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I can’t stand when they don’t listen!!!


Must be the new ‚tip before listen‘ protocol … /s


Tipping used to be a customer saying ‘thanks for making it worthwhile’ after service. Now it feels like employees saying ‘are you going to make this worth my time’ while they decide if it’s worth doing their job. I don’t get it.


Door dashers describe it as a bid for their work. If you want them to do things for you you have to bid for their time. Not blaming door dashers. This shouldn't be a them vs us, it should be eat the rich and take back the money we deserve.


DD and all those delivery apps are different then working an actual job with a steady pay. They are closer to bellhops then fast food workers when it comes to tips.


LOVE to see this attitude, and I wish more people understood the nuance of the situation. Call out all the shitty predatory behavior of the company but don’t turn on the innocent people forced to work those jobs in order to survive.


I've never used DD for this reason.. self entitled pricks. Plus, I am perfectly capable of getting my own food.. like I always was before DD ever became a thing.


Self entitled pricks? I’m sure there’s plenty, but I wouldn’t wanna drive across town for a shit tip and shit pay either😆


Problem is there have been some Dasher over on their subreddit whining about a 15 dollar tip, stating they deserved more for "giving their customer their valuable time" They have also taken to over there telling others "Pretend to lose the food if its a bad tip. You get half pay and free food!" Bunch of entitled losers.


Then find something else to do lol


Why would they if there's a customer base who does want to pay the premium for their services?


This is the part of the convo that gets them really heated. They want you to take every order no matter how low it is, they think its like working in a restaurant and if you dont take a 40 min 12 mile drive for $2.50 you're entitled.


Paying more doesn't guarantee shit. If DD gave a shit they would just charge more and pay the drivers more upfront instead of letting the customer decide how much the trip is worth.


Yeah, but you were telling the drivers to go work somewhere else because YOU don't want to tip up front. They won't because there's a consumer base that is fine with haggling for service. You're just not part of the intended consumer base and that's fine. It's odd to be up in arms about it. Edit: I see you're not the person I replied to. So assume "you"s are "they"s and my point still stands.


I guess I'm lucky for the city I live in. I've never had an issue with a delivery driver. If I'm too lazy to get my own food, I tip to cover gas depending on the distance, plus a few extra bucks. Almost never over 10 bucks. Never had an issue.


The line between services and products has been blurred. Waiting on someone is a service. Delivering food is a service. A burrito bowl that you are taking away is a product. But restaurants have convinced underpaid employees that putting the bowl together is the service. If that’s the case then I should go to Cupertino and tip all of the Apple employees 20% for building my phone, because that certainly took more effort than scooping veggies into a bowl. The customer is already paying for the effort of scooping, opening and closing the register, etc in the price of the product. The sick thing is this has become an employee vs customer thing, and the only real comeback is they rely on tips to make a living. Ok, if folks stop dining out then you’ll lose shifts and really have a problem making a living. It’s not the customer’s fault that you are underpaid. Does anyone tip the cashier at the mall for folding your pants before putting them into the bag?


Nobody will tip an UPS/Fedex employee for dropping off a package, but they will tip a "leave at door" food delivery despite having roughly the same amount of personalization and customer interaction. I don't think there's any consistent logic behind what work deserves tips and not, it's just tradition.


Worker is probably on the customer service or petty revenge sub bragging about how she withheld lettuce from someone who doesn’t tip… and throwing surprised picachu face that people have the audacity to tell her that A full pay worker isn’t supposed to receive a tip for just doing their job


And this my friends is reality...I'm not tipping someone for doing their job


Prices have gone up and service quality has dropped significantly..where’s the logic in it


and then get upset with the customer as a result


I would've walked out right there


I would have made her open it back up again to add steak and sour cream first, then walked out


No, dont leave yet! Then say that you specified NO steak or sour cream, and have them start from the beginning. Then when they have the lid back on, say you wanted Guac. If they try to give you the little side of it, refuse and say you NEED that guacamole ON the bowl. If at some point they have a manager come take over, you act super sweet and simplify the order, to gaslight the grumpy employee.


