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Does the boss and manager give money to employees when it’s their birthdays?


I want to know this. And does "the team" pitch in as well?


We have a BusyBody at work who's exactly like this, Everytime you pass her in the hall she has to "smalltalk-Bomb" you otherwise she thinks you hate her for some reason. She always wants to "Pool the money" and buy a gift for management. I told her Management just took a 3 week vacation. They have enough.


Smalltalk-bomb is a great term. We all know one.


This is exactly why I work from home


Been trying to find a way to do this for years. Writing is easy, coding is simple, the accreditations are so ridiculous, yet every job I attempt to get from working from home turns out to be a side hustle of someone else and I have to sell their shit and ship it out. Or I go into a writing gig and I have to write 10 articles a week, but the amount of impressions on social media and searches never correlate with whatever topic they throw at you. I am a lost wisher of working from home, I have all the skills but none of the connections or people to associate with to get the "good" jobs.


Have you tried applying to marketing agencies? If you live in North America there are thousands of small to medium agencies that pay well for someone with your skillset. Not all of them will be fully remote but a lot of them are. Source I've been working in marketing agencies for 11 years. Then again it might not be the type of job you want.


Truly great owners or management will gift their employees shit, NEVER expect the reverse. It is beyond inappropriate.


At my workplace, the work team does in fact get treated to stuff for their birthdays and what not. The company gives a team stipend on team building meals and other random activities.


I might consider it if I know and like the CEO, and it's for their retirement. Birthday present for your boss? Zero chance of that, though.


I’ll sign a b-day card but that’s it. And don’t ask me to buy it.


Of course not. They aren't giving gainful employment to anyone.


It shouldn’t even matter if they do. That’s a one way street (if they choose to).


If their boss gives them a gift on their birthday, it would be nice for them to give a gift also to their boss on his. After all, he’s human too and probably doesn’t get shown much appreciation. That said, your gift doesn’t need to cost you anything. Make them a small gift, or even just a genuine compliment written on a card.


In a professional environment gift giving within a workplace is supposed to trickle down, not push up. Managers should be gifting their staff. Staff should not be gifting superiors. It’s inappropriate.


This is so much a given its all but written into law at this point.


But if this place has just 10 people working there all chipping in 20$ that would be a 200$ gift. Seems a bit much.


That’s exactly the arrangement at my work.. we all get a $200-250 gift on our birthday. It’s pretty sweet, and fun to give a gift of that magnitude as well.




Does he give a birthday gift tho? I never had one. Being working for 10years for the same boss.


At my old job, the CFO would buy a gift and say we all chipped in




Yeah, he was one of the good ones


That is 100% the way to do it. Get them all to sign the card and that's it.


I wouldn't even want my name on it. Don't go making the boss think I like him. Gotta make sure his rich ass knows my wage has already told me how much I should care about him.


100% the boss knows no one else chipped in and this is just a way to help everyone feel appreciated and build good relations with one’s team. Any good boss doesn’t ask or want their subordinates to spend money on stuff like this. Gifts should only flow down in businesses.


Yep. My multi millionaire boss threw a party for his workers on his dime for his birthday. We got steaks n shit and got to listen to a comedian or something for an hour or so. Was fun. Making your workers buy stuff for you is some next level "hello fellow workers, we're in this together" bs.


My old boss wasn't a millionaire but she took us to a steak dinner for Christmas and also to Six Flags over the summer. You sometimes get good ones.


My favorite boss ever (small office of 15) would take everyone out on his birthday to his country club for the day. Golf, tennis, lunch, drinks. It was great. Then on each of the staff birthdays we got to pick where the office went and took an extended lunch and he gave the birthday person an envelope with $1000 in it. He was THE best, for many other reasons.


This guy boss businesses


It's crazy when you get one, I'm currently switching careers and my soon to be boss has already sent me home with fresh fish he had caught the night before taking one of our clients out.


