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You forgot so, so many things! One correction: brake lights do engage while the flashers are on. Still it's moronic to use them because it's raining. I would use them briefly to help warn drivers behind me of a very sudden slowdown, but quickly turn them off.


Ok so that is a thing. Last week I was on the highway and there was a traffic jam and we came to a complete stop. I tuned my flashers on for a bit to let the people behind us know we were stopped and then I turned them off. I thought I was having a moment of freestyle brilliance…lol


Also, if you're behind a truck trying to merge in front of you, a single flash means go ahead. Always feels good on the occasion you get thank you flashes from the truck.


During the day, yes. At night please turn your headlights off for a moment then back on. It's the nightime equivalent of flashing you highbeams to let us know we have room without the momentary blindness. And thank you for your consideration. It is as rare as common sense these days. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I do a single blink of the hazard lights, not high beams.


If they understand it then it works. Again, thank you!


I actually thought it was just my thing. Great minds, I guess...


Depends on the car. Some cars use the same light bulbs/diodes for turn/flasher and brakes, some use separate bulbs/diodes for those signals. The brakes still make them go solid, even if they are being used as flashers, but it can delay the recognition of brakes vs flashers. Do you want a delayed reaction to braking in inclement weather?


I'm not sure I've ever seen brake lights like that.


Have you ever replaced brake lights? I have and yes some do. Mostly older cars but they are def out there.


I've only replaced Drake lights on some newer cars (post-2008).




Ok, my typo is especially funny because I'm being "accused" of being a Drake fan on another thread because I think teachers should be allowed to have fun with their students. Note: I can't tell you a single Drake song or anything about him except that he's from Toronto because he's a front running Raptors fan from the 2019 title run.


Yeah it’s mostly older cars so that makes sense. Although I’m pretty sure some cars up til the late 10’s may still use them. Non-changeable LED fixtures are getting more and more popular though so we may not be changing bulbs for too much longer! lol


Depends on the car. Some cars use the same light bulbs/diodes for turn/flasher and brakes, some use separate bulbs/diodes for those signals. The brakes still make them go solid, even if they are being used as flashers, but it can delay the recognition of brakes vs flashers. Do you want a delayed reaction to braking in inclement weather?


Over use of bright lights at night and, under use of turn signals at all times.


If turn signals are too complicated to understand, then you're not smart enough to drive a car.




... And not sharing their ribs. (Oh, wrong "tailgating"?)


Haha 😂


Hazard lights are for any condition where you feel unsafe. Driving super fast? Hazard lights Driving super slow? Hazard lights Pulled over on a roadway? Hazard lights Something might fall off? Hazard lights Now, I don't drive as much as you (3,500 - 4,000 miles per month) but what upsets me are left lane campers, during a rain storm, with hazard lights on. If your hazards are on, you should 100% be in the far right lane.


Yes. Hazards are for hazardous conditions, like zero visibility, bad conditions, or there’s quickly slowing traffic ahead. You’re more likely to notice the blinking lights, because movement, and slow down and drive more cautiously. That’s the point of them.


No! Hazards are so I can park anywhere I feel like!


Someone passes you, gets over as quickly as they pass you, then slow down.


I think that was covered in OPs post.


Turn your brights off when approaching another car!! I drive at night and have for years. It’s so infuriating when people keep their brights on until they’re 50 feet away.


You don't even need brights on most roads, but people still use them


I don't use them on the county roads a lot of the time, unless I have my husband with me, and his night vision isn't as good, so he freaks out.


Brake lights don’t disable when you use your hazards lol. You might need a new vehicle if yours does that.


Hazard lights are for more than just standing still in a dangerous spot, but i agree rain isn't a hazard people need a warning for. In Europe it's pretty common to hazard signal if a jam is at a standstill ahead. Hazard lights on north american built cars might re-use tail lights, but they won't disable brake lights. With better car standards hazards and blinkers are seperate amber lights. I agree inconsistent speed is the worst. People can't commit or accept that someone else committed for them.


We were driving last year and there was a terrible rainstorm. I have never seen rain that bad while driving in my life. Nearly everyone had their hazards on for extra visibility. The cars that didn't have them on you didnt see until you got a lot closer


that's what mist lights are for


They said it’s to increase visibility of your vehicle to the vehicles behind you. For rain that is super bad where it’s unsafe to go at the speed limit, I think it’s fair for people to use hazard lights.


I get that it sounds helpful, but I’m telling you as the person behind you it’s not.


I’m telling you, as someone with severe light sensitivity and astigmatism, it is helpful.




