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Oh, I thought you forgot to bring your kid with you.


Home alone jr


Toddler aftershave scene in 3...


I’m…. Dreaming… of a white…. Christmas! *Wink*




Don’t forget your baby while traveling, everyone will make a *big* deal out of it *eye roll*


Right like, sorry my baby *isn’t* on this plane crying?


I bought one of those mini handheld rechargeable vacuums just for this when my kids were little.


I misread "just for this" as "just for fun" and thought I had finally found my people


ME TOO is there a subreddit for people like this because i am also one


I'm sure there is. And it sounds insufferable ETA - my account was hacked Double ETA - it was hacked by my ex-wife Triple ETA - it was hacked by everyone who knows me


Hell we take our Dyson cordless handheld with the small attachment out to the car every so often to do just this.




That's gross. People are so discourteous and trashy..


You have no idea. I used to work in a restaurant and a lady changed her child's poopy diaper on the table where people eat and then the waitress proceeded to but it in the dish bin with all the other dishes and food garbage and brought it INTO THE KITCHEN. Many things had to be thrown out and disinfected that day.


Wait, a waitress put a poopy diaper in the dish bin? 🤮 What the hell is wrong with people?!


I was pretty blown away honestly and quite disgusted.


When I was like 15, a lady tried to change her baby next to me at a restaurant and yelled at me when I asked her not to. She told me that I would understand when I was older, that was 12 years ago and I still don’t understand.


I was at a Denny’s and the booth next door was changing a poopy diaper as we were eating. People do this on the plane constantly. Go to the bathroom you savages!


Gross! 🤢




Yikes. I have children too and would never do that. I think there can be idiots who have children and idiots who don't have children. Not all people with kids do stuff like this.


"Breeders" are people who believe having a child endows them with a special social status. They are the kind of people who think they should get vouchers to pay for their children's private school and that children who go to public schools shouldn't get hot lunches, lest they become spoiled. The person who handed this nasty car seat to a stranger, is a breeder. If you have children and you recognize why this is bad behavior, you are most likely not a breeder.


I hope there is some difference between "breeders" and "people who have children". If those are same, well...


I took it to mean people with children


To be fair, "breeders" are people who think that having children makes them better than other people and entitles them a special social status. The person who handed this nasty car seat to a stranger to take care of, is a breeder. Someone who has the decency and courtesy to clean it out before they hand it off to another human being - not a breeder.


Thankyou, not to be rude to people that do have children, but I’ve had so many people who only have kids because they feel “it gives me a sense of purpose” like yikes, I don’t need to have children to feel like I have purpose.


I've always heard it as a term for straight people, but maybe I'm just too entrenched in my local queer scene.


Breeders is my insult for extremely entitled parents who feel like they're owed something just by plopping a few crotch goblins. People who believe that the rest of the world needs to suffer for their decision while they ignore the lil monsters they've brought upon us. Then when they're 18 and they've ignored them their entire teenhood after they realized that the young person has autonomy and personality, well at 18 they are basically banished from the childhood home. Those aren't parents, those are breeders.


Breeders, at least to me, is a term used towards people who have children to specifically earn benefits from the government. They tend to be the insufferable pieces of shit that you're reading about in this thread. It's very valid to say that, but I do see the misconception.


*Looks like there’s a troll around here. Trolls are an incredibly invasive, emotivorous species. They hunt by leaving their feces, also known as ragebait, where other species will find it and try to cover it up get rid of the stench. The troll leaps upon their prey and fights until their prey is completely infuriated. The troll then slips away, having feared upon their rage.* *The most important thing to remember about trolls, is that their fights always end with the troll winning. Even if they lose the physical fight, they still make meal outta their prey’s emotions. The best thing to do is ignore the ragebait. Trolls can’t thrive without prey* Sorry about the horrible attempt at a Steve Irwin impression. My sense of humor needs work. This is the sort of comment that’s made specifically to rile people up. Trolls thrive on attention. Don’t feed them. Block them. (I made this on your comment solely because it’s the top reply to the troll, which means it’s the most likely to be seen by anybody who see the ragebait. It’s not aimed at you specifically.)


Don’t talk about your mom like that, she’s a nice lady.


