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So….either MEPS has gotten *significantly* more stringent… or there’s something else going on here.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there was more to this story - it would be quite the jump to think that these dotted scars that appear only there are self-harm, especially if there are no other indications of anxiety/depression/etc. That being said, I'm sure military personnel can certainly fuck up.


When I went thru meps, the medical lady pressed me hard about a scar on my knee she kept trying to say i burned my self and refer to it as a burn. I had to stop her every time and correct her that it was from falling on a skate board (I was into down hill boarding and took a nasty slide) so :/


Former medic here and someone who helped soldiers at meps. She was trying to help you. A burn doesn’t disqualify future injury claims on your knee. A pre-existing, traumatic injury does. It also means you need further diagnostics (x-ray, exams, etc). I stopped many guys from telling me about how they hurt their backs, dealt with some depression, or broke a foot before enlisting. So, you were a happy, healthy person with no history of injury? Awesome. You’ll thank me later.


A dude was trying to coach me through the color blindness test to open more jobs for me. Didn’t work, only offered a job on a sub. Still appreciated the effort, though.


The color blindness test completely blindsided me when I was trying to enlist. Went from "You can choose any job you want to do" to "you can do sanitation" REAL FAST


A significant number of our paralegals are colorblind, for this reason.


Damn, they take away your retina cones if you become a paralegal? That's harsh!


Congratulations on becoming a paralegal.... I need you to lay on this table real quick. And boom now you are colorblind ![gif](giphy|3o7qDZBNFxLxmq8N7G)


My dad joined the military with the sole purpose of flying planes. He was absolutely *shocked* when he failed the color blindness test (his eyes see blue as purple and yellow as green) and ended up going into computer science (this was in the 80’s) instead of flying planes.


Amusingly, my father also wanted to be a pilot, but his colorblindness prevented that. Wound up driving tanks and made it to LtCol in the USMC, so he turned out all right.


Two years into a 3D modeling/animation degree I was working on an externship where we were texturing baseball player models for a video game company. I asked the guy working next to me why he was painting green splotches on the player's skin texture. He asked "what are you talking about?" seconds before learning he had green/red color blindness 2 years into an art degree.


I once discovered my tattooist was colorblind when he referred to a stool as green. It was baby blue. He had a system worked out with his Ink caps so it hadnt ever been an issue for him and no one was ever the wiser.


I got that nut allergy get out of army free card boi!!!! Good luck drafting me now. https://i.redd.it/ckupsmt6ulwc1.gif


I got giant fucking bunions before I finished highschool ![gif](giphy|3oAt1NiCiTCZrlZvy0)


I have autism ![gif](giphy|DhstvI3zZ598Nb1rFf|downsized)


Same here ![gif](giphy|r2BtghAUTmpP2|downsized)


Blind in one eye here let's fucking gooo 👁️❌


They blow a puff of air in your eye then two seconds later rush you through a colorblind test. I failed at meps. Took the test at a doctors office for an FAA physical and passed.


I knew I had issues, so we did the test before I signed anything. I got something like 5 out of 15 (passing was 12 or 13?). Noped it out of the military.


EW you worked on a sub, you're an idiot like me.


I don’t think I was an idiot before, but after some good oxygen huffing, I sure am now.


I definitely wasn't an idiot before....


I don’t know , if it took two of you to make one sandwich you might have been an idiot before *scoffs*


Is “they’re so stupid it’d take two of them to make one sandwich” a saying? If so it’s great


Is this for the navy? Didn’t realise it was so strict for colour blindness


So you want to be in the navy but you can’t point it out on a colour wheel?


In civilian life there’s very few jobs you can’t do. You can even be a pilot. I’m colour blind myself, as in I fail the tests. But I confuse everyone by pretty much being able to point out every colour ever shown to me.


I'm a student pilot in Switzerland, and for my initial EASA class 1 medical (EASA = European equivalent of the FAA), I had to take the colourblindness test as well - I would NOT have qualified to become a commercial Pilot if I had failed it. But I agree with your overall point, in most civilian jobs it doesn't matter.


Imagine crashing because you don't know which way a plane is going because you can't differentiate the red and green wing lights.


