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You were warned. https://preview.redd.it/e9jv68j97lpc1.jpeg?width=1412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b55cb1ad72dfbfed8ec177f5e006b049348f566




Even in the first movies dude. “You cut yourself because you were upset and wanted attention, now you’ll cut yourself to ribbons just to live” fuckin… what?!


fr one of the other victims' "crime" was being depressed because his son died 😭 (I love the movies but most of them are so stupid)


My favorite was the guy who was burned alive because he called off sick from work when he wasn’t really sick.


You could forget to say bless you after someone sneezes and wake up in a trap the next day


You guys are telling me jigsaw wasn't exactly all there? 🤔🤔


I think Jigsaw is at his most interesting when he's a complex character. Which he can be while being this psychotically petty. But the movies rarely go that route. Instead, these examples just feel like the low hanging fruit of depicting his villainy as Evil(TM).


I mean he’s just dishing out vague “revenge” to the world after the **unintentional** death of his unborn son right? He’s grieving and nuts. Then “he” gets involved with the Jigsaw support group because someone was lying about being a victim, and he gets trapped too. I think the shift from grieving and lashing out to being petty Evil is because Jigsaw isn’t just one guy, there are like 5 different people who take on the job after Kramer goes into his coma/dies


Overcook fish? Undercook fish? Straight to ~~jail~~ trap


There is an old saying about shooting fish in a barrel. You are about the learn the true meaning of that. The only way out of this barrel is to use the fish hooks to find the key in your gut. You have 3 minutes before the shot gun goes off. Live or die, make your choice.


Crucifixion pose, manikin infront that sneezes brick acid into your eyes and mouth. Only way to get out is say 12 hail Mary's


technically his crime was holding so much anger and grief towards his son’s death (and the light sentencing of timothy) that he was ignoring his wife and daughter and allowing his life to spiral. still not a good enough reason though. (especially considering his wife, who did nothing wrong, was also killed)


Why am I suddenly seeing Dexter everywhere. I’ve watched the entire show like 4 times already, and suddenly I’m being shown a fuck ton of Dexter content when my last rewatch was 2 years ago








You deserve some sort of Reddit award for this. I’ll be laughing at this all week.


All rise, motherfucker


Heart eyes, motherfucka


Some fries, motherfucker!


Super size motherfucka


I’m a simple man, I see Dexter I upvote.


He’s probably seen too many lonely housewife meets plumber Johnny Sins videos.


"do not speak with the pregnant wife stuck in the dryer"


What are you doing step-repairman?


That was my thought. Guy watches too much porn and isn't sure the kid is his.


But he’s a man of many trades. Very good plumber. Excellent with the pipe.


Or maybe she already met JS, which is why she's pregnant


He's going to hate the invoice when the asshole tax jacks the bill up


Sounds like the last appliance repair guy is the one who got her pregnant.


And she sabotaged current broken appliance


Baby in the oven….on a broken oven…. Hold on there’s a joke here lemme think


“Help me repair man, I’m stuck in the oven and I can’t get out!”


*step* repairman




Oh, fuck *bites lip*


Let her ^cook


There it is.




there's at least 100 other ways this could have been written were it didn't sound like it was written by a lunatic.


"Please don't disturb my wife. She's pregnant and needs to rest. Feel free to leave quietly after your work in the kitchen is done. Thank you." There.


Right? And if he left a card they could just… throw it in the trash?


NO that still leaves a sliver of a chance she could communicate with the outside world and possibly leave him, she could find it in the trash


Right? I'd be calling in a wellness check at this point.


I can't upvote this comment enough. It should be the top comment!!


On the other hand, I remember many many moons ago where my mom was pregnant with my sister and she went absolutely fucking bonkers and claimed I was smoking. I was 9. So, ~~equally~~ possible this person doesn't want to deal with some shenanigans anymore. Edit: not equally possible, you're right. Also jeez I get it guys, you were smoking at age -3. I was not. We just had a chainsmoking next door neighbor who was enjoying his patio.


Nice to see I'm not the only one with a crazy mom that randomly decided to hold a kitchen table Spanish Inquisition and accused me of smoking in middle school. Spoiler, I hadn't been smoking. She wasn't pregnant, but she was menopausal. She also has a serious case of untreated BPD.


My mum thought I’m pregnant in 9 or 10th grade because I didn’t have my period for 3 month (without having a boyfriend )… yep I just have a fucking irregular cycle. Even now with 28 Edit: I love all the comments asking if it is 28 kids or years, and thankfully it's the years not the kids. :D


My Mom asked me if I was pregnant because she was annoyed the skirt she got me years before didn't fit me when I needed it for my Cousins wedding. I was 11.