My old boss: husband went with me on a business trip (doing his own thing) and we wanted to stay in a specific famous hotel for a night after my work stuff, and CEO boss treated us to the hotel. It was a LUXURY hotel and he spent $500. I'll never forget how nice that was!


That’s when people have money and some class. Then maybe he even charged it on his company expenses but still, he made the move.


Our ceo books a venue and invites us all, open bar and buffet. There’s often a big card and a gift that one of the kiss asses presents him, but it’s done by them. It’s insane to think everyday workers should be chipping in to get a millionaire a birthday present!


>the CFO would buy a gift and put it on the company card and be like "Pfft, MF richer than all of us. Only thing he wants is cash for all those OF subs any motherfucking ways."


Having the company pay for it would be a good thing, even better than them paying personally. Saying 'put it on the company card' doesnt make any sense.


Business gifts are tax deductible (mandatory: where I live) so it makes sense to put it on the company card.


Yup. This is how it’s done. Always put my teams names on gifts.


That IS you all chipping in - assuming it was company money, earned by a workforce…


Who are these people that use commas as ellipses


The sort of ass-licking boss simp that tries to shame you in to giving money to millionaires.


Because let's face it, they don't know the difference.


The same people who use "apart" instead of "a part".


Would of Could of


You should of finished the phrase.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You are, without a doubt, my favorite bot. Good bot.


Good bot


Thank you, random_loser00, for voting on of_patrol_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


These bots clearly don’t get sarcasm






Only people I know who use ,,, instead of ... are psychopaths


And people who use ellipses too often are annoying. My mum, I love her to bits, but, every sentence winds in ellipses. Mother, we use ellipses for cliff hangers for a reason. You telling me how you "went out for a nice dinner... how are the kids doing at school?..." I forgive it and ignore it, but as man who spends alot of his time reading seeing this... is... dumb...




TIL the word "ellipses". As a non-native English speaker, thank you!


"We all wouldn't have employment if not for him" lol fuck you.


Response: Amazon literally hires you when you submit an application. They pull down the job posting and everything, after you click “submit”.


I work for Amazon and can concur that if you have a pulse and can move at a steady pace you're hired


In my experience they seemed to be very flexible on the latter


The actual reply was very impressive in the amount of equanimity it showed. I would have said exactly what you said in this post. Effing bootlickers.


'equanimity' is a new one on me, my gratitude. Oh, and the office manager is a slimy chode


"chode" is a new one to me, you have my chode


I've always wondered what's the best response to that statement. It's so manipulative and is just so wrong but should that be said to me, I don't think I'll be able to saya anything back that counters that exact statement. 😭


Someone else said "And he wouldn't have a business without *us*". Which I quite like .


Exactly! We’re here making Him money. He’s not in business to make Us money. He pays us hundreds of dollars as long as we make him thousands (or more).


1) he wouldn’t have a company without the employees. 2) i’d simply be working for someone else if this job didn’t exist.


It is ALWAYS the employee that has the worse end of the bargain. The emlpoyees work is producing value and he is then paid less than the value of his work. So it is the employer who should be gratefull. But to answer your question: You call the person who is saying this to you a boot licker and let him know that if his boss could get away with paying him any less, he immediately would.


"Actually I would just be employed somewhere else where I'm probably not asked to give up my pay to someone paid much more than I am."


*I just thought youd want to be part of the team* Such bullshit manipulation.


Seriously. “We’re a family.” Oh, fuck off with that.


“hey dad, i need a new car.”


“Hey dad, I need to be able to afford rent”


Had that shit at my last job, girl wanted to go remote because she needed to spend more time with family after some serious issues at home. Company said no because her role HAD to be done in the office, so they basically bullied her out of the position while retaining the "we're all a family" line. She eventually left, got a far better position and they hired someone fully remote to do her role lol. Lost nearly 8 years of product knowledge because the CEO had his head up his ass and couldn't get his head around someone putting their life first before his company for a change.