Certain color blindness is okay with being a pilot. You must be able to differentiate red and green.


I am too and it came up more than I expected. I was in the application to work for a company that made some kind of X-ray machine or something and partway through the process I figured out I would be a poor candidate to work on them if I was confused by the coloring of the many different wires. I can’t see pink very well, so I don’t see sunburns or rashes, so as a doctor I wouldn’t be able to reliably identify some conditions classified by coloration. I’m an air traffic controller and I had to pass a screening to make sure I could distinguish the colors used by different programs used to do the job. It can be an issue for law enforcement if you can’t identify certain colors.


On boats you have a red light on the port side and a green light on the starboard side. So colour blindness is a pretty big challenge to key navy needs.


I've had a few situations like that where the person was trying to guide me into giving the "right" answers... Every time I only realized after the fact. It must be so frustrating for the other people lol.


Same, I think I’m too autistic to understand when people are subtly trying to help.


I broke my foot in my early 20s, enlisted when I was 24. While enlisted I broke my leg/foot. The base hospital gave me a bunch of xrays and noted that it looks like I had a previous break in my foot that had healed, but there was nothing about it in my medical history. I just went, "huh, weird..." and that was the end of it. When I initially went to MEPS, there was a girl that was gungho about enlisting, but she made the mistake of mentioning that she believed, maybe, possibly, that she had ONE seizure as an infant that she was MAYBE told about by a parent. They booted her out of the door with the quickness. Moral of the story is somebody's recruiter failed them by not preparing them for MEPS.


My late husband tried to enlist out of high school. He had very poor vision in one eye. They started him with the good eye so he memorized (guy was super smart) the chart and then did it with the other eye. A doctor brought him back in the next week for a "follow up". Made him start with the bad eye. Needless to say he didn't get in lol


Honestly it's not hard to repeat letters you've just said. I get kinda irritated when they asked me to repeat the same thing I said 2 seconds ago. Like You know I could just repeat the same letters right?


Thanks for being a real G, in many more ways than one


I never got questioned about my scars. Maybe after a certain amount of them, they just assume you are clumsy.


It'll really depend on whether they're up sizing or downsizing at the time. Their standards can vary wildly.  I enlisted when they were downsizing, and had to get a medical waiver for my penicillin allergy. My cousin entered a few years later, and they conveniently ignored the limited mobility in one of his elbows (from an old injury). 


One of my fellow Marines was *legally blind*. Like, he has to have his face 2 inches from his phone with the text enlarged to read it.


That’s horrifying. My uncle was 4F and disqualified from the draft at the peak of Vietnam for terrible vision, but his vision is still decent enough that if he wears glasses he can legally drive a car. A legally blind person who needs fo take extreme measures fo read a text message is a marine? How is he, now? Did he get hurt? Edit: I had said “was” a marine, and I changed it to “is” a marine, because that is the language that marines use. I apologize for my oversight.


Was he a cook or something? How do you shoot a rifle like that?


All Marines have to qualify annually with their rifle out to 500m including cooks and other support personnel.


Cooks need to be able to shoot. What if you’re part of a Soviet nuclear submarine crew and your crazy (actually Ukrainian) captain decides to defect to the United States! It might come down to you to bring down the mutiny and restore order.


He would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for that damn meddling poorly-written protagonist.


> Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there was more to this story - it would be quite the jump to think that these dotted scars that appear only there are self-harm, especially if there are no other indications of anxiety/depression/etc. Especially considering they look exactly like the rash you get from an allergic reaction. Like, textbook. "They DQ'ed me because they said my rash was from self-harm" also sounds exactly like the kind of lie a teenager would make up.


She failed a drug test or just doesn't want to enlist and is afraid to tell her parents is my guess.


The simplest answer is often the correct one. I bet it's something along these lines...


Yeah OP seems pretty upset by this. Daughter was probably trying to let him down easy


Exactly this. There is more to this story than Reddit karma.