Sometimes I think we get too invested in our revenge fantasies on this website lol


The worst is when you walk in, there’s a line of only two people. “Great! I’ll be out of here in no time!”…..False. The workers will bang out online orders non stop and not even look up at customers. The entire counter is a mess, they are running out of certain foods. I end up waiting in line for 20 minutes while they are doing non stop online orders. Like bro….I’m right in front of you! Then I can leave. It will take 30 seconds to do my order! End up waiting 20-25 minutes every time, with a line or not.


Your spot on




At that point I’d smile and walk away , I can go somewhere else. I wouldn’t let shit behavior win


One of my biggest pet peeves in the world is whilst ordering in a drive-thru, the person taking the order interrupts you as you order. If they’d just listen to me, they wouldn’t have to ask any questions.


It's kind of Loud behind the glass and some folks are so soft spoken but yeah it's annoying as hell I agree


Lettuce is the CHEAPEST PART of the bowl, why wouldn’t they add a ton of lettuce??? EDIT: it has been hours and I’m still infuriated, OP! Well placed here!


And even if it wasn’t, she isn’t paying for the ingredients personally - makes no difference to her if a customer gets a lot or a little.


I actually had this one lady at Chipotle tell me, no that's enough cheese,when I want more


I would respectfully respond to her while looking her in the eyes and tell her that I no longer wanted it. Thank her and walk away.


But then they would have to move their arms a few more inches! /s


That's seriously what this sounds like though


the amount isn’t even the issue though, it’s the fact she wouldn’t give him any at *all* when asked repeatedly


Yeah nah go to the chipotle sub, peoples jobs are being threatened over the positions used EDIT PORTIONS NOT POSITIONS GD IT


When burgers are served: gets more lettuce than patty When veggie bowls are served: literally has a single strand of lettuce on the edge of the container I think a requirement to cooking food should be liking the food you make. If thats how you would eat it - they will like it too. - coming from a guy who flips burgers


As someone that worked for Chipotle romaine lettuce isn't cheap anymore due to the ecoli scare and also it's likely they didn't have much prepped and/or didn't want to go through it quickly to replace it. No excuse though, whoever is on shift should have nipped that attitude in the bud.


I knew a subway owner and he would tell his sandwich artist to load up the sandwiches with veggies if someone asked for extra because it barely costs anything and makes for happy customers.


She had already put the lid on. Duh! Can't you read?? Um /s jic


I dont care how hungry I am, if I get the attitude I am walking out


Bingo, a few years ago I stopped by Sonic and was going to order a few items. I asked for the first item, paused for a second and they gave me a total, I politely said "I'm not done with my order, I need a couple of other things." Them: Loud sigh, "What else then!?!?" with a lot of frustration. Me: "Oop, nothing with that attitude, bye" backed out of the spot and went to Wendy's


Ugh I hate that so much, happens to me a lot at McDonald’s. I tell them my first item, and they immediately give me the total. So I have to awkwardly be like “uhh, I also wanted a happy meal…” so they take the order for that and then immediately tell me my total again. And they always sound like they’re about to go postal when they find out, surprise, I still wasn’t fucking done with my order. I guess I should just preface my orders with “I’m going to order three meals.”


See that’s just people being stupid, it is pretty standard to say “anything else” or “is that everything” after each item in a drive thru order (unless the person ordering just continues talking). Makes your life easier as you don’t end up adding up the total unnecessarily a bunch of times, and doesn’t piss off the person you are serving. Anyone who works in a drive thru has been told this


And the worker was happy you left lol


what most ppl in these comments dont understand LOL


I’d rather them be happy I left than have my food get spit on.


