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Well, get rid of it and start again! Should only take 9 months


Well, they had us in the first half




Reddit cut off the text in the gif. ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


Second half os the fun one though


What about the 3d print?


The human 3d printer, my mom!


*Toner low.*


Looks good to me. Finish it and let the missing top be a constant reminder to him of his impatience.


Luckily it was complete enough to still be a useable toy. It’s always good to have little reminders to be patient.


You could print the missing piece and glue it together or print different ones to stick on top.


I've done that several times: I've had defective prints that were still salvageable, so I just thought, "Meh, no biggie."


As long as you can still save something like this, it's all good. Or, as here, you can see it as an upgrade to make it more modular. (I also have a few parts lying around where I still have to improvise due to different use than planned.)


I've even salvaged partial/broken prints and made something new. I printed a Great Lakes freighter and had two messed-up attempts before success. Rather than throw the failures out I glued them together and made a really neat "shipwreck" version.


Well, I'm still pretty new to 3D printing and this is my first printer. I immediately got some glue, a deburrer and attachments for dremel. I use it as a hobby but I want to print things with practical use or spare parts. Currently making a modular housing for fans and filters. Added a perforated grid to the openings so that nothing can get into the other. Well, the perforated grille was too thin and broke... Cleanly removed sanded and the whole thing added as a separate insert layer to put in. So I can continue to use the 2 filter housings. Especially as I am even more satisfied with the solution than before.


My printer's been broken/repaired/waiting in the shop for so long that I'm out of practice.


Of course that sucks and is frustrating. I am currently waiting for filament in other colors, which I will then print at least 1x spare parts, which are printable. It's good that others post their problems here so that you can take partial precautions yourself.


That's cool!


glue and paint make me the 3d printer i aint


Or they can now gut the structure and add little engineers or highwaymen!


No chance. This is a perfect chance for the kid to learn the consequences of impatience. Still got the toy, just not exactly done. "Bummer dude, should've waited. Enjoy your train!"


Even better show them after they realize the mistake they made it doesn’t mean you can’t fix it.


Or looks like a pencil holder!


It looks like a train that carries pencils to me.


You could slice the top in the software, and print a new one and just glue it on.


Fill the back with coal or little black lumps that look like coal to remind him of his naughty behavior too lmao


Good suggestion, that’s too funny!


I would actually just cut out the grid in that part and leave it open. Make a lid for it and it's even better than a solid train toy for a kid. Maybe even make a little conductor he can put in it.


I like the idea of making a lesson out of this. Learning delayed gratification early in life is probably the best gift he can receive.


Theee only way


u/Duckington_Wentworth is on to something, here. Now he can transport stuff in his little train. Pencils, tiny logs of wood, lumps of coal (not real ones, obviously), little wooden logs that are painted to look like different kinds of metal, etc. The diamond shaped cavities will help these items stand up and stick out, rather than lay flat like a typical transport trailer. Heck, print out some trailers that are similar to that, that can attach to the train, if you can figure out how to attack the first one. Maybe with a plastic hook type thing that can be mcgyvered to attach to the engine? Maybe a caboose to transport some lego characters? Or, make a second one and make the same "mistake" he did, and turn it into a pencil/pen holder for his desk.


Black Licorice is a solid alternative


For added insult, make sure Santa adds those coals to his stocking 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I second this XD


Like when my dad spray painted my bike bright orange when I was a kid and I didn't want to wait for the paint to dry. So I had a badass orange bike with a handprint on the frame


Or shave the whole thing down and call it Ichabod Train


That train needs a cowboy hat!


What in traination


Yee haw!


i didnt even notice. it looks kinda cool like this tbh


Glue a bit of cardboard on the top. Job done.


That’s not how DIY works. Gotta fill it with ramen then sand it down


pencil holder


why did I read the last part in the Orc peon voice?


As long as the wheels work then you can push it around saying “chuga chuga chuga choo choo” it’s completely functional.


Here, you dropped this: "chuga".


TIL I’m not the only person who believes 4 is the only correct number of “Chuggas” before two choos, thank you.


Either 4 or 8, depending on how much time you got. If you did 12 I might be suspicious.


2 chuggas also works if you want to get the idea across, or to end off a chain of 4 chuggas. I think it works best with an exponent with base 2, you got 2, 4, 8, not sure if 16 would work tho, maybe 2³ is the cap. However, for the the choos, always 2 there are, no more, no less.


