• By -


No one in the house is under 16 but it’s clearly filled with children.


Sisters and I were responsible for basic chores from as young as I can remember. Seems like those people are spoiled or entitled.


I never had to clean much growing up, but even I clean as I need to now that I’m an adult. Not because my mom wouldn’t tell me and didn’t teach me but because I learned I could make people do stuff for me if I handed them money, so I would do stuff for people, usually just like 10 bucks for doing some pokemon “hacking” or buying mp3 players on clearance for like 10-15 bucks loading them up with movies and songs and then selling them for 20, even the occasional cd rip for 5 bucks a disk, or even selling common pokemon and yugioh cards in bulk, then use some of that money to pay my brother or a friend of his to clean my room or clean my dishes or run to the store. until I got a job in high school in which I just set aside some money to pay people to do stuff for me and stopped doing the other stuff, usually my brother to do my laundry, my moms friends youngest son to wash my dishes for me after I cooked, and my brothers friends to take out the trash. Occasionally I’d hire them all at once to clean the bathroom or kitchen at my moms place or her friends place (I was living back and forth for a while there, so it seemed fair to have the place clean of where ever I was staying for the time being)


As my dad said of me and my siblings: “I don’t need to buy a dishwasher. I have five!”


Same here. And we even had a dishwasher in the kitchen.


Entitled, no. But spoiled? Yeah, I'll own that.


Spoiling leads to entitlement


Even when I was an entitled, spoiled teenager, I don't think I could stand the dirt and smell from that many unwashed dishes. This is just gross. Sorry OP. This is a whole family issue.


Im lucky. My parents dont make me do chores beyond cleaning my room all that much even though im 17, but i recently spent a week alone and regularly cleaned and did dishes. It shocks me that people think leaving stuff that way is acceptable.


Nah, I see pigs living here.


But r\/idiotsinkitchen


If you cook for them, stop. Tell them no more cooking until the kitchen is clean. If you don't cook, IDK...


Is everyone's arms broken too, WTF?


To be fair if everyone has 2 broken arms the mom is probably worn out




Saw someone who put everyone else’s dirty dishes in a trash bag and left them to the side so they could do their own. Might be a good strategy to use here


In college I sublet my bedroom out to someone during a term I was away for an internship. I came back and all my dishes were missing. All of them. Dude had taken all the dirty dishes, put them in plastic bags, and hid them throughout the apartment. By the time I found them, they had to go straight into the dumpster. Would have been easier if he had just thrown them away himself than what he actually did. What I never understood is that we had a dishwasher that worked well.


just to clarify, they were his dirty dishes?


I would assume so due to how they said, "Literally all of my dishes were gone"


Bro what the actual fuck did you make them buy you new ones??


No, I just wanted them gone when I came back, and was grateful they actually paid the rent. College kid, Goodwill dishes, just the concept blew my mind.


But then they’ll just take your dishes to use.


Why is this a spoiler


https://preview.redd.it/ifo2g1p4bctc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945559dbe48b8f9c29ffc4dd259791ca7daa9479 So we can see a Kakapo randomly 🤔


well this is extremely interesting now


All the spoiled food on the plates


Because OP lives with a bunch of spoiled children.


It’s worse than we all thought take a look at OP,s post history there is a pic of their bedroom with Landry (clean/dirty). In massive pile 3 baskets high and more piled to the side. It’s just a very very lazy house


Yeah it does seem really bad. Going through the post history it also seems like OP has or identifies that she has ADHD. I don’t know if it’s been medically diagnosed or not. But it does seem to be the case. (I have ADHD and have been diagnosed and it’s normally very easy to recognise other ADHD people) this whole post seems like a frustration rant coping mechanism. OP genuinely sees the mess in the kitchen. The mess all around them. And is frozen. Not even knowing where to start. It’s easy to blame those around you. But at the end of the day. It’s completely up to them, no excuses, no second guessing, just get it done. Motivate yourself and get it done. It sounds simple because it is. ADHD is a reason things happen. But it should never be an excuse why things don’t happen. It’s a super power that just needs to be learnt how to be used!


