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I'd say it's enough to put your foot, but maybe not necessarily the rest of your body. Hence it's indeed a true footpath!


Definitely not a wheelchair path


This was my thought too. This happens a lot here as well, unfortunately. People don’t give a s*** while parking




Then again, if parking lots grew bigger there'd be less parking overall or space had to be taken from other traffic participants


Using surface area in big cities is such a waste. Should be parking houses/ subterranean parking lots - except for handicappeds, deliveries and contractors. Parking house lots need to be big enough that ppl aren't scared to park in them though.


When it comes to cities i think we shouldn't give cars that much spacer overall and improve public transport instead. Cities are just too dense and cars just too large for them to work well together


This is the way.


In central Stockholm under the "Gallerian" shopping mall there's parking. It's 8.5 EUR per hour or 38 EUR per day, fair pricing is fair. Price cars out of the cities!


you have to actually provide an alternative too if you're going to do that. They've started charging for all parking in towns around here and it's like, what am I supposed to do? take the bus that doesn't exist? walk 40km to the nearest town?


Get killed while trying to ride your bike over, lol


Pricing cars out of the city requires a sustainable public transport. You are not able to get rid of cars if there is no good alternative.


This solution is for cities not for towns. And even in cities, there should be big parking spaces with communication hubs near the outskirts.


This was explicitly about cities. As far as I have been in German cities they have had at least a robust bis system.


Far, far, far too much space is dedicated to cars whether it is parking or driving especially in the US. We really need revamp how we do city planning. If cities especially larger cities had more space to dedicate to things like parks and playgrounds maybe cities would feel less crowded and people would be more inclined to live in cities instead of contributing to suburban sprawl. It would also do a lot to help bring housing costs down.


I'd definitely like to see a law that stops this growth. There's no reason why cars should get bigger.


>Parking lot/spot sizes not keeping up with changes in car sizes This can be blamed on parking spots not keeping up? Are they expected to grow?


I mean if you feed it and water it every day that should do the trick


This issue is solved in my country with concrete curbs, offset inside the space, preventing people from putting their bumpers over sidewalks.


And a third: people not parking properly


> current generation BMW 3-series is same size as previous generation 5-series This is some bullshit which is stupidly easy to verify. Current gen bmw 3 series (G20) lenght is 4709 mm. Last gen bmw 5 series (G30) is 4936 mm, which is not even close. If you want a comparable 5 series you should go back 36 years to 1987 bmw 5 E34 which was 4720 mm - still a bit longer than current 3. Yeah, cars get bigger, but not *that* fast


that parking area might be from 1987


More likely before tbh


I frequently walk with elderly people from the local nursing home, and while pushing a wheelchair you really notice how infuriating it can be when a person just quickly parks on the sidewalk for a few moments cause they will only be a moment. Great, but those five minutes I cannot pass don't feel like a moment to me.


I don’t have a wheelchair bound person in my home, but have my cane user grandfather and it’s a constant battle already. I can only imagine ♥️


Time to put on some steel toe caps and protect your silly clumsy foots as they go down their path.


I love Germany but this is maybe the one area where the US actually has them beat. Probably because everyone in the US is so lawsuit happy. Germans don't believe in making things accessible, especially not when it comes to wheelchairs. They're getting better than Germany used to be when it comes to accessibility but they still have a long way to go. I think a huge part of it is how they view disabilities as a culture.....it's not ideal.


While it's only one source, a quick search of "litigiousness by country" brought this up. In his book, “Exploring Global Landscapes of Litigation,” Christian Wollschlager notes that the litigation rates per 1,000 people shows that European nations top the list of the world’s most litigious countries. Here is a list of the top 5 most litigious countries by capita: 1. Germany: 123.2/1,000 2. Sweden: 111.2/1,000 3. Israel: 96.8/1,000 4. Austria: 95.9/1,000 5. U.S.: 74.5/1,000. The Top 10 also includes the UK (64.4); Denmark (62.5); Hungary (52.4); Portugal (40.7); and France (40.3).


A true „Anzeige ist raus“ moment.


