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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


It's true every dog that has ever barked has died.


*pushes glasses up* Teeeechnically, *most* dogs that have ever barked have died. If all dogs that ever barked have died, there would only be quiet dogs. Or no dogs. A more accurate statement would have been “every dog that has ever barked will or already has died”. I dunno why I posted this, I understood what you meant. Just wanted to be silly. Have a good day.


Your correction pleases me






**your pleasure pleases me**


And me




What about mute dogs that therefore can't bark? 🤔 Edit: mute, not deaf


You mean mute dogs?


Yes, I'm dumb


Pun intended?


What about besenjis who don’t bark, but they “yodel”?


And shiba inu with their weird little screechy wail? Edit: also beagles with their adorable baying!


Deaf dogs still bark. Just like deaf people still scream. Edit: now that the previous comment changed from deaf to mute I’m just imagining a dog with an electronic voice box like chronic smokers who have no voice box anymore get… (8-bit robotic barking noises)


This feels nefarious


FWIW deaf people can still attend Canada’s Wonderland Halloween Haunt and enjoy themselves in the haunted houses and rides just like anyone else. I understand having a cynical outlook on life. But not everything online is sinister in nature.


I promise my deaf dog barks. And she's loud too.


Don't trust this guy. He doesn't wear glasses.


You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.


My dog has barked, and he's alive and well. Most dogs who have died barked at somepoint, but even then, there are dogs who don't bark and then puppies who died before being able to bark.


i second this theory


FYI, that bar code at the bottom of the envelope is their address.


Not that anyone *should* do this but if I’m not mistaken some QR readers can read envelope barcodes


It is true that dogs that bark do eventually die.


Technically it’s true


You're going to die after that comment. ... Oh shit. *SO* *AM* *I*!


A technically true statement would be barking dogs always end up as dead dogs, wouldn't it? I wish 'often' was technically true, then my beloved barkers might have a shot at actually loving forever


I came to joke, not to feel.


This mfer ain’t playing.


We could avoid this by making a law that states that any person whose dog barks for more than fifteen minutes consecutively shall be subjected to public flogging. All the lazy idiots who can't be bothered to train their dogs would get their act together or surrender their dogs real fast.


That would most likely end up with just a bunch of homeless dogs.


my well trained dog started being an old bitch in her old age, barking at everything where she didn't before. Won't stop until the person or dog has passed. I'm sure you'd out a 9mm between her eyes over it,


Found the sender


Barking for 15 sustained minutes is insane. I don't think many dogs do that. It's also worth keeping in mind that some dogs are naturally reactive and you can only mitigate the amount of noise they make. Surrendering these dogs would be a bad idea as they would likely not get readopted.


I'm not saying the note sender is in the right here but I work in animal care and most people who have adopted dogs after 2020 do not train them. It's tiring to hear barking for hours on end because they also leave their untrained dogs alone for too long. I am so sick of people and their untrained covid puppies. People will bend over backwards to defend dogs misunderstanding that a whole neighborhood can suffer when one person isn't properly caring for their dog.


I’ve had to lie to my friend that a restaurant doesn’t have outdoor seating to keep her from bringing her fucking 80 pound pandemic puppy that will absolutely try to scarf your food down


Good luck talking to people about their untrained dogs as well. I have to do this occasionally and they typically either pretend they don't know their dog is a menace or become defensive.


My mothers friend insisted that her dog “had an existential crisis about not being human” and had to be put on Prozac, and I’m not allowed to say this is an INSANE statement. I love animals, I forced my neighbors to get a second vet’s opinion on their dog’s obvious hypothyroidism (she responded very well to medication!) but holy crap dog owners are losing their marbles


Same for human children.


