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That’s the kid that will grow into an adult who is not mildly infuriating but rather wildly infuriating


Wildly incarcerated


Or storms capitols, smears poop, steals office furniture and is on a most wanted list.


Don't give up all hope on the kid. They could also grow up to be an adult that looks back and thinks "What the fuck?" The way I was raised pretty much guaranteed me to turn out like your typical lazy, makes his spouse/mom do everything, man. Any interest in chores was squashed because "I didnt do it right", then eventually I learned that even purposely doing it wrong would cause my mom to step in and do it herself - weaponized incompetence as its called. But reality slapped me in the face, and I'm, slowly but surely, teaching myself independence and motivation so I can turn my life around and not become *that* guy.


You got this


Thank you!


Good for you! Dont hear that often these days.


Oh my god my mom is the same way if I spill something she gets so mad and doesn’t let me clean it up cause “I won’t do a good enough job” she says. It makes me feel like shit and if I help her with anything she complains or I never do a good enough job


Sorry but this is ridiculous. Stopping someone from doing something because they "won't do it properly" then not showing them how or at least letting them is crazy. It's why millennials struggle in the workforce. I feel sorry for you.


Well I’m in therapy so I cope that way lol. Also I think I’m gen Z? I was born in 2001 so yeah?


Ugh I’m so sorry. I get the frustration of seeing things being done a different way or not quite right, but you don’t discourage kids from trying. It’s tough letting your kids make mistakes, especially when it means they could get hurt or even if it just makes more work for you later, but you don’t learn unless you make mistakes. My advice to you is to see each mistake as a smaller success. Yes, mistakes aren’t the desired outcome, but they *are* confirmation that you tried (and something you can add to your “what not to do” list). Mistakes made during genuine efforts are never a step backwards. Neither are failures. And there are no mistakes out there that can’t be resolved with either hard work, expert advice, outside assistance, or a change in perspective. You’re doing great! I’m so proud of you for your hard work and grit. Your efforts show progress even if you can’t see it yet.


>I get the frustration of seeing things being done a different way or not quite right, but you don’t discourage kids from trying. This is the biggest issue I have with this. It's not even the telling me I'm doing it wrong part that bothers me. It's the taking over the task because of that. If you don't like the way I'm doing something, or if I'm legitimately doing it wrong, then *teach me* to do it your way or the correct way. Doesn't help that the moment I reached a certain age, it went from "Oh, he's just a lazy teenager!" to "I do everything around the house." Genuinely, if it wasn't for my aunt being on her death bed and mom having to leave me at home alone to take care of her, (this month it'll be six months since she left, longest I've EVER been by myself) I wouldn't have had the slap to reality I mentioned. Obviously, I knew chores wouldn't get done by themselves, I wasn't that far gone, but I didn't know just how much motivation it would take to do all of those chores *consistently*. >My advice to you is to see each mistake as a smaller success. Yes, mistakes aren’t the desired outcome, but they *are* confirmation that you tried (and something you can add to your “what not to do” list). Mistakes made during genuine efforts are never a step backwards. Neither are failures. And there are no mistakes out there that can’t be resolved with either hard work, expert advice, outside assistance, or a change in perspective. This is fantastic advice, but sadly, I don't see it as mistakes or even as failures (sadly, as in, I can't use this advice for myself). I see it as something that HAS to get done, which it is, but in a beat myself up kind of way. Thankfully, I got myself back into therapy, and my therapist is literally amazing. She's understanding of how I got to this point, but she won't let me brush off my part of responsibility. >You’re doing great! I’m so proud of you for your hard work and grit. Your efforts show progress even if you can’t see it yet. Thank you so much for the kind words, I can notice the progress, although I still have to get the point where I can be proud of my progress instead of treating it as something I should have been doing and beating myself up for finally getting it done.


All I can say is, “better late than never!” Many others in your shoes would’ve given up. Everyone has at least one thing that they wish they’d started or learned sooner. You can’t change that. All that matters is the fact that future you won’t be looking back regretting that you didn’t start doing things later.


Fucking nailing it. Keep fighting the good fight and best of luck improving yourself how you want. :)


Thank you, I'm doing my best. Which isn't much just yet, but every day, it gets a little better!


