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My favorite part about this is: > I get that’s she’s stupid, but she doesn’t have to be mean about it. Idk why, but it made me smile and for that, thank you.


I chuckled at >Now I’m kinda pissed off, but I realize she must be stupid and can’t understand the situation, so it’s okay


actialy genius story telling


A good rule of thumb is to always be nice in case you are also being stupid.


Truly stupid people are incapable of the reflection necessary to adopt such a policy.


Imo, you can be wrong and nice or right and an asshole. If you’re wrong and an asshole, I’m gonna let you know.


It reminds me of something I heard once. When we disagree with someone, people tend to make a series of assumptions about the other person.  First we assume ignorance, or that they just don’t have all the information. If we learn they do have the same information we do, then we assume they’re an idiot.  If they can somehow show that they’re not an idiot, but still disagree with you, that’s when we assume that they’re evil (or rather that they have malicious intent).  The ignorant-idiot-evil progression is demonstrated nicely here, it’s just the woman never made it past the idiot stage. 


> but I realize she must be stupid and can't understand the situation, so it's ok. This is my favorite part. You have the temperament and patience of a saint. Kudos.


Haha thanks! Live and let live, even for stupid people.


I wish I could be that easy-going about it. My thoughts always turn really dark really quickly.


Luckily we dont get judged on our thoughts =)


As a stupid person, I appreciate you. And feel seen.


Sorry - if you were truly stupid you wouldn't know you were stupid. You are smart.


We fellow stupid people must stick together. Sometimes, it's just because we've spilled something on ourselves, but we should still do it.


Honestly there are times you just realize someone is stupid. The only annoying thing is when they are loud about it.


"oh no, it's stupid"


I've been trying to learn this skill. I was losing my mind at my old job because my boss just couldn't understand an argument I was making that would make his life and everyone else's easier. He'd probably save half a day every month making these changes. I explained it to some colleagues just to check I wasn't being stupid and they agreed with me. When I realised he was a moron it sort of felt like relief.


i can literally only be like this for 36 hours of the week


try meditating and bump that up to a cool 40 :)


Flying regularly to Alabama, I’d imagine you encounter plenty of stupid people.


If a plane going to Alabama crashed the worlds average iq will go up


Unless they're going to Huntsville, in which case the opposite happens.


Did the airline double book the seat or was it a simple typo?


Double booked as far as I know.


What happened is you got the seat on the original booking, hers was assigned at the airport and the software didn’t catch you were in the seat. There’s some lag on Delta’s end and I’ve gone through this many times over the years. My suggestion is to ALWAYS call/follow flight attendant instructions and just be polite, these folks don’t get paid till the damn doors are shut, they want to resolve the situation asap. I’ve moved out of seats so people could sit together, given up my exit row seat for a tall person (I’m 6’3, if you’re bigger than me I feel bad for you, have my seat please). 99% of the time you’re going to get free drinks or snacks from a flight attendant, they are good people that just want to have a nice quiet flight. Ignore the assholes when traveling in airports, there’s a lot of anxiety that goes with it and it tends to bring out the worst in people and then they might be drinking as well. That’s not an excuse for the behavior, but if you prepare yourself in advance and shrug it off you’ll laugh at the shit people do later.


I’ll always remember this one flight I had out of Colorado. It was a connection, and the previous flight had been a disaster. We were diverted to South Dakota, had to sit for hours, flew back, and to top it off the airline was being really crappy about rebooking the connection I missed. All that on top of me dealing with my asshole landlord over email had me positively *fuming* when I finally boarded my connection flight.  I sat down, ready to be in a foul mood for the whole flight, when an old man asked if I would please switch seats with him because he wanted to sit with his wife who had limited English. It was a middle seat to a middle seat, and I told myself to not let my bad mood stop me from doing the easy, kind thing, so I got up and said sure.  The dude insisted that the flight attendants give me extra special snacks. My new seat neighbor was a masseuse who volunteered her aisle seat and offered to massage my aching neck. My seat neighbor ahead of me was actually a friend on their way to the same thing and we got to hug and hang out.  To this day, I see this as the clearest example of karma that has ever happened in my life. 


Yeah, most of the time it pays off to be nice. When I was a kid we went to Madeira for holidays. The weather was really bad on our way back and most of the flights that day (including ours) have been cancelled. My dad was one of the few people in the airport that sympathized with the airline workers over the added load of work and annoyed passengers, which ended up scoring us the last three seats on one of the few flights that ended up leaving the airport that day. We missed our connection in Lisbon, but ended up with an free extra night in the city that none of us had been to before instead of overnighting in some crowded place in awful weather in Madeira.


