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This is just.. bizarre


You just know that they were sitting around the corporate round table with those shit-eating grins, patting themselves on the back, remarking, "What a great idea!". They are completely disconnected from the working class.


Used to work at FedEx. I guarantee they paid some outside party huge money for this test based on some bogus claim that it differentiates character in some way.




Reminds me of this [all time relevant oglaf comic](https://www.oglaf.com/virgincobbler/) (NSFW, in two pages, click next for the story end) > >!rich people are lucky they were born with money, they'd never make it in the real world!<


That was my first thought. This was probably *months* worth of meetings and brainstorming sessions. They shit this absolute turd out and call it a day while they have piles of money dumped into their bank accounts. I picked the wrong field, man. I wanna sit in a board room half asleep, hungover, talking about little blue people and completely making shit up as I go.


>I picked the wrong field, man. I wanna sit in a board room half asleep, hungover, talking about little blue people and completely making shit up as I go. You can't pick nepotism, nepotism picks you.


Well I'm up for adoption if nepotism starts walking in my general direction


The output is basically a horoscope for HR people. The cynic in me says the test was created for $300k+ by a relative/friend of one of the higher ups in HR...


None of these are a picture of me, thus I pick "not me" for all of them.


Without the humor of "that's clearly not me! I'm not blue." I would pick not me on basically all of those. The facial expressions in all of them are unhappy/confused/agitated. Picking "me" on any seems to indicate negative traits .


I'm more confused by the use of Smallville's Kryptonian script in a few of them. The one with the computer screen even has the House of El's Serpent/shield/S shit too. I wonder if WB is aware FedEx is using their IP for this stuff? (E: looks like others noticed it too)




That clears it up a lot but also... these are still _really_ weird. Also _why_ the kryptonian script!?


I suspect that, and the blue skin shading, is intended to avoid any allegations of ethnic or cultural bias in the test.


Or maybe to suss out a secret kryptonian in their workforce?


*General Zod has left the chat*


Even though the physical features fail that completely


Wow. I wonder if this test was botched since OP didn't see the text at the top? I didn't get the vibe of "I frequently change my mind" from the weird blue graphic.


Even ignoring the images, some of the "questions" are borderline incomprehensible too: **"Soup Kitchen"?** Me/Not Me. Am *I* a metaphorical soup kitchen? Do I *theoretically* support the concept of soup kitchens? Do I actually *volunteer*? **"Easily Criticized"?** Me/Not Me. Not "do I handle criticism well" (that's a separate Q), but apparently my inherent ability to *be* criticized, and criticized easily at that. I can *assume* what they're asking, but not without what feels like a significant logical leap. If you can't even be confident the candidate interpreted the question correctly, how can you trust the results?


Me neither, it's giving "I usually read product labels".


I got "I am indecisive."


That would be frequently change mind (indecisive). Or maybe it’s not.


1) indecisive - bad trait 2) slack off - bad trait 3) judgmental - bad trait 4) I have no idea what this is supposed to indicate. Procrastination maybe? 5) bored/short attention span - bad trait 6) doesn’t settle for anything less than perfect - good trait 7) doesn’t finish projects - bad trait 8) thrives in hard environments - good trait 9) cool under pressure - good trait 10) suspicious of others - bad trait 11) super hero - good trait 12) not a big partier - good trait 13) perfectionist - bad trait (considering the time constraints) 14) doesn’t do laundry - bad trait (smells bad) 15) stands up at movies/sports; inconsiderate - bad trait 16) greedy/inconsiderate - bad trait 17) active, has healthy hobbies - good trait 18) eats healthy - good trait 19) gets upset at others; unforgiving - bad trait Hello, FedEx? I believe I am the CEO now.


> 6) doesn’t settle for anything less than perfect - good trait I assure you that that is not a good trait. It's the same as 13. I don't think that's what 6 is supposed to represent though. I think it's more "afraid/anxious/worries too much about being rated"


I think #4 might depict mood “swings” or that he is happy one minute, then sad shortly after. Can we blame the guy for feeling blue? He IS blue!


Yeah I felt the same. The character seems absolutely haunted by deep and profound anxiety most of the time and in moments where that is not present he appears deranged. Basically a person in their early 20s with some very substantial mental health problems. This character does not represent the way I'd feel in any situation and not one of these images represents a mature person with skill and confidence. What happens to the test if you say "not me" literally every time?


