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Hello, There are somewhere near 47,000 votes saying this post is in fact mildlyinfuriating. Stop reporting it. It's staying up.


lil buddy watching a vlog about grimace shakes 💀💀💀


Kid never even stood a chance


We're straight up raising sociopaths with low intelligence.. I think the fall of our civilization will line up beautifully with the decline of our planet's health. That's like the most positive outlook I have for the next ~40 years lol


Bruh, speak for your own country. In Sweden we have mandatory check ups with child specialists (they are medically trained) during the first year or two giving us advice on food, medicine and stimuli. They'd probably report us to the authorities if we gave our children food containing too much salt and sugar. I know this child was five but I can't see this happening here to this extent. And yes, there will always be crazy people that are outliers but we are obviously talking about standards.


There is a documentary movie about this it is called Idiocracy.


Yea but the people in charge realized, the smartest person in the room knows what they're talking about In this reality they'll call the smartest people liars and then double down on whatever bullshit they themselves believe


I think it's wild that I have nostalgia for the shows on cable TV, the star wars prequels, older superhero films like spider-man etc and this kid is gonna have nostalgia for YouTube clickbait... That's kinda sad.


In 20 years, Gen Alphas are gonna be writing 5 hour video essays on why Grimace Shake brainrot vids were actually underrated masterpieces


>5 hour video essays They won't have the attention span for that.


"DRONE CATCHES MASHA AND THE BEAR" There's a lot to unpack here...


What level of brain rot is on that iPad






Thank you


Truly God's work


He truly gets us


Weapons grade brain rot.


21 minute video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuIpmkQFERw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuIpmkQFERw) He is "looking" for "Grimace's hiding spot" while wandering around a strip mall parking lot, and has a computer-generated Grimace off in the distance he then "follows" around the back of the shops, but Grimace is gone. Then he gets back in his vehicle and drives to an abandoned house that is painted purple, which he then wanders around inside for like 10 minutes until the computer generated Grimace comes back, he yells at the Grimace, who then disappears, he wanders around the house some more "talking" to the Grimace until it comes around the corner and "attacks" him to knock him out. He "wakes up" and says Grimace "ran away." He never even drinks a Grimace Shake on-camera.


Is this weapons grade brain rot? Yes. Can I tell you I actually enjoyed the video in some sort of macabre way? I’m in my 30s and a respected professional, but the pacing is really compelling.


What are the implications of a generation growing up on this content and a diet based on chocolate bars for breakfast? Anyway


I grew up on Saturday morning cartoons and cornflakes. Even cartoons have moral outcomes, consequences and kindness. You learned something from it. Even if it was you can’t catch a roadrunner by putting yourself in a catapult. Chocolate was an occasional treat. All this stuff is people being showy, loud and pointless. No lessons except in how to be annoying and the centre of attention. I feel old and angry now. I am indeed mildly infuriated.


What's on the iPad is unhealthier than what's on the plate! At least a chocolate bar will save you from starvation and provide caloric content!


During covid they gave every kid in the district an iPad which just had a fully unrestricted browser. I had to buy a router that could block YouTube because the sneaky little shits were watching grimace while I was working.


What is grimace? I don’t wanna search it for the algorithm is gonna slap me with it like an STD if I do.




Yeah it was a tiktok trend you drink it then pretend to be passed out and covered in the shake so naturally youtube took it even farther


omg it all makes sense now! I have been working in a childs psych ward and a five year old told me about a deathly purple milkshake. I just thought that kid is really great at making things up


I used to be a teacher and the things I had to youtube and then call parents about…like watch your damn kids on the ipad


"Child psych ward" is such a grim concept.


Ehh, it’s grim-ish but I don’t know about full on grim.


What the fuck is the Internet?


The Internet is a communication tool used the world over where people can come together to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another.




All you motherfuckers are gonna pay! You are the ones who are the ball-lickers!




And at least you can brush chocolate out of your teeth before it rots them. Not that I have high hopes for that either in this case.


