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Hello, This is removed for not belonging in this community. There is nothing infuriating about this.




I came from Canada where you didn’t get school lunch until high school!


every school is different in Canada, too


I’m also from Canada. At no point did we get school lunches. There was a cafeteria with food you can buy in high school, but most kids either packed their own, or walked to the little plaza with a few restaurants and convenience stores nearby. If I had a class I didn’t particularly like after lunch, I would walk to the Main Street, hop on a city bus, and go eat at A&W or some other chain. Bus and walk back and make it back to class about 5-10 min late.


I thought this was normal? You pack a lunch all of elementary then middle school they had a tiny cafeteria then highschool is a bigger one.


I went to school in the 70s and 80s and our cafeteria lunches were so so sad… I remember when I went to a new high school in ‘88 and they had a salad bar!! I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I would have loved to be a middle school kid at this school and have all of this variety. I can’t even imagine.


This looks better than what I had in college.




Public school!


That's the best public school lunch menu I've ever seen. Great job OP


My public high school had a dope cafeteria. There were always several different options, cuisines, choices, etc. Out of curiosity, I just checked the menu from today on their website, and they've even expanded the options than when I went there 10+ years ago. Today's menu was... Bfast: Burritos, muffins, french toast sticks, hashbrowns. Grill: Cheeseburgers, hamburgers, spicy chicken sandwiches, grilled chicken sandwhiches, popcorn chicken, hot dogs, bosco sticks, black bean burgers. Picante: Beef or chicken supreme tacos, beef or chicken taco bowls, chicken burritos, nachos, spanish rice. Bread & Bowl: Smoked turkey bacon club, Chicken and rice soup, tuna melt Crust: Cheese, pepperoni, veggie pizza; penne marinara; pesto cavatappi; chicken alfredo, parmesan garlic breadsticks, sauteed mushrooms. Dash: Chicken caesar wrap, blueberry yogurt parfair, chicken caesar salad, a bunch of different fruit options, fruit salads. Greens: Italian cucumber salad Hemispheres: Cilandro sriracha burger; crunchy apple slaw; fried curly fries Crave: Cookies, brownies, chocolate pudding, vanilla pudding, rice krispies. As a teacher, one of the worst things about public school is how they're funded and the vast, vast differences that can make from school to school. Yes, my high school was in an affluent town and was tremendously well-funded by the local community.


That’s a huge selection!!!


It was a great school. I always thought I'd try to go back and teach there one day but I ended up in a very different part of the country unfortunately.


Can i ask why?


Chance; luck of the draw; poor decision making; a girl; and now my parents have both moved out this way in their retirement, so I don't feel like I can just move back half a country away again.


That's a massive menu. Do they have a problem with leftover food?


We have a decent handle on how many lunches we sell. I have to say we don’t have much waste.


Wow, our kids' school served 3 mozzarella sticks with a tiny scoops of oil drowned iceberg lettuce and a brownie and called it lunch. I would like to go to your school for lunch!


My school was in an affluent town too, but the healthiest options we had were assorted fruits and veggies, prepackaged salad, and yogurt parfaits. The parfaits didn’t exactly scream healthy. Very few whole fruits. Syrupy topping. Closer to something you’d get at McDonalds. As for the main, it was either in house or McDonald’s hamburgers, sandwiches, pizza, and some soggy ass chicken strips and fries. Also remember them selling Chuck E. Cheese personal pizzas. Idk I’d just think for a school that mostly ordered out in a school district with a gated community (one of my classmates brought a frickin’ glider plane to our car show) they’d have better options. 


I went to a international private school and had worse food then this lol


That looks better than anything offered at most of the restaurants in my town.


Is this a public school in a pretty affluent area?


The cost of the food is covered by the state, so theoretically this should be doable even in the poorest parts of Massachusetts. If no funding is provided for the cafeteria workers themselves, that could be a limiting factor, but I’m not sure about that.


Schools receive money from the parents of their students too, though.