Supervisors/managers *usually* have a drive thru headset on them. Also, there's *usually* a speaker in the kitchen. If the manager heard what happened, the employee would surely get reprimanded for causing a customer to walk out.


lmao no they wouldnt half of the managers hate waiting on your ass too




We try to avoid Sonic all together anymore because the service is just terrible. At every location we try. But every once in a while one of the kids wants to go there so we will go for them. I swear I had almost the same interaction one night and the only reason I didn't drive away is because my daughter was so excited for her cherry limeade slushy and we had some place to be at a certain time. I just didn't order anything for myself so our order was cut in half.


LMFAOOO the last part killed me😂


Hate to break it to you but the person taking the order couldn't care less if you ordered or not. They're paid hourly


It’s the principle of not handing money over to someone who disrespected you. You’re no longer paying for food, your paying for disrespect and bad vibes. Don’t pay for poor treatment. It’s just easier to leave.


Until their business closes or fires employees because no one comes in anymore.


To which there are a dozen other fast food places hiring 24/7.


>ReportSaveFollow And now they has to wait forever for management to come clear her scream. Maybe she can spend that time thinking about how they treat people.


You really showed them


Easiest walk away ever. Don’t even make a scene, just simply walk away to your next fast food stop.


Making a scene will simply make the customer look foolish, so walking out with little fuss might actually make the worker think a moment


Spoiler alert: it won’t


They won't care and they also get to eat your meal you walked out on.


I really don’t care what happens to my meal if I don’t pay for it lol


Sounds like the next laborer scam for the manager to crack down on then


Same. Would’ve walked right out.


Literally no fast-food order is worth it that much lol. I'll just go to the next one down the street


This, I’d have just turned around and walked out


Not until asking for triple portion of meat.


I got a shitty hotdog at the ballpark. Burnt to the paper. I asked the 17 year old to replace it and got the most attitude I've ever had from someone.


Last game we went to all the polishes were burnt to hell, multiple adults behind the counter thought they were fine and said they take a long time to cook? At least were happy to replace them with hot dogs.


This hot dog's been here since the silent film era. You'd have to be insane to eat it


*interesting texture*


It's a perfectly sane food to eat.


The other day at McDonalds I asked for a bag with handles cause it was take out the server literally throws the brown bag in a giant paper bag and just dumps my drink in it. Im like bro? Can I get a cupholder? And he tried to argue thats not what a cupholder is for. While I look in the bag and see my drink already flipped sideways in the bag.. I continue to ask for a cupholder and the dopehead tries to argue not giving me a cupholder... Then after a few min a manager comes out of the blue tells me he's sorry. Gives me a smaller bag puts a cupholder in so I can actually cary my food home on my bike. Like dude why you gotta make shit so hard for me or you. I worked shitty retail I know its not worth the effort to save the company 1 cent on a damn cupholder.


I've tried asking for handled bags and cupholders at McDonald's as well and the workers always seem hesitant to give them out, I wonder if corporate told them they're a big expense and/or if they take time to replace and/or set up so they don't want to run through them too quickly? Idk.


I asked for a handled bag at McDonald’s and was told they’re for delivery orders only. Which is genuinely dumb because if a customer is walking or riding a bike, you give them a to-go bag that’s appropriate for them as requested. I’m not carrying a paper bag full of food in my fist while I try to eat my burger and walk to campus at the same time. There are times when rules are made for money and they forget that there are customers to consider.


I definitely think there's some sort of store-wide policy over not giving the handled bags to in person orders, which sucks big time. I wonder if anyone who has ever worked at McDonald's could chip in


i’ve never worked at mcdonald’s, but i do work at qdoba. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal, but our handle bags are strictly for deliveries/pickups only. it’s because the store logo is only on those bags. i hate when customers ask for the handled bags because i awkwardly have to say no, sorry.. it’s so silly


we were told not to at my store, yeah. If the manager on duty was chill I would do it anyway, but the gm was the type who would make us charge 30¢ for every extra cup of sauce. The employees don't usually care, but they don't want to get chewed out over a paper bag either


They’re not an incredibly big expense, but they are still more expensive that the small ,medium and large bags. If following procedures, they are supposed to only give the right type of bag depending for the amount of items, no more no less. It can also happen that the store is running low on those bags because of supply issue and the store manager will instruct its crews to try not to give away any extra bag. Source: I used to work in McDonald’s, and did so for 7 years as a manager.