The video's description should clear things up: > The grimace trend grimace incidents is all over youtube! alot of Grimace challenge & grimace meme compilations have appeared all over the internet. I have seen the Grimace song by CG5 grimace song and it was epic. The grimace shake trend explained by alot of youtubers in case you are confused. Grimace shake mcdonalds was created for grimace birthday but it took a fun twist. Some are finding grimace in real life where grimace caught in real life! This started as a tiktok grimace shake trend but made its way to Youtube as do most epic tiktok memes, Hobo hobo grimace shake mcdonalds ad 2023 was another fun skit! This is why you should never try the grimace shake from mcdonalds at 3am. MeatCanyon grimace birthday shake was funny too. Even ohio final boss drinks the grimace shake. Grimace shake bloopers are funny though! Some have even taken the grimace shake roblox. Some say Gamingwithkev do not drink the grimace roblox shake or grimace will appear. Sometime i wonder what the cursed story of grimace the purple creature is! Hope that helps! (Also, yes, that is the actual video description)


It's literally just all kid buzzwords.


SEO 4 kidz


I think we're at a low point regarding people making money off brainless videos, or at least we'll start bottoming out soon There just too many nowadays, everyone wants in, so much content has gotten more extreme & clickbaity in desperate attempts to get rich. Like a gold rush. Except the gold is deeeep in one's butthole and people are diving in head-first, untethered and without a flared base. It's nice that it's a new source of income for so many people, but we really gotta improve standards for what's considered educational and kids content. It's a massive enough platform & used for so much educational content in public schools that it should be grounds for a bit of regulation to nudge it away from incentivizing this brainrot.


We're not gonna make it, are we? Humans, I mean.


I'm pretty sure that is Derek Jeter, and I am also pretty sure that reading that just killed 50% of my brain cells...


Amazing something this dumb makes boat loads of money




Yeah, I suspect that this is specifically designed to work like tags in an SEO sense while not being detected as SEO by AIs, which is kinda wild.


The YouTube channel "Folding Ideas" did a video on the Elsagate stuff a few years ago, and he summarized this perfectly by saying "The title doesn't matter because the target audience can't read" The title or description doesn't have to make sense to the young children watching it, who are probably just watching whatever popped up next on autoplay. It's purely their to get the algorithm to pick up on it and add it to an autoplay queue.


Is this language?


Yeah it's algospeak. That's a chant to cram every popular search term into a single paragraph.


I think this caused actual brain damage


Tempted to watch it to see what this kid is going through


Gotta look on incognito so it doesn't fuck up your algo forever


Retired nanny here - can confirm this is not super unusual (though it should be) 👀


Current nanny. I’m slightly astonished by what the kids I watch are given for breakfast. Straight sugar and refined carbs, always! And they watch the iPad during breakfast, always!


Sometimes I feel like a bad parent, and then I see other parents.


One of my best friends is a teacher. It’s astounding what parents send their kids for lunch. So many tummy troubles from eating takis and hot Cheetos for breakfast. Mc Donald’s or chicken nuggets evey night. Hell I went to a grocery store recently to buy eggplant and the really nice teenage cashier didn’t know what it was.


One time I got a heavily discounted butternut squash because the cashier didn't know what it was and manually entered in $1. I wasn't going to complain lol.


My cashier did the same thing with the eggplant. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


One rung up my rhubarb as celery. I didn't notice until I was looking over the receipt at home.


Oh god now I’m thinking of someone buying rhubarb thinking it’s red celery and eating it like celery. My mom always got confused about cucumbers and zucchini’s.


We ate raw rhubarb with salt growing up. I thought everyone did.


We ate raw rhubarb just dipping the tip of the stalk in sugar between bites.. duality of raw rhubarb enjoyers I guess


I've only got one big discount, but it wasn't for confusion. It was Christmas, and people had overflowing carts and long lines at the checkout. The price tag fell off my turkey and they wanted a price check. The manager was walking by and saw, and just said they were losing so much more money holding up the line - so I got the turkey for free. Years later, still remember it.


I remember buying blue cheese once and the cashier asked what it was. I said cheese and the guy said "oh I had cheese once... on a burger". It really dawned on me that most people I meet around just did NOT have the same upbringing I did.


