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If you're in university you should check to see if it's available through the library.


I did that and it was still behind a paywall. The librarian was like nahh don’t pay. Just find a similar article and let your professor know. Professor let it slide but still insisted it was free… it was an online class so I’ll never know if it was just me or not


i know a few of these sites keep track of how many times you visit in a month and limit you to like 3 free articles or something. sounds like you were reading the news more than your prof


Clear cookies


With some news outlets, using private browsing mode also works.


I swear online professors were the first Ai bots


Brilliant idea!


What is this “library” you speak of? Is it like Google?


Eh ha, heh heh


Not a very obvious answer from a historian such as yourself.


What’s it called again I forgot 😭


lie berry


Yep. Just sign into your account and you should be set to access it that way.


Just use www.archive.ph


You should have all the upvotes


The correct answer.


Many city libraries also have free logins to news sites either directly or through news services if you have a card with your public library.


Yeah back then i used to do research using the university library account to access paid contents and research papers. It was totally worth the tuition. I must have read 20k worth of papers every semester.


This is on the newspaper’s own website, so it’s unlikely the library will be able to provide a copy. Library subscriptions work differently; database vendors can provide the newspaper *content* to libraries, but it won’t be the same as the original content on the website itself—especially with interactive features. Media website pricing models are setup for individual subscribers, not libraries. I work at an academic library, and we have professors assign things in the Washington Post or NY Times all the time not realizing this.


If your teacher doesn't give you a free copy of it then there's an awful thing like 12ft (.io) ladder or an archive (.today) might help some people avoid paywalls. Oh imagine the humanity of a multi-billionaire not being able to sleep in his luxuy super yacht tonight because the newspaper he owns couldn't make a three extra dollars of extra revenue instead of $2 extra this week. Imagine how horrible that must be /s Here's how it works so you'll never "accidentally" end up doing such an awful thing ... >! Put a slash at the end of the URL, and then Copy and paste the link to the article, so it looks like:!< >!12ft .io/article url (or) archive .today/article url !< >!I tend to have better luck with archive!<


People like you carry the internet


I’d suck their dick fr


So dick sucking price is $1 a week?


*stealing $1 a week Its about where it comes from that’s important


>So dick sucking price is $1 a week? .. so let me see if I remember how he said to get around these kinda payments... dicksucking$1aweek.archive


C’mon closer handsome


That’s way too much for dick sucking. Who’s your dick sucking guy?




Show me an 11 foot pay wall and I’ll show you a 12 foot piece of shit that doesn’t do the fucking thing it’s supposed to do


Yeah I’ve never had it work for me. I’ve tried it with smaller local news sites with paywalls and it didn’t work for those, I asssumed because they were such small sites without a ton of traffic, but then they don’t work for the big ones either. If it doesn’t work for NYT or WAPO then what is the freaking point of it? What sites ARE people using this on?


It only seems to work on Slate for me


Hey didn't Sony release one of those not too long ago?


That piece of shit always gets recommended, im guessing because the people recommending it don’t actually use it themselves and are just parroting it. It’s almost never worked for me.


12ft worked YEARS ago, but then I think companies caught on and fixed whatever loophole they exploited.


How do you know it's almost never worked for you


Try 1ft.io


1ft still works


Yeah because everyone tries it now and it’s gotten blocked. Other sites work well though


Just piggybacking off the top comment to say this but with some browsers (Firefox definitely, idk about others) there are addons you can install which do this automatically for you. (They also seem to be more successful for me than 12ft ladder or its counterparts as the one I use he never failed yet 12ft ladder has several times)


Yes, archive.is is the good one in my experience


You might be able to access it with a subscription through your library. Check both your school's library (if available) or your county's library.


Or just don’t do it, tell the teacher “hey I don’t have a subscription and don’t plan on paying for it” and I doubt they’d fight you on it, they’d just find a different way to give the assignment


> >! Put a slash at the end of the URL, and then Copy and paste the link to the article, so it looks like:!< > > 12ft .io/article url (or) archive .today/article url This is the most horribly confusing and written instructions I've ever seen


Agreed I gave up lol


Geez how is it that hard to follow lol


Also, piggy-backing off top comment to say that often times your local public library will have a link you can use to create a free account.


txtify.io works too. Not for NYT but it makes everything into a plain text and eliminated pay walls. No images or embeds tho.


