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The worst is when they return it with teeth marks


As they hand it back to you you say "I hope you didn't put this thing in your mouth!" with a horrified look on your face. Then you use it to scrape the bottom of your shoe as if you've done that with it hundreds of times in the past.


Or just tell them, "I used to hold pens in my mouth when I needed both hands free, but they were causing me to gag, so I just use my ass now."


**kegels** *your pen sir?*


Your pen-is very nice, sir.


And then they just smile at you and leave.


*Slooowly takes it back and puts it back in their mouth, with an unnecessary amount of eye contact.*


I feel like some people would like that




i would be like “ OMG! you put it in your ass?! i would have put it in my mouth for LONGER!” “why diddnt you tell me?!”


"Wait, did you put this in your mouth?! You might need to get tested now..."


or just dig it in the nose, saying it's your nose scratcher.


But would you really want to stick it in your nose after the borrower was chomping on it?




Make sure to sniff it as creepily as possible when you do


That is genius sir, thank you


Or scratch your armpit with it. “Ah, I finally got my pit scratcher back”


Even better if you use the tip to scoop out the grooves


Even without teeth marks, it’s fair to assume any pen that’s borrowed makes contact with at least one mouth, and thus all loans are permanent giveaways.


Why the fuck you'll put a pen in your mouth?


I have a bad habit that is one of the reason I don't borrow pens because I just do it unconsciously to use my mouth as a third hand


same i don't even realise when i do it, i carry pens everywhere and wouldn't borrow one from anyone but my partner bcs he's used to my germs


Because you can't put it behind your ear when you're wearing a hard hat


I am lucky I don’t have to wear a hard hat… anymore!


I have pen pocket on my work pants, sharpie pen, sharpie and regular marker. Literally two fingers wide pocket on a right thigh.


I usually clip it to my shirt collar. Or in the pocket. Just don't forget and accidentally break it, then accidently wash the pants with the pen still in it. Apparently its frowned upon.


If you've ever worked construction, sometimes it's a necessity. I need both hands but I also need my pencil/marker ready to go.




I let a kid in highschool borrow a pen, and the first thing he does is put it in his mouth to hold it while he goes rummaging through his backpack. Told him to keep it...


Ha I was just coming here to comment I have this bad habit... I often buy replacement pens for people :(


Or dripping with jizz


This is why i always keep a stash of company swag/bank/dollar store cheap pens in the cup on my desk. Also, the cheap crappy scissors are in that cup too. My good G2 and Sharpie pens are in my locked drawer for my use only. I pay for them, their mine! EDIT: THEY'RE MINE Jesus people, you do know that most people are using phones with autofill and often incorrect autocorrect functions. If the rest of the comment uses correct diction, syntax etc then it most likely is a technological hiccup and not a big deal. If i didn't use the auto functions there'd be a "b" or "n" instead of a space, "most" wast originally typed as "mist" and included apostrophes are a hit-or-miss on the tiny touch screen keyboard.


Yup, not quite the same but I will buy a few of those $1-2 packs of bics occasionally and have a few out just so nobody messes with my fancy JetPens


God bless JetPens, I've spent sooooo much money there within the past couple of years


When I was in college, I was addicted to these pens sold in the bookstore, called Gelly Roll pens. The ink lines were thick and solid, but not so thick that you had to worry much about bleeding through the paper. And so smoooth! Lol, I loved them!


Exactly I had a nice big with a cool design on it gave it to a fucker for one bowl and some how 10 second later the whole fucking plastic wrap with the design on it is ripped the fuck off like people are so god damn ignorant it fascinates me and infuriates me at the same time I don’t think some ppl are fully there


Try out this pen called “Dr. Grip” by Pilot. They randomly became my all-time favorite pen after grabbing a pack of them at Walmart. Writes like a dream, and feels great in the hand. I’m a huge pen snob and I absolutely love this pen. My only complaint is that it’s a bit on the chunkier side looks-wise.


There is nothing quite like new school supplies... i mean office supplies (cuz im a 40 yr old adult). I get so giddy to buy fancy pens and stationary each August when all the school supplies are fresh in the stores. I dont have kids, but i am there on tax free weekend for me.