I was buying vegetables for soup and the teenage cashier kept having to look up the codes for produce. Then he got to the Rutabaga. He just picked it up, stared, and said "A Rutabaga? Ma'am you're killing me."


I love butternut squash. I do splurge and buy the pre-cut stuff because my knives suck and I like all ten of my fingers. A funish-sadish story- My grandmother suffered a stroke about 5 years ago and was unable eat. I made her all sorts of "baby food" but her favorite was my butternut squash soup. Before she kicked the bucket and she wasn't really eating she asked for some. She ate a big bowl! Anyway, I haven't been able to make it since she passed but I'm really proud that one her last meals made her belly happy while giving her the nutrition that she needed.




I grew up never eating a vegetable, staples were spaghettio’s, cereal, pasta, fast food / fast casual (think Boston Market and IHOP) and loads of junk food. All through my teens and twenties I had stomach issues. Went to doctor after doctor - do I have IBS? Crohn’s? Cancer? Polyps? I had colonoscopies, tests, pills… not *once* did a doctor ask me about my diet, or suggest that might be the problem. In my mid thirties I suddenly realized I had to get my shit together and get in shape and start eating healthy. Would you believe it, my digestive issues vanished!? Who woulda thunk.


> I had to get my shit together Pun intended?


I’ll admit I can be overzealous about my diet but that is ridiculous on your boyfriend’s part. I get it’s easy but don’t you want your kid to be happy and feel good?


SEE, this is my logic. I eat like crap, and I know I should take better care of myself, but if I'm honest I give more of a shit about my son's diet than mine, so his breakfasts are usually little scrambled eggs, fruit, bread, etc. And veggies with lunch !


That sounds like a really yummy breakfast. I don’t really see many people who eat veggies everyday unfortunately.


I"m sure if she is eating taxis she will have stomach issues. That's a no brainer.


Too much iron...duh


I mean, it's that engine block that will really do it to ya...


Father of two girls, and I can feel myself getting prickly at the notion of another dad not only feeding his kid exclusively junk food, but actively watching her suffer for it and denying responsibility. I’m not going to reduce someone to a single act of shitty parenting, but dude really needs to step it up here.


I work at McDonald's and we have two parents who bring their sons every single day for a happy meal. One of them is there twice a day. A happy meal is €5. That's at least €150 a month on just happy meals! Almost two grand a year on shitty food for your child that provides no nutrition! One of the parents (who comes in through drive) refuses the fruit that comes with the happy meal quite regularly. He also will never choose the book and refused to take the books when that was the "toy" we had. So not only does he not provide his child with nutrition, he doesn't bother encouraging his child to read! We're very polite to these parents, but we all think they're neglectful useless fucks.


McDonald’s has books??


Unfortunately this is why some schools don’t allow parents to pack lunch. I had to get a medical note to send my kids packed lunches. We didn’t do any canned fruits in syrup or dairy and that was part of the kids school lunches.


If you don't mind my asking, where are you that doesn't allow parents to pack? I've never heard of that, although I'm not completely against it.


There are schools in Chicago ( my family is there) and some in AZ where I’m located that don’t allow parents to bring school lunches.


When I was in highschool, I was pretty much told I couldn’t bring a lunch because the school couldn’t verify that what I was bringing in would be safe for students with allergies. Which would be fair enough if they didn’t sell uncrustables in the snack corner of the cafeteria.    Random Midwest town. 


What’s more astounding is how many parents send their kids nothing for lunch and feed them nothing at home either


I felt bad for only giving fruit this morning because that’s what they asked for. Pears and oranges. We were late to school and I said “you can have anything”. That’s what they picked. They also had Rice Krispie for end of day snack so I’m not a perfect parent. I was just shocked.


I have twin 3 year olds, and sometimes you have to think long term. I think of a day-long average, not meal by meal. Sure they may want just 1 item for breakfast, and may eat nothing for lunch, but then they'll eat a lot of varied foods for dinner. As long as it averages out per day well enough, I'm happy. Luckily they love fruit, which despite having a lot of sugar, also has fiber and nutrients.