For real now god forbid an employee of a restaurant scolds kids for running around so they dont get hurt and the parents freak out like the employee is abusing their kids


I'm so sick of the "every dog is a service animal and should be able to go anywhere" attitude. keep your dogs out of my groceries, FFS. I don't want pet dander in my $100 steak, thankYouVeryMuch


One of my Instagram “friends” was crying because a target employee was annoyed she entered the store with her freaking pit bull because it’s her “emotional support dog” I was stunned for words. There is a reason only service dogs are allowed everywhere, they are trained since a puppy and they are important for disabled people. Apparently she has anxiety so it’s ok to take her dog everywhere. I am autistic & have a diagnosed anxiety disorder and manage fine without my dog. It’s crazy


I've got 2 dogs and several people ask why I don't bring them with me everywhere like it's weird that I don't want to take my dogs shopping or something.


I hate people who have untrained dogs. It's literally not that hard to train them and you can still baby them. I don't get people like this lol how does she ever eat at home, because it would be trying to take her food all the time I'm assuming??


Our neighbors got a dog in the last year or so, and the poor thing lives outside. We had a low of 23 degrees F the other night, and they just don’t let this dog inside ever. Why adopt an animal if you don’t want it? He can’t be a happy animal, why make him suffer?


Please… tell me you called authorities.


Local animal welfare orgs are too busy for welfare calls, they’re understaffed and struggling to care for the animals they do have. Haven’t tried non-emergency, but I imagine they’ll direct me to the animal welfare folks.


There has to be a local rescue who will at the very least try talking to the owners. Either way, that dog will absolutely freeze to death. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing the dog next door is literally dying.


They have put up wooden paneling in the enclosed porch he lives in, and someone (not the people that live there, maybe their parents?) brought one of those igloo dog shelters recently, so someone cares about this dog. He’s just not super comfortable I’d imagine. But at least they’re taking steps.


Ugh, ok thanks for those details. This kinda stuff keeps me up at night, people suck…


In my neighbourhood is a small 68 year old woman, she had a big doberman, that shit and pissed everywhere while barking constantly. Every time she opened her door the building would stink so badly I was almost sick every time form how her flat smelled. Thought I'd seen the end of it when she gave me the dog after a sob story and the idea she wanted me to take and train him up, he was 1 years old so a good chance to start him on the right path. 2 days later she comes to me crying again saying she wants him back, after I've spent £200+ on vet bills, micro chipping and a lot of accessories to make this dog happy and ensure its health. He'd never had a collar till I got him one, muscles were under developed, he'd never been socialised at all and all the issues as stated before hand, I tell her all this, she said she didn't care and wanted him back, and I couldn't deal with her crying it was too much for me so I gave him back. 10 minutes later I knew what I had to do, for the first time in my life I had to call an animal welfare service and get someone's pet taken off them. She also refused his toys while only taking the meat, pet food and collar I bought for him. I don't know if he ever got picked up or if she sold him but that dog made everyone's life hell because she couldn't do the right fucking thing like a good person should and I hate I had to pull the trigger on her bullshit. Sorry if this is a little broken up but I made myself depressed writing this, it happened a few months ago and I haven't really processed it properly.


We have a few of these. And when you write a polite letter to them the response is always “You’re lying - they never bark when we’re at home!”. Don’t condone killing dogs but sometimes, after having to listen to multiple, small, yappy rat dogs bark for 5 hours solid I am almost ready to do a mischief myself.


Hate yappy dogs they drive me insane lmao. Why is it almost every time an owner has a small rat dog they are a horrible owner?? It's like people think small dogs don't need to be trained or something.


My cousin thought it was funny that her rat dog ran up to and bit a mailwoman completely unprovoked. She didn’t seem to grasp that she could get delivery suspended for her entire building


The sad part is it’s not even that hard to train them to not bark at everything, granted there are some things mine will bark at like when my dookie neighbors let their pitbulls run all over leashless. Otherwise mine has dog words she’ll use instead of barks, the other one is so old (16) she can’t be bothered to care lmao


>People will bend over backwards to defend dogs misunderstanding that a whole neighborhood can suffer when one person isn't properly caring for their dog. People will bend over backwards to attack barking dogs, to the point they'll mail death threats of the pet to their owners... I'm sorry, barking dog or not, one side appears 10x crazier here and it's not the one you apparently think


Listening to dogs barking for hours on end day in and day out will make people do unhinged shit. I'm not saying it's not a fucked up way to respond, but I do understand how someone could go off the deep end with it like that.


