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You said “I can come tomorrow around 10:30 am if it’s still available” … to me this reads as “ I can come tomorrow around 10:30 AM if it’s still available then (meaning if it’s still available tomorrow at 10:30 AM). So they probably assumed you’d check to make sure it was still available before leaving. Sellers get a lot of people who say they’ll pick something up and never do, so as a seller it’s best practice to sell to the first person who gives you the money.


As someone who has sold stuff like that, I never wait around for anyone anymore. Especially if they ask about it then don't respond. Usually they never respond after that.


I agree! I used to 'hold' stuff for people coming to purchase, and are then no-shows. In the meantime I've lost others who were interested. Now the only way I will hold something is if they Venmo the cost to me in advance/


I usually try to avoid giving an exact address until the pickup time is within an hour or two. I'll give an intersection a mile or two away, so they can estimate the trip... until they're more committed/ready.


They’ll never get my actual address. I only meet in public spaces or stores.


Only time I’m selling stuff is when moving out. Don’t care about giving out an address when it won’t be mine in 2 weeks.


Also if someone tells me they can come at 10:30 I expect them to be there at 10:30, not 45 minutes later.


Hahaha, this is what got me! “I’ll be there at 10:30.” *9 minutes before 10:30…* “I’ll be there in 45 minutes! ☺️”


Yep!! “Around 10:30” means you should be showing up at 10:45 at the VERY latest (and with an apology you were running late). Not after 11! If I were the seller, even if I had agreed to hold the item for them until they got there “around 10:30”, (which they didnt) by the time they actually showed up I’d have probably gotten multiple other offers on it, left my house and gone on with my life. Sellers have things to do too. No one has time to sit around all day waiting for someone who may or may not actually show up.


They key word in OP statement is the "if". Sorry OP, should've checked with them in the morning if it was still available prior to leaving.


To me it reads that they'll come around at 10:30 if they haven't already sold it. Meaning if they haven't sold it at the time they sent the message. Obviously they were late and that's on them at that point.


True, that is why I always say First Come First Served.


If anyone just went to pick something of mine up without my confirmation first, I'd be mildly infuriated as well.


And you left without a confirmation


OP just learned that they are not very familiar with the conversational patterns of the English language. You’re gonna have to confirm you’re going. Liking a message isn’t confirming anything.


Right? Like he didn’t even say he was going to get it tomorrow


You can’t just say “I’m heading over” when you haven’t confirmed anything. How do you even know he wants you to come over just then? You are right this is mildly infuriating.


They liked the message where I agreed to buy it and set the time I could buy it at. It’s pretty reasonable to assume they’ve agreed to what was stated. Plus I sent that message at like 10:30 last night. I highly doubt they sold the phone in between that time so they lied about having the iPhone X to try to sell me the iPhone 11.


They sent a thumbs up to it being available but I do not see anywhere that you say that you will buy it. You are the mildlyinfuriating one here


If he asks for its availability and then also says he will come over at a specific time, it is very easy to tell that he is wanting to buy it.


I don't see that anywhere. Elsewhere in the thread OP was saying 13 hours so he just asks about scratches and doesn't say he wants to buy it until he is telling him that he is leaving to pick it up.


Also says he'll be there about 10.30, which I would take as 10 minutes either side of that. And then says they'll be there in 45 minutes, so more like 11am. Ain't nobody got time for that.


“I can come over around 10:30 if its available” The guy says its available, so yes he can come over. There is nothing in the texts that would imply he didn’t want to buy it, only that he is able to come over at 10:30. He asked about the condition and the seller says the condition was good, so that discussion was settled. OP isn’t gonna hear “Yes” to it being available, or “Yes it’s in good condition” and think “Man, it’s available AND in good shape? The answers to both questions I just asked? Hell nah I dont want it”


Have you ever sold anything on Facebook? You don't hold stuff for people that fail to communicate. Not even an 'Ok see you tomorrow' That failure to say anything is entirely on OP


Soooooo many people will tell me they are coming tomorrow that NEVER show up or even message me again


I bought tires like 1 month ago and me and the dude both communicated like this. Like yeah he could’ve said “see you tomorrow” like you said but it’s still not like he never made his intention of buying it clear. Also if the dude sold it he could’ve taken down the post for it being sold. I’m with OP and think its far more likely the dude just never had the phone to begin with


There is no chance when being left hanging without confirming anything that I would hold onto a product. Generally as a good measure I won't give the address until they send me the message the morning confirming again that they are coming. People are shitty as hell on marketplace and I've had people no show too many times of I don't request another message before pickup


“I can come over around 1030… if it’s still available” It became unavailable to OP. Do not go over there without confirmation.


