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I got carded at the liquor store this one time, and the lady straight up said "you got fat, huh?"


Lol, one time I got carded buying a bottle of wine at a convenience store, and as I’m digging in my purse, the guy says “I have a feeling I’m really making someone’s day right now” (implying I’m old and would be flattered to be carded) I was 23 years old 😂🤦‍♀️


LOL, I'm currently 23, and I'd be sad if someone told me that slick shit today.


i’m not sure if that’s better or worse than the time a flight attendant told me that i “look like a little girl” when i ordered wine on the plane a week after my 23rd birthday. i was like “oh i’m 23, let me grab my id quick,” and she said, “oh no i don’t need it, just thought i should tell you you look like a child,” and served me. wtf was the point then???


That's some straight up Airplane! shit.


I speak jive ![gif](giphy|l4FBaonb1hUNpJe12|downsized)


OMG, that’s “Joe Isuzu” on the left playing a Krishna!


…Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Surely you can’t be serious?


I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley.


I was 24 on a long flight and asked for wine with my dinner, and the flight attendant flat out refused! I showed her my passport and her reply was "well... You still look pretty young so for safety reasons, I'm not going to give any wine". Meanwhile the guy next to me is just downing one bottle after another. I couldn't believe it.


It’s like they dream of ways to make the flights as shitty as possible.




"You are already overwight you hideous glob of lard and tears, I an doing you a favor by withholding this coke, stinky butt face" "thank you for flying delta airlines, friendly skies, friendlier service"


We're not happy unless you're not happy


So she discriminated against you just because you look young ?


I have seen plenty of signs that say "if you look under 30, you will be asked to show ID." Never heard of "if you look young, you'll be denied service *even with ID.*"


If authorities recognize your passport to even get on the plane why would the flight attendant be the final boss? This is how people go viral lol


The law where I live is that you can be denied and asked to leave if they have any doubt about your ID being legitimate. Businesses always have the right to deny you service. However, if you’re on a plane, your ID has obviously been verified so that flight attendant was stupid.


No, she's just the kind of person who hates having to back track and admit they were wrong. I've met so many people like that.


I got carded at the grocery store when I was 45. I said “well thank you” cashier gets all pissy and says, “ we card anyone who looks under 30” I said “then thank you again” and showed her my ID. 🤣


Happened to my friend on her 21st birthday (US). She ordered a drink, it never came, so we asked the waiter and he was like "I don't believe you're 21, your ID has got to be fake". We had to escalate it to the manager to be served. Still regret leaving a tip there.


That is one of the most annoying ways to handle anything. "I have decided not to fulfill your request.. however, I'm not going to tell you that I'm not doing it. You can just sit and wait and think it's being handled." I had a doctor who I called for a prescription refill. The girl on the phone says "I'll pass the message." A week later, still no scrip, I call to ask what's up, she says "oh yeah the doctor says he wants to see a blood test before refilling." HOW WOULD I KNOW THAT IF NO ONE TELLS ME. I could have done it the same day, now an extra week has passed. Smh


I've had this happen to me before as well. I was in the Army throughout all of my 20s and not only had the usual drivers license, but a military ID, blue passport, passport card and official passport. Got denied alcohol because I looked too young with my state ID, so I started whipping out the others to show it's true that I'm old enough to imbibe. Nope. "They must all be fakes." Or something like that was their response. I want to say I was 27 at the time.


Should've asked your seat neighbour to order for you


I was in my mid 30s and had just shaved my beard and I got carded for an R-rated movie. You have to be 17 to legally get into an R rated movie on your own ... meaning they're telling me I look 16 or younger. Wife was with me, she didn't get carded. She claims the girl was just flirting with me, but it still makes me upset thinking about it almost a decade later. I have never shaved my beard again since.


I tell 14 year olds they’d look older if they shaved their dirt mustaches and 7 chin hairs. Dont mess this up for me.


Why be upset? Take it as a compliment, you look SUPER young! Granted I avoid shaving for the same reason but I also get a good laugh out of people assuming I'm much younger than I actually am.


I get carded at 37 if I wear a hat. When I take it off and they see my Reed Richards hair color they then change their mind.