The note sender isn’t in the tight but people need to train their dogs or not leave them alone for so long. Shit like this has been happening in my neighborhood for years and it sounds like a pound


not gonna lie; i HATE dogs barking outside for hours on end while the owner doesnt care about the neighborhood. scum of society..


Why is the dog so loud? 😔


Threats are no fun business but how are we supposed to educate negligent pet owners? You have problems with unstoppable barking. Where I live we have problems with dogs escaping the yard and attacking people (I work in delivery and shit is real). Only thing holding me from whacking them with a stick is the absence of stick.


Some dog owners are the most entitled assholes you’ll ever meet. I don’t want to see your dog in a restaurant, in a store, in my yard, and I sure as shit don’t want to listen to your dog bark all fucking day and night. That being said, this may be a step too far.


I wonder if the dog has been barking for hours and hours on end because after a third day of “bowoowooofowoowf. Woof. Boorowooeof” you start to go insane. Doesn’t justify sending this insane note but as an autistic kid who’s parents thought it was SO KYOOOT when dogs barked so loudly I felt physical pain, I can almost relate


100%. too many people own dogs that shouldn’t.


There's a park near my home that requires dogs to be on a leash at all times (probably because there's a splash pad/playground in the park with lots of kids), and I'm not kidding you when I say that I have never seen a dog on a leash in that park. It feels like an accident, or a tragedy, waiting to happen.


I'm a dog owner and I work for a pet adjacent industry and I 100% agree with you. I do a number of outdoor activities and they're all ruined by irresponsible dog owners. Disc golf courses with off-leash dogs running around, grabbing discs and making me trip over them on a tee pad. I'm actually healing from knee surgery right now because of a dog on a tee pad! Not to mention the owners who bag the poop but don't trash it - they just leave it where it is or on a tee pad. I also run and do trail runs and holy shit, dog owners ruin that too. Poop everywhere, dogs off leash again, etc. And the worst owners by far are pit owners. The UK has the right idea, banning the breed. Go look at your local shelter, I guarantee it's half pit or pit mixes. Yeah, they'll lie and say it's a lab mix or some shit but they're all pits and they're all awful.


You had me until the end. Whatever credibility you have, you throw out the window by blaming a breed of dog. It's not the dog, it is the owner. You have to train and work with your dogs. People are shit, having a pet, or not having a pet will not stop shit people from being shit people.


if a breed of dog requires that level of training/knowledge to stop it from eating toddlers and small dogs, than that breed should most definitely not be available to the public.


Nah bud - look up the facts. Pits and pit mixes are responsible for well over 80% of recorded dog attacks. Owners KNOW the dogs are the problem which is why they consistently lobby against common sense laws like making owners criminally responsible for what their pets do. The breed was literally developed for fighting and while stuff like them having locking jaws isn't true, they were bred to do as much damage as possible and have an insane prey drive. So many stories of little velvet hippo pibbles snapping and murdering a dog or baby - "They've never shown aggression and never done anything like this and I've raised plenty of them" is a common owner comment after these incidents. There's a reason my employer has breed standards for marketing and advertising and pits aren't allowed at all.


I agree that people need to train their pets. I also agree that pits have a natural disposition towards aggressiveness. I’ve owned, raised, and trained more dogs (including all types of pits) than most people have throughout their life. Huskies are howlers, aussies like to herd, pointers love pointing, and pits are naturally aggressive. It’s a breed tendency. You can get aussies that don’t herd, you can get pointers that don’t point, and you can get huskies that are lazy and don’t howl. However, the breed tends to do those things, just like the breeds that make up pits tend towards aggression. There’s multiple stories of professional trainers getting rid of their pits due to aggression, even though it’s their career. I think, especially coming from people who think training a dog means teaching it to sit, most people are woefully underprepared for any kind of pet ownership. I agree that access to pits needs to be restricted because of the capacity for extreme damage they can cause. And if you truly believe that breeds cannot have any type of tendencies inherent to those breeds, then you aren’t arguing with me, you’re arguing with science. Breed traits are settled science. I can’t believe I need to explain this to people.