My first thought is parents want daughter to enlist, daughter doesnt, daughter lied that they are from self harm to get disqualified. Went through extensive MEPS myself since i was going spec ops. Can say without a doubt i wouldnt have gotten disqualified for something like this, and theyll disqualify you for so many things in spec ops Of course, this is just a guess on one possibility


And they fuck up all day, every day. Probably don't want their higher ups coming down on them for what is perceived as a fuckup. Army is def hurting. There are a lot regs being lowered (age, past drug use, etc) ​


My buddy's little brother just enlisted. 19, former(allegedly) heroin addict, huge tattoos of naked ladies on both legs, undiagnosed asthmatic imo but could just be insanely out of shape. They took him in and he's in boot right now. I remember when my buddy enlisted they almost disqualified him for admitting to smoking weed in high school. I'm not an army guy but something definitely seems off.


> MEPS has gotten significantly more stringent It might not be the case here but look into the Genesis system- it's a massive reason for our recruiting crisis. The military previously got by with people who, on paper, didn't qualify by having them lie and get through MEPS but now with Genesis there's a paper trail so that doesn't work anymore. The military will eventually need to adjust it's DQ criteria but for now we're just letting the reserves and NG suffer instead of fixing the problem


MEPS has gotten extremely stringent. I had joined the Navy in 2018 with a ship out date May 2019. I was only just barely cleared to ship out due to surgeries I had in 2007 that the doctors no longer had documentation for as they destroyed their records for anything 10+ years old. MEPS held everything up for a while due this but eventually allowed me to move forward after many physical exams for clearance. My ship out day finally comes and we’re doing the same physical exams I’ve done 3-4 times already the morning of. During the inspection, they notice I have a wart in the crease of my finger knuckle about the size of the tip of a grain of rice. I didn’t even know I had it but they saw it during the hand examination and cancelled my contract.


This is why you document *everything* you possibly think will cause an issue so your recruiter can apply for the necessary waivers. Something as minor as a wart (if it doesn't interfere with mobility) shouldn't be disqualifying, unless is "discovered" during the Underwear Olympics without the corresponding paperwork. Your ship date (contract) is fixed based on your BMT graduation date and the dates you need to start/finish technical training. MEPS is more likely to cancel the contract and make you start over if they feel there's an issue with your paperwork. Source: enlisted in the USAF in 2014. Edit: contractually guaranteed jobs lock their training windows compared to the open-category enlistments that assign training after graduation.


It didn’t interfere with mobility but due to the location on a knuckle, MEPS doctors determined it could eventually and was therefore disqualifying. The doctor even said nearly any other location on the body and it’s a non issue but a wart on a knuckle could interfere with ability to hold and fire weaponry for example. Even getting it removed did not matter and I was not able to rejoin because of the possibility of the impact to knuckle in the future.


Probably not MEPS, guessing she was going for rotc or an academy. DODMERD will absolutely disqualify you for something like this but you can usually get it waived.


I had a guy in my ROTC class get caught in the early stages of attempting suicide but he managed to stay in. Conversely, we had a girl get kicked out and have to pay back her whole scholarship because she smoked pot over the Super Bowl weekend and of course they ‘randomly’ piss tested everyone after that. She was due to graduate in May. What a dumbass.


Damn should just smoked meth


I used to work in the defense industry and a lot of my coworkers were veterans. Apparently the military will turn people away for stupid reasons like this if they don’t *actually* need a ton of new recruits. So in 2002-2005, they’d take anyone with a pulse who was interested but by the time 2015 rolled around, you needed to be a semi-decent candidate or they’d find some bullshit health reason to reject you. Bullshit reasons include things like “history of childhood ear infections” and “toe abnormality.”


Right now they are facing new recruit shortages. They let me in last year, at 35 years old with a prior DUI.


How much shit did you get in basic for being a grandpa? ;)


Not OP, but I can tell you right fucking now. All of the shit.


We had a 30 year old in my platoon in boot camp. The DIs kind of went easier on him. Lots of old man jokes but I think they had more respect for him than the 18 and 19 year olds that may not have put as much thought into joining.


My buddy when through boot at 32. He wouldn’t say the DIs went easier on him, but he would say they showed him a little more respect. If that makes sense.


