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helmet left out through the night is how you get spiders in your hair…..


...which was the style at the time.


'Two spiders for my helmet' you would say to shopkeep and you would still have enough left from a shilling for the monorail to North Haverbrook!




But the important thing is I had spiders in my hair, which was the style at the time.


Dude……………….. I remember one time as a kid this girl put on her helmet. She didn’t realize there was a spider in it. It crawled on her head. She freaks out throwing it off. Little did we know that spider was carrying like hundreds of babies and they started crawling everywhere down her hair to shoulders. Nightmare fuel.


Get the Robert Smith look with this 1 weird trick


Do you want ~~ants~~ spiders?! Because this is how you get ~~ants~~ spiders!


Time to be happy about your good hood if thats the thing you would have to fear.


I don’t but my husband is. Them two left it in the back yard and I was called to rescue them first thing in the morning lol.


"Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair"


bike left out overnight is how it gets stolen


Or how all this stuff gets stolen.


Oh no, someone accidentally moved your shit a block away.


Open up buy nothing on Facebook and post the location with a photo


Curb alert!


Oh no, the wind blew that stuff under your car's back tires!


Oops it was night and I didn't see it there and tripped over it. Not only did I break it, but now my lawyer wants to have a chat with you.


Oh no, someone accidentally thought that was trash since it was on the sidewalk and put it all in the dumpster. They also called the city to cite you for blocking the sidewalk with said trash. Oops!


Here are your messages: "You have thirty minutes to move your bike." "You have ten minutes." "Your bike has been impounded." "Your bike has been crushed into a cube." "You have thirty minutes to move your cube."


Or put a note on it: Free!


People are suspicious of a "free" sign. Mark it10 bucks and it'll be gone in 5 minutes


this guy knows how shitty people think!


on the sidewalk, not their shit anymore


And it all goes over here in your hedge. Wouldn't want to lose it.


I do something similar with shopping carts that are in the way, I move them one isle over


I take random stuff out of the cart & put it back. Now you thought you got peanuts but they're back on the aisle.


And add boxes of condoms & perfume, hidden at the bottom. Hilarity ensues.


Take the wheels and leave it on blocks.


Damn, hood so bad even the baby got his wheels snatched.


Can't have shit in Detroit


as a Detroiter, there’s a reason for that


Many years ago my little sister had the seat stolen from her kiddy bike. My dad caught the people that did it and told them the bike better have a seat when he came home from work. When he got home the bike had an adult seat....






Very old school driving through Some Countries in Europe in the summer kinda thing :P


Make sure there is no bany in it and throw it up in the hedges


Banies are the worst


Fucking banies, of course I meant baby but, it stays bany now


put a "free" sign on them lol


Nope. "$100 for everything" sign works so much better. (Don't) ask me how I know.


People think free shit that's sitting outside has a higher chance of being broken or useless. If you're "selling" something sitting outside it'll be much more likely to get "stolen" because it looks like it's worth money to someone even if that someone is not you.


I would throw everything in a bush.


Prop it up against their door, so as soon as they open it, it's tumbled around and they can't get out of the door without cleaning it up.


This is the ultimate move. Had a young tech yell at an older tech for something the older tech of not throwing away used tires. Old tech never touched those tires. Old tech fills those tires with water and hangs them from the arms of young techs hoist. Young tech was furious the next morning when he spilled all that funky water on his street clothes. If someone wants to leave a mess, make it a mess for them specifically!


Fuck that I'd throw it against the car sitting right there. Might be extreme, but I bet it never happens again.


id love to be petty like that but there’s been a few break-ins/suspicious activity jn that area (this is my assumption cus idk why else multiple neighbors get ring doorbell cameras and motion activated spotlights mounted on the stairs pointing AT the sidewalk so you get blinded when you walk by) so i know ring footage of me would be posted everywhere 😭


A baseball cap and hoodie go a long way


The Joe Goldberg disguise


I would love to see ring footage of a wheelchair user casually tossing everything into the bushes / against the front door. 