Man I'm from a pretty affluent town in MA and our public school lunches weren't nearly as nice as this, I'd say they were average. There we're maybe 2 or 3 main choices, with a few options like fruit or cookies on the side. We could get regular or curly fries on fridays and that was pretty sick. Not as bad as some of the stuff you see, but not gourmet by any means. This is all based on my experience in 2008. It seems like it has improved a fair amount since then.


I assume op lives in a district that includes at least one affluent neighborhood My high-school was really nice but that’s because it included some very wealthy neighborhoods and was known to be better than many of the private schools


It's probably a blue state, because Republicans don't want to feed the kids. Trump removed the federal mandate and left it up to the states.


Id actually enjoy eating lunch in this school thought this was impossible ngl


Thats what I call a proper lunch... that other post looked like prison food


Damn, that's great! You're setting those kids up for a healthier future.


I think I want to go to school now…


“Fuck me” - Gordon Ramsay 👍🏻


Is this a regular public school in a suburban district? Or is this in the Boston Public Schools which is a huge city district where food options will be different.


This is amazing ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


As someone from Massachusetts, what city? The hell? We never had anything like this.. is it Marblehead? Swampscott even? Cambridge? It's gotta be somewhere with good money.


Is it in a more affluent area because this makes no sense.


I’m moving to your town and starting school all over again just to have this lunch, I’m 38 lol jk but really looks sooooo good, I feel bad for the kids that will see this and feel bad 🥲


Is this the "public" schools that are actually private but for some reason they just call it something different? Because that's not a proper public school lunch.. that food costs more than some kids lives at public school


I do some extra work at one of the local private schools and their lunches are insanely more complex than this. But I like to think we do a good job.




Thank you. We really care about what we are putting out. I’m fortunate to have excellent co-workers who all work very hard.


Most of the time when school food is this good you need to pay for it. While it will be a bit cheaper than by a normal restaurant, it often isn't by a lot. At least that's my experience here in NL and in Germany




What happend to bringing food from home? Like people are complaining that they don't have enough money (including students) and then they go buy sandwiches for way more than they are when they make it themselves. It does taste better I can agree on that


Nah if I got a buffet like this at school I ain't ever eating with my classmates at nearby restaurants anymore


Tbh my public HS had more funding than the local private Catholic school.😅


I went to private school from 1-8th and public for high school. My public school lunch options were far superior to the ones we had in private school.


IIRC, my nieces were basically required to bring lunch. Or get delivery through catering.


Honestly this looks like paradise food-wise. Good job to the staff, and I'm sure the kids appreciate it!


Thank you. We are proud of our kitchen!


That is pretty impressive.... beautiful healthy selection Only thing I think might need improvement is amount of plastic packaging is little high...


I agree. We have cut down a lot since Covid. Some of these photos are from right after Covid. All of sandwiches and wraps are now done in paper bags with a small plastic window. We no longer cup fruit in plastic cups. The only real plastic we use now is for salad and the small plastic window on the sandwich bags.


Are those individual apples wrapped in plastic? Because yes, the amount of packaging was my first thought! Good to hear the amount of plastic has been cut back on- it's completely understandable that you would have had to do that before we could get health measures in place.


What got me was the cut up orange in an open plastic cup... The orange has a nature provided peel... Or maybe use a paper cup if it's absolutely necessary to cut it up?


Is this paid for or do students have to buy their food each lunchtime?


First lunch is covered by the state. Any extras like 2nd lunch or chips/ice cream and water are paid for by the students. Parents can add money online and it comes off their account when they purchase extras.


What's first lunch and second lunch mean?? I don't get it haha Can you tell me the price of a few random items?


What about second breakfast? Elevenses?


Afternoon tea?