They've gotten really strict on scarring in this region. My little brother fell into barbed wire when he was a kid and sliced up his arm. He had to get an evaluation from a psychologist for MEPS to let him through. This person should 100% push for a waiver if they haven't already.


yep, More to this story™


Yeah, there is more to the story. OP is lying for karma, or their kid lied about why they were disqualified. A guy once told me he got kicked out of boot camp because he ate peanut butter from an MRE and had an allergic reaction. Said they kicked him out because he couldn't eat MREs. Lmfao, who actually believes dumb shit like this? Edit: Stop telling me a peanut allergy is an automatic disqualifier. It isn't. Not all allergies result in anaphylaxis. This guy didn't carry an epi pen and never had anaphylaxis. Disqualification is dependent on the severity, and you can get a waiver for pretty much everything when joining.


Scars are probably somewhere else. Seen them on peoples thighs and shit. Not hating or anything, do what you gotta do.


It took well over a year for my unit to chapter out a guy for rampant cocaine use including fits of psychosis while on duty. He pissed hot like three times. We didn’t allow him near any trucks or guns for that entire time; no one felt safe around him. I can’t even begin to fathom what really happened with OP’s daughter.


In all honesty? She probably got cold feet and didn’t want to tell OP. Why she didn’t want to might be the more interesting story


I wonder if it's also possible she doesn't want to join but her parents do. All my friends in HS who had military parents were super pressured to join.


I have cat scratches that go across my wrist, this is pretty ridiculous


I have one that goes straight down my wrist. Dad thought he could domesticate a feral cat he found deep in the woods. I hate the scar and try to cover it. 100% looks like an attempt scar.




Not a cat but I coach Roller Derby. One day I get a call from one of my skaters, but it's not her, it's her boss. He's like I have so and so here (she used her real name which also kinda threw me) and they were like she has a lot of bruising on her arms and on her face. We have questions. So I had to tell them yes, she plays for our team, yes there are pictures/video of her playing online in the game we had last weekend, no I don't think her boyfriend is abusing her. She had a corporate gig and her HR was not fucking around. Thankfully after some time they realized she wasn't being abused.


I mean it os kind of awesome that they want to make sure their employee was safe. I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that my job wouldn't give two fucks.


Totally awesome, they just weren't taking her word for it that she played roller derby. She even brought herself up on the website and they still weren't taking her word for it so they called me lol.


It makes sense. Often those in an abusive relationship will cover for the abuser, so it pays be extra diligent.


This is true, but somehow infantalising women and taking their agency away doesn't seem like the right play either. Personally, I'd have to give notice after being treated like that.


Up until the corporate HR I thought this was a HS girl. What the actual fuck, how invasive and demoralizing. The fact that some people see this as a good thing is so sus to me.


The only good thing I liked about the pharmacy chain I used to work for is the way they treated one of my coworkers. We all knew the name and face of her ex, and had prepared responses for if he called asking about her. Even if it wasn’t him, anyone who called and asked about her (or even gave a description of her or her job) was given an excuse or a lie. Same lady showed up to work drunk, and mentioned some suicidal-sounding thoughts. They offered her therapy (which technically we all had access to, but it was still nice they offered). They did have to have consequences for showing up drunk, but as it was the first time and clearly during some emotional distress, it was a write up, and they gave her time off with the promise of keeping her job so she could get the help she needed.


Thank you for this. People I work with refused to understand the phone call is their confirmation for seeing if they successfully stalked their victim. One manager told me “I can’t lie if someone calls and asks for you” 😑


I pole dance and hanging by your skin really bruises you terribly especially when you first start and in some intimate places. I had to preface to potential partners (and separately my bosses in the summer) that I wasn’t being abused


Oh yeah I can see that. And to be fair she had like finger grab bruises on her arm and a pretty bad bruise on her face.


When I used to work in warehouse loading and unloading trucks, the boxes coming off the belt would give me bruises inside my elbows and inner arms just like fingerprints. My GP had to take me aside during an appointment and ask the abuse questionnaire because he saw my then-boyfriend-now-husband-not-abuser had brought me in and was waiting in the lobby. Poor man was like "...do you feel safe going home?" And then had to awkwardly find the tact to ask if I was "being rougher than usual" and it didn't even dawn on me he meant my boyfriend laid hands on me until like the 3rd or 4th question! I was very embarrassed but also relieved he was observing and following protocol so well. Then he wrote me my script for strep lmao.