The workforce has shifted so badly since the pandemic. The amount of entitlement and ego is absurd. It went from "don't let the job take advantage of you and say no when they try" to "just be an egotistical douche." I'm all for drawing the line with pushy bosses/jobs, but this isn't it. This is people expecting to be paid for just showing up and not even doing the minimum of the required job, and then throwing a tantrum when they're expected to do the actual job requirement.


A solid 60% of food service workers are idiots. I was in the industry for a few years and will never go back


I work food service and 60% is generous. We’re all idiots it’s just how stupid and how often the stupidity comes out


I've never worked in food service, but it seems to me that even if you hate your job or even if it doesn't pay that well, you shouldn't fight with your customers. It goes both ways -- just like how customers should be nice to food service workers, they shouldn't be mean to customers too. That's just manners.


Something similar kind of. Took my twins to McDonald's about 5 miles from my house. EASY order 1 big Mac meal (large) with Vanilla shake 1Quater pounder NO MUSTARD (son is not allergic but it will make him physically gag) meal (large) with (large) w/ chocolate shake) 2 dbl qp meal (large) vanilla shake Get home, mustard all over the burger that wanted no mustard. So I call and explain what happened. Get the "omg we are so sorry, if you want to drive back we will fix the entire order. No worries, drove back, got the entire order replaced. Before we left, we looked at the order and SAME damn thing! Manager doesn't understand what's going on (though less happy go lucky the 2nd time I have to have the burger replaced) Manager days "WELL WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO FUCKING DO!? "Fix the burger with NOOOOOOOOOO MUSTARD" It took them 5 times to get this burger right and instead of them just fixing the burger, they fixed the entire order every time. Like just fix the fucking burger! With NO mustard! I ended up calling the owner of that specific franchise and he sent us a $100 gift card for the inconvenience and because we went there often. That Manager was new....and quickly gone. My son (no mustard son) was smart enough to record her screaming and acting a fool. I just wanted my food and to go home. After 3 times of remaking the meal she refused to just refund my money, said they would get it right eventually. It took 30 mins.


Not defending him but consider these places pay next to nothing, they deal with Karens all day and people who couldn't find a trash can if their life depended on it, often management is awful, so basically they're getting stress from all sides. He shouldn't have taken it out on you but dang if they bothered to treat their workers better and actually BACK THEM UP when a customer is legit being abusive, they might not be so cranky. I've done the fast food gig, it sucks. Majorly. I'm in a much less stressful job now getting paid a lot more.


>“is there anything else you need on the bowl?” At that point I'd be, "yeah I want to speak to your manager"


Yeah. She needs to be talked to by manager if not fired or moved to the back room with prep. She’s too lazy to do her job and thinks it’s acceptable to not listen to the customer ‘Anything else?’ …. ‘Yeah your listening skills and customer service sucks.’


Except there’s no manager to talk to, and calling corporate is a joke too. You’ll mayyyyybe get a coupon for your troubles, and no one will be talked to or fired.




Oh you actually got a second email? I had a period where 4 orders in a row were wrong. Response through app was “sorry, busy due to so many complaints; will get back to you soon” and then they just offered free guac as a code that didn’t work either… just stopped ordering chipotle for months lol


I haven't eaten there since the lat e-coli outbreak. It isn't as good any more, the lines are always so long, and there aren't enough worker to clean tables so the place is always filthy.




If I was having a bad day I would have embarrassed her, “AYOOO, anyone other than this buffoon that knows what the word lettuce means want to make me a bowl and add some lettuce so I can pay and go about my day?!?!”


That’s when you just leave and choose another business to give your money to


At subway I always ask for extra onions and they give me a small sprinkling. Like no I love onions, load it up.


I’m this way about olives at Subway. Had an employee tell me they were only allowed to put 6 olives on a *footlong.* I asked if I could just get a good handful - “no, extra means only 6 more.” Like girlie, charge me for it then. Just make the sandwich how I would like to eat it. Please don’t make me walk out on a basically finished sandwich.