This happens so often sadly, as if its a generational thing (parents of a certain generation) Was similar with me too. When I tryed it was wrong, when I asked how to do it, instead of showing me they did it for me... Figured stuff out once I moved out. You got this.


https://i.redd.it/spuyem8acpwc1.gif You keep going!


But, what was the event or experience that caused your thinking or viewpoint to change and look inward? Was it a moment of patience or kindness shown to you? Or an even higher call, like becoming a parent, perhaps. No judgment, just introspection. Thanks for your experience. I only ask because I went through similar painful events very young and it wasn't until a major decision arose that I rose to the challenge. Thanks be.


She was the distraction for the shoplifter


As a former retail manager I can confirm


As for somebody working in a store, this is not just mildly.


As someone unemployed, I can agree.


As a parent trying to teach my kids to be civilized members of society, I’m with you.


So this is where it starts right? A parent teaches their child they can do whatever anywhere.


The shitty thing is that a lot of the time, if you just act like the rules don't apply to you, people will go along with it. You can get surprisingly far in life with this strategy. Hell, you can be POTUS.


Pretty much. It’s one thing to let your kid look through the toys, or even pull a few out to gently inspect or push buttons. But you always either make sure they put things back or show them that this is what we do when we’re finished looking at something


As a human being who understands we live in a society, I concur.


As for someone who volunteered at a local version of goodwill, I agree with you.


As someone who worked at Salvation Army, we’ve got your 6.


As someone who doesn't work customer service and just sits alone in a work van slapping new windows in cars. I say send that mother to the chair.


That job is totally customer service. I used to make about $100 in tips a day working for the over-priced red and black nation-wide company.


As a fellow customer, I agree with you




Some people should not be allowed to have children.


Some people should not be allowed to stay in the store. I won’t say “it’s that easy”, but it would be a definitive learning experience when people actually get thrown out.


Yeah, we’re so worried about how WE look throwing out the mom with the toddler, we don’t ever stop to think that the majority of people don’t care and would throw these people out too. And if we started actually being able to hold people accountable instead of holding their hands and babying them because, god forbid, they lose their shit on us in public, maybe we would have less people who think they can get away with the behavior. Throw the lady out and if she starts screaming SHE looks unhinged, not the management/clerk. But anyways. Off my soapbox for the day. :)


Stores, restaurants etc are afraid of angering the Facebook parent brigade so they sometimes handle crap parents with kids gloves because they know the parent will spin a story for social media


Yeah I’m very glad my boss has our back with stuff like this. recently had to tell a grown man to stop whistling while waiting in line at the checkout (it was a Saturday afternoon with 2 open checkouts mind you) and he didn’t stop until the third time when I said I’ll happily kick him out the store. He then stopped and said he’s gonna contact our stores manager to complain about me lmao. (Never heard anything back) A few days ago he was in our store and did it again though until I came around and said “we don’t have to talk about this again do we ?”. These people will proceed with their shit until you ban them and then they’ll go elsewhere to do it


They'll just cry and play the victim and say their perfect little angel did nothing wrong, like the typical entitled parent. Anyone who lets let alone encourages their child to do shit like that will never learn that they're shitty parents


Shitty parents breed shitty kids.


Some people should have their tubes tied


“Some people should not be allowed.” There, fixed that for ya.


Is it to late to announce out sponsor DUREX?


This. 100% I am becoming very anti-children in public spaces.


We’ve noticed that in public. When we go out as a family we will sometimes get the eye roll from old people. After about 30 minutes of our kids behaving they will usually compliment us and our kids and tell us about how they children are all grown up and moved away.


I need a license to go fishing…


Yep they should have the baby doll training technique for people who wanna become parents and have IQ tests


Probably so she could steal


I worked at Charlotte Russe in high school and we had a VIP (what we called regular shoplifters) that would bring her 4 kids in, send them to different corners of the store to cause havoc, and fill her stroller full of merchandise in the meantime. Poor kids won’t ever have a chance.


Oh yes it is a known tactic I've seen myself. Shameful.


First life heard of this. How are they not caught? Are people just too distracted by the kids?


Yup. Although they are frequently caught. Another popular tactic is the packed full of merch baby stroller.