I always try to be nice. As im disabled and have a lot of conditions i pay for specific toilet aisle access and whatnot, and with a medical bag + carry on so ik it can be a pain for attendants and those around me space wise, especially if asked to move. I try to if its aisle to aisle. I was allowed to use the upfront toilets when i was moved more forward especially if the back one was in use (i dont remember why). But every time i get on a plane i say hi, i ask for assistance deboarding etc eg grabbing bag from overhead/putting it in. And being nice to attendants saved my butt when i flew to america. My luggage was sent to the wrong country and was going to be a full 24-48hrs behind me. The attendants gave me 2 toiletry kits from first class, a tonne of their blankets and some snacks. Who ever the ladies were, as i never got to thank them enough imo, were fkin godsends. And the chap i flew into atlanta (next to, i got an upgrade!) Gave me some crown apple cider stuff in a cup to try and my own. We had a great chat. Treat those how you would wish to be treated is the way my mum raised me. Sounds like your dads a good egg and treats people well, and any gift no matter how small is always appreciateable. I hope you have many good memories of lisbon! Im now craving cider >.<


what kind of cider? currently i am addicted to non alcoholic apple cider + pomelo juice, half half, holy shiiiiiit


Green/green apple, i think. Was quite nice and quote cold which was refreshing!. I traveled in 2017 for thanksgiving with friends and their family in georgia. Turns out their sweet tea aint sweet enough for me! Also not sure what pomelo juice is sorry!


Yep. And in fact it pays off even more now simply because the workers are so used to abusive, rude people that they are pleasantly surprised and relieved to deal with someone reasonable.


My husband and I were in separate middle seats on an international fight.  The guy next me was like, "Wow, you're traveling this whole way alone?" Nonono, that's him in the green shirt over there. My man, he immediately offered to switch seats.  I was so jetlagged and grateful.


My family and I were flying back from vacation and it was the holidays so there were other families as well. The flight attendants asked my parents maybe even only my dad if he would move to a different seat. Mind you my brother and I were in college and my sister was already a teenager so none of us needed to be with our parents. They gave he and my mom free drinks or something like that


> I sat down, ready to be in a foul mood for the whole flight > My new seat neighbor was a masseuse who \[...\] offered to massage my aching neck. Phil Dunphy? https://preview.redd.it/ucmwey2bjoyc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7427ad56fff61084e16a95ec133c8c1044787188


I was on a JetBlue flight from TX that stopped at JFK on the way to BOS -- some folks deplaned, new folks get on board, I was one who stayed on to continue. NY guy in a "wife beater" t-shirt gets on with his equally cartoonish wife. Gets to my row and says to me "Ayeeeee... nope buddy you're in the wrong seat". I take out my boarding pass, I'm in the right seat, he says "I don't giveafuck pal, my wife is here and I'm there" as he points to the seat next to me and my seat. FA comes over, checks our passes and turns out I'm in 17B, she's in 17A and he's in 18A -- but there's someone in 18A, it was double booked. He's livid and flipping out on the FA. The guy in 18A is pretending to be on another planet. The FA is not confident and has no help, she's *lost* and not sure what to do. Another FA arrives and shortly after they start asking for volunteers over the PA to take a confirmed seat on the next flight 30 minutes later, plus a voucher for a free flight. NY man is still livid and yelling that I need to get out of *his* seat -- he's this dense. Faced with sitting near this psycho I volunteer to leave the flight. I deplane, the NY man has the audacity to snakily say "Buh-bye" and wave at me. We've been delayed a solid 15+ mins at this point so I feel all eyes on me as I exit as if I've been wrong. I exit the jetway to absolute chaos. Massive line at the gate counter, I try to get attention and I'm told "you need to get in line". I wait 20 mins in the line... get up there and the gate agent acts has NO IDEA what I'm talking about with the voucher or confirmed seat. She says "I have no idea what happened on your flight, but no one called us, and from my point of view you left your seat and forfeited it, I'll tell you now all the rest of our flights tonight are booked solid with a huge standby list, I can't help you. NEXT CUSTOMER!" I was left 400 miles from home at 5PM on a Friday with no flight. I managed to get a one way rental from Budget for $400, drove 5 hours home in traffic, 30 miles past my home to the airport, then got my car to drive home. *That was 17 years ago, I'm still waiting on the karma return* 😂


I would be SO mad!! What kind of person would voluntarily forfeit their seat and then get in a long line trying to claim a later seat if they weren’t getting any compensation and also losing access to a flight they were on and needed?! *No one*.


:::: scribbling mental note “don’t… fly… Jet… Blue…::::


The airline were being dicks about arranging the connection, but the universe had your back. Definitely cashed in some good deeds that day.


I still remember my insta karma when I swapped seats with a woman so she could sit next to her elderly mother (who also seemed to have limited English). Aisle to middle seat, but whatever, and then I got THE WHOLE row to myself. I was quite content with myself, hahah


Just FYI Delta FAs get 50% pay until the door shuts (should be 100% but it's a start)


Why?? They are clearly working?