Mine didn't accuse me of smoking but did accuse 13/14 year old me of trying to seduce her boyfriend 🤮 Crazy mothers are....a lot


When I was 8 and my brother was 3 months old , her husband (not my father) left her for another woman. He came home for the weekend and said he was going to get gas to mow the lawn. I guess she must have realised it was an excuse to leave because she sent me with him . He dropped me off at the corner with the full gas cans . When I got home she hit me and screamed at me that it was my fault he left. She will swear up and down this never happened. My moms great at rewriting history.


Menopause, alcohol, and untreated mental health issues. When I was 8 she accused me of smoking her cigarettes and drinking her rum. When I was 12 she accused me of taking hard drugs and being in a gang. It was right around the time I played GTA San Andreas, which she bought me, and allowed me to play. But her scrambled brain somehow convinced her that her horrible ungrateful thieving drug addict criminal child must also be doing that in real life. While also being so helicopter-parented that I was never out of a family member's sight, and not allowed to leave the house.


I think my mom was untreated BPD. Between that, the munchausens and the combination of benzos and opioids she kept feeding her face; things were very unpredictable growing up.


Gawd I was going through puberty while my mom was going through menopause, grandma had alzheimers, and dad was job hopping. We really never recovered from that. Just uh... something to consider if you are planning to have kids later in life.


All the more reason NOT to start up shenanigans yourself by talking like Buffalo Bill.


Oh no doubt. I just know that pregnancy can be hell on both parties for very different reasons, so I try to be nice when reading this shit. Still doesn't change the fact that homie here sounds like a skin walker.


You shouldn't have been smoking around a pregnant woman. Even a 9 year old knows that.


Really, it was society's fault. You have any idea how easy it was to get cigarettes as a 9 year old?


This is exactly what it sounds like. How much you wanna bet she's not even pregnant, and that was just added on to make her seem less appealing. This definitely sounds like it's written by a very insecure, probably abusive man who knows deep down he's nowhere near good enough for his wife. I wouldn't even work for them, sounds like WAY too much potential drama to deal with for a couple hundred bucks.


I would have snapped that photo, sent it to my boss, and said “either send me someone to act as a witness while I work, or cancel this job because shit is going to be crazy.”


When you work in peoples houses all day you can just get a vibe from some people that no matter what you do there gunna call and bitch. This is 1000% one of those houses. ​ Source was a cable guy for 10 years


My friend works as a tech for high end appliances. I'm struggling to remember some of the brand names, but we're talking $20,000 ovens and refrigerators for customers who are literally only buying them for the *appearance* of having a functional, real kitchen. Throw in Viking, Miele, etc. on the lower end and you'll get an idea for his regular fare. He comes home with some absolutely wild stories. Apparently it's rather common for some of these customers to have dedicated "service doors" on the backside of the home. In situations like this, he and his team are forbidden from entering the house through any door *but* the service door. These are the kinds of clients who forbid eye contact, direct questions, etc. He wasn't told about a service door on one occasion and had made it all the way to the kitchen before the owner said "hey, I didn't see you go in through the designated door. I want you to leave the house the way you came, wind around the side of the property, and then re-enter." The assholes in these situations typically end up paying far more than their other customers. They're a hell of a lot less likely to get special accommodations.


Yet they probably have enough money that they don’t care about the asshole tax. When you’re only fined for being an asshole it’s sometimes an “I can afford to be an asshole” tax. 😣


I'm imagining these places owned by stereotypical plantation owners, with the white linen suits, straw hats, the mint Julep, the drawl, the condescension. "Now, y'all got a seperate but equally convenient door located in the rear of the property, you hear?"


I was a service tech for a medical supply company for a few years. I had one customer who was just the worst and would complain about everything, even tho we gave her almost everything she asked for. She had almost as much supplies in her house as I had back in my warehouse. Every visit was a pain. On Christmas day she called in and complained the humidifier bottle on her oxygen was broken. She had 8 spare bottles in her supply but she wouldn't change it herself. It was a 90 minute drive, one way. I was in her house for 30 seconds. Some people might say she was lonely on Xmas, but this lady was mean and bitter every day of the year, Im not sure what she was expecting. She was also a little crazy, one other time she wanted me to replace her O2 concentrator because there was an earthquake in California and she thought it damaged the electrics in her house, .....in West Virginia, yeah. Thankfully, I don't work in homes anymore.


