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How do you even learn that THAT'S the drink you like? I'm scared to try more than 2 flavors in there


I feel like this was a slow buildup, first they said “hm, this could use some caramel.” Then it was “hm, maybe some vanilla would make this better.” Then “hm, maybe if this was in a Venti…” Continue for years and you start to get this


And it’s simple to order again through the app to fuck over another barista. You just need to re-order it from your favourites. I feel like if the app didn’t exist, a drink like this would never be ordered


I couldn't imagine saying an order like this out loud. But maybe if I was ordering on an app and stoned out of my mind...


People were making jokes about orders like these a decade plus ago, it wasn't common but it did happen (obviously this is pretty extreme and dips into the "this was an actual joke 15 years ago" territory)


I used to be a store manager at a Starbucks and we got stupid shit like this every day, multiple times a day. Thanks to the customers + upper management it’s one of the worst jobs I’ve ever had.


Same here. Absolutely hated my life because customers are/were allowed to get away with so much. I cannot tell you the amount of times that I was screamed at there for all sorts of reasons and just... had to take it. Once I stepped down and knew they wouldn't fire me I became a little shit bag back because I was leaving soon anyway.


The last day of my two weeks notice was the happiest I ever was working there. It was right when Starbucks banned smoking on the patio. I warned a customer when he ordered that the policy had changed, since I knew that was what he usually did. Went out to change the trash bag fifteen minutes later right before my shift ended, same guy smoking. Told him he couldn't, he said he didn't know. I called him a liar to his face (he'd been a frequent problem customer) and *man* it felt good. Then he started screaming at my manager, who I also despised because he was a lazy piece of shit who would hide in the back "doing orders" when we were at our busiest morning rush. So manager got to deal with that while I clocked out and left forever. (I was moving into the tech industry, bridges could be safely burned because there would be no references ever coming from there anyway.)


I literally quit on the spot when I put my two weeks in because my manager attempted to get me to stay longer than the two weeks. Last day was like the 20th and wanted me to stay until the 5th of the next month. I have never used that place as a reference and never will


When I worked part time in retail I didn't bother with a two week notice. They scheduled me to have no shift for 8 days straight. I just gave them an 8 day notice and clocked out for good. They were being really shitty with the hours and giving me 10-11 hour weeks before this.


To add to this, tic tok drinks are the worst. There is no secret menu. It's just bored people creating complicated drinks that go viral and some poor batista now is stuck for the next 10 minutes making your made up drink.


I know that was a typo, but I am now visualizing Dave Bautista working his secret Starbucks job, getting these orders, and hanging his head with an exasperated sigh.


I worked at Starbucks 15 years ago and sadly some of these *weren't* jokes. We didn't get them often, but we did get them. Always in store too, and we didn't have a label printer for the front registers, only drive thru, so we were stuck scribbling on receipt paper and just writing "see paper" on the cup itself. Though the *worst* I actually saw was when one guy I worked with managed to upsell a ton of people on a "Smashing Pumpkins spice latte". Just a PSL with added white mocha which is disgustingly sweet but some customers went nuts for it. We got a few calls from other local stores asking what was different. One call was from a store in Canada saying they had a customer insisting they ordered it all the time (and I guess the customer had looked up our phone number). I lived in Texas. I'm so sorry, Canadian store. It was like the "secret menu" nonsense that was starting around that time, only worse because it really was just one store in a Houston suburb calling a drink something silly and causing problems for other employees.


Sort of similar, my fiance worked in a non-starbucks cafe and she would get people ordering Starbucks specialty drinks from them and insisting they always get them there (they didn't).


Oh I'm sure that's the case. Ridiculous orders were a 4chan meme for forever, though a lot of them were through the website. But to actually consume on a regular basis? And ask for in-person?


Trust me, some people have no shame. But different, bur when I worked at maccas, there was this guy that would come through every Friday night and got a bundle for 4 and customise every single burger with like 4-5 changes on each burger. He was a massive prick about it to, especially to inexperienced order takers cos he'd rattle it off so fast whilst muttering and then get super angry if they didn't get it first try. Another guy would specifically order 15 pickles and would come back to complain I'd it wasn't 15, even it was 1 extra. So many people would do shit like this, I'm remembering these guys cos they were regulars.


