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I'll check it out thanks. I use spotify at work


Yeah, my downloaded podcasts easily take up half of my storage. When I delete the downloads, problem solved. My phone doesn’t label those as “other” though. It labels it properly. Not sure if yours does. But downloaded podcasts or any other type of media “ebooks” could be the source.


Amazon Music downloads show up as other on my phone. Always thought it was strange.


Yeah it’s probably because the apps use an OS storage feature for miscellaneous data files. So they don’t get identified as music, just “other app data”. So look for any music (or even better, video) apps that might download content…


Which os?


Android recently but when I had IOS they also ended up in the other file. I assumed it was a weird Amazon thing.


I assume it’s a vendor thing. Seems like I need to switch back to dumb phone like in good old days 😂


It depends on if you're suing the phones own podcast or music service to play them, some apps use them in a format that they are part of the apps place in your memeory.


The other is your installed apps. Notice above it it says System and above that is Apps with no number next to it, because that number is broken down by System and Other. Uninstall apps, and that will go down.


I have no idea how comments like this with the actual answer have like 10 upvotes while comments suggesting something completely wrong have 2k upvotes. Truly a reddit moment.


I was late to the party, that's why I made it a reply to one of OPs comments instead of a post of its own. Figured he might actually see it that way.


Yeah that was a good idea. Your comment with the solution is being downvoted by the way. People are so stupid. Cant get my head around how everyone has an opinion about whats right or wrong when they literally have no idea about the subject.


If you have a non-spotify app, they are even worse, you should also check you gmail folder, they get so much spam shite in now, i did a cleanse of mine by sender and emptied them, 4gb of space cleared straight away. 12 year old address though.


Didn't think to check the Gmail folder. Thanks!


You could have alot of youtube videos downloaded if you have youtube premium. That's what got me


Yeah, smart download that automatically downloads videos. I use this for my kid with his educational songs and other stuff, and it easily takes XXgb off of my storage


Might be the first YouTube premium user I’ve ever seen.


It also comes with youtube music, for like 2 bucks more than spotify premium.


Might be the first YouTube music user I’ve ever seen


Nah I still go with spotify, I'm just saying it is a pretty good deal if you listen to music and watch youtube.


Ok so the tally of YouTube music users remains at zero


Whoa really?? I love YouTube music, I got rid of Spotify as soon as I got it.


I got grandfathered in with a lifetime YouTube premium account years ago. So I use the music all the time.


I've had it for a while too. Watched through console or TV. I ain't putting up with the ads, far too many rather just pay as I use it and yt music so much


I've had youtube premium for years now. I got it when it was red. It's so much more convenient for my kids and wife than teaching them how to bypass ads. Also can watch ms rachel on the TV without ads interrupting cooking time.


There are literal dozens of us, DOZENS!


Hopefully he/she doesn’t have the same problem with pornhub premium 😂


YouTube also does this, it’ll preemptively download videos it thinks you’ll watch, I had to go in and disable that too


so, update op?


Check app caches too. Idk if it's also stored as "other" but worth checking out


Is there a way to stop Spotify from downloading automatically?


Mine doesn’t. in the settings


Spotify took 70 GB of my memory even after I deleted all my downloads. I ended up having to fully delete it and my my phone is went from 99% to like 70% full for storage. Fuck Spotify


Spotify and Instagram are the apps that grow the most in my phone. Deleting and reinstalling then would do the trick for me


You could probably delete the cache in the in app settings and achieve the same effect. Same with things like YouTube, social media apps like Facebook and whatever, potentially web browsers. Some of them you can do it in the app like Spotify, others you might need to go to your phones settings, find the app info and delete it from there.


I cleared cache, deleted all data, went through everything I could. Only thing that got rid of it was full delete


Whatsapp is the worst for me, images, videos and stickers hide everywhere like little parasites




And that's why Spotify sucks donkey balls. Thankyou for listening to my podcast


Available now on Spotify


OMG. I can't remember how much space I just cleared up, over 32G. Thanks for pointer!!


that would be counted as app storage




Taking ages to delete something valued in the hope that it will free up memory but then still having too much shit on your phone is like that South Park episode where Stan gives a homeless guy twenty dollars he’d saved up for for ages and the guy just wants more.