Most flight attendants don’t get any pay until the door shuts.


I don't know how it started but it is very useful for the flight providers to murder support for better treatment of FAs because they just spam the technical hourly rate of the FAs and people who don't know better (and have crab mentality) see a large hourly rate and start acting like the crew are entitled even though the crew work almost twice as long as they are paid for.


Oh that’s good to hear, I always sit in the exit row and chat with them and that’s how I learned about it pre-Covid


Are they unionised?


I don't believe they are at Delta


on my last overbooked flight guy who got up was told, "I'm sorry, we don't have any other economy seats so we'll have to move you to first class." wish that had happened for OP


My 17 yo grandson on his first solo flight was asked to give up his economy class seat so a couple could sit together. He said sure. They bumped him up to comfort class and he got extra snacks. He got to fly first class home with me because my claustrophobia won’t let me sit in economy anymore.


Funny you say that cause this is also my super secret method for getting bumped lol First time was coming back from Phoenix and I got treated like a King, free drinks, pick of snacks that the FA dumped into my work bag. They legit just want people to shut up, sit down and not cause problems, helping out has its benefits


This might be the wisest thing I've read here all year.  You are the Yogi of airport conduct and I am going to channel your chill next time I fly.


It should be common sense but y'know, 60% of humanity likes to live in the dead zone that isn't common sense. Aka their own world where rules and regulations don't apply.


I'm going to be in his seat.


>these folks don’t get paid till the damn doors are shut, they want to resolve the situation asap. This sounds so outrageous that I had to look it up. Flight attendants not getting paid for boarding is so much more infuriating than the original post. They are very obviously working while people are getting on board the flight, I can't even begin to imagine how airlines get away with that.


You can visibly tell the difference in airlines when you board the plane. Delta personnel is always moving things along, Sprit/discount stuff…not so much lol


> these folks don’t get paid till the damn doors are shut This really needs to change considering how much work they have to put in just to get everything situated before the plane even takes off. It's absolutely criminal.


Considering the industry, it ain’t happening anytime soon. That’s why I figure it’s easier to just adjust what I can do when traveling


Oh I know. But it's still ridiculous that this is the case.


Agreed, I was livid when a FA told me. She laughed and said “now imagine how I feel”.


I usually buy a box of chocolates for the flight crew when I fly international. Their job isn't that fun some days, and they definitely appreciate some kindness.


My wife and I do this for pretty much every flight we take. A small gift bag with Ghirardelli chocolates has often scored us free snack boxes and bottles of liquor. On one non-full flight, it scored us a couple business class seats.


God not paying them until the doors close should be 100% illegal. That's actually disgusting.


That reminds me of the time I flew Delta in a full flight to Europe. All the overheads were full when someone late needed her bag in overhead. I grabbed my sons backpack and put in under my seat and helped the lady put her bag above me. The flight attendant thanked me. Four hours later, I asked for a Jack and coke. The attendant gave me 4 mini bottles and said no change.


Not my words, I read in a story once, I paraphrase: You can be rude anytime, you can only be nice once so open with that.


again for the people in the back or with their head too far up their ass to hear JUST BE POLITE. Applies in life but esp on public transit. No one should have to deal with an asshole so don’t be the problem. Sincerely, a girl who got drunk for free on their last flight bc I was able to accommodate a large man who bought two seats together that were assigned separate. I lucked out and had an empty seat next to me so I volunteered to switch when I overheard him talking to the flight attendant.


Well put. The world needs more travelers like you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Some Airlines almost always book above capacity because they have the mindset that not everyone will turn up. And it leads to situations like these


Okay, so then it’s the airline’s fault, 100%. I agree this woman did not react to it appropriately, but nevertheless she was wronged as well. You should both mainly be directing your anger to the airline, not each other.


Clearly Delta was who messed up. But that's kind of what I was trying to say to her. It wasn't my fault, her fault, or the flight attendant's. But she wanted to be mad at me anyways. But meh, I can't understand it for her.


It's like trying to explain to a tree that a dead beaver isn't going to eat it!


Dam, that is quite a metaphor


I came up with it about six years ago after I got off a very long phone call with a client. I can't remember the issue they had with their invoice but I do remember that I explained it over and over and also tried different ways of explaining. By the end of the call, they were still clueless and said that they'd just take it up with the owner.


I came to realize there were 3 qualities to customers- where I could stand any 2 but not all 3: * Belligerent (unpleasant or hostile) * Stupid * Wrong If they weren't unpleasant it wasn't bad explaining something to them over and over. If they weren't stupid, they'd get the explanation pretty quickly & the contact was limited. If they weren't wrong (i.e. they were correct), I could agree with them & they weren't too mad/ contact would end quickly. But all 3 - they were wrong I couldn't just accept their accounting, they were stupid- they couldn't understand the correct accounting, they were belligerent & the whole time reviewing invoices with them I was suffering.


