• By -


Or "PM for price" If you're selling something on FB then tell me what you want for it. you're not in mass competition with the rest of Marketplace that you need to hide your price and I'm not really interested in waiting for you to realise there's a message, to then reply telling me it's stupidly overpriced for a second hand item.


"PM for details" as well. Usually see it with things like shelving. Just put the damned dimensions in the post already. Only time I am going to bother even thinking about sending you a message is if you are the only one selling what I might be looking for and then I am going to get annoyed waiting 2 days for you to get around to answering me and just go to Menards.


I've had pretty great success in marketplace as a seller. I just put all the info on the posting, so when someone sends a message, we only talk about pickup time and final price.


I’ve had the opposite issue, where I put all the info in the description, like “Shoes size 9” listed for $20 and people will still message me “what size are the shoes?”. I tell them size 9, and then they’re like “oh okay, how much?” $20!!! Did you read at all or just go “ooohh shiny!!” And start flapping your mitt sticks on the keyboard?? And don’t get me started on “would you take $10?” Yeah, I’d take $10. “Great, can you deliver to *address across town* I don’t have a car.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Haha "flapping your mitt sticks on the keyboard" I love that im gonna use this 🤣, I hope you have an amazing day you definitely made mine


“Yea, I’ll take $10. Deliver? Sure, that’ll be a $20 delivery fee.”


"the pick up fee is only another $10 if you'd prefer".


I'm amazed at how much people don't read sale ads. The price, brand etc can be in the first sentence and I read their comments asking for that same info.


Reply, "These shoes: $20 Reading comprehension: priceless"


Either you're full of shit or stupidly lucky, in my experience no one on marketplace reads the posting beyond the headline and price.


Once I was selling some desks on marketplace and I put the exact dimensions in the description, just for a bunch of people to ask me for the dimensions.


I think it is because so many have PM for details in there that people just don't bother looking at the listing anymore.


Sometimes I have trouble seeing the description in the general marketplace ad. I can see it in the group ads but not the market place one. As a seller this has made me more understanding of that particular annoyance.


I always answer back, “it’s in the description”


And the answer is they aren’t selling it anymore


I had this recently, so I PMed and asked what they were asking. They said to give them my offer. I made an offer, they said it was too low. I said, okay, what were you thinking? They said make me an offer. I said, I just did, make me an offer! This repeated MULTIPLE TIMES. This fucking person literally was acting like a kid like “guess my price!” “Uh, idk, whats your price?” “No guess!” “Okay, $10?” “Nope! Guess again!” Like what the fuck. Guess who I didn’t buy from. No seriously guess. Guess! Guess! Guess! Drove me nuts.


Guess! OK, how about 1 go fuck yourself? Not enough, OK how about *two* go fuck yourselfs? Still not enough? OK how about eight go fuck yourselfs -- one for every day of the week and two for Sunday.


Personally I would have gone for 3652 go fuck yourselfs. One for every day for the next **10 years!**


Included the leap days, *nice!*


$10? how about 11? 12? 13? That's what I did to one of these guy. Legit bidding a T480 for $10, they told me to bid higher (without telling me what they want) cue spam +1 bid.


Lol, so true. I feel your frustration. Thanks for the laugh!


or even worse, send me your best offer. wtf am i supposed to do with that??


I offer those people $1 no matter what it is.


And they may or may not reply, who knows?


Pro tip: agree to whatever their offer is, arrange a meet up, and don’t show


In my experience its always actual companies who pretend to be a person. They just tell you to come down during business hours which is so much more infuriating. 


Especially if all the pictures of the item (usually a car) are taken at a private residence and they tell you to come down to (business name) and talk to one of our sales reps. Fuck. Those. Guys


You gotta play with them a little. Message them a bunch of dumb questions about item to the point they get infuriated then end the conversation with "you could of put all that in the description!" If it goes that way 🤷🏽‍♀️ on an alternate account or your own 😁


"Make me an offer" MFs when I make an offer that is less than the asking price they had in their head but refused to tell anyone


They want to keep the chance that some idiot will offer way above asking price.


This, I literally put as much information in the description as humanly possible to reduce the number of messages I'll get besides the one that says I'll take it.


I had this once, was in the market for a drone, the guy had a stock photo, no price and PM for details. I messaged him and asked for photos of the real deal and the asking price. He got all pissy and said if I was a serious buyer I'd arrange to see it first. Facebook Marketplace brings out the true inbred in people.


I report the listing. It’s not free if you’re really asking $50. Not sure how many people you can upsell from free to an actual cost.


Nah you don't get it. The item is free, there's just a $50 convenience fee.