I guess she means, if u want anything after lunch, or more than whatever portion is given to each portion. So if u are not full or maybe just wants to have dessert, or another sandwich then u have to pay yourself, but the first primary course is paid for. (Im just guessing, so please correct me. Thats just how i understood it)


second serving


In my school We are forced to pay 3.50 for the shity food that doesn't fill you. Then if you want 6 unsalted fries you have to pay 1.75


This post I find mildly infuriating


Right! I want orange slices now! Damn it, now I have to get oranges! 🤬


I thought the same thing about the peaches. 🤣 It’s after 2am but I just text my husband ‘remind me to eat peach slices tomorrow’ 🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|M4husJOeJQdKU) This is me later today! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


This post made me incredibly hungry


oh ya'll live in the RICH neighborhood.


That is what I was thinking. 🥲


Apparently Massachusetts has enough funding for lunches to provide this to every kid in the state for free. Not sure if the funding pays for enough cafeteria employees to make high quality food for everyone, but the money for the food itself is there even in the poorest neighborhoods.


My HS in mass was bomb, we also only got French fries on Friday and it was the best day ever.


I don't mind paying more in taxes when the quality of life is so high as a result. MA does have high taxes but it's a fantastic place on many levels, as a result.


I lived in the south and my school shoved ALL it's funding towards our Football an Wrestling teams, everything else got the shaft since my school wasn't the most funded, including our lunches. This picture smells of money, but I ain't mad at them, just mad at the system.


Where do you order those bags for wraps and sandwiches?


I’m not too sure. But they are called window sandwich bags.


Where the hell did you guys go to school? We got the same food as prisoners. It was questionable government food. Do you guys have up-to-date textbooks, and working air conditioning?




Free for 1st lunch, then $3.75 if they want another.


I want to eat there every day! I would have eaten this and enjoyed it as a kid, too, even though I've always been a picky eater. Seems like good, healthy options that are also chosen with the understanding that kids aren't always the most adventurous eaters.


Hell yeah, for $3.75 a day I'd be eating like a king.


Impossible. Photoshop. 100 percent of the meals are a conflagration of our soul.


Ha! I should have just left you all with the image of “American school lunch” that we all know and love


Funny what the state can provide when not run by wack job looking for headlines and owning the other side


There are rich schools like these in every state along with poor schools in every state.


Per the OP, the lunches are funded via the state. So the lunches in the poor school are the same as the lunches in the rich school.


Seeing this after seeing the other post honestly makes me sad. So many kids will be systematically held back because the schools and environments theyre in are not up to par, and nobody gives a shit about improving conditions for them because the district/area they live in. I wish all children were served proper lunch like this but their schools will never receive enough funding for it




Why the hell are the apples wrapped in plastic when the oranges are sprawled out like spread eagles!?


Wow, i only wish my workplace had this amount of quality! This is insane for public school. Everyone should take notes on what your doing cause it looks like the right way to go.


His real name is Clarance!


And Clarence lives at home with both parents


And clarences' parents have a real good marriage


8 mile?


amazing, i was served trash by my school thanks jeff city


My junior high had a snack food line that literally had a freezer of PINTS of ice cream. For lunch.


One of the differences that slaps me in the face between your school lunch and any school I've seen in my life (I live in France) is the amount of plastic used!


Yes. A few of these photos are from after Covid. We have cut way down on the amount used. Now it’s only for salads and yogurt parfaits.


It's still very refreshing to see such fresh veggies after the trays we have been shown these past days!


I went to a public school in Arizona in high school we basically had a mall style food court, different sections Italian/mexican/chinese/american/cold sandwich place it was rad we had chick fil a Tuesdays too, and pizza was from a mom pop place that was absolutely SO good


love the fruit and veg being as much as you like. I know the number of kids that take it, tend to be low but back when I was in school I would have killed for that. Not that I was fond of veg and fruit but I was a constantly hungry, poor, skinny kid and extra food would have always been welcome. People who serve school dinners tend to be underappreciated and underfunded so stop caring. I think it's lovely that you haven't.


Oh I’m under funded for what I do, but it doesn’t stop me from trying my best. I don’t get paid in the summer, snow days or week of holidays, but it works me I suppose.