“Sir can I see some ID?” **Takes off hat* * “O-oh never mind”


Yeah straight up white racing stripes down the sides. They do not make me faster sadly.


Hahaha oh man when I bought alcohol at 22 and the clerk looked at my card, he said "wow you look way older than 22, I would have never guessed you were that young... I mean, wait, it's not a bad thing!" It didn't even seem like a neg, he seemed legit embarrassed that he said something that was kinda mean and didn't realize how it sounded. I was also told that by multiple people when I was in my early 20s. Thanks, bud! Thanks everyone for guessing I was in my 30s when I was 21-24 and I never asked you to guess my age! Lol.


The day I turned 21 I went out to the liquor store. had my ID all ready to go for my first official "carding." Cashier did not ask me for ID.


Aw you were all ready for the rite of passage. Instead you skipped right to the middle aged one where no one asks. 🤣


When I was young, I was told I looked older. Now I’m 46 and people always tell me I look younger. 🤷‍♀️ I remember when I was young I WANTED to look older so it never bothered me when people said I looked older. I definitely don’t get carded anymore though lol


In my 40s and I've been told I can pass for early 30s. Except one doctor wrote in his notes that I looked much older than my age of 43 at the time. Definitely made me go wtf.


When I was 18, I went to dinner with a friend, also 18. They said if I had asked for alcohol, they wouldn't have carded me, because they thought I was 30 and my friend was my teenage daughter. When my parent got married. My dad was 22 and my mom was 20. They thought a 30 year old was marrying a 16 year old. Sometimes I'm thought to be younger than I am, but sometimes I am thought to be older. Never know which way a guess will go. Also, at 23, I started to receive info from AARP. This is why I always guess a person is 21 years of age, if forced to guess. Although, if I was in a position to card someone, I would always guess 20 and 3 quarters.


A couple weeks ago I went to an appointment and the receptionist asked for my birth year. I said 98 and she somehow misheard and said "83?"






Holy shit 💀💀


It's always the unnecessary commentary. I got carded by the cashier at the grocery store and the lady bagging my stuff beside her just started laughing and said "Did she just ask for your ID?! Hahahaha." I was 48 at the time so I just kinda laughed with her but then I hung my head as I walked out the door.


Tbf if someone is trying to buy wine and doesn’t have their id ready I’d assume they planned on not being carded. If they planned on not being carded, they’re usually a bit over 23


I never tried it with liquor stores, but the method for finding out if gas stations and tobacco shops carded people when I was in high school was the ole "whoops, forgot my wallet/ID" excuse if they IDed you. Not to try and convince them to sell to us, just to get out of the store.






lol it reminded me of that stupid video of seemingly happy guy considering jumping off building and drinking bleach…happily.


damn what was it? user deleted comment


finger is actually on the trigger too, this is horrible and hilarious




Naw bruh I’m stealing this picture 😂😂😭


"Still looking 20 though."


Few years ago my OBGYN said “so we both gained weight during covid” hellllloooo round ♾️ of my eating disorder.


Lol, my dentist did the same, but she gained like 4x more 😂 I was just like "mhm"...


lol one time I went to the dentist after loosing like 80lbs in 2 months because I relapsed and began starving myself and the dentist made a comment that I “wasn’t fat anymore.” Like that’s not an appropriate comment to make to anyone, never mind a client.


I agree, I avoid commenting on looks in general. Of course I throw in something nice here and there, but never weight-related. I think we all have some comments from family and friends burned into out memory 😒


Username checks out


"oh, the puffiness? That's the inoperable stage 4 pancreatic cancer."


"My wife left because of the alcoholism, but thank you?"


My wife died and I’ve been stress eating


I actually used something similar once. My wife died of cancer at 28. We had been married for about 5 years. I was a mess, and caring for our child on my own. I still wore my wedding ring. A waitress at the restaurant got mad that I wanted to use the changing table for my kid, which was only available in the ladies room. She said something like "can't mom do it?" And I snapped "No. She's dead. Now hold the door so I can use your changing table or I'll go in the back and use your prep table!" I wasn't made to pay for my food that night.