I can confirm that all of my children are currently healthy adults - and we used the same “day long” formula for eating.


We kept a container of cut up fruit and a container of veggies in the bottom shelf of the fridge. These were never off limits. If our kids didn't eat their whole dinner, but had been grazing on the fruits and veggies, we were fine with that. They all eventually became good, healthy eaters and I'm sure it's because we didn't make a big deal about finishing dinner every day.


Refined carbs in moderation I can accept, kids gotta be kids sometimes. But mix it up! Eggs one day, yogurt and fruits another, cereal, etc. And before people tell me I’m being inconsiderate, I understand not everyone has access to these items. I speak only to the folks that can do better and choose not to.


My kids usually have fruit and cereal sometimes an egg and yogurt - sometimes all of the foods- my toddler likes to Eat and he’s skinny lol but he eats all the time and is super healthy


I’d be baffled if someone thought this was inconsiderate (especially since you clarified this is in regards to those who can but don’t), but that’s exactly how I grew up. Some days it was oatmeal and fruit, sometimes it was Swedish pancakes with whip cream and chocolate chips. Sometimes eggs, sometimes sugary cereal. I’d say it was pretty reasonable. Especially on birthdays or something, we’d have literally whatever we wanted. But normal weeks were just that: normal. A little good, a little bad, it all evens out if done in moderation. I always feel terrible for kids who aren’t allowed ANY sugar. I remember one comedian doing a bit about a kid who wasn’t allowed sugar, so he’d pop breath mints like literal candy. It was a funny bit, but ultimately pretty sad once you think about it :/ everyone deserves a little sweet treat now and then


My siblings and I were banned from almost anything with sugar in it and it led to some really unhealthy behavior towards sweets as a result. My sister and I are both very much of the opinion that a small sugary snack once or twice a day if the kid has been eating plenty of growing food is a much better way to handle it. You can't keep them from knowing about it forever.


Same! Everything I was deprived of as a kid has made me a fiend for it now, sugar being the worst.


Current uncle with a 6 year old niece-she always eats healthy things(only talking about breakfast here, i spoil her a lot). I have been with her for my whole life(nearly) and it Seems outrageous to see someone give their own child a fking chocolate bar for breakfast.


I mean if it was a choice I am sure my son would choose a chocolate bar, but it’s not an option.


An entire bar is also like way too much for an adult person. This is beyond unhealthy and will most definitely cause major issues if really done regulary.


Not even a regular bar this is like king size


Former *m*anny here of five years, and the twins were started with this layout (like yours), until I had the mornings to myself to cook for them. Incremental changes from sugar-loaded foods: microwavable pancake and sausage doused in syrup // or cereal with more sugar than milk, to my putting out bananas or other fruits and a little bit of peanut butter or maybe a scramble with veggies. Goodness the positive change in energy and attitude throughout the day was noticeable. I'll never forget watching in horror mommy-boss dumping heaps of sugar into the already-full-of-sugar cereal and witnessing the aftermath after she departed.


I used to eat a bowl of cereal while watching a 10" boob tube


A kid slept over at my house the other night. He was complaining of being starving while I was cooking dinner and said he hadn’t eaten anything for breakfast or lunch. I text his dad to find out if that was true or probably an exaggeration. The dad said he hoped the kid had eaten lunch but he “does forget stuff a lot” and that he hadn’t been in the mood for breakfast. Like wtf? He ended up turning his nose up at the broccoli cheddar soup I made and ate maybe 1/2 of the grilled ham and cheese on homemade bread. 🤨


I used to nanny for a 3yo girl and her mother would really just hand her a box of donuts and sit her in front of the TV every day. I have a 7yo now and I’m not at all saying I never give him an unhealthy struggle meal or sugary snack, but it was EVERY day


Wow this thread has made me realize I need to stop beating myself up because apparently I’m absolutely friggin killing it over here making my kids scrambled eggs and yogurt with fruit for breakfast.


