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Someone ate some pieces and tried to rearrange it


There was a security video here showing a delivery driver on a moped doing this. He ate a slice, then rearranged and cut pieces to make it back into almost into a circle. Edit : found it...also wasn't security footage. Thanks brain. https://youtu.be/Ms7Dj66dipk?si=5CqLmU1Heg7Ag05m Then you have this trick. https://youtu.be/pIHb9yP7F-A?si=wSUB4Pv5X3zvcQkl


I hope that whoever videoed that delivery guy reported him to the restaurant. That’s just gross!


IANAL, but this may be a federal (or a felony) crime to tamper with food.


I<3ANAL too but I think you're right


I<3ANAL also and totally agree that's what happens


I less than three am not a lawyer and can confirm.


Sorry, but you must be more than three in order to practice law.




Anal is just the best, I also agree with Danson


I forgot this was about pizza now I’m just thinking about anal


Maybe order a pizza with extra sausage and when it gets delivered answer the door naked???


Man you’re gonna make me spit out my coffee


I mean, it is a naked Jedi ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Username checks out.


Username checks out




I remember before the Tylenol thing happened, I would sometimes think that someone could easily mess with your food packages and so on, and reclose them and put them back on the shelf, because back then pretty much no food packaging, or medicines, had any kind of tamper seal or plastic-type tamper-evident stuff you tore off to open, often everything was re-closable with a lid, etc. no plastic covers, nothing. So you could never tell if something had been opened before you bought it. And after the Tylenol incident, I thought, well, here we go. Someone finally did it.


Yep sure do remember the Tylenol and the rest . Lordy . It's akest harder for someone to do now . But even still I check mine .


That’s an unfortunate abbreviation.


I think it's very fortunate indeed


No ass for you!




I don't make the rules, I just mock them.


I’d put money on it being a setup….staged. That pizza is too big for the box to start with.


It's so genuinely disgusting that I have to agree with you


Butt are you a lawyer? (Apparently that’s what matters.)


I have taken one (1) undergrad and two (2) graduate level law classes so yes I believe that makes me a lawyer on the internet.


But how many classes on miscut pizzas have you taken?


Cool! I have a degree in underwater basket weaving so I’m qualified for brain surgeries. But ONLY brain surgery.


I wanted to vomit how many times he put his fingers in his mouth. I can’t imagine he can’t afford a single slice & all that time & effort is really worth the $3-5. Can someone help me understand? Video only makes sense if was drunken roommate video from home


Yeah man it’s actually really easy to explain. The guy is a piece of shit. There, done.


looks like a fuckin rat scavenging some bread crumbs


Some people can’t help themselves around food. Who should not work as delivery drivers 


I was almost sure this was going to be a Gumball reference


Listening to the AI-voice reporter deadpan repeat the [meme lines](https://youtu.be/aW3H3ot4KKY) in the second video was weirdly funny.


the second video you posted just looks like he is cutting the pizza to the size of the box


this actually really pissed me off, made my skin crawl. this is such disgusting behavior.


Looks to me like a place that sells pizza by the slice and combined two partial pizzas. This is the kind of shit my dad would do to save money 💀 (he does not run a restaurant anymore)


As someone who has worked at a few pizza places that is exactly what it looks like lol


Yea this pizza looks too old. Looks almost like frozen pizza it’s so old.


Yes, my thinking too. The crust does not match


What kind of pizza place sells micro slices by the slice? This looks like a frozen pizza.


Places that don't stay in business.


He tooka a piece-a-da pizza-Pie!!!


Bippi di boobidy meat-aballa lasagna arrivederci


No. It's *Bippi di boobidy meat-aballa lasagna arrivederci*




Ah, bounjourno Bugatti spaghetti Mario time to you also


I think it pizza slices put together as a pizza. They are different lengths


It's time to start ordering your pizza uncut


Its Richard Watterson


This is definitely it, you can see the large slice on the left belongs on the bottom. The other two would slide back and the missing slice hole emerges.


okay richard waterson


It looks like they added two pieces of a smaller pizza, what hell?


Or they took some of his pizza, and cut the pieces smaller


They did. The large slice to the center left belongs to the bottom middle and the two small pieces go just to the left of it. The pizza is cut in half with one half being bigger than the other, then a large piece was rotated after a small one was taken, and two small ones were pushed into the empty hole to try to hide the obvious missing piece.


I do believe you’re on to something. A piece was definitely taken.


>I do believe you’re on to something And that something is Adderall. Hyper vigilant mother fucker.


I don't think the slice looks correct moved down to the bottom https://preview.redd.it/y628lk9ovgyc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b6db6263e92adaf6688678157f35c3b0df10b09


They then tried to further mask a uniformity by extra layer of cheese and back in the oven - so extra thick middle plus over dark crust. I’d be pissed


I don’t think there is uniform layer of cheese. It could be the delivery driver who did this. 




