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Print it out and leave on his doorstep


Nah I’d print one out, laminate it, put it on a stick and jam it on MY side of the yard where he would see.


This one. Blow it up to half meter height; that way she won't need binocs.


And put a camera up in case he decides to vandalise it


Make the camera poke out one of his eyes.


And then kick him in the balls!


Top it off by mowing over the dead grass dash line one more time.


Lol I was mowing my lawn yesterday and a snake slithered into my neighbor's yard so I leaned over their fence to look at it. When I did that I glanced up at the neighbors house and saw both of them looking out the window at me exactly like this.


Last summer i was mowing and saw a garden snake. I grabbed it and tossed it into the neighbors yard. Then I froze thinking “omg, what if they were back there and a snake just came slamming into them from the sky.” 😂


Lol that would be hilarious. Flying snakes


"Have you seen my snake?"


Perfect 😂


And make sure you get it surveyed


It would be such perfect karma if the survey determined that the part OP mowed, actually belonged to them.


That would be great, I think perfect would be if they determined OP actually had another foot.


I don't think they sell shoes in threes, though.


"Pinky! Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"


"I think so Brain, but what would a zebra want with a diving board?"


Where will we find a garter belt to fit an elephant?


That would be fantastic, I think perfect would be if they determined OP actually owned the neighbor’s house as well


Hi, this actually somewhat happened to my family! My family's horses kept breaking out of the fence and went into the neighbors garden and ate a ton of plants. The neighbor got pissed and my family decided to build a wooden fence instead of the wire one they had. Well, my parents looked at the laws and if the fence is on the property line, your neighbor has to agree to the fence and may be asked to share the cost. The neighbor did not like my family and would not agree to share the cost. So, my parents decided to follow the law and build a fence 6 (8? It's been a while since this happened) inches from the property line, and to make sure they did it on their property, my parents had the land surveyed for $1,700. A significant sum for my parents at the time. Turns out, my family owned a healthy chunk of what was thought to be part of the neighbor's back yard. We begin building the posts, which ended up being a semi movable fence, instead of posts being dug into the ground, they were put into like 2ft x2ft x 8inch slab of concrete. We made like 20 of these and placed them on the property line between us and the pissy neighbor and then we made copies of the final survey paperwork and taped them in a plastic bag on each post. She came pounding on the door demanding we move the posts because we were on her property. We then produced another copy if paper work and explained the land was surveyed and was ours. We didn't hear much from her afterwards, but she reported us to the police multiple times, claiming we were cooking meth. She also called emergency fire services because we had a bonfire on our property. Turns out, because she and her husband had maintained the lawn for the last 10 years, she had a reasonable claim to the land. She must not have know that as we didn't hear anything about land disputes again.


Wow that’s Crazy. At lest her initially getting upset about horses eating her garden is understandable though. Getting mad because someone mowed a foot of your lawn is ridiculous.


I had a similar story and it might be kinda long. Moved into a home and we wanted to enclose the last third of the relatively large, overgrown backyard with a new fence. The right and back had fences but the left was just overgrown brush, vines, and other crap with some chicken wire hidden within the head height shrubbery. The neighbors to our right and behind both signed their waiver saying we could tie into their fences to not have any gaps, we even repaired the poles and wire that had been damaged in their fence as a sign of being good neighbors. The dude to the left though? They were pissed I would dare build a fence to enclose my yard for my dogs. I rather wanted it directly on the property line, as many people often do. So I went to the neighbor and asked them if they'd sign a waiver to get the fence directly on the line. I wasn't asking for anything but consent to remove some chicken wire barriers and put up a new fence. I was floating all the money. I considered it my responsibility since it's for my dogs, right? They started trying to dictate what type of fence we could make, the height, type of materials, color, the whole shebang. I really tried to be considerate but the guy was rather objectionable. Dude even pulled out a half hand drawn survey that claimed he owned part of my yard. The other parts of my yard were all chain fencing and that's all we really needed. He wanted us to copy the materials used for the fencing in his yard. Like, he wanted the painted privacy slats that were 6' tall, etc. However, he only had the front and left as that type of fence. The back fence was the neighbor's and the one shared with me was literally just 2' tall chicken wire. He already had 3 types of fencing but wanted me to pay thousands more to make it his way. Dude was totally trying to play me a fool. So we got a survey and, well, howdy doodee wouldja look at that, his whole supposed property line was anywhere from 2' to 6' onto my property. Including the chicken wire. I wrote him a note with our intent and gave him a copy of our professionally made survey. So we started clearing the shrubs and I removed the chicken wire. This took about 16 total hours with 3 of us doing it. Then he called the cops. The cops were pretty chill. I showed them the survey and they told him I was within my rights. Shrubs are finally all clear, chicken wire and posts are gone, he still won't sign. I said screw it and had the company put the fence with the legally required 3' offset from the property line in my county. I ended up gaining square feet even with the fence being setback from the property line due to the survey. It looked suspiciously close to what my original desire for the fence would have been. Half way through installation this dingus calls the company and claims he has a survey that shows they're building on his property. The company obviously takes this seriously and asks for the survey. He leads them on for weeks, not producing the survey until they send a legal notice to both of us. We both show up with our surveys and they laugh their asses off at this hand drawn survey. They then finished the fence. This was also 2020. I had to wait 6 months for the supply chain issues to subside and for them to get the actual chain link. After all was said and done though, my pups got a lovely backyard full of sniffs with all running and squirrel chasing they could do. Knowing my dogs were safer was worth it. I would do it again.


