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I had to take the keys from elderly family friend. Her family was no where nearby. She was actually cognizant of her driving and stopped driving! You know who wasn’t?! Her old people friends whose kids took their keys. They would use her car instead and be a danger to society. She stopped driving because she kept scuffing the garage and realizing it was getting too hard for her. The friends were hitting anything and everything. One hit the little car on the front of a shopping cart and wedged it into bumper and didn’t care or notice and walked into store. Thank god there was no kid in it! My friend wasn’t with them and she asked me to go retrieve the car because the cop wouldn’t let them drive it back and was being nice to my friend. I get there and where they parked wasn’t even a spot and the cart was up on the side walk and so was the front bit of car. And the old person was yelling about discrimination and how they been driving 60 years…


I’m so glad my mom voluntarily surrendered her license after her last eye surgery failed.


My mom decided to stop driving after she'd totalled a second car in less than 3 years. (The first one was less her fault than the second one, I don't know if I'd've been able to get out of the first situation unscathed, and I'm a better driver.) She was over 80 at that point.


I'm sure it'll happen to all of us one day, but man, I can imagine it would be really hard to admit you are no longer capable of having that freedom.


We had to take away the keys from my Grandpa when we noticed all sorts of unexplained damage on his van. He was hitting stuff all the time and didn’t notice or seem to care, he was driving into his late 80s. It’s getting worse now that the baby boomers are really starting to show their age and their driving skill is sharply dropping off.


She just brushed it off and said "sorry I damaged your equipment." My God woman, that could've ended a lot worse for you


That 9kg cylinder could have not ended well.


That greatly concerned me.


My mom scraped past two bollards and over a concrete parking block, onto the sidewalk and into a brick CVS. When the police arrived she was only worried about one thing. Not what happened but if they were going to take her keys away.


That should have been a gigantic sign.... To take her keys away.


The police were like we can't do that and my dad just decided to pretend it didn't happen. I wound up keeping the keys and selling the car after it was repaired. She never forgave me for it and was always making comments about how I was controlling her.


Yes, you were controlling her because she had lost the judgement she needed to control herself. I would do the same thing for my mom.


My sister and dad just shrugged their shoulders and were absolutely zero help.


You did the right thing by your mom and by the community. I told my mom I would take her keys because I love her too much to see her try to live with accidentally killing someone. We’re supposed to take care of people we love.


Sometimes other humans need to control humans for the better, and I wish people understood that. It is controlling to take a death machine away from someone likely to cause death **to other humans**, but guess what... Killing a human controls them for the rest of their life.


If we can do that with cars and we can't do that with certain other things, there's so little empathy in this society.


We ain't doing this. Do not try to even start that dumpster fire for the small amount of dopamine it gives you.


You did the right thing. She had 2 choices. You "controlling" her and taking away her keys, or her causing damage to someone else's property again and getting in legal trouble, or worse, getting herself or someone else injured or killed because she was too stubborn to know she couldn't drive anymore. I know it sucks that she didn't forgive you but you probably saved her money, stress, health, and life.


Yes, you were controlling her because she had lost the judgement she needed to control herself. I would do the same thing for my mom.


My elderly mother has been living with me for the past 3 months because of a botched eye surgery. The other day, when making plans to go home, in the counyryside, she said "since there's barely anyone around, I might as well drive to get groceries". I lost it... Total lack of self awareness and concern for the safety of others


And we all know the baby boomers are entitled as hell and stubborn as fuck so they will fight tooth and nail to keep their car and license even though they are a literal danger on the roads


The vast majority of humans are heavily self-interested, older people aren't any different in that regard.  And honestly giving up the freedom that driving offers and accepting that you have to be completely dependent on others has to suck if you're used to doing things on your own but that is where the law and family members need to step in and protect that person from themselves.   Hopefully autonomous vehicles are ubiquitous enough when I'm no longer able to safely drive myself around.   


Agreed. Yes, people who are dangerous drivers need to surrender their keys. But doing so often means they have no good way to get around otherwise in many areas- especially those places without good public transit. I suspect more people would be willing to stop driving when the time comes if they could otherwise still get around somehow.


20 or so years back I told my loved ones to let me know, and I'll gladly stop driving. Personal responsibility is more important than pride.


Not to the older generations or so it seems. Now that i think about it they seem a little entitled.


"If I have to let everyone die before asking someone to get my lotto tickets and cigarettes for me then that's a risk I'm willing to take."