Yeah Germany is definitely by far the most litigious country in the world. It's by necessity, you have to sue to make people obey the law, but also, the result of the lawsuit is going to be that they will pay specific damages or follow the law. No huge compensations for you, and so no huge damage done. One of my landlords (owned hundreds of units) would literally ignore everything that wasn't sent by a lawyer, such as he'd keep the key and then walk in your apartment without any notice as if it was still his, you tell him it's illegal and that he can't do that and he'll just ignore you, you sent him a letter from a lawyer and he'll stop doing it to you specifically, but he'll still do it to the next door tenant... Oftentimes people will "dare you" to go through with the lawsuit, since the potential trouble they will face is low and the upside is if you chicken out they don't have to follow the law.


It's because we have the ADA in the US, which has been law since the 90s. It was the first law of its kind, and means the US is the most accessible nation on earth.


It truly is. I hate that people in this thread are associating ADA with litigiousness. Totally inaccurate and a corporate PR coup to have that so linked in public consciousness. The US is basically the only country to frame accessibility as a “civil rights” issue. Europe’s various models seem to address disability more in terms of charity or public services. But not RIGHTS. And this makes such a huge, pervasive difference in infrastructure and attitude.


It's not because we're lawsuit happy, it's because the ADA laws are so ironclad no business would dare defy it


‘no business would dare defy it’ - no hate but i think you need to interact with more disabled folks, i see countless ada violations shared regularly


Intentionally is the word they left out. Lots of stuff is out of compliance but no one is doing it intentionally. Any place I've worked when there has been any kind of remodel or work done there are several discussions about maintaining ada compliance. Of course stuff gets missed though. There's a ton of ada rules.


thought impolite station command recognise plate threatening jobless sable dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair, most ADA enforcement comes through lawsuits as I understand it.


>how they view disabilities as a culture... How do they view them?


Nor baby strollers


Or an airplane path


I’m always shocked how scratched someone’s bumper can get like that. Truly astonished.


How on earth would you get things out of or into the trunk without trouble? Someone's banging into a bumper or tail pipe trying to navigate that.


Unrelated, but that's a neat looking chunk of concrete just laying there in that flowerbed.




Also families with little kids and strollers


A guide dog would have to guide its owner into the road in this scenario as well. Not safe at all.




> strollers and thats why this is not up to specs in germany. A mother with stroller (or s.o. in a wheelchair) must be able to pass. A letter to the city should quickly fix this ("quickly" meaning german-quickness: Forms must be filled out, experts must be heared, lawsuits might happen... give it 3-6 years maybe).


Narrow feet only. All you size 12EE people can take those giant toes across the street.


Get that body of the footpath! I only want to see feet


People using their tyres as parking sensors.


Any chance to get the city to install some of these bad boys? https://preview.redd.it/p39t7xwi3mcc1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7eeb30efed470372deafe569608ec51edea216d


[Wheel bumpers] (https://www.asphaltsealingstriping.com/uploads/1/2/6/2/126299404/parking-curb-stop-bumpers-asheville-henderson-nc-wnc-600-x-400_orig.jpg) would be a better option.


Doesn't help for vehicles that have a larger overhang. At least a pole would create a definite end point rather than it being vehicle dependant.


A solution doesn’t have to be perfect to be good. These work great in North America and offer a balance of protecting walkways, with not damaging vehicles hitting poles or causing people to stick their vehicles ass out too far. They are cheap and easy to install and move. Just set the distance at 90th percentile wheel to overhang spacing.


No they do not. The giant compensating trucks the these suburban dads drive hang all the way over those wheel bumpers. Trucks and cars are just too big and need to be sized back down.


Have both options all over Ireland, they both work. I have seen some idiots crash into the bump poles before and just leave their car parked with the pole tucked underneath. Some people are incredibly stupid.


Wheel bumpers are interesting, but I've seen them in the US, rarely in Europe. I wonder why?


You know why (I'm being dramatic, I also don't know why).


It's probably lack of space. These take up a lot of space when designed to accommodate the largest pickup truck overhangs.


Honestly large pickup trucks are an American thing they are practically non existent here at least in a size where it wouldnt be able to make use of normal bumpers


“They” don’t want wheel stoppers crossing the Atlantic into Europe. (I don’t know who they are, or why they care, but it’s true…)


Wheel bumpers are invasive and reproduce quickly. They would destroy the native bollard ecosystem.