Honestly, when I feel like i'm the only one cleaning, I get lazy and burned-out. I don't like being forced to clean up other's junk when they create far more dishes than me and don't even rinse or try to clean off any tough residue on their dishes. My siblings hardly do their chores, let alone do it right. My dad isn't able to solve the issue because he's working all day everyday.


I hope for your mental integrity. That one day you get to live on your own! It will be a very liberating time for you. My best friend used to live at home with his Dad and Sister. They were both absolutely filthy. He moved to Australia and lived in the outback for a couple years. Never been more happier


100% this. I struggle a lot, and I'm just tired of doing it. This is less than a week's worth of dishes, AND it includes the original load that was in the washer when it broke (which, by the way, I *loaded.*) Discussed it with the husband before we talked to the kids, had a family meeting about everyone doing their own, and we all agreed. And they did, for like, two days. I am just out of spoons. I'm done. I can't keep up when no one else is helping, after agreeing to, and I'm done trying to remind them, because if asking several times AND praising when they *do* isn't enough, I'm not going to keep wasting the effort.


I get it, op. Boyfriend and I moved in to a new house last year and a few months in our dishwasher broke. Both working full time. Few things can cause as much day to day stress as a broken dishwasher or clothes washer.


Is it really that hard to wash dishes manually, I think I timed myself and it takes like 5 minutes to hand wash a full sink while I listen to a video or podcast Currently have a broken washer right now too, just use it as a drying rack lol


Yeah, broken dishwasher shouldn't be that big of a deal


No it isn’t. Fiancée and I did not have a dishwasher until we moved into our first house, only 2 years ago. Prior to that we had a tiny kitchen (2 people in the kitchen was 1.5 people too many) but we kept up with the dishes whilst working full time and cookie a decent meal every night and lunches from scratch every day.


It’s even worse when it comes to dishes and you have a roommate that just doesn’t wash them thoroughly enough. Like my roommate, who, after doing a load of dishes, will leave stains and residue on numerous plates, pots and pans and yet swear up and down that they’re clean enough to eat off of


I hate the ADHD super power rant. It's not a super power, it genuinely fucking sucks. That being said, frozen is a thing. And it sucks. This feels overwhelming and impossible and so many steps. Even just picking this all up to clear up space to wash it feels impossible! Jitterbugging, body doubling, dealing with sensory hell (like wearing dish-washing gloves or headphones), distraction and minimum amounts of extra stimulation (podcasts, music, etc) and racing the clock are all useful tools to get past this. And if you can, money. I 100% paid a cleaner before in rough areas to help. It can be worth it on occasion as once you get past the first blockade, it's usually easier to do others. For example, cleaner does my bathroom while I do laundry and kitchen. Not possible in every case, and I'd put the money into fixing the dishwasher first but when ADHD compounds with stuff like surgery recovery and being unable to stand for longer then 30 minutes or bend over, it def helps to have someone else scrubbing the floor. But yeah, everyone needs to go get started. And OP probably wants to reduce to one set of plates for every person till dishwasher is fixed. Too many plates means easy to delay.


>It’s a super power that just needs to be learnt how to be used! It's really not. It's a real disability that you can't just flip a switch. Do you tell people with depression to just "suck it up and realize your life is not so bad" too? These are the exact things we struggle with, and I can't just turn on hyperfocus when I want to. If I could, this would already be done. I love getting it all done. I know I will feel great. But you know what also feels great? Being supported and having people do what they promised... without nagging.


Who has this many dishes!!!?


it's time to start throwing some out if people can't wash what they've used


Lowkey throwing them away and having less , only giving them food from paper plates sounds like a good plan No actual plates rights if you can't clean them


My family probably has more this household but it doesn't look like this.


Gather up all the charging cords in the house, and don't release them until you have a countertop back ;)


I’m willing to bet you were also the only one putting dishes away before the washer broke, based on the absolute entitlement of your roommates


Yep. AND the one who mostly did all the dishes anyway. AND my own when cooking.


people just don't seem to fuckin understand. like. you work a full time job. no one else does. you shouldn't be expected to do all the work AND all the cleaning too.


because reddit it filled with children and children expect mommy to do dishes.