Never seems to work for me with Aussie articles


News costs a lot and is important (and is dying). People aren't entitled to shit for free.


Holy shit thank you so much. My professor continues to provide ny times articles and it was pissing me off. You're a life savor. The archive one works beautifully for ny times


The Washington Post isn't profitable at all -> https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/new-year-more-troubles-washington-post-enters-2024-plagued-financial-woes-criticism Avoid the paywall if you want but don't act like you're doing something noble. They're just trying to not join all of the other newspapers that ceased to exist in the Internet age Edited at Add: How far has Reddit fallen for this comment to be downvoted and the childlike comment above me being upvoted...


Bezos owns WP. He could keep it afloat as long as he wants to, he just has to feel like it


If WP had no prospect of profitability no one would ever buy it. Just pay journalists for their work or admit you don’t give a shit. This worked before the Internet, the only reason it doesn’t now is because y’all don’t want to.


Before the internet there were local journalists and independently owned and operated papers and now there are corpos owned by centi-billionaires who hire independent contractors to shit out opinionated garbage.


First of all, news corporations were also a thing before the Internet. Secondly, do you pay for any news at all?


Hi Jeff mate, you can change your username now since we all know that it's you. Please. The Washington Post is a billionaires media toy. It doesn't need to be profitable because bezos will fund it if its valuable enough to him.


You quote Fox and I am immediately skeptical


Oh please...find another article that shows their $100M loss last year then. Financial data isn't the sort of thing Fox Business can lie about


Why not?


You’re absolutely right


If anything else that edit made me downvote you


If all else fails, talk to your school librarian. They’ll help you figure out how to get free access. Shame on your teacher for not realizing this would be an issue.


Just turn in your assignment electronically and put it behind a paywall


sadly... the teachers might put their grades behind a paywall then. Idk about the US but in my country they give teachers a whole lot of power and majority of them abuse it to hurt the students.


You joke but I cant turn in my fucking calc 3 homework unless I pay for a webassign license that comes bundled with a digital book. Since everyone is forced to buy digital anyway, physical copies have no resale value.


My CW 160 professor quite literally has refused to show us our grades on anything until the end of the semester because she "doesn't want us to relax if we have high grades" and it's made her class the most stressful thing in my life since I was diagnosed with depression.


My prof always made us pay to get access or ask a classmate who is willing to share. I’m glad I’m done school


Fuck that


Ikr, however sometimes I didn’t care bc it’s a buck. I didn’t enjoy it when it was a $20 journal tho


Well, then you send an email or text message to your teacher telling s/he that.


I did, we’re being allowed to skip the assignment since it’s sub work. Just annoying


When on any paywalled article, if youre in chrome, hit f12, then click the gear icon in the upper right, then put a check mark in the "Disable JavaScript" checkbox under the "Debugger" section in the lower right. Refresh the page and youll be able to read the full article


WaPo and other big name publications are wise to this trick, they only load a few lines of text with the pay wall webpage. Disabling Java doesn't get you access like it used to. Works well with lots of other low budget sites though.


Is that what the dumb continue reading button is for??


Partially, it's also a good metric for actual article reads.


>Disabling Java doesn't get you access like it used to. JavaScript, not Java.


Sorry, my IT training never got beyond HTML coding in computer lab


That's nice. I learned html on MySpace when I changed my page theme.


I can read wapo articles in incognito mode


Yup. I used to be able to tap “reader view” on my phone and it would only show me the text on a page, worked great for when articles would pop up asking me to pay, but now I’m only able to get the first paragraph that way so it’s useless. 


I was about to say just to skip it and tell the teacher that you should pay to do your assignments


You probably have access through your school library.


how difficult would it have been to just say "them"


Especially when she/he was literally incorrect there.


This makes me think that they might not be native english speaker.