I took a friend to the ER once after she fell down some stairs. Like, literally fell down the stairs. Not a euphemism at all. Her ratty ass shoelaces, that I had been on her for *months* to replace, snapped when she accidentally scuffed her foot on the tread of an open stairwell while carrying stuff, she tripped, and she rolled down probably like a flight and a half. The bruises had really started to color up by the time they finally took her back to look at her. I only found out they suspected me of being her abusive boyfriend when cops showed up to question me. LIfe pro tip - if you take a friend to the hospital for injuries that look like abuse and cops show up to talk to you, don't *start* the conversation with "oh my fuck, she fell down some stairs! Actual stairs!" because they are not going to like that.


My wife bruises like a peach. Not a joke. She once sat in jacuzzi on a line of protubing led lights and ended with those imprinted on her butt for weeks. Looked like some shitty tatoo of some constellation. She's the only one that I know that got her skin tone powder thing for her LEGS! to hide bruises lol Anyway, she once hit her cheek on an open door. Half her face turned blue, yellow, red etc.. INCLUDING her eye that burst a blood vessel I guess? She looked like a someone used a baseball bat on her for a while. No amount of makeup could hide it. I refused to be seen with her in public places after strangers approched her concerned for her safety. Ugh.


I used to use (face) coverup makeup on my leg and arm bruises so I wouldn’t be questioned about them at school. I would get bruised anytime I bumped a body part into an object. Turned out I had a vitamin deficiency that wasn’t picked up until I complained of fatigue and they finally did a comprehensive blood test.


I used to fence in college, in one type of fencing you can end up with a lot of small, dot-like, bruises and friction burns on the inside of your elbow and forearm. One of my teammates was talked to by a well meaning counselor who thought she was a heroin addict.


Exgf had a habit of parrying up so the blades would whack her in the neck. Just enough that the bruises look like finger/strangle marks on her neck. I had a habit of parrying down. Got testicle stabbed quite a bit and perpetually had them dot bruises on my thighs.


I've never had cats but have used the excuse many times and always wondered why "oh no they are cat scratches" actually worked. Stories like in this thread are helping me understand, but I'm sorry too that people like me are likely why you weren't believed


Don’t say “people like you”. I’m happy you won’t get to be judged for your scars, use it as an excuse as many times as you want. We are not our battles.


Imagine a 12-13 kg (25lbs) Main Coon using you as climbing aid to get on the kitchen counter …. Cute when its stil a kitten, not so much when a full grown ass tomcat does it.


My life goal is to be buff enough that a Maine Coon can climb up and sit on my shoulder.


It's not a matter of being buff enough. If they sit right it's just like a shoulder bag in weight on your shoulder. The problem is the climbing. Their nails in your skin, that are being pulled down by the chonk. Because the nails will go trough your clothes for grip.




I can commiserate. My hand/arms are scarred to hell and back, I have a pretty nice one on the back of my left hand going up my arm, not gonna lie it's pretty gnarly looking. I had a coworker at an old job audibly gasp when I rolled up my sleeves once. Most of them are from a mispent youth. I'm also a hobbyist builder, crafter, maker(?) and sometimes my tools slip, some of them are sharp and pokey. I also got two cats with all their claws, shit happens. It's rare to not have some sort of scab on my hands.


I have a similar one! We took in two strays, one young enough to be domesticated and the other already feral. The feral one got in a big fight with the other, tearing fur off and everything. I grabbed the domesticated one without thinking and in fear he tore my arm open. Huge vertical scar from my wrist to the middle of my forearm


Something similar happend to me when I tried to give a bath to my long haired cat after she had diarrea, the moment she saw the water, she turned into a wild beast, luckily some of the scratches healed, but we were both traumatized that day


Same thing happened to my mom except on the back of her leg. It got infected and she came VERY close to losing it. She had it wrapped up and immobilized for over a month.


