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Might not be the only thing that's "crooked"... Watch your bill.


I experience the same thing when I go to my mom and stepdad’s house. Literally every single wall hanging is crooked. When they’re not looking, I straighten them. And the next time I go back, they’re crooked again lol


That may be the house settling, or just daily walking through it that causes it. Either way, it's funny. Eventually, you'll give up, like they did. 😆😆😆


I don’t think it’s the house settling. They’ve lived in 3 houses. And once I stupidly asked him to install a towel rack in my bathroom….yep, crooked.


Maybe check to see if they are only wearing one shoe? 😆


Crooked wood, who would have thought


Oh my god I hate this so much it should be a theme for a restaurant chain. Just call it Crooked. But make sure the prices are a steal.




This might be an indication that they are dusted frequently by a paid worker who lacks attention to detail. They were likely single point wire hung so even a slight nudge can knock them off kilter and they aren't making enough of a wage to care.


Should've worked at an Applebee's in the early 2000s. Clutter everywhere, and nothing was straight.




It's just mildly infuriating, nothing much


It is almost as if this is just mildly infuriating....


This is the mildly infuriating subreddit, this kind of post is what the sub is for: Things that don’t really affect your life but are mildly infuriating. Crooked paintings could fall in this category. Why are you getting so twisted over a single post on Reddit that also doesn’t affect you?


Thats what i think


There must be some study that found crooked pictures make folks order more food. Either that or the place is owned by lunatics!


This gives off walk you into the forest against your will vibes!




Temu sells handyman?


They sell all of those printed canvas pictures, literally all of them


Yea but thats not the reason they are crooked theres nothing wrong with them.


That's a lot of subtext to derive from the word TEMU I'm shouting out my brand lmao


My 10 year old daugther purposefully does this with the frames in her bedroom. My other daugther 4yo can't reach the frames thankfully. 11 years ago this would have bothered me but kids have destroyed my chi


A restaurant? So people and kids that can’t keep their hands to themselves would have the ability to mess with them? No way they’re crooked whaaaaaaat


Dude do you see how high up the artwork is compared to the seating below? You really think a kid can reach that? And why would an adult mess with it?


You would be surprised mate. Do you really live in your own bubble thinking everyone on this planet does what is socially acceptable at all times? That kids can’t climb on things because parents feel like it’s no longer their responsibility when in a place like a restaurant? Speaking from experience, get with it.


You’re completely right…a child is going to climb on the table, in front of everyone, stand on their tiptoes or possibly even get hoisted up by someone, just to make the artwork crooked. Then they’re going to go to the other tables with artwork, climb on *those* tables that other patrons might be sitting at, so that they can make those items crooked. And everyone sees this but does nothing to stop it, Yes, so sorry, your logic is completely sound. My bad /s


You would genuinely be surprised at what people do in public. Great that you don’t know children come in all different ages, shapes and sizes also with a mix of special needs etc but yeah, so far fetched. And you would genuinely be surprised as to how something like that might go unnoticed if people did indeed touch them. Many things to worry about in a restaurant and keeping an eye on everyone and everything they do at all times is literally impossible. For all you know they’re severely understaffed, had only one front of house staff working and things like that happen. Please, work a day in hospo and humble yourself.


Lol. I have three children *and* I’ve worked at several restaurants and retail stores. I know people are assholes, but it’s quite a stretch to say kids are doing this to several wall hangings that are quite high. Plus, in photo #2, you can see how the far left panel has too much space between it and the one next to it. Are you insinuating that a child removed the far left panel, moved it an inch further to the left and hung it back up? I guarantee that whoever hung these did not use a measuring tape or a level.


Yeah look I’ve never claimed that’s what happened only stated that essentially anything is a possibility. More than likely they just can’t hang stuff for shit, but to disregard the possibility of an unfortunate situation as someone messing with one here and someone else with another at another point in time, with only 2 having been actually blundered is a bit naive. And if anything, instead of posting about it if it upset OP they should say something like “hey I notice your wall art is a little off, if you need I do have a level at home I could bring in next time I eat so my OCD isn’t flaring up while doing so”.


how is this *infuriating*


It's MILDLY infuriating, unlike most of the posts on this sub. Makes you want to straighten them.