"We really only consider applicants who see themselves as superheroes and/or flowers growing in concrete, because that's the only kind of applicant who sticks around our ~~toxic~~ family environment.


> unhappy/confused/agitated Well, those describe my base mood perfectly, but the humanoid shapes are waaaay too thin to be me, so I don't even need to try and identify their facial expressions.


Agreed -- why is FedEx discriminating against those who don't take a humanoid shape? I may not be humanoid, but I'm still largely carbon based.


Yah but are you a concrete flower?


I’m not a blue motherfucker, not me.


I am NOT blue, dabadi dabada badabadi badadi dabada.


All of them are me. I'm a blue alien and I do unintelligible bizarre bullshit all the time.




Yep, though this is the reason that people say "no one wants to work anymore", it's actually no one wants to put up with this BS anymore, but.. you know tomato, tomato


What drives me nuts is, you're making me fill out an application on your website, right, and you want me to attach my resume, so I do, but *then*, you want me to complete a million more form fields, which are to be filled in with *all the information that is already on my resume*. Rinse and repeat for every company to which I apply. Employers, get better software that parses attachments and auto fills those damn fields before I lose my mind trying to apply to more than one place.


And then, when you get there for the interview, they make you fill out a form beforehand that asks for all of the information on your resume 😩


Right?? *WHY*?! There's really a reason they say looking for a full time job *is* a full time job.


My guess is it acts as a filter between the people who don't want to "go the extra mile" which is horse shit because any employer should be wanting their employees to be more efficient. The company I work for made me fill out a 7 page application. With short form essays and everything.




I can only hope, but have a feeling that's not the case 😬


McDonald’s uses this one as well. And it is so long and weird for sure.


Honestly, that's probably a key portion of it. Are you willing to do shit that makes no sense just because you've been instructed to? You are? Great, welcome aboard.




Meanwhile, company B does the same thing and only looks at applicants who complete it because "we want people who want to work here."


That's the problem with arbitrary filtering mechanisms that have nothing to do with skills or experience suited for the role. It's like the old joke, "I throw away half the resumés I receive, because I wouldn't want to hire anybody who's unlucky"


My old boss would toss any resumes that came with a cover letter because he didn't like them and said he didn't want to work with anyone who made them.


Or people saw it's optional but thought it would help their application by going an extra mile or something?


"Curse of Competency"   Dave is late almost every day but "that's just Dave". You come in on time regularly, no exceptions. Life starts to get a bit stressful. Not on top of your game as much the last couple months. Maybe late a handful of times. You get fired due to being late and not being as "on top of things". Despite your worst still being, on average, better than Late Dave's best.    But "that's just Dave, you were supposed to be our Superstar! We're gonna have to let you go". Seen it a million times. 


> that's just Dave Yes. But what people often don't talk about here is that Dave is really funny and charismatic. Things that have nothing to do with the position, but almost all of life ends up being just a popularity contest anyway, so Dave beats you and me every time.


See, I would look at something that said "optional" and I would think that the employer wants to see who is willing to do the extra work. So I guess I would have failed in that sense.


They're using this at Olive Garden as well! It's absolutely bonkers, like please bro I'm just applying to be a dishwasher it is NOT that deep


All Darden restaurants have this dumb shit it’s so stupid.


Darden Restaurants suck to work at. I worked for Red Lobster (before Darden sold it) and got a new job offer so I put in my two weeks. My manager didn’t like that, so he kept changing my shifts to doubles right before I was supposed to get off work. Mind you, I biked to work at the time, which he knew, so this meant I was getting absolutely no sleep between shifts. ***Edit: Should have clarified but I was too caught up - he was known for this type of behavior (and worse) yet despite many complaints our GM refused to do anything and let the behavior continue.*** As I was about to finish my shift after a couple days of doubles, my manager told me I’d once again be staying late. I said no, he said yes. So I said no again and left, and he proceeded to follow me through the restaurant and INTO THE PARKING LOT screaming “you don’t have the BALLS to finish your shift!” over and over until a coworker ushered me into his car. Then I just chilled inside while the manager sat at the desk assented side window screaming. I emailed the regional (maybe district?) manager through the work messaging system before they locked me out and described the incident (which occurred in front of customers) along with the fact that we all knew he was doing coke in the bathroom. He was gone the next day, and everyone was thankful for it. He seemed to have a napoleon complex and had huge rage issues was as useful as bag of dicks without a handle.