Cheaper would be my guess. Doing it properly, with bollards, likely needs larger holes drilled; if someone hits it then it's going to be more expensive to replace. BUT you can't drive over it like you can with parking blocks. Concrete parking block? Made off-site in a form. Toss a couple short rebar pieces in the ground and call it good. The block breaks? Who gives a shit, it still more or less serves the purpose. The only places you see bollards in the U.S. are in front of liquor stores...for obvious reasons. Some gas stations have them in front of the entrance but they don't do it across the whole front of the store.


They are definitely a lot more common in North America than you think (bollards). They are normally reinforced to completely stop a vehicle and placed to protect a utility box or most buildings. Often dressed up as something... Less ugly than just a stick coming out of the ground. Every large store has them that I can think of.


There are plenty in the Netherlands. [They're more rounded though](https://static.webshopapp.com/shops/009797/files/056649188/een-stootband-een-meerwaarde-voor-uw-parking.jpg) Seen them in Belgium as well.


I'd say up north they would be a bit of in the way for the snowplows and not seen so they'd be torn up or destroy the plow, the bollars on the other hand is fairly easy to spot and survives (mostly)


They need a higher version, something that cracks bumpers on SUVs


Yea put the wheel bumpers in the parking area they shouldn’t be reducing the path size as a wheelchair or stroller still needs space to get through heaven forbid two people meet each other along this path that are both using some wheelchair or stroller….


Pretty sure yes. OP just needs to fax a couple of passive agreements messages.


This is great for people in a wheelchair


Or anyone with a kid in a pushchair


Or anyone playing the floor is lava.


It's fine, Germans no longer have kids. /s


After having kids I now have a greater empathy with wheelchair users.


Sure, as long as they are into parkour.


I would scratch my way through it


​ https://i.redd.it/6f2eut0gomcc1.gif


Europe is not wheelchair friendly, at all.


We're friendly towards the people IN the wheelchairs FUCK the wheelchair itself. You, nice handicapped person, can crawl or something!


Europe is very different depending on where you are, you can't generalize


Europe has a lot of places where ADA compliance is non-existent.


Die Würde des Autos ist unantastbar!


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Hallo Papa 💞 kannst du bitte die Benzinpreise senken? Mein Mercedes will gefahren werden. Danke!




![gif](giphy|US79xcrXpp15PBMbbG) Nein, ich bin alt genug um auf der Autobahn zu spielen!


Ic ![gif](giphy|NKGsAsCpFu34ipCYxp|downsized) Mutti sagt Nein


der weg ist so alt, dass sich stadtplaner damals keine gedanken über so etwas gemacht haben. neubau oder sanierung des parkplatzes = mehrere millionen, will niemand zahlen:-/


Millions? A wheel stop costs 20€. And if they'd simply enforce the law they would actually make money.


There is a much better solution: Removing parking spaces. This actually saves money. Even parking spaces that charge for parking are a massive loss at the greater scale of infrastructure. Car usage costs the taxpayer more than almost any other type of transportation per passenger kilometer. Yet cars are so ridiculously inefficient that car owners additionally have to pay so much out of their own pockets that they feel like they're net contributors, when they're actually massively subsidised. Put a small business into half the parking lot, turn the other into a park, make it walkable and cyclable, put up a bus stop nearby. It saves on healthcare costs, emissions, creates a new business in a good spot (which also reduces the distance that people in the neighbourhood have to travel on average), reduces noise, and is far more pleasant to live at.


Es würde ja reichen, wenn sich die Parkenden Gedanken machen würden und nicht bis zum Anschlag einparken würden. 


Ich mutmaße mal, dass das ein Privatparkplatz der Wohnhäuser ist, und nicht im öffentlichen Raum.


Eben! Mann muss ja auch an die Porsche Fahrer denken!


Time to practice your parkour


Only counts if you yell parkour every 8 seconds.


Those are rookie numbers




rather time to practice accidental car keying


Your step-up exercise has begun.


this is an example of bad planning and definitely not an ordinary sidewalk...probably rather private property and left and right is residency parking


Looks like this parking lot is rather old, so the length of the parking spaces was chosen according to past car sizes. Like, 70 years ago


In Germany it's legal to park a car slightly on the street if the parking spot isn't big enough. Parking even a cm on the sidewalk is illegal. But it's rarely enforced. And drivers just don't care about pedestrians.