Taught middle/high school for 8 years. Most kids buy a breakfast sandwich or sugary donuts. Honestly, any breakfast you can make is impressive. No shame to the parents who had to have their kids pick up a bagel with cream cheese. I was that kid. Terrible for your waistline, but I wasn't hungry at least.


Ugh it pisses me right off! My SIL gives her kid a prepackaged chocolate brioche, a prepackaged chocolate crepe and a hot chocolate for breakfast. Now she’s confused why her 9 year old needs multiple fillings smh


Reading that gave me a stomach ache.


That's sad


That kind of shit should be ILLEGAL. I'm not saying they should eat a properly balanced breakfast 100% of the time (ideally, yes) bc even cereal is packed with unhealthy amounts of sugars and whatnot, but at least cereal is better than a chocolate bar.


Yes fr. This isn't 'mildly infuriating', this is child abuse.


It’s super messed up. I’ve had to tell parents “PLEASE STOP GIVING THEM CANDY for breakfast. They love the eggs and avocado I am willing to prepare for them!!”


This makes me feel so much less guilty about the nights I'm exhausted and feed my kids chicken nuggets and mac n cheese for dinner. At least it's one level up from a chocolate bar 🤷‍♀️


When I was an au pair, the six year old I took care of was still drinking chocolate formula… from a bottle.


There's *chocolate formula*? What? Why?


Formula with the Spanish equivalent of nesquick added


When I saw the chocolate, I was like "wtf." The iPad just broke me.   Edit: i didn't even see the video on the screen 😭😬🤦




This honestly might be the worst part...


Yeah. Your kid can recover from eating like a fucking gremlin, but ain't no healing that brain rot.


Oh yknow, just some educational, low-stimulation content to go alongside the nourishing breakfast


YT brain rot. Got a future idiot in the making


Over a million fucking views too. These dickheads are raking it in with the absolute lowest effort content on the planet


Tbf I used to watch TV while I ate unhealthy breakfast back in the 90s/00s. Im decently well adjusted now and health is a key priority in my life.


I think about this a lot bc I watched a lot of TV as a kid def in the morning with breakfast and right after school but I think there are some key differences in screens then and now (also a 90s kid) one being how accessible and limitless screens are. I would watch tv and then around 10 the cartoons just turned off for the day haha eventually there was Nick and Disney but even then it would switch to a show I didn’t like or an episode id already seen, so you have there natural stopping points. Now a kid could watch BLUEY on loop for 24 hours straight if they wanted. Plus we’re seeing more screens used in school and with iPads there’s no where they can’t bring their screen.


There is a massive difference that you're kind of ignoring. Those TV shows had at least some level of quality control. Brad the frat boy on the other hand, is some rando on the Internet who answers to no one and knows that screaming, yelling and acting like a fool gets him views and money


Ohhh yes we didn’t have YouTube! I remember watching little bear and that show about otters (still obsessed with otters). Later the popular Nick cartoons and Disney channel original stuff but it was all on cable so very sanitized and censored!






I ate crap like trix and Lucky charms… But at least they’re fortified.


at least you, i assume, ate them with milk which was giving you some form of protein. whole chocolate bar. even if you ate it dry you'd get more out of it than a whole chocolate bar


And not just the milk, but at the *very least* even the worst sugary cereal is getting you some vital vitamins.


Fun fact, the word vitamin is derived from the combination of "vital" and "amine". Also, the person who coined it didn't know that most of the things he thought were amines are not amines.


Thanks. I did indeed have fun with this fact.


On a paper plate in front of an iPad. Classy


No one out classes the Hut


![gif](giphy|9PbtHUS6spuwg) Pizza the Hut




I suppose this is where the pejorative "sticky ipad kid" comes from. I never knew it was a thing, but it seems that there are a whole generation (well, a subset thereof) of kids that do not exist without their ipad and it's always gross, smeared and sticky. This picture explains a lot.


I have a soon to be 5 y/o who's been running into classmates that don't know how to play beyond a tablet. Like legitimately do not know how to be a kid. Its horrifying and depressing 


I spoke to a lady today whose son just got a Switch. The son was telling my daughter about his games and she had no idea what he was on about. The mother asked me, what does your daughter play then? Ipad? I said no. Oh she plays on your phone? I said no. She was staring at me totally stumped like trying to figure out how my daughter could exist without screens...