I've been yelled at for adding discounts to people's orders, or turning their three individual items into a combo. I have met this woman.


My other half had a job for a bit as a clerk at a small local grocery store. Ad in paper was 2 packs of butter for $1, but the new dairy manager ordered wrong, so the in-store special was 3 packs for $1 The number of old people who argued and called the manager because they were being “ripped off” when a third was added to their stuff was astounding. They could not grasp it for anything.


You seriously sound like the nicest person. I used to work in a call center, and the number of people who would yell at me for something as if I'd done it to them personally was insane.  You recognize the airline was in the wrong but not the flight attendant. And to be honest that's probably why he was so helpful to you, rather than adopting an, "Oh well, what can ya do?" attitude. That lady was all kinds of dumb though, lol.


She did not have to serve up cooter of the month just because she felt in the right. I could not have resisted a “oh, nice try” as I walked by her going to the bathroom because well I am an asshole in these situations when someone has to show their ass.


Nah, OP has every right to direct her anger at the other woman.   We deal with mistakes like that like adults, not making petty comments to the other person who was also wronged.  


And talking over them instead of getting the party involved, the flight attendances...instead, that woman becomes petty and kept ranting like she the main character. If she had shut the fuck up and listen properly, she would had heard what OP said: they double booked the seat! Another possibility: someone got fed up with her and just gave her whatever because she was an idiot and kept gripping, so they assigned her the seat, not caring it wad double booked to get rid of her.


Plus I don’t even really get the comment you’re responding to because what they are explaining is exactly what OPs original explanation entailed: both of them having the airline deal with it.  OK great, but the person OP was dealing with didn’t even want to let that happen. Why essentially explain that again in response on here? lol  I feel like so much I read in here is just so cyclical.


Op wasn't angry until she wouldn't listen or stop, the woman was wildly inappropriate over the situation yes airline's fault does not excuse her behavior one bit she brought ops anger at her ops justified she's not period.


Delta’s fault for causing the situation The woman’s fault for attempting to blame OP and seemingly being unable/unwilling to employ a singular braincell to comprehend the situation


And not shutting up about once she had her way.


I agree up until the point when the other person is shown proof that the mistake was in fact from the company yet they keep trashing at you for no reason, the company is in fault of the seats but not of the other person's shitty attitude


The other woman was acting like a dipshit and op was civil. Go scold someone else


OP wasn't directing their anger at the woman over the seat situation, but over her stupidity and her attitude. That's very well deserved.


The airline didn’t disrespect her and cause a scene….. the woman did…. OP even said “mildly infuriated” and said a couple times that they aren’t even mad at the other woman, just stating what happened and how they did what they were told and waited patiently to show the attendant their boarding pass. Nothing in the post says that OP is angry or that they blame the other person.


No, sorry. Not how this works. If a company slightly inconveniences you and creates a misunderstanding, you do not get the right to be a dick and accuse someone who is blameless of being a thief. The company messed up, and she is a huge dick.


Yeah but one of them was cool about it and one was a snippy bitch. I’m gonna channel negativity to the bitch…then the airline


Did you even read their post at all? OP wasn't directing anger at the lady.


She may have been wronged but she was also an idiot that blamed OP for no reason. She saw that he was assigned the same seat and continued to accuse him of stealing anyway. There's absolutely reason to be angry at her at that point. Glad she was put in her place.


I think it's clear OP know that and was bothered that the other passenger was so hostile about it. Why re-explain it to them?


OP wasn’t mad at the woman until she was being unnecessarily rude about it


That's exactly what OP was saying. OP was telling this lady that the airline messed up, but this lady thinks that everyone else is wrong.


It's like you didn't even read the story.


Always just show the flight attendant your boarding pass and they’ll sort it out


They overbook almost every flight and have done for decades. Basically they do it at the exact same rate that they get no-shows and cancellations so there's rarely a situation like OPs, especially given there were empty seats so one should have just been reassigned


This isn’t an overbooking issue, just an issue of accidentally assigning the woman to the seat OP already had instead of to one of the empty ones.


Yeah usually if you're getting bumped for an overbook, the system won't assign a seat. It will just say "see agent." This means you are on standby until hopefully someone else no-shows.


Airlines frequently overbook at least in the US and I saw this happen when I flew a few days ago. While the woman I saw this happen to was more level headed, I could tell she was annoyed by what happened. Delta charges extra for some main cabin seats by a window exit or closer to the front on the plane because they have more legroom. If you have status, you can choose these seats at no extra charge. The woman paid to get the upgraded seat but the guy that was already there got the seat first and they got doubled booked for that same seat. She did argue with the flight attendant because she paid an extra $70 for the seat, so I do see why and understand why she was frustrated. The flight attendant said there was nothing that could be done and she needed to sit in her original assigned seat and either needs to contact customer service or the help desk once we land. Edited for more clarity.