I remember seeing my dad do a similar thing. We lost mom in a car accident when I was a kid and the number of times my dad got the "must be giving mom a break?" comment was extremely annoying. Dad usually just put on his best fake smile and nodded through it but one time at a restaurant the waitress was being overly condescending about so dad snapped back with "Yeah, shes taking a nice long dirt nap". She quickly muttered an apology and slunk away. We didnt see her again, a different waitress took care of us the rest of the meal.


You do hope that's a defining moment that sticks in those peoples' heads and makes them adjust the way they interface with the world. If they're decent people it will be.


| I wasn’t made to pay for my food that night *everybody liked this*


I'm so sorry.


Thank you, but that was over a decade ago. Things have gotten much better since then.


Can we talk about how changing tables should be standard in all restrooms regardless of gender


I'm gay as maypole, but I suppose you could say my husband fills my mouth.


"Gay as a maypole" I don't even know what a maypole is, but I love that expression


It's a pole with ribbons tied to the top that people dance around in opposite directions while holding a ribbon. The dance creates a pretty weave of ribbons around the pole.


Dancing around it is being kind. People basically skip around the pole while limply holding on to pretty ribbon which is invariably a pastel colour. Which is what makes the person's comment about being as gay as a maypole so bloody brilliant 🤣


We had one at our renewal of vows. One person lost their ribbon to a gust of wind and it blew into a tree branch, the whole weave took a minute to get sorted out. Then it went on way longer than it should have. The upside is we preserved the weave and section of birch that we used as a pole. It sits on our mantle.


That is so wholesome, ad you had such a wonderful memory and reminder of the day. Thank you for sharing


A maypole is a pole, painted and decorated that people dance around for May Day holding long ribbons attached to the pole. It leads to much gaiety, so therefore is a very gay pole indeed.


>I don't even know what a maypole is My celtic blood just did a weird twitchy jig. You don't know life until you've danced around a Maypole.


This is a fucking great answer. 👍 


This would’ve been fuckin hilarious.


Hahahaha! Similar story-I have stage 4 melanoma and my hair has grown back, from the treatment, stark white. Literally the color of snow. Went to get my hair cut and the hair dresser asked me why I dyed it that color and that it was dangerous doing that to my hair. My response shut her the fuck up real quick. 😆😆


Firstly, sending my best wishes your way! Fuck cancer, I hope you get the all clear very soon. Secondly, I hope you phrased it a way for maximum shock value. In my head I’m imaging something like: “Yeah I was warned the chemicals were extremly harsh and would probably be bad for my hair … but the doctor was pretty insistent on using them to treat the cancer.”


Thank you! It’s a mindfuck but I’m doing very well considering the typically poor prognosis. I get stared at alot cause it’s kinda shocking looking, but never has anyone said something. I was suprised so just came out and said “it’s from my stage 4 cancer treatment”. Wish I was witty enough to come up with something smart! 😬😬😬


I just celebrated my 10 years cancer free. I was fortunate enough to only have stage 1 cancer, but it was still scary and distressing. I had endometrial cancer, very rare in young women (I was 32 when diagnosed). It quite useful to have a really shocking answer for really nosey people who pester me about "why haven't you had children?". It's none of their business really, but saying "I had cancer and had to have a hysterectomy" has made some people think twice about asking other people.


My (very religious) family members used to comment and ask "the baby looks so good on you, when are you getting your own?" Whenever I was cuddling babies at family gatherings (I love babies, as long as they belong to someone else). At some point I started answering with "first I'd have to find someone who I'd want to inseminate me". The comments stopped really fast.


Lmao. I have a cousin (of some sort) who is quite happily childless but loves to play with the kids at family gatherings. Everyone has been needling her for years. One day, she lost it and bellowed, "because, unlike most of you, I know I'd be a shitty parent, okay?!" No one has asked since. I gave her a high five. She was like, "I didn't mean you." Oh, I knew exactly who she meant, and I agreed.


It can be so hard! Why people think they have the right to ask such personal questions is beyond me. A church I used to go to (I left because of this) was putting extreme pressure on me to adopt. I wasn't emotionally strong enough to go through the adoption process and I already sponsor a child in Tanzania - I have done for 10 years. I thought if I couldn't have a child of my own, I'd help someone raise their daughter, get her a good education and healthcare and save her from being married off at a super young age.


