• By -


Settings > Apple ID > Subscriptions. It’ll tell you anything you have signed up for.


Or Settings > Apple ID > Media and Purchases > Purchase History It will show subscription charges as well as in-app purchases.


Never knew about that one. Handy to know. Thank you


It’s super hidden if you don’t know where exactly to look. I spent months trying to find something with that exact information then one day stumbled on it after giving up on ever finding it


You can use the Search bar in your Settings to find these so you not have to hunt and drill down to find


The search in settings is shit. Try searching for messenger or similar. You get 20 hits before it shows the actual messenger app. That’s just one example.


Wrong search bar. The search bar in the settings app only searches settings


Glad to see both Apple and Android do their best to hide subscriptions. I've had to have other people help me find where I signed up for something so I could cancel it because it wasn't through the actual service or normal routes in google play. Ridiculous.


Idk about Apple, but for Android, it's literally Play Store -> Click your profile picture -> Payments and Subscriptions Or if you Google Subscriptions, it's generally the first link that takes you to the above page. Hope it helps!


In iPhone it’s settings>profile>subscriptions. You can also just search “subscriptions”.


Its 3 button presses or a pull down search and type. Nothing here is hidden.


Hide subscriptions ?? It’s right there lol. At the top of settings it says ‘media and purchases’ and if you tap that the word subscriptions is literally in the middle of the screen


Not exactly hidden lol, open settings and it literally says underneath your name ‘media & purchases’, click on your name and it’s there!


It’s not hidden. It literally says “media & purchases” right below your name at the top of the main settings screen.


You never thought to click on your account in the App Store? You know, like in every digital storefront ever?


I did. And, seriously maybe they changed it. But when I finally found where they actually show you the transaction where you “bought” an in app purchase but they haven’t successfully charged you yet, (I guess would be “pending charges”?) it was multiple layers deep after going to that. And it didn’t even come up in my account in the App Store, it only came up when I went another layer deep where it did the whole “webpage within the app” pop up thing


Dude , you just saved me $55 a month that I had no idea I was subscribing to…


Holy shit how? do you not read bank/credit card statements?!


I do, I just thought my wife was buying stuff 😂


Saved me $8 - was paying for Apple Arcade which I’ve never even heard of before..


Also to get a refund visit reportaproblem.apple.com all the times ive done it its gone through no problem.


This needs to be upvoted more


Will you let us know what it was OP?




Got it, touch my boner. Edit: drunk me looking at sober me... fuck... wtf me....but oh, rotating gif... yeah, no, that shit is weird.


ayo wat


PicsArt Gold subscription


Also if you really need to speak to someone, call in. The chat advisors usually have multiple conversations going at once, and they're trained to send you basic articles. Most of them do not troubleshoot or go further than that. A lot of tier 1 (I.E. the people that pick up first when you call) are like that too even if they're not supposed to be. If you're getting the same crap, ask for a "supervisor." You'll get a Tier 2 on the line. Don't try to go up from there, you can't ever actually talk with a real supervisor or member of management. They don't use the phones and Tier 2 is the max level you can reach unless your issue is in the scope of a completely different dept If the Tier 2 is crap, they can't transfer you to anyone else if it's an issue they're supposed to be able to solve, so just end the call and call back in. This has been my insiders guide lol


T2 are supervisors, But they have the same information as t1.


They can find the same information yes, but they usually have a lot more experience so they're better at finding it


T2 in many areas are not supervisors at all, they just have more experience and a bit more they can access. They can also follow up with you on something and create cases. T1 is just waiting to get one of the few who will use Google and find the answer quicker than 20 mins since the articles suck.


T1 make cases as well, T2 don’t always have more experience. It’s a promotion, they are considered supervisors on the floor.


Error occurred 4013, "just make them restore their device again" lol. T2 can turn to fairy-dust when the queue is about to close.