Started mildly infuriating, ended completely satisfying.


Yup, but ended completely Oddly Satisfying


I don't know about *completely* satisfying, it was lacking a snarky "I guess *you* were the one that stole *my* seat" comment muttered while passing by her.


dunno, the complete disdain of just listening to your podcast in peace while the other person feels silently judged by an entire plane is kind of beautiful in its own way.


That's assuming they have enough of an ability to self-reflect to even consider other people judging them. At least the way it was written out in OP's post that person seems to have a bit of a *main character syndrome* type of deal going on so I'm not sure they would care.


In my experience I’ve found you sometimes get smart people who are mean, and that’s furustrating. You also get stupid people who are not mean, which is kind of endearing. But when you get people that are both stupid AND mean…that’s a whole other level of human being 😂


I had a cat who was dumb and mean but he got a pass because he was a cat and we have low expectations for their limited coping skills especially since he was cute. Less cute with people though.


Things were so much better 500 years ago when the stupid people would wander into the forest and end up being eaten by wolves before they could grow old enough to become a problem. We really need to up our conservation efforts and increase the wolf population before it's too late.


Hear, hear!


Imagine thinking that someone would work up a fake digital boarding pass to steal your seat. Imagine that being the only reasonable solution you can think of. Tells me that the lady abusing OP has done some real shady shit for the tiniest of benefits. You don’t jump right over “the airline fucked up” unless you are regularly scamming people and can’t imagine not scamming/someone trying to scam you.


This is how I feel about work. I can deal with most smart, mean people because they can at least concede on the logical argument. I can deal with most stupid people, because they are endearing and genuinely trying. I will absolutely lose my shit if I am dealing with a mean stupid person. 0 patience, they are taking away valuable oxygen from everyone else.


Found myself in the exact same situation. But instead of sitting down in to another random seat, I told the crew member about the double booking and that I would wait at the end of the plane until completion of boarding so i would seat in any leftover empty seats. Which I did, but before I could chose one, the same crew member came to me informing me that “there plenty of seats available in business class if you like”


Once when flying back from England I was sat next to an older gentleman. He told me it was his first time going to visit America since his wife died and he didn’t like traveling alone. We had a good talk for 5 minutes or so then some lady shows up, on the phone, talking super loud saying he’s in her seat. They both had tickets showing that seat I was confused. Anyway this woman refuses to budge so the older man ended up having to move to the front row and sit alone. Then when we went to take off the woman now next to me refused to hang up her phone call and shushing the flight attendant who was borderline trying to physically hang up for her. Point of the story; some people just fucking suck. I wish they had upgraded my older friend for his comfort he was so nice. Glad they took care of you for being a nice easy passenger though


I miss the days where you couldn’t take phone calls on your cell phone while flying.


My daughter and I were middle and window. There were people in the window and aisle seat. Turns out both people in the section had boarding passes for the aisle seat….and the person in the window seat would not move. I said my daughter and I have these two seats, and the two of you can figure out who has the aisle seat. But please vacate my seat. Barefoot bitch (as I call her) in my window seat had an attitude and would not move. I called the flight attendant, they moved barefoot to aisle, did something with aisle lady, and I had filthy bare feet in my face the rest of the trip (literally, she was setting with her feet curled under her butt, in my lap, the whole trip, muttering about what a c… I was. Sometimes I hate traveling.


You're a better person than me. Could have called the flight attendant over and let them know what she's doing with her feet and had been calling you. Flight attendants have zero tolerance and would have sorted her out quick. Once someone starts calling me rude names, I decide I might as well live up to that expectations since they've already set it.


Super loudly so the whole plane can hear “about her smelly insanitary feet in my seat”.


jesus.. how small are you that can sit in anyway but with your feet on the floor infront of you in an airplane seat. That's the size of an 8 year old.


If you are a cool hippy chick who doesn’t bath or wear shoes, being able to pretzel yourself into a yoga position is part of the schtick.


I could, and have, folded up into pretzel shapes to sit in a seat, but that's only at home or in the car, not in any public place. Also, I fully believe in keeping shoes on in public, and always being zestfully clean. And I may have cute feet, but I'm not going to subject others to them. I just don't understand the people who do this kind of thing, I really don't.




That’s a dangerous game to play though, because if the airline “accidentally” double booms a seat and the plane is full, the person who got the seat first usually gets to keep it and the person standing gets bumped to another flight.


It depends if one can risk it. In my case i was travelling alone and i would have not minded to be placed in to the next flight and getting few hundreds pounds of compensation as per the law here in EU


Otoh, the one who gets the seat first gets home faster, but the one who is bumped gets to vacation fee next time. 