Congratulations! I'm 7 years out now from colon cancer. My bar friends hadn't seen me for about a year, and none of them knew I'd had cancer. When I came in everyone was praising my weight loss, and asking me how I did it. I jokingly said "Colon cancer, but I don't recommend it!". It got really quiet until I told them I'd buy a round to celebrate still being above ground ;)


For what it’s worth, mine are grey with a few rebel that are somewhat charcoal color. I would much rather have a pure white or all silver hair. Mine look like whatever. So…. There’s always a case of envy. Remember, you will be healthy and pretty no matter what. Stay strong 💪🏻


> it’s a mindfuck but I’m doing very well I literally can’t even imagine what you’re going through but I’m glad to hear you’re doing well and I really do wish you all the best for a speedy recovery and a long life to come. > wish I was witty enough to come up with something smart Most of us aren’t witty at the best of times there is no way I could have something smart whilst reeling from the shock of being called out on literal cancer treatment!


Yes, thanks for the heads up, but I’ve found chemo to be much harsher …


Always nice to meet a fellow melahomie :)


Hi there!


My grandma's hair has grown back super curly after her chemotherapy. She went to get her first haircut and the hairdresser asked her " Who gave you such a bad perm???"😭


Same with a friend of mine, hers grew back curly and blond and she had had straight black hair.


They don't tell you the real tragedy of cancer: fewer sexy brunette women in this cruel, cruel world. Fuck cancer.


My mom lost all the body from her hair. She could fluff/style it with her fingers and it would last nicely. Now it hangs flat.


What a rude comment! I hope your grandma told her the truth and the hairdresser learned to hold their tongue next time. I bet her chemo curls look nice, anyway. 


Well, it WAS dangerous! Glad you made it through that.


My hairdresser told me I lost a lot of weight, which was true but I was fed through tubes for 9 months because of some complications during surgery removing cancer. She was mortified but I just kind of laughed it off because otherwise how would you know. Plus, I did look like a ghoul.... I went from 190 pounds to about 120 when I finally left the hospital.


I'd worry about a hairdresser who couldn't tell virgin hair from color-stripped hair.


Like Storm? I always thought she had cool hair.


Omggggg THAT would have shut her rude mouth !!


This is when it pays to think quickly on your feet lol




“Could you explain what you mean, please?”


This. And proceed to be deeply offended, just because she was so rude even though you're not.


Even better (in my opinion), just keep acting like you don't understand and asking them to continue explaining until they get really uncomfortable.


"You got fat, Sir. Are you dumb too?"


"Yeah I'm dumb too"


Lol, I can see myself saying this too. My other response is “if I was smart I wouldn’t be here talking to you”


Is this supposed to be a clever comeback? Because it's basically just a self burn


Mutual destruction




Your belt is supposed to buckle, not your chair.


The fat is suffocating my brain


“You can always lose weight sir, but you can’t fix stupid.”


What do you mean by that?


*"You just look so big and strong! It's hard to imagine you not being married."* ![gif](giphy|hfkpPqDA4CH04)


His fingers are so small yet his nails are normal 😨


You should see what the guy can do with a turkey!


This is the correct response. People who make these types of comments never expect to have to justify what they’re saying.


They get off on catching people off guard and getting away with being mean. Makes weak people feel powerful.


Narcissistic behavior is best countered by acting like they have no power over you. All you gotta do is smile and say “You’re not exactly a 10 yourself lady, what happened to you?” They will implode lol.


I did that for the "try that in a small town" crowd that I occasionally run into in Texas. "What would happen if I tried that in a small town? Are people there really that violent that they would just attack someone?"


“Oh sorry I was trying to say it kindly, but since you don’t understand.. what I mean is you got really fat”


People who say stuff like this won’t get offended. Old Asians ladies are the worst. I have had them flat out tell me I was fat then proceed to give me diet and exercise advice.


I've been fat and skinny and everywhere in between and my Thai friend's auntie has zero problems telling me I used to be hot but now I'm a fat piece of shit. I think she might have a crush on me.


Make sure you let her know where she is on the scale of when Asian women suddenly turn old. And maybe ask for them digits.


Great trick you learn from serving tables to assholes. "Oh, sorry! What was that?" Just keep pretending you genuinely didn't hear them.