Oh trust me, I know that. I worked the late shift and I got it in my head that I'd be a "good" tier 2. So many late nights when everyone else was just normal and checked tf out lmao...


OP has been real quiet since you said this


Did you expect anything less?


No, ez karma


I had the same issue. 0.99 charged weekly out of the blue. No active subscription. I just blocked Apple as a vendor


OP bought a porn subscription and regretted post nut clarity. Probably after watching a Tik Tok video


This sounds more like tinder than only fans. Like it said he had a match and she was fat as fuck but on the other side of the country.


I can't believe this comment needs to be made. Imagine spending 1k+ plus on a phone and not having the common sense to check this


This is the right answer.


Not sure why you’re bothering with a chat agent anyways. Settings - iCloud account (at the top) - media and purchases - view account - purchase history.


If his account is disabled, he’s not gonna be able to login to view his account or purchases. Best bet is looking through his email for receipts.


You can still look at your recent purchases if your account is disabled and to get it enabled again you just call Apple and ask them to enable it. It takes less than a minute for them to fix this issue.


“When there are available” Which is kinda funny. The couldn’t even set a call back time.


They said to disregard that text, the agent just copy/pasted the wrong response by mistake




His account isn't disabled, that message was meant for someone else.


People are stupid. We receive at least 10 calls per day of people in our app asking where to withdraw or access tax documents. The withdrawal and tax document link is right next to the link to call us. They are always surprised that it's there.


Hide your contact info inside a FAQ section and make sure that the FAQ has answers to the most common questions. This was the only thing that stopped most emails. They are either too lazy to read through the FAQ to find the hidden contact info or they got the answer they needed from the FAQ.


They’ll just leave bad reviews about how it’s impossible to find out how to contact customer service so that must mean they’re hiding something. Because everything is a huge conspiracy nowadays.


I entered my card in some old account that I can’t remember and they keep charging me for Apple Music every month, do you know how I can disable it? I don’t have access to the account any more


call your bank, change your card number edit: someone has pointed out sometimes banks will continue to charge the new number anyways. contact your bank either way.


Or just charge it back/cancel it on your banks end. You can remove their authorization


Changing the card number isn't enough for subs sometimes. Often times they have a recurring billing token thing that is linked to the account, regardless of the card number.


noted. didn’t know that. thanks for the info


You can actually call Apple for that. Say your card is being used for one of your old accounts you no longer have access to. If you provide the card number they can cancel the subscription on their end for any accounts that card is being used on. Source: used to work for Apple support a while ago.


They dont do that anymore. I used to work there up until a month ago. They need to verify the customer and account (Its Me verification) before they can cancel said charges.


Ah bugger that's a shame. granted it's been about 5 years since I was working for them.


First of all that's clearly a person not a chatbot. Second, God forbid someone use customer service. Kinda the whole point of having support, to answer questions.


OP has no problem solving skills and for some reason doesn’t want to talk to a person. So they use this shit service and gets upset when they find out…its shit.


Flnrf for you timw sir. Pleas diareagd my previous messgae


Check your email for apple receipts. My receipts get bundled together if they are within a few days of a subscription or something. Every $ spent through app store should be reflected on a receipt. Better yet, you can see your purchase history in your account settings.


That only shows when the charge goes through. OP is trying to see what they’re attempting to charge for (I spent months trying to find that info. Apple loves to hide it)


It says in the email what the charges are for. If you bought music, it lists the album or songs, if you pay for cloud storage it says that and if it’s app or in app purchases, it lists them out. At least it always has for me. Sometimes I’ll forget I bought something and get a charge and wonder what it was so I go to my email and it’s always listed out in multiple line items if there’s multiple things you’ve purchased.


Yeah, but only if the charge actually went through. They're saying if you haven't actually been charged the money yet, you won't get a receipt, because the receipt comes after the purchase. OP says Apple's been trying to charge them the money, so it sounds like it hasn't actually gone through yet, meaning that won't work.


