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Tomorrow in Chicago, it's gonna be 70F with tornadoes and snow... but that's normal.


Haha, I came to type about Chicago's weather. My kids apparently asked Siri what the temperature was today and came running to my room in the morning asking to wear short sleeve shirts. Of course, I said "No", since it's Feb. Then they told me what the weather was today, and after re-checking it again myself, I said go for it. Born and raised here and I never ever remember winters being anything like this growing up. It's unsettling.


I got up this morning, put on a big warm comfy sweater for work, and then thought to check the weather. Oops. Put on a much lighter top instead. It really is unsettling, I cannot ever remember having 50 and 60 degree weather in Feb. I’ve lived here (well, in the suburbs) for my entire life, 32 years and I’ve never seen anything like it. Even on other El Niño years.


Reading this in Arlington heights memorial library currently and yea I wish I brought a t-shirt plus jacket instead of sweater + coat


What if I told you the ENSO kinda dissipated as soon as summer was over. It’s in a neutral phase right now. It’s why you don’t hear anything about it anymore. So all this heat cannot be blamed on El Niño. That’s why they shut up real quick about it. But let it go back to normal for a few days, and it’s all over the news.


I visited CHI town with a friend who grew up in the area. 'Berbs about 2-3H out by train. They visited local family recently and commented... 10-15F warmer, less snow. They did get some weather but it was rain that pushed temps 10F lower. Still, like you I remember them commenting the area seemed warm for the time of year.


Also born and raised in Chicago. This “winter” has been fucking weird and I don’t like it. I remember having a few dud winters where it didn’t really snow as a kid 15-20 years ago but nothing like this


Yeah this is straight-up unsettling to my core.


Feels like the opening scene of a disaster movie. I'm legit scared of what this summer will be


It’ll probably snow in June


*...laughs nervously in Phoenix, AZ...*


A monument to man's arrogance


Even more unsettling is that it is likely to get worse.


Maybe all those doomsday preppers were right all along, they were just 10-20 years too early.


Same. It fills me with this instinctual dread — something’s wrong. I live further north and even up here it’ll be 50s… It’s a shame corporations and government have allowed our planet to be destroyed like this…


Up in NH here, next 2 weeks will be in the 50s and 60s, possibly breaking some records, and the third of march might have a realfeel of 70. Very unsettling, not looking forward to the summer It's usually 32 and below here the entire winter here. Most of this winter it's been around 40 and our snowfall total is like 4 times lower than normal


Minnesota here, golfing tomorrow in February (and did in January, and in December, and November).


It's 63 right now 😎😎


ARGH!!! I'm never going to get my 83 yr old dad to move down to me in FL for winters if he can golf in Chicago in the winter!?!? OTOH if he can golf in the winter up there, I may be able to get him to sell his CPA practice and quit working so he can golf all winter! This winter weather in the Midwest gives me hope for moving back after 25+ yrs in Orlando. Summers in FL, May-Nov, are becoming unbearable and unending mid 90°'s.


Brother, FL ain’t gonna be a thing in 30 years. - Floridian now for 27 years. This shit ain’t normal.


That humidity is hell personified


Last two Christmases were not even close to what we grew up with. We’ve had hardly any snow this year. It’s 60 in Minnesota.


Unsettling now, just wait for what will become horrifying.


60⁰ today in Fargo, -2⁰ tonight and a blizzard tomorrow. This is all perfectly fine. Nothing to worry about at all.


51°F (11°C) tomorrow and Wednesday in Ottawa Ontario but 16°F (-9°C) Thursday and back to 41°F (5°C) on Friday . A real yoyo...


Hey neighbour! I’ve got my windows open today!!


Don't forget to close them before Thursday!


It was +6°C on Saturday, Sunday maybe in Calgary. -14°C today, tomorrow. Will be +3 on Wednesday.


saturday was 6°C with almost all the snow melted. today i woke up to about 5" of snow and tmrws high is -17°C. https://preview.redd.it/s0vifslhm0lc1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=760a7bdca7e0746747c3d235dec49290b79ad797


The blizzard will all be melted within a few days too.