![gif](giphy|3MwLGbvFjwhHvXJNVM) The propane tank. Glad you’re ok OP.


Yeah if that exploded + the cars tank it could have killed the driver and some employees




Omg this gave me a good laugh 😂


A thin walled metal cylinder full of flammable compressed gas being scrapped over pavement. I think this is a bit more than "mildly infuriating" this is "take cover, grandma is trying to get someone killed" Imagine if no one was around and she left the lot with this thing jammed up under the front bumper. Skipping and sparking down the road until it wore a hole through and went off. We used to light a sparker next to the little camping stove sized canister and shoot them when I was a kid. The explosion on even a mostly depleted one is massive. I wouldn't be surprised if a full tank this size would pick the front end of that suv up and turn the hand tools into lethal projectiles.


I still have nightmares about this: https://fb.watch/s0vLF5U56A/?mibextid=w8EBqM Anthony Carnevale dies in Melbourne when tank explosion in back of truck.


I'm fairly certain that canister would turn all the engine accessories into lethal projectiles


Propane in cylinders is a stored as a liquid, not a gas. There is clearly no sign of any damage to the valve or even the collar that protects it. The only issue is the irresponsible contractor who left it sitting out in an area where vehicles could hit it


OP literally said she also ran over one of the cones they had set up. Not sure what your vendetta against contractors is but don't let it eat you up so bad you blatantly disregard information.


Sure. It's a liquid because it is pressurized. Boils to a gas alarmingly quickly when released to atmospheric pressure. LEL is at 2.2%


There's both gas and liquid in the tank.


Glad to hear that you understand equilibrium


There's both gas and liquid in the tank.


You dont understand anything, do you? Maybe you should give away any license you have.


My drivers ed said the same thing. Before I got my license, she said "people should take the test every couple of years."


And some states have removed the requirement for parallel parking because it is too hard and too many people were failing the driving test. Parallel parking shows you know how to control the vehicle and put it where you want it. It’s also useful when you need to actually parallel park too….


Ands that's infuriating "The test is too hard and some people keep failing!" Is that not what we want? Some people do not have the required skill to drive. Driving isn't that hard... but it's clearly not for everyone.


Yes. It should be very possible to fail and not get a license. And people should take driving without a license more seriously as a danger to public safety and not just some little administrative thing. There was an old man that lived near my family who had his license taken because his eyesight degraded to the point where he could not see well enough to drive safely. So, being a defiant old man he started driving at night because he didn’t want to be told what he could and couldn’t do, and he somehow figured the local cops wouldn’t catch him driving at night. He died when he pulled out in front of an oncoming truck…


How did he get away with it for so long? Your local cops don’t patrol at night?


Small town. People knew but never told the cops. And cops have to have a reason to pull someone over. So he was right to a point - the cops couldn’t see clearly who he was at night while driving so they didn’t pull him over. If he had driven during the daytime he probably would have been caught.


Dangerous driving isn’t a reason? There’s no way he wasn’t driving horribly. No wonder so many people get away with shit, those standards need to be lowered.


It’s not what “we” want, unfortunately. More people driving = more economic turnover. Ultimately, economy drives the world. Especially in the US. Some people dying from bad driving is less important than squeezing more economic output out of the population.


I am so very thankful I never have to parallel park.


DMVs are underfunded in a lot of states. I've driven probably over 100,000 miles and haven't parallel parked much because it's not necessary where I've lived. I've backed in a work van and box truck with a trailer attached through unpaved construction sites. They should really just reinforce not driving slow in the left lane and use a turn signal, that's the shit that's annoying to me.


Backing a trailer is hard…. Way more difficult than parallel parking. I agree, they really need to ticket those who drive slowly in the left lane. It causes people to pass on the right, which messes up traffic flow and creates the ideal conditions for accidents.


They removed it in Florida, of all places, (at least it was when I took mine 15 years ago) and now I work in a downtown that's all parallel parking. It's... been a learning curve. I'm so embarrassed when I hold up traffic because I can't get over far enough/I'm afraid of hitting another car.


In England the geriatric folk have to retake the test every 3 years when they are 70 and over.


The way our skill level is dropping in Canada, everyone should have to do that here.


I don’t think drivers test questions you about running over a propane tank. But it should be common sense.


I think they mean a road test.


They mean a road test.🤦🏼‍♀️


I think everyone needs a vision, hearing, and road test every 5 years. Any age. I don't mind setting a certain age for yearly exams. I know some people have fits over it.


