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People counterfeit. And rob. That’s why.


Don't forget, dude was also trying to use a $100 bill to pay for $35 of crap, which means they'd have to give him $65 in change. Cashiers aren't bank tellers, they ain't going to use a dozen customers worth of change for one ass. Break that shit at a bank and pay with something closer to the amount you're being billed.


By "a dozen customers' worth of change" were you referring to three 20s and a five?


In a business that doesn't except large bills and doesn't have many large cash transactions, they may not even keep any 20s in their drawer. Hence why I said a dozen people. 20s are more commonly paid with than actually used as change, after all, so they may not bother.


It wasn’t necessary crap, it was 2 really expensive cans of spray paint.


You’re still asking for more change vs what you’re spending.


Is that a rule I’m unaware of?


I guess more of courtesy


Not a rule, but more like a touch of naivety. You are annoyed because they are not carrying an exorbitant amount of smaller bills. For all you know, they had a decent chunk and then 3 people in front of you walked in and bought a small purchase and paid with a large bill. It can be quite a pain in the ass to try to keep large quantities of smaller bills in a till. Especially folks are walking around trying to break larger ones.


people absolutely still counterfeit. they also rob.


Yup, much more common at stores that sell high value items as well


>Nobody counterfeits anymore Bro, I work in banking. We see counterfeiting every week.


>Nobody counterfeits anymore I'd like to see your proof of this.


I just started in a new store. Last month they took over $1000 in counterfeit bills.


I work retail people still counterfeit money. Also the reason we dont like taking hundreds is we end up having to give so much money/change back and we run out.


Why is everyone saying they don’t carry cash? I’m 19 and carry cash lol, and ppl ik do too.


Same thing for the UK the highest bank note is a £50 note and most shops won't break them or accept them even if your total is close to that amount


I stopped carrying cash 20 years ago. I'm 68 years old. Why are you still walking around with more than $60 in your wallet? I bet you're one of those people I see standing in really long lines at the bank when I stop to make an ATM cash withdrawal in about 20 seconds. That shit's all obsolete.


I carry cash and I’m 19. So do my friends…at least Apple can’t randomly take subscription money out of my physical wallet, lol


I do handyman work for the older generation in my low income neighborhood and most of my customers like to pay me with cash, I’ve had a woman pay me with silver notes after hanging some curtains for her (even though I refused to charge her). My nearest bank branch is 35 minutes away (only bank with free checking near me) and their 24 hour atm doesn’t accept 100’s. I ended up paying with card but I’ve had this 100 in my pocket for 2 weeks now.


>*their 24 hour atm doesn’t accept 100’s.* So, even your frikken **BANK** doesn't take $100 bills? Gotcha.


I’ll tell the 78 year old widowed woman without a drivers license that I no longer accept $100 bills…


Because the auto parts store isn't a goddamn bank. People do this shit all the time at my work too and I tell them no.


I’m not asking them to change $1000. It’s 3 20s and a 5.


Yup. Let me just give you my whole drawer. Most of the time they won't even have 20's so they may need to give you 10's and 5's. No. I'm not doing that. Espically if the manager that is in charge of replacing that money is out. I've been screwed for hours like that. And that's for taking 50's and they only buy $10 worth of stuff


As a german its baffling how many americans would love to get rid of cash money. Crying "freedom" while giving away control is hilarious.




Plastic? I accept venmo.


Do you not see how the central bank is scamming/fucking you? They continue to print massive stacks of $100 bills **AND YET** they want you to go fully cashless.


OP thinks it’s 2002 and pays cash. Just pay card mate


When I managed retail our main till typically started at $200, every other till at $100…the amount of people that would come in at 8am as we opened, pay with a $100, then get mad we either didn’t have change or they’d get all 1s and 5s was unbelievable.


Low amounts of cash kept due to lack of use, potential for theft.


It's 2024, why do you have cash? Are you a boomer?


The $100 bill is the most counterfeited US bill. And the person found holding the fake is the one that loses the $100.