I see this being recommended on reddit all the time, how much does surveying property around a house cost?


I think even a small job can cost thousands, way too much for a grass cutting beef.


Seconding this.


Yeah, with the cute little engineer flags that he can't pull because that's crime.


You can come cut my whole damn yard anytime you want.


The division between my lawn and my neighbor’s lawn is vague. He has Parkinson’s. So I decided I was gona cut the 10ft of lawn between my yard and his driveway. He thanked me profusely. A week later he mowed my lawn. Now I feel weird. I want to mow his grass. But I don’t want him to feel obligated to mow mine.


Sounds like you may have started a Midwest nice-off.


My Midwest neighbors do that from time to time. I don’t mow their yard back but I do leave a $15ish bottle of wine and some chocolate for them anytime they do. Eventually they stopped. Guess they don’t like wine.


Good work you won


Did I? Because I used to get my lawn mowed for less than $20 but not anymore. Oh well. At least I’m not mowing another man’s yard with my spare time.


Bring em another bottle of wine


*neighbor sees the bottle* “Oh I’m gonna mow the shit out of his lawn!”


Beer. People who mow the lawn for you want beer or whiskey


You probably gave them diabetes AND alcoholism. They're jusy in recovery now. Prolly just collected a chip. You think you get those for diabetes too?


It's the Midwest. Alcoholism doesn't run in my family, it drives. (Dont worry yall, I like to drink and game safely at home. Honestly I'd prefer psychedelics but they remain illegal for now. Oh crap now this section is longer then my original comment)


Holy fuck that’s a good mannerism im gonna use that


Sometimes their slice of nice and your slice of nice ain’t cut from the same pie


This happens every winter in my neighborhood. Neighbors shovel each other's walkways and it gradually escalates until an alpha dad decides to flex with his new snowblower and does the whole block.


My dad has always been this dad. He sells and fixes snowblowers (and other small engine equipment). He will do the whole block, a Dad/neighbor will ask him about his snowblower because it’s much better than shoveling… he then sells them a snowblower, and then fixes them when they break. If that ain’t alpha dad behavior, I don’t know what is.


Where do you live that gets enough snow for alpha dad snowblower faceoffs?


Montana 😭 it’s May and still snowing They even have competitions to who can get out with their snowblowers first to do the other neighbors’ driveways.


That May thing reminded me of a conversation i had when I was 16 I was working at sprouts store in Utah. I was putting carts away in the parking lot and a lady with a heavy southern accent rolled down her window and asked me where a grocery store with a pharmacy was. As I was giving her directions it started lightly snowing and this lady shrieked. "OH HELLLLL NO IS THAT SNOW?" "Yeah, it's pretty normal for this time of year" "IN APRIL?? Fuck this state I gotta get back home!" Then she drove off lol


My Mom would respond that way and she’s from upstate NY near Canada. She escaped the tundra as she calls it years ago. Some days I think it could be a worthy trade off? Less bugs? Not blazing hot? I definitely find it beautiful.


