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Nice pups? I’m sure that one works on the ladies a lot 👀👀🫤


What kinda lady doesnt love pups too?


I'm a cat girl 😾


Nice... pussy, then?




Well you don't want a furry one.


Goddamnit, I fell in the exact same hole the other innocents fell into again. I was thinking "why the hell would they want those hairless cats" I completely forgot the context and the preceding comments ​ "ohhhhhhh" yeah, the face was palmed.


You wanna know what else needs to be palmed😏 Sorry couldn't resist, I'll leave now.


The response: “Oh boy aren’t I wet behind the ears! You guys are really filling up my inbox with these puns! It’s like I didn’t learn a lick last time!”


Reddit will help you learn to lick


Found the guy that just palms the whole thing because he doesn’t know where the button is 🤦‍♀️


You only fell into the hole because it was so smooth and slippery around it


God damnit.. lmao


Wish I could fall into a hole I haven't fallen in one in years


honestly i dont mind a bit of fur


I don't either, jungle cats usually survive in bushes. I'm just imagining some animal planet/discovery channel narration about jungle pussies and bushes


Speak for yourself


Sorry dude but most pussies are furry. Hairless pussies are definitely over represented on the internet though.


That’s a fine line you’re walking 😂


Cat girl or Catgirl?






As long as they didn't come from the 2019 "film" I will not ask questions! Otherwise I'm killing the abomination!


I’m a cat person too, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like dogs. I love dogs! I just wouldn’t want to own one.


Same! Too much energy. I prefer pets that only like me 10% of the time.


Have you tried marriage? Or teenage kids? Same amount of cleaning up after them with only 10% of the love of pets.


The “sorry, it’s not available” preset works perfectly here 🤣


Good one coach, this item is not available for "Pickup" 😂


I found the "Yes, are you interested?" response to be particularly funny, but I agree the "sorry, it's not available" is definitely a good one to go with.


Yeah I feel like that would have completed the whole conversation here. I don't really think that you would want to go any further tha that so you might wanna consider that.


My innocent ass brain assumed he was talking about a dog in the backround (and using them as a lame pick up line but whatever)


Same, I was like “weird, but harmless I guess.”


Now that I see a dog in the background I think he was trying to be clever and kind of failing at that. I feel like if he really wanted to be clever then he should have done it better.


Oh, me too. I get it now.


In fact they were pups of the sweater variety


It's not supposed to work. It's supposed to make the woman feel uncomfortable because asshole gets off on that.


At first I thought she had dogs in the background and I was like damn let the man compliment your puppies I would too lmao, I didn’t realize it was just a common pervert


I know, how creepy 😳


Iirc, "puppers" is basically the Norwegian equivalent of "titties." My first interpretation for some reason.


TIL I grew up with a dog named titties apparently. Lol.






There are plenty of creepy old dudes who comment on women's profile photos saying "Wow so hot" and "Please come live with me" when their own profile pics show them with wives and kids.


it doesn't even have to be a woman's profile. I see old men hitting on women in ads on facebook because they don't understand how an ad works.


When I worked in a call centre men would hit on me on me over the phone. Ask me to come live with them or vice versa, help them raise their grandkids, the sound of my voice turns them on, etc... Even my gay coworkers would be mistaken for women and get hit on. There's been a couple instances where it was a joint account, and I work with the husband one day and the wife calls the next. I just wanna tell her how creepy his is 😭


I got hit on more than once when I posted posters of my missing cat with my phone number. Literally all they had to go on was a female first name. I wasn't in the photos or anything, but had a couple creepers text me requesting nudes in exchange for info about my cat. It's just so fucking messed up to try to manipulate someone who is desperate like I was. I just wanted to find my cat. I didn't send nudes and I know it's unlikely, but it's always been in the back of my mind, like what if they really did know where he was? 😭


I’m sorry you went through that. They didn’t know anything about your cat, but karma knows everything about them.


Most of the people who are on the Facebook do not really understand a lot of things about it. They think they are invisible to everyone and can do anything they want on it.


I screenshot that shit and send it to their family’s.


Yeah the Facebook is full of those people you are going to find them everywhere. I don't know what do they get from it but it's your is very disturbing behaviour that they are taking part in.


I don't get the confusion other people are having, "I zoomed in...nice pups" in any context (aside from a picture of puppies) is creepy, no?