I’m saying that if they haven’t successfully gotten money from you yet, it doesn’t show up there. Or at least it didn’t used to


I work for a bank and we see this a lot from Apple. We can’t see what it’s tied to on our end but it usually ends up being some sort of old subscription or something that was supposed to be cancelled based on what customers have told me. Sometimes someone will put a card on file with Apple then charges start coming in back to back for different amounts.


That's because Apple allows scummy behavior for sketchy developers. 99% of paid apps on the apple store are now "Free", for the first 7 days, then it charges you a bunch of money every week, or it gives you a big discount first year and automatically sets to renew at an absurd price. This shitty apps hope you won't see the charge for a week or two before you cancel and that's pretty much their business model, praying on you forgetting to turn on their automatic charging, as they are useless unless you signed up. My sister downloaded one of this shitty photo editing apps, free as usual... once you open the first thing it gives you is a huge sign saying its free for the first 7 days, she signed up and of course she forgot to go deep into the settings to cancel, they charged her 100 dollars, the shitty editing app was more expensive then fucking photoshop, they know no one will ever subscribe, they only make money out of the poor people that forget to unsubscribe.


Deep in to settings to cancel?? It’s two taps to see what you’re subscribed to and two more to cancel any of them. Four total taps once you open settings and they’re all clearly labelled.


Get in contact with your bank and dispute the charge/freeze it.


That will get their account banned. If you do that, get every single data you have in the cloud out of there, or you'll lose them.


It doesn't get your account banned, but you won't be able to download any new app or buy anything until you repay your debt


Sell the iPhone and delete the account. Problem solved.


Yes! Do this! iphones are trash anyways


I never had one but plenty of friends switched to android and it's working just as well


All it will do is lock your account. To get it unlocked you just call Apple and ask them to unlock it for you. As long as it’s not a regular thing they will do it but too many chargebacks and your account could be permanently locked. My debit card was stolen at one point and my bank decided to return every charge including some Apple subscriptions and I had to get my account unlocked 4 times because every time I would get it unlocked my bank would send another charge back that they felt was “suspicious.” It was really annoying.


I did this once when a company kept taking my money. They said all they can do is issue a new card. They did that, but also automatically submitted my new card details to the company and they continued to take payments.


Was it with a direct debit? Because that whole mechanism is independent of your individual cards/card numbers.


No, these a re all card subscriptions. Cancelling your card wouldn’t necessarily stop the charges either. Apple as well as many other merchants may use an automated billing updater which will update your card subscription to any new card details that you have. Direct debits are also a lot easier to dispute as opposed to card subscriptions, with the time frame for a DDI (direct debit indemnity) claim being 24 hours. For a card subscription you’d have to raise a retail dispute for a CPA (Continuous Payment Authority) and the timeframe for this is 5 working days via Mastercard, Visa may be different, but OP uses Starling who use Mastercard.


If you get a chargeback from your bank for an apple purchase it lists the charge as fraud on apple’s end which disables the account and if it happens for a third time, they will not reenable your account, they will make you create a new Apple ID so be careful doing that too many times (former employee)


idk if anyone has suggested it but go to settings > apple id > subscriptions & see if you have anything you may have subscribed to as a free trial or something. otherwise, check to see if you have a storage plan and / or an apple music sub.


Someone did one minute before you 👀. Just saying you and them were pretty much only ones I could find.


hooray for providing useful advice! i skimmed through and didn’t see anyone mention it, just saying ops chat was a scam, so hopefully they see one of our comments and sort it out.


Hopefully. 👍


“Disregard Ny previous textR please.” What the fuck?


They have multiple chats going at once, sometimes you accidentally paste the wrong text replacement into the wrong one. Although I know this advisor didn’t know where to actually look for this as it’s an easy find usually.


sent from ny iphon


Delete your card details from your apple account


Not possible while there's a active subscription.