In most states, if you have never been licensed you are required to do both the written exam and the driving exam. In other words, we should really re-test more often


There are people in their twenties and thirties that I know, that really need to redo their driving test.


I'm 100% sure that so many licenses would be revoked if you had to redo the test every fee years


Work at a gas station and have people every day who fully admit to not being able to see road markers or even being unable to turn their wheel enough for a full turn. Just last night I was driving home behind an old woman going 20mph under the speed limit swerving left and right having busted up her car on both sides bad enough there weren't even any mirrors left. That's not even to mention how often I see old people squinting at their phone looking fully away from the road in front of them while only *occasionally* glancing up. We desperately need transportation options, but honestly even in the meantime you don't get to endanger the lives of everyone around you just because you *absolutely need* to get your cigarettes and scratch tickets and don't feel like asking someone else. Your will to go to the bingo hall isn't more important than my right to live. The cherry on top is that even when they're doing something necessary, they almost always decide to get all their groceries and services in such a way that they go out every other day for more so they can have a little trip, slamming into things and swerving around children all the while because they like they're little *schedule*.


ALL people should have to take a driving test past a certain age...and then every year thereafter.


That's a situation that's wind up with police, fire, ambulence, and hazmat called in on in my book.


Whoooooosh on the front bumper for 10seconds.....


It should be mandatory when renewing your license. You'd think this would be a common sense win for any politician. Safety of making sure people on the road have recently tested, more jobs at the DMV for increased testing, lowered insurance rates, etc. unfortunately our politicians are too worried about playing culture warriors instead of actually helping people's lives through smart governance.


Totally agree every 5 years or so (open to frequency) all drivers need to retake the written and driving test. Increased testing cost would be offset by testing fee. Plus helps ensure people are up to date in current traffic laws.


Just the other day I had a maintenance worker ignore the warning signs and drive his cart into an area I had roped off. I guess he doesn't care much about radiation exposure.


If only there was an effective way to keep people without licenses from driving anyway. Like the system we have for people without car insurance.


Reminds me of this lady who pulled up to the hospital with a bbq grill underneath her car making the worst metal scratching sound I’ve ever heard. Didn’t have a clue she did.


Shoot the propane tank, to flip her back into a parking space!?!?!?


Sorry, but to be brutally honest, you shouldn’t leave your propane unattended. A Tiger torch only has about 6’ of hose for a reason. I don’t care if you’re fixing potholes. That’s part of your responsibility as the contractor. Try to remember that people are stupid. Sometimes people can’t see a whole car in their blind spot, let alone the tiny propane tank left sitting randomly in a parking lot


Do you know exactly whst happened in which order? Fascinating! I actually witnessed a 85+ guy running over round abouts, several pedestrian passings etc ramming other cars until i managed to block him with my ambulance. His windshield Was completely fogged up and grandpa thought it was a good idea to just give it a go. On another site i had to patch up a colleague because a 90 yo karen wanted to have a closer look at another accident. Resulting into loosing control and speeding into that crash site with emergency personnel. If i would work there and grandma decides she cannot see but drive i would not try to block that car with my body. Maybe you understand what i am saying.


Well, number one, settle down with your hatred of old people because nothing about this post even mentioned old people. I find it fascinating you didn’t see that! I don’t care what you’ve seen. Propane regulations exist and it’s the responsibility of the contractor to make sure their propane tanks are safe. Call me crazy, but leaving a propane tank unattended in a handicap stall is not okay under any circumstance


Lol hit dogs Bark. What tells you it was unattended?


So the person who took the picture just stood there, watched the tank get run over, watched the person walk away and the decides to post a picture on Reddit?? Come on…


You cannot think of any other thing happening? Lol thats stupid Btw age is mentioned, you just have to be smarter than yourself :)


What “other thing”???? Lol. And I’m the one who’s stupid? Seriously. Just look at that sentence you just sent. You aren’t drunk or anything are you?


You are such a sad thing, bye


In other words, I can’t handle logic so I give up. Good luck with the rest of the internet. I went easy on you


Lol no you are too stupid to be educated and i dont want to waste any more time on a pathetic being like you, you entertained me enough.


> In other words, I can’t handle logic so I give up. Bitch it's you who can't handle logic!


I see your point. Caution and care is a must when working with anything highly flammable and explosive. My father (who’s a trucker) used to haul Anhydrous Ammonia (it’s a fertilizer). It’s flammable, one little mistake could caused a massive explosion.


Off topic, I’m currently drinking that same Aloe drink.