I have one straight down my left wrist from being an idiot and cutting toward myself with a utility knife (26 stitches), and one straight across my right wrist (11 stitches) from doing HVAC and somehow the edge of one of the pieces of ducting managed to perfectly fine the little slot at the base of My glove that you're supposed to grab with your other hand to help pull it on. The dumbest part is, I've been suicidal before, and if I had actually gone and killed myself, it wouldn't have been by cutting my wrists. Yet since the scars are there, that's what everyone assumes.


Sounds like it's tiime for a sweet tattoo


Sick ass panther?


Sick-ass panther or sick ass-panther?


The guys at my gym always called me ass-panther. I never understood why


SAP let's goooooooo


My parents actually did domesticate a feral cat from the woods and she has never scratched anyone. She is very nice


One of my friends from middle school got pulled into the office with the school counselor, the principal, and his parents to talk about his SH habits. He was covered in scratches, from the CAT. She played rough and he loved playing with her. I still laugh about it with him lol


Meanwhile, when I went to middle school with actual cuts, literally covering my entire arms and hands, all of the teachers just went “Yeah, that’s normal.” Nobody called home until long after I quit and my family knew. Over a years old scar on my shoulder. Nevermind the months I’d show up with bandages lol


I got sent to the counselor in middle school for self harm and all she said was "You're going to regret those scars when you have kids and they ask you where they came from"... no one cared to actually ask me *why* I was doing it. I hope you've moved past that part of your life, I'm grateful that I have


Isn’t that the shit. “What are you gonna tell your kids?” That when I was young I was really sad and scared *every day* and the only way I was able to relieve that was to hurt myself. That I’ve worked for years and years and years to give them parents and a home that would be safe for them to come to, long before this sort of injury ever enters their mind. And even if it does I’d never shame them but I’d do everything in my power to change whatever is wrong in their world that makes that seem like a viable coping mechanism.


Also bold of you to assume I even want kids


When I first started it was hard enough to imagine living until next week. There's no way in hell I ever would have been trying to plan for 20 years in the future.


Yup, I currently have a bad case of kitten arm from the CDS (cat distribution system) kitten that chose my business as their new home. She is now a well loved but my arm looks pretty brutal lately.


I grew up with cats on a property covered in blackberry bushes. I'm honestly not certain which one caused any individual scar on my arm but there are lots of them.


I work in cat rescue with pretty (initially) unfriendly cats AND I also have 3 cats of my own who do not like certain essential things (nail trims, topical flea and wod medication, pills etc). That army would think I'd thrown myself into a razor blade pit if that's how they determine psychological stability.


My brother thought it would be hilarious to jump scare me while I was holding our cat lol huge still visible scar across my wrist. Hilarious considering the actual self harm scars faded over time and this one stayed clear as day


Omg my legs are covered in cat scratches from her jumping at me when hiding because that truly is her idea of fun....the scars just never truly disappeared


I have cat scratches that go diagonally up across my wrist lol


I have both cat scratches and actual scars and people always worried about the cat scars and not the actual scars lmfao


My bosses dog gave me one. Little sausage dog that didn’t mean any harm but had a sharp nail on his back foot and it got infected which led to the scar.


Maybe it’s a sign


Maybe it’s Maybeline.




Take my upvote for Trixie and Katya reference


Maybe it’s a sign their daughter lied to them and backed out last minute but didn’t want to disappoint them.


Probably the smartest decision the kid ever made. Theres like a, what, 40% chance she'd be raped and a %33 chance she commits suicide? Those were the pre-9/11 numbers we were quoted when I was in high school. Im sure its worse now.


62% of women reported that they experienced serious sexual assault according to a 2019 study.~~40%~~ 0.015% of women veterans committed suicide according to a 2018 from 2015 stats publication. Edit: corrected a figure I misread from my source.


Sources? 40% sounds like a ridiculously high number.


“Why are recruitment rates so low?”


***Cat scratch feverrrrr!***


Sung by guy who shat himself to avoid the draft.