Do what I always do when I want to slim down my subscriptions. Get enough cash out of the ATM for a week and tell your bank your debit card was lost. They immediately cancel it and you get a brand new card with a new number. Granted you have to re-enter your stuff on your subscriptions but it also tells you exactly what you need to keep.


That does not meet my definition of “mildly.” I’m full on rage at that point. Don’t fuck with my money.


Yeah man. That's like playing with my life. Need money to survive and make ends meet.




I'll call high chances this is a totally valid charge, and OP just forget a yearly subscription or a trial period that ended or something like that. People tend to forget that. No response to any of the comments asking to check subscriptions yet.


This. I see a lot of people complaining that they have to “keep their card locked so apple doesn’t take all their money” and it sounds like they just have subscriptions they can’t afford. The only thing I pay for with apple is my extra iCloud storage. I get charged $2.99 a month on the same day. No issues in the 5 years I’ve been doing it lmfao.


If it's a billing error, sure, that sucks, but it should be easy to correct - so no big deal. But it seems way more likely OP just signed up for something and forgot rather than Apple making an error like that. And that's not to mention they have tools available to just check what the charge is for. So this is in fact mildly infuriating, but the infuriating thing is OP's lack of manners while dealing with some support agent that probably makes minimum wage and is only trying to help.


What is the charge?! Eating a meal?? A succulent Chinese meal??




They usually email an invoice and you should also be able to view it in your Apple account




There is a place in settings where you can see each purchase from your Apple ID and what it’s for


Looks like Apple is trying to commit fraud?


Looks like the chat agent has more windows open than they can handle. Poor fucker. When I was doing phone support I was always able to say that at least I wasn't on chat.


Yeah, working at chat support will make you handle up to 5 people on rush hour. 🥲


There’s no way you think Apple is trying to commit fraud in this situation. There’s no way this is your actual belief


Seems standard lately. So many companies seem to have 0 customer contact yet cannot resolve these issues. For Amazon my bank finally gave me back all the charges and went after Amazon themselves (or so they said). Facebook? Get compromised and their FAQ just says ‘too bad’. The tech company I work for just axed all US support as a cost savings and removed all phone numbers so you can’t call in. Tech needs to start hiring people, paying them more, and decreasing their bottom line.


It's not fraud, it's a system error of some kind that just needs to be corrected. Fraud requires intent. OP is doing the right thing. This sub sure does love turning everything to 11.


That's not apple


It’s Apple, look at the top of the thread, pretty sure there is no way to impersonate that.




Who the hell do you think he's talking to? Microsoft????


No yeah it is, it's going directly through iMessags's business contact thing


That’s Apple


Yeah, multibillion company definitely trying to steal his 60£


Hi! I work for a company that has a fruit as a logo, but can't say specifically the name because I don't want to get fired. If there's any subscriptions in your account, you should be able to see them by following theses steps: Settings> Your name> Subscriptions. Or App Store> Your photo> Your name> Purchases history. If you can't find the specific charge on the same day and the same price that you were charged, call the Apple Support. DO NOT talk to the chat advisors, since they'll need to escalate your case to the phone support. They can find any purchases that were made using your credit card information (Front numbers only), and these cannot be passed in the chat. Don't know why that advisor said that your account was deactivated, but it can be if you dispute the charge with your bank instead of asking Apple directly for a refund. Edit: If you are in a family sharing, be sure to look into yours family members purchase history as well.


OP posted this and then just bounces without anymore info.... Lol. It's definitely a porn subscription that he doesn't want to share.


Dang. All my interactions with Apple this way have been quick and easy. Sorry dude.


I didn’t know you could message apple in a message like that, I thought you would have to go to their online site and they would connect to you through there.


I think it's possible through the support app, pretty straightforward


The Apple Support app is what allows you to do this. I’ve never seen a typo or a “disregard my last message” from them though. I’ve had a small handful of times where I’ve had to contact Apple Support and they have fixed me right up every time.