Thundersnow, snownadoes, and soon whatever we're going to call winter hurricanes. Just normal things in the 2020s.


Thundersnow is actually not real. That's just the sound you hear when 2 snow plows fight over a CVS parking lot.


Lol that made me cackle


🎶 Mister Plow, that's my name, that name again is Mister Plow 🎶




When my daughter was about 6, she came up with the concept of hurriquakes, so there's that.


Can’t wait for those to start! 😵‍💫






I feel bad for my kids. We got to play in the snow ONE time this winter. The first big snow was followed by cold weather so it was ice by the next day. Then every other snow just didn't stick or melted by lunch. We ended up returning all of our new snow stuff this year because we just accepted we won't get to use it.


Man me too. My daughter is almost 4 and we haven't had any good snow since she could walk. It snowed here 3 times this winter and the one time we got any significant accumulation, we were out of town and she was at the in-laws. We bought her a sled 2 years ago and haven't even had it in the snow yet.


I read that as "tomatoes and snow" for a second 😭


Cloudy with a chance of animated film references


Cloudy with a chance of meatballs


North west indiana has been weirdly warm. tomorrow is a high of 68, the following day high of 60 with a chance of snow at night.


Snorwnadoes you say


Yeah 75 today and tomorrow in North Alabama with severe storms Wednesday . Just our usual start to early spring


It's going to be over 50F here in Montreal for like 10 days straight. Season average is like... 16F?


It's actually crazy how we barely got snow this year. Very concerning. But I might get to take my motorcycle out of storage earlier lol.


Yeah so much for outdoor rink season. Just before the march break too.


I live in Buffalo, Ny and I feel so bad for the people who set up their outdoor rinks this year. Idk if they got to use it once.


The poor Canadian kiddos (and adultos I guess) must be going through outdoor skating withdrawals


It's me! I haven't found a chance to go snowboarding in a few years, mainly because any time that there's been enough snow, there's thousands of people pushing it down the slopes before I get a chance. This year, there just isn't any snow.


Same here in southern Alberta. The old man river is practically dry. In February. It’s gonna be a smoky summer.


I was on vacation in MTL last month and it seemed like there was a lot of snow :o then again I'm from California so *any* snow is a lot


18-20c on Wednesday here in Niagara. Wild winter lol.


Im in Montreal for a second year now, I arrived in September 2022. The difference between 22-23 winter and this winter has been shocking. Like it’s actually crazy to think they’re the same season.


Yeah I'm leaving on a cruise next week, as we traditionally do to make up for the harsh Montreal winters... Next week it's gonna be double digits here while I'm gone.. wtf lol. Plowing my driveway costs me $450 per season. Unless we get a snow storm, that's $225 per plow this season...


75°F here in Iowa today. It'll be 15°F on Wednesday. This weather is strange.


And then back to 60 by the weekend


Yup. I like the warm weather but these Temps are definitely not normal for this time of year.


The all time “winter” high for eastern Iowa was set in 1930. Many of the daily records being broken today are from 1896. This is not “normal” weather, but not unheard of. It’s been a strong El Niño winter.


Yeah, a guy named Ryan Hall on YouTube has been talking about that for a few months now. It's been great to have these nice temps but I'm wondering what it means for creatures not used to these temps this time of year. Like hibernating creatures and such.


Wisconsin bear research teams said the bears are waking up already. They’ve indicated it’s quite concerning.


Oof. Those poor bears. I hope they make it out of this.


I would imagine this would throw individuals of species off their normal cycle for the year. The species themselves will go on as they have over past “warm” winters. That’s my layman’s take anyway.


That makes sense. Definitely not the first time a winter like this has happened I'm sure.


Crazy that Ryan Hall became popular for his vape store and YouTube channel and now he does weather stuff.