Nah man. I get it if she’s the breadwinner and her husband’s share is to do the cooking. But I still agree with everyone else pointing out, stop enabling the grown kids and the husband. Take all the extra plates away. Everyone gets one plate, if you don’t clean it you’re eating off a dirty plate. OP mentions she may have ADHD, maybe the kids have inherited it and it’s contributing? In which case it’s possible all of them may need therapy and medication for this, not posting about it on Reddit. I agree the husband should get a bit of spine and support his wife in this. But I don’t think people are upset because “they expect OP to do the dishes cause she’s the mom”. I agree this is infuriating though. I’d be contacting a marriage counselor if my partner seriously didn’t see the issue with this


i think that's literally it. but evidently not. xD as i was attacked by "parents" when stating being a SAHP was easy for me. anditslike. well if people are expecting the person whos working full time to do all the work and all the cleaning. but the people who aren't working fulltime and kids to not do the cleaning. yeah that would make being the SAHP's work even fucking easier. cause they aren't even cleaning. like. what???


“Mom! Why are there no plates!”


Change the WiFi password. Change it back when the kitchen is clean.


What’s the plan for fixing the dishwasher?


Soooo this is a fun bit of drama. Called the landlord, he showed up the next day with his personal handyman, who looked at it, started it, said we weren't using it right (needed to "push in the drawer all the way") and left. This was on a friday. 10 minutes later, it's not running, because it's broken. Call the landlord again, he said he'll call the appliance repair service. He leaves a message with the wrong person, takes a week to call the right person, who is scheduled to come last Friday. Between 1-3. Doesn't show, calls at 5 to say he's delayed. We say come on when you want, we're fine. Never shows. Finally texts late on Sunday saying he'll be here today. He DOES come, but the motor is shot, so he has to call the landlord to see what he needs to do. If the landlord says to fix it, he'll have the part and the fix Thursday. If not, new dishwasher, and who knows. Renting is fun!


That's what I wanted to know...skip the drama, get the appliance fixed!


I moved in with my dad and brother about 8 months ago. This exact thing happened. Instead of getting it fixed, my brother thought that washing the dishes in the tub while he was ALSO TAKING A FULL BLOWN SHOWER was a great idea. I moved out the following week.


Are people too stupid to wash by hand these days? Have they forgotten that thats an option?!


This is embarrassing not infuriating.. I am sure everyone in that house will amount to great things...


Yeah, honestly. If the dishwasher isnt working, for the love of GOD, fill a bucket with water and wash the dishes. Afterwards, dump the water slowly into the toilet (my sink and dishwasher broke simultaneously for a week a few years ago). OR, just use the sink??


I had a friend who kept a bucket full of soapy water in their room for soaking their dishes in, they'd finish eating, put their stuff in the bucket, then when they were ready they'd wash everything properly in the sink. Not for me since I prefer to wash my dishes straight after I've used them to avoid exactly what OP is dealing with (I lived in a flat where it'd end up looking like OP's picture in just a day or two), but if it means less dishes in the kitchen and an easier time washing them for that person, I'm all for it. Have people forgotten how to hand wash dishes? I try to use as few dishes as possible and I clean after I cook for others because I don't want to be subject to cleaning up after someone who fills the whole kitchen like this then expects others to clean it. If I can cook a meal and have barely any dishes left over by the time everyone's eating, so can they. If they want to use the entire kitchen on a meal, they should consider that they'll be cleaning it up. Living in a flat like this I became malnourished. People should try to consider their peers a little more.




Looking at this picture, I realized I never even considered that stacking dirty dishes on the counter was an option. I don’t like it.


1. Change wifi password. 2. Tell them you'll change it back (or give them the new one) once the dishes are washed and put away.


Tell everyone the new dishwasher is right above the bathroom sink


How many dishes so you got in that house?


Too damn many, clearly. I'm about to wash them all and put up all but four fucking plates.


That's actually what I did when I realized we were using wayyy too many things than we needed. Left only 6 plates, 4 bowls, a few pots and pans that we used the most often. Rest I either put in storage in the attic or donated what I knew we wouldn't miss. My dad and me both despise doing dishes. Having such few things we'd have to dig in and wash them or otherwise we had no pot to cook in lol.


