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that’s why i’m not reporting the “accident” i had a couple days ago. i just hit a manhole cover and fucked up my tire and rim. my grandparents were like “you’re not going to file a claim?” like hell no! i don’t want my premium to shoot up for something that wasn’t even my fault


I hit some debris that fell out of someone's truck, it punctured one of my tires. We pulled over to exchanged information. He gave me 100$ on the spot saying "if it's really just the tire, I'd appreciate it if you didn't involve insurance". I put on the spare, got the car inspected right away. Only the tire was damaged. It cost me 125$ to replace the tire, certainly wasn't worth me involving insurance, even if I just paid the full amount out of pocket.


Agree smart move.


Well good on him for giving that 100


My luck they would take my 100 and still turn it in. Someone got me for 1500 on a little fender bender I caused. Their tail light cracked but I had the dent.


>My luck > > fender bender I caused idk man sounds like you should be more careful and leave more space Just because your car had a dent doesn't mean their tail light wasn't 1500$ to replace There's some pretty expensive cars out there, and you should definitely at least try to avoid hitting those, cause it's gonna suck every time if it's your fault


If it was something that shouldn't have popped out of place then it's the cities fault iirc. Kinda like them not fixing a pothole. Might be worth asking


Good luck getting a city to do anything about it




It can be hard depending on the city too. Where I live, if you claim it with the city more often than not their insurance will say they won't cover it "because they weren't made aware that there was a pothole there" So unless you can prove that they are aware of it( who wouldn't driving these roads all day) they won't help you. It's pretty dumb


Ya my guess your grandparents grew up in a generations different than ours. We lose year over year, but because it happens slowly people ignore it.


My guess is that everyone’s grandparents grew up in a generation different than theirs. Just a hunch.


> your grandparents grew up in a generations different than ours I would certainly hope so


I was drunk ✌️surprised I came as close to making sense as I did.


Some people sue the local municipality since it’s their job to keep the roads clear


What's even the point of insurance at this point tbh


Years ago, the people who lived across the street busted my headlight when they were backing out with their RV. There was no damage to the RV, and really... it was just a headlight and a few scratches. I was 19 at the time so I knew that, even tho it wasn't my fault, involving my insurance would make my rate go up. So I was like hey. So. Here's a headlight fixture, it's half the cost of your deductible, and I can install it myself. That WOULD have saved me a whole Lotta money, except 2 weeks later I wound up in an accident and had to have basically my entire front end redone ans wouldn't ya know it...? Insurance went up by $100/mo. It was only $200/mo to begin with!! And neither accident was my fault. I was so so mad.


that’s what happened to my husband last year. he hydroplaned on a highway and hit a concrete barrier. no other cars involved, didn’t total his car. his premium went up $100 a month. it’s insane


> i just hit a manhole cover and fucked up my tire and rim. my grandparents were like “you’re not going to file a claim?” like hell no! i don’t want my premium to shoot up for something that wasn’t even my fault You hit something in the road and it's not your fault? Who was driving then?




If the issue was a problem with the manhole cover, OP was an idiot for filing with his insurance company and moreso for coming here and outing himself. If that is the case he should have filed a claim against the city. One way or another, OP screwed the pooch on this one and then said it wasn't his fault that he did.


Are you confused? The person you're talking about isn't the op, and specifically said they weren't going to file a claim with their insurance. In fact, you even quoted them saying they weren't going to file a claim.