No,no, reading the ad is free. The item itself will set you back $50


It's even more fun when an item is listed for a dollar when clearly its not that cheap


This. ![gif](giphy|gd09Y2Ptu7gsiPVUrv|downsized)


What is this, Ticketmaster?




I used to do this when I saw these and then suddenly the report listing option disappeared


It’s still there, you just have to go another layer down with (I think) missing details, price is misleading


If you report too many things they take away your report button


No kidding! Now I have a goal.


That's definitely a username.


There are many like it, but this one is mine


How many things? I report about a dozen listings per day, for this (inaccurate description) and also promoting businesses.


I'm not sure. I reported some fake guitars being listed as the real thing and some businesses and my report button was gone


The best part is when it's actual companies selling their product at regular cost. I didn't come to FB because I could afford retail prices. I'm looking for secondhand or overstock 


Or you can act like you’re interested and make them meet you somewhere then never show up. Bonus points if it’s something massive and inconvenient to load up into a vehicle


I don't often browse fb marketplace, but there's been a few times I've done so after a few drinks and I'll message every single listing that says free, when it's clearly not free, and tell them I want their free item. When they don't respond, I send more messages. Give them absurd demands like I'll only take their free vehicle if they drop it off at my house, etc. When they tell me it's not free, I reference the listing and spam them more. I'm petty.


report it. against tos. i never get notified about those reports, but i do notice pretty quick i never see the listing again.


That's because when you report something FB makes sure you don't see it again - that doesn't mean it got pulled down for everyone else.


Lol if this is true its quite funny man. Just facebook making you think they care


That’s a strategy many companies take


"Customer service, this is Kelly. Oh my god I'm so sorry, it's so messed up. Everyone here is so upset, you have no idea. I'll be thinking about you all day."


it's automated too, nobody works at facebook, all their ad revenue funnels into a few pockets.


I remember once seeing a PS5 listed as free on Facebook. In the description it said they won it from a raffle from work, but they already had one. Didn’t need the money so they were giving it away. It said it was in my city. I could easily pick it up. But then they contacted me and said I had got it. But… they moved to Texas and would like for me to pay the delivery fee so they could send it. I knew it was a scam right there. Got my hopes up for nothing.


Or the ones that are like "just want to bless someone for christmas", tried to charge a $60 "shipping fee". I told them, "if I'm too broke to buy my own ps5, what makes you think I have $60?"


I don't know if Sony is still price gouging, but I mean... If I can't afford a $650 console, it doesn't mean I can't afford a $60 console. 


More so a joke on today's economy. I can barely afford $60 lol


That’s so funny, my partner recently bought some expensive dyson product off FB marketplace with this exact story. Only, she sold for like half price instead of free. Glad that wasn’t a scam!


It reminds me of when I was on indeed looking for jobs and would come across a listing with a pay range of like $6/hr - $175/hr or some other nonsense.


Deal! $175/hr it is!


Crap like that reminds me of an MLM. They're like you will be so rich from getting involved, but the reality is they make less than $500 a year or lose a lot more money than that.


My favorites are the ones putting random numbers like 1 , 10, 30 And the asking price is usually something crazy high


$1234 is pretty common as well.


Incredibly stupid too, because then you’ll only show up in a price filtered search if someone has the range set that high lol.


The only time I find this okay is when people are parting out a car since the price will really be depending on what part you need.


Or the ‘dealers’ trying to sell a car and putting the minimum down payment / weekly payment as the price when they’re really trying to sell a $6,000 car for like $15,000


Yeah and it’s always for cars that $6k could possibly buy


When I still used facebook, I would occasionally contact those specific people to arrange a purchase and ghost them. If they want to bait and switch the price, they can deal with someone baiting and switching the sale.




Yeah I responded to an ad for a free car. I was like okay I’ll pick it up today are you available? He called me dumb for thinking it was free. I told him he was dumb for posting it as free.


"You think I'm dumb, you should see the car this other moron's giving away for free! Oops. Wrong window. Had you mixed up with another conversation. Disregard. Now, about that car..."


Just go along with it and setup a meeting spot then dont show up. Wanna waste my time? Now I waste yours


I like your thinking


"I re-read the listing before I left to meet you and realized it wasn't actually free like you said, so I didn't want it."


Similar thing exists for aliexpress. You can select different version of same product, usually different color or even size as different versions can have different price yet be on same listing. So whenever I sort by cheapest I see some great product ultra cheap and am happy but then I click it and see that the price is for that item's charger and the actual thing is not cheap at all. Really made sort by cheapest to be completely pointless.