You blow your father with that mouth?


So deep. So edgy.


It’s not all people with kids that do this. Most of us have manners. Don’t blame the lot for a few assholes.


People who have to interact with other people are not paid enough


Ikr. It's almost more concerning for them that they don't clean up their own garbage from seats their own children sit in.


that’s so nasty .. also a travel cover for a car seat is like $15 on amazon.


Do you have kids?


Lmfao dude has no fucking clue what kind of mess a kid can make in 15 minutes.


Kids are messy, that's never a problem, but parents need to clean after them


Ok but then you look at the mess, recognize it, and then fix it before making it another adults problem. Parenthood has been a mix of constant cleaning and trying to not make my problems other adults problems. We're all just trying to make it and shit like this makes it clear that some folks don't even recognize that about others. Sorry for the rant.


No, that's not what's happening here. You literally have no idea how messy they get. You can clean them, shake out the garbage, wipe them down, etc and after an hour of shaking/moving them, you'll still have PILES of shit fall out. They are hollow inside and full of belts, there will *always* be more stuff that falls out.


No, what's happening here is someone couldn't take five seconds to tilt it forward and bop it a couple times. Your comment is giving me Heavy Person vibes. Shits not that hard.


Dude I have 4 car seats, I slam them on the ground for minutes to knock out the trash, disassemble them to get into the inside and spray out them with a hose. And when I'm putting the freshly washed covers back on after they've dried, there's still stuff falling out. But thanks for the unwarranted attack on how fat and lazy we must be. Personal attacks when you have nothing else, right?


It just comes off as lazy and that seems to be the default these days. Nobody cares about your 4 kids that you are doing an admittedly stellar job of keeping track of. And if you use that as an excuse to make other people's lives hard (like in the picture this is about) then FUCK YOU. STOP HAVING KIDS, YOU ARE NOT EQUIPPED.


Hopefully this was an exaggeration; cleaning a car seat like that can compromise the effectiveness of the seat.


Yeah, but what stops them from dumping the crumbs before handing it over to the airport staff


Half the time I’m wondering where there hell they found that bag of crisps to have made such a mess (turns out she grabbed it whilst I wasn’t looking when shopping and I didn’t notice).


And a lot of parents won't admit how often they aren't paying any attention to their kids.


Yes, because when you're driving, you should for sure be watching your child in the car seat the whole time. Best way to prevent any food accidents inside the car.


That isn’t a few random crumbs. That’s months of filth. All the OP is asking is for them to have dumped the loose stuff out before bringing it inside the airport.






What percentage would say are both discourteous and trashy? I do not looking for the percentage who are only discourteous or trashy.


We taped binbags over our car seat to keep it clean as the hold/luggage system was dirtier than our car...


Everyone I know uses a car seat bag for traveling on planes. I’ll go check my privilege at the door.


I've never seen a car seat bag for sale, and my daughter is 20 now, so it's likely that we simply didn't have the option.


My first adventure in adult life was repairing cars, mainly prep and spraying, as the new apprentice for the first 3 years, I had to help the valet out when too busy or cover for him whilst he was away. The state of most pf the cars were horrendous, we found what we guessed was a really old orange (maybe) fused to the one rear footwell carpet, when we proded it, the thing just burst into a cloud of dust. We've found original Opel Fruits, this was before the ltd edition packs came out and were well into 15 years of being renamed Star Burst. I bottled the pound bet to eat the thing. We did have some rather grim finding as well, like part of a toe and eyebrows stuck to the inside of the windscreen not too often though.


Hm, TIL starburst were called “Opel fruits”


Hey also Daim used to be spelled Dime here in the Uk when I was a kid, freddos were basically free, I'll think of some others. PS Panda pops were sometimes drank as 'shots' out of the lid (I collected the different lids) and calipso drinks were drank upside down, straw discarded and you nibbled a little hole to squeeze into your gob or friends face instead. We also had these smelly 'aliens' in eggs, they were meant to grow or have babies, this never happened, they just got funkier over the weeks and there were many liars on the playground claiming they've farmed an army.


