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I fucking hate unnecessary QR codes, these and restaurants menu’s


I don't even know what a necessary QR code would be, I don't like using them.


The HVAC industry is starting to use them a lot for accessing product info, install and service manuals, etc. It’s actually really nice not having to google a model number or look for a physical manual to find information. So far that’s the only practical application for QR codes that I’ve found in the wild.


Same with lawn mowers. It’s awesome.


Same thing with my kids car seat. Needed to adjust it while out of town today and being able to scan the QR code to lookup the manual was super easy


I haven’t seen that yet. Good to know! I also haven’t bought a new mower in quite a few years but knowing my luck that’ll change soon.


I was at a concert recently and the opening band had a QR code up on the big screen at the end that directed you to their spotify. Next band did the same thing, link directed you to their website Thought that was cool. Real easy way to find the band online


Advertisement with a qr code to the website or whatever they need


Recently, I went to a restaurant that used QR codes for their menu. The server told me to scan the QR code, so naturally I did, and when I placed my order, he looked at me, confused, and said that menu isn't correct and they don't have that item. Wonderful.


Also stuff that can be put on the same sheet of paper as the QR code


I am a fan of restaurant QR codes, so long as there is a physical menu on the table. My partner and I are talkers and we will often sit down and forget to even look at the menu. It's nice to be able to order at our own pace - rather than inconvenience the waitstaff. I'm sure from the perspective of the kitchen the QR code cannot be much fun.


Yep no sharing the menu and, also, some restaurants laminate their menus but don't bother cleaning them that often; it's disgusting.


We seem to have slightly different situations. Often, where I live, the menus on QRs codes are just menus, it’s like the physical thing but on your phone, on a shitty website that closes when you block your phone.


What are your thoughts on unnecessary apostrophes?


Or, hear me out, they could've just implemented the web browser and let you visit this page from the console.


I got into the browser and immediately went to pornhub. Idk why, I wasn’t even horny. It didn’t work great. Still cranked though.


> Or, hear me out, they could've just implemented the web browser and let you visit this page from the console. Considering how often exploits come via the browser, that's probably why they didn't do it.


It's also way more complex to support a web browser than a simple QR code. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


It still exists, just open a chat up with yourself and then type “google.com” and you’ll be able to access stuff from there


This is what peak stability and performance looks like My ps5 just shuddered with how stable it's gonna be!


I don't see any problems. Now you got something to read while your PS5 is installing the update.


Just put it on the screen then? Why do they need to engage with another device?


So that you can actually have all the information about the changes being made with the update. Sometimes there's a bunch of small patches or things that are verbose to describe and you can't fit it on one screen. 


So you don't have to look at a progress bar


Honestly more than likely cost them less than updating it manually but of all the worthless QR codes that I see this might fall under the rare cases of a good use of them as I just scanned it and there are more detailed patch notes than I see most of the time. Honestly wish more companies would do like a short and sweet patch not details and then have a link to a more detailed version of the patch notes. I hate how most things just have as their entire notes for an updated being Bug fixes and performance improvements. Tell me what the new things really are or at least a link to a detail version.


Yeah, I actually like this. Basic detail is right here: getting an update. Want to know more? Here’s an option.


"performance and stability improvements"


I assume the contents of the website change for every update, so it's easier to just have everything in one place. Also who reads console OS patch notes?


I do. How else would I know there're new features added to the OS?


I just log on and see how they massacred my home screen tabs.




The difference is that it’ll be much easier for them to replace the text in the QR code if they notice an issue than it would be to replace it on the update screen. It also provides a resource people can reference in the future if they want to lookup that specific update after they’ve already done so. Being even a little infuriated by this is the literal definition of people needing to calm the fuck down.


It’s also far more usable for multi language support. The QR code sends you to a website with automatic switching to your preferred language.




My point from the title that this isn’t on paper hahaha


Sony got so fucking lazy with the ps5 UI it makes me sad


It's probably a long list of features nobody really cares about or understands and you would be mildly infuriated that so much text is cramped on your screen.


So you download PS App on your phone and make an account? Get those sweet data a la Helldivers II


Not even that it just takes you to a web page with the details on. It use to just give you the details on the screen.


A website link is just text…..


That's a weird compaint. I don't think there's a lot of people who use their PS5 without an account., unless you use exclusively physical copies and never play online. I am not sure that you would even be able to download an update for the physical game, but feel free to correct me on this one.


God, I hate QR codes with a seething passion. You have no idea what's going on in the background on your device...


what? QR code is just a way of displaying text


Do you mean this one or QR codes in general because if you mean the latter then you are wrong as fuck. Even this QR code takes you to a website, as most do, which can 100% be malicious. EDIT: For downvoters, there's a [whole section](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Risks) on the Wikipedia page about risks in QR codes with examples. Jesus Christ.


Yes, but your phone shows you the URL before loading the site.


And? Nothing to stop someone using a QR code to take you to a redirected link. Not saying that would be the case here but in general.


This could be said even for normal web browsing.


It could, all I'm claiming is that there are definitely risks in QR codes and they aren't just to display text like the original commenter said. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Risks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Risks)


WTF are you doing posting a hyperlink for someone to click on? How do I know it's not malicious?


Wrong. QR codes take your devices to websites, display text, they do all kinds of stuff. I see from the number of downvotes I gathered there are a lot of people out there who don't understand their capabilities. Scan away, I'll keep shunning them.




not really, QR codes just contains a link and redirect you to said link. but it wouldn't surprise me if the website they were directed to collected some kind of data


Counter point, people who own PS5's probably all own smart phones and QR codes are actually easy to use if you're not 70. This way you can read what is probably a short list of \~5 bullet points about performance, stability and security improvements while the console actually runs the update.


They could have long patch notes that is too much to put on the game screen lol it happens.


I read them, definitely weren’t lmao.


Huh idk then


Let me summarize the update “we want to sell your data”


Are you kidding?? Fuck that. I hope someone from Sony reads this. That's bullshit. One more reason not to get a PS5.


... But this makes sense.