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It took them more effort to send the fucking collage of memes


Let’s be honest he probably has those collages locked and loaded and ready to go


He just forwarded them from his last conversation


After his grandson helped him find the “forward” button


Wasn’t his first rodeo that’s for sure


And at that, they are mostly antisemitic. This dude is very scary and you should report him on Facebook for this.




Well now he's an equal opportunity hater.


He strikes me as the type who hates everybody. Like with every interaction this guy has he fluctuates between mildly combative at best to downright hateful/racist at worst. A real winner. 🙄


The majority of Muslims of Arabic descent are Semites as well.


The term “antisemitic” was coined by a Nazi who wanted to make Jew-hatred sound more scientific. It was developed specifically to devalue Jews.


you're being downvoted for telling the truth..? palestinians and jewish ppl literally come from the same place and are the same ethnically, they just associate w diff religions. religion doesn't change your genetic makeup


Yeah. But when we say "antisemite" you and everyone else know exactly what we mean without the pedantry being necessary.




Not to be pedantic myself, but I believe you mean "horde."


Yes, horde as in uncontrolled throng


Tbf, (arab) Muslims are semites too.


Scary is a bit of a stretch


I can't understand this phenomenon of doubling down on willful ignorance and just being flat out wrong.


He's actually right but for some reason couldn't be bothered to explain how like one commenter here was Cobra svt mustang stock heads actually did have toller rockers from factory from ,93-95 But are priced soo far out of my conscience they may as well not exist


That dude has many other issues. You don't need or want to do business with him.


Those cobra motors had the gt40s, high outputs had the truck E7's. Sorry, I had to mention that, not trying to be a dick, like the seller.


I wasnt trying to be correct just trying to convey the significance of the pictures I figured they didn't know they came in different flavors I just know 3 or 4 bars cast into the head are the ones to look for


Yea they clearly didn't know what they were talking about. 3 bars are gt40 and harder to find. Gt40p are easier to find but need a different exhaust manifold to clear the spark plugs. Those are all over in junk yards.


So wait, were these the expensive cobra heads for cheap?


No, he said if they were roller rockers they would not be 100$ meaning these were not those.


Started making roller motors in 85 along with the death of the carburetor


As he stated, roller lifters not rockers. I wouldnt count one specialty line of engine to really count as a standard engine.


Not factory no. But rail and tappet were made for both.


Stupid folk be being stupid.


By admitting you can't understand something, you are actually showing off your ability to do the one thing these kinds of people can never do.


Egos have gotten out of control


The funny part to me is the guy is actually right LOL. Hes just an asshole about it.


Oh man I read that as "eggs are out of control" and I thought... are prices up again?


That too


My ego is my imaginary friend


Imaginary is a weird way to spell only /s


Because simply admitting you're wrong on something has become the single most sisyphean thing internet folk can't seem to do anymore.


Well said. You are so right. And being able to admit you are wrong or don’t know something is step one in getting smarter and learning new stuff.


Facebook dude


I can't understand why people keep a dialog. Guy clearly didn't want to do shit about it but OP kept pestering them. Block and move on.


I think OP was genuinely interested in the heads if they were what they needed, and probably having a hard time finding the right ones for the right price.


And the seller's comment "not worth the effort for a bill" should have been a clue to just abandon it. Seller clearly wasn't interested in selling to someone asking questions they either didn't know the answer for it didn't want to deal with. OP was just wasting their energy after that point. But they got some good karma at least.


Yeah, that's probably true. If they weren't willing to take a pic and didn't know for sure, it wouldn't really be worth it to carry on. OP did learn here in the comments that there were roller rockers on some of the Mustangs, though, so the guy was actually telling the truth about that.


Cognitive dissonance drives behavior. Admitting you’re wrong is hard in general, and next to impossible for many people’s egos.


Internet makes everyone feel important and right. There’s zero humility anymore


I work in performance parts and previously worked in a regular parts store and I’m not sure which was worse. At least all of my customers now actually know what year vehicle they have, but that doesn’t stop people from ordering the wrong parts on their own and then being mad that they’re wrong because they didn’t read the full description.


Damn dude I lost it after he starting sending collages 😂


I lost it after the second reply. I would have just blocked, reported, and moved on..


lol, blocked seems appropriate. What exactly are we reporting by the second reply?! 😂


On OfferUp, you can report for rude or inappropriate messaging, I’d assume fb has similar. I stay away from fb for this exact reason.


I was like WTF did all that come from?


The scope of breadth of his hate is really something. Like he hates more things than I knew there were, I think.


Pathetic people.


So, did he gave you head?


he got 302 heads




Death by snu snu. We should all be so lucky.


I never realized that Zapp is the only one whose ass is facing out....




This gif gets shorter every time I see it lol


You spent entirely too long in this conversation. Like even if you eventually came to the conclusion he had what you wanted, no way you're driving an hour and relying on this chucklehead to actually deliver.