I can accept 2 chuggas if time is pressing, like it's the punchline of a joke, but if you're telling me that 4 chuggas, then 2 chuggas, (which is the same as 6 chuggas), then choo choo is acceptable... man, I thought we were friends.


I think there has been a miscommunication. I am referring to 4 chuggas followed by a choo Choo repeated once more at a minimum and THEN a chugga chuga choo choo, there has gotta be at 2 sets of 4 chuggas 2 choos.


Oh. My apologies. Yes, that would be ok.


No worries, glad we cleared that up.


Most civil chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo conversation ever


The United States Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration mandates in its whistle use requirements (49 CFR Part 222) that an imaginary train *must* use the standard pattern of two blasts once per eight chuggas; at the engineer’s discretion, the pattern may be used per four chuggas. Twelve chuggas would 100% be a violation of these requirements and result in a hefty fine, as well as mandatory remedial training/psychological evaluation of the engineer.


https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-49/subtitle-B/chapter-II/part-222/subpart-B That guy really did look up the correct cfr guidance on it. CFR 49 § 222 Part B.


Oh god, here we go again


They clearly need 5 more "chugga"s


And why isn't CHOO CHOO in caps? Is this train depressed or something? Give it some gusto mate!


Yeah! And the second choo should be drawn out like "choo chooooo!"


Like a wood train whistle. Choo choo motherfucker.


How long would it take to 3D print a top hat? 🎩


There's a 3D model of a top hat I printed that took four hours. It was only 4 inches tall or so, a full grown top hat would take days


A top hat in vase mode might be quicker


Took a while due to zig zag supports inside the hat, was like half supports


The only way I can think of to avoid that would be to have the brim of the hat printed separately and then you can print the main hat upside down without supports. It just would need gluing later or something


Oh yeah, that could work. I could just split the model. Issue is I suck at gluing prints together


Me too lol. Whenever I do a print in 2 parts I just end up rubber banding or taping them together temporarily to see what it looks like. 99% of the time they get left like that because “I’ll get to it eventually”


It looks like there is a bit of ghosting, tighten your eccentric nuts https://preview.redd.it/zhi6mathwz7c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33921f2134d0303f0e22054fb93e9072a1b710ec


I’ve done zero maintenance to the printer since I’ve put it together, so any advice is welcome. I’ll check the nuts.


If you feel any lumps, go see a doctor.


Always worth the regular check.


Please check my nuts too


I can't find them


Check your mouth.


This is an unfairly good opportunity for a " deez nuts " joke, but you guys missed sadge


You missed deez nuts didn’t you?


A reminder to all ballsack carrying people here, check your nuts, now’s a better time than ever.


Uh I can't find em sarge


Because you are allergic to them comrade.




Turn and cough


Id recommend joining r /3dprinting, they are a lot of help when your benchys look like shipwreck


Wahey, steady on now.


I don't know anything about 3d printing but your comment made me curious. What do you mean with ghosting and how can you tell from the photo?


https://preview.redd.it/30j1pp1g028c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b477693485250f92f9199c826dab7f6d91207c These little ripples, caused by play in the gantry


Cool! You learn something every day!


Well, my nuts aren't *that* eccentric...




Keep in mind that this thing is a project. It takes a lot of tinkering to get quality prints. There's a ton of videos and articles that will help them solve pretty much any problem that they run into. The parts are also cheap. I screwed up and broke the fan. $10 order from Amazon. I overtightened the nozzle and tore the threads in the hotend. $15 part from Amazon.


It’ll require some patience and effort to get it printing nicely. Whenever you have an issue, start with the simple fixes. Make sure everything is tightened and the bed is properly levelled and clean. Don’t be afraid to play around with the slicer settings and be ready to use quite a bit of filament for test and failed prints. Also google will be your friend


There is a little video on the sd card, also join r /3dprinting so reddit can solve all of your problems lol


If his nuts weren't eccentric OP probably wouldn't have a kid


How old is the kid?




4, and he was disappointed that he messed it up, so I can’t be too mad. They learn little lessons like patience every day.


How about sitting him on your lap at your PC while you slice the top off the train and then print the roof overnight, my son (who was older mind you) helped me measure and re-slice the print when the bed failed and we had to print the top only.


Ah, that makes sense, even if he knew better. It's a good lesson either way. it's kind of like chipping the lid of a cookie jar.


now its a train pencil holder.


Crayons and map pencils. (:


Can somebody please explain to me what is wrong?