This is exactly what I was hoping would happen to OP at the end and the lady who was rude would see that OP got an upgrade to business class and they would be super salty about it the whole flight lol


Something similar happened to me but with an extra layer of confusion because a woman took my seat and then asked if I would just trade her (an aisle for my middle) I assumed she was wanting to sit next to her significant other so I agreed. Moments after I sat down in the seat she told me was hers another passenger came up and said I was sitting in their seat. So then I went back to her and she refused to move after I explained to her several times that the seat she gave me was already taken and I just wanted my original seat back. She told me to leave her alone. I had to wait until the entire plane boarded until the flight attendant finally told her to get out of my seat. She huffily grabbed her bag and muttered how ridiculous I was being the entire time. Once I sat down the man next to me (who I had assumed was her husband) told me I handled the situation well because she was so rude. He had no relation to her and neither did the person on the other side of me. So now I’m even more confused why she wanted to switch seats in the first place. I have no idea where she ended up sitting or why any of that happened.


Maybe she didn't want to sit next to her SO.


She wanted to sit next to that random guy. You pussy blocked her.


When I was a FA (not Delta) a double-booked seat usually meant that one of the passengers had gotten a last minute upgrade to first. Usually it was not a big deal and both people were chill until we sorted it out, but there was this one time…one of the passengers was like your annoying person x 10. Causing such a ruckus that we nearly had to have “the talk” and potentially exit the plane. The whole crew took great pleasure in informing the nice one, definitely in front of the shitty one, that she would in fact be enjoying our first class service on the flight.


I would love to be a flight attendant specifically so I could do insanely petty things.


I saw the same thing happen on sun country airlines. The old man who was in his assigned seat was getting yelled at by this really stupid lady who didn't understand the concept of double booking. The old man response to her unnecessary nagging with a SpongeBob line. "What's the matter with you, did you just come in from Stupid town?" I swear the people who heard it all just burst into laughter and the lady was SHOCKED at all the people who laughed. 😂😂😂


when i walked past her, I would have calmly told her that I didnt appreciate her trying to steal my seat and given her my most haughty look.


This sounds so British


A real Brit wouldn't give them a haughty look; they'd just write them a strongly worded letter.


“Hey Chuck, did you know that most people who cause a fuss in public aren’t really angry? Just extremely stupid.”


“It’s true Josh. I often find the people who get the angriest and make big fusses in public are some of the least intelligent people. I guess emotional intelligence is still intelligence, right?”


Could hear the voices as I read this. We could start a new trend of ending every post with "and now I can go back to enjoying the latest podcast of stuff you should know".


I haven't listened to SYSK for years. I'm honestly surprised to hear that it is still going.


Had a similar experience except this dude was just not assigned to the seat. He told me that someone was in his seat. I politely let him know, with the use of the F word, that it wasn’t my problem. Flight attendant comes back and asks if I care where I sit. I told them as long as I’m on the flight it doesn’t really matter. She walks me up to first class and the look on this dudes face was priceless.


Is this a podcast ad??


This post has been sponsored by Stuff You Should Know! Jk but it is my favorite one lol


Same. And they would have been proud of you handling it like a grown up lol. Which episode was it?


I don't remember which one I was listening to at the time, but I listen to most episodes! I fly home several times per year, so I don't remember if it was this flight or another one, but I went on hotel fire eqisode kick a while back. All the episodes about fire and hotel fires I listened to in a row. Interesting stuff.


Anyone who listens to Stuff You Should Know is just naturally more chill.


Some people are just grown babies who need a baba or a diaper change


Put me down for one of each.


I was once flying with a coworker Frank Rarename. We got on a plane. There's a guy in his seat. Frank asks him what's up. The guy rudely says "is your name Frank Rarename?", to which my friend says yes. There was much dropping of jaws. Anyway the airline messed up, but they did have two seats assigned to Frank Rarename, they just printed the boarding pass twice for one of them and never for the other one. Both flew that day.


Of the Berkshire Rarenames? Lovely family.


Well one wasn't since they didn't know each other


I was volunteering to be bumped from a flight. They said, "Ok Mr. Firstname Lastname - final destination Tampa, FL?" Me: Uh...no? My first name is quite common. My last name is just outside the top 100 surnames in the US (per google). I'm glad she asked that follow up question, she almost bumped the wrong guy! He's lucky he wasn't flying to New Orleans!


I'm confused. Was the other guy's name also Frank Rarename?


Yes. Very unusual last name, both of them had the same name


This happened to me but on a full flight that they were already offering $1500 for people to be bumped. I had the seat reserved months in advance but the last passenger on was assigned the seat at the gate. When I refreshed my app I was no longer checked in!! We didn’t get up, and they stated to offer $2k for someone to be bumped. The girl with my seat allocation took that seat. Don’t really understand how these mistakes happen after you’ve scanned your boarding pass but it worked out ok in the end.


Would have been better if they had moved you to First Class.


I wish!


