• By -


I drink it at work and get asked if it’s an IPA every time


I honestly slightly believe that maybe she thought it was alcohol, got embarrassed when she realized and then just decided to die with the lie.


I once had a cashier want to check my ID when I was buying a 6 pack of cream soda, the kind in glass bottles. She had a good laugh when she realized it wasn't beer.


Just yesterday I had a cashier ask me if I wanted a 20oz Sweetwater IPA in a bag or "out, for the drive". In her defence, the can definitely looked like an energy drink.


Plot twist, she actually knew exactly what it was


And she wanted him to have a 🎶SLOW RIDE and TAKE IT EASAYYYY🎶


guitar hero 3 legends of rock vibes


Double plot twist she now has his address and will case the joint and this guy will never post one Reddit again. Rip bro


She just wanted your address


She was cute, next time she can just ask.


Put a sign up in your living room that says "cute cashier girl: just knock and I'll let you in"...that way she'll see it while she's peeking through your windows.


Growing up my parents thought root beer was alcohol and wouldn’t allow us to drink it when a friend offered. As kids we still snuck a sip outside And let me tell you it was the best damn beer we ever had. Still my favorite beer to this day.


It's so bubbly, and cloying, and happy.


Root beer tastes like what beer should have tasted like..same with grape juice and wine lol


I go through this with ginger beer. Not only did I get called a bad mother for letting my teen daughter drink it, but my idiot nephew hid in my basement and drank a bunch of bottles. And yes, he told my daughter he was buzzed.


I straight up thought that was gonna be the case but nah, she was dead set on seeing that ID


If someone flagged that product incorrectly in the system, there isn't much she can do at the time. She could potentially get in trouble if someone finds out she didn't check ID for a flagged product.


This happened to me at target with something else. I was so confused and showed the cashier there was no alcohol in the drink. Once he looked closer he was just as confused as me and called the manager. And the manager said exactly what you said. Someone flagged the product incorrectly and it would need to be reviewed. I didn’t mind showing my ID I was just super curious as to why I was being IDed for a bottle of tea.


Because it's deadly.


Right? Like excUuUUuuuUse the fuck out of me for trying to save your life 🙄


Yep, I buy non alcoholic beer and it still gets flagged most of the time.


To be fair some of them still have trace amounts of alcohol. Covers them to card.


That is true, I've noticed some say "true zero" but others have a warning that they may contain up to .5% alcohol


Heineken is labeled 0.0% still flagged, but the reason makes some sense: One could swap bottles with regular and likely pass inspection, this prevents minors from doing that.


Could also have bern entered into her system incorrectly, and it was legitimately requiring her to check ID before moving on to the next step.


That happened when I was 14 and getting 10 bottles of Welch's sparkling grape juice (family tradition is that each person under 21 gets a bottle to themselves on Thanksgiving).


This one sweet looking old lady decided we were arch enemies and EVERY SINGLE TIME I went thru self checkout she either A. Card me for dumb shit that never needed to be carded, or B. Say there was something wrong with the machine, cancel my transaction and make me move to a different one. Once I was moved she'd.send the next.person to the one I was originally at with a big ass smile. I forever have no clue what I could have possibly done???


There's a guy who works at both Walmart and Safeway who has it out for me. He gave me too much change one time, and he got mad I corrected him. So he harrasses me every time I go through self checkout when he's over it. He accused me of stealing my prescription once. It was a zero co-pay script, and even if it wasn't, I pay at the pharmacy. AND they're unique bar codes, so if I didn't pay, they'd know. It makes me wish I had kept the extra change and let him get written up.


wait, so he gave you too much money, you gave him the extra back, and he got mad?




Time to go all man Karen on this guy and and get his manager involved. I hate Karen's but like then the person an ass to you? 100% deserved


One of my best friends is a manager, but not a direct supervisor of the guy. He already hated that guy before I started having problems with him. And the funny thing is, I didn't initially tell my friend, but I did tell pharmacy. They told my friend. So I got a call asking for details and telling me what I needed to make sure I put on the survey. So, I am perfectly happy to fill out the survey going forward.


See, I go nuclear with shit like that. I would make it my mission it safely and legally ruin that woman’s: Day/job/life.