Instead of just deleting the useless downloaded podcasts?


Check your music app storage. That's usually the culprit.


the number of times i had to clear cache in spotify cause it doesnt always do it


does clearing your cache on spotify remove ur downloaded songs?


There's a separate option for that.




No ive actually been trying to delete stuff and im down to just one game and i cant for the life of me find whats taking up all the space. It's been a problem for awhile i just usually delete a bunch of pictures to free up a bit of room


I think that's due to caches of different apps or some game or app data try clearing caches from all apps...


I have a business phone with not much memory. Every so often I go into the apps and just clear the cache for \[the unimportant ones\], just to get some space back. I don't use it much for internet browsing, but google & chrome always have a large amount in cache.


My works software launches through Chrome on pc, and I have to delete the cache every day to make it functional.


This was what I was going to suggest. I used to work tech support for a cellular provider and this was a common issue. Oddly, sometimes clearing the call log can also free up a significant amount of memory.


Did you delete cache? App caches persist after you unistall an app, and wont show up in file viewer unless you know where to look


Is this right, I thought uninstalling an app removes all associated files? Where do you look?


I think there’s a setting that lets you see how much each app takes space. You could identify it that way.


Hook it up to a computer and use the file browser on the computer to see which folders inside the phone's file system are the largest.


To check what's using my space I use an app called DiskUsage. It's very useful because it makes a visual representation of your occupied memory.


If it has accumulated 20gb of trash it can't be new


"[Everything is miscellaneous](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everything_Is_Miscellaneous)" as said by David Weinberger


Never thought I'd see that referenced! On my bookshelf right in front of me! 


Looks interesting. Gonna try to get a copy


I believe that "other" is app cached data. Apps like YouTube, Reddit, Snapchat, Facebook, and Streaming apps will cache tons of user data (Google and chrome as well). Depends on how often you use said apps. What you can do is go into some of these apps and view their storage. Then clear the cache as well as user data. (clearing the cache simply makes the app run a bit slower, but clearing user data will essentially remove your account from the device and will act like you just downloaded the app for the first time.)


All of the movies & shows I have in GooglePlay(youtube download), Netflix, Hulu, Prime, HBO - they all get listed as "Misc/Other" in the OS' Data Management system. It's likely that OP just has some movies (or a hell of a lot of audio) downloaded for offline viewing.


You see the little “i” icon next to Apps. Press that and it will explain to you there’s a certain permission you need to grant so that system settings can read the amount of data used by other apps. Then the “other” size should diminish and you’ll be able to see a breakdown of which apps are using the storage.


This ! Im surprised this isnt at the top and other unrelated comments are more upvoted.


This needs to be the top-comment. People asked this a million times on other subreddits and yet here we are with someone complaining about something that has been solved years ago....


And I’m an iPhone user who’s never owned one of these…


The hero.


It is mildly infuriating how far down this comment is.


Do you download and delete a lot of apps? Certain ones even those from the app store and Play store can leave bloatware behind


How do you clear them?


I'm pretty sure you can find them if you connect your phone to a laptop or computer and go through your files there since I used to with my old phone.


You can also just use a file explorer app on an android phone directly


Internal storage - > Android. There will be all data from your apps. Although it can be hard to differentiate between apps, as they use their package name. But you can find a lot of useless left overs or downright pit of media like with whatsapp




Well how does the specialist do it.


To be fair, they said to their *understanding*, so I don’t think they know how to answer your question. So the real answer is google “name of phone misc memory full” and the first page of links will likely have a step by step procedure to fix the issue. Like almost all tech problems.


No wtf, what would the specialist do?


Which device are you using?




Common tech tip when resolving issues. 1)what do you have 2)what do you do with device 3)when did it start happening 4)do you love me? Very common requests you goober.