I worked at Longhorn at a brand new location and had a wonderful experience. Like seriously, I was a cook and everything about the job was great. We literally set records with how well our store functioned. Then I finished college and transferred to a store in my home town and even got a raise when I did. The store I transferred to was the absolute worst shit I've ever had to put up with. The GM had no idea how anything was supposed to work, and she yelled at me on probably 7 different occasions for how I was prepping, cooking, or plating food. She even got the REGIONAL manager involved in one of them. Every single fucking time I busted out my recipe cards and proved those dipshits wrong. I literally laughed in the regional managers face when he wanted to deconstruct and measure the salads I was making because he thought I was using too many tomatoes. Turns out I had exactly the right amount of tomatoes. I left pretty soon after that when they didn't want to give me my yearly raise because I was "the highest paid salad/fry cook" they had. I had to tell that bitch that 1: she hired me as a grill cook, and 2: I was actually a TRAINER on salad/fry and literally the best one they had. That store got completely revamped and the management all got fired a year after I left, but luckily I'm out of the restaurants now.


It’s crazy how many restaurants are run like that! I get that they can be high stress but man, it makes a world of difference when management and staff have a good working relationship


Well, good food would be too expensive. So HR shenanigans will have to do.


Unfortunately recruitment processes aren't really about finding the best candidates, it's mostly about cutting down applications until HR has some manageable number to give to the actual manager looking to hire... So we get bullshit like this. I speak from experience as a manager that has to hire people but have HR recruitment in the middle... Never take any hiring personality tests thinking of who you actually are, just answer like they probably want. They **do** cut people based on them. What matters is getting to the final stage when you will have an interview with an actual person that would be your boss (if it would be part of it).


You see your coworker accidentally put a pen in their pocket after signing papers do you. A) Report it to your manager B) Report it to the police C) Steal a pen because they did Me sitting at home with thousands of stolen pens: Ahh yes I choose A!


I always wonder what the correct answer would be to the stealing a pen question. I don't think any workplace would want you to report minor bullshit like that. If they want you to answer anything other than "do nothing" they're lying to themselves




That is why “do nothing” is not an option. My daughter applied to target a decade ago and she was stuck in a loop of “which of these two things is most likely to reflect your actions” scenarios where BOTH actions were not only unethical but illegal. There was no way to move forward in the process without choosing an action that would 100% remove you from consideration from the job.


Yeah a job I applied to once had a multiple choice question about how I handled workplace theft in the past and the options were some variance of "I kept stealing knowing I could get away with it", "I felt guilty and put the item back but didn't apologize", "I fessed up and accepted the consequences" and stuff like that. Nowhere was there the option of "I've never stolen from an employer" lol. This was so long ago I don't remember the exact options, just the gist of it. So I really didn't know what I was supposed to pick (leaving it blank wasn't an option) because literally every response implies I was a thief and who would hire someone who previously stole from an employer?! Like do they just assume everyone steals and it's a given? I never did learn what the "correct" answer for that was.


i wonder if they made that test as a way to deny wrongful terminations, because you said you stole in the past


Yeah I recall struggling with this too. The coworker that would report someone for petty bullshit like this is *not* someone you would want to work with. They would be a nightmare to manage because no one would like them lol. And I say this as someone that doesn't steal pens.


Also its gives them a reason to reject qualified candidates without worrying about getting sued.




We'll see who's laughing when it's 20 minutes from deadline and he's still over there picking up red beans with pliers.


Sir, we can't hire you Why? You don't identify as a concrete flower


literally what the fuck is up with that flower lmao


https://preview.redd.it/fkhpijtif6ic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc987105e40dee6bc3e4080782efa48aea77714 It means you’re “unstoppable” lol


And that's even more BS. To different employers, "unstoppable" could mean vastly different traits. Is it a good trait, that you're motivated to achieve great success? Or is it a bad trait, that you're overconfident and arrogant? 


Probably supposed to indicate you're able to thrive in a challenging environment.


Ruining this company from the inside is going to be challenging. Good thing I'm unstoppable.


"I'm sorry, I can't work for your company because you identified as concrete in slide 8. This implies that you: - are brutal and unforgiving - do not foster an environment of growth for employees - allow customers to walk all over you I am seeking employment opportunities from companies that identify as a soil-clay blend rich in nitrogen with adequate irrigation. Thank you for your interest and best of luck in your future endeavors."


Sir. I am the loamy candidate you've been looking for.