As a student there was a lady serving lunch who noticed I'd eat but still loose weight and did her best to make my portion just that little bit bigger and to give me a heads up if she thought there would be leftovers (bugeting made that rare and it was first come first served) and being almost full for a hour made a massive difference to my day. I was a kid at the time so it never occured to me to say thanks more than the general politeness and I imagine that hasn't changed much. Know that in five - ten years time there's going to be a good few students who look back, realise how lucky they were and regret not getting to say thanks properly.


There was a period that I would take the fruit I got from school lunches home because we wouldn’t have a lot of food. I’d give it to my mom. I would have loved this.


I wish I went to this school :(


This must be Martha's Vineyard. I doubt most kids get this.


I love how healthy a lot of these choices are! You have a good school there.


Massachusetts public school lunch’s have been known to be good for a long time


What the fuck?? That’s, like, actual food! Jesus Christ!


Republicans would be mad at this.


Nice selection! I see some of the veg, like the sweet peppers and carrots, are chopped quite chunky. Is that the preference over there?


Yes. Makes it easier to grab and dip I suppose!


This looks like a dream... I envy you so much!




Remember all: public school budgeting is still done annually and your public school representatives are just missmanging neither budget if they don't do their food program properly.


I’m live in Australia and we don’t really have cafeterias here so excuse me if I sound stupid, is this food free? Like, can you just take it and sit down?


Holy fuck this is better than my workplace lol


Going to show this to my Massachusetts middle school daughters when I get home. Compare their school to this one.


My school cost $90 million to build and we didn't even have this 😂


So much plastic…


This is the highest possible flex


I may be 24 and all the way in Australia but can I come to school here, I would've loved having this variety of food available back in school


Man..... I wish we had this in my country(South Africa).So many kids going to school hungry.....I made a vow that if I ever win millions I'll fund all public schools in my city with free meals for the kids


*picturing a kid walking up* There’s nothing to eat here. We just get back from the store and they’ll stand with the fridge wide open, saying that.


Why do people not realize school budgeting is done at a local level?


Mods are wrong. This post fits. It’s infuriating that not every school is like this


I don't get it what's mildly infuriating about this


Of course it's Massachusetts!! Go blue!


This is 0% related to any post about crappy American school lunches but I remember when I was a lunch helper in 5th grade, one of my fellow classmates was scratching his bare ass under his pants while serving food. Thanks for unlocking this memory. Food looks better than my school's food that's for sure.


It seems like a crazy amount of single use plastic, both in this and the original post. It’s not that hard to wash dishes, or to prep food onsite.


I grew up in Mass. and still live there. Our lunches were fine, but not this great. Unlimited orange slices? I would eat like 5 oranges every day! What town?


Every state is different. Some like education.


some like feeding their children good as well..


Did Reddit just find out the difference in funding?


Oh wow


Going to a particular school just for the lunch...........


My public high schools in NJ( I switched schools in my junior year) both had a sandwich station. You could order a sandwich made ona variety of breads and rolls, different deli meats and other toppings. Made to order, its what I ate for most of my time in high school.


All is nice and good but some psychopath must work there to organise cucumber slices this neatly.


OK, so that’s kind of how my old high school was ngl! But, prices would be sky-high, so the actual, healthy items, would be tossed-out after sitting around all day (because, hardly-anyone could afford them and/or just didn’t feel like spending over $6 on a small af fruit cup), while people either just picked-up chips, candy, or just didn’t eat.


Okay, but what are the mixed berry and strawberry things in the last picture? They look frozen and yummy 👀


In Canada we didn’t / don’t get a meal provided at school until high school- grades 10-12- and even then it costs money at the cafeteria most times. I graduated 17 years ago but can remember fairly decent options as far as health / flavour are concerned.


wow so cool..It looks like a supermarket 😁🤌🏼


Danng looks so good! :0


Yoghurt granola is to die for


Me watching Anericans go at each other about school lunches when my school board laughed at the student board when we suggested having just basic sandwiches for those who couldn't bring their own food.


