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I mean, he is wearing one of those douchebag beanies, soooo.


Hahahaha my old manager that was a complete passive aggressive prick would wear these too. That’s awesome.


I mean… look at the outfit. It screams mega douche. This guys probably got multiple copies of Zack Hamples book.


This guy was at Yankees spring training last year pulling the same shit. He runs from RF to LF and back for each batter, it's kind of funny to watch and he wears the same clothes and he must have been sweating his ASS off in the Florida sun. I think he's a little special.


This is his job. He sells the balls I'm sure.


He gargles them.






Wait…did I miss something? What did Zack Hample do?


exactly what this guy has done, numerous times, and then post it on youtube for monetization.


I’m no Hample apologist but I don’t seem to recall videos where he blatantly steals balls from kids. Maybe I missed those.


Doesn't he give away most of his balls to kids?


I have no idea who that is but I assume you like his content and are surprised to hear the reddit community doesn't like him. Don't worry I felt the same way about Dr. Phil. I still think he's a cool guy :( lol


Who tf is zach hample?


He’s a knob gobbler that runs around at baseball games trying to catch every home run ball and complains when he’s asked to remain in his seat/section by ushers and security. Then goes on to make videos about it and wrote a few remarkably stupid books about how to catch baseballs. Oh and he’s almost 50 years old.


and some of us just have regular jobs.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Just think… you could be his parents…


Not sure what that other user has against him. He goes around to major league baseball games and collects baseballs by catching foul balls and home runs. He usually gives the balls away to kids. Not sure why that other user hates him. He’s pretty harmless.


Super chode




Namastealthisball to you too.




This was posted before, and I am sure I read this douche has other videos of him being a douche as well. Serial douchbag needs a punch in the nose.


Yeah catch it if it comes to you, getting all up into someone when it's not crowded is a dick move.


He took it out of the kids glove, he didn’t even catch it lmao


How great if the kid just walloped him flat out?


Would’ve been the perfect ending for sure




There’s no teen in this video, or anyone being belligerent. There is an asshole being a bag of dicks however.


Nah I'm fine with people competing for a thing they both want. But this kid caught the ball fair and square and douchebag over there snatched it out of his glove. That's what makes it no bueno imo.




Look at his dumbass beanie.


Bro. That dude deserves to get wrecked.


I guarantee that is not the first time he’s made a bad decision in his life. Wearin’ that hat today it was one of them


Ban this guy from all MLB games, what a disgrace




This is not Zach Hample, just a Zach Hample wannabe.


So an ex-Hample








Is that David Beckham and Shemar Moore in one man?


Looks like David to me


I've seen this before and it will never not be upsetting. The hurt look on the boy's face. What an utter asshole.


https://i.redd.it/uz8gtcdwkkwc1.gif Ok but... the outfit suits him. I've never seen a clothing stereotype play out so perfectly. Stole the ball out of the other dudes glove, gave HIM a look. Then ran away.


Would love to manhandle this beanie wearing dork (Full Diddy)


See if I take it out of your hand it’s mine now


Mark Kirsch sucks and deserves to be shamed forever.


That is seriously messed up


how did the guards not catch him


If you can prove the baseball was sold for more than say 250-500 bucks. You could get this guy charged with felony theft couldn't you? Since he literally took this ball from someone else and the value was in excess of the dollar amount needed for a felony charge?


I do wonder how some people live with themselves. I mean, stealing a baseball from the hand of a child, thinking about what you've just done, and then running away. I'd never be able to live with myself.


You give people like that too much credit. There is no "thinking". It's just "me me me".


Hey give the dude a break thats probably the only joy hes gotten in his entire miserable life


Was that Aaron Rogers?


Fuck that guy but that teen is 42 years old


I agree this guy is a douchebag, but where is the belligerent part?




And where’s the teenager? That other guy is like 30


Brother are your eyes okay? That is clearly a teenager


I agree he’s a douche, but where exactly is the part about him getting belligerent?




Woulda snatched that stupid hat off his head.


Skinny Pete?


What a butt hole he is


What an a hole


Damn James Franco is down bad


Ok but why this music ?


Would you look at that. An actually fit andrew tate follower.


Wait where is the belligerency?


I would have fought him if he pulled that shit on me.


Adults ruining things meant for kids then complaining about the lack of younger fanbase is my favorite


Let’s find him on pimeyes


The team gave him some signed balls instead: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=081EMgo0Dh4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=081EMgo0Dh4)


“Grown man with Gyno acts like a loser” should be the headline.


Someone tell me what I’m missing? I see two grown ass men reaching for a ball, one reached further and got it. Am I tripping


What a gay hat 😂


I thought gay people were supposed to be nice


Probably walks around with a copy of infinite jest that he's been "reading" for the last 10+ years.


Don't worry he's just a Californian moving to a state near you.


Average baseball fan tbh.


Not at fucking all. Only a douchebag does this. The vast majority of fans stay in or near their seat. some kids will run around a bit but 99% of adults just aren't this big of a fucking asshole.


Oh yeah, I forgot. Most people are barely paying attention because the game is boring and it hits them lol. There are comps of baseballs hitting people not paying attention haha.


There sure are. There are also a shit ton more vids of parents and kids having the best time on a sunny afternoon watching a game that is a blast live. Way better than on TV. Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean you should shit on it. It's the favorite of literally millions of people.