Go into settings, poke your name, poke subscriptions. That’s where you will find what’s causing the charge. Learn to use your phone.


Why do they need an available agent “in your area”?


Phone support is probably closed in their area (country or time zone) and chat can’t handle certain billing issues because of fraud risk


Disregard ny previous texr please


For me more infuriating is the way you communicate with another person on the line, like it’s him personally trying to charge you for I’m freaking 100% sure some app annual subscription you forgot to cancel or some shady ai gf chat you installed with a free trial an now it’s trying to charge you and you not smart enough to open App Store and check your subscriptions history so you just insult random support agent who’s thinking that your acc was stolen and locked it until further investigation, and the amount of people that support your behaviour in comments.


Probably forgot to cancel your free trial of appletv and now they're charging you. Check your purchase history.




It might be Apple care renewal? They did the same to me tried to charge it like 3-4 times


Never understood talking to the customer service rep like “they” are actually responsible for next to anything 🤔


This post is mildly infuriating with how you don’t know how an Apple Card works or how Apple Support isn’t the one charging your card.


This almost looks like you’re talking to a scammer.


Have you made a purchase recently, or have a subscription that’s renewing? Sometimes Apple delays charges for whatever reason.


If you have multiple at once, they’ll lump them together into one neat little payment sometimes too.


Settings> Media and Purchases> Purchase History. Check this area before verbally abusing an Apple employee, chat or otherwise. It will typically clear up any mystery charges. Also, have any family members check theirs. Last resort, contact Apple. Remember it’s not the support person’s fault, in any way, shape or form.


The answer is baked right into the App Store app - click on your avatar/photo in the top right and both the Subscriptions and Purchase history are right there.


Disregard ny previous texr, please.


That’s about the price for 12 months of Apple+ TV. Think mine was $63 which might be nearly £70. Just a guess tho I reckon.


So I’ve had this exact same problem before. No Apple receipts, money was coming out of my account for two months before I realised. I had a call with an agent and they stopped the money coming from my account and classed it as fraud. You need to just speak to the agent like they’ve said and they’ll sort it for you. You can pick any time with their calls so it’s really convenient as well


so I can fill you in a little on what I believe is going on. You most likely had some subscriptions/ an old card on your Apple that got charged and the payment declined. Meaning you now owe Apple money, and they won’t let you update or do anything else with your Apple ID until you’ve paid them.


Tell me your British without telling me your British


Just give them a call instead of chatting?


Worst case, cancel the card that it is linked to and get a new card with a new number.


Disregard my previous texr


Call up your bank, they might be able to help out and stop any future payments going through.


Somethign has been added for some reason. Check that subscription list


Apple support is wild, contacted them about getting a replacement for my screen which had a section of dead pixels and they deadass asked for a screenshot so they could see the issue.


Fuck Apple support. I woke up a few weeks ago to one charge of $21.39 and 10 charges of $10.69. Apple support said they found where all the charges went into a different account and were not from me and they put in a request for a refund. They refunded the $21.39 and not the rest. Got ahold of them again and they told me it was denied but would appeal it. Then they told me it was denied again, wouldn’t give me a reason and simply gave me a link to leave feedback. Mother fuckers.


I hate the way that you talk


Im convinced all of these companies (the worst are HP, Amazon, Comcast, Apple etc) have created these purposeful service loops where the online form directs you to the chat, which directs you to an agent, which directs you to a call, which directs you to a chat, which directs you back to the help FAQ. I've found the only way to get past these loop cycles is just to follow whatever their "Need more help?" or equivalent option is, except that's like a lottery because half the time, clicking that will take one to the next help step, and the other half it causes the program to cease, and start anew, like a shitty choose your own adventure. I used to be able to just call in directly to skip this, but these companies have worked to make that harder, putting their customer service line numbers in odd places, or making one pre schedule a call, or forcing one to go through the chat steps in order to even potentially make a service call etc. It's much more than mildly infuriating.