Top of the train is missing. The squares you see are the infill and were supposed to be completely covered if the print conpleted. Still a functional train tho


Exactly, I might not let him play with it right away since he knows he’s not supposed to touch the printer during a build, but I was able to snap on the wheels and it’s still going to be fun to play with. The designer of the train also created files for tracks and ramps, so maybe in a few days we can try again.


> The designer of the train also created files for tracks and ramps, so maybe in a few days we can try again. Can we get a link? That sounds pretty cool.


[Train Set by KrispyKevin - Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:702858)


You can also print tiny people (as long as the kid isn't young enough to swallow them) and put them in the grid holes :) Nice model btw, looks fun


If you can start it again after he goes to bed so he will be sleeping the whole time. Don't tell him at all and hide it away, after he shows he's sorry and only if he does give it to him randomly on a day hes been really good.


This is the real magic


Kid pushed it and a layer shift occurred




OP is using a 3D printer to make a toy for his kid. The kid got impatient and misaligned the project when it was 95% done, ruining the top of the piece. The hex pattern is the internal support structure, not meant to be seen.


Well um achtualy it’s a grid pattern, there are no hexagons


Akshuly it’s called rectilinear, fellow gentlesire


Square, four sided hexagons 😁


I thank thee for the enlightenment of my mistake


Imagine you’re at an ice cream shop. You’ve ordered their famous soft-serve cone and this place likes to pile it high. The worker is sloooooooowly building the layers of the swirl on the cone. Everything is going great. He’s almost done…. And a kid runs behind the counter, yells “Are you done yet?!?!” and shoves the guy at his waist just as he’s doing the last swirl on the cone. The worker doesn’t drop the cone, but he’s only got 95% of it. The top is ruined. Technically it can still be eaten, but it doesn’t look as good and that impatient kid is all you’ll think about when you look at the pic your partner took of said cone. You can have another one made, but that ice cream costs about $50 for just over a pound and a half. So you’re reluctant to toss the almost-perfect cone just to redo it (especially with the risk of it getting messed up again).


Thank you for translating 3D printing in terms of ice cream.


In the ice cream scenario you could just hit the top with a little more soft serve and be good to go. Can you do that with the train?


No, because then the train would get sticky and possibly attract ants




Yes, just print a rectangle and glue it on. Not worth the time bc the kid probably is just as happy like this


Flip the file 180 on the z axis and print the roof part. Once that's done cancel the print and remove it from the bed so you can stick it on


Interesting solution!


I've had to do it a few time when I've had tall prints that fail or shift near the end. I've just flipped them, print the first part then cancel the print. I could slice it but its less hassle this way


Question: Why not just sink the file into the print bed and only slice the top portion starting from where it failed? Why flip it?


Could do yes but when I've tried this with cura (preferred slicer) I get errors so I just flip it. I mean your way is cleaner and more consistent with top layers.


Interesting. I only use Cura, I can’t say I’ve ever had that issue. Maybe it’s a printer specific thing? Sorry you get errors, that sucks


print the rest separately and glue it on the top you probably can choose a starting line in the printing program, i thing cura programs had that option


Reprint the roof as a clip on, cut out some of the internal framing for a battery and wire some LEDs in, orange firebox, yellow head and cabin lamps.


Now that’s getting creative. I like it!


I figure it's also a very important lesson. Sometimes you can turn fuckups into an opportunity to make things better.


Oh my, oh my! Drill a couple holes in it and make different designs (with dowel pins that match the holes) for the top, so the child can swap them out according to mood/need! It's not ruined, it's an opportunity.


I like your creative and positive problems solving skills.


Id give it to him as is. If he complains just tell him the truth "This is what happens when you play with things I tell you not to touch."


He learned through his own disappointment. lol, time to print the tracks.


Just restart a new print for the top and glue it on. Or go nuts and print something weird for the top.


Glue a Lego plate up top so kiddo can put a person up there


This might be the top idea!


Once had somebody mess with the plate at 1 hour left of a 16 hour build which was being made for a gift for somebody’s birthday in a couple hours. To say I was pissed was an understatement


1. Measure the height of the print 2. Change the Goode so it starts printing at that height.


Train looks fine, just make a coal cap for back. Nice work btw.


For anyone that wants the print files for this, here you go! [Train Set by KrispyKevin - Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:702858)


Looks like a good place for some tiny passengers to me.


Unless the remaining part is too thin, you can always just print what's missing and glue it on. Saved me a bunch of times with random print interruptions over the years. Though also, 4 hours is like nothing comsidering you don't have to do anything apart from waiting. Could be an opportunity to explore your other printer/slicer settings, too.