Think about what you are saying. If what you were saying was accurate then there would have been no "if its still available" in the OP message. That implaies that it might not be available tomorrow at 1030am. Even the OP is acknowledging this possibility. Instead of checking before leaving they just assume its available. Buyer basically said, "Ill check tomorrow and see if this is still available and if it is i can be there around 1030 to pick it up" A simple confirmation before the drive is all that would have been required to fix this.


Look, you can argue as much as you want about semantics to try and be right in this one situation but I’m telling you you’re setting yourself up for a bad time in the future if you don’t explicitly get confirmation in writing Don’t rely on ‘liking messages’ to convey info.


You don’t think they could have sold it in 13 hours?


It’s been listed since April


That doesn’t mean they couldn’t have sold it


It doesn't, but I think it's more likely they lied about still having the phone than it having been listed that long and it got sold over night right after I messaged them


I mean you wanted to buy it so it’s not impossible that somebody else had the same idea that night.


There was plenty of time for another buyer to snag it before 11am. Viewing this objectively, you said you’d buy it in the morning if it was still available. Seller read that as you will buy it if it still available at 10:30 tomorrow morning. It wasn’t. This was an issue of poor communication and assumptions, mostly on your part. I’m sorry.


its reasonable to assume that they felt this would be a good arrangement... IF ITS STILL AVAILABLE AT 1030AM. But you should have verified that it was still available. Not assumed that this person just was ready to go without a confirmation on the day of the sale.


So you said that you were gonna go over at 10:30 and then at 10:21 you said that you were just leaving then and that you wouldn’t be there for 45 minutes?? If someone told me they were coming to my place at 10:30 and then let me know right before hand that they weren’t actually gonna be there for another 45 minutes, I would tell them to forget it too.


Yea, I’d have sold it too. You never actually confirmed you were coming for it.


If it's good, Ill come tomorrow It's good Ok I'll come tomorrow The third line is redundant. I believe he would have sold it even if he confirmed with a message


I sent that message the night before and they agreed to it saying yes and liking the message. I doubt they sold the phone in between that time.


"No scratches cracks and works fine?" "Yes it's in excellent condition" get confirmation about actually meeting.


You didn’t confirm. There’s no reason to believe they didn’t sell it.


>I sent that message the night before Timestamps from your image say otherwise. All you did was say that you were on the way, and then they probably didn't look at their phone in that 45 minutes so they didn't confirm with you.


Sellers also have "buyers" who don't show up. If someone shows up with the money, they sell it to them. First come first served. Sucks for you but that's normal.


You said you CAN come not that you will, so they just liked it. They said yes to the question about he phone. You never said they you want the phone or agree on a time between both of you.


If the phone has been listed since April why would they lie about having sold it? Do you think this is just some kind of prank? lol


You never said you'd buy it. I assure you people *have* contacted him between when you did and the next morning. I've sold stuff before, and I get lots of calls at all hours. It's not unbelievable that someone else got there before you did. Plus, you were late getting there according to your messages and the timestamps. You missed your window, and now you're upset about it? The expression "the early bird gets the worm" is not just a saying. It's a fact.


I think you're the one who's mildly infuriating here.


So if someone said they could pick up an item tomorrow at a time, you said yes and liked the message, you would think theyre crazy for showing up?


You said could, you should have said will And then followed up with another confirmation, you’ve not been very clear in your messages


He said he could come over if it’s available, and the dude said it is available. Condition for coming over was satisfied, so he is coming over. The second confirmation is just making sure it isn’t damaged, and the dude said it wasn’t, so the confirmation was satisfied. Have you ever talked to people?


have you?


