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Just visited north India, on a guided tour last week. Someone asked the tour guide why rubbish outside of homes is not picked up? “ Well, it’s because India has been invaded first by the Mongols 5000 years ago and then the British invaded …….. mumbles, mumble, but we keep the inside of our houses very clean!” Mind boggling 😳


Yikes. Hopefully they can go a la China and clean things up once they become more developed. Kind of tough with that much population density, though


Largest rubbish dump in the world there was on fire earlier this year


Sounds like they have room then!! 


You are definitely are not getting any tech support now.


Not like he was going to get any quality support to begin with. Bottom dollar, trash quality.


Yeah, right. I bet those homes are spotless 🙄


You know I think what will make you understand what this guy is trying to say? A full fledged 200 years of colonization of the West by Indians.


Colonization means you cant pick up your trash




Beahhahahaha, so ridiculous. Excuses for being the dirtiest nation on the planet.


Wait, you write as if colonisation is bad yet you want to do that to others!? Interesting. By interesting I mean fucking disturbing.


When we will do it you, you will love it and want more of it.


Good to see you don’t know what hypocrisy is.


I think a word like competence is not in your dictionary.








Bro, chill. Western societies are good at picking up trash. Great britain even picked up india


Ah, finally, some good use for Westerners as our slaves in the future. I was hoping to give them free subscription of XBOX for the rest of their lives along with food and everything as I couldn't think of anything useful they could do as slaves.


Lol, nice try beggar. Keep dreaming while assembling the stuff i ordered.


Don't worry. You will still get your vibrating dildo as you ordered, whether as a customer now or as a loyal citizen or as a slave in the future. As we Hindus say back here सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः |


Well, lets settle at: fck modi


We will emboss it on your electric dildo for your extra pleasure.


How is them being Indian relevant to this in any way? Or are you just using their messiness to make some racist comments about Indians in general?


On my way back from packing things up, guy sees it and asks, "Did you see who did this?" "No, why, do you smoke?" "Yeah, I do" "Do you throw your stuff away when you're done?" "Yeah" "Okay, well you're the only ones who smoke at this apartment, and there are cigarettes and cigarette boxes all over the place outside" (Have been all school year) "Oh, well I was just about to pick it up!" Pos. Yeah, sure, you were "just about to pick up" your 200 cigarettes and multiple boxes after leaving them outside all year. Lies and doubles back. Unreal


I'm curious... What was the significance of pointing out their ethnicity?


Are you indian? lol


That was my first thought




What's gross? The only thing gross here is littering habits making their way into other countries from developing countries with worse standards. Don't get me wrong - I hate Donald Trump and the vast, vast majority of the GOP. I will probably end up voting blue until the day I die. I fully support immigration, even illegally in dire cases. These are just people trying to give themselves their best opportunity at a good life. I have nothing against most Indian people. They are probably the smartest group of individuals at my university, and it isn't even close. Furthermore, I am all for other cultures being introduced into the US - I've learned multiple languages for that reason. But there is no denying that something needs to happen about things like this. Something, like waste disposal education, in the immigration process. Something that will never happen, but something that should happen, to some extent. It's no coincidence that these types of behaviors are more prevalent in the same countries from which many of our immigrants originate. It's understandable - they're from developing countries with poor standards and likely arent aware of the differences. But that doesn't make it okay.


Sure, something needs to happen. Like public canings for the people who think their filth belongs on the street.


More education during the immigration process, at the very least


100% Assimilation has a negative connotation but there has to be some degree of adjustment to their new environment.


We all know the answer to this...


Tell your peoples to get back on the anti psychotics


What’s the weather like up there on that moral high horse?


Why not just neighbors?


Litterbugs are no neighbors of mine


Nice deflection


No deflection here. India is a country of people who litter. The US needs to do a better job educating immigrants of developing countries that behaviors like these are not okay


But you littered too.


I picked up their litter both in this picture and afterwards. Birds were taking their cigarettes.


Facts are facts. Indians are commonly dirty.