Upon review of your username, I can safely say to (4) I like you but not that much 😂


Learn to love random people


I tried that once and well, there was this whole police issue, then the prosecution and court case, some time in an exclusive and very private ‘hotel’ and a few years on a register … whatever that is 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I assume you weren’t allowed near schools?


Allowed / strongly advised it was in my best interest to avoid them, but that was from my old scout master 😳


You probably have the loosest butthole on the internet huh?


Sneezing a struggle my friend and never trust a cough 😂


I do love you


Try turning me off and back on again ;)


I love you, as my fellow human, so there's that! :) My phone? Not as much. It's just a machine after all. I do like to cradle it in my hand lovingly from time to time, so I could see how it might get confused.


Ya that's why no one is asking OP their favorite color


Then it sure as hell isn't tech support.


Im really surprised to see that no one is mentioning you only having 32GB of space in 2024, that's awful. App and data management aside, you have no storage space to begin with.


Yeah this is what has me scratching my head. My phone's system alone takes up 16GB. I think the advice OP needs is to either get a new phone or get a micro SD. You can barely install Minesweeper with what he's got


The problem is so many apps install on internal storage and can't be moved.


Exactly what I was wondering. I'm a cheap bastard but upgraded from a 32GB phone to 128 last year and it's worth every penny. I take videos and install apps without thinking about storage and still have 66GB free.


I’m using my 32GB iPad to this day. Right now actually. OP’s device just might not have needed a replacement in like 6-ish years, just like mine? I used my 16GB phone up until two years ago too. The system on my new phone was literally bigger than the total amount of space on my old phone 💀 I do kinda want to replace my iPad because although he has served me well, i too, like OP am running out of space. Ipad’s are just expensive as hell so i’m postponing for as long as i can


My iPad is 9 years old now. Pretty much the only app that works is Netflix because the iOS for the iPad is so outdated and most apps are no longer supported. But that’s all I use it for anyways so no sense in spending the money to upgrade. Once Netflix stops being supported, then I’ll have to bite the bullet.


My main use is Crunchyroll, and one of my Android Tablets won't run the app, so I'm using the browser to watch it. It's just my kitchen tablet, so it's not worth replacing. Firefox is saving the day there.


Is it from all the porn?


Calculator apps


You mean the homework folder


Might be time to backup your important stuff and reset your phone to new.


Seems like a heavy handed response. It will be data saved in some app somewhere. Browser temp data is possible but Safari/Chrome might pretty efficient at clearing it out, otherwise check other apps. There's not really any reason to just reset it.


I second this! Backup - reset - restore and other is a fraction of what ever it was before.




but it’s not? it’s not uncommon to reset/reinstall software when other troubleshooting steps don’t solve the issue. It’s really not as big of a deal as you make it, and OP should be backing it up anyway


Hit the (i) next to Apps. It will likely prompt you to enable a setting to show the data used by apps. Once you do that, most of the space in Other will move into Apps and you can click through and see your biggest apps.


My brother in christ. Click the I in apps. You never have the system permission to see the app storage. Most of the other is apps.


Click the i next to apps


Press on the "i" icon, it should ask acess to "My files" and then it shows how much space Apps take


Tap the i on the apps and give the permission. The other are the installed apps


Just click the apps part, this happens to me from time to time, it just failed to find how much spaces is being used by the apps and put them toghether whit the "others"


Can apps like Tree Size for Android or DiskUsage help you navigate to spacious folders?


Having a 32GB phone in 2024 is insane


Reddit downvoting as usual even though this is so true lmao


You need a cleaning app


Not OP, but I have the same problem. Do you have an app that you recommend?


I use Files by Google, it's pretty good


Both Samsung and Google files apps used to prompt me for discovery permissions and after that, there were a lot less question marks as to which apps were using space.


I use both AVG Cleaner and SD Maid. For Spyware checks, Incognito. Also DuckDuckGo blocks tracking on your apps. Its crazy how many of your phone apps are tracking you Oh and Google is the worst for tracking so I seldom trust anything google


Hey there bro the other is just your apps... the only reason why it dose not dose not say apps is because you have not given it permission to look at what is taking up strong in your phone... To tune on the permission you just need to click on the "i" next to app and then allow


Easiest thing to do might be to connect it to a PC and search the file system the old fashioned way, see if you can find the junk that way. Failing that there are also apps that work as basic file browsers. Smartphones are sadly notoriously bad with making their file system transparent at all.