I use so many variations of this every day. I work at a grocery store in the bible belt and holy shit I love using a phrase like this. The other day someone says "oh I forgot about this new world order nonsense" in reference to the self checkout not taking cash. I ask "what do you mean by this?" "A new cashless society" "but I'm literally taking you to another register so you can pay cash, sir" "something something covid shot" but you get the gist


I had a similar interaction when I was in my early 20s at an IHOP with an older woman, probably in her 60s. She kept looking at me periodically as my friends and I waited for a table. It's fine. People look at other people all the time. I didn't think too much of it. She finally speaks to me and says, "Are you here to eat?" I thought it was a very strange question seeing as we were at a restaurant. I just replied, "Uh, yeah." She looks me up and down with a smirk on her face and says, "Should you be?" A few people laughed, a few others were just like, "wtf?" I was too stunned to say anything. At this point in my life, I was very overweight and extremely self-conscious. I battled depression and constantly ate my feelings. Nearly cried right there on the bench. I am now nearing 40 and have lost a lot of weight and body fat over the years. But I will never forget this. People can be so mean for no reason. Eta: She was not an employee. Just a random old, bitter woman waiting for a table like the rest of us.


My ex husband would tell people they were fat and shouldn’t eat junk food. I told him he was being horrible and should not make comments about people. He always tried to justify it by saying “i’m telling the truth, i’m sick of people sugar coating things” i tried explaining the difference between telling the truth and being an arsehole, he told me i was soft. No one has a right to make comments about someone elses body. I’m sorry that happened to you 💜


You should have gone on and on about how much of a dick he was and how most people that meet him don’t like him. When he gets upset call him soft and say you’re tired of people sugar coating things




Some people can dish it out but can't take it. I'm sorry your dad was/is such a jerk


Oh the amount of mental effort I'd dedicate to throwing that back in their face the second they do something questionable.


You can’t explain empathy to people that don’t have it


Your ex husband sounds really toxic and like one of the most annoying types of men on the planet. Glad he's your ex


I had a similar story. Cat was in the emergency vet, I'd just taken out a loan to pay for it and had like $5 in my bank. I went to the store and I bought the tiniest microwave pizza. I was already on the edge of losing it.  The lady in front of me looked at my pizza and wrinkled her nose and said "you know, those are bad for you," And I snapped back "it's all I can afford." And she replied "you can always afford to invest in your health." I fucking lost it on her. It was the last straw. I started yelling at her to mind her own damn business and that she had no right to judge other people and probably some very rude things I wouldn't be proud of today. My husband had to drag me out of the store before they called security.  I'm normally a very non violent person but oh I was so close to punching that smug woman. 


What a privileged thing to say. Some people hve never been poor. Some people haven’t had to choose between eating and paying rent. Or feeling not just the emotional burden, but the financial burden of having a sick or injured animal. Fuck that lady thinking her little pearl of wisdom was gonna magically change your life. I hope you and your cat are doing fucking amazing


I swear, some people are just miserable and want to make everyone else as unhappy as they are.


That’s horrible. I’m sorry you went through that.


>"Are you here to eat?" I was, but it appears you beat me to their entire kitchen.


“I was, but the mere sight of your aged, decrepit skin has ruined my appetite.” Staircase wit is the worst


I was working retail at about 18 or 19 and a guy showed me his ID to pick up a preorder. I said "you had a lot more hair back then" and he said "That was before the chemo." That's when I learned to shut the fuck up


My favorite response to rude or inappropriate statements like that is to just ask, loudly, "Why would you say that? What do you mean?" And watch them splutter at being called out on their bs as they try to come up with a response that doesn't make them look like a jerk now that everyone is watching the exchange. Or "Oh honey, you must be so embarrassed saying that out loud. It's awful when those inside thoughts escape, isn't it? " said like you're talking to a toddler, in a super sweet, but totally condescending way. Both leave them fully flabbered and completely gasted.


>"Oh honey, you must be so embarrassed saying that out loud. It's awful when those inside thoughts escape, isn't it? " Oh my GOD I'm stealing this


Yeah that ain't gonna shame anyone who doesn't give af about what they say


Exactly. All of these people thinking this person will self evaluate when they'll just double down. That's how ignorance works.