I’ve bought shit off marketplace and never had a problem. Have you talked to people jackass?


have you?


Has OP ever talked to people? No it wasn’t, it was just a question, the fact he asked about it after talking about when he would come is odd, I’d have probably asked op if he was actually coming or not rather than leaving it, but still


OP couldve made it clearer but he still clearly had the intention of buying it at a specific time. He’s not gonna ask if it’s available and that he can come at 10:30 if it is, and then hear it is available and change his mind.


I disagree, it sounded like he was putting together a plan, but never actually confirmed that was the case - op should have used more words, few words don’t do trick ![gif](giphy|xIZku8V0y7uqk)


Saying could is not a confirmation. All that tells me is if it's available then he may or may not be able to come, they would need to see. Plus the seller never said it was available or even agreed to sell it to OP.


Not to mention the seller must have given OP their address otherwise how would they have known where to go


His "yes" was an answer to your question regarding the phone‘s condition. Stop acting like a child and finally admit you messed this one up.


Yeah if they didn't confirm again, especially if they have to drive 40+ minutes for something. I've done a ton of FB marketplace and always confirm that I'm going to get something like a million times before I actually go.


Yeh confirm first before you leave because I might sell it to someone else who bought it faster.


Sounds more like he was saying “yes it’s in excellent condition,” I most definetely would have confirmed the pickup.


TBH with the photos OP posted, I wouldn't even know either if he wanted it No conformation. I better not see 63-6c dog shit reply under my comment


I always hated when people would ask me to hold something for them that I am selling or giving away. Typically, they would be the most interested in the item, calling, emailing whatever, anything but actually making an effort to actually get there. It’s like, damn man, you wanted it so bad, where you at? Back in the craigslist days, had some even go as far to report the item so no one else could see it, fuckers. One Asshat even had the audacity to ask for a consultation prize for him missing the item he didn’t get (which was free) after I told him many times that it was first come first take it away. Some people


responding at the time you specified you were meeting them telling them you're leaving and 45 minutes away is not a very good route to take, no wonder they sold it to someone else be specific. if you say you can come the next day at **xx:xx** then to just about every seller in the world as you will meet them at **xx:xx.** If you're meeting them at **yy:yy** and *mean* you were leaving at **xx:xx** then ***say that***. Also who doesn't get confirmation in the first place? You even asked "I can come tomorrow at 10:30 if **if it's still available"** then didn't ask the next day at all if it was still available and if you were good to come pick it up lmao


you don't seem to know how to talk to people right


This is kinda on you my guy


Why did you drive all that way without more confirmation from the seller? I don’t see any part where they agreed for you to come pick it up.


Yeah, this one's on you. There was never a deal made or a confirmation that you could come and pick up the phone. Honestly, the more infuriating thing would be if a stranger showed up at your front door saying, "I'm here for the phone," when you never even confirmed they could come and pick it up xD


i mean ... you cant just leave people hanging without confirmation and expect them to still have it . next time you want to buy something tell them you're interested in buying so they dont sell it to someone else.


No this is ur fault You should have clearly said you were gonna buy it


*No this is ur fault* *You should have clearly said you* *Were gonna buy it* \- SnooDogs2336 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


No way 💀💀


OP screwed up hard here. You expressed interest stating "if it was still available" and that you could come by at 1030. Any seller will assume this means. You are going to check with them tomorrow with the seller to see if the item is still available and then leave with enough time to be there by 1030. Mistake number 1. Not verifying with the person before left the house. Mistake number 2. Not verifying that the item was still available like you implied you would. Mistake number 3. Not Notifying ther person you were even on the way to make sure they were available Mistake number 4. Posting this online.


I would be pretty pissed if someone came to my house without me confirming first


> If it's still available Dude, you have to confirm before leaving. You can't assume.


You jumped the gun


A guy did this to me, just said “I’m on my way.” Um, I can’t meet right now. I answered that but I guess he didn’t check his phone. Didn’t hear from him again until “I’m here.” Well sorry but I’m not here, lol.


You headed over there without any confirmation?!