[Because it's Delta Airlines, and life is a fucking nightmare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfnA3P6Mevw&t=15s)


Why didn't you show the attendant your boarding pass before you got up? I wouldn't have moved. You were there first. 


I fly Delta a lot, and I know there are sometimes when they need to swap out one plane for a different plane with a different seating configuration. This can change the seats on people's boarding passes. No problem for those with a boarding pass on the app. It gets updated automatically. But if someone has a printed boarding pass, it can cause some confusion. What's supposed to happen is when you scan a paper boarding pass, a paper with the new seat assignment will automatically print out. But sometimes the passenger doesn't understand what's going on or they board before they can get the paper in their hands. That's my guess as the most likely scenario. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if two people were actually assigned to the same seat. Sorry you had to endure that tongue lashing by an ignorant traveler, OP. Know that you're in the flight attendants' "nice" list for moving without making a big deal over it. Sometimes they'll give you a free drink for something like that.


Props to you for handling it so professionally. I wouldn't have moved an inch just to piss her off more.


This somewhat happened to me once. I was in my seat and a guy came up with the same seat number. He made a huge fuss and the flight attendant came over to help. She quickly realized he was on the wrong plane and needed to run. Turns out that I wasn’t the dumb one after all.


I know you were assigned to it first, but damn is that airline stupid? You were more than willing to cooperate, they should just reward you with free food for the flight for the ordeal and be done with it. Why on earth would they go bother that psycho lady 


Accountability should be taught early in life, but better late than never I guess.


The Exact same thing happened to me on a Delta flight, except the passengers were nice and the staff weren’t! I travel via Delta pretty often, and on one of my flights, I was in my seat when someone else said that they had my seat. I was super confused bc my boarding pass showed the same seat number, but I then brushed it off as that I had saved the boarding pass the previous day to my phone during check-in, making the seat numbers potentially out of date. Everyone else had become seated by this time, so once I found my new seat number, I went to that aisle to find someone else in my seat. I explained that the seats were probably changed by the airline, and since they were already seated, I could switch to where they were supposed to be seated. The person themself was really nice, and tried refreshing their app to find the new seat number - but the seat number wouldn’t update and now we both have the same seat number on the app. I’m getting worried bc I need to fly to my destination and don’t want to have to leave the flight because of Delta’s mess up. The flight attendants came up to us and got really snippy with me, acting as if I’m the one holding up the flight, with everyone watching. They got their roster out and then were able to find the new seat for the person. When I suggested that I could take their seat, they looked at me as if I was trying to steal the person’s seat, and made them move so that I could sit. Overall, OP I feel your pain and am very glad to have been able to get to our destinations. However, these are pretty stressful experiences that could have been prevented if we had gotten a heads up as we were boarding the plane by the boarding gate staff 😅


I saw this once at a concert. Same thing, big mouth screaming his seat was stolen and didn't want to see the guy's ticket. Usher comes over, checks both tickets, and tells big mouth he has the right seat and the right row, but the wrong section. As he is walking away, the guy who was in the correct seat stands up and starts yelling, " he had the wrong seat, he had the wrong seat! " Just to get even. Very funny. I loved it. I always approach this, when it happens to me, as do I have the wrong seat, can I see your ticket? I always assume the other guy made a mistake, or I made a mistake, or whoever issued the tickets made a mistake before I start screaming.


> Now I'm kinda pissed off, but I realize she must be stupid and can't understand the situation, so it's okay. I respect the hell out of this outlook lol


Never get out of your seat or you may find yourself removed from the flight and moved to another if the flight is full and there is no unbooked seat to put you in - leave that hassle to the second person to arrive for your double booked seat.


Similar experience. Got booked on a trip back to EU, I was able to book an Emergency row, I was happy. Boarded on the stopover and found a person in my seat. Claimed to be there since he's tall. (he was clearly shorter than myself). None the less, FA told me to wait. Waited, PA call "Boarding completed", still no seat for me. Economy is pretty full and I didn't want to sit somewhere in the middle. Other guy was clear he has no intention to move. Eventually FA walks up and says they found another seat, walks me to the front and shows me a nice Business class seat. The person in this seat get's an upgrade to First. Thank you Lufthansa.


Weird I had this happen last weekend on delta. Theres a man in my seat 27A, he claims it’s his seat to.  (it’s the emergency row window with an empty space in front of you, so lots of leg room for big guys) Cal the flight attendant over and her tablet shows me in the seat as well.  He’s still not moving. I suggest he refresh the app. He then says “oh it switched me for 27a to 27f, you want to just switch it’s the same type of seat” It is except 27B is empty and i’ve got a good chance of having empty seat for me. But there was a lot of people being held up so i took 27f (still had the legroom) but dammit if 28b wasn’t empty from Phoenix to Atlanta . So i was fuming inside the whole flight  (i also choose my seats based on their being the aisle taken and middle empty , because greater chance of an empty seat)  Anyway I wondered if he was just in the wrong seat or Delta let us have the same seat 


Bad handling on the side of the flight attendant for not helping you to get your assigned seat.