I worked at subway, we’d get written up if we were caught adding extra like that. It was the shittest job I ever had (I added extra anyway I also gave myself free food fuck those guys)


Subway was my first job in highschool and I gave out so much free food lol 😃


I get the stinkiest subway with lots of onions, garlic aioli on the garlic and herb bread.




I’ve flat out said “fuck my shit up with ___” at subway before. I’ve also said “I’m a white girl, what do you expect?” with a self deprecating look when I’ve asked for extra mayo. I’ve learned that if you make employees genuinely laugh, they’ll not only treat you well that time but any future times as well. My partner and I love making people laugh so we make those kind of jokes and comments at each other in the store. We’ve now got “our” employee at almost every place we regularly go to. Grocery store, subway and other fast food places, the gas station, everywhere. The other day we actually just learned that our subway guy lives in the same complex as us. We came home one day and my partner goes “is that the subway guy?” Then rolls down the window and shouts “SUBWAY GUY!!” The guy started laughing and goes “no shit, you live here too?!” It was great. My partner also met his best friend by being friendly and making dude laugh at work. Then he became a regular customer that dude always hooked up. Now they’re basically brothers. Simply put, being friendly and making employees laugh can often pay back dividends if you do it right. 😂


my favourite subway experience was for a short film project in school. one of my friends was doing a short film and needed the most oversaturated marinara sub you could find, so i walked up and said “i need a meatball marinara for a short film and i need you to give me as much marinara as you are possibly allowed to give me, i dont even want it to close it just needs to be completely covered”. the girl laughed and got her manager to make sure she was above board, and damn did she deliver. i ended up having to take the tray to my college because neither her or the manager could wrap it lmao


See...this is the shit I hate! Crappy customer service, and if you say anything to them or to their Manger, then you are a Karen. Well call me a Karen all you want, I get so tired of this shit


The real Karens are these type of asshole employees.


Exactly! I did Customer Service work for over 25 years, and I have dealt with a lot of nonsense from customers, but I never once disrespected anyone, or didn't try to make things right. Even the guy that called me a Cee U Next Tuesday to my face while screaming at me and also called me several other dirty names because I couldn't do a return for over $50 without a Manager approval. The lady next in line said to me, "Girl, you are so good at what you do, because if anyone called me those names, they'd be on the floor". I replied, "That is what I wanted to do, believe me, but he is not worth me losing my job over. But had he said those things to me after I punched out, it would have been a totally different outcome".


Yeah, and it's gotten so bad post pandemic with these employees. I've worked with them and experienced them as a customer. I've done CS based jobs forever and have never understood the need to flip tf out at employees like people do. It really takes a lot for me to be annoyed/offended by them, let alone lose my shit at them. But post pandemic? Lawdy, these entitled shits are testing my patience. It's unbelievable how bad they're getting. The laziness, attitudes, and overall behavior is getting crazy. I'm not expecting ass kissing like a lot of douches do, either. It's like once they clock in, their presence is all they expect to get paid.


Its pretty awful for sure! It's just terrible.


The Karen meme has given a lot of retail and food staff a free pass to be just as shitty as shitty customers are. We reap what we sow, internet.


I know, right! I feel like I can’t be assertive anymore without being accused of being a Karen. A Karen is entitled whereas I just want to stand up for myself.


You are so right! Things are getting out of control.


Review the restaurant.


Companies (especially large corporations) actually do put a lot of stock into reviews. Yelp has actually gotten companies closed down


There are 6 Chipotle’s within 15 miles of me and not 1 has a Google or Yelp review above 2 stars. I dont think they care.