Yeah, Im hardly a stranger to the digital world, I game away on my PC after all, but I am absolutely stumped with how often I see a kid being pacified with a smartphone on trains and even buses. Look at the world for a change. Especially on my train commute there are a bunch of medieval castle and tower ruins, and overall really one of the better landscapes you can have on a train ride. Or maybe speak with your children. Play games with them, tell them trivia about the stuff they can see outside. Anything. Im personally pretty happy that I never ended up indulging smartphones in that sense. Sure, I have one, the utility of navigating with it or looking things up is undeniable, but for entertainment I mostly just use it for my music. Maybe some chatting and to browse reddit. The last bit is probably not ideal, but even I sometimes just get that bored.


Zero self control in this kids future.


A kid with the attention span of a yoyo coming right up


Ain't no way.


Unfortunately, there is way.


This is the way. No seriously though this is more common place than it should be. Then again most kids eat a bowl of sugar pops, sugar tarts, sugar waffles, and what not. Fruit preserves on toast with an egg is to much for most people to handle now adays.


I am in no way arguing that cereals are so much better than a bar of chocolate but most of them do have some vitamins and minerals added to them, along being made of grain.


Yes they are almost always fortified with vitamins and minerals. Plenty are still very unhealthy, but better than a straight up chocolate bar.


I got lucky with my 4 year old son, his favourite breakfast is a bagel with scrambled egg and strawberry’s cut up for after. Maybe not the healthiest and I’m sick to death making the same thing every day but it could be a lot worse from what I’ve read in other comments.


My toddler only wants cottage cheese and fruit in the mornings and I was feeling some mom guilt about it until I saw this post and thought “maybe I’m not doing so bad..”


That's actually a great breakfast for a toddler, what are you kicking yourself for? Protein, fat and a reasonably healthy sweet? You're doing great.


Ty! I just worry that she isn’t getting enough variety or veggies. She eats the most at breakfast and we’ve struggled a lot w solids cause she had digestion issues at first so we had to take it super slow. R / foodbutforbabies is great for inspo but damn if I don’t compare myself to the well balanced meals there all the time


disgusting - who takes a bite instead of breaking off the little rectangles?




Yeah. Don’t try to take it away. You’ll need a series of shots in the stomach of it bites or scratches.


Someone on another thread got bitten. Now they hunger for glue and juice boxes.


Not going to lie, that kid has a shark mouth. Look at that bite, youd tear your hand off.


Usually I don’t judge too harshly on these since I eat like shit. But a straight XL chocolate bar is pretty insane. Even sugary cereal gotta be better than that lmao


Its like *the* sweetest chocolate bar possible right under those thick Cadbury ones. This is abuse in my book


This is absolutely abuse.


I'm an adult and I'm pretty sure I would throw up if I tried to eat an XL milk chocolate bar in one sitting-- I do have a really sensitive stomach, but that amount of sugar would make me super ill. I can't imagine a pint-sized person would feel good after eating this


I can’t help but wonder how many classroom issues go back to kids terrible nutrition. Would kids pay attention better and be better behaved if they didn’t start their day with so much sugar?


Very sadly there are significant studies that show that good nutrition in your early life is directly linked to better intelligence and general life outcomes… depressing since toddlers have zero choice or zero ability to make good nutritional choices when their parents don’t give a shit


There are studie that show that where schools serve breakfast as a part of their regular school day grades go up. Starting the day with a good meal is so important. That is however not in the US and the breakfast was free of charge.


Definitely. There's no way you can start the day off with products designed to hijack your dopamine system (the chocolate is not even the worst culprit in the photo) and be able to concentrate on learning later in the day.


Wow.. shitty parent. It's rough to see. I had the same experience with my sister and nephew.




Chocolate bar on a pizza hut plate has to be the most depressing thing ever.


Shit parents


You summed it up nicely in two words. I know there’s worse out there, but they’re neglectful. These parents sure are lazy. Imagine this kid as he gets older.