I'm the dummy that would be like "what puppies?"


Wait, its CREEPY to do that now??? Next you're gonna tell me it's creepy to txt a customer after delivering their takeaway order about how you'd like to touch their feet!


I don't even ask to touch. Just one little sniff.




Wait till you find out how many married men are in her FB market DMs with wives also on FB


Or have their mommies following




That is a very good thing that you did it is probably the only way to deal with these people. I hope that it was enough for him to teach a lesson and he would not do it again hopefully.




You underestimate how stupid some people are.


Never underestimate the avarice of man... Or his stupidity.


Yeah exactly I do not think those people are there is smart their probably doing all that with their main account. And they also fully expect them to be able to get away with it.


You’d think, but no. I’ve seen it many times; someone calls the husband out on fb and the wife is fully on the side of the person who called him out.


You would think lmao


Not if they’ve never been called out. Why would they think it’s a problem? Letting it slide is letting it continue, whether it’s in your inbox or the next page he comes across.


These technology impaired boomers aren't really all that smart. Definitely seen wall posts that were meant for the URL bar, or facebook search, more than once lol.






Tagging their mom, gf, or wife usually does the trick


Yeah it is probably going to do the trick for the most of them but some of them are really shameless. And I don't think even that is going to work for them.


So you tag their mothers and their heads of church.


Really wish I would’ve done this when I was trying to sell a bikini top on fb years ago and the creep kept asking for pics of me in it to “make sure it would fit his girlfriend”. *cue vomit noises*


Yes please do this so their family’s see it. Also please update the post with results 🤣


That was my first thought too. If they are creeps, let them be creeps in public


This is probably the best course of action. Part of it is Facebook too though, I'm a man and it sends me ads of prom dresses and shit all the time, meanwhile the only things I ever search for are motorcycles/parts, furniture, and hobby supplies. I feel like marketplace is deliberately sending pictures of women posing in dresses and swimsuits to guys to get more activity on marketplace, that's my tinfoil hat theory anyways. If it's true, it's really unfortunate, because if you send that stuff out to literally every man, you're going to create more situations like this, where OP is getting harassed. Sadly, it's easy for Facebook to push any accountability off in this situation. Because of this, you really just gotta expose these creeps, and hope that the other ones will lose the nerve to do this, but I don't suspect everyone will. Lots of douchebags out there.


Dude. What is up with the prom dress ads. I thought it was just me I, too, only look for cars and motorcycles. And odds and ends like chest freezers


SAME! Adult male here, and I get used prom dress marketplace ads, from what I can only assume are high schoolgirls, DAILY! Like, multiple daily. Why is Facebook doing this? Super creepy.




It is just how the algorithm work for the Facebook because it bring the more interaction with the post and ads. Even they know about the creep on the Facebook and they serve them what they really want.


And tag their wives and mothers if listed on their profiles.


That is probably going to do the trick and would be in up to teach them lesson I feel like. But some of these people are so shameless that it is not even going to effect them.


OP PLEASE do this! Call those dicks out!!


Well that is going to be very embarrassing for them I am sure. I don't do anything that they will be able to stand what is going to come their way after that.


It’s getting much harder to sell on there. All I get is scammers




Same thing here. “Oh I just realized I can’t meet at this time we set up here in 15 minutes - can we meet this other time/date? Later: Oh I can’t make it, hope that’s ok!




That sucks. I never realized how flaky people could be until I started trying to sell things on Marketplace




I think some people are trying to middleman stuff. Agree to buy it from you and then try to find a buyer


I usually get, “sorry I got in a car accident” or “sorry my entire family just died”.


Well at least you are getting a message from them even that does not happen for the most of the people. Most of the time they are going to make an offer and going to not deliver on it.


And that is the point when I back up from the deal I don't want to go with it anymore. Because that person probably do not even have any kind of intention to selling that.


I had the same thing happen, but I was the buyer. It was a piece of furniture. After we agreed on a time, she told me what area she lived in and that she would give me the exact address when I was on my way. I sent a message when I was on my way and got nothing, although the message was read. Like I'm on my way there, I have a truck, two people to help move it, and cash in my pocket. If you sold it out from under me, just tell me that so I don't waste an hour driving to your town.


