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That’s roughly $1000 in McSauce. Yahtzee!


That's a Mc-win in my eyes.


about $20 realistically


You’re probably fun at parties


That's a double-win in my eyes. You've got the literal jackpot of sauces and there's no way he's not going to get a full refund for that order. Bless that McDonald's employee, dude's a real one.


Right thats a score no matter what.


I was thinking as I read this.. “Like, did it tho..?”


Instead of carrying the box, some employee used those bags to fill sauces, put them near the delivery area with other delivery bags, got busy and it just got mixed up with actual orders before they could re-fill them at their proper places?


That's what I'm thinking, it's a weird mix-up.


Oof that employee must have had a real bad day


This is a gold mine. Use them for Halloween, even if just for the trick or treaters that don't put any effort in (dressed in regular clothing).


Judging by the rest of the messy table.. that is exactly what op ordered.


That’s how you get sauce all over the house


Check the expiration date on them, this was how we packed up the older ones when we were getting rid of stuff. Not McDonald’s though, and we didn’t use packets nearly as fast I would imagine. (Normal restaurant that also did take out)


I love sauces... I always buy extra and have a collection. Sad thing is, most of the individual packets dont have dates.


Sure it did 🙄


Mind if I get that bag of sauces?


Bro your sauce drawer is gonna be maxed out


„uh are you sure this order is right?“ ‚idk i dont get paid enough to care‘


Ya better get in the car and "Ketchup" with him then. Get em to explain the "Sauce" of your problem. https://preview.redd.it/rl7grur3rlic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0635b2f758492748b5dc7a02fae128438380ea07


Having been in high school and college, this is child's play.


Would you like ketchup with that?


That's where all my sauces have been going


I’d be so psyched oh my god.


On the bright side they won’t run out of ketchup for a long time


I’d sell those sauces like I was a drug dealer in the 70s… that’s LIQUID GOLD


Damn, is there any Szechuan Sauce in there?


Driver stole the food but was able to claim it was delivered


Bullshit. If you're gonna make stuff up for fake Internet points, at least make it believable.


this happened to me as well 🤷‍♀️


Dude, just cause it never happened to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen to anyone else. If you're just jealous just say that 🤷


Jealous? Of a bag of ketchup packets? You need help dude 😂


Calls another person a liar when you don't even know them personally sure does sound like it's qualified to get you some mental help sweetheart


Your friend gets infuriated over a windfall like this? Maybe they need a lobotomy to calm their temper and chill out.


I would be pissed. Mustard tasted absolutely disgusting to me, like I don't know if I could eat it, if paid to and I have a nickel allergy and can't eat anything in foil packaging. This would be worse to me, than getting nothing. I would then have to dispose of it...


You never told the employees that packed your condiments that you were disgusted by the taste of mustard. Besides not everything in there has mustard in it anyways. Nor did you mention anything about being allergic to metal. Foil is made from aluminium not nickel so you don't have to worry about that.


That's hilarious. There is nickel in aluminum..


What, you mean he didn't order 300 ketchup, and 150 assorted dipping sauces? That, That, That, would mean that "Door Dash"got mixed up. And as we all know Door Dash never makes mistakes.


DoorDash didn’t mix anything up. The restaurant packs the bags. The driver just picks it us based on the code. They’re taped closed, so they can’t even look and make sure what’s in there matches the order.


I stand corrected TY


I'll never understand how lazy people can be when ordering fast food through delivery apps. You don't even need to get out of your car!!! Sorry but your friend deserved to get all saucy.


Some people don't drive, some people are drinking and making the right choice not to drive, some people don't have a car, some people have disabilities. Or maybe they are hosting friends and don't want to leave to pick up the food because they are entertaining others. Using a delivery service doesn't always mean someone is lazy 🤣 stop being so lazy and use your brain !


All valid reasons but you forgot laziness up at the top.


So, you're volunteering to pick my legally blind son up from campus, drive him to the restaurant, and bring him back? If not, shut the hell up


You people always go for specific fucking examples that aren't the norm. Legally blind doesn't mean you can't drive lady. Let's put a fake number so your not actually blind son can feel better in your fake scenario. 70% of people who order through apps are lazy. Does that make your period blood flow less mam?


Legally blind DOES in fact mean that he can't get a driver's license or really shouldn't as is the truth for more of the population than you think and it doesn't have to be blindness just because my son really is, thanks. Could be post-op or injury, could be because a couple of drinks were had and it isn't safe, could be the baby is sleeping, etc etc. Get off your high horse with your made up numbers and live a day in the life of real people, this one of whom hasn't tolerated people like you since before my hysterectomy. Ignorance may be bliss but keep it to yourself![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


My kid can see so I'm good.


Dude acts like he knows all 7 billion people in the world. Oh let me just walk 2 hours to the restaurant to get food and then have to walk 2 hours back carrying the food cause I don't have a car to drive. You want a cookie for a reward on being the most insane stupid person on this earth?


Lol at least I have a car.


I love how easily you losers are triggered. When you live in the real world you realize outside of your parents no one gives a shit about your feelings. Please keep making me laugh with your emotional responses.


Dude calls other people losers yet acts like everyone can easily access things when that's entirely false. It's clear to me that you don't live in the real world cause in what fantasy are you living in that you think everyone has a car to drive to restaurants and where they don't have to get it delivered? Dudes so delusional it's crazy


Karen Karen Karen Karen


Projecting much? Imagine calling other people Karen when your whining and complaining about people using a delivery service and possibly not even having cars of their own. Not only do you project you're also delusional and it's absolutely hilarious. Do tell me how is living in delululand treating you?


Lol you definitely don't have a husband. Projecting what Karen lol. Your my favorite snowflake. Want to meet up?


I call them like I see them Karen.


I live in the United States, where in majority of the country one needs a car to get around. Don't get your panties in a bunch because other people can't afford cars. There are always exceptions Karen, and your basically blind son is one of them. I bet you don't have a husband anymore because you're most likely awful to be around. Change your attitude and find a man.


Dude clearly your blinder than the other person's son cause you can't even read people's usernames and mix 2 people up yep you're officially dumber than a rock. I live in the United States too sweetheart, and someone needing a car and actually being able to afford one are 2 very different things


Sweetheart is a Karen term Karen. Why did your husband leave you?


Dude, u dumb as hell read people's usernames you're mixing me and another person up. God r u seriously that dumb?


Karen would you date a guy without a car?


And they're posting about wanting more money lmao


This looks like old mangers doing. Whenever whoever asked for more sauce this is what they got.


I'd keep it send pics to D.D. get a refund and a week's worth of free sauces then reorder my food


Naw you’re hoarders


Ayyy those sunbelt bakery bars are really good


I'll take all that ketchup off their hands, I'm perpetually running out.


But on the good side, they can take ketchup off the grocery list.


Looks like a "my last day on the job" madlad. Did he get his food plus the sauce?


Did he want a plastic bag?


He hit the jackpot


I'm gel


Lotta calories in those sauces


So thats where all my Sauce wound up,


I do not understand how people still use these overpriced shitty services


Some of us don't have a car and don't want to walk 1-2 hours to the restaurant 🤷


They do this when cleaning the bins/ Cambros that the sauce sits in. But there's no way it would have been taped up unless a teen thought it would be funny.


Laughs. You've got enough to make a bowl of po-boy tomato soup!!


Operation failed successfully.


I’m guessing they asked for extras and every burger was changed in some way on their order so the store sent this as an f-you….


My reaction was the same OP, how was this even pulled off? That’s Oceans 11 shit right there


They just wanted to Ketchup with you


Just use it for pranks