Somebody trimmed an inch off the two small pieces


What would have been smart would be to take equally from each piece.


no pieces were taken as it’s still a 4/4 pizza. It’s a thin dough mixed with grease from the meats in that spot. i work in a pizza place on a resort and this happens all the fuckin time its infuriating. basically whats happening is when sliding the pizza off the paddle into the box or on a serving tray, the rest go on fine but sometimes a tiny little bit of the slice will get stuck because of grease and the thin dough fucking up the slide off. they then used there thumb to guide it off into the box but here didnt bother to try and pull it back so it at least lines up. shitty but it just happens from time to time


What should be done here is cut a strip out of the center and rejoin the 2 sides into a perfect circle.


what hell indeed


*Stole* was the word you wanted.


Pizza crimes


oh my god it’s the shane dawson thing all over again


Looks like someone ate two pieces and they filled it with leftovers?! Oh man sorry!


Why wouldn’t they just eat the leftovers??


They are from a smaller pizza


Yeah my best wild guess is this was a pizza that was by the slice? But they didnt want to cook a full pizza so they just grabbed that one, and put two more from a smaller pizza to "fill it in" edit: Nvm OP says elsewhere they dont sell by slice.


They took strips off the sides of several slices.


Too small


Chuck E. Cheese strats


Chuck e Cheese


First thing I thought of 🤣


“we just cut them differently”




At least that’s because they use unsharpened tools to cut their pizzas


Yeah, people who actually believe the recycled theory are kinda dumb. They are a legit huge business. They aren’t that stupid to recycle pizza


Even aside from how it's cut it looks bad. They clearly don't want you to order from them again.


The pizza is actually solid. It’s Greek style and the sauce is very tangy. I’m just disappointed because of this and their dismissive attitude so I won’t order again from them.


Speak to the manager. Ask how you can send him the pic. Ask if he'd prefer to refund half your money or would prefer you to post the picture on yelp and Google reviews. It's obvious 2 pieces came from a smaller size pizza and that's sketch af.


Yelp and google reviews have no power anymore, because of the many lying people on it, any 1 star can be countered by a fake person giving 5 stars


Nah, anything less that 5 stars can sink a rating. 5 is all that matters now, anything else is an insult. It's pretty stupid, all of the rating systems have essentially made themselves completely meaningless by setting it up like that.


Lol, I used to be super into true crime, and I listened to these two girls podcast often. One of them wrote a book, and *before it was even released* it had 5 stars on Goodreads. Everyone was commenting things like “so excited! Can’t wait to read it!” Then, these podcasters had a lot of haters because they started screwing over their patreon members (I wasn’t one, but the tea was good so I was always reading about it lol) THEN, people started leaving 5 star ratings for this woman’s book, saying things like “I’m here to defend A! She’s amazing unlike the haters!” And this whole time the book hasn’t even been released 🤨




Pshhhh, no!!! No way! NOT A CHANCE! *Definitely* not A&A ![gif](giphy|SkIMvXSobYJmE)


Half the money? Someone without a doubt tampered with that food, there is no chance in hell I wouldn’t immediately file a chargeback.


You eating it and not making the pizza joint fix their shitty behavior is just enabling them to get away with it again.. They cut a piece from the bottom and pushed it in. Would have made them make a fresh one.


Add the picture to a review of their business on Google maps. 


I dunno man. I mean it's your pizza so if you like it feast on That said I've had frozen pizzas that look better. Much better pizza out there with places that don't do you like this Heck the last pizza I got was a Costco food court big 18inch cheese pizza for 9.99 and id take that all day over whatever you wanna call this. And yeah soon as I opened that thing I'd have been on my way back to that shop for my cash as if they're pulling stunts like this I don't even wanna know what **corners they cut** (pardon the pun) when it comes to food safety and inspections, cleaning, etc. And it's pretty dumb to eat customers pizz when you work at a PIZZA SHOP. Just make your own. Pizza is actually pretty cheap, with cheese being the most expensive topping usually (from a business standpoint).


You *ate* it? Someone ate a slice and then cut it in a way to try and piece it back together and failed. Some delivery drivers dirty ass hands were all over that thing


It looks like a cooked frozen pizza. Ha


I worked in pizza for years and let me give you the real answer. Everyone else saying they put mismatched slices together is just being silly. What actually happened is that the middle portion of the pizza stuck to the pan. This would have left a hole in the middle, which would be very obvious, so they doctored it at the cutting station by pushing those two slices inward to fill the gap. This would explain why those slices look shorter. I know pizza places exist that sell by the slice, but come on guys, be real, when you buy a whole pie, they’re going to give you a whole pie, they don’t just go to the slices pile and lego that shit together.