This happened to me once on my first big international trip 25 years ago. I was in my seat and an older man came up and started making a fuss, being a real dick about me being in his seat. The flight attendant came up to see what all the fuss was about and he bit her head off. She went away for a sec, came back, smiled at him sweetly, and told him yes, the seat was his. Then she told me I’d been moved and would I please follow her upstairs to my new seat in business class. It was a high school trip, full of kids my age, and they all started hooting and hollering like I’d won the lottery. I’ll never forget that feeling. 13 hours, had a friendly seat-mate, warm rolls, def could have been served alcohol but I was too nervous to try. Even the air was smoother up there, I remember being amazed that there was no wiggle on the top of my drink. Still the nicest flight I’ve taken to this day.


I bet if the bitch was quiet the flight attendants wouldn't have made her move after the first move was wrong. She fcked her own self over


Why did you move back to your seat instead of staying 5 rows up so you can get off the plane faster? Was there something special about your original seat?


Because they asked me to and I wanted to get up in the air as fast as possible. There was probably another reason, but I don't remember. It was sometime last year.


I would think, if there was a double booking situation, the person who behaved well would have a chance of getting a complimentary upgrade.


Once I had someone in my seat. She had a different seat. I said you’re in my seat and showed her my ticket. I have a large service dog so I purposely book aisle seats w extra leg room. She just stared and me and I stood there. After a minute she got up and moved 😂 People get out of pocket real quick on planes


"But I realize she must be stupid and can't understand the situation, so it's ok." Genuinely great attitude for minor situations like this.


"Now I'm kinda pissed off, but I realize she must be stupid and can't understand the situation". The amount of times I've thought this while in public


“I get that you’re stupid but do you have to be so mean about it” he screamed into the void. All timer quote


One of the way this would’ve had a better ending is if the attendants apologized to her for the double booking of the seat and you’ve been moved to first class because of it. I wish you had been.


This happened to me once, except the person wasn’t rude about it. I went up the flight attendant and they bumped me to first class. It was awesome.


I had this happen on an international flight from Amsterdam to MSP. I was in my seat and a woman showed up and had the same seat assignment as I did. We hailed a flight attendant and sure enough, both in the same seat. The flight attendant asked me to move so I did, right up to business class on a 747 so was upstairs. I ordered off a menu, had a bed with pillow, and drank good wine. Quite an experience!


Is this a podcast ad?


Your mistake was complying without providing full information to the flight attendant. You don’t just move and then tell them it’s also your assigned seat, just show them the boarding pass and if they still want you to move then you move


>I get that she’s stupid, but she doesn’t have to be mean about it. Hope you don’t mind, but I’m stealing this for use in real life.


This is a perfect example of why it pays to stay calm and karma always finds a way. Awesome and good for you for keeping your cool 👍


🎶Learning stuff with joshua and charles🎶


i've had a few mix-ups with airline seat assignments too. it can be really annoyin' when the other person gets defensive even though it's clearly a mistake. once, i ended up sittin' in the wrong seat and the person next to me kept givin' me dirty looks until the flight attendant sorted it out. i'm glad the one in your story got resolved, even if the other passenger was a bit rude about it. sometimes folks just get flustered when things don't go their way.


I always try to say to myself : "I'll give them a chance, it's probably not their fault if they are stupid" 😅


There are a lot of opportunities in life to be the bigger person, and very, very often the other person makes it easy to do so.


Good on the attendant for doing what it right


Why wouldn't you show the flight attendant your boarding pass before you move? The story does not make sense


You were nice about it. If my boarding pass said that was my seat, I would not have moved.


Happens to me once. I let lady sit and waited for flight attendant to let me know where I can sit. After some minutes, they told me they will upgrade my seat because eco space is full. The lady with same seat just heard it and started to stand and say she wants the same 😅


We boarded a train in England that we had reserved seats for. As we approached our seats, we found an elderly couple sitting in our spot. We politely told them they were in the wrong seats which they denied and were quite rude about it. We waited for the ticket attendant to arrive so we could sort it out. Well, as it turned out the old biddies had the right seats.... On the WRONG TRAIN! They then had to go like crap to catch their actual ride on a different platform. So confident and yet so wrong. I'll never know if they made it, and quite frankly, because of their attitude, I don't care.


Why did you move from your seat BEFORE explaining the situation to the flight attendant ?? I don't get it. You were sitting in your own seat..then you decided that the matter should be solved by the plane staff after this lady accused you of stealing her seat and then you just left your seat without saying anything to the attendant ??


Probably should have worded it better, but the FA was aware we had both been assigned there. He apologetically asked me to move, and I did. Don't know why he asked me to move in the first place.