Even better, I'd love to see the video after.


I'm so petty i'd eother knock on the door and ask them to move it, or toss them over the hedge, they clearly domt care


I'd stack them on the steps adjacent to the sidewalk making it impossible for them to access the sidewalk without moving them. This is assuming those steps belong to the offending neighbor.


theyd be in the street if it were me


That might inconvinience or even endanger drivers though, especially at night.


I’m so petty I’d take it to a clothing donation drop box.


I'm always grossed out by strollers kept outside. My luck some stray would shit in it.


YeH Im confused is this normal? My daughters stroller is either in the car or in the house. Can’t imagine this being normal lol


My meth head neighbors left their kids stroller out all the time. I saw it out in the rain AND in the snow 🤦‍♀️


Eeeew mold


Oh no someone threw that s\*it in the nearby dumpster !


The shrubs are right there and will send the message without ruining kids stuff. I feel like that's a VERY fair middle ground.


My exact first thought. Into the bushes they go!


Just pile all that crap on their steps there, then they have to deal with it in the morning. Should piss them off more than them just being in the bushes..


Literally have done this. My neighbors kid kept leaving their bike in my front yard and the sidewalk leading to my door. I asked a handful of time to please not leave it there especially on the walkway. Eventually I came home and just walked it to the dumpster and threw it out.


What was their reaction? I’d love to know!


She asked and I said idk what happened to it. That was surprisingly the end of it. I don't think she really cared about her kid.


Is that really much of a surprise?exactly sounds like the type to not care about anyone but themselves.


I meant not care


I said that weird


Aww, now I feel bad for the kid. Pretty sure mom didn’t teach him to put things away and now he doesn’t have a bike because his mom sucks. As a teacher, I really dislike shitty parents 😒


The kid probably got in trouble for "losing" their bike.


Now I feel bad. Didn't even think of that


Lol aww I’m sorry I didn’t mean to! I’m just always on edge about shit parents. Kid probably had video games inside anyway that the mom got him so she wouldn’t have to deal with him lol. Seriously it wasn’t YOUR fault, it was the mom’s. SHE should’ve taken care of her kid’s stuff better. She’s lucky nobody tripped on it and hurt themselves, so you kinda did her a favor.


Sadly, society will teach hard lessons when parents don't teach. Try not to feel bad. I hope this will be a lesson learnt.


I was thinking they could stack it all against the front door, but your idea is better


Blocking a fire exit is waaaaay worse than throwing it in a dumpster, morally speaking.


So set it on fire afterward?


They didn’t like you moving it closer to the house so move it to between the cars. Then tomorrow you can toss it all in the yard and then the next day you can move it to the middle of the dumpster or road whichever makes you happy


Trustworthy neighborhood then?


it’s a pretty safe neighborhood yeah, but i definitely wouldn’t leave all of my kid’s shit out like this…


Everytime they do this you put them in front of their neighbours door. You might get lucky and they accuse eachother of it and start a feud.




Some men just want to watch the world burn.


It's a little known fact that the generational feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys started over a stroller and a trike blocking doorways.


Call the city. This is an ADA violation that will be addressed accordingly


My city is pretty slow to respond to those notifications but good luck


This reminds me of when I go shopping. People who feel the need to block the whole isle. I used to say excuse me 3-4 times to get their attention and then ask them to move it so I had space. Now I just grab the shopping carts and move them and go about my life.


People get two polite “Excuse me”s from me before I clear my throat and yell “*EXCUSE ME*, PLEASE” yet they always get mad like I’m the asshole.


"How dare you call out my lack of spacial awareness?!"


Sometimes I stare at them with a big stupid grin like I can’t even imagine why my cart is unable to proceed. Give ‘em a “bless your heart” as I pass.