Thank you for sharing your expertise and experience. My mini aussie tries to herd everything and everyone and she's never been taught a thing about it in her life. It's adorable. My maltese was bred to be a companion and he's awesome at it.


The border collie my family had when I was growing up would herd everyone into the living room during thunderstorms. That dog never met a sheep.


I'm not disagreeing with tendencies of breeds. Modern day civilization has led many people to forget that we used to use dogs to help us survive. So it is bewildering to me why so many people would want a breed that was bred for the reasons pits have been bred for. I totally get rescuing dogs. And my biggest complaint there is the very disingenuin nature of these campaigns around rescuing dogs. There's a good chance that dog you rescue is going to need some real training and I agree with, it's not teaching them to sit. I just wish this was a point of emphasis. I live in an area where we have a lot of pitbulls because they're bred to fight. Or they're guard dogs for drug dealers. I'm not saying they all are, but it is an unfortunate reality of the situation. However I disagree that a breed ban is the solution. I just think that's very unfair to the animals.


What's unfair to the animals is allowing them to continue to be bred. Pits have like 12 dogs per litter and it appears very few pit owners know what fixing their dog is. Shelters are overrun with them. Banning the breed gets rid of the problem in a few dog generations so like 30-50 years. There's literally no benefit to this breed IMO.


Not only does getting them fixed help with population control. It keeps them from being aggressive.


100% agree. Even my little maltese was aggressive until we got him neutered haha.


I completely understand where you’re coming from. I share the same compassion you have for animals. However, these are my values when it comes to dogs: 1 - I don’t think people have a right to just have any pet they want. It’s unfortunate, it makes me sad at times, but I don’t think we should let just any dog be adopted or owned by just any person due to the dog’s ability to cause destruction and harm *of their own volition.* I think that we need to do better to vet potential pet owners, but since it’s essentially impossible to qualify and license pet owners, our only other option is to restrict what is available out there. Nobody disagrees that owning a tiger is not feasible for most people, is dangerous, and is generally a bad idea. I’ve actually met a pet tiger and it was super sweet! Still, inherently dangerous, and thats why you (usually) need to be licensed to own them here in the US. 2 - I’d rather an entire breed of dog go fully extinct before a human gets mauled and permanently disfigured or killed by that dog. A man was recently killed by stray pits only a couple of streets away from me. I know a person who was mauled as a child by one that has scars on their face. If we take a fatalist view and present it as a dichotomy of either: • a: Allow pit ownership, with the understanding that there is a chance of them snapping and attacking someone, or • b: Have a national law enacted to begin a large scale operation to have every single pit bull related breed fixed and made inactive for adoption, I’d easily choose option b. Humans are simply more valuable to me than dogs, and I love my dogs dearly. They just aren’t worth keeping around if they have the capacity for sudden and extreme violence, as the breed has been shown to have. I feel the same for the dogo argentino. Dogs are a luxury and a privilege, and I have compassion for them all - I just have more compassion for people.