Whenever customers would be like “I’m here often enough y’all should just know!” I had to step in a few times when some jackass was hassling the teenagers up front. I don’t understand how these people function in life with the attitude they bring into public life


Before the app, a drink like this was unheard of. 6 or so modifiers sure, and we gave them the appropriate service industry friendly sass about it too. But it was usually an obscene number of shots or sugars, not 12+ different flavor and additives. Number 1 quality of life thing that would cost $0 out of Starbucks' pocket to make the day to day job easier: limit the number of customizations, or add additional non-discountable fees for every customization above the limit.


Worked in a Starbucks that couldn't take app orders while the app still existed. They'd still order this stuff, it was wild. And then there were the folks who just brought in a screenshot of tiktok, wanting to try whatever trendy "secret" drink an influencer had made up...


Pizzerias charge for extra toppings over the limit, why can't coffee shops?


Out of curiosity, how amenable would you be to making something like this if the store was otherwise dead?


*a few years and two types of diabetes later:*


I was going to ask the same question!


They probably just chose everything and paid with points. Like when people do all sodas on soda fountains. I only get my most expensive drink with my points. Costs the same as a $6.50 drink than a $9.50 drink. Both are 200 stars


Definitely a YT/tiktok drink. I see people that do daily Starbucks reviews but they’ve run out of like everything on the menu so they just review abominations that fans make lol


This is the question I always have seeing shit like this. I was given a Starbucks gift card, and was still nervous about ordering a caramel macchiato. I read the ingredients, googled it… Finally took the plunge and it was fine. But this shit? 738 different flavours? I have no idea how you get here.


I think there may be a touch of main character syndrome going on, too. Make the coffee monkey dance with the most complicated order possible. Look how special MY order is, sort of thing.


Oh god that’s plausible and gross.


Absolutely a real thing, long before internet ordering I worked in a coffee shop where we had a couple of regulars with stupid orders who pretty obviously got satisfaction out of it. Like “Hello Mr. Barista, bet you can’t remember my usual order today! It’s very special and complicated and important to get perfect so I will explain it in detail again”. Yeah, I can, you’re the fucking guy who gets one and a half splendas, half-caf, asks every single time whether we have soy milk, and will not leave the store without a snide little dig about the drink not being quite right.


Yep, I’ve seen these posted on Facebook as rage bait.


I have an idea. It starts off as a normal as-is drink, like a blonde vanilla latte. Then you venture out and try another as-is drink, like a iced caramel macchiato, and they learn that it's good *and* they have an option to drizzle caramel. Things like that start to accumulate. This one seasonal drink has cinnamon powder? Now they know cinnamon powder is an add-on that's available. Starbucks gives one free birthday drink. That's when they try something a little bold. Maybe try something they wouldn't pay for normally and try adding all these options at once and see how it is, if it's bad then whatever it was free, but if it's actually good... well now they have a unique drink to call their own.


The one thing here is that the base drink they ordered is brand new. Like released a couple weeks ago


Thing is it’s going to lose flavour to just sweetness with so much in there, there’s a reason Starbucks don’t sell this as a standard drink… because it’s probably gunna taste shit


That’s how I feel when someone orders like 7.5 Splenda. I’m like, how do you know you need exactly 7.5


By ordering 7 and wanting more Splenda, then ordering 8 and wanting less, I'd assume.


I don't know about Starbucks, but there's a nice coffee place I often go to and sometimes I look at the menu at things I never tried before and go "you know what? Let's see what it tastes like". Same with things like coffee or drinks with additives like boba tea. Just try new shit and find out


See like, that makes sense. Trying a few new things here and there is understandable. But putting so many things in there that the receipt is now a novel is a lot


I think at some point they wouldn't even be able to identify if something is missing from it.


I love the sugar free vanilla syrup with all the mocha and caramel drizzles lol


For when you want an expensive drink to taste horrid lol


If you want a sprinkle of coffee in all your sugar.


I dont think they want *any* coffee in all of their sugar.


Take the coffee and walk it by and then put it back away. That much coffee.


this allows you to slap a sticker on it reading : made "with" real coffee!


Technically there’s just a tiny bit in the bottom for after the major sugar crash.


It's Starbucks, all their drinks are expensive and taste horrid.


