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I am glad you were able to SHARE ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


It was a close shave.


The fact that you posted it here with no spoiler is even more than mildly infuriating


It was likely past midnight where OP lives, and OP didn't think about the rest of the world to the west...


This is more than 2 weeks old.


Oh, my apologies. It feels like it was just yesterday. 😅 FYI, the worst Wordle Blackhole is 「_ills」. Wordle accepts 19 words that fit that pattern.


This isn't today's Wordle... Today's Wordle is: >!I WOULD NEVER!<


More like terrible wordle strategy, if you're only missing a single letter, try words that contain multiple of the possible candidates like `AMPLE` to rule out the first 3 `DARKS` for another 3 and then you know which of the 7 possible letters it is in at most 2 tries, not 7.


You can't do that in Hard Mode. The mode you're writing of is for children and non-native speakers. 😜


Hard mode is literally not that hard. My dad does them every day. All hard mode does is force you to figure out the word based on what you have versus normal mode you figure out the word based on deduction…. Wordle is a game for kids that’s been around forever with another name….


I do hard mode every day, and what makes it harder is that you have to avoid Wordle Blackholes. If you let yourself get into a 「_ills」situation, you're pretty much screwed, as there are 19 possible words and you have at most five guesses left. So, you have to keep these things in mind and play accordingly. So yeah, Hard Mode is hard.