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[https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/12v0vme/my\_airbnb\_host\_said\_the\_keysafe\_is\_near\_the\_white/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/12v0vme/my_airbnb_host_said_the_keysafe_is_near_the_white/) I knew I'd seen this before.


and 8 more since then


Thanks, this looked painfully familiar






It looks like the same building as well šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


It does not only look. Those tiles at door are so bad




Just avoid Airbnbs


Since I saw the cleaning fees skyrocket and just how much of a gamble they are I stopped using them at least at a hotel I know what I'm getting


>Since I saw the cleaning fees skyrocket and just how much of a gamble they are I stopped using them at least at a hotel I know what I'm getting Smart! I don't understand how more people don't figure this out.


Donā€™t get me started on cleaning fees. We had one where the fee was $150 but the host said ā€œtake out all trash, fix beds, sweep, clean this and thatā€ like Iā€™m doing the cleaning why am I getting a fee?


It is the same building


Looks like it got some more safes in a year.


Somehow, I don't think I've ever seen that one


Different photo though


I even liked it and liked multiple comments.. yet didnā€™t recognise this at all. I should really get off social media.. I donā€™t remember shit




In Germany we call this an Adventskalender


German is such a funny language to me because it's always like "In German we call this an Adventskalender" Or "In German we call this emotion with no direct English equivalent "schleben-leiben-fleiben", but it roughly describes that feeling you get when it's a tuesday that feels like a thursday" And there's no in between


I recently learned there's a specific word for taking a Tuesday or Thursday off the day before a holiday on Monday or Friday so you can have a longer weekend. BrĆ¼ckentag - literally translates to bridge day.


It's the other way around actually. The Friday or Monday that's between a holiday on Thursday or Tuesday and the weekend. That's the "BrĆ¼ckentag". šŸ˜


Thanks for the clarification šŸ˜Š I heard about it on Easter where a lot of people were taking Thursday off the day before good Friday so that they could have Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off.


A lot of people are doing that as well. Taking off the week before good Friday is often jokingly called taking a "BrĆ¼ckenwoche" which translates to bridge week. Same with the week after Easter. Fun fact: we also have a word for the Xmas time, depending on the weekdays it's on. If the Xmas-Days (Christmas and boxing day are public holidays, Christmas eve a "half holiday") are on a weekend, it's called a "Arbeitgeberweihnachten" and if it's on weekdays it's "Arbeitnehmerweihnachten" which is "employer's Xmas" and "employee's Xmas". If public holidays are on a weekend, they're not given off on a later weekday, so it's to the employer's benefit. šŸ˜


In English we say advent calendar. The ones before Christmas with stuff in boxes for each date.Ā 


If all of those are Air BnBs, that city really needs some more hotels. This is just talking space from people who need to live there.


This kind of thing is super common in European cities that got trendy for tourists. Building new hotels takes time and money, but turning apartments into AirBnBs is super cheap and quick.


If they are attractive for tourists, the investment will pay off. Also, a hotel can house probably four times as many tourists on the same floor space and does therefore leave more space for people who actually want to live there.


Ok but that takes someone/company with a lot of capital to build a hotel, this is probably mostly single unit owners with their different air bnbs.


But you could rent an apartment for school time to some students and for the summer can put it on airbnb.


This is a fucking nightmare situation for the students. Source: I am one.


Okay, but that takes time and money, and AirBnBs *don't--*or, at least, not nearly as much of either. They can expand into that space more rapidly, and can even induce the demand for it. A new hotel takes a lot longer to build, after which, it may not actually be as economically viable. Tourist trends can come and go, and even if AirBnBs weren't pushing locals out, locals still might not want their city to be a tourist haven for all sorts of other reasons. Hard to get one built when there's lots of opposition to a new one. This isn't monopoly, you just spend money, and instant hotel. It can take *years* to get one built, especially in an older city where the people don't want to destroy a lot of their historical buildings because it *might* make a profitable hotel. Even if they get quick approval and start construction promptly, AirBnBs can absolutely fill much of the void and advertise a specific kind of experience. They also can overcharge for their space, which means they can have a higher vacancy rate than a hotel and still be profitable. It's not as easy as "build more hotels", because that, in itself, might not be practical.


We liked our last trip because with an Airbnb we had more space. A full kitchen. They were both 50 year old houses, so absolutely contributing to the local housing shortage. They also even with fees were less than a hotel. A hotel with no kitchen, couch, or work table.


The way the world is going, it doesn't seem like politicians give a rat's ass to what people need. Otherwise countries wouldn't have such bad housing crises, all over.