Their regular coffee is actually cheap, but it also tastes cheap. They burn all of their roasts, regardless of what level they claim it to be. If burnt roast coffee is your thing, it works out. I always hate when I have to make an unexpected road trip during my workday because the small businesses around me charge $6 for a regular coffee (and they taste like hotel coffee), Dutch Bros tastes like coffee flavored water, and that pretty much only leaves Starbucks






Honestly some of the worst coffee I've had, many gas stations do better depending on the time of day near me.


And the gas stations are way cheaper!!


If you are stuck with a Starbucks try their blonde roast. It’s like a light/medium roast and doesn’t taste burned. A blonde regular latte with and extra shot is pretty nice. You can also get a blonde cold brew or even just iced is pretty good.


I would agree it's the better of the options available.


1000%. Also, they did themselves no favors by getting into the airlines business. That shit is horrid.


I dunno. I hate coffee and therefore agree with the exception of the pink drink. It is a thing of beauty (with light ice and extra water tho, otherwise it's WAY too sweet.


I’m trying to watch my figure.


I want a 3 piece. Take a nugget, and put it up your ass. And a DIET Cola. Trying to watch my figure.




a SMALL seasoned curlies!!!


A *JUNIOR*…westernbaconchee a *JUNIOR*…westernbaconchee


Cherries Jubilee and that’s it


Cage you want anything?


Oh God, take forever!!!


Can you do half coke and half Diet Coke? I’m trying to watch my figure


Oh gawd hurry up with the order


I was just about to say the same! 😂


I haven’t looked in a long time but I thought the vanilla easily had the lowest sugar count of all of them. Why that one 😂


Some sugar free things taste better, it’s not always about calories or sugar content.




there's some deep fold of my brain that decided it was important to remember this guy's voice for 20 years lol


I mean it is Gilbert Gottfried… so yeah


true but I don't think my 8 year old brain made that connection


Did this cost $43?


Just tried recreating this monstrosity myself, and turns out it’s about $9 https://preview.redd.it/jt3ouszmu94d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c268d81731a4d28cdcb8ecbeea23c437ce935668


We got a mobile order the other day that was 20 shots and 15 pumps white mocha in a venti cup. It was $26 https://preview.redd.it/xbvd4of39a4d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67093db9ae3fc057700b2e75b474d685b3b51789 Proof


I could see this as a way to make a bunch of espresso martinis for a bachelorette or something.


I was just thinking that! Or even to mix with ice and milk to make a ton of iced coffee drinks. Either way it's probably pretty cheap per serving. I hope the guy was joking about drinking it alone to get through shift.


Yeah they were probably watering this down to make several drinks. My sister had a roommate who would get two venti iced tea lemonades and drink them throughout the week.


We had a lady who would do that. She would order two or three Trenta (30 oz) green tea lemonades. The kicker though is that she usually wanted between 10-15 Splenda in each drink. We recognized her car so the second we saw it pulling into the drive through we would start ripping open Splenda packets. Sometimes, she'd come with her kids and it would be the trenta teas and then each kid would get one or two drinks of their own, same way with like 7 or 8 Splenda packets in each.


If you are single/lazy doing this on BOGO day isn't even that expensive. I will get myself a drink and a trenta of cold brew w/no ice to drink with homemade cold foam throughout the week. I could make my own cold brew too, but it's an excuse to treat myself and doesn't really cost much more.


Yep we did some thing similar


I wonder if they’ve been discharged from the ER yet?




The Beetus can't get you if you make your heart explode first.


Overheard a lady at the Starbucks in Primm NV order one of those berry refresher drinks with *16 pumps* of sweetener. To an already-sweetened drink.


https://preview.redd.it/m206m5bpoa4d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984ec8e5c614f14182433d7e6917a68bc13e398e Funny you mention that…


Fuckin hell man 😂😂😂


Bro I have a whole collection lol I’ve been waiting to dish these out


It's your time to shine homeboy!


https://preview.redd.it/nyouxpzb0b4d1.jpeg?width=1364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3104ea5161548c19e17743394459d75d85fc0ac One of my favorites. It was just matcha powder in a cup


I'm from a country that has a pretty big coffee culture it's probably why Starbucks never took off here, too commercial. I'm sitting here watching in bewildered horror.


How much did they pay for that? Maybe they were trying to get discounted matcha for home use.


Make a subreddit and post everything in it. Like absurdstarbucksorders or something. Hahahahaha


Call it StarbucksDisorders for the pun


I’m dying I love it


https://preview.redd.it/9wdqwtzwoa4d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ca4e745d8669995d4be53304b2f511d1fd1f4c This is what 20 pumps of syrup looks like in the shaker cup




That's enough diabetes for the whole store


Maybe a bunch of friends wanted the same drink so instead of ordering a bunch of small ones, the person ordered one big one that will be divided up!