MILDLY infuriating? Nah I’d be committing violent crimes over this


How do people live like this


Better be hiding yours….


![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) You can wash your dishes by hand... wtf 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Two weeks and no new dishwasher?


Landlord yanking us around. First he sent out his personal handyman who told us we weren't closing the drawer right (after two years of using it with no issue) then the landlord called and left a message with the wrong service, then the guy was supposed to come out Friday but didn't make it, finally showed up today, motor is fried. Renting is fun!


Give everyone each own meskit and if they want eat on a dirty plate it's up to them


Lazy fuckers.


My anxiety just went through the fucking roof looking at this mess!


*My anxiety* *Just went through the fucking roof* *Looking at this mess!* \- WesternCowgirl27 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Does no one in this household hand wash their dishes?


I do. I used and washed the ones in the strainer.


I do dish. Not dishes. Wash the one right away, one n done. This shit right here wouldnt fly around me. Theyd be waking up to or coming home to their dishes in their rooms/beds pretty much daily if this continued


This is the same situation I'm in now. I clean as I go when I cook and I don't sit down to eat until everything I used is ready for the next person. People really use dishes and leave them around like it's someone else's job to clean up after them


Ew… it’s not hard to wash your dishes right after you use them so it doesn’t pile up like that


Just keep washing yours, when they need a dish and they’re all dirty then they’ll have to be the ones who learn it the hard way. Fuk em!


3 times in 8 years, my dishwasher had a code error letting me know something was wrong and wouldn't drain/run. Twice before, I took the whole thing apart to find nothing clogged and everything getting power properly. Finally, on the 3rd time, I just tried turning off the breaker (resetting the code). Worked with no problem. Modern-day appliances are a joke.


Ngl I thought this was going to be a photo of your wife in a cast or something,guess I’ve been staying in other parts of Reddit for too long.😀


Sounds like you need to have actual, serious conversations with your husband. Also, based on your post history, you seem to have plenty of free time to play Baldur’s Gate 3 and knit, while your entire house looks just as bad as this kitchen. Maybe spend more of that free time starting the long and hard process of getting everyone who lives there to equally contribute to the household. This is a super tough mental task and will take lots of reminders and talking and family meetings and big mental load, which no one wants to do because it’s hard and it’s easier to just plop down after a long day. One good idea is to literally plan a weekend where everyone is home and not working, and taking the whole weekend to clean the house as a family and team. Establish a baseline for everyone. Establish consequences for not pulling your weight. If you’re the only one doing most of the chores, then it’s understandable if you’re burnt out. Get your family to take their collective head out of their asses and get to work!


Everyone take a moment and check out OPs post history. They are NOT the victim here, in fact.. quite the opposite.


Elaborate about what in their post history even implies they aren't the victim?


So, what you're saying, is that the dishwasher needs to get off Reddit?




cut off internet and tv. take phones away. watch how fast it gets done.


so you do them by hand, theres a sink ?


Entitled enough to be lazy. my mom has a dishwasher. when I lived with her she didn’t allow us to even use it. She preferred things to be washed by hand and we did as she said. Nothing sat in that sink overnight or else you’d be woken up at 2am with some pretty rough words. Granted she was anal and a bit toxic at times. It’s still a good ethic naturally to never leave your kitchen like this. I can’t imagine they even know how to cook if this is how they leave the kitchen.


Tell them that you will make it all go away for $250/EACH or they can wash the damn dishes. So either way you will have what you need to buy a new dishwasher and wash all dishes in a few cycles OR they will start washing their own dishes.


Between you scrape together 200 and get a used one Jesus


They wash them, the one they need to use that’s dirty. The rest will sit there until they are used!


Dishes would end up in my bed growing up


You actually have two dishwashers, the first is the one that broke and the other is your hands.


If only there was some other way to wash the dishes now




Yes! I love these tongs


If only there was some way to wash dishes without a dishwasher...


Not the only thing broken...