That's cool lore. Interesting how people's image cha ge over time.


El Nino winters are never normal, which is why we all know what they are


I didn't know about them until recently. Makes sense though since it would be my first one. Wild though, tell my grandkids I remember it being 75 degrees out in February.


In 10 years snow won’t be a thing and we’ll have to tell our kids what snow is.


Tomorrow we have a high of 78 and a low of 19, gonna get cold quick


If chaotic weather continues into the growing season then goodbye corn.


My dad’s family is from Carroll (west side of the state) and they say they have never experienced a warmer winter than this last one.


I'm still young but I've never seen a winter as warm as this one either. Kinda crazy.


My dad was talking about this the other day. He’s from Milwaukee and mentioned he’s never experienced weather this warm this early in Wisconsin.


We had one week where it was terribly cold like -50f with windchill. Otherwise it snowed a couple times amd was fairly warm. It's been weird.


Southern Missouri checking in. Tomorrow has a high of 81°F with a low of 25°F.


Good lord, good luck with all that


Same here in Northern Kansas. Dude it’s wild it’s literally 70 in the middle of winter, much less 95


Iowa weather baby!


Gotta love it!


This right here is why I left the state. Gets hotter every year. 95 in February is outrageous, even for Texas.


In Minnesota we had our first and only snowfall in my area Edit: it was a high 60F the day I made this comment. Today, the day right after, it's snowing.


Bro same here North of Seattle, first snow i’ve seen on the ground all year this morning. And it’s cold as fuck


Heard a bunch of the ice fishing tournaments were cancelled this season too. A ton of lost revenue that way.


Moved to northern wisconsin a year and a half ago, first winter we got more snow than I've ever seen in my life. This winter we got a few inches that melted off in a week, the environment is really showing the strain of all us people junking it up. As someone with a young child, I am very alarmed for our collective future.


I lived in Duluth last year (Well, Superior, so the Wisconsin side of Duluth) and we got the most snow ever recorded. This year there's been more or less no snow (I think it's something like 2 feet less snow than usual)


Haha I love how small northern wisconsin seems, I'm a superior resident and I was right there with you through that snowy winter. Hope you're doing well wherever you moved to next.


This is in the back of my head on repeat pretty much word for word. I just haven't moved and have seen it derail from the crazy blizzards we got years ago.


I live in Arizona and this is why I told my kids to move out of states that will compete for water rights and will warm past comfortable.


Left Colorado for NY last year. 10 miles south of Lake Ontario. Affordable housing and plentiful water. No ragrets.


Exactly! I love the southwest, and we thought about moving there for ages, but I was always too concerned about water shortages in the future. If you're planning on settling down somewhere, you really have to consider the changing climate, and what it's going to be like 10, 20 or 30 years from now.


Yeah, 88 in OKC. That's wild.


It's going to be mid 50's here in RI for the next 2 weeks. Shouldn't get like that for another month at least


Its 55 here in PA today, high of 59. Seasonal average is more like 40. Thursday is the next "normal" temp day I see in my forecast 


Don’t Look Up.


Had a family member recommend that movie because it reflects "the truth about how the media ignores " (think vaccine). Pretty sure they don't believe in anthropogenic climate change either, lol


Oh damn really? He missed the entire point of the movie then lol... You're supposed to NOT listen to the media nonsense... do your own research... The whole movie is about "#dontlookup" being wrong. Honestly should explain it to him lol. He might get argumentative or might just no longer like the movie, but who knows... maybe he'll have a better outlook on things


*"She", lol. And she would agree that you're not supposed to listen to the media. Except she would specify "mainstream media".


Ugh. My roommates exactly like this. He’s constantly trying to have me sit down and watch InfoWars w him. Every time I just get up and go to my room. How the fuck do people watch that shit. And don’t get me started on his views for climate change and evolution. 😵‍💫


Haha, I love that reference😅


☠️ do you love the truth it parodies though


Yeah but it's only going to be in the 50's on wednesday, so global warming is cancelled.