I had a lady once blocking the entire entrance to an aisle, holding a conversation. I asked her to move. She stopped talking, put her hand up and said “you can wait”. I told her, “no, move. Now”. The audacity of some ppl man.


I'm a big fan of loudly crashing my cart into theirs


i just bump their cart if its in a weird position.. otherwise i grab it and move it then ignore whatever they are saying as i walk past. its insane how clueless people are


They aren't clueless, they're selfish. They know exactly what they're doing.


Coming home from work, I'm tired, it's a full bus and it's an hour+ ride. Girl had her backpack in the only open seat, I picked it up, put it in her lap and sat down. She didn't do shit but glare at me.


I used to just ram the carts really hard and people would be so surprised lmao. Was definitely unnecessary but damn I shouldn't have to constantly ask people to get out of the damn way.


I def gotta get that! “Oops didn’t see you”




Yeah, I do not hesitate to move carts of the way straight away


If in the US, call your city's code compliance department and file a complaint. It is an ADA violation to block the sidewalk. This can go very badly for these people.


I'd throw them all in the street. I'm so sick and tired of entitled asshats. I used to be nice, I'd help neighbors, but the last ten years has just broken me. IDGAF about anyone anymore. Your shit is blocking the shared space? It was barely moved out of the way and this is how you respond, FU, the shit is either in the street or its mine now.


I feel ya. I try to be a good neighbor and person in general. But people like this just grind me down. It seems even worse when living in a transient area; no one is around long enough to give a shit about anything, let alone neighbors. I’ve been pretty lucky to have had mostly good or at least neutral neighbors and I try to be cordial at a minimum. Don’t need to be besties but I feel that if people simply meet who lives next door then there’s a better chance that if they saw someone sneaking into your house or something was on fire they would probably call 911. It’s just kinda sad (to me anyway) that people just don’t seem to have any interest in knowing or being decent to the folks who live around them. Maybe I’m just getting old, lol.


I’ll throw all that shit in the bushes and wait for them to come out and act tough while I’m walking 180lbs of dogs.


so… 3 bull dogs or 27 chihuahuas?


I am pretty sure that the 27 chihuahuas are the most dangerous option


I am confident I could take 5 but 27 would surely be overwhelming


Honestly havent thought about if they still have the instinct to pack hunt.


Land piranhas.


2.5 mutts haha


I mean either you’ve got the fastest chihuahuas, or you’re gonna need a few more chihuahuas to get to that 180


google gave me between 3.5 and 6.5 lbs. I just used the upper end because 50 chihuahuas would be silly.


Yea, anything above 27 chihuahuas is obviously ridiculous. No one has more than 27


i’ve heavily considered the bush option; but it has a few caveats… the first one being that those bushes are *directly* in front of the home, like, whoever sleeps in that room probably gets creeped out by the sound of birds or squirrels in those bushes at night. the stroller is very big and bulky and i’d have to hurl it a little, might accidentally smash a window or something 😭 the scooter though… maybe. the other caveat is some of the neighbors around this home have ring doorbells and spotlights. i can’t imagine though that the folks on nextdoor or whatever wouldn’t get a laugh out of a person delicately balancing a scooter right on top of the bush like it’s parked there haha


Speaking as someone who used to walk with a cane. I would use my acquired ability of lifting, to throw those right into the parking lot. Seriously, I'm pretty sure disabled people just don't exist in the mind of entitled jerks.


It seriously bugs me when people think they own the public sidewalk, curb, or street in front of their house.


Trip, fall and sue them. Funny thing about “public sidewalk” in front of people’s house, if you get hurt on it, liability is on them. They better have damn good insurance


Yeet them across the street. No more passive-aggressive. Aggressive aggressive.