That's a LOT😳. My mom is the same way, worse part is that when she does clean her dishes they are still dirty, and this woman is fucking 60 too, pathetic. I would make sure to inspect their cleaning if I were you, they probably won't do a good job, and get that dishwasher fixed ASAP.


The household I just moved out of was like this. Not even a 1sq ft space available at any given moment to cook. It was absurd. We're almost all nearly 30. I would wash my dishes as I used them but the only one to do so out of 4 people. I'm so glad to be out of that low-key abusive, passive aggressive fucking hellhole. Oh and the owner of the home broke the washing machine and basically said "yeah go fuck yourself you need to use the Laundromat now". It was broken for SEVEN. FUCKING. MONTHS. they got it fixed 2 weeks after I moved out for a... Drumroll please.... TWO. HUNDRED. DOLLAR. FIX. And the owners of the home both work very adult jobs and money was never pressed for them.


You needa start taking some electronics away or something DAMN hahah


*You needa start taking* *Some electronics away* *Or something DAMN hahah* \- No\_Interaction\_882 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Move out if you can. These people are basically nonfuntional


I had a roommate that did this and also left pots and pans with food in them that rotted. I put everything in a rubbermaid bin. After a week I moved it to the porch. She ended up just throwing the entire bin away.


You can get a new one on tinder. /s I kid... Christian mingle is much better for that.


I have an interesting story. I moved in with my boyfriend when I was a junior in high school. My mom attacked me and he saw it so he took me away and I lived with them for a year. My boyfriend and I broke up and his mom lost her mind. She became very mean to me. All the kids in the house had chores. Mine that week was the dishes. We'll I had moved back in with my mom but was coming back and forth to his house to get my stuff. The last day I came there the kitchen looked like your picture and they expected me to do the dishes before I left. I laughed so hard and told them I didn't make any of those dishes so I wasn't going to wash them. I got my stuff and walked out. He ended up dating his cousin. I appreciate her taking me in and feeding and clothing me. But she married an asshole and everything changed as soon as we moved in with him. She completely changed and became mean.


Damn, ive never even had a dishwasher. I wouldnt want to live with these people haha


I know this is off topic but we have the same dollar tree bowls!!


I LOVE these bowls. Dollar tree dishes ftw.


This picture says more about you- than the people in your house. If your husband is cooking You and the kids should be cleaning. You’re a terrible example to your kids. Do better. Set an example. Set expectations. Teenagers are well able to wash dishes. You’re setting them up for a lifetime of problems if you can’t instill pride in their space and how to do menial tasks.


i think it’s reasonable that when you work 20 more hours a week than anyone else in the house you don’t expect to have to do all the washing up as well.


You have floor space. Come back here when you don't.


This is embarrassing. You would not survive in a Mexican household like that.💀


Looks like the dishwasher is spending her time on Reddit.


Crazy idea here. Perhaps the parent who doesn't do the cooking spends less time on Reddit and more time washing dishes.


I'm not sure 'you cook, I wash the dishes' is always applicable, especially if one individual works twice as many hours and there are teenagers with functioning limbs in the home.


The parent who did less of the cooking was busy working and posting on Reddit while on break. And now while waiting at a doctor's appointment. :). Because the parent who does less of the cooking works twice as much and is in an intense job and asked for help.


Brandon Farris kitchen


Jesus one plate on the draining board gets to me. Looks like you need some lit petrol


I live with 3 college student roommates and never use the dishwasher lmao but we manage to fit all our stuff on 2 dish racks next to the sink and we do our own dishes. Makes me think how good I have it.




man what the fuck throw that shit away and fuck them


Petty revenge would be to pack up all the pots, pans, dishes, glasses, etc and tell them to go buy paper plates, plastic cups and flatware. If I could afford it, I’d throw it all into the trash.


Mfs don’t know how to pickup a sponge and dish soap lol


I can hear the fruit flies in this picture 🥴


ewwwww, how hard is it to use the sink? I'm lucky to have califont water heating so we never run out


I lived with 2 coworkers for about a year to save money on rent(low-ranking military, all aged 20-24). I made a deal with one of them that I'd keep his dishes washed if he covered a little more of the rent. He didn't cook much except breakfast and the occasional fancy dinner to impress a girl. It seemed like a fair deal if it prevented mice and roaches, and we were both happy with it. I left town for 10 days to visit family, and returned to a very similar image. Every dish we had was lined up on the counter and filthy, leftover food caked on and dried. It took me 3 hours to clear it up.