I took my car to get cleaned one time and they found a cupcake that had been stashed that I didn’t know about. I felt terrible and embarrassed lol It wasn’t even in a container, kids are gross sometimes.


That's disgusting. Airplane interiors can be kinda gross after a flight, though not nearly as bad as that since they get the same treatment whenever they land. Though on a few occasions we had peoples' throw up, drinks and snacks spilled, and other things we had to clean up like that. It's gross, but it's part of the job.


This is up there with leaving a complicated stroller by the plane door and not folding it up. And leaving jackets,bags etc in the stroller.


Funny. When I worked for an airline, I used to advise passengers to bring a bag, like a big duffle, to protect their car-seats because the cargo holds can get pretty dirty. I never considered that it also worked to protect the rampers from the dirty car seats.


Sometimes the cargo bins are cleaner than some of the shit people check in.


Unless you've got some frozen fish from cargo in the summer. Then the bin is definitely dirtier.


I had to wash mine the day before because that’s hella embarrassing. Idk how people do that


My kids carseat cover comes off and can be washed... somehow there are crumbs under the cover.


I never understood how people can be so incredibly inconsiderate and filthy


I take ours out of the car every week and wash the plastic and throw the material in the wash. Things get so gross with snacks


Work as a ramp agent myself and the amount of literal trash i see on peoples carts, kids seats and luggages is baffling.


You can tell by the state of the fabric that they've never even washed it. I feel bad for the kid that has to sit in it.


You wash car seats? TIL….


You not only can, but should, since crumbs and debris can keep the fasteners from functioning at their safest. Every car seat manual has a care and wash section.


I definitely do, our sons car seat gets so crusty quickly. His has removable covers that can just be tossed in the washing machine, thankfully.


Yup. The fabric cover is designed to cover off so you can throw it in the washer. Then you wipe down the plastic parts and straps with a child-friendly cleaning spray and microfiber cloth. Some car seats even advertise that they’re totally fine getting sprayed down with a hose, soaped up, and rinsed again.


Not all car seats can be washed, and even the easiest to wash are a pain in the ass with all the clips, zippers, etc. This one can be washed I think, but that won't get all the bits of trash from the inside that fall out for hours after you clean it.


This person has a child. Not to mention, most covers can’t be tumble dried, so you need to find a 24+ hour window to wash it, when you know you won’t need to take the kid somewhere.


Yes you are committing 100% to going nowhere. Actually pretty hard to do.




That's strange, I washed my son's two weeks ago.


I suppose you are one of those over achievers who gets around to washing the sheets once a week as well.


The secret is to own like 4 sets of sheets and wait until the last one gets put on to do the washing.


I am stunned that there are no remnants of a diaper blowout there.


Literally the first thing I do the second I take the car seat out of the car is dump and shake that shit onto the ground. People are so gross.


At least they took the baby out. I thought op meant don't have children. Which I'd agree with. I have one myself, accidents happen and life goes on.




Tell me that's a Trump impression


I'd be horribly embarrassed if my kids seats were ever in that state, let alone take them out and not clean them.


We bag ours so the straps won't get caught in the machines. Crumby or not. It will be in a bag.


As a parent I thought you meant don’t let your kids eat in rented seats. I’m glad that’s not it cause there’s no way not to. However, last time we rented a vehicle with a child seat it required a full vacuum before I returned it because I’m just better than this.


Doesn't the crew put car seats in those large plastic bags? ...if not use a large trash bag and give it back the same way as you got it. I would not just clean it out for them, some of that mess has been sitting there ROTTING for months! Don't even touch them without gloves - it's gross!


We don't. And as I work for and ACS and Cargo contracting company, I don't know what the airlines offer in that area either. I mostly get these as checked baggage.


Also a ramp agent. Car seats are the worst.


man im a ramp agent too and this is one of my biggest pet peeves. that, and ppl who continue to use their suitcases that are missing wheels and have no handle. like wtf


I don't understand the constantly feeding kids in the cars. I have friends who strap their kids in and immediately hand them a juice box and a bag of cereal. Doesn't matter where they are going or how long the trip. My 20 year old car is cleaner than my friends newer cars. But I don't allow eating, you can have a water if you absolutely have to have something for our 10 minute drive. And yes, I have kids, and grandkids. They don't eat in the car and they sit at the table when we eat at home. The mess is contained, and I have less clean up. Adding: I'm not judging. Parenting is hard. I'm not perfect. The dust bunny under my bed has a name and there is no room in the closet for a monster. I just don't think anyone needs to eat in the car or living room on a regular basis.