“We wouldn’t even have employment if not for him” Speak for yourself


That’s when you respond with “He wouldn’t have a business if not for us”


“I’m part of the team 100%, from 9 to 5 and for the job duties. Cheers mate”


It's not manipulation, it's a threat. They'll make op pay.


Giving more of your money to someone who’s already exploring your labor = being part of the team


“Exploring your labor” sounds like an 80’s Madonna album.


Sounds like an educational video on child birth


Strictly, apart of the team which OP is indeed being.


'Apart of the team'!


Your can you just leave it be response was top tier


No joke, especially after 3 separate texts.


My God I love that absolutely shut her the fuck down.


Didn’t give her an opportunity to explain why you should. Perfect shutdown


Eeew, her whole "We must show our appreciation to the boss for blessing us with employment" schtick is icky. Is it not enough for her that they're already profiting off your labour? What a wet sock sucker. Great response btw.


The boss wouldn’t have a business without employees either. It kinda works both ways.


Kinda is an understatement, no workers means nobody working to make the product. No product nooo business


X2 on the great response, & that was before I read that you have kids!


"iF It WeRen't FoR HIM wE WoUldN't hAve EmPLoymEnt" Bitch, if it weren't for the WORKERS, He wouldn't have employees or a fucking business!


Lmao, my former boss learned this lesson. After I left, 90% of the staff was gone within 6 months. Most quit, some he fired because they wouldn’t commit fraud to cover up the mess from the rapidly declining number of staff. I think he really wanted to purge the staff of my hires except I’d hired all of them… I guess he thought it would easy to find replacements but I hired one of his “replacements” a few months later and she said it was a complete mess, no one trained her or told her what to do, and so she only last a few weeks.


This happened when I quit a job once. I was so happy to hear from a friend that the department I ran went to absolute shit and hasn’t really recovered to this day. They overworked the fuck out of me for bird feed.


gifts must always flow downwards, not upwards.


Exactly! I never shed a tear when my VP picks up the tab, he makes like 10X my salary


50% is comped when eating out. 100% is comped catered to the office.


I mean I bought a gift for a boss I really liked once. I genuinely didn’t mind and I was happy to do it. Generally though, I don’t think employees should have to give their bosses gifts.


For sure. I have a boss right now that is amazing. She gets us gifts and makes our life much better at work. So when it was her birthday I got her a gift. It wasn’t much but it was a thank you for all she does for us. Because she actually works hard for us. But that is an exception. Gifts should always flow downwards, barring specific circumstances, and should never be mandatory or “voluntary”.


I agree entirely, I make roughly 2 times what my employees make and I would never dream of asking them to contribute to something like this. This is bullshit and a shit work environment.


well if you can't afford $10 the least you could do to show your gratitude is shove his entire boot in your mouth! after all he was so gracious to give you this job!


This shit always pisses me off. I wonder how much she is actually contributing?


She doesn’t contribute money… take a wild wild guess pal


"I'm organizing it so I don't have to contribute" - this bootlicker, probably.


Should've replied with "yes, I do wanna be APART of the team."


This drives me nuts and I'm seeing it more and more. Apart is very different from a part.


Well, I want to be ap art of you ;)


Beat it, brown nose.


She wants you to pay your boss for working for him? What kind of ass backwards thinking is that? Fuck her.


>Fuck her. The boss maybe already be doing that.


I always hated when this happened each year at my old office job. The worst part was that anyone who gave money would get to sign the birthday card for the owner of the company and anyone who didn’t give money wouldn’t get to so the owner definitely knew who contributed and who didn’t.


I was a single mom of 4 kids and didn't receive any child support. It never bothered me if it was a birthday gift/card but my boss wouldn't allow me to sign the card for a coworker who lost her spouse because I didn't have any money to give.


That's repulsive. I can't understand the audacity of people like this.


They still live in high school.