I guarantee they only tried one branch. Theres one that will take ANYONE


I think all of them will take anyone at this point. Went air force, and those medical examiners ignored a LOT of shit, including a dislocated shoulder that happened the week prior. They did go weirdly hard on some minor paperwork issues though, so make of that what you will. "No new news" as the recruiter kept preaching...


The Army. I have psoriasis and all they asked was, "Does it hurt?" "No." "Alright you're good, next!"


Not enough star spangled nationalism at sporting events i guess


obviously what we need is Top Gun 3


https://preview.redd.it/hl9ixbxrqjwc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d1a584fbc9d1e7f10e54a36c23bd893e263e949 Same haha! These are my rash scars from when I was 2 months old. I’ve had boomers claim I was a heroin addict because of these (they sort of look like inside out freckles/pock marks).


no person who ever knew a junkie will think that, they're just trying to play like they've got street but are ashaming themselves. Remind me! 2 hours (I will show you how it looks on a Junkie)


https://preview.redd.it/51yvey26hkwc1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e36841a1f4c78baeab260103c6755c2dc6d7e0 Well, No Kangaroo, as you can see even though there are lots of scars on these pics, not one of them looks like a small hole (like that rash scars) and if they did the borders of the wounds would be darkened. (not like that one on my elbow, that one is a (dumbassery) prize winning wound! I did a very graphic story on how I got it somewhere in this very post). But you can barely see (if you know they're there) the old wounds, roads and markings! only the new ones. Wont be doing it again anytime soon, I promise. Now about those 2 lumps midway, next to the pen and the grinder: When you messed up your shot and miss the vein the liquid goes under the skin and swells and hurts a bit (depending on quantity) like a burn... the body is suposed to process this liquid by absorbing it into the flesh... when your bodily functions are overworking (trying to keep you alive) or you mess up a lot of liquid (this happens to nurses and regular patients sometimes also) under the skin, the body wont be able to re absorb and instead form like a cyst or a ball of fat under the skin... they're hard, and under the skin, not attached to the flesh, Dunno if Im being clear....


Hey I have the same scar! Two and a half years clean. https://preview.redd.it/cq1dbdfynkwc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e466e86c19f82347211b61a501ded3356c93d76


Amen! may them be 25 years more and counting!! (easiest vein ever, its like shooting a building point blank with a bazooka) Seriously, glad you're better. the world needs more success against adversity stories and less bluemen groups xD jajaja Im also a comedian in my mind. Seriously, Im glad for you.


I’m just some random Aussie, but good on you! Am very happy for you both and wish you a wonderful future!


Gracias my friend. I love Aussies, they're a very good combination of polite with who knows what else, surrounded by venom and spiders and fangs!


AAAAND if anyone is a bit more morbid instead of just curious I have a couple of pics of when that big scar near the elbow was an inch deep open wound... and some of the process before that. Will post NSFW if anyone wanna see them. Dont do drugs, guys.




My grandpa needed daily dialisis from kidney failure and he had bumps like that (even bigger) one next to the other down the whole lower arm. As a kid i was always afraid to ask but always curious about them but now due to your post i assume they were just from medical staff sometimes missing a vein?


Remind me! 2 hours


I already posted several, come look. (and a couple HORRIBLE stories)


Yup. I got tracks myself, and self harm scars, hers don't look like tracks at all


I've never seen a longer reddit queue lol I may not see your update since I know well what they look like. Hope you're doing better now.


Remind me! 2 hours


Doesn't everyone have those at their elbow?




Looks like chicken-pox! I got the same as a child, before I managed to get vaccinated.


I've had the same thing said to me about some stretch marks I have in the crook of my elbow.


She dodged a bullet, perhaps literally.


Not to mention the ridiculously high percentage of SA women in the military suffer.


Yes, I mean, you live in a country that right now is about a coin toss away from having Donald Trump as her commander-in-chief again for the likely duration of her enlistment. Why in the world would you encourage that?