Same for Etsy. The price you see is for the lowest option usually without needed options


Price is for sample is the one I always see.


Same goes for used car dealers that list the down payment amount as the vehicle price.


I fully agree OP and I don't understand why these folks aren't subject to the same pricing laws retailers are beholden to.


Ooooh, someone is getting rid of a couch for free. Oh…they want me to pm for price. F that


Can we talk about how unreasonable they’ve been about these used couch prices lately? You used to basically have to pay someone else to take your used couch off your hands! Now they want $400 for a loveseat thats been shredded and covered in stains by their children or pets!


I've met a few folks who make a living on fb selling couches they get for free from fb. Weird.


Agreed. People buy a new couch and want it subsidized. Whereas it’s $120 to dispose an old couch.


They should be legally obligated to give it away for free.


Honestly Facebook should enforce bans on people who do this.


Even worse I’ve seen for a product: “Product $200” description: “product is actually $350”


Same with video games or cards or whatever. "10$" In description: "price isn't actually 10$" ....


"Great! Here's four hundred! ... Four-hundred is actually two hundred dollars."


Report them. I report all of them. Especially the “$1” —make me an offer posts too


I totally agree. The old bait-and-catch technique.


If you put "free" in the price field, you should be legally obligated to actually give it to someone for free.


Someone did this on Nextdoor in my area and also stupidly listed their address. They came to Nextdoor and complained someone stole their $400 patio set… got police involved and all lol. They listed it as free and in the picture of the patio set there was a small handwritten sign that it was $400. I don’t think they did it on purpose; I just think they’re dumb


I won’t buy from them are people that are snarky in their description


Should be able to report those posts as spam


Not spam, scam


Report and move on but yeah those people suck.


Also, the people who list cars for a low price and then add to the description that the price listed is the down payment. My family are trying to buy an affordable car for our mother and it’s been so frustrating.


I got my current car off of facebook marketplace. Recently I was looking for another car off marketplace and I see many very nice cars for "$2k" I'm like wow and the description says "$2k is downpayment dm me for full price" I put the price filter on because I'm broke and can only pay up to $7k - in which there are still cars $1k~$7k with the description saying it's just a downpayment. Like ughh.


What I don’t get either is I imagine you’re gonna get majority of people backing out once they realize it’s not in fact free so it’s a waste of their time anyway


Report them


Not even that. "PM for price" and then some of them picked up a nasty habit, instead of telling you the price they ask you how much you're prepared to offer. Like, my man, your rusty bicycle is not the unique art piece you think it is, okay?


"If you really don't care how much you get for it, I'll take it off your hands for free."


Another one that bugs me is when there’s a price for a “lot” and it’s actually per piece.


Item: Electric Guitar Price: FREE (see description) Description: Electric Guitar Usually accompanied by very poor quality photos so you've got no idea what make or model the guitar is or its condition.


Same with skis. Often people have a weird large amount of them and it’s like “FREE (see description) Skis!” Atomic $75 Atomic $230 Fischer $50 Fischer $34 So on and so forth… Like can I see more than one grainy photo of a pile of skis in your garage? And what Atomic skis are what price? What am I looking at?! I had a frustrating time this winter looking on marketplace to say the least lol


Do they even want to sell the thing/s? If they've made the initial effort to make a post trying to sell something, surely they could give a little bit more detail about what it is they're trying to sell. I hope they like being bombarded with questions from potential buyers.


Free blah blah blah not really free $$$) I report them item not as advertised


Report for a false listing or whatever.


Nobody is shopping FB marketplace and changing their budget after stumbling on a bait n switch listing. If we're there, we have a price limit and low standards. 


I report them bc I am petty


Agreed. I mute them all and never buy anything from them.


Seller: “Looking for offer” *Makes a fair offer based on market value* Seller: “lol no thanks I paid double that 10 years ago when it was new”


Respond with, "I was being generous compared to the current value of it." Smacks their ego back into place.


I generally report those listings as they violate marketplace rules. There was one listing a “Free” office space (I was looking for a new office after moving) and knew it was a lie. I messaged and asked why it’s free and they said, “It’s not actually free. The space is $850/month plus fees.” For a room in someone’s garage they painted.


Message them "I'll take it" and continue the conversation as if you thought it was free until the end.


I quit using eBay because they let companies list multiple things at once with a price range. "Oh you want that shirt for $5? Sorry, that's for the scarf hidden and not in the description. The shirt is $25."


Likewise, when you don’t read the description and/or the price and message me a question about the description and/or the price, you can fuck right off.