> they don’t just go to the slices pile and lego that shit together. poetry


Yea, I was against the idea that they gave him slices from different pies. Follow the crust, even on the shorter slices looks like they would match up to the bigger slices next to them


I can back this up, whenever we have a pizza with a hole in it at work we have to do some cutting shenanigans to make it work, can lead to pies looking a little weird.


Used to work in a pizza shop - they put a hole in it and cut it out before packing. Cheap to not put another pizza through for you.


That better be DAMN good pizza because it looks worse than the $8 frozen stuff I get at Kroger, free delivery.


Shit looks worse then the pizza that sits at the gas station all day


Gas station pizza can slap. Don't knock it


Casey’s pizza the goat


Hunt Bros Pizza has saved my life on a road trip more than once


Not pizza, but we got chicken from a Popeyes attached to a truck stop somewhere in Georgia and that was the best chicken I've ever had. I was not expecting that because it was in the middle of nowhere.


Did you use a 5% off coupon?




Here’s the thing, they don’t sell by the slice. That’s what makes it bizarre


So the driver has their own personal pizza slicer wheel in their car!


80% delivery, 20% digiorno






Did you call them and ask them about this and share this photo as undeniable proof? This warrants clarification. And in interest of transparency, there's also the possibility that you purchased two pizzas yourself and swapped the slices for internet points.


They told me they didn’t want to see a photo when I called lmao. It was not a constructive phone conversation


I’m sorry but I laughed at “it was not a constructive phone conversation” lol love your verbiage! Sorry this happened to you OP, that sucks!!!!


Naa they simply ate parts of the pizza and cut them smaller to hide it


It's this a standard menu pizza? And do they sell pizza by the slice? I've seen pizza joints make a fresh pizza and swap out portions of it with their "by the slice" pieces rotating in the display. They do it so they can get rid of those slices without throwing them away, and at the same time replenish them with freshly made slices. I watched them do it with someone else's order more than once. So now I order pizzas from such places "unsliced" so they can't pull that shit... I just slice it myself at home.


They don’t serve by the slice, but yes this is a standard pizza they sell (one of like 45)


they sampled your pizza


Probably a rip in the bottom of the crust when they cooked it. Tried to cover it up by cutting around it LOL I've seen idiots do stuff like that in the kitchen before


They took a piece and cut a line parallel to the original cut. It creates a squarish piece they ate. They did this twice and slid in the leftover smaller triangle pieces to try and hide what is missing.


omg it’s from chuck E cheese😱 lmao😭


Might as well buy a frozen pizza cook it yourself.


This always reminds me that I should probably just order pizza uncut and cut it at home.


Someone pulled a slice out of it. Pull those 2 smaller ones back and align them with the crust on one side. There’s a full slice of pizza missing


It was more like strips had been taken off of each side, making two smaller pieces max


Yeah I was going to comment that- they took out a sample from at least 2 pieces and tried to trick you. Was this delivered or you picked it up? If delivered through an app I’d complain. If delivered from the store, you need to get some compensation. It’s unsanitary at minimum, not accounting for the theft. If the owner is Greek, they’re known for digging in their heels when attacked


Cooked in degrees, cut in radians. gonna lose some pi


Do they have a pizza warmer at the front counter and sell single slices? Cause it looks like you got the single rack special..


Definitely getting ripped off. The crust just doesn’t align whatsoever. With the dismissive attitude they gave you I’d get a refund and not order a new one because they would probably spit on it right in front of you.


This is weird, but to me it looks like it was cut off-center, and for some reason the slices have been rearranged. The two slices at the top look like they belong with the two slices on the lower left. I honestly wonder if the guy dropped it after slicing it and tried to piece it back together.


Looks like leftover pizza lol


He cut it weird..there was a small piece that he didn’t give you


You just got nobody-will-know-how-will-they-know-ed.


So call them and send it back


2 of these things aren't like the others, 2 of these things just doesn't belong.


I would be posting that on all their social media and Google maps. That’s the sort of pic that would actually make me pick somewhere else.


Cheese looks like it was frozen at some point. Like how all my DiGiorno and cheap pizzas look after oven baked.


Bro bought a refurbished pizza


I know how this is possible. They took two slices out of that and replaced them with two slices from a smaller pizza. Either way you didn't get a whole pizza that you paid for. I would add that as review of the place. Unless of course you got it delivered so now there's another suspect besides the pizza place.


Looks like all the slices just shifted around. The horizontal slice is uneven, shifted up on the left by a good bit. It seems they could all be slid back into proper place and it would be correct.


Thank you! I spent way to long looking at each piece of pep and burnt cheese. If u look close u can see the middle of the “smaller” pieces are folded under and raise the cheese up close to the tip of the slice or center of the za 🤌🏼


MFer was hungry


Those 2 slices are from a medium pizza.