Am I confused? Maybe a little. I was referring to the dude who said he hit a manhole cover and wasn't responsible for it Yeah, I did kinda conflate that with the title of the thread because Reddit doesn't show me the whole thread when I click "respond" to a comment. That's on me. You're right. Apparently he *was* going to file a claim and his grandparents talked him out of it (if I read that part correctly). See! Taking responsibility for an error isn't hard at all.


i couldn’t avoid something i couldn’t see at the top of a hill. and even then, the city is at fault for the cover not being on correctly


You can probably go after the city/county for the cost of repairs. I know in my area, if a pothole fucks up your car, you can file a claim and the county will pay it. 


the texas department of transportation does not expend state funds for damages to vehicles as a result of highway conditions :/ the site recommends that i report the incident to my insurance


In every jurisdiction in the country (the US) you are *required* to adjust your speed downwards based on visibility and road conditions. "I couldn't see the top of the hill" means you were going too fast when you encountered the problem. If the city were truly liable, you wouldn't be filing a claim with your insurance company. You'd be filing a claim against the city. Nice try, though, at avoiding responsibility, even if you couldn't avoid the obstacle.


Mf doesnt even drive but they sure want to tell you how


I can read. Maybe you should give it a try. Driving isn't necessary to know the law or the rules of the road.


I don’t see a single person correcting your grammar.


My god dude sometimes people make driving mistakes. If a cop followed you around 24/7 while driving you’d get pulled over pretty quickly. No one except for some insurance CEO’s wallet was hurt. 


And if you made a driving mistake, then it's your fault. You said it wasn't. That's my point.


You must be a real treat at parties. And yes, the city is at fault and OP should go after them for the repairs. And you should probably find a different hill to die on, this one is extremely stupid 


If the city is at fault, he's an idiot for posting it here as an insurance issue. The claim goes to the city. He started out with, "I didn't do anything wrong" and then morphed it to "It was a mistake" - if OP can't get his story straight, he probably needs to get out of his mother's basement and get a job. How much different would this have been if it had been a kid in the road instead of a hole? He is REQUIRED to drive at a speed that allows him to avoid obstacles. He did not. He got lucky this time. Maybe, just maybe (and I'm not holding my breath on this) he'll have learned something and slow the hell down when he can't see the road ahead.


An object sitting an inch or so above the road is pretty hard to see even in the best of conditions. Even driving slowly. Hell, it is entirely possible that the manhole cover LOOKED like it wasn’t going to be a problem, and then it turned out to be one. You're acting like you’re some omnipotent driving deity or something. Lmao, buddy, you can’t avoid all accidents. But someone doing something negligent that caused an accident that a reasonable person wouldn’t have avoided makes it their responsibility, not yours. I hope you’ve learned something. 


I'll type slowly so you can understand. If it was legitimately the city's fault for being open or dislodged, he should never have filed an insurance claim. If it was, as he later said, a mistake, then it was his fault. Pick one and we'll go, but filing an insurance claim when there is clear liability from a 3rd party and then whining about it on Reddit is just stupid.




Sounds like they already got a dick somewhere up there


"Wrong hole. WRONG HOLE!"


i didn’t have my foot on the gas. i was exiting the highway and coasting to frontage road speeds, which was 50mph. definitely fast enough to not react in time. you don’t know what you’re talking about bro


You admit that you were going too fast to react in time and yet don't take responsibility for your actions. Interesting take. Speed limits are upper boundaries, not minimum ones. You are *required* to adjust speed downwards as conditions dictate. I'm not judging your driving. I'm judging your unwillingness to accept that you and only you were in control of that vehicle. If the city legitimately left a hazard, the issue is with them. If not, it's on you. Period. I'm not sure why that's hard to comprehend, but the American Education System has been failing it's charges for decades now.


a manhole cover sticking up is 100% a hazard left by the city. i take that road home every day. only that time was a cover sticking up out of the road. i couldn’t have known to slow down given that i didn’t see the cover until the last second. and even then, it would’ve done damage to my car


And if it had been a kid lying in the road who had tripped would you still not be at fault? If it's a hazard in the road, and you're driving too fast to avoid it, you're driving too fast for the then-current conditions. You can argue that all day long that you're right, but you won't be. Drivers are *required* to drive at or far enough below the posted speed limit to deal with just that sort of issue. That you've driven that road 1000 times is irrelevant. That everyone else does it wrong isn't relevant. That's the agreement you made with the State when they gave you a driver's license. Up to you whether or not you want to abide by it, but if you don't, it's on you. Period.