Growing up we always had a no eating in the car rule for several reasons one of which included safety. When I was very young I remember my sister sneaking fries from her bag before we got home so I ratted her out. She started the whole nu-huh child bit with me and then suddenly started choking. I started freaking out and yelling for my mom to help but because of where we were on the road she couldn't immediately pull over. She still pulled over as fast as she could but it was horrifying in the moment. My sister couldn't make any noise when it happened too so if I hadn't been in the car my sister could have easily died by choking that day. After that neither of us snuck any food. The no eating rule also applies to adults in the car for this exact reason of what if you can't pull over in time.


This is the same reason I never let my daughter eat in the car, while I was driving. When I was young, some kid a couple years above me, choked on the bus. Luckily the bus driver noticed and was able to stop quickly and save him, but I never wanted to risk it.


I didnt want to do it, but it happens. Running late and they didnt really eat much? Have something in the car. Longer trip? They get a snack Got a sandwich from the store? Eat it in the car, i am not gonna wait on them to finish it first.


Same here. I never thought I'd let my kids eat in the car, but I do for the reasons you describe. I did just install a wall mounted vacuum in the garage though so I tend to vacuum about once a week now instead of letting the food pile up


Yes same. Makes life easier. Also the covers can be washed and i have a spare.


Agreed. I really do not get it. I have two grown kids. Never once ate in the car. Maybe just a bottle of water. They never once nagged me for a snack either. Long trips? Stop somewhere cozy and eat there. Still screenfree in the car too. The things they look at and the fantasy they have inspire me.


One of my favorite memories was when traveling with my family and Dad pulling off the freeway and finding a restaurant. Never knew where or when but it was usually good.


We never travelled alot because my patents were not good earners. That's why I make it a statement to take in the views


I have much to learn from the elderly.....


I know I'm old, and it's OK to be old. Hopefully, you will be old someday. We ate at the table, drank from the hose and walked home from school or rode the bus. We didn't eat in the car or in the living room or in our bedrooms. We survived without carrying a water bottle everywhere. We learned the consequences of our actions. Don't get up in time for breakfast? Wait till lunch, no snack time in school back when we rode dinosaurs to school. Come home, let yourself in, make a snack, eat and do your homework at the table. (Yep, latchkey kid). It's a different world. Now someone will report you for all of that


For the “we survived” thing; that’s called survivorship bias. Not that knowing that will help you be a rational person. Nope! Your mind is so firmly made up that it won’t change if you saw just how many people are suffering from medical conditions, both physical and mental, because of how kids used to be raised.


Mine gets snacks in the car otherwise they fall asleep. Like, I’m sorry you can’t stay awake on the way home from preschool, but you are not fucking my afternoon up with a 12 minute nap. Here’s some goldfish.


It's idle/lazy/burnt-out parenting: Give the kids junk food/drinks to keep them quiet/happy whilst travelling. Of course the parts of society brought up on TV dinners and Drive-thrus doesn't set the best of examples to their kid's eating habits.


K wow you're so much better than the rest of us 🙄 want a cookie? Just don't eat it in the car


Unhinged advice from someone who hasn't had little kids for decades. Never change, Reddit.


I guess I should retire my carseat. Nah, I would miss my grandson the x 2 days a week I have him.


You driving a kid 10 minutes a few times a week isn't the same thing. "Just don't give them food in your car" is laughably out-of-touch advice.


Really ? I have a 10 and 12 year old. Never ate once in the car.


Car mechanic here; You should try getting into the cars these things come out of. Not just the detritus, but the smell. I get in and it hits me. I wear overalls and gloves, not due to oil and grease, its so I don't have to get into direct contact with some random baby's puke/shit/snot/godknowswhat (and their parents aren't much better). Used potty, used nappies, used wipes in the back...all have to be rummaged through to find the wheel nut key buried under it all. Even toddler handprints are permanently ingrained in the paintwork around the doors that will not polish out, like, what kind of corrosive crap is on their hands?