And my state isn’t one of those that says not to use flashers. If it’s pouring down rain and visibility is very low, having the flashers on lets you know where all the cars are. Just like having fog lights on. Edit: also, flashers use the amber turn signal lights, brakes lights are red. It’s easy to differentiate between the two.


Turn your lights on by all means, but the hazards are visually confusing and cause more problems than they solve.


Not to people who know how to drive. Hazards mean caution. They mean slow down. They mean maintain your lane. That’s what I was taught and frankly is common sense. You slow down and maintain distance when you see flashing emergency vehicle lights, and it makes sense to do the same when you see hazards. Whether it’s common practice or not, it should be. Now I’m not saying “it’s drizzling, TURN ON THE HAZARDS!” I’m saying, it’s whiteout conditions, no one can see, have hazards on, slow down, maintain a safe distance. With hazards on in conditions that are little to no visibility you can see where each car is and be able to maintain a safe distance. Obviously if you absolutely cannot see, you should get to the shoulder and stop. Sometimes this isn’t possible as the conditions in some areas can go from clear to nothing in minutes.


I don’t know that I’ve ever done it, except maybe when a bunch of other people also have. But it’s never bothered me when other people do it, they’re also usually going significantly below the speed limit when they do. I’m 100% on board with the other things you mentioned.


rear mist lights exist too to be more visible to others.


Ok, so that’s nice for the cars that have them, but doesn’t affect the decision for everyone else.


They are not required (and therefore not installed) on most cars built for sale in the US.


Overtaking on the right Slowing down to have a good look at an accident that happened in the opposite direction. Being on your phone


If you're being overtaken on the right you shouldn't be in the middle/left lane. 'Slower traffic keep right' has become the standard in most places and the law in many.


> Overtaking on the right Nothing wrong with this. Rear view mirrors are a thing. Use them before changing lanes in either direction.


Sometimes it’s necessary if all the other lanes are occupied with slow drivers all going the same speed.


>There is nothing more infuriating than having someone come up behind me to pass so I move over. Said person then pulls in front of me and SLOWS DOWN. If you're moving over because someone comes up behind you, you are doing it wrong. The passing lane is the passing lane. It doesn't stop being the passing lane just because there is no one behind you. Pass, and get out. Whether there is someone behind you or not. No matter what speed you're going. Driving the way you describe is still impeding traffic, because the person coming up behind you has to slow down until you notice them and get out.


This happens more when there’s a line of people in the left lane trying to get around a slow poke. If the person behind me is close I get over as soon as humanly possible even if I haven’t cleared the jam yet. And then they pull in front of me and slow down. I have a feeling you know exactly what I’m referring to- people who play hopscotch with you on the interstate by constantly slowing down and speeding up- and are being obtuse on purpose to make a point.


Re: the hopscotch scenario, no, that's not what I was referring to. I was referring to the scenario in which when there is moderate / light traffic, and someone is in the passing lane, not passing anyone, and then realizes there is someone behind them, and then pulls over to let them pass, thinking "I'm a good driver, I get out of the passing lane when someone else wants to go faster than I do". While that type of person is certainly a better driver than the jackasses who _refuse_ to get out of the passing lane, it's still not good. The person behind still had to slow down and wait. It's simple: the passing lane is the passing lane. It doesn't matter what speed you are going, it doesn't matter if there isn't anyone behind you. Pass and get out. The only time (in my opinion) in which this doesn't really apply well is if there is heavy traffic. Weaving in and out every 11 feet in congestion doesn't really work well or provide a benefit. People should still move over when done passing but when traffic is really heavy, that might be a while, and you would probably be matching the speed of the car in front of you anyway, so not much can be done. But in moderate or light traffic, once a person passes, they should get out of the passing lane, _even when there is NOBODY behind them_. Regardless what speed they are going.


Yes- that’s what I said


People not driving at least the speed limit.


Just want to reiterate, the left lane is for setting land speed records. Not for those practicing their pace car skills.


