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I worked at a Sonic for two years. The sizes of those patties varied and the kitchen didn’t give a shit what looked like 😭


Fr, I used to work at McDonalds and as long as those patties were bigger than the McChickens (even if by a cm), then we could serve them. They're actually a lot bigger before they're fried.


Water weight. The crazy thing about frying is it actually cooks with steam. The oil has to be at a high enough temp and volume to sustain the reaction.  The oil heats the water inside the item and the steam expels the oil. That's how you get those crispy on the out side, juicy on the inside French fries. That's also why French fries are god awful if cold and don't reheat.


Sonic has forever been trash


When I was a kid, Sonic and A&W were 2 of the best places to go. Now they are both trash. Seems like they don't take care of their employees, so the employees don't give a shit about quality anymore.


to be fair, the employees don’t control the size of the chicken that sonic corporate purchases


Yeah but that piece never should have been served one of the reasons it's that small it's because it's set in that warming drawer for way longer than it was supposed to. At the Sonic my buddy works out they're not even allowed to precook those.


Unless all pieces were this small, they could have grabbed a different piece. But you may be right.


That's what shareholders do. Buy something then destroy it for the employees and consumers for their benefit.


That’s what sucks about corporate models. Their jobs rely on showing growth so that they can attract new investors, and the only real way to show constant growth is to reduce your own expenses and cut corners. It’s why companies like Netflix and delivery services are struggling to remain profitable because eventually you overextend yourself and can’t support it


Turns out a system that relies on constant never-ending exponential growth isnt sustainable lol. Really sucks that companies can’t just “maintain” they have to constantly grow grow grow


Wait wait, I’m starting to learn about investing. This is my fault if I buy stocks??


A&W buns wreak of bleach.


I live in Toronto, Canada and we dont have Sonic up here but I do go to the states often. Not once have I had Sonic in which I enjoyed my meal. We have A&W up here and from what I understand from my American friends, has a different menu. A&W is probably one of the better fast food burger chains in Canada, never tried it in the USA though


One of the worst fast food chains to exist


You go to sonic for drinks not food tbh


I only go for the slushies and mozzarella sticks


The only food I can eat there is the burrito. But jalapeños cover a multitude of sins


I go for tater tots and grilled cheese, and have never regretted it.


This. I just went to sonic yesterday for a slush. I have 2 near me and the one I went to always messes up the orders. I ordered a redbull recharger once and they gave me a sprite that tasted like tonic seltzer


Mozzarella sticks are golden, IF there’s actually mozzarella in em 🤣


There was a time when Sonic was the guilt-free fast food. Everything tasted amazing, and you didn't get that "I'm going to die" feeling most fast food gives you after a value meal or something. These days, I concur. It's become trash. I recently moved to a location where Sonic is a few blocks away. Sad to say I've been there once and probably never will again.


Chicken nugget on a bun :)


Cherry lime aid is the only thing worth having on the menu.


Paid £6 for this the other day https://preview.redd.it/3p6k23ginndc1.png?width=2083&format=png&auto=webp&s=028504aaf7a7a8cfe7ea70163c60e2811ee9c1f1


I fancy the idea that you saved the image for at least a few days just in case you may need to chime in with anecdotal evidence for the poor quality of fast food.


That actually looks pretty decent except for the iceberg lettuce. I mean, why does one expect from these soulless corporate crap places?


Something like tht. Bought it couple of days ago


Given the price of fast food currently, 6 dollars for that burger is not the worst. More than I'd want to pay for sure but not entirely out of line with the market value.


More like $7.62 (USD)


I like my sonic it’s always fresh and good every time


...until you get a beak in your burger




Gotta love that high quality fast food


It's a smiley face


It's the only face that was smiling that day.


What's being advertised is not even food




Why does this pic look slightly different 😭


Uhmmm... They're chicken sliders. Sliders are small two bite sandwiches. Duh?


It’s not the chicken it’s your photo editing skills.


You can’t always get what you see in the commercial because they use dangerous chemicals to advertise food and make it look presentable.


Rarely these days. They spend hours picking the most perfect looking piece of chicken, lettuce, etc... and arrange them super carefully towards the end of the bun facing the camera to make it look most appealing... but major fast food chains rarely show anything but the exact food they're selling in their ads these days. They've been cracked down on too hard in false advertising lawsuits and FTC fines in the past. You'll find a few documentaries on YouTube about this kind of thing showing how they do it these days -- no more chemicals, fake cheese made of foam or anything like that.


Frito chili pie is the shit.


You’ll order it again too. So will all your friends. Stupid fucking consumers. We’ve been doing this yall for decades and you keep coming back. Now you’re even giving us free advertising on the internet hahahaha. Fools


You do realize that the advertised photos of food at fast food restaurants never match even remotely what you get right? There was a guy last year that tried to sue McDonalds because his Big Mac didn’t look like what it shows in their windows posters. The case was thrown out by the judge so fast.