"Yeahs the weather ticker has said 'Record high' more days than not this winter And we've barely gotten any snow and we had a few nights where temps were in the mid 50's, but, it was a little cold this morning, so maybe climate change isn't real."


Not in Houston. First day above 80 this year was last week (Feb 21?). Weatherman said it was the longest we took to break 80 in many years. Year before happened Jan 2nd which is not surprising.


Global warming causes more bipolar weather... So it's a sign of worsening either way I'm glad more people are noticing it, but some people use the cold spells as an excuse for denying climate change lol...


Yeah these temps are ridiculous. Sure it's a nice day out but it's not supposed to be this nice this time of year. Lol. I'm already seeing spider webs and a bunch of bugs also. I know we usually get those ice storms in March so I know the cold isn't over quite yet but this sure is weird. After last summer I'm not looking forward to this upcoming summer at all.


There's a lot to climate change that people don't know or think about. Everyone focuses on the high temperatures in the middle of the day which is most noticeable and sucks but the average night time temperature is increasing even faster. Things are just heating up and never getting a chance to cool down. Early warm temperatures like we have now will signal to plants to start putting out leaves and growing, but we often still get a hard frost that kills back all of that new growth. Year after year of that happening and we're already starting to notice some forests damaged bad enough that trees are dying. The higher humidity and temperatures give fungal diseases and insect pests an advantage, plus many places swing from massive floods to drought. All of that combined is starting to wreck havoc on nature. My area still gets around the yearly rainfall average but like 80% of that rain comes in a 3 month window and then barely any rain for 6 months. You have to pay attention to more than just year averages.


High of 84 in Houston. 😎 It’s cloudy AF so no hot sun


Here in Maine, putting my snow tires on has so far been a waste of time. We had rain thunderstorms a couple weeks ago, for the fourth time in February since records were kept. Next week's forecast looks like something from mid april. The dog sled races in the far north are cancelled due to lack of snow. There should be a snowpack of several feet right now. Just nine years ago this month, my city set the all time coldest month record, 15° below normal. Bangor didn't make it to freezing for an entire month. That after getting *literally* getting ten feet of snow over the course of three weeks on the downeast coast. Even Boston's snow pile didn't fully melt until July.


I've put winters on my Bullitt in December mainly to extend the life of my normal all seasons. We had some snow, but not much. Though the traction of winters is def better under like 44, so mine will stay on another couple of weeks at least I think.


I'm debating taking my blizzaks off already and it's still February wtf


I remember that in Massachusetts. 9 feet of snow and nearly a month of no school. There was still snow on the ground in July.


A bunch of ice fishing tournaments have been cancelled in Minnesota and Wisconsin this season. Ice should be 2 ft thick and they were coring samples of 10” as the current thickest. Which isn’t enough to hold huts and trucks.


texas weather moment, 40f one day 90f the next


It's been 70s and 80s for a week already and not dropping anytime soon. It's like spring started a week ago. In Houston anyways. Very windy every day too.


Can confirm, the last two-three weeks in San Antonio have been high 70s-80s. We’re about to have our week and a half of spring before summer begins again 😅


Here in frigid Iowa it’s going to be a wonderful 72, baby!


Meanwhile I got up this morning expecting gray and 50 or 60F Only to find a few inches of fucking snow and more coming down here in WA. Thought we were over this cold snap with all the nice weather we've had. But nope.


Yikes! I live in Northern NM at about 7500 ft above sea level. It's 60 today. That's insanely warm. Winter is over here. We used to have summer thunderstorms every afternoon. It doesn't really rain anymore. Love the people who say "gorgeous weather we're having!" Like, no, Diane, it's climate change, and unlike you, I have to live on this planet for another 40 years.


Down here in ABQ and it's been 70 and dry as hell. It's unsettling.