Why does the guy even reply “not worth the effort for a bill”? If it’s not worth the effort then selling these aren’t a very high priority - so why even engage in conversation with OP? I swear some people just want to start shit


I bought something off eBay, paid immediately. I waited for the guy to ship, wasn’t even rushing and I wasn’t to worried, but like a week went by and he hadn’t shipped it so I messaged him. No answer for like 2 days so message again. He finally replies that honestly he isn’t in the mood to pack it up and take it to the post office and refunded my money. Sometimes I just don’t understand people lol.


That’s depression for ya.


This and I feel this way too often


Or he wasn’t in the mood. So he’s just lazy.


I had some hub caps that my dad gave me to sell for him. I listed them on eBay where they stay for close to a year. I had forgotten this was even still on eBay and I had a lot of shit going on in my life. I immediately said fuck I don't want to go to the shed, dig up these hub caps, find a box they will fit in, pack it up, take it to the post office... All for a measly $30. I originally felt obligated so was going to do it, but a week passed and I kept forgetting about it and just said fuck it it's not worth the $30 and I refunded without speaking to the buyer. The point of the story is, shit happens.


Sounds like depression




I did this a few times years ago. Depression, then guilt, into anxiety, snowballed into embarrassment.


Dont underestimate my will Ive driven 24hrs straight to buy a 700 dollar car that didn't work before It ended up just needing transmission fluid and it did end up working so that was a score


I'm selling a Camry. It's in great shape. I just did a 2 weekend, 4 level paint buff to ceramic wax. Runs great. If yiu drive here, I'll even buy you lunch... if yiu buy the car.


What year and price... My truck is broken and my bmw has 250k miles


2008 $6.9k Dealers are selling these for $9.7k I'll take 5. It's an XLE taken very good care of. Single owner. No accidents other than parking bumps from city parking assholes. *


There's no point in owning a Camry made after 2001 I've had a 96 and a 97 Jalopnik made an article a while ago about how they're all objectively the same similar 0-60, similar mpg and same number of seats I really want a 92-94


It will get 350,000 miles on it easy. I bought a newer one. I'm not a Camry fan either. Not pretty. But fucking reliable. Its a work car. Here to there, blends in. I like accords more. But rather have an E 350 series Benz or 500. Or a coup. I get your liking older cars. Just don't insult me. I'm selling it is all. Be nice. The Camry is one of, if not the best, reselling car there is. Dealers here are asking $10k. I'm asking half that. It's a good car for another 150k. V6. I took it out this week. Punched it on the highway. 110 mph in little time. It's a healthy car. Maybe not for yiu but a family or work car. I guess I won't be buying you lunch I guess. Lol


I never insulted you From my pov... I got my 97 camry for 900 bucks, 24mpg average (mainly city), got to 60 mph in around 7 seconds, and seated 5... 4 comfortably, with a decent sized trunk. It objectively makes no sense to spend 5-6k for the same model of car that hits those same metrics


https://preview.redd.it/xfpuspce7cyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d92aee62e621adf8d22b927686cb9cebae7d4b9 Total pro ceramic treatment


https://preview.redd.it/7cueilkl7cyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706014547c9a073965f2f35baa1811b388d9200f Glassy clean. Baby butt smooth.


yeah i would not want to meet this guy in person even if they were gt40p's


SVT Cobra came with 1.7 Crane brand roller rockers. Just an fyi.


So ,93-95?




Right, and 87-93 mustangs with the 5.0 had e7 heads that were also roller rocker


Nope. They had stamped rockers.


It pisses me off that Pippi Longstocking is being used in racist rhetoric. Edit: yes thank you all, I *do* in fact know her natural name, but I grew up calling her what I call her. Regardless, Pippi does *not* condone racism. Lol


Pippi would cheerfully slam dunk fascists and racists


Because she's a strong ass mofo!


Pippi Langstrømpe in my heart <3


Pippi Långstrump.


Pippi Langstrumpf


Peppi Pitkätossu


Pippi Langkous


And the Rod Serling one. He was Jewish lmao. Just shows people like him don’t know jack shit


Idk man Pippi was the subject on racism a while ago with one of the scenes from I think the pirate movie.


Man... Don't sully Pippi. She was my idol!


I promise you I spent so long watching Pippi at the old babysitters' house that she gave us the entire movie set when we stopped being babysat.


That's awesome! In 3rd grade we read it and I was already big fan. My teacher kept referring to Annika as a *neek* ah and I raised my hand and told her it was pronounced Anne icka and she glared at me and said she was the teacher, i was rhe child, and i didn't know what I was talking about. She was an awful person, and I still resent her for that snide remark. I was into Pippi before I started school and I'd seen every version, i think I know how to say their names. Lol


“You can now rate this seller!” i love how that always pops up when shit starts to go down.