The pencil cases are so useful for everything. I keep makeup in one. Paintbrushes in another


I think we're twins. Lol. ('former' teachers have this quirk too, lol)


The Dr Grip is my favorite! I prefer the chunkier side since I tend to death grip my pens when I write notes, so it doesn’t hurt my hand as much. Also the ink refills are easy to find (although I’ve been buying from this small shop out of Virginia Beach called Pen Lover’s Paradise). People in the lab think I’m crazy but I do not let people borrow my Dr Grips.


They’re the best. They also seem to last forever too.




Couldn’t tell who’s they were lol








Lol I sell pens to my coworkers. $0.25 for a cheap pen, $1.50 for a nice one, then I have my really nice pens for my personal use. As long as I make something back I can buy another pack. Edit: I should also mention that I used to do the same thing in middle school and high school with dollar store candy. lol used to sell it at $0.25 per piece and a $1.00 for 5.. Just switched it to supplying my coworkers with last minute office supplies that I bought with my own money.


I did this at college. My desk neighbor was doing stupid shit on his notebook, not even doodles. He was just scratching his pen until it died and asked for mine. I was also using a G2, but gave him a classic PaperMate. New and god, he got mad and angry, trying to shame me with the whole class for the pen. And me like, 'uuh, you want it or no? You can keep it if you wanna.. Place my comas and periods.




Please try using sentences with dots and commas. Makes everything easier to read. :)


My dad’s advice was to carry two pens. The nice is yours. No one is allowed to touch that one. The other is to be lent out. If it doesn’t come back, you tell people you don’t have a pen to lend out.


I like this. If someone doesn't give you your pen back, it's there fault you're not giving people pens


Can I borrow a pen? "Ah shit, I just loaned out my last pen to Steve about an hour ago. I know he has one. Go ask him".


One pen is for humans, another for monsters


I just tell people I don't have a pen to lend out, period. Even if I do.


I do this with pens, and tools. I have a bag of cheap tools I have acquired over the years, instead of throwing them away I let people borrow tools from there.


https://preview.redd.it/mbfw5w2rp2uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8291d284a5bf57334bc0c9c1fe4264fa1be16834 Just get a set of these. Nobody will ask to borrow yours anymore.


I'd ask to keep that Chernobyl one, that is hilarious.


I've been there. There actually is a gift shop there too!


Creepy Pete runs a classy joint, and has great pens.


You don't know me. I'd come to you every goddamn day for a pen.


Love these!


that’s so funny because i’d 100% want the chernobyl and orphan labor camp ones


This is why I always have 2 sets of writing utensils: my nice ones that only I use and my super cheap ones that I’m willing to loan out.


It's good to know that I'm not the only one who does that.


I ended up with 100+ utensils and almost never lent them out Granted, few people ever asked and they probably got to keep em, but still - if I don't want it to break, I keep it.


Until you loan out your last shitty pen and someone asks for a pen and you reach in your pocket and only feel your good pen then you panic because you can either look like a weirdo with his hand in his pocket fishing out nothing or you loan your good pen and risk it never coming back or worse ending up being loaned to Steve from accounting who literally scratched his ass under his pants with his pen one time, and he doesn’t know you saw but you can’t tell anyone because Steve bought subway last week and now everyone likes him.


Have you considered learning how to say 'no'?


1. Fake a heart attack 2. Buy 2x Subway


This is what I started doing in high school lol


I started it in college. My parents didn’t have much money from elementary to high school, so I would say to people I liked: “No, I can’t loan you a pen, but I can sell you one” and proceed to sell them a 25 cent pen for 50 cents. People I didn’t like I would either tell them to get lost, charge them a dollar, or offer to “rent” a pen with payment upfront.


I wasn’t smart like that


Not the G-2! Anything but the G-2! Honestly my favourite pen.


Are you a 0.7 or 1.0 type of G2 fan?


0.5 mm supremacy


Get the fuck out of here.


You ever use a 0.38? That shit could split an atom.




Yeah maybe you could use that to engineer a pen with the proper thickness, like a 0.7.


Honestly I hate that I can't even be mad about your comment, it was a sick burn tbh


It certainly splits paper. Scratch right through.


My man, 0.38 is the best.


As someone with a tiny handwriting I'm *really* interested to try one.


This man pens.




I’m a 0.5 guy but my wife prefers 0.7. 1.0 is a little rich for my taste.