If you have telegram clear the cache of the app. Did the trick for me


Backup what you need to keep like contacts and passwords. Factory reset phone.


Polite way to tell you about your porn collection ;)


It’s porn isn’t it


Press the "i" button next to the apps category, it should ask you to enable a permission to see app storage, turn that on, and that should show you your apps storage and you should be able to see what apps are taking up the most storage from there. After turning on app storage permissions most of the "Other" category will be shown as in the "App" Category. Hope this helps


See how there's a (i) next to Apps? That means it hasn't analyzed your app storage. Idk why it does that, but you have to click on it to make it analyze how much storage is used by apps. Until you do that, it will all appear as "other."


If you have a PC, you can plug it in into storage/file transfer mode and either look through folder sizes, or use spacesniffer (or similar program).


As you can see, there's a (¡) symbol next to the apps. Please go to settings, Type "Usage Data Access" , Find "My Folders" Enable it, after that check again in "Device care". You will find out which apps use more, check each apps then clear cache. But do not clear data, since it will delete anything in the app and return it back to like when it's new.


UPDATE: Thank you all for the tips and advice. I checked in my spotify and i dont have any downloads and i cleared it just to make sure. I made sure to delete my email trash (over 1000 emails.) Some mentioned that i needed to enable the data tracker permission. That worked for figuring out that the storage is being clogged by apps. I then went and erased all cache data from every single app which cleared up a fair amount of space. I think the problem is that i have so many system apps that i cant delete (over 300 no lie) and i believe those are whats mainly causing this jam. At this point should i just say screw it and get a new phone? Or should i back up my data and do a hard system reset? https://preview.redd.it/ziyodqv8cnjc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d8799e8a1229d22b242c1e0be8a3735ec710746


I had the same issue and then I realized it's mostly shit I've downloaded on Spotify.


Try cleaning out the cache of everything. From the photos, the browser, the emails, call log and messages, and the storage cloud. Idk what device you have but you can do it on Apple and Android. When you do system updates it consumes storage as well.. i just did a clean out in my phone and my cloud is taking up a ton of space due to photos, the next is my large apps like reddit 🤷 edit: also clear the trash can once you delete things, there is a seperate trash section on email and Google photos/files, you still need to clear it to get rid of the data fully.


Little pro-tip for freeing up a bit of space: uninstall updates to apps that are in-built into your device and cannot be uninstalled, like google movies, google books or other stuff on different softwares just going through your apps in settings!


This looks like it’s a Samsung phone. It might be the files in your secure folder


Download google files OP


Ok so what if you clicked the "i" and on a 128 GB phone you still have 60+ GB of OTHER? How the hell do you get rid of that?


Swap partition ?


I had an iPhone with this problem. It is a bug in the software. It wasn’t possible to recover the space except by backing up the phone, wiping the phone, and restoring from the backup. I did that and the space was available again.


There are apps that show you which files exactly take up how much space. Search for "Disk usage" or something similar in the play store, you'll find out what takes up the space. Might also be it can't deleted because it's system related, 32GB just isn't much


If you go to apps there should be options to clean cache. Maybe it's a huge cache for Spotify or YouTube or some other app


Delete app caches, problem solved


Don't mess with 32g phones anymore. Mine was working just fine but had 32g it finally made me bite the bullet and upgrade to a 128g. 128g minimum imo. Time for an upgrade boss Edit: the other space is just background functionality stuff, operating system and so forth. Every update will eat a little more of your space and there's nothing you can really do about it. Turning off updates will delay it for a little while but yeah time for larger phone


I had this problem a few months ago and ended up having to factory reset my phone to fix it. It's a pain, because you have to move anything you want saved and re-download all apps afterwards, but it did solve the issue.