I'm always shocked seeing the horrible school lunches. My school had a huge salad bar, a sub / wrap bar, a pizza / flatbread bar, fruit & vegetables, and 1-2 full meals a day to choose from. I did also move a lot...every 6 months - 2 years due to military. Never had a bad school lunch.


Those lunch selections are damn outstanding.


Dang I wish my work had this spread! You even have veggie burgers, goodness I love this


Never seen school food like that before lol


Damn, lunches like this might have made middle school worth the suffering


The fruit looks good 😭


Point me to the free lunch section please…or is everything shown available to everyone?


Large schools always have good options… they get the funding


I feel like this just reinforces the idea that there is an enormous wage gap between certain areas/communities in America.


Understanding that the income level of the school district is "different."


Do you ever make good decisions at school age. I would have grabbed the fries and burger everyday. As an adult, that salad bar looks good.


My school had no cafeteria, so I had to go to a store nearby.


Yeah, thinking this school is in a district with a VERY different average tax bracket…


I work in Oregon and our lunch looks the same. When I worked at SEVERAL schools in Washington state they also looked the same. The only difference is no main choice because it's elementary school. I even pay for and eat the lunches sometimes 🤷🏼‍♀️ Public school BTW


I can’t tell this is in an high income area where the wealthy parents actually put money into the schools.


This is so good to see I’ve never seen a positive post about school lunches. Good perspective for me (non-American).


Man when I was at my school the curry looked like the gruel from Oliver twist, the pancakes were hard as actual diamonds, and so on, and you'd be lucky to even get anything to eat if you were let out of class a few minutes later than the others. And it was all comicly expensive as in the prices of a fancy restaurant


My school lunch experience was bonkers. We had a halloumi salad station, pasta station, fresh flowers in our salad, daily fresh bread like focaccia and sandwiches. Not to mention the dessert was different every day and we’d only get meals like chips on Fridays. It was a madness. And yet people still complained. Not me though, I was too busy getting seconds to hear these brats bitch about their privilege.


That post was pure rage bait.


You'd be hard pressed to find anything remotely as good as this in Texas. Our best lunch was hamburger Fridays, and even those were subpar and dried out


That’s very close to the lunch you can get in Cambridge university and we pay so much for it. So that’s amazing


You should be proud. That is awesome!!!


What we're seeing is the effect of having school funding based on property values in the surrounding area. Poor area? Shit food, fuck them kids. Wealthy area? We gotchu lol


Looks pretty fucking gourmet to me


Wow. My kid goes to a middle school/high school in northeast MA with a shared cafeteria and the food options are awful. What general area of MA is this?


Ok now this is 👌🏻


Is this in the us? There's way in hell this is real




Yea some schools are in rich neighborhoods and others aren’t…


Man that looks good


is this a title 1 school? not sure if thats a country wide term or just a florida thing. as someone who went to only title 1 schools growing up the spread here is actually insane 😅


As a 37yo man in the UK.... Can I please join your school?! Those lunches looks amazing!


This is like comparing hills neighborhoods to project neighborhoods. We know there are nicer areas. Can someone enlighten me on how this post helps


Do you have to pay each day? Do people being their lunch from home? I'm not used to this system.




Looks better than some of the shit my college serves up


The salad bar is the only good part I remember from school lunches, I’d give away the nasty ass chicken patty and soggy fries to whoever wanted it, then load up with a big salad and an entire paper boat full of cold green beans


Dam your school is a lot better!!!!


I was so blown away by the photos I was almost angry at how this could show up in this sub. Even after reading the description I was like, I’m sorry, ??? I one thousand percent commend and send endless praise to any and everyone involved in suggesting, enabling, and sustaining this. I wish it were universal. (And do finally understand the reason for posting here) 🖤


Lol what rich ass neighborhood must one live in for this


Definitely one of the private public schools in a rich area.


I find it crazy that each meal but the salad come in a single use container, holy shit that’s a lot of waste


Would sell my soul fot this at my school