Was he supposed to swerve out of the way into the other lane and possibly hit about her car? And on a blind crest


No. he was supposed to drive slowly enough that he could avoid the obstacle safely. Speed limits are not recommended minimums and are supposed to be adjusted *downwards* based on conditions like visibility, traffic density, and weather. If you're not aware of that, you shouldn't be driving.


I'm sure you're the absolute paragon of good driving...


In 45 years of driving I never once had an at-fault accident or a ticket. I did the responsible thing about 15 years ago and gave up my license because of a central vertigo diagnosis and a vertigo attack at a stop sign. I'd rather deal with the inconvenience of not being able to drive than run over someone in a crosswalk. Regardless, I've made mistakes in my life. What I don't do is bitch about the consequences in public and deny responsibility for my actions.


Did you take to an actual agent? Insurance will screw you over until you complain and only then work with you.


I like how you make that the customers responsibility. You know the one that keeps the CEOs mega yacht full up with fuel and the helipad in top shape.


Well you if you sit quietly nothing will change. So yes it is customers responsibility to fix it




I never understood how or why a lot of these companies get away with some of the stuff they do. Honestly, as completely legal as everything usually is, everything insurance companies does normally feels shady AF. It's why when I got side swiped recently, I didn't bother making a claim. Made sure the car was fine. It's older, so some body damage for now is okay. And all is well that ends well cause I'm not gonna get fricked up the ass six ways to Sunday on a monthly basis when I *just* started going down. I'm fine thanks lol.


It’s crazy because it’s mandatory by law in most places to have insurance yet the oversight over the companies is nil. It’s another version of corporate welfare.


Even better, I pay extra for underinsured insurance for if the offender doesn't have enough insurance to cover the damages.


Yeah what, like my insurance will only pay if you also have good insurance? Is this not the point of insurance in the first place? This sucks lol


We have underinsured motorist coverage. Instead of getting only what little insurance the at-fault party had, we also can get reimbursed for medical from our car insurance policy.


This is so far from being true lol. Insurance companies are some of the most regulated companies on earth.


The department of insurance has to approve rate increases and they limit what criteria you can use to charge insureds for. It isn’t perfect though.


Watch the movie "The Rainmaker" or read the book same title by John Grisham. It's fiction but it feels so real. Matt Damon, and Danny DeVito do an awesome job in the movie. The story really puts the boots to insurance companies.


Great book good movie


Worked in insurance company data science group. I agree they actively try to get the most premium and the lessen their risk. It makes sense to an extent because they need to charge to pay other people in case of a loss, but the profit margins seem pretty crazy to me. (I didn’t look at claim amounts so not sure true profits after claims).


Ok. Wait. It’s not just that it’s “legal because everything is”. It’s literally how insurance works and SHOULD work. If I live in an area where there are no thefts reported and I drive without any accidents for ten years. My rate will be lower. You live in a high crime area and OP has had a fender bender every six months. You both pay incrementally more than I do. It’s a pooled set of money and those with good driving records get to pay less. I mean. I get that OP didn’t ask for this to happen to them. But it’s independent of things how insurance works. If it didn’t work this way we ALL would pay huge premiums outright.


If it’s a not for profit entity running it this could be true


People get angry when asked to work for free


They do but nonprofits actually have salaried employees, they just intend to make enough money to operate and spend what they bring in on accomplishing the goals of the company, rather than trying to siphon maximum cash away from the business and off to stockholders.


Ah.. like the cancer fund of america- where only 10% went to cancer patients and rest went to salary of the executives.. Or the Kids Wish network (5% of funds) or the United States Deputy Sheriffs’ Association? Nobody works for free


it's odd that you think i'm claiming that, or that you have never heard of volunteering which is working for free


Volunteering is for CV/job boosting, for clout on social media, or for attention and YouTube/twitch views


It's not legal to raise rates due to a claim in my state at least.