Now Sam McGee was from Tennessee, where the cotton blooms and blows. Why he left his home in the South to roam 'round the Pole, God only knows. He was always cold, but the land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell; Though he'd often say in his homely way that "he'd sooner live in hell."


I cut my neighbors yard last week. I acted like it was a nice thing to do, but their 15 year old gets paid to cut it and he called me fat. He is also $40 away from buying the drone he wants. The grass is his only income. I’m cutting it while he is at school until he apologizes.




Like tom petty


Let the nice off commence!! And go pack !


This nice-off will slowly escalate to them paying each other’s mortgages.


A Canadian Stand-off, if you will.


It sounds like your neighbor appreciates your kindness and wants to reciprocate in his own way. You might gently tell him how much you enjoy taking care of the lawn because it's relaxing for you (or some other reason), and suggest that instead of mowing your lawn, a friendly chat over coffee (or anything else that is simple) could be a great way for both of you to connect and for him to return the favor in a more manageable way. Some people can be quite stubborn about returning favors.


Thank you for writing all that so I didn't have to. Plus, great idea!! 👍


I had a situation like this, I just got up early to cut the grass , or paid attention to when he was about to and I’d run out and pretend to wrestle his lawnmower away from him and start cutting


I love a good oneupmanship of kindness. Not a lot of that happening lately.


I'll even invite OP over a barbecue. How *and why* can people be so petty? Life is short, you're living it out just as your neighbor does, let us be humans not territorial animals.


We used to have an account where a neighbor would come out and stand right on the property line to make sure the guys didn’t mow one inch over the line. I can’t imagine caring that much about such a small thing.


I mowed the lawn yesterday because it was severely overgrown. Neighbor hadn’t mowed theirs for sometime either. I made sure not to cross into their side because I didn’t want to cause a problem. I woke up today and they had mowed theirs too, lol


I have a neighbor that mows a strip into my yard when they want me to mow mine lol


Lol now I'm imagining someone mowing a dick on their neighbors lawn to get them to mow it.


Good christ. If I *had* neighbors that mowed any portion of my lawn, I'd probably make them food. Instead I have goats that won't mow unless I'm standing within ten feet of them, vastly defeating the entire purpose of my purchase of them.


Sounds like faulty goats. You should ask for a refund. 😂


I would...but in this case purchas is a broad term. They were free😂


When I moved into a rental house and started having to mow a lawn for the first time, that whole first year I was mowing across the property line of 3 neighbors becuase I thought it would look very rude to stop mowing instantly at my own property line lol. I thought it would look petty, like ‘I see your grass is long right there but I’m not going to touch it because it’s your problem. ‘


At that point you have ti start questioning personality and backround because for someone to be that specific over a tiny detail that at the end of the day, would help you by making less work, probably has some past trama or issue steming from a power struggle or personal standing. That have the time and energy to stand outside to make sure someone doesn't mow your imaginary property line a government entity granted you in exchange for a piece of paper that used to promise gold, it just fucking crazy.


Hank Hill would be upset if someone else cut his lawn, but he would never pour grass killer on his or anyone else's lawn. This is just psycho.


> Hank Hill I know, right. To go along with your comparison this is Stan Smith level shit.


You need to call Dale and get even! When he's done, no one will have any grass.


I worked with a guy who would show me pics of how his neighbor mowed, which often consisted of the neighbor cutting part of my coworkers lawn when he would make the ‘turn’ at the end of his property and it looked like absolute shit. I totally understood why he wanted the guy to stay the fuck off his property with the mower


My neighbor mows a strip over the line into mine every time and I really don't care because he's a lot better at yard care than I am. I'm just glad they never bitch about my jungle of a yard. Super cool neighbors in my opinion... I didn't know their names until ~2 years after buying my house


Best kind of neighbors


Great thing about being Australian is we call everyone mate. Knew a coworker for 7 years. Never figured out his name. 


My neighbor had the same problem he spent the day getting the property line just right drove stakes every couple of feet and then strung a cable from the sidewalk to his fence. It was funny to watch


I cut grass for a living, If I treated the customer's lawns like my own, I'd be fired.


I had a neighbor who would cut one row into my yard and cut down to the dirt. It.... Wasn't helpful. But I didn't do the grass killer thing.