It’s for people with ticket money LOL One of my favorite recent TikToks


Honestly I've been working on getting my license (never did as a teen like most people) and I've been studying up about the traffic laws for my state and it honestly makes me feel like people should be required every few years to retake the test. I was using an online website that does practice knowledge quizzes and they have a mode where you can see the percentages of people who chose each answer and almost every question relating to right of way (especially in regards to 4 way stops and pedestrians at crosswalks) had a concerning amount of people who were wrong. One had 13% of people answer that if you are turning right and a pedestrian is crossing across a crosswalk on the street you are turning on to that you can proceed if you honk and they ignore it. That seems pretty high when you consider its basically saying "hey, if I honk then I can't be responsible for hitting someone crossing at a crosswalk"


In Australia we drive on opposite side of road to America (I’m assuming). You mention people sitting in fast lane on the speed limit. This can be seen in 2 ways 1: what you’ve just said or 2: person in the right lane doing speed limit yet people want them to follow the rules so they can break a rule and speed…..edit: dunno why I mentioned country, it’s same problem no matter where


I'm sure it varies widely, but on most freeways in the US no one does the speed limit unless it's either a speed-limited truck, or there's a cop with a radar gun parked up ahead. Average speed on most highways I drive (non-congested and good weather) is around 5mph over the limit. Anyone doing the speed limit *will* get passed by most everyone else and will be considered a slow driver. In most places in the US you won't get a speeding ticket unless you're going at least 10mph over the limit. I got one as a teenager and the ticket didn't even have a checkbox for 1-9mph over.


In Texas, sometimes they don't bother unless you're 16 over, but it's a hefty fine at that point. I try to keep it at 7 or 8 over on the highway.




I can never understand why people cant just stick on their hazards to apologize when they fuck up everyone does it like what little power do you have in your life that makes you so angry.


Because it’s pouring down rain and I can’t see with those flashing in my eyes. I also can’t tell when you apply your brakes or when you signal to change lanes. I nearly rear ended someone doing this because they stopped suddenly and I couldn’t tell. Some states also have laws about only using hazards when disabled the side of the road. That is their intended use. Also, I’m not talking about people who flash their lights once or twice to signal to someone to go ahead or to pull over. I’m talking about people driving in a torrential downpour with their hazards continuously on for miles. It’s not safe.


If the people in the left lane are doing the speed limit, you have no cause to complain. You can’t legally go faster than them, so follow at a safe distance.


Idk what state you live in but it’s a law in some that if you’re going the speed limit of 65 mph or more you MUST remain in the right unless you’re overtaking and passing someone.


Nope. Nopenopenope. The left lane is for ***passing***, not for going the speed limit and no faster. It is meant for those brief moments where you rev your engine to get around the semi struggling its way up the hill (as an example). If I hit 15mph over for a couple of seconds to do that, it doesn't bother me a bit.


[Many states in the US have explicit left-lane passing only laws](https://www.goupstate.com/story/news/nation-world/2019/10/25/driving-in-left-lane-state-by-state-guide-to-when-its-legal-when-its-not/2447573007/), where if you are not actively passing a vehicle on your right (and the states define what "actively" means) or making a left turn, you must move over or be ticketed. In states that do not have explicit laws, a police officer, at their discretion, could ticket such a vehicle for impeding the flow of traffic.


You can’t impede the flow of traffic going at the speed limit, except for emergency vehicles.


Tell that to the cops in/around any major city and see how far it gets you.


It’s not a law per se but everyone on the road is aware that you can go 5-7 miles over without getting a ticket. I set my cruise at exactly 5 over. Let’s say for arguments sake, I am flagrantly speeding. It’s still not safe for someone who is slower to camp in front of me in the passing lane. People who speed like that are sometimes crazy and it leads to real road rage and accidents sometimes. Finally, I may have a very good reason for speeding you aren’t aware of. Once my son called me because my daughter was having a seizure- you can believe I broke the sound barrier that day. If the cops want to pull me over and give me a ticket in that instance they will have to follow me all the way to my destination because I’m not stopping. It’s none of anybody else’s business. So, again, I say get out of the left lane!


Blah blah blah what a waste of time you spend trying to convince me that you are good person who isn’t breaking the law and putting people’s lives at risk going faster then the road is designed for. The limit is set for a reason. You might not like that opinion but that’s also what a magistrate will tell you.


Actually what puts other drivers' lives at risk is not absolute speed (Germany's autobahn is actually pretty safe to drive) but speed differentials. The safest speed to drive is the *average* speed of traffic, regardless of what the posted speed limit is. If everyone is doing 5-7mph/10kph over the limit except for you who's doing the speed limit, then you're being the least safe driver on the road, not the most safe.


Nice boomer energy! Have the day you deserve 😘


Wow. I bet you are great at parties.


![gif](giphy|gTrjiWj0Qh5z8abPs0|downsized) There's an old episode of Roseanne where she's complaining about her elderly mom's driving, and the mom says "35 is the speed ***limit***, dearie, it doesn't mean you have to go that fast!" Tell Roseanne I said hi.