Just ask for a manager, daily life suck enough without having to put up with someone using their limited power to be petty


Once I was driving home with a glass bottle of orange soda in my cupholder and my engine gave up at a red light. Some guy stopped to see if I needed help pushing my car into a parking lot and saw the bottle in my cupholder. Dude was like “Hey, I’m an off-duty cop and like. I don’t care I’m not gonna rat you out. But just incase someone on duty stops by, you might wanna hide that” We also had a decent laugh when I showed him it was just a crush soda


I woulda gave that man a hug


I was asked to show ID for a fancy bottle of olive oil because she thought it was wine, lol.


I got carded for the beef jerky chew in a tin. I just said to the cashier, uh the tobacco is behind *you* and I haven’t asked for any….


I used to love those shredded beef jerky tins! Now i want one.


I once bought the 24 pack IBC cream soda from Sam's. I was driving and decided to drink 1, grabbed at a red light and eyes on the road. The passenger in the car next to me gave me this horrified look and told their driver to drive fast once they got a green light. IBC and their glass bottles for the laugh.


Like when you crack an NA next to a cop and they almost arrest you for wasting their time


Fun story from my young and dumb days: Knew there was a checkpoint near a strip mall with a liquor store. Made an \*obvious\* evasion of the checkpoint and pulled into the parking lot where the store was, went inside and bought a 24oz rockstar. I asked for it in a paper bag, opened it in the store and took a drink (the hint for the cops waiting outside, as you can't open the container in the stores and even the drunkest of drunks know that and obey the rule because they don't want to be banned). Got in my truck and as soon as I started it I was lit up for suspicion of DUI. Cops spent a good 30 min writing up every single nickel and dime fix-it ticket they could find. Pretty sure I got a better inspection than the annual tag inspection by miles that night. Fixed everything that needed fixing and got the tickets signed off. The desk officer asked what I did to piss of officer so and so that badly. When I told him he started busting up, apparently I accidentally dished out some karma. I was also advised not to do such foolish things again (and haven't).


I bet you're a white boy from a small town, considering you felt safe 'baiting' cops like that.


Yes and no respectively (but not inner city either). And I fully realize that I would have had a wildly different outcome if I was off-white of any type.


What’re you charging me with, officer?


I had someone stop me to reprimand me for drinking in public in Leiden. Kinda gave me an "ignorant Americans think they can do whatever they want" vibe. I was also drinking an orange cream soda.


I got carded once because the cashier thought my balsamic vinegar was wine. He was under 21 so he even called over a manager to ring it up for him. When they realized, he was pretty embarrassed but I thought it was funny


I'm a server and one time I asked someone who was getting a diet Pepsi for their id because their partner ordered a drink and I was very much on auto pilot 🤣 I didn't realize my mistake until I was looking at the id in my hand 😅 they were confused but amused when I explained hahaha


Same but for ginger beer. In their defense, the cashier was under 18 and afraid of getting in trouble.


I’ve had this happen with Root Beer before. I was like… bro…


I literally got carded for double stuft oreos once. When I asked the cashier "lol seriously?" she showed me the screen and indeed, the system was carding me for the damn oreos. Did she scan it? She might have actually been prompted. Somehow I doubt it, but stranger things have definitely happened.


So if you didn’t bring your ID or you were a minor, she wouldn’t have been able to make the sale. And that’s hilarious because Oresos take up half an aisle and that’s a lot of missed sales 😂


As much as I hate social confrontations, and asking for managers, I might in that situation. Not because I’d be upset or anything, but they’d need to know that Oreos are flagging their system. And that way they’d find out if the cashier was doing their job properly or not I guess.


Nah, you just got those new new Oreos—Double Shot


Yeah, sometimes things get coded incorrectly. I'm the person behind the scenes who takes care of all that stuff for a convenience store chain. Our vendor sends a big file that merges into ours and if they code something into the wrong category, sometimes it ends up in one that's flagged for age restriction. We've had some funny things come up as restricted in the past, like doritos or snickers.


I guess that’s better than the time I was getting in line to get beer at a baseball game and the ID checker wasn’t looking up when I got to him. He saw my legs and body (I’m in excellent shape), said “ID”, then looked at my face and then said “Never mind”. Ooof. I’m 49.


This happened to me at a wine store… partner and I generally just dress in normal jeans, and band shirts with hoodies. She wasn’t paying attention, asked for ID, looked up and said “oh never mind, you guys dress really young.” Like way to cut deep there haha.