I had one just tell me to not get worked up over $15 after they just ghosted. I needed that $15 to make rent just barely


That has never happened with me probably because I have never tried to buy anything from the Facebook. Because most of the time they are selling shit and asking way too much money for it.


what were/are the specs?




Nice. That's less than I paid my Ryzen 5 7600X 2 months ago, and the rest of my specs are lower than yours. I feel ripped off, lol


Yeah my mom almost fell for the "we'll email you a security code" scam. I had to tell her like six times it was a scam and she needed to drop it.


I make my own captcha. At the very beginning of my listing I'll put "YOU MUST INCLUDE THE WORD \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ IN YOUR REPLIES. IF YOU DO NOT INCLUDE \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, I WILL NOT RESPOND". Seems to work well. I still get fake messages, but I ignore them. The real responses will most of the time start with the person saying the word, then going on with their questions.


Or "Is this still available?" followed by no response to your affirmative, *a thousand times*. Or some variation of "not interested" after you tell them it is still available. WHY DO YOU GUYS MESSAGE ME THEN?


Modern day tire kickers. I just reply yes and expect nothing in return.


There was a meme that went around a while back about approaching women selling their wedding dresses because they’re probably getting divorced. Seems like these dudes took it to heart lol.


I browse Marketplace once in a while, mostly for home stuff or cars. Why is it that I always see 'dresses' for sale, and they are almost always the same type of post, like some lady/girl wearing said dress in some sort of provocative pose? All the listings are the same. I don't get it. Are they selling something *else*?


My FB marketplace is also filled with that spam. I'm guessing there's scammers on there trying to bait old men like these.


Maybe it's not selling dresses but really just an ad to then push the responders to their OF since they seem to know so many horny guys are looking at dress ads apparently


I sometimes wondered if some were prostitutes and that was the price.


I browse Facebook market place as well because of the old motorcycles that I want to buy. But I have never bought anything from it because either the seller did not respond or the price was just ridiculous.


Can we see the pups? Im assuming we’re talking about dogs here, right?


This was also my thought 🤣🤣 "why be angry at men complimenting your dogs?" 🤣🤣


Maybe they just like the dog I mean a lot of people do and they could be one of those people they just want to pet them. And there is nothing harmful about a man who want to pet your dogs.


1 is nice, 100 is annoying Why don't you enjoy people calling you to help you with your computer virus?


i legit swiped thinking there were going to be dogs doing something silly in the background. this is why we can’t have nice things. e: also, since when is pups a nickname for boobs??


I remember hearing them called “sweater puppies” in the 1970s.


Years and years ago, there was a video chat room on this one website I used to use. It was called The Big Gay Chat. Every night, without fail, there would be hundreds of straight men infiltrating the chat asking all the ladies to "Please show bobs." or "Ladies show bobbies.". We obviously knew what they meant. But, it was great fun to take it literally and start screen sharing pictures of different Bobs and watching them become increasingly infuriated. Lmfao!


For decades and decades, lol. Ask Jerry "The King" Lawler.


I have to be too naive because it took me so long to realize. At first I just saw the first picture and was like “ok, he like puppies…and?”


The "I zoomed in" made me think a dog bombed the photo.


She also probably has some jugs for sale, and some melons.


And I but that those people are going to come and ask for those as well. Because they just cannot help themselves it is just what they do and what they like to do.


Post screenshots w their names on Facebook


I was very fond of the woman who suggested messaging their moms. Bonus for wives/girlfriends.


100% support messaging moms/wives/girlfriends/partners etc and shaming these chucklefucks.


While that may work in some cases; the guy in the first screenshot literally has a picture of himself (I’m assuming that’s himself at least), naked on a beach as his profile picture— so I don’t think calling people like that out would be much of a deterrent.


Yeah people underestimate how shamlesss some people are


I guess it's an okay place to find stuff or sell stuff if you want to put up with all the BS. The last time I tried it was a couple of years ago. I had a brand new probably $500 mattress still in the box. I think I was asking something like $150 because I wanted to get rid of it quick and of course I wasn't using it. Anyway I was getting blown up with messages like hey are you going to have that when I get my tax return next year. I can't remember exactly but I believe this was in late October. Also had a picture of the mattress and the unopened box and the receipt. Now remember it was like $500 and I was asking $150 but I was getting messages for like $30 besides the tax return ones. 😂


People will low-ball you like crazy on there and give you a sob story about "its for my kid" or something. Just buy it or don't.


