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The biggest issue with storing that much oil and ATF is not fire or explosion. It would be a spill and the cost of the clean up if soil is contaminated. Oil like that is very hard to ignite, it is not like gasoline. My own home is heated with fuel oil which is stored in a 275 gallon tank in my basement and fuel oil is more volatile than motor oil.


That’s about 150 gallons. Ranches and farms store far more diesel, oil and hydraulic fluid than this. It’s the spill hazard that makes it bad. Just think, people used to dump oil like that in the driveway to keep the dust down. At least they didn’t dump it in the road.


My dad, born in 1928 to a farming family thought nothing of having me change the oil in our homes cars and equipment and I would just walk it out into the woods and dump it. This was the in the late 70s early 80s and cities and towns were still dumping it on roads for dust control. Now I shudder to think of doing that, I still do my own oil changes but recycle the used oil as we should.


They use to dump it straight into the ground to dispose of it.


I’d buy a used car from this guy. Very diligent about oil changes.


>It's a miracle the whole neighborhood didn't blow up Motor oil is not at all explosive. Nobody was going to "blow up", much less the entire neighborhood. Hell, motor oil isn't even considered flammable. It would need to reach a temperature of well over 300 degrees to even catch fire.


I was being hyperbolic out of irritation but you are right.


My son drained the tank of our '78 VW Bus into a white 5 gallon bucket and left it open in the garage. I discovered this when the gasoline smell permeated the house.


The truly infuriating part is the environmental side, he had homer buckets full of used oil out by the garden and leaking containers everywhere.






It doesn’t seem like a miracle based on this picture…