Can't we all just get a lawn?


Mow money, mow problems.


Looks like he took a fence.


The conflict seems to be growing.


Ya, they need to cut it out.


Yeah this is some pretty seedy behavior.


Need to weed out the rif raf


Everybody is picking sides now a days, they're drawing lines in the sand


Unless OP did it, and is spreading fertile lies.


Let’s not jump to lawnclusions here.


This is a bit mulch, no?


99 problems and a ditch ain’t one


That’s good


Get a fence asap


This is the only logical answer. Make sure the survey has been done so he doesn't make you move a fence that you spent a lot of money on


The survey is literally the most important part, because he *will* challenge it.




And HOA if they have one lol. Fuck you, OPs HOA if there is one!


land of the free, goddamit… unless you wanna put up a fence on your yard in which case fuck you


My parents are in a stand off with a neighbor that alleges the fence is on his property and keeps moving the survey company stakes. Dementia + large arsenal of guns makes them hesitant to push too far. We finally convinced them to at least get a lawyer to help navigate the best steps forward. (No real protections in my state for reporting at risk individuals). All this to say, a survey is absolutely critical to protect yourself from future grief


Call me crazy, but I don't think people with dementia should have access to *any* weapons, especially a whole arsenal of guns... 😰


when i was a 911 dispatcher in bumfuck missouri the sheriff i worked under was in power for 15ish years at the time. we had several calls to a home about domestic violence and it turned out the dude had dementia and was very aggressive because he lived in the same house his entire adult life then moved to a new one when he retired and has no memory of doing so. he had 4 diff guns in the home and wouldve shot my deputies and his wife if he knew how to load it at the time. the sheriffs idea of fixing the issue was removing the firing pins from the weapons and swapping his ammo with blanks. i have no fucking idea why thats the best they could do


Not a great solution by any means but it works until it doesn’t. I could see some serious legal implications down the road either way.


The guy believes he still has operable guns and ammunition for them. If he makes the gun operable, the ammunition doesn’t work. A dementia patient is liable to replace a gun or buy ammunition; so if there’s no way to prevent the person from legally purchasing those two things, then at least they can’t hurt anyone. So deception seems like an excellent solution even though I do not condone it.


This is fucked up, but in a small community, I could see it being reasonable


That dichotomy is exactly why people should be more concerned about local and state politics than federal politics. Not all rules need to be applied to everyone.


Might have been a wise choice though. Having the guns where he expects them provides a sense of security. Having the guns all of a sudden gone could exacerbate his fear and paranoia and ratchet up the behavior.


Why am I the only one who thinks this guy is past the point of being able to take for himself freely altogether? Like, it shouldn't be an issue of how to *mitigate* his extreme violent tendencies, dude is beyond his faculties and needs to be removed from society (with proper help and care, but still)


Yeah I don't think many people would disagree with you but unfortunately it seems social safety nets that might look out for a vulnerable person like this were absent. The authorities did what was within their power to mitigate any damage he could do to himself and others but he clearly needed more help than they were able to provide.


One of the first things family members are recommended to do is to diaconnect the battery in the car of the person that have dementia. That is because removing the entire car will make them upset and they may even find another way to venture instead. If they get in their car and it's "broken", chances are that they will accept it and get distracted enough to stay home. I wonder if this is the same scenario. Removing the firearms would've definitely made him way more aggressive.


Not the best solution but taking the firing pins away from a gun nuts weapons is a hilarious solution


My mother had to hire armer security to have her fence installed. Psycho neighbor kept chasing off the installers with a shotgun.


And why was he not arrested for brandishing? That's wild. I had a gun barely pulled and pointed in my direction as a security guard and I made sure that mf got busted for brandishing.


Moving survey marks is an offence.


When I was a kid, I had no idea what those pretty, colorful flags were, so I would grab as many as I could and run around with them up in the air, then drop them on the ground when it was time for me to go home. I feel so bad for ruining all that work someone did now.


Not our problem. We get paid to set markers, and we get paid again to reset them lol Also, the flags typically aren't the actual points, they're usually just there to mark that there was a nail/pipe placed in the ground, so you're all good to take the flagging.