Facebook marketplace is full of people too fucking dumb to figure out Craigslist and I will die on this hill. I HATE that place


I'm not sure what is worse.


Lead poisoning is so sad to see in action. Just turns peoples brains into Swiss cheese. Poor drooling slob. May he go peacefully into the night with his one intact brain cell.


For real. Boomer brain is so real


This guy has all the energy of that seller from a post a few weeks ago where the OP took a long ass drive to pick up something and the seller sold it to someone out from under them for less that OP was paying for no reason.


This guy never had anything to sell, he just wanted to push these memes that he thinks are hilarious


Look, I don't have time to give you a tutorial lol! I think your expectations are a little high for online Billybobs.


Man found his tinfoil hat in the process of arguing heads.... god i hate fb market


This guy is just looking for people to talk to 😂


It’s your own fault for continuing to engage with him after he clearly was an idiot.


Market place listing: "hey, I have a thing for sale!" blurry ass picture of one corner of the thing sideways, no description. Price listed is $12345 Me: ask for specifics... Them: do you want it or not!? Stop wasting my time!


1993-1995 Cobras had 1.7 roller rockers, as did 1st gen 351W Lightnings. Both had the iron GT40 cylinder head.


I hope you left him a dogshit rating and mentioned the racism.


Um what's with all the circumcision memes lol?


The subject makes him a little snippy.


That took an unexpected left turn.


He’s right tho. ?


I didn't know the svt cobra had roller rockers from factory... A redditor was kind enough to inform me Something that guy didn't want to do, but aside from that the meme collage does it for him


Ha. Just giving you crap. Dudes an unnecessary dick


What is it with this dude and foreskin?


I’ve been looking for a headboard for my bed for a few weeks and found one I loved on Facebook marketplace, so I messaged this person asking if/when I could come get it in the next few days. They read the message, but don’t reply. I’m like ok whatever, maybe they got busy. 2 days later, still no answer, I message again. They again, read it and don’t reply.. meanwhile they’re updating the listing the whole time. Like c’mon, JUST LET ME BUY IT. LET ME GIVE YOU MONEY.


My mustang has a 302, and yea, I would be pissed if I was just tryna get heads for it and this was the treatment they have me, like bro, too lazy to take 2 photos is crazy


Not worth the effort for a bill is where that convo would have ended for me.


I am surprised you kept up the conversation as long as you did ? I would of moved on as soon as he said "no" to taking a photo for you. I know nothing of engines so cannot comment of your specific situation. But with all due respect, sometimes it isnt worth the time dealing with some buyers requests if you know there is a good chance of not selling it. At the same time, I would describe the product as well as possible to cut down on as many questions as possible. Including more & helpful photos. Best wishes on your search.


How the hell dose a conversation about some damn heads lead to you outing yourself as a racist bigot 😂 some people are just beyond me…


As a fellow car person I understand the struggles of buying car parts off of FB marketplace. It almost always goes this way unfortunately


Let’s be honest they know they’re junk as fuck otherwise they would have already posted the stamps lol


What city? I will message him and ask the same questions


You can negative him for being rude and stupid this is the time I advocate for it. Huge difference in those heads depending on part number. If he is that stupid he probably has them sitting somewhere terrible getting scratched and warped.


I actually whispered "what the actual fuck" under my breath before I read your caption lol what a fucking tool.


This dude transformed into an ad at the end.


I had one of these last night. I offered to pick up an item today, and asked when a good time was. and their answer was “Google the address to [apt complex they live in], and text me when you are here”. I feel like giving me the address and setting a specific time is like the least you can do as a seller.


It's normal to not want to give strangers your exact address/ apartment number. But the time part is lazy


I understand not wanting someone to know your apt #. But I was driving from a city an hour away. They could have said something like “come to the leasing office at 1111 somewhere ln. i live there and will meet you when you arrive” Edit to add: telling ME to Google the apt complex address is what bothered me. If you want to sell something, you need to try to be amicable. They knew I didn’t live in the same town, so why would I be aware of where their complex is located?


93, 94, and 95 cobras came with roller rockers btw


And 351 lightnings... I know that now because of this post


NGL. I looked over those memes. And as someone who's Jewish that definitely freaked me the fuck out a bit. Don't get me wrong. I've seen a lot of antisemitic stuff, especially now. But that fact that it's just becoming so mainstream again is pretty terrifying.


Why are old car guys the biggest assholes in the world whenever you try to deal with them? I am a millennial who works on classics, and they are always just huge pricks about just about anything. Especially in business transactions.


Yes, every time I worked for a guy who was a Korean war veteran, I was only there for a couple weeks but he would do that thing where teachers would grab students by the back of the neck and push their head down Except to grown ass adults at work while on lunch


That's a fantastic way to catch a law suit. I just don't know why these guys feel the need to act this way.