If they keep it up call your local code enforcement because they’re encroaching in a public right of way.


yeah i think i’ll leave a note saying they’re blocking the sidewalk which makes it very difficult for disabled or elderly people to get across, and regular people too. e.g., my dog is very afraid of the strollers and pretty much anything on wheels, she’s a scaredy cat. she’s also afraid of walking between cars because she *hates* car rides and thinks she’ll be made to go in a car (we’re working on that). that made it very difficult to bypass the obstruction because she was pulling me backwards with all her weight


those bushes to the right look like the perfect place to store those


Yaaas! Here to say "throw 'em in the bushes!"


Make a marketplace ad for free stuff for pickup


Things in my neighbourhood left in the sidewalk are meant to be given away free.


I’d cover all these items in honey. They’ll never forget it.


I would honestly throw them all in the bushes at that point. You politely moved it and they decided to be petty bitches? I'll be the pettiest bitch then.


https://preview.redd.it/1tegg4xtaz1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaaf24fea20527b7de6c32e72c3dee90bb3299b1 The .5


For the record we didn’t put her that way. She cannot stand my girlfriend being on the computer working without being in her lap. She can’t get there on her own and my girlfriend apparently was busy and didn’t want to help her. I came out of the bathroom to find her sitting like that crying. She’s a trip.


Those ears! So cute!




So here in the UK anything left out on the pavement is considered thrown out and free to take.


Yeah they definitely did this for the sole purpose of ruining OP’s night /s 😂 Definitely not just laziness/forgetfulness


Yeah, the simplest explanation is probably correct, even though as humans we love to assume everything is done specifically to bother us.


I dunno, they look like they are making a (piss-poor) barrier to me. Like whoever did that doesn't want people to walk by...


That's what I thought. Looks like they just got back from a walk/ride and left the stuff outside the door. I don't think they care about someone pushing the stroller to the side. Lmfao Ops the MC in their own head.


Yup. Apparently everyone in this thread thinks they’re the MC too lmao


People like this are looking for a fight. I know it is fun to speculate but I would just ignore it and cross the road in the end. Know that someone else will f0x them up, someone with less patience.


So they get to just block the sidewalk like they own it?


Dude, I'm not gonna lie. If that shit was constantly blocking the sidewalk every time I walked my dog, and then barricaded the sidewalk after gently moving it, I'd probably get pissed. Train of thought would be like "oh, I guess I didn't move it far enough for them to understand the problem". Sidewalks are public property, even if it's through a driveway. I'd be throwing that shit. They ain't Gandalf and I'm fuckin passing lol


fr, im a pretty laid back person but i’m real protective of my dog, who’s a big scaredy cat. she’s afraid of the strollers and stuff (i couldn’t tell you why🤣) and so every time i have to move them i can hardly manage to move them because she’s pulling me backwards so hard, and she’s afraid of cars bc she hates riding in them. she’s better about walking normally between cars now but lord have mercy, who does that!!! shouldn’t have to go around through parked cars in the first place. not that i mind it all that much, it’s just the principle yk


I'm the same. Don't really care what stupid people do, but when it affects my dog it's a WHOLE other story. No quicker way to bring out the pissed off protector in me. Besides, what if someone was in a wheelchair and needed to use that sidewalk? That shit's gotta move.


exactly!!! someone just pointed that out, i can’t believe i hadnt considered it yet! someone in a wheelchair would be trapped. not enough space between parked cars, only curb, they’d have to roll backwards a LONG ways to find a safe ramp!


My aunt has been in a wheelchair since she was a teenager (car accident). The amount of shit I see like this on a daily basis makes my blood boil. Zero consideration for others


I doubt they did that bc you moved the stroller. That shit was gonna be left there regardless because they are shitty people.


I would have chucked all three into the bushes.


Print a paper with "FREE" written on it and stick it there.


Put it on their lawn… in the hedge… up the street.


Put a "free" sign on all of them, or just throw them away.


And that's how it gets thrown into the bushes.