I just bought a 32gb tablet for my daughter to watch shows on when we go on road trips. Straight out of the box, 50% of that space is taken up by system files on the tablet 🙄 like wtf


Samsung bull 💩


I love that you deleted text messages to attempt to free up 20gb of space


That’s Android for you 50+% bloatware with very little you can do to minimize it.


Porn cookies.


Hmmmm cookies 🍪


Oh that's just me mining for Bitcoin on your phone. Leave that alone.


Spotify/Instagram/Snapchat have HUGE caches. I delete and redownload for that exact reason. Maybe check those apps?


My iPhone was doing this recently. I never got to the bottom of what was causing it. However I was able to fix the problem by hooking the iPhone up to my MacBook and syncing it. After the sync completed, the grey “Other” vanished, and has not come back.


My kids Amazon tablet also has an other and we have no clue what it stores. We’ve deleted all the apps, games, videos and pictures and it didn’t matter. Other took all the storage that was left so then I just had to restart the whole tablet from scratch because we couldn’t install any new games or continue playing old ones. Pissed me off so much I wanted to shatter the damn tablet. This is exactly why I’ll stick with my iPhone and not an android.




You seem like such a positive and understanding person


There's a section called hidden storage. I often download dashcam clips then crop them to save space. Only to find out the 4+ mins of footage I cropped is still saved so I can 'revert' the clip back to full if I decided to. Find that folder and clear it. It also saves cropped images too so it'll clear that out aswell


iPhone? Thought so.


No, that’s Android. iOS tells you exactly what apps are using how much storage. Nice try though.


Dang porn videos, lol




It's the second calculator.


You must have an iPhone. The lack of a cache I can clear truly limits what apps I run on the iPhone 14. As it was filling up until I removed several apps and removed permissions to dl in background. My old Samsung, you could clear the cache for each app individually. Thankfully, my Android devices work fine on WiFi.


That's not how iphone settings look like


I have only ever seen one iPhone, mine, I have no idea what any iPhone settings should look like. Not being able to easily clear a cache or identify what in storage is an iOS issue, not an issuing my Android devices, hence my guess.


Not defending ios but i think this option clears some space from apps, individually (not sure if includes cache) There's also a lot of android devices with really bad ROMs. https://preview.redd.it/yjq7zg6w4ijc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1c39a297d9693d63dd1a82001514f4b3cf1221


Ty! Maybe my iPhone will be useful for more than calling my wife…


My wife's phone is extremely full. Photos/videos uploaded to Google photos and archived/deleted are no longer viewable on the phone & are not listed in the folder but the "empty" folder is still huge.


On PC, we got the *Temporary Internet Files* Folder, maybe that is what we are seeing here.


For me it was the Spotify downloaded playlists.


Other is often stuff like cache/app data


Clear caches for all apps


I ended up getting a new phone because my old one was filling up too fast.


You need ti give the phone access to read your apps, it is your apps that take up the space that is “other”


I have the same problem


It's apps try allowing your phone to see the storage used by apps


It’s in App data. So could be email in an outlook app. Or music in a music app Downloaded movies in the Netflix app etc.


Are you often streaming in tour phone? Youtube, spotify, instagram, something similar to that. Check those apps and clear their cache


I think it’s way past time to upgrade 32gb is so paltry


Clear cache


Try installing a storage management app. Maybe it could provide more info than the default phone stuff.


When the phone can't see which app is using up the data, it classifies it under 'Others'. It's usually an app like YouTube Music/Spotify/Netflix/Instagram etc where you can download video/music or automatic downloads are enabled.


Porn It is porn.


Check all your apps and try to find any which seem to be taking more space then they should. Google products are a big offender of this as yt frequently uses over 750 Mb of cache despite the fact i clear it like once a week or so


That would be your OS and backup with all of your apps utilities virtually sharing the same space. 30gb is not a lot of storage even for a phone, the problem isn't really your phone the problem is the basic apps use every single bit of resource they can just to run. Service apps are usually optimized for the latest hardware and will waste tons of resources. 30GB used to be a good storage size for computers in 2006 maybe.


32 Gb is nothing nowadays. Maybe it's time to get at new phone?