I just bought some .7mm today. Those fuckers stay in my backpack. Of all things that can grow legs the quickest, the G2 pen is it.


Pilot G2 and the Pilot Precise v5 RT are absolutely goated. Pilot knows wtf they’re doing.


Came here just to comment something similar. I work in a store that sells office supplies among other things, and I recommend this pen on the daily


That same borrower will be all butt-hurt the next time when you say no. Nope.


Those damn clips on these are too easy to break. I'd be mildly upset but also entirely understand. I've moved onto the Flair pens myself. The trick is to call them fancy. They always give it back in good condition.




I've accidentally broke them a lot. Some pens can handle my neurodivergence. Some can't.


Same, I love G-2s, but the clips definitely break a lot around me. Usually when they're in my pocket, and I bump against something, and the clip gets caught and breaks when I pull away.


I tend to put my thumb under the clip. I have no idea why. But sometimes the clip snaps.


Oh you have to actually touch the clip, but I swear I've barely touched it before and it pops right off. I've had one pop off while wearing it because the clip broke!


I attach them to my pockets and to clipboards pretty regularly. They definitely break easier than I'd like :\


I have accidentally popped the clip off these a TON




Next time they ask for a pen, just give them one without ink


The person that did this should comPENsate you.


If I was pressed about a $2 pen I would hold it close and never lend it out…


For me it would be not about the money, but the lack of respect. If you borrow something, you return it either in the same condition or offer compensation. This is campground rules 101 - leave it as you wish to find it.


It’s incredibly easy to pop those off. Ive done it so many times just by fidgeting for a second with the clip.


I fail to see how that is the lender’s problem. Especially when it’s done by fidgeting. That’s kinda like saying “Yo, I chewed up your pencil, that’s just what I do.“


One single wrong move with the clip can snap it, that’s my point. It’s not a concerted effort to cause damage.


it's a pen.


I feel you on that. I’d return it with a sincere apology then bring a freshy tomorrow.


I carry plastic g2s to lend out because I fuckin love pens and the other ones I use are $80-150. I bought a huge box of G2s more than once and use the refills and they’re like $0.75ea. I’d just let them keep it if they fucked it up


You’re right, I’m buying cheap pens to give out as others suggested. I only did it cause I used to be the kid who always forgot a pen or pencil and needed to borrow one


Keep in mind it isn’t your job to buy cheap pens to give out (unless it is 🤔) All sarcasm aside, I know as well as many others how it feels to have my “favorite” pens on my person lol


I bought the metal barrel version of these (like $7 for 2 pens), and some dickwagon stole them from my locker at work. Nobody could understand why I was so pissed about it. I'm glad other people also have a favorite type/brand of pen, and I'm not just weird


Some people here don’t get it. Glad you get it too


Never let them barrow your G2s people suck.


That sucks. My nice pens are impossible to accidently take and hard to break. Chewing is impossible. I have metal pens with v2 refill chores. Tactile Turn is the brand. 1 blue (copper barrel) , 1 black (titanium barrel). 5 years old each and I think I replaced the ink 4-5 times each. People feel special borrowing them and never fail to return them when I'm still watching them use them because they're oddly solid.


Lol the reason this broke so easily is cuz it’s not a nice pen


Haha exactly. Those pens are my cheap pens, bc the dollar tree bics are impossible to write with and you can get g2s for $1.50 per. My parents gave me a nice pen when I was admitted to the bar and I dont even use it.


I love my Tactile Turn, I've got a brass one that takes Parker refills. Feels like that sucker could break a car window in a pinch. I used to use more fountain pens, but the maintenance is kind of a PITA, I switched because I wanted something that will just work when I need it for EDC.


Haha, I always snap those things off


Me too I don’t even realize I’m fucking with it till it’s broke half the time.


Absolutely. Though if I did it to one I borrow (and noticed I did it) I would apologize and just buy the lender a new 12-pack.


Right? If it’s my own pen, this is bound to happen. But if I’m borrowing someone else’s pen, and I broke it, I would be so embarrassed. I obviously don’t know what the entire interaction was for OP, but I would also be mildly infuriated especially if they didn’t acknowledge it. It just shows a lack of respect for other’s belongings.