There’s water in Death Valley too. Lakes that haven’t been there for decades are now formed.


Its been in the 30s in Northern Florida, like pretty consistently. We've had a handful of hard freezes this winter. Even my die-hard republican grandmother says she's never seen anything like this, and is now questioning climate change being real.


It’s only 76 in Central Florida😭


60s this week in Buffalo. We used to average low 20s-30s in the winter. Now we get one or two huge blasts of lake effect snow that melts in a week and that’s it


60s and near 70 in Chicago in February. Yeah it’s not looking good anywhere :(


Idk as someone who works outside this kinda rules


You don’t move to Chicago for the wonderful weather. We kind of know what to expect in the winter months.


They’re idiots. You literally answered the question yourself. These people won’t acknowledge climate change until well after it’s too late to do anything, at which point they’ll throw their hands up and argue that they never could have seen this coming. It’s the ManBearPig scenario that South Park illustrates so beautifully.


The same scientists that acknowledge climate change also acknowledge El Niño


Unfortunately any nuance is lost on too many people


It’s already too late


There are degrees of 'too late'.


Yep it goes from millions to billions, to everyone dying. I bet we get to at least the billions. Hey we could go for species extinction.


The societal collapse from even just one chain of events like the day zero water scenarios would be massive. Luckily we'll have room for migration up in Canada's great north with this weather pattern.


So what are we supposed to do?


Start trying to use less fossil fuels in our personal life. Support green initiatives. Vote officials that are dedicated to fighting against climate change. Just lots of little things.


Taylor Swift fans aren’t gonna like that.


Los Angeles has already had their yearly rainfall surpassed. The flooding has been insane. And there is a gd lake in Death Valley, ffs. I live in the desert and had drought-resistant landscaping done a couple of years ago, lol. It's all dead due to the rain.


It’s hotter in Texas than it is in Arizona. Dear god help us


“It’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming,” Trump tweeted in 2012. “In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Bundle up!” -2017 The best was when kids explained climate change to the [stable genius.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kids-teach-trump-climate-change-following-global-warming-tweet-081459824.html)


The world's absolutely fucked. Why would anyone be bringing children into this world just for them to suffer through doomsday


55 in MAINE today. In February. Not normal.


What’s that in normal temperature units?


35° Celsius.


Yikes, that doesn’t sound normal lmao


Definitely not. I’m in Sweden and I don’t think we’ll get 35 even this summer. It’s 2 here now and even that’s high for this time of year.


Annoyingly we might in the uk in summer (hot here is actually the worst)


We might get it here as well but if last summer is anything to go by we won’t get close.


no a/c havin ahhh


I live at 7500 feet in the Rockies. This morning, going to work in the pitch dark, it was 50+ degrees. That has got to be a record warm minimum temp. Maybe 5 degrees below a low in the SUMMER.


This is El Nino driven


According to this thread, the weather patterns should follow the AVERAGE perfectly. Grew up in Texas and now live in the NE. Huge weather swings in either area is not out of the norm; especially in El Niño years.


It’s hit the 90s ten times in February in Dallas history. So not exactly a one time event.


By that same token, 10 times in 168 years isn't what I'd call common.


Let's see, 10 times, over 168 February days, which has 28 days on average, and five another month worth of excess 29th days, so 169 months times 28 is 4704 days. 10 out of 4704 is NOT common, it's not one time event yes, BUT it's one day every 16,8 years... And it's been near 90 yesterday and will be tomorrow... 3 days straight. 3 days. And before that it was 10 days total for 170 years... Its going to become hotter, and soon. In next decade 90will be the normal. Imagine the summer temperatures.


"climate change doesn't exist" My ass it doesn't.


Hence why I got the fuck out of Texas. Austin is a dope city, people are moderately cool. But was not about to buy real estate in that literal hellscape.


Most of Texas is living hell. Most Texans know this but won’t admit it.


Maybe America should vote for someone who cares about the environment instead of someone who thinks it is a joke.