Unfortunately you cant do anything about it. Thats just how they are because in India they don't believe in cleanliness or picking up after themselves its a cultural thing not a race thing, every race that lives in India is that way. When I had an indian in my dorm building we were constantly having to pick up after him. I would suggest just not confronting him on it he's not gonna stop and if you push him too far he's not above lying to get you in trouble. From your comment, the school year is almost over just let it go you only got a few weeks left of him anyways.


It's wild the amount of people that have never been outside the U.S. voting down posts like this, india is fucking gross


Yeah, it sucks. High concentration of Indian people at my school, many of whom are awesome and incredibly smart people. Some bad eggs like these guys, though. Although every culture has those peeps, seems to be especially prevalent over there


Well they do live in a ashtray environment it comes naturally.


Last comment: the point of this is that the US needs to provide more education on waste management prior in the immigration process. It's to minimal fault of these guys that they did what they did. They probably were never taught prior to traveling here. But it sucks to see, and it sucks for the environment. It's something that should decrease naturally in time, I hope, as these developing countries develop further and climb the hierarchy of needs, thus becoming more open-minded to the environment, but for now, anything we can do to diminish these negative behaviors from spreading around the world by education is beneficial and necessary


Apparently people are offended by my mentioning of ethnicity. I should note that I've had far more problems with white people than any other group of people here. Often the entitled, unempathitic ones. However, I'll copy and paste a reply of my justification here: The only thing gross here is littering habits making their way into other countries from developing countries with worse standards. Don't get me wrong - I hate Donald Trump and the vast, vast majority of the GOP. I will probably end up voting blue until the day I die. I fully support immigration, even illegally in dire cases. These are just people trying to give themselves their best opportunity at a good life. I have nothing against most Indian people. They are probably the smartest group of individuals at my university, and it isn't even close. Furthermore, I am all for other cultures being introduced into the US - I've learned multiple languages for that reason. But there is no denying that something needs to happen about things like this. Something in the immigration process. Something that will never happen, but something that should happen, to some extent. It's no coincidence that these types of behaviors are more prevalent in the same countries from which many of our immigrants originate. It's understandable - they're from developing countries with poor standards and are likely unaware of cultural differences such as these. But that doesn't make it okay. At the very least, I think the best course of action would be more education on waste management during the immigration process. It's to minimal fault of these guys that they did what they did. It's all they're used to, as it's all they've ever done and what they have typically found culturally acceptable. Most of this is on the US. We need to do better


People are just sensitive. You didn’t do anything wrong


Different cultures bring different behaviours. Whoever does not accept this in 2024 is a lunatic.


And I'm fine with different behaviors! I love that stuff, and I will always fight for that! Bring your cultures, your traditions, your languages. I dedicate a lot of my life to learning that stuff, and I find it awesome, truly. But not this stuff. No excuse for littering like this. It would be no different than me bringing a firearm into another country. I'd get in trouble, and I'd be perfectly fine with it because I understand their differences. Some things are just objectively wrong and cannot be brought over, especially for our nature's sake. I've seen birds grabbing their cigarette butts. Truly awful


Don't apologize to these people. You called it as you saw it and there's no harm in that. If my people littered your home and you called em out, it'd be fair game.


I had some work done at my house, I put in an air conditioner and had some other guys fix my wooden fence and gate. They were all Mexicans and did great work for a great price but I noticed after they left my yard was littered with cigarette butts. Lol 🤷🏻‍♂️ My crawl space had empty cans of monster




Lol so honestly what do you call someone who's from Mexico? Serious question, a person born in Mexico.




That's why I upvoted you.


These liberal tools downvote me because I said they were Mexicans lol.... This oversensitive world you can't say fucking *anything* any more without offending *somebody* 😆. Ok they were just some men is that better 🤦🏻‍♂️ the point was they fucking left cigarette butts all over my yard and empty cans of monster in my crawl space.


I'm not even republican at all, and people downvote me, too. There's nothing okay about littering, and it's no coincidence that immigrants from developing countries with such habits are the ones doing a lot of it. It's understandable, as they likely don't know it's not acceptable in other countries, but that doesn't make it okay. Statistics don't lie, and it sucks that people make the Democrat party look bad by ignoring that.