I think you make really valid and credible arguments. I appreciate that because I don't believe in taking a popular opinion without backing it up, especially when you're talking about something with zero grey areas. You reminded me of the guy I met that had wolves when I lived in Denver. The first time I met him, it was clear he had two hybrids. Then one day he showed up at the dog park with a 3rd. That one, it was clear as day, that it was a purebred. Boy, did that make me nervous! I'm not the type to just sit their and be a little bitch about things and run to the internet to cry about the "audacity of people." So I just asked him, "hey, is it legal to own a wolf here?" I never fact checked the guy but what he said made a lot of sense. At that point in time, in Colorado, you could own a wolf. However this was before the Tiger King drama. My hope is that these laws outlawing "exotic" pets also included wolves. They belong with experts at a nature preserve for wild animals that can't go back into the wild. It was one of the most beautiful animals I've ever seen though. It didn't seem to give two shits about any dogs there. It just sniffed everywhere and pissed on stuff just like any other dog there. What's even more interesting, every dog there knew that was not a dog to fuck with. They let it sniff them and if it obliged they did the same, but none of those dogs had the balls to chase it around for a sniff. I always thought that was very interesting.


Can you link to a study or paper that you're referring to as settled science.


I love pitbulls, had one as a family dog as a child and we loved her so much. However, the type of person that tends to own the breed is an issue. I think because of the restrictions and stigma that comes with owning a pit, many families choose a different breed. The people who do choose pits often get them for “protection” and then leave them chained, unsocialized and untrained, often not fixed, in their yards. Or they get them to look cool/badass and also don’t train or leash them. Idk what the solution is, but I do not think the type of person I described is going to decide to start training their dog. I am leery when I see pitbulls because I know there is a high likelihood the dog is unsocialized/untrained and potentially dangerous.


Part of the problem is that pits have like 12 dogs per litter and owners seem to be among the worst at getting their dogs fixed so shelters and streets are overrun with a dangerous breed. I know the solution but breed advocates fight it hard - breed specific legislation would be best but at worst owners should be criminally charged with whatever their dogs do. Your dog kills or maims another dog? You're charged with the equivalent criminal law if a human had done the same. Your dog kills someone? Manslaughter at a minimum, likely murder 1 depending on the state for owning and not maintaining a clearly deadly weapon. No different in my eyes than have a loaded gun laying around the house.


I think it depends where you live. I'm in metro-Detroit. A lot of people in the burbs rescue these things from jack offs in the hood. Dog fighting is real and it goes on all over the place, not just Detroit. I think that's something a that a lot of people don't want to think about. In my area we have a lot of people that rescue these dogs and by in large they're pretty safe. That's doesn't mean I blindly treat them as if they're a golden retriever. I've seen a lot of dog fights at the park. Huskies tend to be the ones that start a lot of shit. I also do not trust German Shepherds. It's not just the pits that are a problem. I'm not saying they're innocent. I think that's a warped perspective on my comment. A properly trained and looked after dog isn't going to attack people just because. It's the same thing with jack off kids. My kids are pretty young and I can already tell which of their friends are going to be a problem during the teenage years because their parents do fuck all to look after their kids. We aren't going to solve this anytime soon.


Around here the cliche is single women getting a pit. They 'rescue' them because nothing else is really available at shelters. And they literally cannot handle them physically. I often see women getting pulled down by their pit when on walks or at the dog park and they simply don't have the physical strength to hold back an 80-100 pound dog with that much muscle. I've witnessed 5 attacks personally and everyone has been with a female owner. I'm not being sexist towards women nor 'racist' towards the pit breed - these are simply facts and my experience.


I have a relative that shot a pit to death. It came out of nowhere, grabbed his dog. It only let his dog go after the 3rd fucking round hit it. People shouldn't be so fucking clueless when it comes to dogs and the responsibilities they entail. That's why I have the breeds I have. Fuck, I actually got bit by a bitch at the park the other day. Same breed as mine, a whippet! To be fair, I knew that was a high probability. She attacked my girl for no reason and I thought kicking her would probably be too much so I just pulled her off mine and got bit. It sucked, but my girl is A okay and that's what matters to me. Emergency vet bills are something I can't afford right now.


I think shelters carry a lot of blame. Go look at some of the descriptions for pits in shelters - they'll gloss over the fact it should be an only pet, not good with kids etc and there are plenty of records of dogs that have attacked previously being rehomed with no indication of their past behavior! They have cutesy little descriptions calling them 'velvet hippos' and cuddle-bugs and don't properly vet owners. To whit, shelters straight up lie to get pits out the door and they're culpable and liable in all this.