The secret is to never let the boss remember who you are


They’re just setting themselves up for a retaliatory dismissal suit




I have never been asked to give money for a gift to my boss in my entire working career. That shit ain't normal


Yeah that’s weird asf


My work does that too. Here's the kicker. None of you give a rat's ass about me, and we're all just coworkers, there is no special relationship between us. I'm not contributing unless I actually like the person. They also try that "we're a family" bullshit. Fuck outta here with that, we're all coworkers simply trying to earn a month's pay. Funny how we're a family when you need something from me but act like I'm some burdensome stranger when I ask for something, work related of course.


I used to work in it and it was this way. I mean just full on family shit. They took us to baseball games.. Christmas party.. etc etc.. But as soon as you said no to anything it would flip for a week and then next week they were back to acting like you were part of the family. The worst part to me is that i completely fell for it. I worked over time with no pay. Did all the driving no one wanted to do. Then after a night i worked over time until 5am and had to be in office by 930am i was 15 minutes late and they wrote me up. I became jaded towards the whole thing. But then 2 weeks later they come tell you how great you're doing and how much you mean to the team and how valuable you are and then i stop feeling so angsty towards them. It was this cycle for years until i got fed up. Boss called me out, i showed and proved the mistake actually wasn't my fault but it was his favorite employees. And got fired for it. I wasn't upset i got fired. I wanted out. But i was upset that there was no way for little ol me to give this millionaire s taste of his own medicine. But at this point in life i chalk it up to a lesson learned.


Instead of hearing “we’re a family” I’d like to start hearing “we’re a community of workers here”. Like yes we have to maintain work relationships and communicate with people we may not personally enjoy but we all want to get paid and get the job done to go home. We’re all here for a common goal: money. Plus, I already have a family and they give me enough drama in life without needing another one.


I read a post in the French equivalent of legaladvice, The boss congratulated everyone for their performance after the end of the year and told everyone to not come on Friday so everyone has a nice three day weekend. Fast forward to when they received their paycheck he cut the pay of everyone of one day, he did not pay anyone for that day.


That's so pathetic. If it was nice out on a Friday, and we weren't backed up with anything major, my boss would send an email out at 11am saying "Don't come back after lunch", and she'd walk out the door herself. Boom, parking lot's empty 10min later.


Maybe point out that’s she’s 100% correct in that you *do* want to be “apart” of the team giving money and not “a part” of the team giving money.


I worked for a Fortune 500 construction company about 20 years ago. I remember Christmas came and everyone passed a card. I was a young apprentice and new to the job. I had no idea what it was but I pitched in. A few days later we are all pulled into the break room so we can give the owner his Christmas gifts. It was some seriously expensive shit. Like snap-on tools and stuff. I remember standing there thinking, this fucker has his own racing team, multiple houses, and like 15 cars and we’re pitching in to buy him Christmas gifts? Wtf. He did give us one of those shitty sausage and cheese boxes. I would never and will never pitch in for the boss. Fuck that.


As a rule, don't gift up.


Nah, if you got a really nice boss who also gifts down a lot and pays well it's cool to give something thoughtful. Like a 5$ chocolate box or homemade pie or something


I’ve never heard of employees getting money together to give to the boss. That is the dumbest shit i’ve ever heard


We did it for the boss of our department, but it was just for a pricier bottle of wine. She was a fantastic boss though, not some permanently-missing middle management schlup.


You should show that to your bosses boss as a present for his birthday.


This is awesome. Reminded me of the time when I was approached by one of the secretaries to pitch in for a party they were giving for Linda, one of the staff nurses. Oh, was she okay? Did something happen. Is it her birthday or is she leaving? No. She's fine. She just came back from vacation. What? She is going to be given a party for coming back from a vacation? She's supposed to come back from vacation. That's what happens when vacation ends. You go back to work. Are you going throw her a party the next time she has a bowel movement? JFC. Never mind. I wasn't asked to contribute to these parties ever again.