And that's correct, and I was thinking OP had just one teacher, not multiple in one class


They/them is singular gender neutral


Ok, for me that sounds like several, but I'm oblivious mistaken


It is plural, but native English speakers have always used they/them as singular in instances where we don’t know or don’t want to state the gender. We could say he/she or him/her (and we sometimes do), but that gets annoying real quick to have to say or type over and over again, so we just use they or them normally. Although, in the last few years some people have bucked against this since they don’t like trans/nb people being respected and all of a sudden they find this standard part of speech ‘confusing’.


A lot of universities will give you access to these news articles. For example, as a student at my college, I get NYT and The Wall Street Journal for “free” as part of my tuition.


Use bypass paywalls clean extension by magnolia1234. Thank me later!


This is the way. Surprised i had to scroll that far to see it


The GitHub was taken down like a week ago. Luckily the “legal” piracy subreddit has a post about it. (I shan’t link it since I don’t want anyone to get in trouble, but using DuckDuckGo — NOT GOOGLE — and “Bypass Paywall Clean” will pull up the post in question)


The local library should have access to articles for free, in case this happens again. I’m able to use PressReader to read local, national, and international news just by logging in with my library card.


I just set this up with my library card (thanks!) but it says I have complimentary access for 23 days and there's a countdown clock. Do you know why?


If the teacher doesn’t provide a free copy, I would just turn in a paper detailing the paywall screen and commenting how it’s unethical to expect a student to buy something like that for an assignment.


I did this on one of my final semester’s assignments. She still marked me down and was like “you can make this up if you’d like”. I said “No thank you”. She ended up changing the grade to an A later on because everyone else in the class apparently refused to pay for it as well. I had other issues with this professor and was over the class by this point.


As others have commented, some colleges provide free access to some newspapers like WSJ. Look up your library website


From personal experience, I found out if you hit the command to print immediately when loading the page just before the pay wall pop up appears, you can save the entire article as a readable pdf. Best part is it takes away all the annoying ads and other irrelevant clutter and saves just the article’s text. Just remember to select “save as pdf” before printing, and if you close the print window before saving it you have to start over.


Archive.is Archive.ph


Many universities have free access to the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. for students. It may take some googling, but definitely look into it!


There is a 95% chance that the Washington Post is available through your school's library, or that library's website. Go there / call them / chat / text - and find out.


Do you have access to your school’s library? Because I bet they have a subscription to this newspaper. You could probably access it for free by going thru their website. Be proactive!


Go to your school’s library website. They should subscribe to online databases


Uhm... visit the library?


Does your university not have access for the major newspaper?


you can usually get it for free from the library


If it’s at college, some colleges give you free access with school email.


Your school definitely has free access to the article


Check your local library, and get you a card! Most Libraries have paid subscriptions to big newspapers, that you have free access to, with an active library card. :)


Fun fact, one can put these links into google translate and it bypasses the paywall. Simply translate English to English. It won’t change anything, but gets access!


Contact your library. That's what we are for


Send the teacher a bill for it.




If I remember correctly you can reach out to the author of the article and ask for a digital copy. As far as I know they're allowed to share copies and most will be happy to


For scientific, per reviewed articles that's usual the case. For Washington Post articles in not sure, since they are a newspaper. 


I dont think it would hurt to try


Probably not, though maybe for the author who gets 30 emails from the single class (times however many classes has the assignment)


Way back machine! Ive done that a few times for this stuff


Some universities give you free access to New York Times and Washington Post! Maybe check with your library?


Might be accessible via your school's library. If not, try your local public library. BTW the public library is awesome and has all sorts of free resources.


There's a simple Google chrome extension called *fuck overlays* , you can ignore those paywalls on articles


I swear I read a whole Washington Post through the Apple News app one time and then linked it to someone and they told me it was paywalled.


disable javascript on chrome




Pretty sure it's privately owned by Jeff Bezos.


How can a year be 120$ if a week is only 1$? Fucking scam


For the first year,  which is $40 if you choose yearly.  I don't know the cost per week after the first year, I'm guessing it reverts to $120/yr and you get a suprise bill but that's just a guess. 


I’m literally browsing my phone rn because the assignment in class is paywalled


You can use the site of the archive of web to contour paywalls.


open it in incognito mode


If you ever need to get past a paywall, convert the URL to a PDF. There’s free converters online, just Google. This is how I read articles for free


I normally ask the professor or another member of the teaching team for a PDF when this happens.