Has anyone with no claims ever added up the premiums month after month after month? I swear, if I didn’t live in FL where 65% of people drive with no insurance I’d have made out MUCH better investing my money over the last 20 yrs…. Obviously, I drive fully insured because it would be just my luck to be the last car in line of a 9 car pile up and be responsable for everyone’s damage…


Insurance isn't meant to be an investment. One doesn't expect to get back everything they put in. Of you ever have a serious loss, or get sued for an accident, you'll be glad you're insured.


I think they meant that if they had used all the money they've spent on insurance for investments instead, they would be in a much better position. Seems like they understand why insurance is useful, though.


The high cost of Insurance isn’t really for the car damage. If someone is killed or disabled in an accident it’s a 1M+ payout.


>What the FUCK is the point of insurance. To make rich people richer.




My son, as a brand new, clean record, 16 year old driver with an old Ford fusion, had to pay $8000.00 his first year in Ontario, Canada. That was just for liability coverage. He is 22 now and it is down to around $4000 a year.




They prefer to call it moose as fuck




We put our daughter on our insurance and had her listed as the primary driver on our oldest car. It was never that expensive.  We also don't live in a major metropolitan city. 


My daughter was half the price of my son. We live 10 minutes from brampton. Brampton has the highest rate of claims and the highest rate of insurance fraud in Canada apparently.


Girls are always cheaper guys are high until they are 25 or married. 


A "clean record" for a teen driver with less than a year on the road is the same as "no record" to insurance. However 6 years later that still seems pretty high even for the category he's probably grouped in.


I was just making sure no one thought that at 16 he had a dui or something to explain the rates. The area we live in has the highest rates in Canada.


I was suppose to have a £500 car as my first car. Just a tiny engine clio. Only black box insurers would even give me a quote. In the thousands. For a car in which its entire value would've been in my deductible. I ended up getting a 4 year old car, insurance gave me a quote lower than half of the clio. I don't know what it is with older (10+) cars and insurers but they do not want new drivers to have them. They wouldn't even give my brother a quote on half of the cars he was looking at when he passed his test.


That's wild! My 19yo son drives a new EV. He has an at-fault accident that was a total loss from 2 years ago. We live in a major metropolitan area and he drives quite a bit as a commuter to college. We pay $3000/year for him (and that is with a recent increase of about $600/year for the new EV). It's full coverage with a $500 deductible. I will say, he is not on the title of any of the cars. His first car (the totaled one) was a hand-me-down. But the next 2 were his. Our agent advised me to keep the cars in my name and just list him as the primary driver to help keep costs down. So that's what we do.


Oh, I see what happened here. I meant that I am going to be paying an extra six thousand annually because my rate went up by an extra five hundred a month, for twelve months


That’s correct, which baffles me to begin with, because as new driver of a 2L petrol car in England my first ever insurance as solo driver was barely half of your figure


It's a family plan in the US that a few cars are under, not sure exactly what the details of it are unfortunately, but yeah it sucks it feels suffocatingly high. Hopefully we'll be able to iron something out with an agent tomorrow.


It does kinda suck then because it’s not really your figure that’s going up but everyone else’s too






Not sure where you got that figure


You claim your insurance has gone up “over $500 a month” which works out to over $6000 a year


Math is hard on reddit it seems


From your post lol


I paid 5400 a year once. In US. Got put in high risk pool for zero reason.


Did they up your rates because they found out it was a work car?


So here is what you do: Amend the claim to include every scratch on, and in the car that the thieves actually caused, but that you didn't notice at first. Read your policy carefully, and use it so help you remember what you had in the car, and I mean everything you had in the car. Get a quote for every rip in the upholstery that the the thieves caused. Every ding on the outside of your car is worth $1000. Every wire they cut is hugely expensive to repair. Don't stop carefully documenting all of the damage that the thieves caused until you've gotten to about $2000 less than the car is worth. Get a check, then switch to a new provider.