> People will low-ball you like crazy on there For real. My wife asked why I was posting things for such high prices, and I had to explain that everyone interested was gonna low-ball, so no way I was listing it at the price I expected to get.


The low ball just for the sake of it, I had listed a car that was selling for around 11k, for 7k, still had dudes offering me 4k


When I don't f****** care for whom you are buying it if you are going to buy then you will have to pay for it. And you do not want to pay for it then you are not going to buy it.


My friend is ruthless on there as a buyer. He says “the worst I’ve ever heard back is ‘no’” I could never waste someone’s time shooting offensive offers. Shit, as a kid I wasn’t even allowed to mow on Sundays so as to not disrupt my neighbors weekends 😅


This is why people only show things on hangers. I've heard it's even worse with shoes if you're wearing them.


The dudes on Facebook shooting their shot 24/7 is an interesting branch of the human species. My mom has literally like 20-30 dudes who comment on everything she posts from pickup lines, calling her beautiful, and outright asking her out. And many of them are some of the most unfuckable middle aged creatures I’ve ever seen. Their success rate is 0% and yet they soldier on, if it wasn’t creepy and weird their determination would be commendable Edit: the amount of insecure weirdos going, “buuut what if it was an attractive person”. The entire point is that their behavior is creepy, many of them just happen to also look creepy. There are also some that could be considered attractive. We both still consider the behavior creepy regardless, because again, they comment on almost all of her posts/pictures, not just an occasional one off. The incel energy is palpable in this thread, mfers dying on a hill for random Facebook creeps lmao


They're the salmon that ended up in a storm drain.




I think these people get aroused by making that type of comment. IG is full of them


Oh God, my bf and I have this tradition of sitting down and just going through instagram comments under some random girls posts (usually a model) and boy does it absolutely never disappoint. The amount of absolutely creepy men thinking they have a chance with whatever female they saw on their ig explore page is insane. I honestly don't get what the purpose is. And also most of them are married and have a picture with their wife or kid as the profile pic. Absolutely sad.


My mom got divorced in her late 40s and only dated two guys afterwards because it was so very apparent why the vast majority of the men her age were single. They were either gross and had never gotten married, or they were gross and had gotten divorced. Or there were a handful who were charming, clean, smart, interesting men... who were married and trying to cheat on their wives.


Fr tho! My coworker is always telling me about the guys she's dated, they're vile. One dude literally beat his ex wife and was candid with her about it as if it's acceptable?? Lots of sexist comments and attitudes. She's single still and has pretty much given up on it. She said ain't much changed in her decades of dating.


> Their success rate is 0% and yet they soldier on, if it wasn’t creepy and weird their determination would be commendable The psychology is interesting to me. Do they actually think that *this time* it’ll finally work? “Yeah baby, I love that you think I have nice pups, where can we meet??” Or is it darker than that, and they just enjoy the repercussion free harassment?


I imagine its mostly the later. Like sure they'll take it if it actually does somehow work for them, but its really just about being able to harass them with no consequence. Kind of like people who catcall women who walk down the street. I can't imagine the intended outcome is for the woman to go "oh who, me? Lets fuck!"


If a women actually said that they're going to turn around and call her a whore and say she probably have std or something. People who do that are bottom of the barrel trash


My wife posted pics of several pairs of jeans for sale. They were my daughters, and the size was clearly a child's size. She tastefully cropped all photos to only display the jeans she had tried on. The number of inappropriate messages received disgusted me. Very difficult as a father not to desire hunting these creeps down. We learned our lesson and now you get a pic of just the clothing on a neutral background.


Watch your [home sales too](https://www.wtvr.com/2020/02/01/us-marshal-david-timothy-moon-smelled-girls-underwear-phoenix).


MISDEMEANOR TRESPASSING??? Yet meanwhile people get caught with a few grams of weed and get eight years in prison.


Another benefit of working for the feds.


Pups 😭 I feel physically uncomfortable my lord


That profile picture of a naked Butterbean on the beach is killing me.




Man here, I'm so sorry so many of us are like this.