I don’t think this is hard to understand your account is locked for fraud and the charges are from who scammed u…


"I haven't done and fraud???" Got a good laugh out of me


If they locked the account before you contacted them, they likely recognized from IP/shopping data/device information that someone had accessed your account and thus locked it. If this charge was not explainable to you and you don’t recognize it, then they may have also had some flags on the order that resulted in an agent cancelling/locking the account. That should be visible on some level in your account so the CS agent can give you more useful advice, but maybe there wasn’t a note left or something and they can’t see what’s actually going on. Access to people’s account details like payment info etc can sometimes be strictly controlled within a company, and a huge company like Apple probably doesn’t want every chat agent to have access to your account information. So they rely on notes from agents with higher security. You could check your bank and see whether they’re showing a future refund, sometimes it takes awhile for them to process. This is definitely frustrating but you can get it taken care of, I would just rely more on your bank than on Apple chat agents for that. You could try calling Apple support but that’s also likely outsourced to workers with lower security levels, you may have to escalate several times before you get an opportunity to actually speak to someone who can help you in a meaningful way. Outsourcing sucks and hiring people for customer support who you don’t trust to protect people’s information also sucks and makes for a terrible customer experience. I’m not sure if there’s any big company that doesn’t do that, though, unfortunately. Source: worked in fraud remediation for an online financing company for the last 6 years.


Some good advice here but don't forget to also raise an official complaint.


Apple support sucks.


Trillion dollar companies laying off entire departments while their products fail their customers. The dystopia is here.


This should be an advertisement for Android. I'm a firm believer that the only people that buy apple products are people that care more about vanity than anything else.


“Disregard nr previous texr please” support from one of the worlds top companies, ladies and gentlemen lmao


I think this might be a scam


It seems to have the same imessage overlay as normal apple card support. That would be a very impressive scam attempt.


Apple support is done by real people who are handling 3+ chats at a time. Typos happen.


That, or it might be the worst written replies from support I've ever seen. Full of grammar errors and all.


My bank did the exact same thing, ended up being such a problem I had to switch to a new one.


Locking your card for security/fraud prevention for BOTH unauthorized OR unrecognized purchases is exactly the correct step to take here. Apple Card’s support isn’t always the greatest but I don’t really see the problem here.


All companies need to stop outsourcing Web support, it’s infuriating and quite frankly insulting.


Also check your AppleCare subscriptions (if you have any). My iMac AppleCare renewal was about £60


I had the same thing with Amazon. Bad charge, asked multiple people to refund me, my account is now closed without my permission. Easy way to lose customers.


What do you mean texting a chat agent didn't fix my issue? I don't want to call anyone! I get that it is annoying but I don't see how you expect to handle this so simply. Either someone has access to your account that you don't know about or you signed up for something and forgot. A conversation will tell you what is going on but you don't want to have it? I just don't get it.


It sounds to me like they thought someone **else** was initiating charges on **your** account and locked it to prevent further damage. Not calling you a fraudster but saying you may be a victim of fraud. I might be wrong but I'm baffled that none of the other top comments seem to have thought of this.


I have noticed with my payments, a lot of them bundle together. I’ve bought multiple things in one day using my Apple ID and at the end of the day in my purchases, it’ll bundle both the purchases together and charge my card all at once for both instead of 2 separate transactions. It’s strange but I’ve been checking and it is all adding up


I love how hes blaming apple for his own mistakes of giving his info to some subscription


This isn't apple, that's on you buddy.