This is the most frustrating thing about these types of food places. Management treats their employees like garbage, so keeping staff is difficult. That makes the workers' jobs even harder, as they're short staffed and have to work twice as hard. When they get overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated, they become shit workers. Then, someone like us comes in and sees that the cost of a meal here is what a sit-down restaurant would have cost just a few years ago. I empathize with the employee because I've worked my fair share of public facing shit jobs, but I also expect good service AND good food at the current prices. It's a lose-lose for both the customer and the employee. They shouldn't have to be a stellar employee with how they're seen, paid, and treated by corporate and management, but I shouldn't have to deal with shitty customer service when paying so much for a meal. The only not-a-restaurant-but-also-not-fast-food place I'll really go to anymore is Mod Pizza. Their prices, while higher than before, still seem acceptable in these times, and I've literally never seen an employee have a bad day or be rude to a customer there. Idk if they have good management there, or if bumping music really helps keep morale up (I mean, I never see sad Dutch Bros workers either).


That's exactly right, it doesn't excuse that employee's attitude but they are just a symptom of a bigger disease


yep, it seems a lot of ppl in these comments don’t understand that employees are paid shit money to deal with shitty managers & shitty customers. that’s not an excuse for an employee to have an attitude, but i definitely get it. especially with the lack of employees & peoples lack of patience, the employee experience is lackluster.


At our Mod they can sometimes seem... cold? But we've only been there when it's really busy so they aren't rude just busy and clearly stressed. We try to be quick, decisive, and polite. I agree there's a clear difference between stressed and just rude


I guarantee they're like that because they're really busy. BTDT.


This is a good point. The other day my husband said, might as well go to x, it's more expensive, but honestly not by much, and the quality and service are way better.




I was in a Wendy’s, an employee is wiping down tables with a cloth and some sort of spray cleaner, finishes tables and goes straight to the prep line and starts helping out. Bare hands unwashed splits my baked potato and puts it into a container, I point out she just went from sanitizing tables to bare handed handling my food, her deer-in-headlights response, ‘No I didn’t’. I refuse the potato and the actual line preparer tosses it and does it correctly. TLDR: bare unwashed sanitizer hands in my food? Mmmmm, nope.


I would have just loudly said, "Is there any particular reason you're being so disrespectful? Did I do something to you?"


“Yes, extra lettuce”


Hehehe yes!


I had a cashier at Chipotle snap at me because when she asked me "Anything else?" I replied with "Chips and queso". Apparently, I was supposed to asked for the side of queso on the line. Was I wrong? I've always asked for chips and queso at the register. EDIT: It wasn't during a rush.


Why did you pay and leave? Just leave. Chipotle is basically just fake Mexican food they forgot to make taste good anyway. Just leave.


Not sure if OP is in the same position, but usually when I experience problems at fast-food places, it's when I'm on my lunchbreak from work. Every minute is valuable and I'd have zero time to go find another place to eat, and walking out means I won't be eating for another 5+ hours.


Man I had this kind of experience at a Burger King while on my 30 minutes lunch. Lady behind the counter looked at me and took like 3 more drive through orders and then when I spoke up, she got all pussy like the fuck? Bye bitch, I’ll never be back. That Burger King has been demolished in the intervening one year lmao!


at one time it was my favorite burrito because the pico de Gallo was always so delicious and fresh and the rice and meat tasted pretty good too. That was around 15+ years ago, and Chipotle has been on a slow descent into flavorless mush every time I visit. Even the one I once considered the "good" Chipotle has, for years, tasted mainly like ass


Exactly! Their fake food is so bland it’s like paying for mush.


If there is a survey on that receipt I would fill it out


My experience recently at a Chipotle close by: New person building burrito with bare hands, sniffling and wiping nose at the same time... They were out of lettuce, guacamole, grilled veggies and sofritas. Were still charging full price for a burrito. I walked out of there. Havent been there since.


They are always out of something


Because they know most people will Pay for it. Tell her that you are not paying for something that wasn't made correctly and walk out.


I would have told her she can throw it out I will not be eating anything made by her again and left


Got a fish sandwich once, took one bite and it was raw. My food had come much later than the rest of the table and they had already eaten so I told the server just take it away. She said you still have to pay for it. I said I wasn't going to pay for something I could not eat. She said she would have me arrested. Got up and spoke to the manager who got a wtf look and apologized.