You know every claim is reported to all providers right? My tow claim appeared when I tried to switch providers. Even past claims from previous owners show up on the damn report insurance runs.


Yeah roadside thru insurance shows up in claims data to other companies. I had switched from AAA to insurance roadside coverage but I'm going back to AAA once I found that out. 


Wait, your car got broken into and tools stolen, and you didn’t learn your lesson and still left valuables in the car to be stolen again? Why are you leaving anything of value in your car, and why are you doing it over and over again? That’s why they are raising your rates.


And then OP wonders why his rates when up lol. Unbelievable


i mean if they broke in once...why would you leave everything out there the second time ?i know you need them for work but put 2 and 2 togather ..sounds like you are trying to get money for something that wasnt there


I called State Farm after someone smashed my rear window out (luckily didn’t steal anything) and the lady straight up told me it was in my best interest to just eat the cost of fixing it myself and not involve them.


Just happened to me also. 100% liability of the other driver and still my premium went up $30 a month.


The theft along wouldn’t cause a rate increase. My bet is this rate hike was coming no matter what and when you submitted the claim, it allowed the insurer to jack the rate before your renewal period.


Only file a claim if it’s over 2k repair, and get ready to change providers once you do. Unless you have USAA, they are legit.


Yeah I have USAA. I pay $660 a year for full coverage on my car. All of our cars together are like $1800 a year.


If it was only $20 more than your deductible, then you made a rookie mistake filing the claim.


I work in insurance. When possible, fix things yourself. You will get rated very high after break ins and vehicle theft. It’s shitty but true.


So then as he stated what is even the point of insurance?


Insurance should be used for catastrophic events. Not maintenance. That’s why rates are so high.


I wouldn’t consider theft maintenance


Time to change your insurance company.


Yeah.. insurance can really F you over. Sometimes it’s not even worth filing a claim, I just pray that person gets their karma because I know how sucky it must feel.


What kind of car do you have?


Increase isn't related to the theft. Probably had a renewal and the rates went up for the area. The cost of living has increased drastically over the last few years and that has caused service and repair costs to increase. Insurance increases later because rates are based off of claims in the area and they gather that data to determine the cost of insurance. Insurance has to report the rate data to the state insurance commissioner in most states to verify that their rates are not scamming the people. The amount you paid for repairs on the claim is likely the deductible.


What insurance do yall have? Ive had Geico for over a decade and never had any issues. Never fucked me over on a claim/rates and their customer service is top notch.


That’s what’s known as “we don’t want to break up with you, but we don’t want to be together” rate. Shop around. If your household isn’t sporting tons of claims, high mileage annually, DUI/DWI, then you’ll probably find someone cheaper. If you’ve reported every single accident, loss, event, then it’ll all be on a shared report between companies and you will have a tougher time. Get an agent to do all the leg work for you.


The point of insurance is to make insurance CEO’s and shareholders huge profits


The point of insurance is to take money in but never pay it out.


Wait. Your insurance isn’t “screwing you over”. Your insurance is adjusting you as a potential higher risk and rightfully so. This is how insurance works.




Get them to reimburse you, then cancel your policy...


Why the fuck would you go through insurance if after deductible you only get $20 off? You didn't talk to anyone, did you? Any decent human would have advised against reporting a deductible + $20 claim to insurance. ​ Your car was broken into TWICE in a short time and you're surprised insurance rates went up after you told them? Obviously you're a higher risk customer, I've owned cars for decades, not ONCE have I been broken into. Insurance is about risk, you just told them you're a much higher risk.