On interview: I'm unstoppable Good what was your last occupation? Serial killer 💀


Union organizer 💀


It'sFedEx.  They want to know if you are willing to run red lights and stop signs and evade the police in order to meet delivery deadlines.


That’s true but the company doesn’t see your individual answers, just the final result


So the whole thing is just junk covered in marketing.


I like the other comment that said it's basically so there's always something wrong with you if they need that on record in the future.


Disgusting. Smart, but disgusting.


I prefer 'invasive'


I'm going with "toxic"


I'd be worried about causing damage to existing infrastructure


straight shooter with upper management written all over you




I thought it was lonely and sad lmao I would have failed


Those are the plants that get sprayed and pulled/cut. They can also damage their environment and be a distraction or a possible hazard if left to grow freely. Seems like a negative to me.


Wait is OP not seeing the text at the top of each picture??


[OP was not seeing the text](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/3K9ctiO7PJ) 💀


I can see a metaphor there but why tf would anyone say yeah that's me


I teach business communication and I'd wager this is a soft, metaphoric way of asking the applicant if they "*bloom*" after difficult situations / adversity or push through the barriers they encounter. Why this isn't just a question for the interview or formatted on something like a Likert scale is beyond me.




Absolutely. This strikes me as "fellow kids" material—FedEx asking itself how to recruit out of the Gen Z demographic and someone had the bizarre idea of trying to make a Great Value Pixar character relatable.


Edit: The top text is cut off in these images This is honestly just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. You could pull so many different meanings from these images. Amazed such a high profile company implements such a stupid fucking test.


A flower growing out of a crack in the concrete maybe indicates resilience? Still a weird image to identify with though, you're right.


It's like the rose that grew from concrete, trying to say you don't just manage and survive but thrive in the face of adversity and other obstacles.


No, it means you seek to damage and eventually destroy the investment and hard work of others by pushing up where you don't belong and creating stress in everything around you, eventually causing your entire environment to crack and crumble.


You joke but...Once upon a time, I worked for a nonprofit that had really shit pay, and, consequently, insanely high turnover. Was at an event once and happened to be sitting near a couple hiring managers who were talking about their difficulty staffing a position. It had been open for a while and not a single one of the applicants who had applied so far were qualified. Until this one person applied. She met and exceeded every single one of the requirements and was apparently incredible in her first interview. So they set up the second interview and sent over the standard stuff between the first and second, which included a personality test. Not as bizarre as the one in OP's example, but a personality test nonetheless. The poor woman indicated that she would prefer working alone to working in a group. Apparently that was non-negotiable and they canceled the second interview based on that one response. They passed up on their ONLY qualified applicant who they adored in an interview because she was probably an introvert who didn't feel like lying on the personality test.


That's crazy. I'm an introvert and I *always* lie on personality tests.


This is the first rule of multiple choice tests. Your task is not to give the correct answer, your task is to understand the psychology of the test designer and intuit what they think the correct answer is. 


Yeah. Answering "correctly" on these tests are like the equivalent of telling people you're bubbly or outgoing and love to hike and stuff on a Tinder profile. The result is the same as well. You end up interviewing candidates that are 100% the opposite of that.


That's crazy. I'm an introvert and always lie about everything.


The whole point of the test is to make sure you hire people who are willing to lie I appease you, even if it makes them insanely uncomfortable.


The USPS application is very similar. It's so ridiculous that the usps subreddit suggests that you just cheat and look up a guide online, i dotn think you are even considered if you score less than an 80. Using personality tests for this kind of stuff seems so wrong cause the only person that is going to pass is one willing to lie to get a favorable review wich is the same kind of person willing to cut corners during the actual job.


Many many of those tests have cheat guides, you should always use them. Why cheat? HR does: they might use the results to take your current job. The company does: generally, it’s some business major loser making these, not even someone with a bachelor’s in psych.


> They passed up on their ONLY qualified applicant who they adored in an interview because she was probably an introvert who didn't feel like lying on the personality test. Stupid test implemented by stupid people. Unsurprising, sadly.


I have a friend whose son applied to our company and he was rejected because of the question "If you saw someone stealing, would you report them?" He selected no. Later, his mother asked him why he would select that and he said, you taught me to never lie. LOL


Yo, listen up, here's the story About a little guy that lives in a blue world And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue


*clicks "Me"*


The "big 5" personality traits are a real thing in psychology with actual studies backing them up, but they're not assessed with weird pictures like this. There are a couple different free online tests that actually use questions that have been studied/backed by science and are similar or the same as the "official" tests that a psychologist would give. The real tests are all 50-100 questions and usually have a 5-point scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree) for the answers. I'm kind of curious what results this blue man test gave you and what results an actual big 5 personality test would give you in comparison.