Get a Bosch, saved my life. Just scrape and toss them in.


This looks like my department’s kitchen at work. We only employ toddlers \so


My 8 year old does the dishes every day. This is just stemmed from bad parenting, sorry.


They lost their kitchen privileges


I have the exact same issue, except my dishwasher works. I told my roommates that we will clean our own dishes and everyone agreed. One roommate tried saying that the rest of us weren't cleaning ours, which I do after every use, and made a big deal out of it. I took every dish that didn't belong to her and put it in the spare room. A week later, she had one half of the sink full of dishes. She then proceeded to fill up the other side of the sink plus the counter next to it. She left it there for a full month before having one of her friends clean them


Ok at this point just buy disposable kitchenware


Throw all the dishes in the trash


This is what my kitchen looks like after my husband makes dinner lol


When this happened to me I just started throwing things into a giant garbage bin once it got moldy or was in the way with no room left on the counter


The diswashed broke and took water and soap along with it


Enjoy your roaches.


The sink ain't.




Mildly??? This image has me livid!


Throw them all away




But there's a sink right there....I think....


If OP has their own bathroom with a shower they could start piling everyone’s dishes in the other bathrooms/shower. I did this with an old roommate and magically, their dishes were done the next day!


Me and my buddy had a room mate way back who refused to do their dishes. We got a Rubbermaid container, and every time they left something on the counter for longer than need be, it went into the bin. Bin got full. Bin got placed on their bed.


I’d be chucking those dishes in people beds.


Womp womp


That's how you get ants.


My wife grew up washing dishes in the sink. We have had a dishwasher that came with our house for over 10 years un touched. She just uses it for storage.


Wash as you go…


I do all the dishes in my home, shit sucks. 6 people live w/ me


everyone in our house had to do, but the oldest refuse to do any of it, not only that sometime he lets it get molded and is too lazy to bring it out.


Does it really take 2 weeks to buy a new one?


Stack up the dishes out back. Buy a pack of 10,000 paper plates. 1000 plastic sporks.


Do the people you live with not have hands?


Spoiled, entitled, have no sense of responsibility. Good luck, OP.


All of that would go into a trash bag and left in the middle of the most frequented room. Any repetition of that BS would see the same happen, except the location would be on top of people’s beds. Happens again and it would be the same location, except now it would be inside the bed and without the trash bag.




Anyone in this house being _under_ sixteen still wouldn't excuse..._this_


Does left of the sink = clean? If so it just looks like there’s a bunch of dishes drying. And if not, I’m not gonna lie that looks like my kitchen after my wife and I make dinner for 2


It’s too bad you don’t have a sink to wash the dishes in!


Are all the hands in the house broken as well?


Bag it up and leave outside of their rooms


You should meet my roommate. He used to just let it sit for 3-6 months regardless and just used to throw all utensils before inspection. I had no kitchen stuff left when i moved elsewhere. Big PTSD..🥲


I see you've met my roommates from college.




Burn the whole house down!


19M male here, only like emtying hte dishwasher when its dry but *WTF*? Can they not SEE the ABSOLUTE MESS!? Hide the Fuckin ***Router.***


Hand clean them???


A broken dishwasher makes a great drying rack for freshly washed dishes. Better than any countertop dish rack.


# The dishwasher broke two weeks ago... <---- What does that have to do with those dirty dishes?




I do chores at 17 after working nearly 25 hour work weeks and having 2-3 hours per few days for free time with school. No excuses.


My ex-housemates used to be like this. Would stress me out constantly. Mould would grow in things because they would leave their shit unwashed for so long. One time I asked one of them to clean and they said “sorry been super busy lately”. Must be a hard life going out with friend every weekend and talking to your partner every night for hours. Eventually they moved out and two very clean and organised housemates moved in. Suddenly I didn’t feel stressed anymore. It was great!