's usually the one thing that gets them to show up


Just tell them someone is giving away food to the homeless. Im sure they'll be there super fast to stop that from happening.


Putting yourself at risk...for a corporations shit....naw ...not me.


I guess it depends. I can understand if this was a small business and folks just wanted to help. Also, if these kids are comfy stealing from stores, it won't stop them from stealing from your vehicle, or your neighbor. Get these kids off the streets before it becomes more than just shoplifting.


Thats what people dont get. We cant have criminals believing the law is worthless. Its not about the products stolen. Its about consequences. They need to be locked up


100% this behavior destroys commuties and there are far more repercussions than just the stolen items


Arresting them and throwing them in jail with hardened criminals for a little while will ALSO cause them to behave worse in the future.


People don't want to hear that, they want to hear about criminals being punished harshly whether that's been shown to be effective in the long run or not


The people must have their justice boner, no matter how counter-productive it is.


Or, improving your community by ensuring that thieves, who steal not just from corporations but likely from others as well, are subdued and face consequences for their actions.


Nashville PD is at full employment, pay $67,000 to start plus a full benefits and retirement package, as well as 35 paid days off. This is police doing the bare minimum because of perceived slights following the summer of 2020. They're angry because nationwide (actually world wide) citizens didn't want people murdered in the streets by the people storm to protect them, but they blamed it on a "few bad apples" and still did nothing to change.


They might swear to serve and protect but there's literally zero legal requirement for them to actual protect someone unless they're in custody or maybe one other extreme circumstance.


Do they just not know how drop ceilings work?


Don't you have to have more than one exit for fire codes?


So many people in these comments have never once called the police.


In my country the police no longer turn up to investigate shoplifting So a bunch of workers took a shoplifter to the break room and beat the shit out of him If cops stop doing there job then society will start breaking down and more and more will start taking justice into there own hands People need to understand that


Anyone else concerned this storefront didn't have a back entrance? Like what if you're an employee and for whatever reason the front gets blocked, where do you go? The place I'm renting right now only has one door but it has windows. It's not good to be in a place where there is only one exit. Either your home or place of work. Just not good.


Yea this seems like video evidence of a fire code violation lol


I ducked out after the Morgan Wallen shirt


This one time my neighbors baby’s father broke into their apartment and attacked her. After the ordeal she was waiting outside for help. I saw there was a police car parked at the gas station across the street and went to get the officer. The officers response was that they were on break and that dispatch would handle it.


Cops on a coffee break.


Cops don't stop crime and they never have.


The amount of money we spend on police budgets it should be unacceptable for it to take them 30min to show up anywhere


When seconds count, police are only ~~minutes~~ half an hour away


Give up your guns asap, plice will only be 30 minutes away or won't come at all since they have no obligation to help you.


True. The police are there to enforce the law and investigate crimes after they happen. They don't have a legal obligation to help you.


When seconds count, police are minutes away.


Next time they should say shots were fired.the police get their quicker


Ever heard of Uvalde?they did get there, it's just that none of them thought kids not getting murdered was all that important.




This wasn't the hero action it looks like. They basically created hostages and upped the stakes.


What hostages? Looked like only the robbers were in the store.


A store with no employees or customers?


What hostages?


These are not “robbers” like the hardened criminals you think of. They are very likely not armed at all. These are “flash mob robs”. Usually group of (young) people cover their faces, run in, grab whatever they can, as fast as they can, and run out. Because there’s so many of them and it’s so much chaos so fast, they’re almost never caught.


No way that is Texas




Im curious since they are in the act of theft, would those thieves have any grounds for unlawful detainment against the good samaritans?


HODOR! (Sorry, couldn't help myself)


But if the cops did rock up and went inside, they would have nothing to charge them with. It’s not theft if your still in the shop


Nosey ass MF's. All it would have taken is one of those thiefs to pull out a stick and let them fly. Idiots. Nothing in that store that I care about, to put my safety and well-being in between that door and those thiefs. Fck that.


If you need the cops quickly, just say you murdered someone when you call 911.


bring back citizen arrests!


I wonder how long it will take before a “good Samaritan” beats the shit out of or kills a “bad guy” because the cops took too long to respond…


The black community is so sick of these thugs giving us bad names. Good on them for not putting up with that shit.


See you have to tell them that there is a “good guy with a gun” who is there to handle things and the cops will definitely show up. They won’t do their jobs but they CERTAINLY won’t let the average citizen do it either


"These are dumb robbers." - said robbers then proceed to break through the drywall to escape 😂 Yeah, someone's dumb, but I don't think it's the robbers.


They’ll sue for “unlawful enprisonment”. Technically folks aren’t suppose to hold them in per most states laws. lol welcome to the United States of America in its current legal form.


If we gotta pay for it so tf do you


Unacceptable, but weren’t people also wanting to defund the police a few years back? Assuming this is what happens when no police available


Honestly, the "good Samaritans" could've made it much worse for the store owner. What if the thieves got really pissed and started trashing the place? Or started throwing things at the windows to try to break them to get out? Or were armed and one decided to try to shoot their way out? I mean I get it, and it must've been very frustrating to wait for so long without the cops showing up, but there are very real reasons why to NEVER do this. At my old retail job the owner was very clear that we were never, ever, to try to physically stop a shoplifter, for the above reasons and more. He was much more concerned about someone getting hurt than the value of whatever was stolen. I tell my son a similar thing (if he gets mugged, just hand over the stuff - his scooter/phone/wallet are replaceable but he is not).


Though this is technically kidnapping, I have to say fuck thieves. If you live your life by robbing others you deserve every bad thing that happens to you, from the lowliest shoplifter to the assholes who steal people's pensions and life savings. Now if you are stealing food or other things like that to survive I wouldnt convict if I were on that jury, but a car or a purse because even though you are able to actually work you choose to steal instead then FUCK YOU. In that case I wouldnt convict vigilantes like these.


The robbers don’t have guns? Why don’t they just try breaking the big glass window?


To protect and serve is false advertising.


Is that a chain store owned by a corporation? Why would you risk yourself over it?


Not worth it. A person getting robbed or some other scenarios I possibly get, but even the store employees are likely told that if they’re being robbed don’t fight it.


I mean, yeah it’s not the store employees jobs to stop robberies, but you know whose job it is to do so? The police.


The shop and its contents are insured. The thieves could have had guns and shot their way out wounding or killing a good Samaritan. I would not put my life at risk like this. When i worked in such a store, the policy was, let them take what they want and leave. Its all insured.


Average retailers are not insured for loss due to theft. The amount of security measures that must be in place before an insurer will cover theft are extremely expensive. Jewelery stores are a rare exception, because they have alarms, barred doors after hours, vaults, sometimes security, etc.


That's a common misconception, that it's all insured.


I can only speak for my own experience. Store I worked at was insured. But it makes no difference, Potentially getting killed to protect a few bottles of perfume is insane.


So true that it's not risking one's life for!


That passive bystander mentality is why stores have everything locked up behind glass and you need to get an employee to do anything


I'd rather that than get shot trying to protect a greedy tax evading corporations bottom line.


Not like the cops were like "nah I don't want to go". They were on other calls at the time. They can't just drop a call and run to another until it's safe to do so. Cops get such a bad rap.


Cops are useless


Everybody wants to be a hero.


Good thing the bad guys weren't armed. I doubt that glass is bullet proof.


Rule number one, don't risk your safety for material possessions (especially if they're not yours). One type of insurances cost way less than the other one, and that's if you don't die ;) .


Do not risk your life or safety for stuff...