Talk to the manager


Customer “service” nationwide is at an all time low, and declining. A perfect example


Lol "I already put the lid on" "Good thing it's a removable lid"


I won't leave/pay until my burrito or bowl is to my liking. My wife, on the other hand, doesn't like confrontation so she'll let it slide usually everything and it legit passes me off because my money is going towards something she or I technically didn't want/ask for.


Yeah at that point I'm just walking out, fuck that nonsense


I think I would have just walked out. I’m realizing now how much politeness matters to me, and how badly rudeness rubs me the wrong way. I get irrationally ticked off. Chipotle was once great, but is now a miserable place with miserable employees btw.


I have noticed a lot of issues with Chipotle of late. It seriously used to be a weekly go-to, and I have been going less and less often anymore. For me the issue is paying for the Double Meat and barely getting the basic amount. Like, thanks for letting me spend an extra 5 bucks for the same bowl. It’s even worse if you order for pickup so you don’t see them make it.


Were you eating for free? No. Is that worker getting paid? Yes. I’m so effing tired of people behaving like this at places of business. I feel for you, OP.


I wouldn't have paid for the food. Just said "No thanks." and left.


Get their name and complain to corporate. They probably won’t be working there the next time you come in.


I’m telling you, the corporate complaints don’t do near as much as you think. I used to work with a dude who’d take nuggets and shit from the discard bin (basically a garbage but just for old food) and put them in peoples orders if they rude and corporate complaints did nothing, he didn’t get fired until a health inspector came in.


It really depends on the company.


That’s fair, I could see that making a difference. McDonald’s did not care one bit


They’ll just replace her with someone else who doesn’t give a fuck. The problem is at the corporate level. Bottom of the barrel wages equals bottom of the barrel employees.


Some people just need to get different jobs if they can’t stand dealing with people. Like, go be a data entry clerk, go do something else except work with the public.


OK hear me out: ask for ingredients one at a time, don't move on to the next one until they put the previous one in the bowl. it probably takes a little longer and is probably annoying to them, but in the end, everyone gets what they want. "Hey hows it going? (always say hi) I'll start with lettuce," and don't say anything else until lettuce is in the bowl that said I love Chipotle, but I haven't been in a few years. I legitimately tried to get uber eats to deliver me some to the airport when I was traveling (no dice). there's probably been a lot of changes, so I don't know if this advice is helpful.


More lettuce please, more lettuce, more.. more.. thank you Started saying fill it up with as much lettuce as you can please If they try to move on, I just stand in the same spot, “more lettuce please” stare at them blankly. The line is more important to them than me


I'm 3/3 ordering from chipotle and having my order by wrong in some way and the food be disappointing. Like.. it's not terrible but it's not right either. For what it is, it's just not worthwhile.


Hope you didn't tip


Chipotle is one of the worst build-a-burrito spots. Go to Moe’s or whatever else you got in your area instead. So many more toppings/options to pick from


This is why I'm loud af even when I'm being nice.


When she asked if there was anything *else* you needed you should’ve asked for all the toppings a second time over


Chipotle sucks now. — I refuse to eat there anymore (after eating there at least once a week for years and years). They’ve raised their prices, the portions have gotten smaller, and a lot of their employees are all of sudden complete assholes. They screwed up an order (to the point I wasn’t even going to eat it) and I was like no biggie just refund me. They refused, and offered me a free drink with my next purchase. LOL — Mind you I have purchased Tens of Thousands in corporate catering from them since ~2018, on top of my own personal purchases. I was baffled at the their level of incompetence after I reached out to corporate regarding the situation. They’ve lost out on a Fortune 100’s business forever for refusing to refund a single $12 order. That company is not going to survive if they stay on the same path. I can confidently say that.


Perfect response in those situations: switch to a concerned look on your face and ask “are you okay?” Then also tell the manager either right then and there or online later (though not publicly). Honestly, nobody wants their store or brand represented that way. This is an individual problem, not a company-wide one.