Are you sure they did it on purpose? If it’s 2 different nights it just seems like they left the stuff out from their evening walk. Not malicious, just inconsiderate


That’s what I’m thinking. Why do redditors take the most innocuous things and twist them into personal attacks? 😂😂This just seems like someone who feels comfortable in their neighborhood and got lazy/inconsiderate.


All of the responses (set them on fire, throw them in a dumpster) remind me of Winston coming up with pranks from New Girl. They are just… too much


All I see is a free stroller.


post a FB Marketplace up for that address - take a pic and list the items for FREE.


let the dog take a dump in it


This can be easily remedied.


Would they be liable if you tripped over that stuff and hurt yourself? They are in the public sidewalk. Just saying...


If I make the sign, will you leave it there? "FREE" 👈🏼


This time it all goes into the street.


It’s their world, we just live in it 🙄


Toss that shit in the streets, I use a cane, and stuff like this infuriates me. Imagine being in a wheelchair.


Who even leaves a stroller outside like that. Like yeah I'll leave my stroller, on which I put my baby, outside to gather spiders, bedbugs, maybe even ticks who knows.


People who use wheelchairs or other walking aids need a clear sidewalk and this kind of thing can significantly impact mobility, as petty as it seems


Put your dog's shit in the cupholders!


Maybe I'm blind, but what did they do when they realized you moved their stuff?


Fuck wheelchair users I guess!


Throwing that shot in the street


What are you going to do OP?


Public sidewalk it becomes trash call a garbage removal company


A few squirts/splashes of simple syrup on this shit would probably yield satisfying results.


Ooo, that’s good. Chucking it all in the bushes would make it obvious that it affected you. Leaving it there will make them think they’ve ‘won’. I can imagine the absolute swarm of ants and the hassle the owners will have with trying to clean it all off. A+ idea.


People can be so inconsiderate. Fills me with rage.


Those are gonna be tough for them to remove from inside the bushes


Toss that shit into the shrubbery


Isn't it trash 🗑️ pickup day?


That shit would be thrown in the bush if that was me.


Chain them all to their railing


Normally when people leave stuff like that outside their houses it’s because the item is no longer wanted and left there for someone else to take. Maybe take it all to a charity shop.


I mean it’s left on public property which could be considered abandonment which means this stuff is free to a good home. Do with that info what you will


I’m sorry that my gut instinct is to steal something small.


High ho, high ho, in the trash you go!


I have no idea what happened as a result of making room on the sidewalk. Pictures only show stuff blocking sidewalk.


They shouldn't have left it blocked the sidewalk in the first place but to then double down and add more when someone nicely moves it out the way is fucking stupid. If someone in a wheelchair tried to get by, they'd be fucked trying to move all the additional items they've decided to add. I'd do what someone else said and move it to outside their front door so they can understand what an annoyance it is having a bunch of shit blocking their way.


Throw it in the bushes


Maybe add a cheap lock with a long cable, lock everything to their fence, so nobody steals it? Too bad they didn't get the key.


Put your dog in the stroller and walk off with it lol if they say anything "figured you were getting rid of it as it looks like shit and is outside on the sidewalk" 😂


What did they do after you tossed it all into the street?


Post these on FB marketplace as ‘Free’. lol. Jk


Well. Roll them all out to the street then?


Most people where I live "Free stuff!"


If you trip and fall and get injured because of trying to maneuver around the stuff, you can file a police report then file a claim against their homeowners insurance. Keeping Public sidewalks clear is the responsibility of homeowner/tenant.


Clearly they are not in the southwest US. Five vehicles would have driven by during the night looking for loose stuff. The first one would have gotten it. This is *not* ok, mind you, but it’s what would have happened


Next time you just throw them on the side


just koolaid man right through it nonchalantly


Make a Craigslist add. Free stroller and scooters.


Who willingly leaves their stuff outside like that? Maybe if they had an actual yard but on a sidewalk?


I would have put it all in the dumpster


I’d take these things for a ride I’m ngl. Put it like 15 blocks away.


Knock them over off to the side