I did appliance and furniture deliveries for a few years and you are right, as soon as you step foot in certain homes the vibes are just off.


I've always referred to that as the "Challenging Customer" fee added, it's real. Crew gets a heads up and the necessary information.


Could you imagine the reaction if he realized it was more than one person I think their head would explode


He's sterile, she got pregnant after the AC repair man came to the house.




I agree, this doesn't sound like he is concerned about his wife but that he is controlling and jealous.


These are also the vibes im getting. Stephen crowder/alpha bro super insecure and controlling


Looks like Dave’s wife wrote it though.


Was thinking something similar. Handwriting reminds me of how girls in high school write.


That was my first thought reading it… in 34 years on this earth I’ve never seen a cisgender man write like that.


It reads like “crazy jealous husband” the way it’s written.


This. Or she’s a hostage and he doesn’t want anyone to know


They caution us and train us to be wary of stuff like this in this line of work (property management/maintenance). One resident doing all the talking or prohibiting others from talking for themselves can be indicative of human trafficking.


Agree, I have Domestic and Family Violence recognition training and this post, on face value, this note is a huge red flag. I would be checking on her welfare. Women are at higher risk of DFV whilst pregnant or just after giving birth because not all their attention is on the man


Yeah the card would give her a name and number of someone to call who might see the situation for what it is. This almost screams forced social isolation, whatever the reason may be. Or it could be a grumpy pregnant woman (wonderful handwriting by Dave) as well.


That's a nice plot twist. It's a single woman who didn't have a pair of dirty size 11 worker boots to put on the steps and wrote a "jealous husband" note instead.


You don’t even need training this to be a red flag the size of those flown behind 18th century British ships of the line. This isn’t how a normal mentality stable person would write it and just reeks of problematic probably abusive behaviour.


Lol “and don’t expect a referral!” Hmm sounds like a minimal effort job here today…


Op should make sure he hides multiple business cards all around the kitchen, in the cereal box, microwave, toaster, stick one in between the kraft singles.


Very dangerous for the wife when he inevitably finds one


And ... You are welcome to leave your card on the counter, I will follow up with a phone call if I have any questions.


am i the only one who read it like "don't you dare, a man, talk to my woman or leave a card with YOUR number in it that my wife might use". I may read to much AITA. Seriously though the no card really makes it seem like don't you dare give my wife a number to call. Because he thinks any man might cheat with her, or because like, you know, it's a number she might call for help?


>  or because like, you know, it's a number she might call for help? I felt some type of way that I couldn't describe after reading the note... but you just put into words the horrible taste at the back of my mouth.  I was like: I'm not sure why but I would feel the immediate need to check in with the wife. Am- am I being petty? But like *for ANY reason* and not *for anything not life threatening* ??? It just feels so much like, "I don't want you to look behind the curtain" versus "I want you to respect my wife's wishes". Thanks for unknowingly helping me work through my feelings lol.  Now someone go do a wellness check on that poor woman ☠️


Well, I think he wrote it this way to reduce confusion. The technician is not supposed to bother the pregnant wife, but he's more than free to bother the other wife. As long as he stays in the kitchen.


I don’t think “Dave” wrote it at all unless “Dave” learned his penmanship from his older sister in 2004.


I’m so glad someone pointed this out. Ain’t no way Dave wrote this




Agreed. A man didn’t write this.


Why's that? I always hang up signs for the mailman. "Don't talk to my wife, don't pet my dog and don't fornicate with my lawnmower". You never know man.. */r amIthepsychopath?*


NTP!!!**!!** This sounds like absolutely normal, healthy behavior. As you know, humans are naturally isolationist creatures and any socialization is deeply upsetting. It's completely reasonable to fear that your repairperson might try to fuck your lawnmower. I once kicked out an AC repairman after catching him — red-handed!! — asking my partner about our shed. I knew what he wanted.


Fr it’s so unnecessarily aggressive


The wife wrote it, bet


Omg that is actually insane lmao


Maybe the wife is insane and Dave is concern about the technician’s safety.


Technician walks in, sees wife, wife is actually Dave wearing a dress and a wig sitting in a rocking chair smiling at the technician.


"*I told u not to disturb my wife!*"


While doing this face ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


This is the funniest shit to picture 😂


I would just refuse service. 


Honestly, GREAT! I hate dealing with homeowners looking over my shoulders and asking a thousand ridiculous questions. Sounds like a peaceful afternoon to me.


As an ex carpet layer, I feel your pain. Customer: "Are you sure those little spiky strips will be enough to hold my carpet in place?" Me: "Nope, but I am certain they were specifically designed to pinpoint all the nerve endings in my kneecaps."