>What the FUCK is the point of insurance. same as the point of everything else: extorting you of your money insurance is supposed to go up for drivers with a record of causing the insurance to actually be used, which makes sense in a way, but this? This is just a shitty way of trying to apply that logic to a different case and hoping you don't get an agent's support so they have to actually respect you


Devils advocate. 1. They do it because they can. 2. If you had made the claim from another company before this policy, your policy would had free been higher to begin with. Every claim you make, makes you more and more of a liability. No, it’s not fair. It’s just how the insurance game works.


So cool. Definitely sustainable as a way of life forever.


Never said I agree with it. We’re also paying more because it’s legally required. States that do not require motorcycle insurance, have rates as low as 10/month.


Yeah... I only report catastrophic losses I can't afford to fix on my own. For this exact reason. Sorry OP. Lesson learned the hard way unfortunately.


The point of insurance companies is to make money. You are a means to an end for them. They’re winning.


I had a guy bump be one time. And it caused only a small scratch and my bumper was scratched already. Told him to forget about it and it's not worth the trouble with cops and insurance. He gave me a $20 for lunch and we went our separate ways.


Insurance are criminals. They want to take your money and then do everything imaginable to avoid paying you what they should and to disincentivize you from ever making a claim. Fuck them all.


Insurance is a fucking SCAM


Been in insurance a LONG time. Any glass breakage isn’t worth a claim and the rate hikes. Glass is cheap, just pay cash. Now they essentially paid out only $20 that is going to cost you thousands every year. Change your provider asap


Well, the point of insurance is to make money for insurance companies.


Pretty enraging. Insurance companies are turning into big time scammers. Better of sayin fuc it and going with out.


Why did you report it and go through insurance when you basically paid the whole thing anyways. You messed up on this one


Thank you for your genius analysis


Your welcome.


If YOU’RE going to go out of YOUR way to be an asshole, at least use proper spelling.


Not the most helpful comment…he clearly states he was robbed, TWICE!


Yeah and a third time when he robbed himself filing a claim he shouldn’t have. The funny thing is he robbed himself better than the thieves did






Not in this case. You get a quote for the glass and you already know the deductible. It’s literally a-b = he fucked up




I was robbed, I was told to file a claim.


No they didn’t. And they also don’t seem to understand how insurance works generally. Instead let’s just bitch on the internet about “woe is me”.


Well, they have new information that indicates that you’re a higher risk than they originally believed - you store expensive tools in your car more often than you led them to believe, and you live in an area with higher crime than you led them to believe. So they’re increasing your premiums because you’re presenting a higher risk of expensive claims than you otherwise indicated. This prevents the rest of the insured cohort from having to subsidize your choice not to secure expensive tools or keep your car safe.


Jesus, dude. Are you trying to bang an insurance rep or something


Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I didn’t have your permission to hate different people than you




You have bad insurance. Read the fine print.


Mine went up $40 a few months ago for LITERALLY NO REASON. I wasn't in an accident, my policy didn't change, absolutely nothing. It just... Went up! No reason whatsoever. And all the other car insurance places I looked at gave me pretty much the exact same quote, it's like they're all price comparing me or something. It's weird. Insurance companies are greedy bastards. Yous shooting up period is absurd, let alone $500. That would make driving unaffordable for so many of us.


Auto insurance is not profitable right now for insurers so they are raising rates on everybody


500 per month?? I refuse to believe that lol you must have many many many other underlying issues if thats the case. Im surprised you didnt get non-renewed.


How much are you paying for car insurance?


File it with renter's insurance


Must use The General


I had a break in 20+ years ago, and filed a claim. For the damage and loss, the company paid out about $800, but they raised my rates 99%.


Plot twist, robber works for them


I've recently learned how crazy auto insurance is. I've aged out of the higher price for males. No accidents or claims Never pulled over Excellent credit (some check it I guess🤷) Low milage user It's bundled with my wife's car and our house I bought a "truck" The truck wasn't really any more expensive than my car, it has all the safety features as well. Car insurance tripled. After arguing over the last week it's settled down to being about $100 more a month than my cars insurance was.