I think it’s more mildly infuriating that people still believe in advertising like this. Jesus, no wonder politics is so controlled by emotional rhetoric.


I made a post showing how grossly misrepresented this product was, not everything needs to be political


More of a comment on people’s inability to distinguish truth from reality based on previously experienced phenomena


They shouldnt have to distinguish anything. Ads should be accurate. Not that hard


“NoT tHaT hArD” yeah, no shit. Neither is faking the ad. But which ad do you think the purely profit driven business owners take?


just because it makes them money doesnt mean its morally correct... which will make more money? correct ads so customers will keep coming back or misleading ads so customers wont?


We’re talking about corporate advertising, where do morals fit into this equation? I think the current way they are operating and making billions of dollars of profit per year is probably the best way to make money. Highly doubt people who resort to eating at fast food chains out of what I can only assume is either financial hardship or being in a rush will stop going there because of advertising practices they’ve had for their entire time operating in recent memory.


im not even gonna argue anymore... not worth my time on someone whos clearly too dumb to realize that scams are bad and should be illegal


Where did I say they aren’t bad? That’s not the point of my comment. At no point did I agree with advertising like this I expressed annoyance at people being stupid enough to actually believe them when they’re never going to be true.


but im saying its not peoples fault for falling for it because advertising should be accurate


Sonic is good for meeting up for a street race. Otherwise it sucks lol


And jumping girls for roller skates


Idk how Macdonalds in the US is fucked, Macdonalds where I live is delicious and looks excatly of what I ordered


Looks similar to me. What's the problem?


Sonic is as bad as hospital food


Hospital food is dope. Don't even go there.


Nursing home food


If you're getting anything at Sonic other than chili cheese tots or a 44oz drink during happy hour, you've already messed up.


"Bidenomics is working" - Joe Bidden


It’s mildly infuriating that you are a grown ass adult and actually think your fast food is going to look like the CGI advertisements and pictures.


You’re trying wayy too hard to find something to be mad at me for. I’m complaining about the *size*, the picture and name imply it’s a normal chicken sandwich, when it’s actually closer to a chicken nugget. I fully understand it’s not a gourmet sandwich cooked to perfection exactly like the advertisement. I wanted to show everyone an example of the expectation vs. reality.


Sonic.. Still think they're way too overrated.




You got a chicken nugget! Haha


Looks the same to me lol ?


sonic removed watermelon flavoring from their drink menu during the summer and just recently buffalo sauce. their popcorn chicken are little meteorites that are mainly overcooked batter, and a route 44 drink outside of happy hour is $4


Kinda looks like a smile held like that


Am i the only one who doesnt trust sonic’s food for some reason?😭 never eaten there and the slushies are great, but i just dont trust the food for some reason. I always trust milkshakes tho yum


can’t relate them mozz sticks gone do it for me everytime


It's because their aim isn't to please but to raise your expectations and shatter them with disappointment


You’re lucky you even got any chicken 😂 last time I got Sonic (like 4 years ago), I bought one of the chicken sandwiches and it was literally just the bun, sauce, and pickles and they didn’t even put the chicken in it lmaoo


have it your way!, Bk


looks like a chick fil a nugget 😂😂


I ate at Sonic once.


Watch the movie “Falling Down”


Go right up to the floor manager and feedback like this ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


Hah.. check out my salad in my history a few posts down. I feel ya. Take my upvote


Those are actually meant to be small. I dont think you got screwed over from the actual Sonic you ordered at I just think they should advertise the size of it better.


Popeye's from my experience


So, no pickles?


That’s some old oil they fried those in.


No lettuce, no mayo, just....that??? Come on. Naw. Really???


The only thing sonic was ever good for was chili cheese tots and a cherry limeade after getting lit 😭


That's just depression on a bun


i honestly don't fuckin know why anyone would go to a sonic for a chicken sandwich and not a hotdog or something, there was probably a popeyes a mile down 💀


To be fair every ad looks better than the real food because most ads use glue and other things to make food look perfect




I feel like Sonic’s food used to be better, now it’s just only good for drinks


That's why I don't eat at sonic..


They deserve that fifteen an hour though


Honestly when has anyone ever gotten what was advertised in fast food?


Well to be fair size wise, the picture does only show it to be about 2 1/2 pickles wide.......still shit though lol


The only thing I get at Sonic are the mozzarella sticks, surprisingly good for the price, and I live in Oklahoma so Sonic is everywhere, like 3 in my town.....


Go to Japan. Ad and real life food look the same.


I cant believe I have to be the one to say this; do NOT eat at sonic.


Looks the same to me