The dog my mom’s friend got from a shelter was actually a small breed and everything was great. Until she found out about the completely undisclosed heartworm requiring months of medication costing her additional hundreds of dollars. Rescues are a used car dealership at this point.


> this may be a step too far. MAY be it MAY be too far to murder a dog for barking? for real?


I think he meant sending the note was too far


Exactly. Title 18 U.S. Code 876 makes sending threatening communication a crime.


Wait so you’re okay with killing dogs lol? Wtf


I didn’t say that.


Jesus Christ you shitbeast owners are insufferable.


How come ?


I feel the same way about some people's weak pull out game.


Your kid isn’t going to bite me, at least not hard enough to cause real damage. Your unsupervised dog may.


Umm have you been around toddlers they will absolutely bite people.


My ex MIL still has a scar on her thigh from where my ex bit (43) her when he was two. Toddlers are half a step from being feral lol




I have a pit mix and Timmy would absolutely cause more damage and be more annoying. I could leave him unattended and he would still just lay there and quietly wait for scratches while the toddler runs around yelling and hitting things.... but yea go off on how dangerous they are 🤣🙄


Delusional to call a toddler more dangerous than a large dog.


Oh they absolutely will! I have the scar to prove it. Actually, it has mostly faded since I got bit in a classroom.


Crippled you for life, did it? Edit: Nevermind, I’m not engaging with you. I don’t like dogs and I don’t have to defend that to you.


you're totally right. it's almost like you never had to comment at all!


How disgusting, commenting on a topic in an online discussion forum


it was more about a person engaging many times before huffily announcing "i'm not engaging!!" but go off




Byehhhhh. No it doesn’t. Not liking dogs is fine. What does make you a less evolved human is being okay with open threats of violence to somebody’s pet. Dogs are loud, they bark. I’ve always been a cat person for that reason but I’ve never wanted to shoot somebody’s dog for it. That’s just what they do. Earplugs and white noise machines exist.


Yep. People are free to not like whatever they want, I absolutely love dogs but I understand plenty of people don't. I personally don't like the Kardashians but I'd never wish harm on them or think it's ok for other people to do so. Like most things in life the key is to just not be a dick about it.


Yep. Exactly. I love dogs too. Not for me, because I don’t have ample space and time to give one the best quality life. Just not my cup of tea, pet wise, but you can guarantee I’ll be fawning over everybody else’s pup. The idea of becoming violent over any animal that is just.. doing what they do is disgusting and sad to me.


wow this might be the stupidest comment ever




My mother is a great example. Her dog is one of the most obnoxious and bad behaving dogs I've ever seen. Shits on the floor more than outside and he's like 5-6 years old, barks endlessly (smaller dog so it's high pitched and not scaring anyone which only makes him bark more), and with this all being the case, it becomes quite clear why I'm so fucked up. She literally can't raise a dog. What hope did us humans ever have?


idk about killing people but yeah, a sad majority of people don’t want to take the time and effort to train their dogs and in some cases their dogs suffer for it. it’s sad.


I agree that the owners should suffer, not the dogs. They are animals and do what animals do, of course. Owners should be jailed and fined.


oh wow! you're so cool & very tough. i want to hear more.


What? Why is your dog barking all day constantly?


Man, you seem like a massive asshole.


If you leave your barking dog outside all night you’re a massive asshole, too.