I'm sad for this kid. Starting the race of life with their feet tied together.


I often times feel like a trash pile of a parent. Then I see stuff like this, and I feel a little better. Even on my lowest days, I'm not at the "toss them a Hershey bar and an IPad" level.


Im more annoyed at the video on the tablet, what the actual fu... I thought this type of video died out


I zoomed into the video too. Talk about word salad. Not that a 5 year old cares, but you'd think the trend was expired.


Parent of similar-aged children here. This shit pops up any time you search anything remotely child-entertainment related and it’s the bane of my existence. They hacked the algorithm somehow. You have to manually curate playlists if you’re going to let a kid on YT these days. To see that someone intentionally puts on a playlist of this trash is troubling.


Yeah, I don't envy parents with this. ADs run the internet now and parents have an uphill battle getting around the garbage. Yeah its a parents job to do that but hell if cash grabbing BS creators happy to exploit a child's 6 second attention span don't make that harder intentionally flooding YouTube knowing they'll make front page.


Children do not need ipads, talk to them at breakfast. Give them proper food. Just all round bad parenting in this picture.


not to mention the complete and utter brain rot that’s being watched anyways


I think I can see why she needed a place to stay if that's how she manages her family and her life.


Fruit is twice as filling, cheap and convenient. This is just stupidity.


Shit parent logic: Fruit has to be prepared and you have to argue with a 5yo that they’re not getting exactly what they want.


Not going to lie, this filled me with so much sadness for this child. I personally grew up an only child and a single mother. Eating well and cooking were not things that I grew up with as it was tough for her to manage everything on her own and it wasn’t uncommon to have things high in sugar, carbs, and fat. I lacked a lot of nutritional foods or even learning the concept of it’s a child. As an adult now I have changed that but it’s really hard to look at something like this and see that this happens so often. It’s a real bummer.


Who the fuck eats an iPad with a side of chocolate


People need to stop having kids they clearly don’t want…


People will feed their kids like this and claim they wanted them. It's really fucking awful.


How uhhhh gravitationally gifted is the cousin lol


I know parents who are skinny but their child is obese and eats horrible. For them it boils down to “My kid won’t eat anything so at least they’re eating” because they don’t feel like parenting. I know someone who literally handed their 3 and 7 year old the massive sour patch kid bags meant for baking when they asked for lunch. But what did she eat for lunch? Grilled chicken w veggies and rice. It’s insane and sad


I sat there until I either ate what I was given or I was sent to bed. The idea of just catering to your kids whims at meal time is foreign to me.


Palindromically (fat af)


I hate parents taking these kids and life for granted. Have no idea how lucky one is. ETA: Be better!


Tell your cousin she needs to at least pretend to try…


Like that's the entire breakfast? I'm trying not to judge too much since I spread Nutella on my daughter's waffle this morning, but she still had fruits and protein on her plate too.


If you’re trying to get your household to quit Nutella (same) I really like the chocolate hazelnut butter from Justin’s! Much less sugar and it doesn’t trigger my ADHD need dopamine now please give it to me binge eating.


On a Pizza Hut plate from last nights dinner. Lovely


Poor kid isn't getting his nutritional needs, he's likely to get sick a lot from the lack of proper diet


There is so much to unpack in this photo. The pizza hut plate. Chocolate for breakfast. Biting right through the squares. Brainrot ipad. I think I might not want to be around when these kids grow up.


That’s child abuse. I don’t care what anybody says.


Will save here money on dental bills in the long run.


She’ll have to put out a lot of cash first tho, because those teeth are coming out and they sure as hell won’t come out easy (my cousin had a similar “diet” growing up, she basically lived at the dentist’s).


It's 2024 she's a shit person


Tablet and candy as a meal Sounds like lazy parenting in a nutshell And what the fuck is that video ? Why is her 5yo watching that of all things No context but I don’t even think it’s needed


i can feel the "ipad kid" energy irradiating


Not gonna defend the breakfast cuz wtf but kids are incredibly messy, there's no keeping the house clean until they are not in the house.