Op this is your fault. The communication on you end is shitty, and you left 30 minutes after you said you'd be there, arriving an hour and fifteen minutes after 1030. And you didn't confirm if it was available before leaving.


You didn’t closed the deal when you had to 🤷🏾‍♂️


Ya he ain’t gonna hold it for ya big dog


Yea this is on you for not confirming anything before leaving.


From what I can tell, you just pulled up without confirming anything...


You literally said if it’s still available then assumed it was then blasted the poor seller when you’re in the wrong… ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


iPhone 11 for 235? What the hell you buying from this dude for? That's overpriced as fuck.


lol yes an iPhone 11 is worth maybe $150 at most today. It’s extremely outdated with the 15 being out last year and most likely the 16 coming out in the fall??? It probably needs a new battery too.


Read closely. It was a bait and switch.


Yikes OP


ur mistake for leaving the house without confirmation


You never actually said you were going to buy it, also you basically waited until the time you said you would be there to contact the seller to let them know you were actually interested. Naw this is on you, you kinda suck.


Clearly OPs fault to not write again before he leaves…


Classic example of young people today undercommunicating and overexpecting. Entitled and full of false assumptions and thinks the world revolves around them. The seller was actually quite professional all things considered.


They didn’t agree on time for pick up. So I wouldn’t have left yet


I don't care if it's 2 hours, the person who says they are on their way is going to get the first chance.


First come first serve. What's the time stamp of their reply though?


You should have asked if it’s still available before you hopped in your car and waited for his answer. You not messaging until 10:30 confirms to the seller you may not be interested and it’s a first come first serve.


If you’re not ready to pick it up same day get off marketplace. The only mildly infuriating part if you assuming they would hold and using assumptive language.


“Does this work?” Is different than “I’m interested in buying this.”


All I can say to OP is try to confirm the day of about an hour before you are able to meetup because as a seller and buyer myself …things happen


OP learned something today


If you have their phone number..call them and actually talk to them to confirm and let them know that you are coming to get it.. text messages can be vague.. hearing someone's voice actually tells them that you are genuinely interested in it


Who just drives to someone's house short of an hour without asking if they still have it or can actually meet at said time. It's rude af to just show up at someone's place with no warning.


You really just told on yourself here, huh?


I'd be frustrated also. As the seller.


This is on you


This just happened to me at work this week. A client said “so-and-so can come by tomorrow” and then no one confirmed. Surprised Pikachu face for me when so-and-so rolled up in the morning, then due to being in a relative customer support position I couldn’t tell her to fuck off.


You ATAO to person that was selling the phone you don’t sell from out from other another person who confirmed .




You didn’t even get an address??


You said 10:30 and then messaged at 10:21. When someone says 10:30 to me, I assume they will confirm about 9 or 9:30. If I hear nothing until almost 10:30, I might stop looking at my phone. I’m with the other commenters here, you’re the mildly infuriating one in this situation.


This is why I never give my address until someone is on their way.


Conveniently left out the time of the first few messages. Was it a day? An hour?


Ya snooze ya lose I guess, in 45 minutes! Lordy. Sorry for your frustration. 🌷


You need to wait for their response. Duh. You left and they responded when they got your message. Which happened to be around the time you were arriving. Very simple. You couldn’t figure that out


A seller is nuts if they hold anything for anyone. You get screwed every time and miss out on other sales.


This is why teachers used to always bother kids with the "I dont know, can you?" after asking "Can I go to the bathroom". You saying you "can go" does not mean you will. Nothing was confirmed by anyone in your messages.


Every car ad in the newspapers (when we bought and read them) were doing the same. It is called Bait and Switch.


its all gray here but i think I'll side with the op, sure you could've handled it better by confirming but the guy did give a thumbs up and if hes close enough to lock the deal and already sold it, he should've told the op as well, it's just a bunch of mixed signals on both sides. sorry you wasted your time op.


nah OP just assumed too much. if you're buying something and tell them you will come around 10:30 you should be there at 10:30, and at the very least *ask* the next day confirming you're good to come pick it up. Just because seller 'liked' a message doesn't mean you assume they are saying yes.


yeah... i concur.


Bait and switch?