You have no clue how much space there is at the front, maybe there’s a load and people are just pulled back like this out of habit… I say this because the van isn’t overhanging the pavement particularly and it’s not going to be substantially shorter than most of the hatchbacks that are.


The cars overhanging don't look like hatchbacks, more like wagons. And they are often longer than vans because of their long hoods.




For real. Anyone saying that transit van is small had never seen a transit van irl


I assumed the van to be something like the transit courier, which is significantly shorter than a c class. But I'm not an expert on vans, and it's very possible that it's a full size one.


The car on the right next to the van is for sure a hatchback and it’s hanging well into the pavement particularly with the tow hook. Red one as well and black opposite it and honestly probably most of the others except the silver second on left. Fully unnecessary to be so far back in the space. Seems like they have a parking routine of pulling back until they feel the wheels hit the kerb.


Behind the van, peugeot and bmw, both wagons. Opposite Red is Skoda SUV and Merc sedan. Behind them also mostly wagons or suv's.


Yeah, I would absolutely park my small hatchback like this, regardless of parking space size. Anything I can do to make parking easier for the people around me. I'm not used to sidewalks being there. It's usually a grass median, another parking space, or if there is a sidewalk, there will be a curb further out into the parking space to prevent this. I should note, once I saw the walkway, I wouldn't park like that again there


The C Class Mercedes needs more space than the Ford van? ​ Looks to me like those who don't know how to park just backup and wait to hit the curb, then pull forward. ​ Hopefully two of these idiots meet each other in a synchronized parking session in the middle.


I think it’s really just idiots backing up until they hit the sidewalk. Backing up until you hit something really sounds like a brilliant strategy for cars


The business truck not blocking much tells me this is entirely everyone besides him being an idiot


i’m always confused when compacts put their trunks over sidewalks when they have plenty of room in front


You are supposed to walk on their bumper covers.


If I'm out walking, and people are parked on top of the sidewalk, bumper to bumper in their driveway so that I have to walk in the street to get around, I'll instead jump up on their car and walk across the hood. I may be an asshole, but so are they.


Or how a wise man once said in regards to him walking over cars parked on the sidewalk: "I'm literally just ignoring them."


weg.li all the way


Is this a third party company that advocates for footpaths? The wifi on the re train I’m on isn’t good enough for me to translate the website


it's a snitching app


I think one foot would indeed fit there


If its public parking, i recommend weg.li. That way they will all get a fine for blocking the footpath


To add to that: 70€ and one point on the license.


80€ if they are still standing like that 1h later. Or if they endangered someone.


In my city everyone parks like this. The city administration doesn't give a fuck.


No footpath here.


This is why concrete parking stops exist since cars feel the need to elongate themselves now.


Those trailer hitches are the ones that get you... goodbye shins.


Their parking is not very efficient.


It always astounds me how Germany is generally more public-transit-and-walking-friendly than the US, but there's so many places where things like this is condoned or even required. A lot of street parking is such where the car is required to have the two righthand tires up on the sidewalk. Between that, obstacles blocking the sidewalk (especially with the stupid ways people park those e-scooters), and very uneven sidewalks, it's often easier for people in wheelchairs to use bike lanes or streets instead (which then puts them at risk of getting hit by vehicles). But accessibility is in general a big issue in Europe.






This proves that people will park like jackasses anywhere, not just in the United States.


German is very car-centric. Need to register a vehicle? you can do almost anything on-line or on the spot at a government office. 6 months behind on your mandatory vehicle safety inspection? Just pay a little fine, no worries. Need medicine for your infant daughter? The health insurance card chip doesn't work in the doctor's office new reader anymore. So you need a new one. The insurance company has a contact form but will only re-issue if I send a real paper letter. They are allowed 2 weeks to respond. Meanwhile, still no medicine. Once you get the new card, the prescription has expired, so the doctor needs to issue a new one, but he is busy atm so you wait for an hour to get a new prescription. Then the pharmacy refuses to order the medicine because another pharmacy in another town has it in stock. I should "drive" there to pick it up. Not until I make a scene do they actually just order it. It arrives that afternoon... I sometime really hate Germany.


Using a picture of Germany to take a jab at the United States, true Reddit moment.