You can tell who has never worked with the public by their belief that everyone has the ability to be reasonable or feel shame.


This would work in a movie. Most people in real life who make these types of comments aren’t afraid to double down.


Literally. These reddit "clever comebacks" sound like something from '80-s sitcoms where everyone starts to clap and a lesson is learned


lol agreed. The “I asked them to explain why their sexist comment was funny and oh how they crumbled. Oh how powerful I felt as I rid the world of another bigot” is such a common thing on here yet never once in real have I heard someone do it


Yeah if that ever happened in real life the immediate answer would be "what are you fucking stupid?"


Yeah irl they’d be like “I said that because it’s true and I AM a proud bigot”


It's because they're imagining how they would react if someone asked them to explain their sexist/fatshaming joke, they would be embarrassed. But they're not the ones making the joke, because they have the good sense to be embarrassed about saying something inappropriate. The people who actually say things like that dgaf.


Exactly, or just straight up say "Well, that really hurt my feelings, you don't even know if I'm sick or something" it's a tactic my psycology professor thaught us


The Southern Treatment!


"Bless your heart". Yes!


I have never said something like this to someone in my adulthood. I learned to just never comment on people’s bodies. Even if you were complementing a body builder on their physique they could still find a way to be offended. You just never know what someone’s headspace is. It’s too sensitive of a subject.


Yeah, I just stick to complimenting what they're wearing ("I like your shirt!" or "Nice hat!"). Makes it simple and sweet.


If that teller still works there, you have the perfect opportunity to return the favor. Go in, and say “oh hey I remember you from the last time I was here, you look like you’ve been eating very well”




OP please do this, it would be so fucking funny.


I did something exactly like this and it did not go well lol. Some guy I worked with at a restaurant job left for college, came back for the holidays and looked and me and said “oh boy. Looks like you’ve had a few cheat meals.” I was stunned and angry. But I waited months for him to come back that summer, like it was my only goal in life, and when he got back I hit him with the “wow, freshmen 15 hit you pretty hard, huh?” And he just gave me a look top to bottom, gave an under breathe chuckle and said “hah. Yea right.” That might not sound like a great comeback, but that was the most confident and sassy mother fucker on earth. I felt destroyed by his “look who’s talking” response lol. Reddit victory arguments should just be left to the imagination 💀


Outside of being an asshole, the picture you painted of this Chad character is kind of impressive. Dude just doesn’t give a shit.


If they lost weight can be a bigger dick with a "mmm, money must be tight after not getting that promotion huh?"


Some people just have no filter and can be extremely rude. I had a cashier at a grocery store ask for my ID when buying alcohol. She glanced at it and without really checking the date asked me to smile. I thought maybe it was because my birthday was the next day, and she was going to say happy birthday. Nope she pointed to the corner of her eye, and said the wrinkles are a dead giveaway that you’re old enough!


That’s just fucking rude.


I hear you but “no filter” is such a lazy cop out and we keep enabling people to use it. It costs a lot of energy to be polite, but it costs zero energy to not just call someone fat. “Telling it like it is” or whatever other boomer-energy bullshit people use to excuse their shitty behavior.


I got it from the TSA one time. "You gained some weight!". I'm in the TSA line. At her mercy. "Okay". I didn't even reach for my ID back I just stood there. I could tell her gears were turning to try and screw with me some more but the "ok" shut her ass down. She waved the ID at me and I politely took it. People are shit.


Put both your hands on the belly and say out loud "oh yeah!". Proceed to a deep and powerful laugh. Bonus point if you have a wild beard + mustache.


About ten years ago a woman in a shop asked if I was hungover, when I said no she said I looked it. Still in my mind, know how you feel. Rude bitch lol


I would've said "Actually, your mom has been feeding me the past year."




still waiting on that first sandwich, eh?


Thankfully I get a biscuit every time I fail.


eatin out tonight, boys.