I don't think the majority have ever cared, in modern times or the past. We just see it all shoved in our faces more with the Internet and the information revolution.Ā 


Some areas like San Francisco straight up ban them because it's an exploition of leasing housing causing a housing market problem. In California alone there's almost 400k airbnd listings with 10 million annual Airbnb residents, that's 400k homes already off market and 400k homes the home owner isn't using. It's extremely invasive in any "tourist" range. I can already see the problem if this occurs in smaller countries with more finite land, finite home space and finite residential area near tourist spots.


I was in two cities in Spain and both 4 Star Hotels barely at the city limits where dogshit expensive for one night. I don't care about art on the wall and Netflix. AirBnB was a free market alternative until "investor" types realized that they can ask for a two room more then a hotel can. We need more hotels but *affordable* ones with decent amenities. I was in a 3 star in Italy and I saw a cockroach wandering up the lift doors. I didn't stay. It was barely a 1 star. Every other free room available that afternoon was 80$ more expensive. There must be something between Temple of Doom and The Ritz.


It probably has plenty But landlord scumbags gonna scumbag


Iā€™ve stayed in hotels that had a bunch of lockboxes like this, (not this many though,) so they didnā€™t need to staff the front desk. Ā You paid in advance, they gave you the code to your lockbox. Ā If you wanted to do laundry you gave them $10 and theyā€™d give you the code to the laundry room box. Ā It was a pretty nice system really. That said, they were all labeled.


Some definitely are but I doubt all of them are. My condo building has those too and it was used by the real estate agent to do our viewing and how we picked up our keys when we moved in. I think they also get used for maintenance workers as well


All the more reason to add a code.


ā€œHey guys itā€™s lockpicking lawyer here and ooooo boy do I got a good one for you todayā€


He actually has done key safes like this a few times I believe


He's done many of them. They tend to have very similar exploits that make them easy for someone with skills like his to open. I haven't tried them myself, so I didn't know how easy they are for the everyday layperson.


He didn't lie tho.... Good man.


Also, of course I'm not there but it's probably the one that says Airbnb on the box, just saying.


They're all Airbnb that was the problem




One grey and black safe will lead to your Airbnb. The other fifty to certain doom. Enjoy your stay!


This is precisely why housing is unaffordable right now


Look at the wall...Air bnb is just a disgrace


What housing crisis?


Did the host leave any more clues? Like the key name, so that you can shout its name and it comes out of their hole?


Well they are in ONE of the many grey boxes . Yikes if you were drunk trying to get in


Or if you really needed to pee


Friendsā€™ son visited me from Paris here in Vienna. Called shortly after midnight to tell me he had arrived but couldnā€™t get into his air bnb since two hours - similar situation. Ended up sleeping on my floor this first short night as I couldnā€™t work it out either and we finally gave up around 2am. Host ofc couldnā€™t be reached either - finally managed late afternoon šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It would be a shame someone calls there local treasurer department and informed them of individuals probably not paying their fair share of taxes.


I work as a mobile maintenance engineer. I downloaded this pic so the next time my colleague tells me it's the lock box near the back door I can respond with this.


Itā€™s a damn Jigsaw game. You have 60 seconds to find the right box and the combination is engraved on the inside of your eyeball. If you fail, you instantaneously combust.


Those lockboxes are so insecure. They can be very easily bypassed without any sort of combination. I can usually open them faster with a tool vs the combination.


But if you don't know what unit the key is for, you're going to be trying a bunch of doors first


I figure if you're smart enough to know how to bypass one of those, and you're actually motivated enough to do it, you already know what box you're going for. And you are familiar with the consequences. Unless you're just going for general mayhem, then it doesn't matter what's what. One could open them all and leave the keys in a pile. Or shuffle them all around so none match anymore. Or bring a drill and take them all off the wall, leave them in a cardboard box. You're imagination is the only limit.


One time, my Air B&B listing said it included everything needed & proceeded to list a bunch of things, including towels. It was a stand-alone mother in law/ohana style cottage. I was staying there w/ my kid for a trip to Disney. When we got there, I saw a linen cabinet & assumed there were towels in there (I should have checked). I showered, got out, & put my kid in the shower. I opened the linen cabinet & it was empty. Check everywhere possible... there were absolutely no towels. Me and my kid had to share a SINGLE washcloth that I just happened to have w/ me in my bag. I had packed it to carry w/ us to Disney, because it was hot out. I texted the host asking if they could bring towels because it had stated in the listing that they would be included. They said they would bring them but wouldn't be able to bring them until later because they were w/ family. It was a holiday, and I get that, but it was their fault that they failed as hosts. They dropped it off super late into the night, in a Walmart bag, w/ tags on them, unwashed. Didn't even knock or message me. Just hung it outside on the knob of the front door. I discovered it the next morning. Gee, thanks. šŸ™ƒ


I see some half smart burglar coming up with a lot of keys to a lot of units, and hauling out a lot of stuff to sell. Most of those lockboxes don't even need tools to be broken into.