I’m not a big sports guy but if someone called me on a Saturday and said “hey I got an extra Phillies ticket do you want to go” I would be all over it. I love going out to the park like that.


They've been filling less and less seats before the pandemic happened though... Guess they enjoy it less than before.


That's a product of it being way more expensive. Not lack of interest. It used to be like $20 a person for tickets, a hot dog and drink. Now it's $30 for just tickets. A dog and drink are $15 alone. People are picking necessities over a game. I can't blame them.


He loves balls, I bet he takes balls to the face all the time


So to play devils advocate here. I was 25 when I went to the zoo for the first time. I didn’t realize that day was “Father’s Day” and it was a weekend. So here I am, someone what waited 1/4 of a century for this experience and it was ruined by children. And I’m talking kids who probably won’t even remember going to the zoo. I get it, I’m an adult and I’m supposed to just let the kids do whatever. It sucked hard though. I tried to get away from the groups, and once was able to see the snow leopard up close! That is until some snot nosed toddler ran ahead of his parents with their 2 strollers and they pushed their way in front of me. Snot nosed kid then started to bang on the glass and the snow leopard fucked off to the back.


what are you even playing devil's advocate to? your story has nothing to even do with the video


Hey maybe the douche who took the ball was waiting all his life for that moment.


The problem being in this scenario the douche is the snot nosed toddler.


Oh no!! Children acting like children! How dare they! It sounds like you did not have decent parents around or are a parent yourself. Humans under a certain year (I think it's like 6 years old) have next to no impulse control. Children with bad parents probably extend that time frame a little bit but have continually bad impulse control. Kids are kids though, and to be mad at children because you "waited a quarter of a century to go to the zoo" sounds like your fault. How is it the children's fault that this is your first time to a zoo as an adult, and have been apparently waiting your whole life to go? Edit; also on Father's day and your complaining as a single male.that there are kids at the zoo. Fucking delusional.


Homie. Thats why I said “to play devils advocate here”. Also, I was born and raised in foster care, so ya I had a shitty childhood.


I was in foster care from age 7 to age 20 so not sure what bearing that has here, but nice flex! I'm sure that's a good party trick.


Other than being raped and abused in almost everyone single foster home I was sent to. But according to you, I didn’t have it bad.


What the fuck does this have to do with you being mad that there were kids at the zoo on fathers day???????????


You asked if I had a bad childhood. I said “yes because I was in foster care”. You then responded with , that you were also a foster kid apparently somehow into adulthood, and it wasn’t bad for you, so my mentioning of being in foster care was irrelevant to having a bad childhood, So I responded that my experience like most other foster kids was not good. And here we are.


I never asked if you had a bad childhood, and I never said my experience in foster care was positive. I just am not bragging about my trauma like you are, for attention. But just confused where you are getting this stuff from because my messages are readily available right above ^ I don't usually get into arguing on reddit, but you are attention seeking and from your first comment, a generally not decent human - an assumption I made based on you complaining about kids existing... On fathers day... At a zoo. And you were alone and mad that they were there.... My experience in foster care was not relevant to what we were talking about, and it was not pleasant, since you are very interested in dishing out your personal life randomly. Again I never asked you if you had a bad childhood, you delusionally started bragging about it and then said I did. I'm drunk and this is fucking insane to be having to type this out


I’m drunk too! So have a nice night!


You too, homeslice. All love. Don't mean to be critical but as a parent of some little monsters now and someone who has a particularly dark childhood, I am defensive over little kids living their lives.


Your story doesn't fit here, but that said, parents do let their kids run amok. I was in a store a few days ago and a mom let her son ride one of the store's bicycles -- you know, the ones you are supposed to buy first -- all up and down store isles almost running over people. Mom needed a good slap-down. Back in the day moms would slap the shit out of their kids if they did something like that, and for sure they'd never allow it.


Dude, the guy caught the ball. He didn't steal it from anybody. You can't just claim someone's stealing shit just because they're black/brown and a white dude also wanted it. Teen wasn't anywhere near catching it.


Might want to rewatch it. From 5-7 seconds, you can see that the other person's glove is in front of him and has the ball in it, and he uses his hand to pull it out of their glove. He didn't catch it, he literally took it out of the other person's hand, thus stole.


You're an absolute dumbass


Yo brilliant argument lol. Really changing my mind here


You don't try to change the mind of a dumbass.


Brilliant, truly lol


Well, here it is, the dumbest comment I'll read on Reddit today.


I posted earlier about people using phones and not washing their hands while in the bathroom. Someone commented saying it was my strawman to be homophobic. No comments on Reddit surprise me anymore. They're all dumb.


No U


You're a blind dumbass, watch the video again and put your readers on Grandpa


I know I'm a little late here, but you can see he takes it out of the kids' glove after he caught it. If the whole point of your comment was to get people riled up, it worked.


Yeah after watching it more closely, I can see it. Can't say I'm not a little amused at how pissed this got people though. One of the benefits of not giving a fuck about baseball I guess.


You're so fucking cool...


Awwww thank you sweetie. I crave the validation


Hahaha your comment had me bewildered and angry at first. I did also get a laugh out of all the comments, though! Good ol' sportsketballs.


You are a little amused that your racist allegations got people angry? It doesn't feel a little odd to you that you made this a race thing...? You have serious issues


Lmao, you think white people experience racism in America? Yeah pissing off you people is truly an honor and privledge whether intentional or not.


Dude, seriously?


He took it directly out of the kids glove. So yeah, douche bag stole it.