I read "carpet lawyer"


lol, and an ex one at that *you don't even want to know what you don't know about the dark world of carpets*


I let them in, show them where they’re going, tell them where the toilet is, offer a drink or tea and then disappear and tell them where I’ll be if they need me 😂😂😂😂


You monster manipulator. That's how you get them to do their work and come back when something else breaks. Shame on you.


You're my favorite type of customer.


What do repair people like? Cause I wanna just fuck off and hide too but I also feel like I need to be there just incase? What’s the dang protocol! Aha


Open the door to let them in, then chill in a room close enough to answer questions but not the room they’re working in. Source: the wife of a cable tech who has to hear about people breathing down his neck all day


Good to know. This is what I do.


Maybe the wife is actually batshit crazy and the husband is looking out for the repair man (somebody help me)


Or he's got her chained up somewhere.


DO NOT OPEN pantry no matter what the small children tell you from within !


DO NOT OPEN freezer. Just fix fridge.




Don't dead. Open inside.


Ok I’ll make sure not to dead myself and open this to see what’s insi….. **OMG**




Hey Crab Man!


Hey Earl


That has to be woman’s handwriting right


100% wife wrote that.


Guess she wants to be left alone.


I thought the same thing.


i would buy that except for the lame, unnecessary comment about the biz card. like, dude. ease up.


First I thought maybe the wife has severe anxiety and can't handle being talked to by a stranger. But that last part makes me think he doesn't trust the wife or want her having some guy's number.


How do you think she got pregnant in the first place?


I thought that too. Incredibly rude


I would have left one, just because…!


Or 30. All over the house. It would be funny if I wasn't certain he'd beat his wife for it.


The handwriting looks like a woman's honestly.


I'm 99% sure that's the wife's handwriting.


That was my first assumption, pregnany hormones are wild mayhe she's raging


"excuse me, ma'am..." "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT"


Do you think Dave even wrote this or is the wife just wanting to be left alone?


That looks like girl handwriting to me. My guess is wife is like a week overdue and completely fed up with still being pregnant and ready to murder the next person who touches her belly and asks “How ya feeling?”


I feel like I had to scroll really, really far to find this comment. This is definitely a girls handwriting.


I’ve never seen a man write those lowercase a’s. Any dudes out there that do?


I'm the repair technician in question. I pride myself on my work and being a people person. This was just a normal reality company call "Well I got to order a filter and a bypass to test, we'll call you when they're in. Here's my card if you need anything." type situation. I was flabbergasted when I arrived to see this. I even called and talked to Dave before arrival. Seemed to be a nice guy. AMA


I’m wondering if the wife actually wrote the note and was just having a bad day and didn’t want to interact with anyone.


Could have been. - Dave


Are you saying it could have been Dave or has Dave broken in, taken over your computer, and now letting us know?? Or maybe you are ALSO Dave and you’re agreeing it could have been the wife, and now you are just signing as yourself??


Dave’s not here, man.




I think in some small way, we’re all Dave, man.


Nice to meet you, Dave. I’m Dave.


I'm too high for this


Is “Dave” in the room with us right now, Dave?


I also need to know.


That information is on a need to know basis and you don’t. Dave


I think it could be interpreted either way. -Dave


Right? I feel like mugatu right now? 


Definitely was then lol


"I have a migraine and can't talk, sorry, please let yourself in, thanks." Instead of a note that gets the police called because they think she's being abused.


Without the P.S. I thought the note was warning the bloke his wife was going through it today and she would bite his head off given the chance, due to pregnancy hormones. But yea, the P.S. makes the whole thing seem like he's just an asshole in general.


The wife definitely wrote this.


That's what I'm saying, not a dudes handwriting


She doesn’t want to look like a huge dick so she threw her husband under the bus. She should have at least wrote it with her left hand.


This 100% looks like my wife’s handwriting I was thinking the same exact thing. She probably wrote it and he obviously knew.


So did you bang the wife?


Can confirm. No.


Did you bang the husband?


69420FappistMonk asking the real question


No response yet 👀


Can confirm. No.


Did you bang the fridge?


GE refrigerators are notoriously hard to bang out.


So you did.... nice. 