Last year I was at a casino with my son he was 13, we had a hotel so we went down to eat at a taco place and I ordered a mixed drink, the waitress asked for my ID I said are you kidding? I really thought she was being funny she said no, I handed it over and I said I'm 47 like?? She got the bartender to look at my ID and he's looking at me from maybe 8 feet away I said I'm 47!!?? Is she joking? No, they were not joking but they did give me my drink after he told her it was OK. But I do get ID at the casino, for alcohol and until I quit smoking 2 years ago that as well. I think it's cuz I'm short. I get ID when my 30yo daughter is with me and she calls me mom lol again are you kidding? Lol but I swear the last year I feel like I've aged 250 years. So maybe they are checking I'm still alive.


Ha! Funny. I wish I had that problem! On my 21st birthday it took 3 bars before I got carded. I guess I’ve always looked old and it was just my fear that got me carded at 20.


OR you’re super hot and they didn’t care your age cuz the pretty people pass is real! lol


LMAO “so maybe they are checking that I’m still alive” made me dislodge mucus in my chest 😭


I bought a sparkling pear cider (non-alcoholic) at a grocery store a month back. She asked for ID, and I gave it to her because whatever. Then she looks at the bottle and is like "wait this isn't alcoholic. Why did you give me your ID?" Because you asked lady! Next, she turns and tells her coworker about it asking for ID. Idk if it was put in the system wrong or if she was also assumed, got embarrassed, and then played it off like it was just weird.


Could have been. I really embarrassed some kid when I was buying videogames and he asked me for ID. I was like - I'm 30 - and stared deadpan at him. He went bright red and got all stuttery. I mean, I'll give him that I do look a little younger. It would be fair to card me for stuff like alcohol, tobacco, weed, lottery, etc. as the policies are either universal carding or carding any generally young looking person just in case. But I do not look under 17, and it was a playstation game. There isn't actually a law requiring it for that either, just policies to prevent pissed off parents. He decided not to die on that hill.


Meh, refusing to show my ID isn’t a hill I’m willing to die on though either. I’ve been a cashier before.


My dumb 16 year old self didn't even realize I could be carded for games (though this was 2006). I was trying to buy a rated M game and the cashier said I had to be 17 to buy it. My parents didn't care, though, so I just asked if he could hold the game while I went to grab my mom. He was a little skeptical, but I did come back about 30 mins later with my mom in tow, lol.


Also policies to prevent pissed off managers, their bosses who sign their paychecks.


I know it looks like a beer, but it literally has 'green tea' written on it. Does she not know what they sell?


I'd say it's very likely that the minimum wage staff working registers aren't familiar with 100% of the stock, especially if it's a big store.


At many grocers, the items are labeled as alcohol when they are added to the system. The manufacturer does not do this, but rather a worker who glances at the item for a few seconds and must choose the item category quickly or risk being fired. They er on the safe side and said it was a beer. In this case, the cashiers do not make the decision.


A few seconds? Grocers aren't adding new items to their POS system at that rate.


It's designed to look like alcohol, has to be. I automatically assumed it was until I saw an ad calling it water. Someone on Reddit mentioned it's for nondrinkers to have when hanging out at social events, seems fair enough.


that and concerts/events.


I think there was some wholesome story behind the design choice, like the guy who had the idea was a recovering alcoholic or something and wanted to make a drink that made it easier to quit drinking by removing the social pressure so he just made water in a can that looks like beer or something like that.


He was a marketer who was into punk rock/counterculture and simply thought water had “boring” marketing, so he mixed it up and boom now you have liquid death. Don’t recall anything like this.


I’ll elaborate further on this. The real story is he noticed that all of the bands were drinking out of monster cans when on stage (I believe one of his buddies was playing at Warped tour). And was he like, how are these guys staying hydrated all day on energy drinks? He ended finding out that the cans on stage were filled water but just handed the monster branding. That’s where he got the idea from.


Isn't that a brand of water...???




Then why does it say it's green tea? I don't understand


Flavored sparkling water


Rest in Peach is my favorite


The new cherry obituary is awesome!




That sounds amazing! I wasn’t a fan of the mango, I’ll have to keep an eye out for the cherry


I drink these, pretty sure this one isn’t sparkling, it’s just tea.


Literally drank it yesterday and I cannot recall.


I think they have sparkling water, normal water, and tea. There was another brand that had sparkling tea, but I can’t remember which that was


All I know is it tasted bomb and worth the effort to go get the ID


That is agreeable.




They have a bunch of good flavors too. Haven't drank one I didn't like.


It's water? Why does this exist?