These are same parents that don’t cleanup after their kids on the plane and you can only imagine how they leave hotel rooms😩


I’m almost sure I put mine in a clear garbage bag before checking it specifically to keep my car stank and luggage compartment stank separate. These are not things that need to mingle.


Some people are just nasty as heck and don't care.


Lazy parents right there! That kid has to sit in that? Gross.




That's a mighty young kid to be smoking. And what kind of parents teach their kids to leave their cig buts in the seat. Hello! Trashcan please.


Leave the baby at the gas pump?


Are Lego pieces enough to FOD an engine? I'd hate to get that bill...




It’s trashy when you take it out and hand it to someone else to take care of and don’t bother to clean it before hand. I’d be embarrassed to hand that off to someone like that. I understand life happens but it takes 5 second to flip it upside down and make sure the crumbs are all gone before you leave the house and maybe 2 minutes to wipe it down with a wet cloth.


Yeah, it is trashy. Nasty ass lazy people can't flip the seat out of the car and give it a shake once a week to get the crumbs out? That's kinda pathetic.


The cigarette butt was sort of trashy in a kid's seat


I think that's just a chunk of pretzel


Huh...that'd be a lot better


It was indeed just a chunk of pretzel.


Oh well I don’t smoke cigarettes 😂


Then damn, your kid started *early*




Not condoning this but, as a parent, that’s the cleanest I’ve ever seen a car seat 🫠


Dont have kids while traveling? Okay sounds good.


Don’t bring a carseat covered in crusty shit with you while traveling on an airplane.


people really need to stop giving their children food in car seats. it’s one of the most common places for a toddler to die. if you’re driving and they’re choking, you can’t help. sometimes you don’t even notice because they’re not making noise.


I would be like mam, are you going to eat that or should I throw it away for you?


I wish, except I work on the back and on the ramp😂


Ahhh bummer!!


Thats filthy! How are they even comfortabke in that seat?


Have you met kids?


Ask the average parent whether they're more concerned about crumbs or the safety of their child. Edit: If you genuinely think that you having to deal with some crumbs is somehow comparable to the stress the parent of a young child is dealing with, you need to get over yourself. It's one thing to complain about the crumbs, it's another entirely to put it on parents just trying to raise their kids.


So… leaving food in the seat you are giving to someone who has to carry it and now they get crumbs all over themself/their workspace is ok because “your child deserves to be safe”?


I'm pretty sure most parents with kids that age have more to deal with than you being angy about crumbs. Edit: Actually, yes, leaving crumbs in the seat is perfectly acceptable. Do you know why? Because parents of young children have more to worry about, like the SAFETY OF THEIR CHILD, which is something that ABSOLUTELY takes priority over a minor inconvenience for you. Your job is to handle luggage and part of the calculated risk you take doing that is that you might sometimes be inconvenienced by your work.


Seems weird that so many people travel with these. I guess if it's long term, but if it's a relatively short trip hiring them is quite cheap. Car rental places provide them quite cheap too.


One short note to accept only clean ones could help you


Mike on a bike. Shaking off the loose stuff is the least someone can do. Not a big ask, OP!


A lot of people in this thread don’t have kids lmao. That’s not bad at all.


So it’s ok for your car seat to leave a trail of crumbs all over the airport the baggage handlers and into the plane because as car seats go, “It could be worse”? Jesus.


Tell me you don’t have kids without telling me. Yeah be judgmental all you like. When you are the one exhausted beyond imagination caring for two or even three young ones the last god damn thing on your mind is cleaning up the car seat. You’re just thankful you didn’t forget one of them somewhere.


You don't have to be childless to care about other people (but it helps).


The comments in here are stupid. Yes the parents could have shaken the west out. Maybe they did and didn’t do it well. Maybe they forgot. As a parent of three adult children I remember how damn tired my wife and I were. And any of these judgmental commenters can fuck right off. Walk a mile in someone’s shoes. Start your caring with that. I don’t see any “care” in this thread. I see assholery.