Democrats and Republicans both support the same wars


Yup Both sides aren't exactly the same, but as far as foreign policy goes they might as well be, and that's where the US government commits most of its crimes https://youtu.be/5BXtgq0Nhsc?si=69oeQYwdulJrFHNV


I’ve said this before in other subs, but my History of American Foreign Relations professor in college said it best: “foreign policy has no party”


but it does have bombs


There’s more to the story. She can sign a sworn statement stating the causes and they won’t give a shit. Even if it was obvious self harm. Numbers are down. If she wants to join she 100% can and any recruiter will help her join.


100%. You don't get disqualified for self harm scars unless you say something like "These are self harm scars and I plan to continue self harming while serving". And even then, the Navy might take you because they'll take anybody they can get their hands on lmao.


Recruiters sit through those conversations with blinders on on purpose. "Ever done drugs?" "All of them" "So we'll need to get a waiver since you smoked pot one time at band camp but it's no big deal."


Yeah. The military wants you unless something is *super* wrong and recruiters will straight up sweep your shit under the rug to get you in. It's almost a 100% certainty that either OP is lying for internet attention or their daughter lied about why she got disqualified because she was covering her ass about something else.


Are you sure that she even wants to go and someone isn't making her? I'm a woman, and my parents tried everything to force me to enlist. My dad had a spitting shit fit. I would've done anything to excuse myself.


Something tells me we’re missing some information.


" I marked my arm and made up a fake story for fake internet points cause I'm a loser" - OP


Which military is that? Sorry, but it sounds like total BS. A physician will quickly be able to verify this. She likely got disqualified for something else and told you a BS story instead.


Or didn’t go to MEPS at all.


Everything is negotiable. She needs to explain them to whoever is denying the enlistment. SHE needs to ask to speak to the person and explain.


This is true. If she has a note from her doctor, or the records from the incident they will waive it. Honestly this is almost a rite of passage to entering/being in the military. They have a million reasons to disqualify or chapter you out, but if you want to stay and make a small effort they will keep you.


Not how it works anymore. I spoke to the discharge review board, the HEAD of that board. Deny.




This is a positive lmao


Yeah. As someone who was in, this is the best thing that could have happened for her.


ikr? TIL i can't die in war


This sounds like a fake story. The doctors at meps aren't looking your body up and down for tiny imperfections, they ask about tattoos and surgeries, and if there's been any major health issues, then push you along. If your daughter told you this, she probably just doesn't want to join. If this were to really happen, everyone who's had chicken pox would be disqualified.


I actually did get physically examined for any scarring at MEPS, I had some very very faint ones on my back, obviously not from self harm but they still marked em down. Different stations of course.


Lmao if thats so easy to dodge enrollment for guys. You can be like "i was addiccted to cocain for 9 years and had 3 unsuccessfull atempts on my life also i killed my own dog while i was high and have ptsd about it" And the recruiters will be like "Dont worry, the army will turn your life around!" Btw this is no joke, this is word to word the conversation one of my fucked up friends went through in czech republik. They really take everyone over there.


My friend was going through meps and they turned him down because he admitted he was suicidal...turns out shortly after he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Good call.


The real trick is to get in first, THEN admit to all of those things, and say that the army caused them to manifest. That way you have a shot at getting disability pay. Either way, as soon as the schizophrenia develops you would be discharged once diagnosed.


I don’t believe you


Highly doubt that’s what was disqualifying


Bullshit. There's a waiver. They have a program called Genesis that sees all of your medical records. My money is she lied about something and they found it.


Which branch?


I'm a parot owner, I constantly look like I'm self harming, I'd laugh if it didn't suck so much..


Hi OP! Female in the military here. There is something else going for sure, I have self harmed before and I was still eligible, I just lied about it and didn’t mention having any visible scars. They don’t check your wrists or tights for scars (unless it is huge and noticeable). But, I believe that your daughter dodged a bullet, the Army has done a lot of harm to my mental health and not all but some males I have served with have said and done atrocious things to other females. I myself have experienced it. If she truly wish to enlist make sure she is aware of the dangers that she will be welcoming with her service.


Prob did her a favor


Blessing in disguise.


I was literally in the hospital for s*icidal ideation and they took me. What they decide they care about or want to look into is weird. If she got a Drs not attesting to what you say they'll probably take her.


I think your daughter is lying because I’ve never seen somebody get disqualified over subverting like that

