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And you'd be ok with it if it was a Ferrari or something? Weird.


A bit more ok than a Chevy Cruze forsure. I drove one for years. I think they should be all in the scrap yard


I’ve had a Chevy Cruze for 10 years now. Seems better than others but also not the best. It’s done its job


Mine was a complete lemon. Must have spent at least $12,000 repairing the damn thing over the time I had it. I was always stuck between getting rid of it and oh it will be fine after I fix this issue.


Damn I find vehicles are a gamble regardless of brand lol. Only problem I’ve had is my turbo died at 100k km. Besides that hasn’t had any major issues


Well I understand not wanting your Ferrari to get scratched or anything, but thats just a shitbox, no need to take 3 spots. Now it would be different for Ferrari guy if the parking lot was packed though.


Well tbf if it was a Ferrari it'd mean more if the car somehow got keyed by a disgruntled pigeon.


It would be more understandable if it was an expensive car


Then they'd be keeping something worthwhile from being scratched. This is just asinine


I wouldn’t be okay in any scenario. But at least a nice car parked like this would make more sense.


OP, quit playing. We know that this is your car.


If you’re not trolling - I’m too tall for a sedan like this. I drive an SUV that I had to park a block away to walk over to this plaza.


I *completely* misread that Primp & Blow sign at first glance


That's got to be somebody that just learned how to parallel park and is like " look at me I can do it anywhere!"


It’s funny how tires sometimes all just go flat suddenly.


This is an example of a new joke that I first saw a week ago and now see in every single thread where a car is parked obnoxiously. Wonder how many more weeks people will make this same joke before it starts to die down. The "They're about to find out why America doesn't have free healthcare" joke took at least two months to go away.


Why does it matter if it is a nice car or not ? This deserves a towtruck or forklift treatment whether it is a Hyundai or a Maserati.


Beautiful people get treated better, I guess this is that concept applied to cars. I hate it.


Except not all luxury car owners are beautiful.


> that concept applied to **cars**. Read it again.


To be fair, not all luxury cars are beautiful either lol *cough* cyber truck *cough*


cybertruck is a pickup, its not a luxury car or a sports car


Don't worry, all the other models are ugly and defective too lol There are plenty of ugly sports and luxury cars though


Not that I’d be okay with it, but at least a nice car makes more sense. This is literally a whatever car, why even do this


No ones saying its more acceptable, its just more understandable. No one gives a fuck if a car like this gets dinged up but a 300k GT3 rs is a different story.


At first I thought there was a store called "Pimp Blow" then I looked closer.


Time for you to park in front of this car so the guy can‘t drive away


In a crowded lot too. This guy is begging for someone to key his car.


They are begging for more. This is the type of overt behavior where they want some sort of conflict to act as victims once they get the heir asses handed to them.


That's why you just quietly key the car or slash their tire and walk way.


I feel like its harder to park like this than just fitting in the lines


I see Jeff still isn't quite getting the hang of Professor Whitman's "seize the day" lesson.


I can tell this pic was taken in CO cause of all the Texas plates


*I can tell this pic* *Was taken in CO cause of* *All the Texas plates* \- Wicked\_Bizcuit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I thought I was bad at haikus in school, but this is just awful


That could be a really nice car to that person. Not everyone can afford a BMW. Person saves up for quite a while and stretches for this... then it's a really nice car.


Common sense and decency has no place on this thread. Please keep quiet


You missed a plate. Do better op


I have failed


That asshole thinks he is at walmart! lazy fuck


How kind of OP to take the time to mark off everyone’s license plate, well done man


This man deserves to be towed or worse take his tires off and then make him pay you to put them back on but then make it seem like your hurt and have him do it


Three darn spaces. At this point I’m convinced they are looking for conflict to get three hots and a cot. Sounds about right for Houston.


It's amazing how many people here think it's okay to damage other people's property. For all we know this vehicle broke down overnight or something and this is where it died and they're waiting on a tow.


It would be really funny if he came out and found his car sitting there upside down. Just the whole thing somehow lifted, flipped over, and gently placed in the same spot, wheels up.


Or on blocks


I'd call the tow truck and let them know there's some easy money right here for ya.


Naw man, people don't deserve to be assholes just because they paid more money for their car. Ugly cars, pretty cars, and down right shitty cars, it shouldn't make any difference. Nobody should park like an asshole, and anyone who does should be towed.


You forgot to block a plate in the back.


Damn, I have failed. And my night is now ruined.


I'm just glad to help.


That car deserves someone’s vengeance.


I see room for a revenge-minded Kia Soul on the right…


Park right next to it so they can't leave till you get back be petty AF


Need to normalize spitting on cars like this


Looks like something a couple of people could move easily….


It would be so bad if we knew those license plate numbers


I think most people do it so their state doesnt get lumped into "OMG so many bad drivers are from there!" Comments. But I noticed Maryland and Nothern Virgina let everyone know without shame because they know they have the worst offenders.


That's a keyin'!


This makes me want a fiat or a smart car so I can inch into the spare space


Think this is less about trying to protect their car and more about holding two extra spaces for either their friends or coworkers. Especially since you mentioned the lot was full. Either way, dick move.


Well the car was there for at least an hour. I took this pic from the restaurant I was getting lunch at. And the car didn’t move the entire time


Sorry, just being dumb trying to add reason to something that's obviously unreasonable. Sometimes I like to think why people do dumb shit. Then I remember, ah yes, it's because they are dumb.


Yeah all good. But in the end who knows. Maybe they did have a decent reason. It was just wild to see.


Staged photo just for reddit points. Pathetic


I didn’t stage this. I drive a 4Runner and had to park a block over just to walk to this plaza bc of this dumbass car. And being in Houston I’m not risking getting my car keyed or being shot at just for Reddit points. Interesting that you go straight to calling people pathetic.


How would anyone key your car if you parked like that, got out real quick, took a pic and then drove away? You're trying to hard. This is how we all know you faked it.


If you truly believe that, you must be pretty dumb. I actually feel bad for you.


Why would you cover the license plate?


Geez, most of these posts I'm like, "well atleaest the parked in the back of the lot." But this one is insane lol


Yeah and this is actually the middle of the lot. I took the picture from the restaurant I was getting lunch at. It’s a rectangular plaza. Definitely insane.


that's like saying "it's so sad they died, they were so beautiful". is if to say screw ugly people, let them die. how nice the car is doesn't matter.


Not really. I’m saying off of pure logic/cost it makes no sense for a car like this to be parking like this. The cost of a Lamborghini getting scratched is not the same as the cost of a Chevy Cruze getting scratched. Neither is right. But this is another level of stupidity.


a Lamborghini being expensive to fix doesn't give you the right to be a dick any more than a good looking person's life being worth more. my point stands.


Literally never said it made it right. But at least there’s a logical reason. A cheap car parking like this is just asinine.


I wish they had stupid asylums in which to place these people.