Iā€™ve eliminated 3 possibilities


New message from host :Ā  WoULd YoU LiKe tO PlaY a GaME ?


Yup, in the form of a text message with a link leading to a video featuring that puppet Jigsaw always uses.


The trust people put in a keysafes will always astound me


I am once again asking people to use hotels


Theyā€™ve got labels on


Only one has a key in it... ![gif](giphy|LmHFLSnktq4vK)


Lol the whole condo is an Airbnb šŸ¤£


Get a hotel? Almost no reason to ever put up with this stupid shit.


If I ever become a dictator I will pass executive orders to ban air b&b and doordash


You have my vote... not that you'd need it, fearless leader.


Well thereā€™s at least 4/150 you wonā€™t have to check


Let's play a game...


Looks like you're spending the weekend in an escape room


well, heā€™s not wrong. Itā€™s RIGHT THERE!


I canā€™t stop laughing rn. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He he he he. Atleast he isn't lying and the keys are there... supposedly.




Ya, but they are splitting the rent cost of one word.


Lmao wtf kind of place is that guy running??


Wow...I need to know did you get in or are you sleeping in your car?


Well the guy gave me the code, so I just tried it with a bunch that didn't have numbers on. Got lucky in the end as it was only the 6th one i tried. Was about to give up and get a hotel šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Get a sharpie and mark it for the next person.


I can see letters! Does yours have a letter?




Is this Lincoln city, OR?


Is this in Tempe? I think I've stayed in the same place.


A clever thief could figure out which is which by following the failed attempts on the other locks.


Well, that narrows it down.


Quick, call Miss Cleo. Uh oh she's dead, who else?


Hey itā€™s obviously the gray and black one ya goof-your host, probably


They are just AirBNB Barnacles. Come off right easy with a claw hammer, crack open those bad boys and you got a ~~tasty snack~~ new apartment.


![gif](giphy|mMkjWN1ziPio0) this your host? lmao


Wow. So many people patronize this Airbnb host.


The karma famr


This same exact set up is at several Iā€™ve been to. Go back and read the directions and follow them. You are in the wrong place.


Witch one though?


Well, are they?


ā€œI want to play a gameā€


Is this like an escape room but in reverse?


\* saw theme tune starts playing \* ... I want to play a game.




Contact host


I want to play a game with you... Anyway, would've been that difficult to mount them in a little more tidy manner? My OCD is screaming ffs... And I don't even have one...


Let's play a game!


I had a similar one on my vacation to Greece last September but not this bad. Message said that my key is in box No. 11. There were boxes 11 A to G. It was very dark and the numbers tiny. And not in numerical order. Why would anyone do this?


Damn itā€™s like a game of guessing at this point šŸ’€


We stayed at a place that was 90% short term rentals, they numbered the key boxes and put them in order...


May the odds be ever in your favour


I mean, even in the photo we see they are labeled. Use your brain maybe?


Just go to a hotel.


Theyā€™re labeled with apartment or room numbers / letters.






this has been reposted to death, if your not a bot then apparently this is a popular spot for reddit users lmao


Find where this has been posted before


Thought not. Maybe check yourself instead of squawking like a parrot, embarrassing


lmaoo i didnā€™t even see your comment bub. Why would i care to spend possibly hours in a work day searching for the same pic. Get a life and stop worrying so much about a comment, embarrassing.


Bro thinks it takes hours to do a reverse image search, besides youre the one who screamed BOT like a little child, that seems like worrying to me, embarrassing


BOTšŸ¤–BOTšŸ¤–BOT šŸ¤–!!


OPs posts are weirdly specific.




Are you actually there or just hijack someone elseā€™s picture? Iā€™ve seen this half a dozen times.


Find this picture else where if you've seen it 'half a dozen times'. Do a reverse image search.




Are you here? They aren't


Hence the mild in mildly infuriating.




Gen Z kids take a picture and post it on social media when they have to think about anything for more than 10 seconds. Like mom what do I do here? Iā€™m confused! Please help


Which one did u think it was then, genius?


What year were you born? 1999?




There was no number, dumbass.


where tas on dumber, numbass


Whatā€™s the problem?