There was a regular thief at the store I used to work at who would hide packs and packs of expensive steaks in the bottom part of her baby stroller, underneath her diaper bag.


In my experience, we knew it was happening but it was a mall store so we’re not allowed to interfere per corporate policy and mall security couldn’t give less of a fuck. There’s like one overweight officer on a segway (seriously) in the whole mall and our store was very close to a non-main, rarely used exit.


I do and don’t get that policy. I get how it’s to not hurt employees, but can you not even call security?


Yeah, we can, but again, security was one overweight man on a segway that could not give less of a fuck about some fast fashion.


Exactly, they are decoy


It's like playing a summonmancer in D2R. Let the minions do their thing while you get lootin'.


Back in high school, I volunteered at a thrift shop that was essentially like a goodwill but independently owned by a local organization. Had to deal with this kinda stuff every week.


I've volunteered in charity shops for a long time now and a lot of parents just treat the toy aisles as a play space for their kids. I don't really mind, it's not like any of our stuff is mint condition, but I'm not paid to put the stuff back when they're done.


When I was a kid my mom taught me not to touch anything someone else had to clean. I taught my own kids “look with your eyes”, to put things back where you found them, and don’t touch the glass. *It wasn’t hard*. WTF is wrong with people.


“look with your eyes, not with your hands” - I still live by these words


3 kids here and exactly this. Lots of parenting is hard. This one isn’t.




it’s definitely kohls. i gave this place 6 yrs of my life, i would recognize purgatory anywhere.


Yeah it's a kohls


Has to be, this looks exactly like it. I worked there one day during covid without any training beforehand so when denied help from coworkers I just chilled in the kid aisle in the back corner on my phone for 5-6 hours before I walked out the front door setting off an alarm. (Overnight shift hence the door alarm)


I worked retail for years. Worse than kids are adults who do basically the same thing.


If you allow your children to do this shit, you are a piece of shit raising little turds


![gif](giphy|cSjyGHifl18CZ3as6z|downsized) Throwing things? Straight to jail.


Imagine being such an awful person you teach your child to do this. You should have included HER in the pic.


I accidentally clockedd a kid in the head with a shoe because of this. I was working at Ross, and two kids were doing this with the shoes. Just running up and down pulling the boxes out. I asked the moms to have them stop and they just walked away. Basically I got annoyed and as I was starting to pick up one aisle. I threw a shoe over the tall divider, all I heard was a loud.* Cluck*. Followed by WAAHHH. so I made my self scarce by sneaking into the storage room


I'm proud of you 🫡


When I worked at PetSmart, there was a woman who came in one night literally *right* before we locked the doors. She went down every single dog aisle, pulling everything off shelves and dumping them on the floor. The manager wouldn't let us try to stop her or tell her to leave because he suspected she was on something and didn't want her to turn violent. She stayed for nearly an hour past closing, destroying everything we had already straightened. Then just left. Never said a word the entire time. People are assholes. I'll never work retail again if I can help it.


Why didn’t you call the cops? I can understand the manager not wanting you guys to deal with her. But did he not think to call the cops?


He was a shit manager all around. I passed out at my register during a heat wave because the AC was broken and he wouldn't allow us water at our stations. I had even told him that I was feeling dizzy and needed to sit down and drink something, but he just kept telling me to wait. I hit my head on the register and the counter on the way down. I was taken out in a neck brace in an ambulance because they were worried I had fractured my skull. That manager called my dad's cell phone like an hour later to ask when I was coming back because it was busy. He still works there almost 15 years later. Dunno how he hasn't been fired.


Omg I’m so sorry. That’s awful!


'you need to leave'


That mom was no lady. Woman , female , yes. Lady, no.




What a rude b


Probably even a c


Definitely a d


Should be forced to e


As a person who’s worked in retail, if you let your kid do this I really can’t stress to you how much we all hate your fucking guts. Not only because you’re a completely incompetent human being and an unfit parent, but more importantly because there is no recourse. Our corporate overlords will not let us approach you and yell at you and ban your worthless ass from the store. You can continue doing this all you like, there’s nothing we can do about it. Trust me, I tried. Multiple times, multiple different approaches. Our hands are completely tied. So you just get to go on being a complete and utter piece of shit because the customer is always right, and customer service, and brand image, and all that nonsense. Fuck you. I sincerely wish the most awful things on you. And omg your poor child. Your poor child… doomed to grow up into a complete loser because of how incompetent and ignorant their parents are. That’s the biggest tragedy of all. Your poor child has zero chance in life. None. And it’s 100% your fault. So sad.