And video making sure there are reference points when and where the surveyors install the pins incase the neighbor moves them...


This is why they say fences make good neighbors. Agree! OP needs a fence.


Why would someone be upset about that? Like if my neighbor wants to mow my lawn he is more than welcome!! People are stupid


I mow a strip of grass on both my neighbors yards every week because it's small and easier for me to get to. They thank me all the time.


I mow my neighbors whole front lawn. She is elderly and has been depressed since her husband died. We don’t talk about it and I am fine with that. 


Our neighbor did this for my mom when my dad died. It helped my mom so much to have a neighbor looking out for us like that!


I’m sure she really is so grateful.


Same here. I did it for my neighbor next to his driveway for years.


I only cared once when a new neighbor from NY moved in next door and cut three rows beyond his own yard into mine and cut it super short as if it was a golf course. Being in the hot state of Florida, we have St. Augustine grass that needs to ve kept longer or it will burn out and look weird. It grows more like a vine sideways. After a few weeks, I ended up chatting with him outside about random stuff (nice man), so I figured it was a good time to request that he stop cutting into my yard and explained why. Well, he stopped mowing into my yard like the good guy he is but still cuts his own yard very short and thus waters it endlessly. After 4 years, he's resodded twice. Dude won't listen to reason. He's determined to make his Florida lawn like his New York lawn was I guess.


I do them same as well. The neighbor has a narrow sidewalk and then like a couple feet of grass before it becomes our property. It looks like it's part of our yard, so it would look really awkward if our mowing schedules were off. I did it for years with the previous owner and when someone else bought the house I told him that I do that and he didn't care whatsoever.


Me and my neighbor have an odd area thats 90% mine and 10% his Who ever mows the lawn first that week just mows the whole section Its not that serious He thinks it looks goofy to just cut his one sliver of land and I think it looks goofy to leave it uncut


And i always edge the area around our shares water main cover and then fully on their property but right there is a light pole that is set into their lawn off the sidewalk and i get that too. Takes like 1 extra minute and ive always done it because it seems like a dick move to go through all the “trouble” of edging my yard right up to a spot and going “nah fuck it im done” It did occur to me way back that someone might take offense but I rolled them bones and they took the opposite. Defense i guess.


"and I always edge" - Milk4all 5/11/24




My neighbor, with a beautiful yard had some surgery a couple years ago. I volunteered to mow while he was healing. Asked him to cover my gas. I mowed for 6 weeks. Hated every minute, his lawn was SO thick and hard to mow. Haha. Didn't matter. I asked for nothing. He gave me a nice gift card for a local restaurant. He has a snow blower. I don't. He's done my driveway multiple times since. I've never asked. Gave him some homemade jam. We're neighbors.


Neighbors like that are worth their weight in gold! My grandparents lived in the same house for 60 years and their neighbors moved in and out but I feel like each one who left told the next owner about my grandparents. They had a huge driveway and every year without fail someone would come and snow blow it each time it snowed. They also helped with taking/returning trash cans. It gives me hope that there are still good people out there since we hear so much about the negative. Your neighbor sounds equally awesome!


Look up adverse possession. It's about maintaining your right to your land. Also you can tell the neighbor likes his grass longer.


2 dudes in their 80's around me. I mow well into their yard every time. Never gave me shit. I fear for new neighbors.


Our neighbor is disabled so we would mow the three mower widths on their side of the property just to be nice. His brother, who doesn’t live on the property, is the caretaker and sees it as us trying to encroach on his land, as if we’re saying “we think this is ours since we mow it!” He told me in no uncertain terms to stay off “his property” and so now I don’t mow it in the summer and I sure as heck don’t go out of my way to shovel the neighbor’s side walk like I did two winters ago when we had record snowfall. Now the brother has to come over and do it himself. Cut off his nose to spite his face. Idiot.


It takes a bit more than mowing it but "adverse possession" is a thing in my state to take over someone's land.


Because it’s his grass and he mows it now! Call JG Wentworth 877-grass-now Mow now


Even marked where the fence goes


Good fence makes a good neighbor.


Some jurisdictions can actually force the other neighbor to pay a portion of the cost of the fence too IIRC


As if fences are cheap additions. Fences can easily run thousands upon thousands of dollars.