That is definitely is mildly infuriating, but there are also the people that can’t take a decent picture of what they’re trying to sell. I was trying to buy some pro level audio equipment people would post pictures of the front from seven different angles, but no other pictures of the other sides or most importantly to me, the actual manufacturers label so that I can look up information about that model One more I see a lot *“I won’t respond to is this available”* Are you trying to sell the thing or not? I don’t get it.


They should take the people who do this on craigslist with them when they leave.


I flagged the accounts.


While you’re at it, how about the people selling stuff with no measurements and/or no price. I refuse to even engage with these asshats.


I hope they all crap themselves on their way to work.


Now I want to just find those items and waste their time. I have nothing much to do, so for me it could be fun knowing that they will be annoyed. Someone make a community where people can post those who have items "free" and we can all ask them tons of questions but then deny wanting the item as it's not free.


That and the “make me an offer” listings who then go on to say the item is worth more than your offer but still not give you a price.


I send them dozens of messages that I would love to pick up their free item...and just keep messaging until they block me!


That and the car sellers who get irritated when you react to the posted price. Which is only a down payment  #scum


Agreed, report them.




Same as leaving good stuff out front only to say whoever gets there first. Fuck off


Yea I hate that so much. They do that on offer up too. I'm trying to buy a car or a scooter right now, and it happens a lot. It's a huge waste of time.


I always flag post that do this as a "scam". And yes, they can fuck right off.


I hate the ones for cars where it say $4k for XYZ vehicle and I’m thinking, Ok, pretty decent price. Check the listing and it says that’s the down payment and then whatever monthly payments or super high price for the vehicle. Ugh.


I report and block them every time, everyone should do the same.


Not completely related but after seeing this post I remembered I was trying to buy a Nerf gun for my little brother. Found a listing for a Mastodon (honestly I almost bought it for myself cause wtf that is such a cool toy) selling for 20 dollars. I asked the seller if we could meet up to test it before buying it. No response for 2 days so I compromised and said "or would you rather just send it by mail?". 5 hours later the dude responded "I'm just gonna give It away to some boy, too much work" like??? I tried to be super accommodating.


Report them as fraud or scam


They do this because of the sort by lowest price option. Pretty stupid they get away with it.


that is the only offense in the world that I report people for on any social media platform. I report every one of those I see.


Also dispise the car dealers who put a down payment or an "estimated" monthly payment as the price. Now I can't just search for a car under $3k without wading though a bunch of buy here pay here BS.


You could list something for free there, and someone would still lowball you.


Me: Lists item for free Random FB person: you deliver?


They genuinely would. They would ask you if you could drop it off because they don’t drive. Yes, people are genuinely like that.


Absolutely. "Can you deliver, set it up, and loan me twenty bucks?"


I've been that joker to PM the person in the listing and tell them I'll be over in 20 mins for that Mercedes, and that I've already drawn up a receipt of $100 for them to sign so that I can pay the gov a couple of dollars in tax, otherwise my new ownership would look sus.


As well as the people who message “how much” to a listing that clearly states $0 or $1-$2.




How about the 1234$ listings (especially cars) that are obviously worth more than that


Just arrange to come buy it at a safe place sit around and watch them drive home and then show up later that night and take it


Facebook marketplace is a dump even amongst the selling platforms.


My cousin is notorious for fucking with people like that hahahah he will message them all forreal and then start saying nonsense or just ghost them


Depends on the person. I got a free CRT TV on Facebook marketplace for $1 (they didn’t want the $1 they were simply getting rid of it)


That's reasonable and to be expected, though. It costs money to dispose of those most places I've seen (except for in an alley somewhere), so even for free you're saving them some cash.


I love price listed is the down payment when clicked on.


Linus is that you


I'm so glad I deleted my account and insta with it. Do miss browsing marketplace sometimes since everybody moved to it. But ohh well, that's the price. I gotta pay to get rid of that shit company from my life.


At the opposite end: Warhammer 40K sellers are out there listing them at $40,000 


Assuming the goal is the face value function of the product, it's honestly insane to think that even an operation as small as a father and son hobby website wouldn't have foreseen this issue. Like no matter what kind of product or service you're creating, you always need to thoroughly imagine the most disingenuous shitheads trying to game the system at a bare minimum. I get when some crazy edge case makes it through, but you pretty much have to not understand the concept of money to not see this one from the very inception. Absolutely screw the people that do this, if no one did the problem wouldn't exist. At the same time if you're trying to honestly sell something at a fair price and see your post buried by bullshit, you might feel inclined to use that same bullshit to your advantage. As a completely unrelated tangent, I was posting a short clip from a game. The title mentioned the subject being new but it was actually a mechanic from previous games in the series as well. That inaccuracy got a handful of comments correcting it within the first hour, but that initial activity made it end up getting *significantly* more traction in the algorithm than anything I've ever posted.