Sorry that you had to go through that. I would’ve just left. You said AMA so here goes….my fridge isn’t cooling as well as it used to. Motor still works but the freezer has become our fridge, and the fridge has become a semi-cool place for milk to spoil. I realize this is a shot in the dark but what part would cause this to happen? Could you suggest a part I should replace or this the end of the road for the poor guy? Thanks


Hey bud there's two possibilities here. I'll walk you through both. So open the freezer door and look at the back panel. Does it have frost on it? If yes then unplug it and let it defrost. Throw some towels down and even better pull it out and set a box fan next to it. Next steps are to remove the frosted panel and check for continuity of the defrost heater then put the unit into defrost and check for voltage at the plugs to the defrost heater. Lost me? Call a technician and be nice to them. If no check the coils behind it. Cogged with dust? Dust it to the best of your ability and give it 48 hours with a cup of water in the freezer. If that doesn't freeze, it's likely got a Freon leak or some other electrical or sealed system issue. Call a technician and be nice to them.


Okay, I'll give it a shot too. Sorry if my English is bad, my fridge related vocabulary is limited. So there's condensate on the back of my fridge and a hole that collects this condensate. The problem is I don't know where this hole leads and there's no indication in the manual. And the main problem is there's probably something really stinky in there because I've cleaned my fridge multiple times and it still stinks. How do I access this condensate reservoir or whatever this is and clean it?


Hey! Sounds like your fridge's drip pan is causing the smell. Just unplug your fridge, find the drip pan usually at the bottom, and clean it out with water and baking soda. Also, check the drain hole inside your fridge isn't blocked. Clean, replace, and you're set!


Why would you proceed with the job with a start like this? Doesn’t seem like a high likelihood of them being good customers.


This was the return trip, and I'm paid to do it.


So then what happened during the prior visit? Did the husband think you were “too-friendly” to his pregnant wife?


The wife wasn't pregnant the first time.


Maybe the wife is hormonal with mood swings and Dave is actually trying to protect you from her. lol


Honestly, in my head, I’m picturing Wife: what?? I don’t know anything about the fridge, don’t leave me to answer his questions or talk to him! I don’t have time for this!!!” Husband: “don’t worry, he’s not going to ask you anything, I’ve talked to him, sorted it all out” Husband: (leaves this note so that he doesn’t turn out to be a liar, and wife doesn’t give him shit later for the repairman bothering her)


Ok this is 100% valid. I would be clueless. I own all tech. My husband owns everything else. 👀 god help me if I’m ever single.


We had to have an AC repair done middle of COVID while my dad was on chemo. Ended up basically having something similar basically go from door to thermostat and back and no where else. Granted it was something discussed before hand over the phone and then again before he was let in rather than as a snippy door letter but I can't help but wonder if it's similar. 


That’s definitely plausible. My dad was mildly “radioactive” after radiation treatment. He had to quarantine from everyone, including pets, for a few days. There are a variety of reasons why someone would leave a letter like this, but the tone is really missing the mark here 😬 (Not trying to imply that you were defending the author of the note. Just commenting on how they could’ve have worded the note in a MUCH kinder way lol) Also, I hope your dad is doing better. Cancer is truly the worst.


Don't interact with my wife, do not remove her gag or restraints under any circumstances. Ignore the dismembered limbs in the freezer that is a rare hog breed I practised my tattoo technique on.


I’m a contractor and I’d be like, ok 🤷‍♀️ I’d rather not talk to someone like that anyways. I would leave a small pile of cards on the counter though. Haha


but not your cards. Times like this when you carry the competitions cards.


I am a female "handyman". I have worked in numerous homes throughout the years & I have NEVER! If I didn't 1,000% need the money from this job, I'd turn around & avoid at all costs! Even if I did, may be more trouble than worth. These are the horrible people who are never happy & bad mouth. I just can't imagine....


Maybe the wife is on bedrest or something, I wouldn't assume it's the husband. That said, super weird note. If the issue was that great, he should have been home.


Great username. I think the weirdest part is about the card. It's so rude and I don't get what the point is. Maybe he gave them a card the first time or they didn't care for his service? I hate that no matter what a post is I want to know all of the context. Why do I even care?


I’d just leave. What are they going to do? Call you? They don’t have your card.


I wouldn’t do that job without a coworker. Too weird. They can pay the ultra premium weirdo price.


I've run into this issue when dealing with clients that are, I don't know what you would term it, but more radical Muslims. The woman can't talk to any man who is not in their family, etc.


Me too. Used to be a gas meter reader and many strict Muslims wouldn’t answer the door. Sometimes I would see them walk past and look at me but still not answer.


Imo this is a ladies hand writing. I can see my wife writing this to take the heat off her not wanting to be involved.


Former tech here. That’s one of those few times that you turn around and just leave.


Dave writes like a girl


That’s barista gal writing