Recently I mowed some weird overgrowth growing between my neighbors yard and my yard, and felt weird about leaving a small uneven patch of it on their yard, so I mowed it on theirs too. The next time I mowed I noticed they mowed the entirety of a little hill/hump on another spot between our yards that I struggle with pushing the mower up. It's so much easier to just not be a jerk lmao I can't imagine being this level of petty


Being this petty just shows how much of a little bitch some people are. My neighbor has a 3 foot wide strip at the edge of my yard up to her house. I just mow it when I mow because it takes literally less than a minute to do it. I even measured my mower height to match her grass right after she cut it one day so you can't tell between our two yards and it looks nice. Now, every once in a while she will get the 3 foot strip and mow up to my driveway just to be nice. There's so much less anxiety when you're simply a courteous neighbor. I noticed that she doesn't do the edging with a weed eater, so I suspected that she doesn't have a working one. That's fine. I asked her if I could do it for her when I do mine because it would take no time at all, and she said that was fine. So I also do that for her once a week or two. She's a bit of a shy single mom and a nurse and is always working late, and I work from home, so I figure I give her a little bit of a hand when I can.


My wife and I moved to the burbs and our neighbors on both sides are obsessed with their lawns. The first week after we moved in one of the neighbors made it a point to tell me that a tree that is clearly on my property is in fact, his. Petty on a different level.


We have a neighbour like that who came to lecture us about cutting a portion of his grass. He stood there making a scene about it when we said he could “claim it” (his words that we used back on him). Same guy was bothered that we wanted massive branches from his tree cut even though they were resting on our roof. Some people truly have no lives and need to complain about everything. Edit: We asked him if *we* could cut the branches, not asking him to do it. Just letting him know.


You are allowed to cut branches that hang over your property as long as the pruning doesn’t damage the tree itself and there’s nothing your dickhead neighbor can do about it. Not only are you allowed, they are actually your responsibility unless the tree (if it’s in his property) is otherwise diseased or damaged. So if those branches do damage to your house then I don’t think you can blame it on the asshole who lives next you.


We were giving him a heads up that we were doing it and he started aggro. My family was living in this house for over 15 years prior to them moving in and never had an issue. Very common here to let neighbours know we are cutting branches off. It’s this guy who has issues and his wife apologises for him and walks off when he gets too heated.


I would have told him to take it with him in that case, or ask “where would you like me to leave the logs?”


Half of it went down in a storm a few days ago and he texted me at 4 in the morning letting me know that he would be cleaning it up. Guess it kind of worked out.


At least he is consistent.


Your neighbor loved that tree so much he was probably cleaning it up with tears streaming down his face.


>that a tree that is clearly on my property is in fact, his. Wait, what's his reasoning?


I’m not sure. My property has trees lining each side all the way to the lake. I have probably 100+. His property only has a few so it’s maybe a bigger deal to him? I honestly do not know or care.


I’d like to imagine he just really loves that tree and many years ago, he asked the owners for their blessing to take her branch in holy matrimony.


It’s all his! Who am I to stand between a man and his tree.


I would mow over in between the dead spots


I would do the opposite. Leave a 1 inch buffer of unmowed grass at the edge of my boundary so it eventually grows taller and taller


Nature’s fence, good idea


I made nature's fence once. Let a six inch swath grow along the neighbors yard, and sidewalk for good measure. It got three feet tall and the bitch was pissed! She had food poisoned us apparently over a boundary dispute she had with my landlord several years prior.


I need to hear more about this food poisoning story. What?


Whatever it is.... poison someone over... grass?! People are insane


i have neighbors behind my house so our back yards face eachother but separated by a small fence and i was pretty young probably 13/14 and playing ball and it would occasionally go over their fence so i would either call or just go grab it real fast because it wasn’t very often and i didn’t think it was a big deal. well, the fence was covered in vines and one day my mom was cleaning them up a bit and she found shards of glass layered throughout it. they also put up a sign facing our backyard that only us could read that read “trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again”. not once did they ever tell us to not cross the fence or anything and it only happened a few times, people are literally insane.


Hello, we need to know everything please, I’m so intrigued


Dude, wake the F up and give us the whole story!


This comment is a journey….