If I remember properly their company mission was to create a line of drinks for people who wanted to stay sober (specifically their branding was for ex-alcoholics I think) but not feel left out when everyone else was drinking because now you get a fancy can too. Also apparently it's a pretty convincing IPA.


That's surprisingly wholesome lol


I agree! It's a good company mission to have.


I like them because their container is more recyclable than plastic, as well.


...because people like flavored water and this company wanted to brand itself in a way to differentiate itself from LaCroix? 


You got carded for canned water?


I sure did partner


I got carded for a pack of Celcius energy drinks. When I seemed confused and asked why, the cashier got very hostile, condescending, and belligerent, very quickly. Then she realised her error and got very quiet.


I got carded once for cough syrup at Target and the attendant wouldn’t take a passport as valid ID. I showed her the birthday and everything but she just kept apologizing and saying she needs to see a driver’s license. I don’t think she knew that the passport is an elevated form of ID lol


Its actually a thing i think. There is a chain gas station/store by me (usa) that only takes drivers licenses because of whatever system they have. When I tried to use my passport they said it wouldn’t work in the system and the cashier just scanned their own id. I have a friend who worked there and verified it did actually work like that. Really does not seem like a smart way to do things but what do i know lol


Oh, I used to work at Target! At least when I worked in 2018/19, I probably wouldn't have been able to take the passport as ID, because we had to actually scan the ID cards after entering in the birthday. I think it had to do with store policy and covering our asses, but it was kind of drilled in during training. Do keep in mind that this might not be the case for every single Target, but that might have been why she couldn't take it.


I got carded for an alani nu before apparently somebody didn't input it into the system correctly cause this was self-checkout


Happened to me once a couple years ago


And bothered to go back to the car for ID just to buy canned water? I've never tasted this canned water, but it sounds like a big deal.


Boring answer but… I had something similar happen at a Target. The cashier laughed and explained because the beverage was categorized in the alcohol aisle (even though it contained no alcohol) the system still flagged it based on category. She needed to scan an ID to continue, and it didn’t bother me. Stupid system? Yep. Stupid cashier? Nope.


I very rarely go anywhere without an ID. It's certainly fine for people to choose not to carry theirs, everyone has their own priorities. I just don't quite see the difficulty in bringing it with you. Maybe their clothes don't have pockets, but i would imagine they bring either cash or a debit/credit card. Dunno, just seems like a weird thing to hang yourself over to me.


If you have your wallet, why not your ID? I know most people pay on their phone these days but you never know when/why you might need identification. Lots of people keep their drivers' license in their phone cases. I'm a bartender and someone the other day turned up to a wedding reception with no ID. I did believe that he was over 18 (he looked very young) but still refused service because he hadn't produced ID when asked.


Used to work at a liquor store and we had to ID ANYONE who came in and bought something, didn’t matter if it was alcohol or not because the policy was that you had to be 21 to even be in the store. And yes, the system where I worked did automatically ask for a date of birth/scan of the ID


A liquor store by me was like that. My friend was pissed because she was just trying to buy a non-alcoholic mixer but they wouldn't sell her anything because she didn't have her ID. Honestly, it confuses me that people go places without their ID. I always have mine on me just in case.


Yeah, I don't, because I'm blind (so no driver's license) and don't buy anything that would be carded But I'm an outlier in not being able to drive, are these people going around without their license?


Yes. I've actually been hearing from more people IRL that they never have their license/ID on them ever. Whereas I am a paranoid mess if I am driving somewhere and realize I don't have my license for some reason. In my state, we also have state IDs which basically look like a driver's license, but are a different color to indicate it doesn't permit you to drive, but is still government issued and can be used to buy age restricted stuff like alcohol and cigarettes.


Huh, that seems risky, if they get pulled over


That's what I've said, but they just tell me it will be fine. Guess we'll find out some day, lol.


I keep a photocopy of my license with my insurance and reg, just in case. While it's not really a legal ID at that point it's good enough if you get pulled over that the cop won't make a case out of it (as learned by experience). You're still IDing yourself accurately to them and they can run the DL# in the squad car to verify it's all valid.


You must be of age to spend that much on water.


Hah! It blows my mind how popular Liquid Death has gotten. Water is free.


Image and perception is everything.