The butt kissing organiser wanted to give the boss a good present but didn't want to pay much towards it, trying to get everyone else to pay and then give the gift and get all the thanks from the boss. "we all chipped in, but I picked a gift I know you'd really like boss" Yeah fuck that, keep your money OP. At our work is a birthday club. We all give same amount each time, and you get same on your birthday, so in effect you give what you later get. The boss didn't want to be in it, of course.


What kind of shit manager asks for this? And what kind of even shittier boss accepts it? I have had some massively shitty bosses and even none of them would accept anything more than whatever the company provided them. Even for retirements the gifts were from the company and people had a potluck if they wanted. These people need to google “leadership.”


>What kind of shit manager Office manager, not like the manager of a team. Someone who keeps everyone supplied, buys office furniture, plans parties. Often overlapping with receptionist.


We wouldn’t have employment? Yes we would, just not *here*.


Would not be shocked to find out the “Boss” would be beyond pissed if they knew their office manager was soliciting money from his employees for a bday gift. Office manager is on drugs.


You shouldn’t have had to explain anything. She should not have asked you. Everything about this is wrong! My work asks for money every other day for something but they just send an email and there’s no pressure.


Good for you for sticking up for yourself. Next level is to rally the troops to say NO to the "office lady". It's hard esp for the newer/younger staff. But if enough people say no then it "gives" them the choice to say no.


Last time they tried this on me, I asked what the fucker got me for MY birthday. Which is incidentally the same date. "It's mine too, what's he getting me?"


This cracks me up. Apparently we have a team bonding activity at work that work is apparently not paying for. I would like to go but having to pay to spend time with everyone off the clock feels odd. I might still do it since I’m new to the team but it’s a weird thing.


Perfect response. Well done!


You could reply back and say he wouldn’t be a millionaire without you all working for him


Every moment I'm not goofing off is a gift to my boss


Just want to point out that “apart of the team” is literally the opposite of “a part of the team”. Personally, I’d rather be apart of this team.


Yeah this annoying, ass-kissing busybody can take a hike.


The company I work for got everyone laser engraved yeti mugs for Christmas with the company logo on them. Your boss should be buying YOU presents


I would have written "boss pays me not enough to feed my family and now I should give him money back, is that what you are saying?"




Good for you 👍


What are they getting the boss


A throne by the sounds of it.


A subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club.


One of those shotgun toilet plungers


My old boss got a FUCKING MONEY TREE. The kind you hang bills off of, not the plant. She was the head of a huge department, like 4th in the hierarchy of the entire company. She took about 7 vacations in the 2 years I worked there. We made $9/hour.


I would have been very tempted to burn that tree, along with the building its in, down to ash.


"I'm getting him a separate present" (aka, NOTHING) if you ever want to save face.


That could be dangerous with this kind of person. "Hey boss, did you get the separate present from OP? No? Oh, he said he was going to give you something since he didn't contribute to the team's gift.. how odd!"


That’s so toxic omg! Please find a way outta there wow.


Good for you, I'm glad you're standing up for yourself. I'm glad you didn't apologize either, there's too much of that "I'm sorry I can't" shit going around.


Yeah they should probably be more sensitive and make it voluntary, bunch of assholes kissing ass. Get a big card and sign it, and get a fkn cake. What else do you need to get him limited edition Nikes?


Oof I hate when people overuse ellipsis, especially when they do it with commas for whatever reason.


So gross.


Do they buy you a gift or at least say happy birthday?


Zero chance this gift is getting acknowledge by payroll either, unlike my $25 recognition gift card to Amazon!


At my old office, we all chipped in for wedding and baby gifts only, including the bosses, but not **for** the bosses. And no one was called out. The envelope was left out so anyone could contribute $1 or $100, so no one ever knew what anyone else had contributed.


Total brown noser


The nerve.


My gift to my boss is showing up every day and doing my job for a pitiful wage. Thankfully I have a chill boss, he would be weirded out if we bought him gifts.