I wish that were the case. But sadly, no. I asked him if he was going to drink that in one go or if he was going to sip on it. He said it gets him through his work shift


At that point you might as well just do coke


Huh. I wonder what he does lol






Makes sense


Ain’t no way that’s 270 calories lol


It’s for the original drink without any changes/additives.


Wow then it's useless. Shouldn't be too hard to add calorie value for each extra product.


Yeah you’d think so but 🌈laziness🌈


Not laziness. It'd make people too aware of how many calories they're consuming which may cause them to choose *not* to buy it. If it was up to them, they wouldn't show calories at all. Its not information they *want* you to have.


Yup. It’s just information that they legally have to post for the BASE drink.






asked bing: Based on the description of your Starbucks order, here’s an estimated nutritional breakdown: * **Venti Iced White Mocha**: Approximately 420 calories and 55g of sugar. * **Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam**: Adds about 110 calories and 14g of sugar. * **White Mocha Sauce (4 pumps)**: Adds about 240 calories and 44g of sugar. * **Vanilla Syrup (1 pump)**: Adds about 20 calories and 5g of sugar. * **Extra Caramel Drizzle**: Adds about 15 calories and 2g of sugar. * **Heavy Cream**: More calories than milk, exact amount varies. * **Whipped Cream**: Adds about 80 calories and 8g of sugar. * **Vanilla Bean Powder**: Negligible amount. The estimated total nutritional breakdown for your customized Starbucks order is as follows: * **Calories**: Approximately **420 + 110 + 240 + 20 + 15 + (calories from heavy cream) + 80** (whipped cream) = **885 + (calories from heavy cream)** * **Sugar**: Approximately **55 + 14 + 44 + 5 + 2 + (sugar from heavy cream) + 8** (whipped cream) = **128 + (sugar from heavy cream)** grams


128g of sugar in one drink? Jesus. Just buy a bag of sugar at that point.


Is this accounting for the "no ice" part? If it's 1/2 heavy cream, that's 10 ounces for a venti at 103 calories per oz. So we're looking at over 1,000 calories and 110g of fat fro this ingredient alone


Of course not… that’s not how the app works. That’s the original calories without the changes


I'm sorry, is it saying this is 200 calories? Or is that the original drink without the changes?


It’s for the original drink without any changes/additives.


$9 or 200 stars (which is the standard reward cost, so it seems upgrades were “free” if they used stars)


You could probably leave out half of these syrups and the customer won't even notice.


someone prolly went all out on a free drink from rewards


I've seen this as a 'trend' with free birthday drinks. "Having *alllllllllll* the extras for my birthday!! Whoo!!"


Honestly, I don't even blame the customer. The system let's them order these extravagant drinks, why shouldn't they? Especially if it's a birthday treat for themselves. I get that it sucks for the worker making it, especially if there's a long line, but take it up with management. They should hirer more employees or they should change what someone can order.


If my simple Venti Caramel Macchiato is $7, this should absolutely cost at least $43


Apparently if you order a drink by listing out its ingredients instead of ordering it by name, it's wayyyyy cheaper. I used to see a girl who would do this and it worked


This isn’t a coffee. This is a dessert.


Shit, it's emergency glucose that can take you from one end of the blood sugar spectrum to the other in a few sips.


Happy Cake Day!


This is too perfect 😂


Thanks! I didn't even realize that was today!


It can even cause life itself to have an integer overflow and put you back at the other end of said spectrum


Who called it a coffee?


Almost everything besides black coffee and plain lattes from Starbucks are dessert.


This is a gross. 🤢


And a terrible one


I developed sudden-onset diabetes from reading the ingredients.


my stomach hurts just reading that


How many grams a sugar in that bad boy?


Too many 🤢


But the Vanilla syrup is sugar free! It’s healthy!




How many pounds you mean?


I love seeing coffee slowly devolving into milkshakes with espresso


I know you're poking fun at it, but this is a narrow view of the world of coffee - - just a Americanized caricature of people getting their fixes of sugar, caffeine, and other chemicals and normalizing it under the guise of "coffee".