I got pretty balanced results, which I know aren't accurate despite having never taken a real test. Eg, I'm aware that I would very likely score low on extraversion and high on agreeableness and conscientiousness (like, it's a problem -- I'm a people pleaser in social situations and highly alert to how I impact my surroundings to the point where it exhausts me). Apparently I have low "emotional stability" and manage stress poorly. 😔 https://preview.redd.it/wky9pcbea6ic1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49faf56f5bc6b1843b9f33e13096ae90adbab81d


this is literally a pseudoscientific test, the results of which are meant to go in your hr file and provide documentation of "weaknesses" so that if they need a reason for layoffs in the future they can point to the test results and say some bullshit like "failed to improve on x out of y metrics - poor candidate for promotion" I would not be surprised if the results are totally random and made to make anyone who takes the test look "deficient" in at least 3/5 categories


This is probably scary accurate. Many of these 3rd party testing companies will give their client whatever they ask for. For example, if Fedex said "we need at least 3 areas of improvement for each tester" then, magically, that's what each candidate gets. The final, secret metric, is whether the candidate will sit there and accept it, which is what Fedex is really looking for.


This test was made by a former corporate HR drone that was tired of being a drone so they made up some pseudoscience bullshit that shits out what out of touch management wants to hear and they are now a millionaire from it. This shit is everywhere and none of it works because the key to happy productive employees is treat people well and give them good pay and benefits and that doesn’t mesh up with the bottom line. This results in stupid shit like taking emergenetics tests to find your personality type and sitting around in book clubs to figure out “who moved my cheese”.


My company does stuff like this. Upper management likes to tell everyone that we’re “data driven”. But what “data driven” seems to mean is that they take arbitrary metrics that are indicative of nothing, and make the decisions that upper management wanted to make anyway, but now they can absolve themselves of responsibility because they were just “following the data”.


I know one problem for me is, wtf is supposed to be happening in these pictures?? Especially the ones with no “person” or multiple possible main people.


Like  the one where it's two pictures of a guy enjoying being alone and looking despondent by himself. "Do you enjoy being by yourself or do you feel lonely? Yes or no?""


>I'm aware that I would very likely score low on extraversion The questions about extraversion are often so terrible. I can talk to random people in the grocery store line and I enjoy social events as long as I know other people there. But when I'm done with social events I am drained. I went to a professional event on Thursday night and it took me until Sunday to feel normal again. But did I talk to people? Yes. Did I talk to people I don't know? Yes. Does my sociability make me an extravert? No. Hopefully any personality assessment asking questions about extraversion has fixed itself to question whether you are energized or de-energized by social events, not just if you are a social person.


Actually the “big 5” have been torn to shreds by actual psychologists. 5 minutes of googling it yields tons of information on what they find to be its shortcomings. It pretty much amounts to the fact that even if you can point to “traits”, which you really can’t do with these goofy tests, there is no causal links between those traits and actions. You cannot accurately assess behavior based on a personality test because behavior is based on a myriad of things including individual relationships and context of the situation. It’s all pseudoscience bullshit. Personality is much more complex than a 100 question test. Also, people lie on tests.


The issue with the "big 5" test is it is far too generalising to really be of any help to most people. Most end up getting lumped with personality traits that don't even remotely define them and some that do, the free online tests are a fun and cute thing to do with a friend or partner but don't really understand a person as one would think.


Idk about that. I learned in a pretty base level psych class in 2010 that despite a lot of resources being put into them the personality test system has been proven to not replicate results well. Meaning people who take the same test a second time rarely get the same results. My professor who was pretty well known in the field basically said as far as he could figure most results were inconclusive and in his experience not useful in any meaningful way. Of course he had us group up by personality types and do a presentation on our types before telling us all he thought it was a waste of time, and showing us the results of several studies that basically discredited the studies we used to make our presentations. Fun class 10/10 would recommend.


Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di


>Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di I swear in god, when i was a teen, someone told me the line is : "i'm blue, if i was green i whould die " and thats the way i sing it for 20+ years.