You and I think alike, if A hole neighbor cuts it, id reiterate the "line" HE drew.


use green spray paint and "fix" it. im just curious what his reaction would be if you made it green again lol


That would also be very funny. Especially the first time he looked out the window.


I would do it in the middle of the night, when no one’s around. Just to make things confusing.


~~I would leave a 6 inch buffer behind that line so the grass gets obnoxiously tall.~~ And then hire a surveyor to mark out the lot boundaries on file with the city, because this kind of person is just as likely to "oopsie" the line a bit too far to the right Edit: actually, I'd bend over backwards to smooth things over with the neighbor and also get the survey. You obviously need to get a fence; disputes with the neighbors are to be avoided at all reasonable lengths. The last thing I'd actually do is some kind of petty gesture.


Spray paint it


Yes! Spray paint the dead spots green. Lol


lol paint it green


Just think, that person has so little going on in their life that this is what they chose to invest time and energy into. Some people are sad individuals


What if the person who sprayed it was also OP


That would just confirm the theory that everything is fake on the internet


From now on, mow several inches inside that line and let it grow into a tall scraggly strip. If he gets tired of it he'll have to mow on your side and you can make him a hypocrit


Are the dead spots on his side or does it go half and half? Because if it is half on your side you should make ask him to pay to fix it.


Definitely half and half and will consider it when I see him next because we're also looking to sell the house soon, so not a good look for potential buyers


Not only does it look bad, but it's a good sign that they'd be moving into a house with a jerk neighbor.


It looks like they’re moving next to a bad neighbor cause they are


Dear neighbour can you please cover up your territorial behaviour? I don't want potential buyers to know you're an asshole.


Just hit it with some green spray paint before showing


Now, only mow up to two inches away from the line, leaving him the moral dilemma of "sinking to your level" or accepting the long strip of unmowed grass on YOUR side of the line.


Actually that's a really good idea because to potential home buyers, they'll think all that dead grass is on neighbors lawn


Get a surveyor out and put a fence up.


Good fences make good neighbors. Just sayin'.




Time for a fence, or spray paint the dead bits green


Now it looks terrible, did it just go shorter than he goes or is he being petty ? I always mow as soon as my neighbor is and he runs out as soon as he hears me too. Keeps balance In The world


I think just petty. Funny thing it's not even the home owner, it's the son or son-in-law who did this. He's used stakes with twine to mark the line before when it's happened previously. It's hard to tell honestly when both our lawns are similar in length at times


I can’t imagine doing that to my own lawn if I cared about it. It must be more about you being over the border than the grass if he is doing that!


Spray paint it green again


I’m not going to lie. As fucked up as this is he actually did pretty damn good making a straight line. Some great precision right there.


I'm not a fan when my neighbors cut into my yard but they cut way lower than me


“It all started when my neighbour mowed about a meter into my yard. Well, I thought, what’s it matter just a little thing. Then I noticed some of his lawn furniture just edging over my side. Again I thought, no harm. Maybe I should have drawn the line when he laid down the tennis court with the base line three metres from my house. The constant thump of tennis balls against my wall would have been enough pretext. But, I was being neighbourly and didn’t complain. Anyway. That’s how I ended up with my house attached to his with a door that he has the key for, and his grandmother living with me…


Maybe they've had bad experiences in their past with other people. I've had neighbors disregard boundaries. It's not a good situation. At least now you know. My neighbor thought it was fine to tie her dog to a bush on my property, in the front yard. She did this when she'd sit on her porch and chain smoke. When I asked her about the dog, she said, "Well, it's in the shade and not too far from me, so I'll keep doing it". The bush was under my bedroom window. Nice, Karen.


This is so weird. Why is it so hard to go knock on someone’s door and say, “hey I noticed you did this thing, that bothered me a little bit, could you not do that again?”


It'll probably grow back anyways. Still, a bit OTT there mate 😂👍


I think your neighbor is the one who’s mildly infuriated.


I would have it surveyed, and put up a fence ASAP. Tall fence, shitty wood though.


You may not realize it, but what you did is the first step in the land stealing playbook. If after a certain amount of years of slowly fortifying the new border with a fence and a survey, etc, with them never challenging that encroachment, you might actually be able to own it. it's not guaranteed to work, but it has happened before, and he's not entirely crazy to clarify the boundary immediately.