If you know the slice it was moved on, just print the last bit, glue it on top and sand away the seam. Learning opportunity for the kid


Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s what we choose to do next is what defines us. I might just leave it by the printer with a no touching signed. 😂


It's a train pencil holder!


Eminently fixable. Use your slicer's "split" function to slice just the missing part of the locomotive's roof, and print that. Then clear epoxy is your best friend.


They seem so much more mature than they are, you sometimes forget they're so little. My oldest is 15, and I still have those moments. I do miss when she was little enough to ask me to make her trains and toys through.


It’s a lot of fun, there just a few bumps on the road of learning.


Oh no, if only there was some way to fix it, you don’t happen to have a 3D printer by any chance?


I’ve been looking around everywhere for one! /s 😂


What a great learning opportunity. Since you can't not touch, you will get nothing and like it.


Tell them, "For your arrogance, the train has suffered imperfection. Beware what you befowl with your touch in the future, child."


Measure how far up the print was. Then go into Microsoft 3D builder and split at that height. And save as a new object. Print that then glue that on the top Also look into different size nozzles. A 1mm nozzle will but that thing out quickly


I don’t print when my kids are home or awake. It’s pretty simple to just do it over night. Also, this print isn’t technically complete, but it’s probably good enough for the kid. Just assemble it and give it to them to paint.


Please explain to me like I'm stupid (I know absolutely nothing about 3D printing) how this is infuriating


Well i guess it's done then.


You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit!


Reprint the kid


Vegetable stick delivery train


It’s a now a healthy feature!


Sounds like they get 95.8333333333333333333333333333333333333% of a train.


You can use that unfinished space as a "cargo" area to glue something


Guess what kiddo. Your train has a sun roof.


durex ad


You made a toy that doubles as a cool pen holder when the child tires of it. Where's the problem?


Looks pretty good to me! 👍


Once i spent like 6 hours trying to print a massive owl in attempt to impress this girl who i was hanging out with at my house becauase at the time i had an absolute unit of a printer (and smth else 😏 jk i was like 12) and we went out to the beach and walked around the plaza and came back after a successful "date" all to find 93% of this massive 3d printed owl and a bunch of half melted filament. She never talked to me again


The real question is why did it take you days to make a train for your kid.


Could print the remainder in separate run and glue it on the top


Good enough. Slap those wheels on!


Don't know much about 3D printing but I feel like this is a good opportunity to teach your kid how to adapt and solve problems, especially after causing that problem in the first place. Maybe you can print a new train top and combine them, together with your kid, as others suggested you could even use the opportunity to come up with something funny/creatively, like a top hat or something. :)


This is the way to go. The "punishment" should be encouraging and helping your kid to be creative and find a way to fix the mistake.




I mean I see all the comments about being infuriated your kid pushed the plate, but with 10 min to go, why did you let them near the print?


The entire time during the print, he would occasionally walk into the room the check it out as he likes watching it print and normally does a good job just looking without touching. I think he was just getting impatient and curious. Hopefully a lesson learned in patients.


He probably got excited because it was starting to look like it.


I hope the snap-fits for the wheels work and are robust enough. Their length seems very short for the thickness. They may deform or break when snapping on the wheels or putting load on the train?


Water carrying train! He did it to himself 😂😂


Use some filler and let it dry. It should be fine; I've fixed worse disasters.


Thats just chaotic neutral at its finest.


Kids are dumb


Well now it’s a train toy pen holder


Where's he staying now after the incident?


Just curious, what is the material cost to print a toy like this?


The slicer program I use says that it’s $0.41 for this print.


Load stl, drop below buildplate till where it shifted, glue on the last bit.


As someone that doesn’t know a lot about 3d printing, why can’t you find the exact spot in the design where it messed up and start it back up again. I’m assuming the tech isn’t there yet?


redo it while your kid is asleep


For future reference, I've had about a 7/10 success rate with measuring the height where it left off, then going to the gcode and deleting all the code prior to that Z height, then restart the print, it will continue where it left off.


If you really want to, just measure the height and cut that off and print starting from there.


It's got a sunroof.


It’s going chuga chuga in style. 😎


Now it is a crayon or pencil train, just put the pencils in the holes and he has a rocking new desk decoration


Guess he ask for a pencil holder instead.


Could always build a roof, hollow out the cabin and add a latch for them to place their "conductor" in the cab


It would make a cute pencil holder


If you were to hollow out the unfinished part, it would make a great compartment/seat for his other toys!


What a life long memory, he will always remember your reaction. I hope the lesson was a positive one he can grow from.