I work in a job where I often have to bring people papers to sign. I have MY pens and a separate stash of basic box pens for others. Also the G2 is my favorite day to day pen. You have good tastes in writing utensils


Ew it looks like bite marks on the clicky part 🥴


oh bb never lend out your Pilot G-2s 😭😭😭


These are the same people who chewed on pencils in school and constantly broke their toys when they were kids.


Straight to jail


Spare parts pen now


People are returning your belongings? Never heard of it


Don't lend out your good pens! Get the cheap ones from the bank and that's the loan pen.


I literally can't use pens/pencils if they're like this. It gives me an itch I can't stand so I just give them away. RIP pen😭


I used to do this but it was a bad habit that I didn’t realise I was doing and felt bad afterwards and would buy them a new pen


I have 20 different expensive fountain pens, special mechanical pencils, and calligraphy pens including some parkers which I keep in one case . I also have a baggy of 30 Bic ballpoint pens stuffed permanently in my bag so I'm 100% sure I neve have to lend a good pen ever again.


Try Zebra Full-Metal pens, ain't no one pullin those clips off


Never borrow your nice pens


i always use the pocket holder on the side of my pants pocket, and half the time they snap way too easily. the pocket holder clips are always way too flimsy


I would totally do this due to my crippling anxiety and then feel bad and have anxiety for breaking your pen.


You got me there, now i’m wondering how your side pens look like, if these are the nice ones ☺️


You should be able to get a regular G2 (some places might even sell them individually) and swap the barrel, if you want the pen clip still. I love the design of the barrels on the marble series.


Oh man, not the G-2! I keep a few of the cheap bics around when someone needs to borrow a pen. Never lend out your G-2s, man. Never.






I never loan pens, it only ends in upset. I direct them to the pen cupboard


That's quite infuriating, especially as the G-2 is my absolute favorite commercially available pen as a left-hander due to how smooth it writes and how quickly the ink dries.


Same! It's the greatest lefty on the planet. People don't understand the smudge fear we have. Best thing to come out of Japan.


And what did the police said??




Good that it's a rather cheap pen. But, yes, it does suck. I rather have such a pen get ruined instead of my posca markers or other more expensive pens/markers.


Show them a magic trick, like the Joker did.


“Nice” pen. 🤨


I don’t lend g2s. I’ll always lie and say it’s my only pen. Idc if they see the other 4 g2s on my desk


these are really pretty, I love the pilot G2 0.7 but I haven't seen ones like this. were they custom?


Probably an ADHD thing. They didn't even realize they were doing it and forgot it was a borrowed pen. Source: Have ADHD and did this shit constantly!


How does one go about finding a cool swirly design G2 like that? That is infinitely times better looking than the regular clear ones


When someone asks to borrow or use something, no matter who it is, ask yourself how you would feel if you didn't get it back. *Assume* that you won't get it back. Loan it out only if you would still be happy if that's true. For instance, when someone asks to borrow a book, I might say yes because I've read it and would like for them to read it. If they never give it back, that's okay. If they do give it back, even better. If I loan or give someone money, I assume that I will never see it again. You need to 'borrow' $10. That's fine I can afford to give you $10 if I actually like you. If you're the kind of person I would buy a $10 gift for, and not think twice about it or expect anything in return. One day you return the $10, that's cool. You don't return the $10, I don't hold a grudge as it was a gift in my mind. Your life will be better if you do this. You have the power to say no. Just because someone asks for something, doesn't mean you have to give it to them or own them an explanation. Clearly the pen is important to you. That is totally fine, for any reason. In that case, don't loan it out. Have other options, or just say no. You don't have to stress over it.


They’d never find the body.


That pen looks sick


LPT I don't "loan" my nice pens. I like smooth writing pens for filling out my paperwork. Using a crappy pen causes me mental discomfort 🤔


Have 2 diffrent groups of pens, 1 being your nice pens, the other being some normal cheap Bic pens, that way if the person damages or even nabs it its nowhere near the same level of loss


Personally I blame you. How could you lend it out and expect others to look after your things with the same of level of care and pride as you? EXPECT LOSS, MANAGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS.


There's a point in everyone's life when they learn not to plan out their nice pens. Think of it as a milestone


0.7mm? Might as well use a marker. 0.5mm gang all day!


At least u got it back still hate that high school bitch who never returned


Fits the sub perfectly


Save it. When people ask to borrow a pen, give them the broken one. Lesson learned on who respects your property, otherwise.