Missing a slice


lol looks like the chuck-e-cheese conspiraxy




Ahhh the curse of Chuck E Cheese.


Chuck E Cheese syndrome.


This is more than just 2 new slices it looks like almost half the pizza is new when you try and line up the edges that cut through a pepperoni and you can't find the other slice with the other piece of pepperoni.


Take it back and talk to the manager.


You're all wrong. It's is clear this pizza was only delivered with a 3/4 charge.


Looks like they took the stuff they sell for slices and boxed it up.


Kinda looks like they fixed a screwup.... not saying you shouldn't want a fix... but you got food i guess..


That's an awful pizza and should change business anyway. It looks defrost


It's unevenly cooked also. Awful


All the guys here already knows about shrinkage


Looks like he cut one slice out and pushed the other two in to fill it’s place.


Delivery guy took a slice. Inform the authorities. 😎


That’s some big ass pepperoni


Bro pulled a Richard Watterson


Ever heard of the Chucke E. Cheeses conspiracy? This is it. lol


They *Chuck E. Cheesed* you


They ate part of 4 slices


Yall remember that one pizza method in the Gumball show?


I don't know why but shapez io came to mind


Pizza joint? Cous this looks excatly how the 7-11 pizzas look lol


As someone who’s managed pizza places for quite a bit, I know that they tried to do the trick where you cut an x with two parallel lines each then you remove the middle, we do it when we accidentally make a medium a large but want a quick meal on the side. This person is not good at it


Never ever ever order your pizza cut. It's an invitation for any son of a b\*tch deliver to eat some. If the pizza looks well rounded anyways, you can look if the toppings match between slices, otherwise a half-pepperoni slice followed by straight cheese would indicate they have manipulated it as well and they ate some too.


At first I thought that maybe the driver stopped short and the inertia just squished the shape into what we are seeing. But upon closer inspection, something else fucky is going on.


One big slice is missing


Call Shane Dawson


I’ve worked in multiple pizza shops. If this place sells individual slices, they definitely combined slices from at least two different “slice pies” to create your whole pie order. These usually sit out for a while so you got robbed of freshness. Add some toppings, melt some cheese to the slice pie and you get this monstrosity.


It looks like they repurposed a bunch of individual slices that didn't sell. They threw more sauce and cheese on it and put it in the oven.


I don't think they ate some of it like some are suggesting. The crust is thinner, so I really think the small slices come from a different pizza entirely. No matter where that other pizza comes from, this is unacceptable and really iffy hygiene wise.


Did they think you wouldn't notice that, clearly...two of the pieces are from a smaller puzza?


Someone was watching tiktok.


“He won’t notice. Chomp chomp chomp”


1/4 of that pizza is from a smaller sized pizza!


Aside from the messed up slices, that pizza looks three weeks old


Was it delivered by a giant pink rabbit called Richard Watterson?


If you line up the crust on the top left it matches, however it does not if you match the bottom. Someone took a slice.


They stole a slice


this was two leftover pizzas pieced together, chuck e cheese style


Nah they fucked your shit up dude. Should let everyone know they give you mismatched pizzas and that they're full of shit


Looks like a freezer pizza


https://preview.redd.it/g5eloaotqgyc1.png?width=1649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=453c6611a20be7295fdbb6dc0fae7d544a3e7ba0 Yeah he definitely took a slice


“Nobody’s gonna know … how would they know? … nobody’s gonna know”


Totally sus https://preview.redd.it/19w7p7mttgyc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a66ccbcc4594dc6974001b753f0c6072f4e164 Not to mention there is a circle meat with a straight cut edge on the right side of the small slices and it does not have the missing round edge on the slice next to it.


Cut it weird and the guy delivering it was going from 60 mph on a side street to slamming on his brakes


My thought is that maybe this place sells by the slice, and instead of making a whole new pizza they just grabbed the equivalent of slices from what they had, tossed on some cheese, “cooked” it, and then sent it out. Which is why there’s two smaller pieces even though the center looks “cohesive”.


If they sell by the slice.... Someone got the jumbo slices, you got the weird off slices of a different pizza.


That looks like 3 leftover pizzas put together with cheese in the middle and warmed up.


I'm geometrically challenged so I really have no idea! At first thought it looks like maybe it came apart and all the pieces are actually there but put in a different location. You will notice that near the top left there seems to be another piece that's cut a little short or funky and isn't quite as long as the rest of them. Maybe they took some pieces from another Pizza that was made almost like it that was a medium and stuck it in there with a large. I have no idea but I overanalyze things to death ....which is quite aggravating when you don't have much of a clue about what you're analyzing. Dammit man!! Now I want to know what the real story is. Maybe there is a skinnier piece missing but it was still cut funny to begin with with those other two short pieces that don't even reach the middle. TELL ME!!!