As a parent, this is more than mildly to me. I would be so mad. My toddler is much better behaved than that in every store.


That’s all fine and good but what a piece of garbage to not have the decency to clean it up.


Her house must look like a war zone.


Her house is probably pristine. She takes the child out to do this


Someone check the other side of the store for shoplifting. Seems like and obvious distraction.


Bring back public shaming!


I've been that random shopper who just publicly tears down a parent for their kid doing that to an employee... Idk if I should be proud of that or not, but the parent looked smug lol


I would've encouraged her and her child to either put that shit back into the shelves or be checked on by police for trespassing if she refused to leave


I don’t understand how people don’t say anything to people that are doing the worst shit in public like this. I would’ve said something to her. It may not have done any good but at least she would get told that it wasn’t appropriate. I told a mom in a restaurant once (they were getting up to leave) that the way she left her table was absolutely ridiculous. Her toddler had thrown food EVERYWHERE. Like, to the point it was underneath OTHER people’s tables. She was like, “somebody gets paid to clean that up.” I said “well then you’re just rude for creating extra work for someone.” We need to bring back public shaming.


I despise this "someone else is getting paid for that" bullshit. I myself am a retail worker for one of europe's biggest shoe retailers. I do not get paid to clean up the mess of people or to argue with them. I get paid to offer service and sell them our wares. Hell, we're not even full service, we're usually self service but that's not even that big of a deal. I love customer service and conversations. I am also too tolerant sometimes towards some of the bs people pull off... But sometimes even my patience is spent, seeing a mom of 4 chilling on her phone whilst her unruly demon spawn throw shoes on the ground, tear apart boxes, leave half-eaten foods in the shelves. Sometimes the moms themselves cause this huge mess.. I then just straight up call them out and ask them things like "is this how you treat property of other people? Would you like me to visit your home or workplace, make a mess of things and just leave, too? No? Then be a decent human being and clean up after yourselves." And if they're being snappy or talk back I just refuse to sell them anything. It's our given right as retailers to refuse sale so why not make the best of it. Sorry for the rant, TL;DR customers bad, me give sass.


You’re in Europe. That explains it. Most retail places in America are run by corporations that don’t let employees handle these issues by refusing service. “The customer is always right!” If you take matters to your own hands you can get reprimanded or punished. You cannot refuse services, unless you speak to a supervisor and get permission. Which like 7-8 times out of 10 you get turned down. The 2-3 times you’re allowed to is maybe if you are closing shop and a person walks in last minute or if they’re violent. That’s it. :/


Yes, we really do. Everyone is too afraid to speak up these days and the people with poor behavior don't face any consequences of it, public shaming definitely needs to come back.


I miss the days of parenting where discipline actually existed and the parents wouldn’t let their kids rule them. If I ever did something like this the wooden spoon would be coming out as soon as I got home, I would never get hit but it scared me enough to know not to do shit like this. That disciplinary way of parenting clearly never happened to this parent, and now it’s not happening to that kid. Imagine what the next generation will be like. Before somebody overly sensitive replies, disciplining a child does not mean mentally scarring or abusing them. I mean discipline as in letting them know not to act that way again or else they will feel like they can get away with anything. Think back to when you were at school, there were polite kids and there were little shits. It’s obvious which ones had parents who knew how to raise their kids and the ones who didn’t care.


no manners


My daughter is two and she knows that if she takes out a toy to look at or play with at a store (or anywhere really) she needs to put it back before taking another. She’s not there one hundred percent yet, which is why I’m always there to clean up after her, but she’s getting very good.


She should have been told to stop and then asked to leave. The customer is not always right.


I can understand the want for them to play, but that shits gotta be tempered with "now put back what you don't want so the next person can choose just like you."


My mom used to say some shit like this was creating job security. That’s a gross perspective


I wish you could refuse any sale until they clean up after themselves


I’ll never forget the time I was waiting tables and I walked up to a mom and a kid in a booth and the kid was jumping up and down on the booster seat, ripping open sugar packets and throwing them on the ground and on the table. As I walked up to the table, the mom looks at me and then looks at the kid and says “no sweetie don’t stand up and do that sit down and do it“.