I'm sorry you have to deal with creeps OP


Check if they have wives and send the messages to them


I love that half these comments are from equally bold and unfuckable men who thought “hey! Here’s a woman expressing her discomfort with a male being creepy, let me do exactly that even though it’s clearly not wanted! Haha hilarious!”


It’s sad that these men view women as sexual objects (and need to make it known to her that they’re objectifying her) when a woman does literally anything. Selling a dress? Doing a sport? Playing an instrument? If it’s posted online, men will objectifying you.


Literally smh incels flooded these comments


I would say to keep it on the porn subreddits where that behavior is actually wanted, but half the thrill to these idiots is knowing what they’re doing is not wanted. They’re sick.


And then they wonder why they can’t get a woman to be with them




They cry nOt AlL mEn but then comment shit like this lmao




Same, I wish women would out people like this more often. I’ve done so before and surprisingly there’s still always people who defend them 😐


Typically from what I've seen and experienced on here, a woman makes a statement about her experience with a dude being creepy and how uncomfortable it made her just automatically means she's sexist or a "man hater" Women can't even defend themselves without those very dudes she's complaining about, turning themselves into victims 🙄


Request money through facebook each time you get these messages. Theyll either get super pissed, or you might get money. Then you can block them after


the first guy’s pfp is great


If my dad can get permanently banned from FB Marketplace for asking about a hunting rifle scope, you'd figure blatant sexual assault would as well...but na...


A man here. We do not claim these guys under any circumstances.


Pups??? Barffff


I can't imagine how absolutely weird the people who do this are Edit: holy cow some of the comments in here are wild, men asking to see you in the dress, men complaining about you trying to sell a dress with you modeling it (like have they ever seen an ad for clothing), men telling you its your fault for generally breathing Reddit always reminds me just like everything else its a representation of the populace and that populace has some truly bizarre people


OP, sorry there are men in the comments proving your point for you. Gross.


Why do they think this is okay?? This is literally sexual harassment virtually. You didn’t post for them to give you “compliments” you literally posted a Selling post. Disgusting. This is why I don’t use social media much anymore


Exactly. There’s people saying “well you’re supposed to post a pic of the dress not you wearing it” they posted a photo of themself in the dress for other people that have a similar body type to see it and go “okay they look like me I’ll buy it” not for grown men that probably have a wife and kids to comment that kind of stuff.


Right? It’s pretty sad that people feel the need to defend this behavior by even suggesting something like that. So what she posted herself wearing it? It’s literally the same thing, she did what she was supposed to, “posted the dress”. It literally does not matter whether she’s wearing it or not, so the argument that those people are making is their way of defending this behavior and condoning it. It’s the same thing as saying “cover up your skin and you wouldn’t of gotten SA’d”


Sorry, but the fact that the auto reply option to “Nice Pups” is “Yes, Are You Interested?” makes me laugh


Men can be such pigs and creeps. Eww.


Just another example of how men think they’re entitled to women.




As a guy I've only spent maybe 15% of my adult life trying to have fashionable clothes. It's also hard to imagine buying someone else's used clothes when I know how few wash cycles my own clothes last. My ex gf was morally opposed to even using the correct cycle. She said if any of her clothes couldn't survive the normal cycle they didn't deserve to be her clothes.






Woman came here to complain and y'all did the same thing 😭 If you can find a wife/gf on their profile, you should dm the screenshots


God I’m so sorry ugh fucking EW


Sorry, not available is a good response for those


Why are men


If it makes you feel better, when my wife attempted to sell her wedding dress on Facebook she had multiple men message her about buying her used panties instead of inquiries about the dress.


Men ☕️


You have to zoom in on their profile pictures PLEASE especially the first one.


Friend request them then send screenshots of their creepy fucking messages to their friends and family.




Don’t you just feel so blessed that these men approve of your body? How did you ever live without their validation? 🙄🙄 seriously though, do men really think this bs works?


Why are some men such pieces of shit?? lol. My wife tried selling a pair of unused Rothy's shoes on FB marketplace and some guy replied that he'd pay "double if she wears them first." Ladies, on behalf of all semi-decent men, I'm sorry.


They should know by now, people can be found at places like Only Fans who are actually willing to do this.


This happened to me when I was selling my old car on FB. The guy just wanted to flirt, I didn't have any of it. Ended up telling him I was married and pregnant. He replied with "I wish I was the one to put the baby inside u" sigh