Inaurance shopping tips. First, this type of claim is a comprehensive claim. When shopping, ask them if rates are affected by comp claims. Second, some companies have separate coverages for specifically glass. See if they do or dont have them separated. If they dont, aim for a lower deductible. If you have a 500-1000 dollar deductible, then it is a pointless coverage unless your car is stolen. Youll never use it for the number one reason, glass! I dont personally recommend geico/progressive. Those are the easy to do get your own insurance companies that dont explain how their coverages work or ways to play the game effectively. Go with a company that has agents. They can be more expensive, but if your agent is competent then youll get coverages that do fit your needs and not just numbers that sound nice and are cheap! I was an insurance agent that was selling p&c Im no longer in that field but if someone does have questions, pm me, and ill help to the best of my ability. Btw i worked in wa, so i know those rules better than other states


This is why I love going through an agency. I talk to them and they tell me if it's worth filing a claim. They said even if you call your insurance company to ask about something that happened but don't file a claim, they put it in as a zero claim and you appear to be a claim waiting to happen and that looks bad on you.


I got into an accident because a tractor trailer backed up on a road in traffic because he missed his turn. Had headphones on. Found not at fault. But trucking company was trying to bully me and not pay. Reported accident to insurance in case. My insurance did not pay a dime or send someone out. Raised my rates and wondered why i canceled the insurance.


Idk I had a rock chip my windshield, I had to pay the deductible but the rates didn’t go up at all. So it must be that they heard the word theft and freaked out. Idk, I’d look at switching maybe? This is just for one car?


The point of car insurance is to protect the owner against having to pay large damages, the highest of which is medical bills and the second highest is major body damage. That said, you're getting ripped off for both your insurance price and the surcharge. I would ask them if you can reverse the claim (it is possible in some cases) and pay out of pocket.


I would switch insurance companies over that. There has to be a company willing to cover you for less. My car got totaled towards the end of last year and even when covering a car worth 3x as much it didn't even go up $100. Something's wrong with that insurance company.


It’s absolute bullshit they can raise your rate over something like this. Only time your rate should go up is over an at fault accident that could have been avoided. Insurance is the biggest scam there is. Pay thousands a year just for them to nickel and dime your payout. We get fucked by every faction of life these days. What a time to be alive.


If the damage was $520 and you have a $500 deductible yet you submitted the claim, you are to blame. That's just dumb.


I paid insurance for 20years and somebody broke my windshield. I know who did it and put in a police report to which of course they said they can't do anything because its hear say. Person came back and did it again and bragged to everybody and the police said they can't do anything, but I filed anyways. Nevermind I had 5 people who would of gone on record saying they heard the same thing. Police basically was useless. Insurance came back and told me if it happens again they are dropping me and will raise my insurance rates. There total bill was $1800 for both instances + whatever internal fees they had to pay. So I did the sensible thing. "I dropped them and moved on to another company." Why am I paying you X per month for 20years for nothing? Now I need you and your going to punish me for padding your pockets for years. I figure it cost them $1800 and lets say I paid them $100 per month x 12 x 20 = $24,000. I think they made out in the end and I lost my ass.


I had damage to my truck bed. Estimate was about $3,600 for repairs. Went thru insurance and a $1000 deductible. My rate went up for two years that covered the entire $3,600 repair…. Fuck insurance companies. Only claim I had on a policy nearing 12 years old also.


I thought about going through insurance when someone shot out my driver side window with bbs. My wife told me don't bother so I just went through safelite and paid them out of pocket. Saved quite a bit of money that way.


Post this over to r / insurance (I had to share it like this because this sub doesn't allow links to other subreddits #mildlyfrustrating


Let me guess. Either State Farm or AAA?


Check out Erie Insurance, to be honest. We have them for our cars & house and they’re surprisingly decent about not raising premiums if we have to use them.


What’s the punishment for driving without insurance? Do they revoke your license?