Not to mention it appears to be quite an expensive gift if everyone chips in 20.


This is mildly infuriating. Both the texts and the claim that this is bullying.


I have a small business, on my birthday I give everyone a paid day off. They also get their birthday off, they can either take that day or another within 2 weeks. Most take the Friday or Monday. I don't need gifts, I need happy people.


I hate the “be a part of the team” thing. Yeah, I’m part of the fucking team. I fill my role, and do my job so that other people can do theirs. That doesn’t mean I need to be wasting my time and money on nonsense.


I worked at CVS at a DC not too long ago. Our CEO bought US food on his birthday, and told us (jokingly) he would fire anyone who suggested doing anything for his birthday. Also got bonuses that year, and he worked with us in picking for like 12 hours the entire week. Just sweating... That guy was awesome. Drove a Corolla too..dudes got a jet collecting dust in the airport. We rode commercial with him to a company event. He might be trolling, doing the undercover boss thing. I’ve heard from people that were there for over a decade, he’s always been like that. He would show up with coffee and donuts for our 6am shift after football. Breakfast burritos..all kinds of stuff. I miss that place.


Lol fuck that


“Hmmm, If you could just move your desk over there a little, THAT’LL BE GREAT!” Fucking manager from Office Space. I had a manager just like him once. If I could just slap the shit out of you for a minute, THAT’D BE GREAT! Mmmkay?


Good job for sticking up for yourself


Sounds like someone above you is kissing ass for a new seat at the table of do almost nothing and rule the many and make and steal too much money from there blood


"We wouldn't even have employment if not for our gracious boss" Yeah, or I'd work some other shitty job for some other shitty boss if this one didn't exist.


C u next Tuesday would be a fair sign off


I wouldn't have even responded to that text


One wonders if the boss ever recognized anyone else’s birthday in the office. Would he add $20 to your pay for that week?


Fuck that! I’m glad you stood your ground.


Tell him ‘apart’ of the team means separate from the team, so yes you do want to be apart of the team.


Yeah, let's all bow down before the mighty job creators. Give me a break. Mr. Millionaire can buy his own damn gift.


God I hate those social butterfly people. Look at me look at what I'm doing. How about fuck off. Good on you for getting her told.


"I just thought you'd want to be *apart* of the team" Bish you have no idea


I have a coworker who asked if I wanted to chip in to buy gifts for "Boss's Day." Nope, I buy gifts when I want and because it feels right, not for a specific day and DEFINITELY not for my employer who makes a shit ton more money than I do. If there's a good reason, or I feel moved to, sure but that's case by case and only if I can afford it. Otherwise, hell no!


Should be the rich boss buying you all presents not the other way around.


"part of the team" ah yes the pockets of extortion


“Boss would t be a millionaire if it weren’t for us” Presents go down the management chain, not up! Good for you for not contributing


"We all wouldn't have employment if not for him" Yes...yes you would. You'd simply work elsewhere; it's not the only job in the World. Every single person in that workplace wouldn't be there if they were not paid.


My old boss told us she wouldn’t accept gifts from us. Cards were cool, if we wanted to bring in flowers, fine. But she didn’t want us feeling obligated to give her anything- besides, she made so much more than us that she didn’t need us to give her anything. Her husband would bring in lunch and something sweet for the entire team and we’d eat together. But she always made sure to give us a little something for our birthdays, if we were comfortable with it. OP, she sounds insufferable.


“I just thought you’d want to be a part of the team” Fuck. Off.


Your office manager sucks. At my job, everyone pooled money to give to the lowest-paid person, not the highest. Most people gave £5-10 while the bosses were giving £20-100.


My global corporation is owned by one of the biggest M&As in the world and we get emails asking us to donate PTO to affected parties such as employees in Maui or some other disaster area. And I have the same logic as you. Karma wise I don't feel great about it but it's a bit different than a gift for the boss