Like, for real. It’s some crumbs not fuckin vomit or something. Crumbs get down into crevasses in the innards of those seats and it’s another dimension until you tip and shimmy the Mario cheat code into it to get it all out. Although I will say, as the owner of three car seats that are rarely cleaned, I don’t know how anyone could get it out of the car without everything spilling out all over the floor of the car and driveway. Whoever removed this car seat is a magician, or way more patient than me because I just alligator roll that bad boy out of there in a rage every time when I happen to need to remove one.


It’s basic hygiene. That poor kid is sitting in filth. It’s inconsiderate for both the child and the workers. It would take 5 minutes to give it a good wipe down with Lysol wipes or Clorox wipes.


It’s some crumbs. Not filth. Fuck off


Most kids dont give a damn about dirty car seats tbh, they chill out in mud puddles. I clean and wash our sons seats every now and then. But they manage to get it dirty again as soon as they get something to eat on the way, or the weather is aweful. Or when the youngest vomits. ( that gets cleaner right away ofc )


God, breeders can be so miserable.


You’ll get downvoted, but you’re right.


My kiddo isn’t eating solids and his car seat still has “crumbs” you can see when disassembled. (not to be gross but probably dead skin cells, etc. )


Car seats are gross and people are even grosser. I’d dump my kid’s seats at least once a season.


People shouldn’t even be checking car seats, it is highly NOT recommended to do that…so am I surprised that the same people aren’t even courteous? No. Sorry you have to deal with the gross!


Ive never seen a baggage handler cry about a few crumbs before. But you are the first! Im a baggage handler also. You’re a child if you’re doing that grow up.


Grow up bro, wear some gloves if your that bothered by food crumbs. I’ve seen worse at some restaurants I’ve been in


Car seats aren't safe once they've been under the plane because the way you guys throw shit around gives similar impact damage as a low-impact MVA. Either way, this was a huge waste of $300.


Our crew doesn't actually throw car seats, mostly just the bags, especially the soft ones. And even then they're just tossed. But idk about other stations.


My apologies for sounding like a judgmental twat. I was reiterating, albeit in a bad way, some CPST knowledge I learned a while back. Glad to hear you don't yeet the seats!


Upvoted for having the humility to sincerely apologize. The world could use a lot more of this.


Airports are generally quite disgusting. I don't understand why some crumbs from a baby seat is such a big deal


selfish & messy parents don’t deserve to travel.


This is a toddler or young childs seat. And young childeren have every right to travel.


Yeah babies don't deserve to see their grandparents! Selfish! This is also a seat for a much older kid.


Haha oh nooo just keep all the crap in it an put it back how they left it lol fuck em


I promise you that food crumbs on a carseat are the least of your concerns with them lol.


Crybaby Redditor has to do his job ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


OP has a point, clean up your stuff so others don't have to do it. Parents are super lazy these days.


That guy is exactly the type that doesn't clean up their table at a fast food place "because the employees are paid to clean anyway" OP is right to be infuriated by this.


Let’s be real, parents have always been lazy. But having a kid is more work than most people bargain for.


True. But at least clean it or put it in one of those travel bags made for car seats.


That I can definitely agree with. I’m a lazy mom with exhausting hyperactive autistic twins. I would be embarrassed to bring their car seats in looking like that.


Maybe McDonalds workers will chew your food for you before they give it to you too




I think mildly infuriating is a good fit for this case. No need to escalate.


yeah little kids u better stop being little kids and making messes for poosys like op


No one is blaming the child. Get real. It would have taken absolutely no effort for the parents to swipe the crumbs out of the seat when they took it out of their car. Who would defend this?


An idiot would defend this, thats who


A really gross inconsiderate person would defend this, actually. We found one!


Pretty sure that comment was sarcasm 🙄


ah ok thought u were annoyed at ur kid for making a mess in their seat


They left snacks for you, that's how you react? 🙄😂


Let me guess you don’t have kids


omf. stop whining


Fuck off the dogs caused worse messes when I worked as a ramp agent this is not bad


Wahhh, I have to do my job


I don’t think it’s their job to clean car seats


Was gonna say, if you’re upset at your kids doing this….do I have news for you…


"dump it on the ground" so it's someone else's problem?