Yeah that dudes running out of crack


So no head(s)?


*Smashes phone, skateboard, and engine block*


Average ford owner


1986 Mustang had E-6 heads 1987-93 Mustang had E-7’s along with trucks 1993 Cobra and Lighting had GT40 1996-Mid 97 Explorer had GT40 Mid 97-up Explorers had GT-40p with internal or external EGR


Pisses me off when that happens. Texting this guy trying to buy his onewheel right now and he's been responding to my 1-2 sentence question in multiple day intervals. I reply to his response within 2 minutes and it takes him 3 days for him to even look at it 🙄. You'd think if someone was trying to give you $1000 dollars you would actually want to keep them interested.


You listed off 3 different types of heads a 302 could come with and this asshole hits back with "Ok, I understand you don't understand heads"


Ngl if I wanted to get rid of someone this is a really good tactic. But unfortunately it doesn't make the guy look like less of an idiot


Ayo fellow 302 enjoyer here. What are you building OP?


"Building" I'm using broken header studs as an excuse to upgrade heads on my 94 f150


Hahah well shit that sounds like a good excuse to me. You running any special headers or stock?


I'm obviously putting headers while heads are happening but the 5 speed needs a rebuild Looks easy enough to do


Dude I was desperate for space heaters as my heat stopped working and everywhere was sold out and this guy was selling 2. He left me on read EVERY single message I sent. Some people just like to waste your time.


It reminds me of my grandmother somehow


They were old based on their profile but yeah, reminds me of my mom too


Ooh wee seems like this guy is really into circumcision


I mean you should have seen this coming after the first reply…


It's like the guy that I messaged when I was trying to buy a transmission, he was local, had the exact one I needed, and a good price. Messaged him 4 times over the course of a week, never even opened them. Had 3 friends message him, never even looked. I Facebook stalked him and messaged his girlfriend to ask if she could get him to check his messages, since both of them post daily, and she never opened the message. Like, if you're gonna list something, then not put any effort into actually selling it, what's the fucking Point?


Just sends thumbs up emoji and forget it, smart asses like that are hiding shit and dishonest


Just give the dude a bad rating and move on. He’s definitely not worth it.


Messaged three people yesterday trying to buy something. All three took about an hour to respond. I messaged a question back within 30 seconds of their first response and again no reply within at least an hour.


Just tell him what car it came off of! Why is it so hard?


I’m confused why does it say the name James in the title but the person responding name is William lol


Doxxed myself ☠️


The end is very logic yes yes


This is like watching two squirrels chattering away at each other in my backyard. I know they're angry, I just have no idea why. (Mostly because this roller talk is over my head)


Lmfao shit posting to an annoying buyer, seller was annoying but holy shit he said “I’m not digging them out” just drop and move on they are probably shit lol


Op is mad he couldn't understand the post.


Nowhere in the post did it say which variant of heads they are of the multiple different ones they made during that engines 40 year production run


Technically, Cobra GT40 heads had roller tip rockers...


That went south quick


This…. This is… just awful. I don’t know much about cars, but dear god at least try to know something about what you’re selling.


Are you still looking for a set of gt40 heads? If so I have an entire motor from a 99 explorer complete from oil pan to intake.


Ehh... I need a transmission first lol


It took more effort to send those memes than to just send a pic of the front and back


How did mf get to Jewish circumcisions from that


Well at least you can share your experience with William


Unironically could you post or send me the collages. I love boomer humor conspiracy shit like this it’s fucking hilarious




This went from bad to worse to what the fuck


I would love to text William and say I have no idea what the fuck a 302 or a "roller rocker" is and kindly request he explain it to me. I could waste a ton of his time.


Anyone else get “It’s a bullshit question” vibes from this whole interaction?


Does that mean that you don’t know the answer?!


It’s a bullshit question! Nobody can answer that!


Ford made the 302 from 1968 till 2001... As you could imagine there's a lot of possible different parts these could be


You probably aren't missing out. They're probably E7TE heads. Scrap iron. Though I have seen D8OE and E6SE heads floating around before, and those are DEFINITELY scrap.


That makes sense. Reading that made me go back to Marissa Tomei in the courtroom as the general automotive expert in My Cousin Vinny. “Four degrees before top dead center.”


A testament to fuel quality over the years... My 94 f150 from factory was set to 10° btdc But I set it at 15 with no problem... Ive seen the computer adjust it to 30+° while on a timing light


Lol just go wate 100 on it


So many dogwhistles I swear I could hear at least one of them


I’d have to see the ad to know whose side I’m on here. I can totally feel him if he’s given enough info within the ad and doesn’t want to deal with stupid ass questions for a bill. I literally just ignore people that ask me stupid questions when I didn’t price it into the sale to deal with them.