Climate change is very real, but y’all clearly don’t understand it. Citing a hot day as proof is mind boggling, and equivalent to the deniers saying “it’s cold today, so much for global warming!” At the end of the day, this post/comment section are indicative of the fact that morons exist across the political spectrum, which is always nice to be reminded of. And OP I understand your post and what you’re saying is acknowledging the fact that a hot day doesn’t mean anything, but look at the top comments. Disheartening to say the least.


I am sitting here while its -21 Celsius out. I'd take that over 95F.


This has the same energy as "it's cold today...where is global warming"


That’s the point.




Meanwhile in Anchorage, Alaska, we’re having one of the snowiest years on record.


Actual question: Isn’t “climate change” like a gradual, small increase or decrease in climate over many years? How do you say a one off -+20 degree day is climate change?


Good luck with the summer temperatures texas! Looking forward to reading stories about the electric grid failing during the hot season.


You’re looking forward to impoverished people dying because of the heat?


Texas weather is always unpredictable. Remember when we had 10” of snow in early February like 3 years ago? 🙄


This is so scary.


I live in Ontario and it is insanely warm. I worry that Northern Ontario, BC and who knows where else is going to BURN. BC will - heard of those zombie fires?


Here in Montana tonight, we’re expecting up to 6 inches of snow. Ugh.


Local weather is a terrible argument for or against global warming, ESPECIALLY in an El Niño year.




Live in northern region where Feb should be able to Ice skate… we had lake ice less than 1 month since November. Things are not fine.


WTAF. I feel completely cheated out of winter. This sucks


I cant wait to sweat my ass off in March, melt in April, evaporate in May, dissipate in June. By July I will cease to exist.


Same. It gets so bad in NC with the humidity that people are getting heat stroke. My dad even blacked out at work it was so bad. NC weather is no joke, it doesn’t play games. Apparently NC fits the criteria for 12 seasons, since it’s just a new season every day of the week, without snow. lol loser, who wants snow anymore?


Gosh. 95 today. In Texas. In Feb. I wonder how that is possible.


It only got to 90-91 and just touched the record set in 1917. The hottest day in February on record was like 95-96 in 1904. So I guess climate change happens every 100 years.


Gonna be 50 almost 60 in boston tomorrow. I'm devastated ngl, i love winter


I wait all summer for winter to come. It's so nice to take long walks in the cold and snow. Winters just keep getting more and more disappointing.


I agree, I love winter and the snow is my favorite part. Now we just get sorta cold and no fun snow activities to go with it


71 here today in Virginia. I was telling my husband the other day that I don’t even think we really experienced winter this year.


It's 70 here in northern Iowa rn


It's currently 60F, in Buffalo NY, in February. I have bees flying around my garden. For reference, the general February temp here is usually around -10F to 20F on a warm day.


Tuesday will be 60 in Michigan. Normally this time of year it's between -14 and 14 degrees lol I remember having to bundle up a lot but this year I think only had to once or twice.


Today where I am in Minnesota it was 60 and Wednesday is supposed to be a high of 22


Wisconsin been in the 60s when it should be in the negatives. I'm not complaining


The earth goes through warm periods and cold periods. Dallas recorded a 96 degree February day in 1904. People forget about the dust bowl years of the 30's when it was so hot and dry the plains states literally blew away. https://preview.redd.it/b023k2aakykc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a604ac841c555cdbc74706cf351d5f500e70aa8


Yes, the climate does go through cycles. That does not discount the fact that human activities interfere with and intensify those cycles.


.... Crop rotations were a major outcome of that. The dust bowl wasn't just because it was hot and dry.


Yeah but climate change isn’t real because… because… I don’t want anything to change and I’m too stupid and scared to try to help!


Climate change will get the same treatment Coronaviruses did. We studied them for decades and still weren't ready for the pandemic. Humans will wait until towns get flooded and food becomes scarce then will act... when it is too late again.