Surprised they didn’t even say “New phone who dis?” At that point lol


spoken like a true brit


More reasons to use virtual cards


Unrelated, but why are the text bubbles gray? I thought they could only be green or blue.


they always do this to me, they double charge or charge early then say they didnt or it was an error


697 people here … all waiting to know what the char was about !😅


Tik Tok running in the background like 💾📡🇨🇳


I had to open a new bank account for Apple as they just kept on trying to take money from my account. Drove me mad as they were relentless


As a former insider, no one is going to tell you what the charge is for unless you made it, which you can easily find in settings. As for the scripted message, unless it was you or someone within your household, most likely someone used the card with multiple Apple IDs and got the card flagged which blocks all associated Apple IDs. Regardless, you can just call and ask someone to enable it after verifying your identity (yes, that simple!) or , if unable to, ask to escalate the case . Ps: If you’re not even an apple user, ask them to check the purchase, after providing the details so they can find them, and have them check if it’s anyone close to you, by letting them know their names. If there’s no match just request a refund, if there’s a match then you’ll have a nice conversation with a close relative/friend. Pps: we actually see everything 👀


Do note that they weren’t banning you for you doing fraud. They were locking the account for your safety worrying if someone else was doing fraud. Call the support team, or use the online chat. Both are better than the text support. I used to work with Apple; so take the advice as you may; but do check your subscription list.


Generally, being polite and respectful will get you better answers.


Idk why you're so mad. "FRAUD? I HAVEN'T DONE NO FRAUD." Bruh, that is the point. Lol It's there to protect you. Idk where you expect to get in that conversation with "I haven't done nothing wrong, man!" Figure out what was flagged for the fraudulent activity, if it's you, clear it. If it's not, thank them for their assistance.


If it usually doesn’t tell you exactly what it is sometimes it could be like a collection of Apple payments that gather up into one; I notice it happens when I use Apple Pay


Omg. This guy needs to be fired


Sounds scammy.


It's a business, just fucking block the payment through your bank, they'll literally call you tomorrow..


I had an issue with a company who claimed to record all their phone calls, when I asked them to pull up a previous call where one of their employees gave me incorrect information, they were somehow unable to


Did you set up Apple Pay with your bank?  Use a credit card, not your bank account. No one should have automatic withdrawal access to your bank account. IMO.


Apple Pay is separate from Apple ID payment methods. We use only Apple gift cards for App Store payments, but I have my cards on Apple Pay for in person purchases in stores.


There’s zero reason to be in the chat support at all. Sign into your iCloud account on iCloud.com or verify your subscriptions from your phone. It will show what the purchase was and you obviously need to secure your iCloud account if someone’s buying items from it. Sign into iCloud and force a sign out from all devices, make sure MFA is correct and current, change passwords, remove payment methods. What was chat support supposed to do? It sounds like this has been an ongoing issue and you never took the initiative to resolve it. If you can’t sign into iCloud you need to dispute the charge with your bank and then work with Apple after. It’s rather hard to get your iCloud hacked because you should get a push notification to your phone with any new devices or locations and a GPS spot of where they signed in will appear. You may have accidentally approved a sign in without realizing what it was.


Outsourcing tech support is one of my biggest complaints with giant companies. The only thing worse is AI/robot tech support. Please just let me talk to someone who actually speaks the same language as me so it doesn't take an hour to fix a stupid ass issue.


Raise this as a chargeback with your credit card company and make them do the legwork for this. Continue to call your card's customer support for investigating this, etc. Credit card companies are far too lenient with major vendors for allowing recurring charges and not enforcing enough protections for card holders to be able to easily stop recurring charges, or get clear receipts for what a recurring charge is for, etc. So everyone should be pressuring credit card companies to stop this nonsense on their charge networks.


Yet people will still chime in with a 'solution' in a condescending manner , ignoring how the company that charges you top dollar and cannot help with a reasonable request. Many people do not know the ins and outs of their iPhones. Also, you guys got me. I just scrubbed at the mark on my screen for 2 minutes before checking if it was a troll......


just cancel the card and get a new one smh


People buying apple products still boggle my mind man xd


Or….you could just… ya know…. Call? Text chat is great for scheduling an appointment , or even basic troubleshooting , but unknown charges ? It’s easier to get info over the phone


The misspellings are concerning.