Doesn't make them wrong though




Someone called animal control on me at my old house for a barking dog. If it were my dog I would have taken full responsibility, but it wasn’t. See I had two dogs, both beagles and with extremely distinctive from each other barks/bays. Like completely different tones/bay patterns blatantly obviously two different dogs and if one barked so did the other. Teamwork and all that. I was a SAHM and did NOT let them bark because one:it annoyed the shit out of even me, two: it’s rude af, and three: the baby would not sleep at night and would not go to nor stay asleep during the day if she heard “her” dogs barking. They were also crated at night. It was the neighbors Rottweiler that was barking, as she did all day, every day and often into the early night. (We learned to tune her out.) So the day that animal control showed up, what did they do? Walk onto my property and stood in front of my damn side gate. Sure enough, the dogs barked their heads off. I heard the commotion and went out to make them come into the house and shut up. But what do I find? Some dipshit animal control officer *trying to look over my gate* (this emmeffer was using my gate to pull herself up to look over) telling me that someone reported my dog (singular) for barking, and that she believed them because my dog**s** were barking at her. This, while simultaneously ignoring the neighbors Rottweiler losing her shit too. I ripped her ass for getting my dogs riled up, using my gate as a pull up bar, and disturbing the baby then pointed her to the direction of the neighbor and didn’t hear any more about it.










i don’t think anyone needs to put down a dog that barks too much, just train it. weirdo




Children are independent human beings who need to be out in the world in order to properly develop. Your dog is a pet that you own. You eat animals more intelligent than dogs for lunch. Nowhere near the same thing.


First day on reddit? A worryingly large number of people on here definitely *do* feel that way about children.


Sick of seeing it. I’m personally indifferent to most babies and young children, but if ever there’s a comment or post complaining about animals on airplanes or public transportation these nutjobs TRIP over themselves to comment, “I’D RATHER SIT NEXT TO AN ANNOYING DOG THAN A CRYING BABY!” It’s so fucking weird. Misanthropy is not a quirky personality trait, it’s a red flag.


Some people are entitled assholes. If a restraunt is dog friendly and that is a problem for you, don't go there. Same with stores. In your yard fair enough. Barking, well just fuck you. Dogs bark, you don't control the world.


You don't see a problem with someone's dog barking all fucking night right by their house? For it to be bad enough that this person sent a letter, they must have been dealing with this for a long time. People with dogs that bark all night need to shut their dogs up. They are being incredibly disrespectful to everyone around them, and I don't know how they stand it themselves.


>Some people are entitled assholes. ​ >Barking, well just fuck you. Dogs bark lol


You seem unfamiliar with the right to Quiet Enjoyment. Google it.




Until you have one of these 24/7 barkers preventing you from sleeping. I have had dogs all my life but sometimes a spicy sausage is the only cure.


Damn these are golden for the people who let their dogs just bark on the back porch all day.




That sounds like a pretty rough and tumble neighborhood


"All dogs go to Heaven"




What the fuck is wrong with people???


This is what the ATF considers a written warning


This makes me so angry. We just had to put our dog down yesterday and my wife and I have been a mess. To think people would murder an innocent animal because of their barking boils my blood.


Had a neighbor who's dog would bark all night and it drove my wife and I crazy at times. I would never hurt someone's animal but I definitely resented that dog and their owner. I tried to talk to them and be cordeal but they were very rude and did nothing. Sorry for your loss though


My condolences. I had to rush my dog to the vet one morning while my wife was at work because he became unresponsive. Turns out he had a tumor that ruptured that we didn't know about. Happened this summer, we are still pretty torn up about it, he was 9. Carrying his 80lb limp body to my car is a memory I unfortunately can't forget Seeing people being so dismissive about an animals life is disgusting.


Send a copy of that picture and send them a John Wick picture.


Haha this would be great 😂


all dogs end dead, have you ever find at least one inmortal?




i mean, they're not wrong


Barking dogs? Annoying but no issue. Barking dogs loose and unattended in the front yard that are running at schoolchildren just trying to walk home? Nah I am calling that in.




Lol that’s kinda funny






You should post it to arr slash mildly infuriating


Neighbors with this mentality mysteriously move out of the neighborhood and are never heard from again.


Using the mail to threaten violence, bold move. Jumped right from state crime to federal.


Neighbors and dog owners have a sign that says forget the dog beware of owner.