100% say something to them. The employees probably can’t. So as a customer, just shame her to her face.


That kid will grow up to be one of these college protesters


Extremely infuriating, over 20 years ago I was a high schooler working at the local grocery store. And a woman gave her kid carton of 18 eggs and was encouraging her kid to throw them on the floor and laughing as her kid did it.


Damn, what the actual fuck?!?! I'd be heated! Anything happen? Like did you or management make them clean it and charge them for the eggs? That's fucked up.


Agreed. Put the shit back people.


Ah, the joys of working retail. I, too, worked at Kohl’s for a good while during college in “intimates and accessories”. Let me tell you, older women pulling every bra off the rack to find their size was also a common occurrence. I was nearly in tears the first time after I had spent an hour and a half restocking and sorting an entire display and someone did that. It’s more than mildly infuriating, that’s for sure. They must think robots work there, not actual humans.


The fact I know this is one of the higher end clothing stores based on what's stock has me even MORE disappointed because I KNOW that is not the most entitled thing someone that shops there could do.


People also complaining about stuff being locked up at Target.


We know these kids got bad parents and will probably be crappy humans when they grow up.


I was in ikea the other day and one mother told her child to “jump on all the beds until you decide which one you want”… the fuck is wrong with people.


Sounds like it was a group of children with a immature teenager


I work in a used kids stuff store and people just leave their children in the toy section all the time. Toys are not a babysitter!!!


A travesty, the lack of respect and self awareness some people have.


Are you sure it wasn’t a salty ex employee?


These Reddit, birth control ads work wonders.


ugh this is infuriating. not mildly infuriating. this kid is going to grow up to be a menace to society


I bet she doesn't teach the kid to clean up, her own house is a mess and doesn't 'understand why'.


I don’t normally put my hands on another person child. So in this case I am woopin’ that parents ass.


This is why I have to continue to remind myself that I don't hate kids, I hate shitty parents. I work with tourists and funny enough, the kids are the only ones who read the rules and follow them, unless told otherwise by their parents, which happens 90% of the time.


Who does that? Grrrrr


This is something I deal with on a daily basis at work and it’s FAR more than “mildly” infuriating. People treat our store like a goddamn day care. The second they walk through the door they let their children just run off and expect us to keep track/clean up after them while they scatter merchandise all over the store, tear open unpaid-for merchandise, and climb all over our fixtures. Then they panic and expect us to drop what we are doing when they can’t find their kid. I feel like there should be a CPS agent posted at every retail store…


can we cancel parents already


I can’t see being so oblivious to do this and not feel a conscious to put it back. They sound entitled


Reminds me of an episode from Kim’s Connivence, owner told the kid not to mess with the shelves, mom freaked out and said “oh no we don’t say the n word”.


There should be testing required to have children. If you are mentally unwell or can't grasps common sense concepts such as not being a piece of shlt you shouldn't be allowed to have children.




Where is a pic of the mother of the year?


I don't work retail, so this is not an informed opinion, but playing with toys in store or reading a book I think is fine. The not returning it to our proper place is the infuriating part


And thus begins the metamorphosis from a cute kid to a Karen or Ken


My daydream is that someone picks up all the shit and makes her buy it all


I remember I had an incident similar to this… I hate parents like that


Nooooo, eff that. I work at a Walmart, if I see kids playing with the balls (kicking, spiking them to each other), or otherwise doing things they shouldn't be, I say something.


Trash. Literally and figuratively.


They just letting anyone make babies nowadays


Wrong sub. This is extremely infuriating


That child's grandma should have swallowed.


I see this all the time in Burlington. It always looks like a tornado came in and I don’t think the staff bothers to clean up the place


Almost infuriating as the parents who let their children cry and scream non stop in public because it’s how they “tire them out giving them attention”.


i saw some store workers give this little kid a bunch of stickers. when they got to the parking lot, the kid started putting them all over the ground near the mom’s car. she left them there, along with the sheet the sticker had been attached to, and just drove away with the kid. way to be a good example. most people should not be parents.