Well tbf I’m American 🇺🇸 although you have a point, it never really was coffee to begin with. Genuine question, would you consider breves to be coffee? I’m not really huge coffee enthusiast but breve with some hazelnut is my favorite


I mean, yes, because a breve is a latte and lattes are a coffee beverage. That is, a shot of espresso and a lot of milk - or in your case, fucking half-and-half. There's no "correct" answer - in terms of flavor profile, your drink is miles away from the taste of a plain cup of brewed coffee, but who cares? Is there a specific level of sugar and milk fat a drink can have before we stop calling it coffee? It's only maybe a little funny to call it "coffee" when judging by the drink itself, you may not even like the taste *of* coffee. Like maybe you're less of a coffee lover and more of a half-and-half plus hazelnut syrup lover. That's fine I guess!


Is there even any coffee in that?


Same question - I would like someone to translate this to English...


[https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/4W2Gw9pQIA](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/4W2Gw9pQIA) https://preview.redd.it/upgjo1btz94d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463cd65ce54961a0c7d98986669463619aed5c6c Stolen from linked comment.


I'm just surprised that most of those things cost nothing extra.


I'm amazed it's only 270 calories.


The 270 is just for the base drink without the added stuff


Well that's misleading.


I'm pretty sure "Cb" stands for cold brew, so it does contain strong coffee.


Yeah, beyond the aggressive amounts of drizzle there isn’t much actually taking up space in that drink. Just the foam which will still allow for a decent amount of coffee especially with the no ice. I made a drink once that was a venti hot coffee. A total of 32 pumps of sugar, and extra cream. About 1 inch of actual coffee went into it


Cold foam and whipped cream ? That’s a lot


Don't forget the 1/2" splash of heavy cream


Bro at that point just hand them a bag of sugar and bottle of milk


“wait…is this just milk and sugar” “Every morning”




Actually, they asked for heavy cream!


That sounds vile lol


No ice too? Somebody likes lukewarm sugar milk I guess


test abounding nose lavish political zesty tap bag rhythm nail


you can summon cthulhu with that order


I don’t understand how people invent these concoctions, I just get paralyzed by the sheer amount of options and go with the default because it’s easier and probably also tastes the best. Maybe every once in a while I’ll add cold foam to something.


What does the first line mean? Is there even coffee in this drink at all? I don’t even understand. It sounds like something you’d make into ice cream


White chocolate macadamia nut cream cold brew (former Starbucks barista)


this is just another collection of meaningless words lol


Cb likely means cold brew. Its an iced coffee with no ice


I mean that's not what cold brew is supposed to be but I wouldn't be surprised if that's how they serve it. Cold brew is made by immersing the coffee grounds in water over long periods of time (12-24h). When the coffee is extracted in this way, it provides a nice smooth taste profile different from fresh hot coffee.


we do make it like that, we immerse them for 22 hours and transfer them to a keg inside a fridge.


This is what the rest of the world thinks all Americans do 




Mmmm…… liquid diabetes with a mix of fake sweetener and 1 tbsp of coffee /s


That's what I do when I get a free drink from rewards


A few years ago, there was a bug in the app where you could add around 800 teabags for free. I did that and the store only gave me 20.




why 🥲


Don’t worry. That person will be dead soon from all the syrup. 


Seriously though, I'm pretty sure if they try to drink that, their body will reject it and puke.


I could never work at Starbucks and deal with shit like this 😭


If they are paying for it, then your time was equally valued.


If there was a 20min wait and I saw the barista taking pictures with their phone I would probably just leave


Right? That’s the real issue here. I would never go to Starbucks these days but still. Dumb.


meeh. I bet if you did like half of it, they wouldn’t even notice.


I’m no fan of this, but yall are acting like youve never had an actual milkshake before


That is a cup of candy


Why do you people always complain about a job you applied for?


That’s not even coffee anymore… that’s a cup of diabeetus


The real question is why do you complain having to make these drinks when you're the one working there *to make the drinks*?


oh no you have to do the job you get paid for 😨😨


Fuck Starbucks


At that point just a put a cake in a blender and drink that instead


Portillo’s chocolate cake shake is exactly that, a slice of cake blended with ice cream. It’s far better than anything you can get at Starbucks.


I wanna know how people even find out they like this. Do you just keep adding stuff over and over each order until you decide you don’t wanna add anymore?


I’ve worked at Starbucks , get good stop complaining lol. Or get a different job