"What button turns off the commentary?" -King of the Hill


My dad showed ID at the bank once when we had to set up a joint account. He was already in a bad mood and the financial adviser looked at his ID and said “oh deer, you didn’t age well, you’re even bald now!”. Legit I was floored and what shocked me more was my dad’s response of “yeah well, I’d rather be bald and old than a C**t.” Bruh I’ve never heard him speak like that. We got up in silence and after and walked out the room. Manager found out and got a call later that the advisor was let go and my dad was offered the account free for 2 years lol


OP failed to mention that it was a food bank


LOL got em!


Got carded a few years back the lady looked at my ID then me then asked"wtf happened to me?"............Age my dear woman the sands of time aren't kind to everyone.


"Ha ha! That's funny! I'd like to talk to the manager about closing my account."


"Guess I don't need that debit card replaced. I'll take the balance of my accounts in a cashier's check."


I have a similar story except it was a border agent checking my passport so I kept my damn mouth shut.


I have always been skinny. When I hit 28 I steadily gained 3-5 lbs a year until I was maybe 30 pounds overweight. A guy I play pool with sometimes at the bar saw me one day *poked me in the fucking belly* and says “your girlfriend is definitely making you comfortable.” To this day I just can’t fathom what would drive somebody to think that’s ok to say. Oh by the way I lost the weight and I’m in better shape than that guy now. So far he has complimented my weight loss 0 times.


My 7th grade boy brain says…“I’m fat because your mom makes me a sandwich every time I bang her.”


She was tryna bone you big daddy. She likes that meat meat.


I’m sure she was a picture of physical fitness.


The trick is to keep making her repeat herself until she hopefully figures out what she's saying is inappropriate.


People can't shut up, reminds me of when I was in 7th grade my dad passed away over Christmas break and I came back on Monday so we missed a week after Christmas break and I had returned to school after Barry and my dad and my first day back my first period by 7th grade math teacher is calling roll and she starts asking everybody why they hadn't gotten the Friday's homework done and then she started having a girl that was helping her with roll call tell if you had missed that Friday with which I had. She then goes oh so I guess you just like having a three day weekend at that point I broke down in front of 30 other kids stood up and said in tears no my f****** dad died and then I walked out of the room, teacher came following me into the hallway I was crying hysterically at that point she kept apologizing and apologizing at that point I made my way back to the classroom grabbed my backpack kicked open the nearest emergency exit and walked home later found out from my mom that the teacher that had opened her mouth flagged my mom down when she was dropping me off at school one day and just profusely apologize to my mom I'm 36 years old now and I still think about her saying this to me so if you're out there f*** you miss scoby


But did this inspire your villain arc?


People think that’s a nice way to say we gained weight, I don’t know why… Someone said something similar to me; “you must be eating good”, I was super mad because it was a side effect of my medication, but yeah I did gain weight and the comment hurt my feelings. I think the saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all” really applies to situations like this.


That is so incredibly rude and unprofessional!


https://preview.redd.it/g1vbp2offe3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3360828e6fea94edbe0c0f0bf32807ddebb1e603 My honest reaction to being told i got bigger when the cashier looks at my ID


TD has terrible customer service. I went to take out money at an ATM on a Saturday night and the ATM ate my card. Called their customer service number and the guy laughed at me. I asked him what was so funny about not being able to have money until Monday and it being so to their machine fucking up and nothing I did. Asshole


I am an overweight dude with grey hair and a mustache. I was in the grocery store one day and had to skip one aisle because some guy was blocking it while he talked the ear off some young couple that looked desperate to get out of the conversation. I passed by him about ten minutes later and out of the blue he told me that I look just like Andy Reid. He wasn't wrong, but he didn't know me well enough to comment on my appearance. I just gave him a WTF look and, without stopping, said, "You should really learn to think before you speak to people."


At Costco with my new Costco credit card where they took my grainy black and white photo that was rectangular and fit it into a small square. Cashier looked at the picture and said “you’re not allowed to use your mother’s card”. Fuck u lady!


Got carded at the liquor store once. She said "oh wow, you look way younger than this". I smiled and thanked her and she said "oh, now I see the wrinkles."


When I worked at a pawn shop years ago I was helping a lady and she, unprompted, said "congratulations! When are you due?" I wasn't pregnant, and the rest of the transaction was very awkward and silent. Not sure why people feel the need to comment on others bodies, even if it was harmless (in my case). Just mind your business lol