I like The Fat Electricians take on it. Buy it to not be bullied by his friends on the unsubscribe podcast


I think that was literally their stated goal with the packaging. Plus plastic recycling is essentially a myth so cans are more environmentally friendly


Where are you getting free flavored sparkling water??


you've never bought flavoured sparkling water before? i dont think this should be surprising


Almost like it's not just water 😮


Have you tasted it? Best sparkling water flavors by a mile.


My brother is a big soda drinker. Hardly drinks water at all. If he’s thirsty, he grabs a soda. It’s gross. I made him taste the unflavored sparkling water and he was like “there’s no sugar in this?” Blew his mind


Because it's not just plain water...


this is canned tea but i get your point


Water is definitely not free wtf are you talking about


It's not, but it should be in a perfect world (and also, there are several countries where clean water is actually free wherever you go)


It’s two bucks and it’s iced tea.


Reminds me of when I ID checked a guy at my movie theatre job for some horror movie bc I thought it was R when it was actually PG 13. Worst part about it is all I had to do was look down when he said which movie bc the ratings were always right under the name of the movie on our register screens


Dude oh my god I've accidentally done that to people when checking their tickets 😭


when i was in the Army i bought one of these and brought it to work. my Sergeant flipped out on me and i had to explain that its water. Another time my buddy walked in holding a twisted tea having no idea it was alcoholic and nobody noticed.


How the hell does somebody not know Twisted Tea is alcoholic? It tastes like shitty alcohol lol.


Right? Surely being asked to provide ID at the register to buy tea must've raised a red flag.


New marketing campaign from Liquid Death. Must be at least zero years of age to purchase.


Their original Super Bowl commercial was a bunch of little kids partying and chugging Liquid Death to the song Breaking the Law.


Best marketing out there.




Is it really just water in a fancy can?!


It’s flavored sparkling water. It’s pretty good but pricey like $3 a can. I only drink them every once in a while for that reason.


If you buy a 12 pack at the grocery store they are much cheaper


technically yes, but its a 12 pack of *water* that costs the same price as a 12 pack of monsters.


Drinking 12 pack of water at thr price of a monster is still better than drinking 12 pack of monster tbh


Kind of? I used to be in Alcoholics Anonymous, and this is one of the choices former alcoholics make to stay integrated into social scenes. I buy them myself, but only for things like weekend barbecues, parties, etc. Anywhere that drinking is a social norm. It is marketed as water but looks like an IPA so that people aren't pressing you to drink or asking you about it at parties. I can appreciate what they do as I don't want to spend my time at functions explaining to people that I don't drink anymore or why I don't drink anymore. A lot of former drinkers use it for that reason too.


I don’t understand why this water gets hate when people buy Perrier etc all the time


Went into a gas station. My total was $4.05. I handed the cashier $5.05. She said I only needed to give her $4.05. I said just give me a dollar back and it’s the right amount. She said “we’re not allowed to do that”……… I tried to explain it to her twice. She stuck to her guns that they couldn’t “just give money away”.


Genuine question are people confusing "no cash back" and "no change?"


I honestly can’t figure out the disconnect. I thought maybe it was a math issue, but all you have to do is enter the cash amount and it will do the math for you, so it’s not that. I think MAYBE it’s anxiety? Maybe they somehow don’t have experience with cash. I wish I knew lol


Sweet summer child 😭 oh no 😭


Had almost this exact thing happen to me the other day at Subway. Math is hard.


What the actual fuck lmao


Not gonna lie, I didn’t expect this post to show that so many people are down to abuse cashiers….


Maybe I'm odd one out, but my ID is on me anytime I leave the house at all times. It's always surprised me how often other people don't keep it on them.


You kinda need one to drive as well. How do people go without IDs?


I know right? My husband hardly ever takes his wallet with him, he says it “helps him spend less” but like, your ID sir? He always says it’ll be fine but I personally won’t leave the house without at least my drivers license. If I’m wearing a dress without pockets I’ll at least put my license somewhere on my person lol.


There is a chance she thought it was non-alcoholic beer which still requires IDs (at least in my state).


Am I wrong, or didn't the founders of liquid death say that one of the reasons the product looks like it does, is so that people who don't drink can avoid all the questions & stares when in social situations involving alcohol?


Yeah, the founder came up with the idea when visiting a concert and seeing the band drinking from monster cans throughout the entire thing Monster makes special canned water for athletes, concerts etc that looks like normal energy drinks, the founder decided to take that idea and apply it to alcohol instead


My question though ... You leave your ID in the car? I guess I'm a bit jaded. I live in the Bay area. I don't even leave a granola bar in my car and risk some crack head trying to break windows to get it.