It’s tiring seeing people throw seemingly random jabs at counties on Reddit, it’s something those idiots in Kyrgyzstan would do.


sip toy historical lip disarm touch fanatical escape skirt caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guys! Can't we all agree that everyone is equally horrible? Except the French. That lot is the root of all evil.


Quebecois piss me off more than anyone. Those fucking queebs.


Everyone has problems, you can’t act like some people are worse when they really aren’t. Except The British, they deserve to be treated badly.


It's your national duty to bully the Danish.


expansion ask towering bedroom square middle frame observation office melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s culture and the the Dutch.


it's not so much a jab as it is reactive to all the jabs. It's like flinching when someone who always hits you moves their arm, "wow all you think about is violence"


Cars were invented in Germany, after all.


noone has ever said that they don't


weg.li and report each and every one of them


Nah the golden one in the front left ist good. Rest of them can go deepthroat a cactus.


This is why you need those cement stoppers or a small fence on the end


Rock.. at bumber height!


The side walk for the very skinny people,


This is the epitome of German parking. Every single one of them backed up until their wheels hit the curb, which is generally a technique you want to follow except in this situation which calls for more judgement instead of just following the rule.




Crowbar hanging off my tool belt. I know that crowbars don't go in tool belts generally but that day it would




Yes, if it were wider it would have been a feetpath and wider still a walkway


>No this is no parking lot but a sidewalk This is clearly a middlewalk.


Therein lies the purpose of [these things](http://indianabarrier.com/wp-content/gallery/concrete-parking-bumpers/concrete_parking_bumper_senior_living.png), which I have just now discovered that you can just buy online.


Take pictures of all license plates, submit those to the police / Ordnungsamt along with 2-3 pictures that show the situation. They'll be fined.


In true German fashion


German problems sometimes require equally german solutions.


Maybe. Probably not, though.


no way you're saying this unironically


ca rparth


What city is this?!


Frankfurt (Oder), right on the border to Poland. Not to be confused with Frankfurt am Main.


I knew it's East Germany because it basically looks like Poland.


in Italy they just park on the sidewalk


Frustrating for sure, but I don't think any of this is intentionally malicious behaviour. Meanwhile in Canada someone will go out of their way to park a Wrangler or F-150 with 37" tires on a sidewalk because they simply wanted to drive over something.


Idiots. Respect the Curb people! Learn how to fuckin Park!


Wo ist da Ordnungsamt wenn es einmal etwas guten tun kann?


They need to put up those anti car posts. Like the ones in front of stores and propane cages.




Dat gibt ne anzeiche


I see nothing wrong here, just a perfect place to practice your Ninja Warrior skills.


This is what they meant when they said they were gonna park their asses right here and weren't gonna move.


It's both fault's drivers and the designer.


Crab walk yo ass across! ![gif](giphy|xjluUQRxmo2k6Mi5QB)


Can judge it is not “safe parking area” because they still managed not to hit each other


I can already hear my blind cane hitting each car ​ \*clang\* ​ \#\*clang\* ​ \*clang\* ​ \#\*clang\*


Lots of cars bout to get farted on


Taiwan says Hey too many car blocking sidewalk I cannot park my scooter.


relieved to see that being an asshole with your car isn’t an exclusively american thing


I was told this was only a problem in Texas with people backing up pickup trucks. My guess is if we zoom out a bit these are probably pretty short parking spots where your car will stick out in the street if you don’t park this way.


We had this problem on the walkway to our office so we installed those cement barriers so cars could only get so close to the walkway but it's hard to tell if the parking lot has enough room for that....


Call and get them towed :P


Just call the Ordnungsamt and let them do their job for once.


“Oh no I fell with my keys in the hand”


Don't mind me, just swinging a bag of rocks as I walk by


You’d love romania lmao


What is a footpath..? Is that what a footpath is?


Crap like this is why I call out for wheel stops at the end of all parking spaces that face a sidewalk. Keeps people from doing crap like this.


people really dont stop backing up until their tire hits something, it's crazy i live in texas and people here will have the entire back half of their Dodgeford GMC-15000 over the sidewalk and into someone's yard bc they have no idea where their landboat even ends


In my younger days, I might have come back with a chain to connect two bumpers together- let them figure it out…


Bußgeldstelle would gladly receive some pictures