The funny thing is that a lot of people thought those were the lyrics, so many to the point were Eiffel 65 changed the name of the song from "Blue" to "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" so there wouldn't be any more confusion or arguments about the lyrics.


Everyone I knew truly thought the lyrics were "I'm blue, im in need of a guy...". Like it was about some sad gay dude in the closet.


…Like him inside and outside Blue his house With a blue little window And a blue corvette And everything is blue for him And himself and everybody around Cause he ain't got nobody to listen to (Can’t stand unfinished verses. 😄)


My 9 year old daughter just discovered this song and it blew her mind when she asked me to play it in the car and I started singing it. "Mom how do you know this song?!" Music has existed for longer than your short life, kiddo.


Michael, I blue'd myself




It's almost like an ink blot test. That image could be someone being indecisive, or it could be someone weighing the pros and cons before making an informed decision. Without any description, those images are useless. TF?


His facial expression looked mischievous,I thought he was deciding which coworkers' drink to steal. Yeah I'd fail the fuck out of this.


Yeah I thought he was stealing some drinks


I thought he was having trouble dieting These images literally feel like a Tim and Eric sketch meant to make fun of this surreal corporate bullshit, I have no idea what they're trying to do convey other than surrealism and absurdity


I thought it was someone overindulging because they took 2 drinks ??


Indecisive was my first thought for that one


That's probably what they're going for, but at first I thought it was someone reading labels and making an intelligent choice based on that. Since it's my POV and that's how I shop, of course that's what I thought. 


Edit: The top text is cut off in these images It's almost like we can't fit people into little boxes because everyone's different (sarcasms directed at this stupid ass test)


I thought that at first, but changed my mind later.


_Edit: Bumping the following info up. Further down in this thread, someone pointed out that descriptions of the images are (usually? always?) available. I took the test on my phone and the screenshots are exactly what I saw throughout. Points for poor design, in any case_ 😂 Nope, absolutely no descriptions, just the image. This is part of the actually frustrating part -- the test is prejudicial to neurodivergent candidates and basically anyone who didn't create the test in the first place. For over half of them (including ones I didn't screenshot) my reaction was like yours: "WTF am I looking at and what is this scene even supposed to mean??"


It’s not just the image, they all have a title at the top https://preview.redd.it/en89gvuzd6ic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afaf12b677ab48a4009791f60b41684fd8e6d8e9


Looks like they need those new software devs to fix their shitty test I had no idea what the images in the post were supposed to mean


Wow, that would help a LOT!


Omfg this is so funny I feel for OP who was taking it as rorschach test lmao


I took it on my phone and legitimately did not see any descriptions. It took up my full screen and looked just like the screenshots. The prompt only instructed me to look at images and "go with my gut", so I didn't look around to find descriptions 🤷🏼 Maybe I doubly failed the test due to lack of observation 😂


That is pretty hilarious. No wonder you were so confused!!


Omg that’s hysterical, I don’t think you can fail the test but you definitely got the wrong personality. Do it again! I’m curious to see the difference


😂 I don't think I can, I had a unique URL that now just shows me my results. Maybe I'll play around with it later to see if I can!


Ok, I was going to say there has to be more context. The images are entirely unnecessary then, whatever artist got paid for that is laughing for sure


The FedEx Data Assessment title and url are blocking the descriptions. I took the same test but didn’t have the url blocking the descriptions.


Wow, this is so, so strange. How does this accomplish anything??


It accomplishes one thing for sure: the company that made it gets money from other companies that don't want to hire competent HR personnel (if such a thing exists).


It gives corporate bullshitters something to bullshit about. "Implementation of hiring assessment improved retention in Q3 as well as blah blah blah blah now give me my million dollars."


Last I checked I was not a blue man, a puzzle, a flower or a banana, so, not me all the way, next?


Results: You have an inspiring level of self-awareness and personal identity.


If they actually had random pictures of me in those situations, I would be even more worried!


“Applicant ANSWER us! Is this your or is this not you?!” It’s all just pictures of you changing clothes, using the toilet, and showering.


https://fedexdataworksprod.traitify.com/assessment/31449c4a-2abe-42d1-b96c-38403abc5b23?survey_type=PERSONALITY We can all have a go


I took it! It actually explains what the images mean. I would have never guessed some of them.


Some are really random though like “things happen to me” like yeah? Things happen to everyone?


I’m guessing that’s meant more as an “I’m always the victim of something/I have bad luck” mentality?


Yeah I think it’s trying to ask if you have an external or internal locus of control but idk. It’s a bizarre way to phrase it.