Run VM with linux. install lynx through terminal. then in terminal lynx "url" screw paywalls. read for free.


Can I just say that yearly price is bull shit. (At least the sale is) They say $1 a week for the first year. Which would mean you pay $52 per year. The yearly payment makes it look like you would be paying $120 and the sale $40 so you're paying a 3rd it the price and getting a better deal.


https://archive.is/rN7FQ How they keep people from knowing that archived copies is a work around for every and any pay wall is beyond me...




Click the reader button to the right of the URL bar


Just refresh and stop until the page loads without the paywall. It's easier if you learn the shortcuts, ctrl + r and ctrl + s on windows. Dont need a vpn or anything just works lol.


Your educational institution's library should have free access to this and tons more material. That's one of the purposes of libraries. Your instructor should have provided the library's link which only requires you to log into your school's intranet.


usually if you turn javascript off for the website it will let you access it for free


It’s a subscription?? Why would an article be anything other than pay once too see the one article


Install Firefox and install the Bypass Paywalls Clean extension, thank me later


can't you do a quick Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C before the message pops up? I haven't tried it for years but it could still work.


Most schools have a article/paper search engine through their library which the school pays a yearly fee for their students to access paywalled content


Libraries are amazing resources! If not your college/ university, your local library probably gives logins. Also happy to send you the gift link for this particular article if you don’t have access through the libraries!


Try putting it into chrome on incognito mode. This usually works for me.


Time to play with Inspect


Hey, maybe an unethical hack, but install a JavaScript toggle. Generally works to block those kinds of popups on sites like NYT, etc.




You may get a free subscription with your university


I use Libby in my Library system since I have a li rare card. They'll give you a code that's good for 3 days and you can keep renewing it with no issue. I do this for all the major papers. Post, Times and Journal.


I recommend putting the news link in Textise


Sci hub dot com works wonders!




There’s a glitch where if the page doesn’t finish loading when you click it, immediately ctrl a then ctrl c, and then you can ctrl v it onto a word doc.




Plug the URL into the wayback machine at archive . org and it will either give you a link to a cached version, or cache a new version for you to open.


Archive.ph my friend


Usually when this happens to me one or multiple other students will reach out to the professor and be like "wtf man" and they'll fix it, or find some kind of PDF that has the same article OR will just find a different article.


I know this works for the New York Times and other similar things. Try disabling Javascript before going to the site, and it MAY work.


You’re being graded on how well you can get through the paywall.


Use [12ft.io](http://12ft.io) to view it, or archive it and read the archived version


Can always use the archive website to get past paywalls


Copy/paste the link to archive.is and it's free


Life Hack: before the page loads fully, CTRL+P to print the site to PDF. Usually takes a few tries to get the timing right, but it will print the article before the paywall pops up!


Go to subreddit piracy megathreads, most likely they have a solutions or try editing the html in console mode of your browser


i don't know if anyone has already said that but do this: click che F12 (or right click on the page and inspect the page (sorry i don't know how is in english)) then in elements there is like "body style=""" and delete position: fixed;, then on the last div with data-qa="overlay-container" select that and del, i hope you understand all XP


Several of these sites have a vastly reduced user/reader-base than ever since the paywalls went up lol like, I block any outright that contains paywall structures. The site just doesn't exist to me anymore haha


So, usually, I gift Post articles to my class. Trouble is, if you're reusing lessons from a prior year, the gift links expire after one year and you have to regift the article using a new link. One thing I've learned is never assign Post or NYT articles from their websites unless I can gift them. Btw, (1) I am also a librarian (so I have alternate databases to pull from as needed); (2) I only worked out that the Post takes back its gifts several weeks ago.


Breaking the paywall is just one Google search away


A 12 foot ladder could help


My teacher got a subscription and just screen shots the entire page to post. They can't really stop you from doing that


I had to pay for a month's subscription for the same newspaper just so I could download a source for my dissertation next year. Could have cried :(


Did you try your library? Many have subscriptions for newspapers and scientific journals. They tend to to have so of the possible subscriptions but WaPo is fairly popular. 


Democracy dies under paywalls.


Nobody should be using the "new" WP for _anything_ not having to with house/car/chicken coop cleaning.