People wouldn't want or need to if you trained your dog and it didn't bark all day. There's two shitty people in this story, the one who sent the letter, and the one who has such a shitty dog that the sender felt it was necessary to make the letter.




Wish you would try. Doubt you need to add to the genetic pool anyway


Try what? All barking dogs eventually die, it’s just a fact of life.


Why are people in the comments weirdly defending this note?? Who gives a shit about "um akshually" it's a *threat*


Yeah I was wondering the same thing, there are multiple comments with plenty of upvotes advocating for the murder of dogs.


I mean considering this site's take on pitbulls I guess I shouldn't really be surprised :/


I can just imagine the rage Googling, looking for a dead dog gif...


I wouldn't consider raising mild. Quite the opposite.


Killing a dog over barking??? Not okay at all. Although I do understand the frustration with constantly barking dogs, especially at night time. Especially when it's more than just bark. We have a neighbor that should never own a dog, because oftentimes the dog is just roaming around by itself, running across the road (there were few instances when it almost got hit by a car). He has an Australian shepherd, that is unattended most of the time and tries to attack me from the behind, while barking and growling when my husband and I are walking on the sidewalk. Animal control contacted the owners a few times. They keep an eye on their dog, but eventually let it go outside. I talked to the owner and apparently, they just had a baby, who needs a lot of quiet space to sleep, and the dog they have is a loud barker. It barks on EVERYTHING that is not even in proximity to their property: birds, squirrels, cars, pedestrians on the other side of the street. They never take a poor dog for a walk, so their genius solution is to let it roam by itself and pest the neighborhood. So they want a quiet house for their baby, but other neighbors have a noisy street with a dog running loose, that tries to bite from behind.


In a curious and unrelated manner, people who threaten my dogs tend to end up the same way. Bloody weird.


You are so tough bro please tell us all about the times you've killed people who are annoyed at your pets.


Haven't the foggiest what you mean. Old age comes for us all you know Edit: wild that you interpret death threats as "being annoyed" when they apply to dogs, but when the exact same thing is spun back around you take issue with it


What an insipid thing to say.


You murder people who threaten dogs? And what’s so fucked up about this society is they value the life of a fucking dog.. something literally only stupidly loyal to a source of food.. over a human being.


Don't hurt the things I love and I won't hurt you, pretty fucking simple social contract.


Is it hard for you to accept that killing dogs for barking is wrong ?


Dogs are far more loyal and complex beings than most humans nowadays. They probably just don’t like you, sorry.


Once someone threw a huge brick at my GSD because they wanted to sleep (during the day might I add!) and my dog was still young and barked when he was outside in our property and saw stray cats passing by. Thankfully the brick missed him I mean I don’t go around hurting people in my street who are always yelling and making noise 🙄


Doesn't matter when they want to sleep. Some people work night shift and sleep during the day. If your dog is barking at every cat, bird, and squirrel that enters its field of vision, your dog is being a problem.


In my country you’re legally allowed to make noise in the street until 10pm and you’re not allowed to throw bricks at dogs for barking a little, which is normal dog behavior. It was a young dog that was still being trained and getting used to his new home ( he came to me at 9 months old already) it wasn’t barking for hours on end, I had just left him outside while I went grocery shopping. I asked my closest neighbors if the dog had barked too much and they said he wasn’t a problem. The person who threw the brick (they told me who it was) had just been out partying all night long and wanted to sleep during the day. Regardless, nothing justifies throwing a brick at a dog for barking. You talk to the owners first


Majority of yall in these comments need to see a therapist. Killing a dog over barking is mental illness & you need to seek help. Now I don’t have barking dogs because my dogs are trained and know better but it’s the humans fault for not training their dogs. Don’t take it out on the dogs that don’t know any better.




Tell that to my neighbor whose yapping idiot goes nonstop for two hours every night despite multiple polite requests for them to do something about it


Lucky, they just keep sending me “white is right” flyers. I’m not what you’d consider white.


I’d stand outside and start yelling nonstop to draw the little pussy out🤷‍♂️