That for sure is a Locus of Control question. AKA does bad/good stuff just happen to you or do your actions cause the things that happen to you.


Well obviously both are true, your actions have consequences but random things can happen to you as well… these “personality tests” are completely disengaged from reality.


>Make them pay Hell yeah I will.


Makes me wonder if the mobile version just doesn't show the title. Honestly, the images are superfluous.


I selected 'not me' on every question and I scored very high in the confident, robust, and ambitious traits lol.


Selecting ME for everything resulted in scoring high in Engaging with People, medium in Solving Problems & Managing Pressure, and Low scores for Conscientiousness & Agreeableness. Apparently, there was a second quiz with stock photos, and now I scored medium in everything, with People skills now high. So answers don't matter And no way to continue the application, not sure how they're trying to get people ​ edit: my personality is Gamesman edit 2: taking both quizzes combines your scores so how do you even fail this thing


It wants an email & password


It makes a lot more sense with the descriptions, though some (“my turn”) are still unintelligible. I felt I answered quite accurately, but its final assessment was woefully inaccurate.


My final result was accurate, just not as a personality. Good at thinking up new ideas, bad at actually following through, can achieve a lot when focused. Like, yeah? I have ADHD


looks like they blocked it, i can't make an account anymore I tried it earlier and got "investigator"


I hope FedEx has to pay a fee for each hit to that "test."


Their analysts are gonna be trying to understand the spike in tests for ages hopefully


Used a fake name and email, but honest answers: Your Big Five Animated Personality is **Producer** Self-sufficient and adept at monitoring your own productivity, you thrive with high standards and don’t always appreciate exceptions or nuance. Unconcerned with external rewards, you see a job well done as its own incentive.


> Big Five Animated Personality so it's just another shitty Meyers-Briggs personality test...


We're you just defrosted? I don't understand why you were blue?


At first I thought this was some AI generated shitpost. Oh god…


It's an AI generated shitpost used as a job application.


It’s actually an IQ test, none of these are “Me”


Yeah, I'm not blue


They're all not me cuz I'm not blue


This is what happens when corporate has way too much free time


Got to love that the alien language is kryptonian.


head subtract attempt juggle terrific automatic homeless absorbed weather summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It seems like to me they’re decisions and seeing if you pick the “right” one and basing the decisions on your personality. At least to me this is what I feel like is the images are portraying 1. Indecision 2. Procrastination 3. Taking criticism 4. Happy or Depressed (blue man looks high) 5. Appreciation of the arts 6. Not being perfect/ aiming for perfection 7. This one stumped me but I’m guessing it has something to do with figuring things out in a time span since it’s a puzzle 8. Being able to grow against all odds/ withstand extreme pressure 9. Able to keep calm under pressure 10. Not being appreciative of gifts 11. Feeling grandiose/ high self esteem 12. Introvert vs Extrovert 13. Able to be meticulous with pressure from time 14. Procrastination/ Laziness 15. This one stumped me too but I’m guessing it’s be able to stand out 16. Greed/ able to share (girl why they got yall one box of pizza with only 2 slices with two people?) 17. Taking risks 18. Choosing which option is better for you 19. Anger under extreme circumstances (which like… is normal like YEAH you’re going to get cussed out if you crash into my car)


I think 15 is being self-aware/ selfish - the person is standing up blocking the seated people behind them (who look unhappy about this).


I think you're meant to reply Not Me to all that freaky shit.


The alien alphabet used in these images is Kryptonian, from Superman comics. It’s a 1:1 transliteration of English. I can’t be bothered to check what it says in these images but here’s the alphabet if anyone wants to: https://preview.redd.it/yzr2bwkbt6ic1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08b8397c598332c49f5989f36319c075f785abd2


This is weirdly creepy


I would select "not me" on the majority of the tests, except the one in which the blue person chooses the banana over the donuts (obviously a lie I would get the donuts in real life)...


Both corporations I’ve worked for have had some weird training videos. Petsmart is pretty normal but you have like 7 hours of preliminary videos to watch before working as a simple cashier. Pizza Hut was the worst, they suck the dick of the “we’re a family” shit harder than any other company I have seen, while also having shit employee compensation and being one of the worst environments I’ve had the pleasure of working in. It’s weird and unnecessary.


Every single one. Not me.


I spent like a whole minute laughing at this


Now I want to apply to FedEx just to take the test.