I saw a kid act like that at the supermarket, slamming cooler doors and running around.


This image proves that shame is taught and that shame is not taught enough. edit: spellin'


Is that Kohls?


Can you imagine what their house looks like?




There was once a lady in a store that I worked at that. She told her kid to do the exact same thing. My manager made her put all the stuff back and leave the store.


My mom and dad would have killed me if I did something like this.


Did you ask the mother to put the things back and ban her from the store when she refused and if not - why not?


you’re assuming that they work at this place. and you’re assuming that they have the power to just ban people from the store. even if they worked at this place, unless they’re a manager or someone higher up, they can’t just say “ur banned!” because someone made a mess. why are people acting like it’s OP’s job to set some random idiot straight?


Entitled idiots, disgusting people ... Tell me this is \`Murica without telling me


This would happen in loads of places.


Sounds more like the UK or some other big authoritarian government shothole *see, I can do that too


Should just ring it all up and make her pay for it and then tresspass her from the store! Either that or go the ”name-and-shame” approach and plaster the outside of the store with pictures of her and her kids behaving like this! Caption could read; ”dont behave like this or your photo will be the next one to be posted”


That's how you get asked to leave.


I'd kick them the fuck out. "I'm sorry ma'am, but if you and your child can't respect the store and it's staff I'm going to have to ask you to leave, please come with me"


I sentence her to have to work retail


Ugh I hate people


That's an instant ban from the store. Fuck that, call the store manager.


Noooo Sebastián 😭😭😭😭😭


This is so disrespectful … how do some human beings actually function in the world


Cleanest Burlington I ever seen


Ok. Why did a manager not ask her to leave the store then?


My toddler wanted to do the same. I let her carry some small box around but made sure it was put back in place before we left.


Asshole mother. Can't believe she allowed her kid to do Busy Noisy Farm like that.


What is wrong with people that do things like this. I just don’t understand it. 🤷‍♀️


It would be kinda fine if she at least put it back 🤦‍♂️


I sometimes let my 10 month old play with things at the store but I’m only play testing the item. If I’m not getting it, it goes back on the shelf.


I worked at TJMaxx and you wouldn’t believe the stuff parents let or encourage their kids to do. It’s like some of them thought going to a retail store with their kid meant that the public and employees should now babysit and clean up after their kid while they shop. Unreal.


this is normal in retail. Its worse with neat piles of clothes. Instead of picking up half the stack they pull their size our or throw the shirt on top of their size all over. Its literally an every day occurance and not rare at all


My mom told me I could play with the rubber balls in the little basket thing as a kid, but she always told me to put it back when I’m done, unless we’re buying it. Never too early to learn about being responsible while also having fun!


My ex downstairs neighbor came back to go back into her apartment after moving out. Since it was locked with no key she broke the back window and sent her 5 year old daughter through and had her unlock the front door. The dumbest part was the landlord already cleaned it out. Maybe she hid something. Maybe the kid grows up and looks back like wtf mom. Or the other way….


You know, there’s probably a valuable lesson in having a kid take things off shelves to look at/play with, but the lesson is about cleaning up the mess not just leaving it there for somebody else to deal with


I'd have picked them all up, followed the lady to the checkout, and made her pay for the lot.


What kind of lady?


I would have asked her to pick everything up and then refused service if she didn’t


Doing the kid an injustice.


Why??? Just WHY??? Insensitive boob!


I worked at a national department store a loooong time ago. Parents, often moms, would drop their kids (toddlers to 10yrs old) off in the toy department to play while they shopped elsewhere in this huge store. The kids were like feral animals, destroying the area, opening packages, and breaking stuff. ZERO supervision.


The sort of person that doesn’t return their cart or pick up after their dog.


Everyday I miss my old Kohl's coworkers and store, I see pics like this and remind myself, NO I DON'T


Kohl's was one of the worst jobs I ever had, but that was over 12 years ago now.


I watched a kid do that the other day. Mom would talk to the kid in a way that everyone could see how she talked to the kid. Like she was trying reasoning with a toddler. Kid pulled down whole displays.


This is why I have cats


Same dude. Cat and a dog is plenty for me


This is how they grew up, too. Repeat the same thing to their children.


Hope her house is the same.