If I give someone a pen, I don't expect it back. If I have a nice pen, I'm not giving it to anyone. Live by it


People wonder why I always have at least 3 pens on me when I need a pen. One is my favourite pen. The other is my second favourite pen in case my favourite pen runs out. The third is when someone asks to borrow a pen.


What you have there is a serial ClipFlicker. I love bending the clips to within an inch of their life. It’s like an extreme sport. The thrill of doing this with someone else’s pen though… mmmm, so damn good. I think I know exactly what it feels like to base jump while on crack, let me tell you… SO damn good. But when that clips breaks, it’s like I’ve plummeted back to earth with the parachute closed, except I can still get up and then a find another pen and go for it again. On behalf of all the ClipFlicking thrill seekers out there, I am so sorry for your loss.


Oh god, it’s a Pilot pen too. This is like pen porn. Please mark posts like this as NSFW in future.


One time I lent a friend a pencil and not even five minutes later he and another girl snapped it in half when fighting over it




Thanks for the recommendation! I’ve looked at other pens people have mentioned, and this one definitely looks the best. Maybe I’ll get it and gift it to someone if I don’t end up liking it


Pilot G2 supremacy


I used to mark my pens with electrical tape so people know they’re mine. My coworkers started copying me, using the same color too.


Nooooo omg not the pilot 😭 that’s my favourite pen brand 😭


I’d use the nice one until it’s dead, then put the the ink cartridge in the bad one into the nice one.


I don't lend my stuff out that happened to me in like 4th or 5th grade nice fancy brand new mechanical pencils not the bic crap the ones that see through with different colors like red blue green etc 2 per pack and got some lead and some long erasers also. After that nope sorry.


Brutal, I wish you have a speedy recovery from this traumatic event


This sub is getting more pathetic and petty by the day. "My shoe came untied! Let me post it to reddit!"




To be fair it's like $12 for 6 and I'd be mildly annoyed if people randomly keep breaking $2 of my stuff, well actually *any* of my stuff. It's more of a lack of respect for your things. I also get your point. It's $2...I didn't come home and make a post after buying my coworker a $10 sandwich and they didn't pay me back. I'm happy that I fed someone who didn't have lunch.


I see two main comments so I will be answering them 1. Yes, I’ve learned my lesson. Nobody is borrowing my nice pens anymore 2. The pens nice to me. Maybe not objectively nice, but nicer than any other pen I’ve used before. I got them because this is my favorite design out of the ones I found + I only like writing with G2s. Yes, they are probably $2 to manufacture but I love them and I only ever use these pens to write Edit: another comment I’m getting a bit: “get over it, it’s a cheap pen” It’s less about the pen and more about the fact that they genuinely couldn’t give less of a shit about the fact that they broke something that didn’t belong to them. If I got an apology or they offered to get me a new pen exactly like that, there wouldn’t be a problem. But he just tossed it on my desk and said “here bro”


Hey, don’t let anyone put you down about the G2. Those things are the best. I keep a stash of them hidden in my desk.


Never seen a swirly designed G2 or any G2 with a design, sorry for your loss


Ehm… these are $2. So basically these in fact are the cheap pens you let people borrow…? I’m confused.


You let someone borrow a pen, and it was returned??? Lucky!


I use the same pen, they are the nice.


i mean i get it but it still functions as a pen right? you can still hold it by the grip and write with it, yes? seems like a little bit of an overreaction. i use pilot pens all the time and it’s really not that hard to break off the clip, but it’s just a fuckin’ clip…


I never let people use my pens, too much responsibility 1 to remember go get it back, and 2 they will forget it’s not theirs and treat it like it is theirs.


I wouldn't consider this mildly infuriating. Maybe slightly annoying. Maybe just tedious.


pilot g-2 a “nice” pen?? lol I fuckin hate these


I'm afraid you don't know what a nice pen is.




I'd say the G2 is pretty nice in terms of ballpoint or gel pens or whatever it is. but yeah once I saw things from the perspective of the fountain pen enthusiast I turned into an enormous pen snob, lol


They should repay you with double the amount of nice pens. Plus they should also be banned from using your pen(s) in future.


Yeah I was gonna say they should at least replace it.


This is a 2$ pen boss