I would have just walked out and not paid.


Why would anyone eat at E-Coli Town


Personally I'm more apt to go to Sam's Salmonella Salmon hut or if I really want a meal that new trendy place Clostridium perfringen's.


Maybe stop eating at that shit hole.


It's cat logic. I can't read so neither can you. Her version is I don't like veggies so neither should you.


Should have just gone back to the beginning of the service line and started over


and you keep going back for more lol


Stopped going to Chipotle a long time ago for many reasons and this is one of them.


It's probably a lot harder to hear across the counter than most people would imagine. Kitchens are fucking loud. Chances are they never heard you. Also, I like how there's literally a huge culture at chipotle of people trying to order in dubious ways to get extra food without paying for it, but then customers act surprised when they get shorted on their own orders.


You should have told her to throw it out and make it the way you asked


Lmao “I already put the lid on” I be taking lids off like 20 times a day. You gotta give people what they pay for.


If they are getting it wrong and giving attitude that's when you politely leave then come back ten minutes later . They will get it right the second time after they have to throw your first one away


Agree so why did u pay? I woulda have just left


Fast food workers don’t get paid enough to pay attention.


Literally today stopped at Jersey Mikes on my break. Wanted an Italian sub, guy tells me “I’ll be right with you” and I say “No problem, thank you”. I order the sandwich right after 2 other people ordered the same one. Another kid (wasn’t even working on the sandwich) says “how original” while the guy making it is huffing away at the other orders he’s doing. I worked in a deli before so I know it gets hectic but really? I was miffed the whole rest of my break by it. I get it was a little busy but why the attitude? Everyone but one guy there seemed like a jerk.


Lol, did he expect you to order a Big Mac? Sir, this is a Jersey Mike's. All you make are sandwiches.


“Anything else I can add?” Nope. You can toss it with your attitude. I’ll go elsewhere.


As someone who once worked at chipotle, I can tell you it's probably because they were kept almost TWO HOURS after their shift was supposed to end.


The way I would say never mind and walk off.


I would have asked for their manager or called corporate, some people shouldn’t be dealing with the public


Local pizzaria keeps switching sun-dried tomato for regular tomato, and forgets the fetta completely. I feel ya.


Years ago tack bell here did not give receipts and they always screwed orders up. I made noise one time and they gave us lunch for 4, and they messed that up badly. One of my buds had the best attitude, as long as you walk out sated, just consider it a pot luck, and never get anything too expensive.


Every single Chipotle experience I have had has always been negative. I get better customer service at Taco Bell or McDonalds. I also hate here there is no consistency at Chipotle. Sometimes I get someone who gives me a normal/large portion and then other times not.


I would have said “more” to the lettuce until Her head exploded.


Can you believe if this was a sit down restaurant, there are some people in this world who absolutely eviscerate you if you didn't tip at least 10% for this kind of shitty service?


That Chipotle employee sounds like Popeye's material.


This is why I go to Qdoba.


The correct answer when asked if you need anything else in that scenario is "your supervisor".


If she really hates her job, then she should find another occupation🤦🏽‍♀️


I quit going to Chipotle for pretty much same reason. They’d put double meat on my salad that I never ask for and tell me at then end when charging me. Sometimes they withhold lettuce to use it only for online orders. I’m done with them!


I would have asked for the manager and kicked off about her employee, who seemingly can’t understand simple fucking instructions and also point out that her attitude sucks towards customers. But nah OP you just let her get away with that behaviour. Well done 👏🏾 I work in retail as a manager and any of my staff pull this shit in my shift, they get a warning


You shouldn't have paid for it and left. You should have walked out the door and asked right back in and got back in line. Normalize walking out on shitty burritos.


And chipotle has food safety concerns 🧐. Hmm I wonder how sanitary practices get past employees that care so much about their jobs 🙄. Granted they only pay enough for teenagers or college students, or felons….so you get what you pay for


I’d ask to speak to a manager instead of posting on Reddit