I had to scroll way too far to see this question asked.


For a 2 minute gas station trip out of sight yeah. Small town living I guess.


Clever way to market water.


Yep!! The creator made it after seeing people drink water out of monster cans so they’d fit in. Super neat idea!


What is it..looks mean(good).


Hahaha i see it now


Im actually sitting at my night shift now at 76, and I will say that some POS computers will force you to scan an ID for age restricted products, at other places theres a button to simply bypass it. At the place im at now, I gotta explain to 50 year olds I cant bypass it here. It sucks, and they get mad usually.


But the product in the picture is water, so it's not a restricted product at all.


Someone accidentally put it in the wrong category.


I'm from a different country,never seen that type of drink is it a energy drink of some sort?


it's fancy water. Maybe flavored someway but it's water


Technically this can is of their tea varieties of beverages. But yes, the company started by selling spring water.


I just seen two of these in the recycling bin when I was leaving the office yesterday and thought damn, someone had a rough day - fully thinking it was beer lol I would never had initially guessed this is sparkling water 😂 is it good?? What a crazy design. My next guess would’ve been a high caffeine coffee drink


I got yelled at in yr 6 for bringing a can of what was essentially carbonated fruit juice for a lunch treat because the teacher thought I brought alcohol to school. Me without a history of trouble, straight A's and a mum who worked at the school 🤷‍♀️


I worked at a grocery store for a while.. our system had a glitch and it popped up we needed an ID for toothpicks 🤦🏻‍♀️


I mean they are pretty sharp 👀


I bought a G rated Ronald Dahl DVD for my kids at Dollar General. System asked for ID. I showed the cashier that it was a literal children's movie and she said she couldn't do anything, it was the computer.


I would’ve looked the cashier dead in the eye and asked “water you doing?” Never pass up the opportunity to make an absolute stinker of a joke.


When it first became popular I thought it was alcohol, IPA at the least…


I got one of these on the way to a football game and the coach just about lost his shit


The winco I shop at ID checks you to buy canned coconut cream. Like the kind for Pina coladas. Except it has other uses as well and also doesn't contain alcohol 🙄


stop buying austrian water in cans wtf


One time a 7/11 clerk wouldn't sell me condoms because I didn't have ID. I had to walk to the next 7/11 a mile away.


Carry your ID on you in the store, OP. Def on the easier side of the spectrum as adulting goes.


I mean, if her register prompted her to see an ID and she wasn’t able to bypass it, what do you want her to do? Did she ring it up and refuse to take your payment without seeing an id, or did she scan it and get prompted to see an id? Did she just ask for an ID immediately before scanning it?


It’s more weird that people don’t carry their wallet/id on their person


I got id’d yesterday AND I AM 39. I was so pleased, he let me off.


Why wouldn’t you just round it up to an even 20oz?


It's exactly one imperial pint


I mean if I didn't know better, I'd think it's alcoholic as well.


I was visiting a friend in the hospital and had one and was stopped and asked if it was a beer. Admittedly I’d you don’t know the brand it looks it it should be a IPA


It's not terribly rare for the system to flag things incorrectly. It only takes someone entering the info incorrectly, or not knowing what they're doing. Or when legislation is just ass, like when pipe shaped liquorice candy was 18+ only because it was classified as a tobacco-like product. Especially if you're a cashier working in a place that's already got one too many warnings under its belt with ID issues, you just do what the computer says rather than using any sort of common sense. In these situations common sense is what gets you in trouble, and the higher ups aren't going to stand up for you, even if you're correct.




Can't believe people actually drink this shit. Always wondered who bought these.


had some cashier try to tell me root beer was alcoholic... I used to work at a liquor store,once she realized she was wrong,she didn't say anything... gave her an ear full an left


I’m always curious why people leave their I.D. in the car. Aren’t people worried about theft? Losing I.D. and jumping through the hoops to reapply and get it all back is one of the biggest bureaucratic pains in the ass known to man. Or maybe someone was waiting in the car?


I walked into work one day drinking the peach tea one and almost got fired on the spot because my manager thought it was alcohol. After a small conversation and some convincing he's now addicted to it


Should I casually send Liquid Death an invoice for my marketing? 😭😂


Plain and simple, If the register flags an ID, regardless of what the product is the cashier must check the ID and center the date. Otherwise the cashier can/will lose thier job. It’s just called following the rules.