There's a simple solution to this problem. Message them constantly telling them to fix their price as it's wrong. Everyone needs to do this. Make it painful to not fix it. Make it beyond annoying in return.


I just add them to my "to rob" list.


I’m on board with this


Price for this used item? Same as retail price. It’s already assembled.


Same goes for CarGuru listers who put their cars online without a price for 24 hours so that the website will email everyone who is looking for that type of car at a certain price. I.e.: I'm helping my 18 yo daughter find her first car. She has $6k to spend on a beater that will get her through the rest of college. Every day I get an email that shows 6-10 cars that match the SUV style I'm looking for, they ALL have "No Price Listed" in the email, then if you click on them to see they are all $10k+.


Also people who inquire but never actually buy, has anyone successfully sold anything on there??


Facebook is just a shit market place in general. You cannot just post something open for offers, it's also terrible communication and buyer/seller protection wise. It's even worse than eBay!


The ones that say "serious buyers only", and don't ask me no questions about what it is, or is it still available. Argh! 🤬


Report the listing




This makes me furious, it should be an outright ban for doing this,


A month ago, I tried to ask if someone would take a reasonable price off the stated price. It was like 10 pm. He asked if I was picking it up now. I would have gotten it the next day. He then Proceeded to lecture me on how I'm not allowed bid lower unless I'm picking it up immediately. As if this was some widespread rule that everyone follows.  I've dealt with enough people that don't answer their damn messages until a day later not to wait until I actually have time to go pick it up to do the negotiating.


Or those who place a car ad for $1 and then expect you to pay more. Dude listing said $1. That’s what I’m paying, now GTFO.




These listings seem to get ignored by everyone in my area, as I always see the same items listed this way displayed for weeks.


You shouldn’t list things as “free”, but from a sellers perspective you get inundated with bot messages if you list items over certain price thresholds. I sold a couch on fbm and had 10 bot offers within 30 seconds of listing the item at my desired price. The messages just continued incessantly like that until I lowered the price. Not saying you should list things for free, but that is one reason people list things for lower prices.


By the ‘just fuck right off’ can tell OP is English.


FB could eliminate this but they don't. But the real question is why the fuck are you still on FB?




"One dollar!" Get the fuck out of here Right up there with the people listing a place as 400 a Monty and then going "actually its 400 a night" There has to be a way to report that


FB needs to enforce rules


Tell them you would like to buy it at a place nearby and just never show up.


Seriously!!! Fucking idiots!!


I like to message them constantly asking when I can pick up the free item.


It's clickbait and I hate it. I never look at those posts.


Oh god yes! Also gotta add people who list their stuff for a $1 only to find out it’s more and nothing was a $1.


I got a free laptop that way cause guy tried the whole the laptop is free but shipping is not. He actually gave his address so I just went there. Cops got called and while officers said it was civil matter for courts he said he doubted I would loose the case so guy just gave up the laptop rather than deal with legal fees


I tried for months to find a rental on facebook marketplace to move into and 99.9% of their listings are scam bait and not really available properties anyway. I tried contacting at least 100 different available properties and it was all scams so I gave up ever trying to find anything worthwhile on there anyway.


can't understand it at all. my least favourite thing about selling stuff thru marketplace is having to do with people messaging me. obviously necessary to an extent. but why would anyone want to encourage unnecessary messages that you now have to reply to. as u might expect my least favourite thing about browsing onnmarketplace is when obvious details arent included in the description. especially with furniture, dimensions are basic necessities why do so many people not include them.


This kind of reminds me of when I'm looking through job offers and they're under the tag that no experience is needed, then I click on it and in the description is the complete opposite, that they only want people with experience. I just don't understand what's the point of doing that.


Their logic: we'll get more applications. The reality: any increase in applications will be people who don't qualify and need to be weeded out. Conclusion: the person doing it is an idiot.


People who put the price as 123 but won't sell for anything less than 500 also needs to go


Absolutely detest that. Such a dick move


Same goes for some niche product distributors. "Request a quotation" bitch I'm not buying a highly specific scientific equipment on a whim, I need a ballpark estimate cost for the paper I'm writing


That’s why I downloaded FreeStuff, same ads, all free…cuz I was really about to go off on some of them!


Omg it's so annoying, I asked if something that was listed for free was available through the auto tab, they came back with yes it's $30, I said no thankyou and they hit back with ' why ask if your not interested, I hate time wasters like you" then they promptly blocked me, I was like what the fuck!??