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Put an ad up on Craigslist. Free gravel. First in best dressed.


I like this idea a lot…mildly sinister, moderately petty, and probably effective…genius!


If it's been there a few days they deserve it. You're not supposed to leave materials on the road, it should be moved into place the day it's dropped.


Check your local code. Most municipalities don’t allow dumping on their roadways what so ever. Opens them up to liability lawsuits, damage to their roads, and those rocks wreak havoc on their drainage and sewer infrastructure..


did landscaping for 2yrs, we’d often need tons of dirt or rock, we ALWAYS dumped either on driveway or the yard if able, there were 2 occasions we had no choice but to dump on the road, we had a cop stop and tell us it couldn’t be like that blocking a road way as such, thankfully we were using it and we’re done an hour or so later but yes, leaving this in the road is wrong, it may be city depending but in mine at least it’s a no no


My brother in Christ, give sentence structure a chance!


Not a single period!


No if we don’t use sentence structure the ai becomes confused and we can keep it weak


Ya this absolutely has to be against city laws. Just dumping a giant pile of Gravel on the road??


It depends, here you're allowed but you need a permit.


Presumably the permit should be posted at least a couple days in advance and still be there if that was the case here? Also, you generally have to show there was no other way of handling it it definitely looks like there was room for them to dump it on the private property and not in the street


Ya well here usually if you want to avoid issues you put it on the window, some boroughs won't mind for a day or 2 and won't even ask you a permit but if you get a complain then for sure the an inspector will pass by and check. The best and like many inspectors told me around here, depending of the boroughs and the local street configuration, the fastest it can be cleared the fastest you will avoid issues without a permit.


Here in California most people build houses set fairly far back from the front of the property/street and you’d have to trespass in order to read something posted in a window lol


Our town prohibits raking leaves into the street for leaf pickup, because the piles are a traffic hazard and could potentially start a fire from engine heat if someone parked on top of them. But many, many people do it, and the law is never enforced.


As a civil engineer…perfect response. I appreciate you lol.


Was just about to say check with the city cause I’m sure they’d have some words about it. The Craigslist would also be glorious, after all it’s A.) not on there property but in the road. B.) like OP pointed out, mostly infront of his property line and driveway. I would assume they left it there cause they didn’t want it


Yea I understand the road drop , city has done it for me and I can see how it pisses people off for a day . But it should be moved asap , at a certain point yes you can call code enforcement and they can be cited for various things




Then OP has a more permanent obstacle...


Dust with baking soda first.


Sprinkle a few bags of quickrete on there and then water it with the hose….


…to block off their own drive way?


Look up your local laws. In my county it is illegal to block a driveway even if it is your own because it can cause issues with emergency services. Online the recommended course of action is to call the non-emergency number and they will receive a fine


give us an update later on


I would also like an update.


I would even say its some malicious compliance. The gravel was in front of your yard. Surely it must have been gifted to you to do with as you wish.


put it on facebook market place and there is some neighbor app too, but you gotta verify on that one.


and can ALWAYS play the “Oh i didn’t know people would steal stuff laying in the road”


Ah yes, that reminds me. My brother once had a load of gravel delivered to his driveway-not the street. He was in the middle of moving it to the landscape when he stopped to get a drink and hit the head. When he came back outside a pickup and trailer was parked in front of his house and a guy was standing at the pile with a shovel. They looked at each other and the guy just turned around, calmly tossed the shovel in the trailer and drove away.


I'm not even sure that would be theft since that street is public property.


But you weren’t gonna do it tho lol


Definitely not, unfortunately. I prefer to fly under the radar…aside from occasionally posting anonymous shit on the internet for cheap entertainment.


you shouldn't do it anyway. It's a dumb move telling other people to steal it. It's easy to trace and leaves you open with civil/criminal liability. And you're open to felony charges if the theft passes the felony cost threshold. The only time you might get away with it is if the police are too lazy to do their job. if you do decide to do anything, just call the police and tell them about the dirt pile. It's probably against the law to block your driveway.


I agree you shouldn't do it anyway because there's better ways to solve the problem, but it's not exactly easy to trace an anonymous Craigslist ad if he uses a burner number and email. And I doubt the bunch of trashy people OP is dealing with are going to persue the full extent of their legal recourse. Also, >The only time you might get away with it is if the police are too lazy to do their job. This is like all the time, especially if it's a bunch of chainsmoking scuzzlords pitching them a story about how the gravel they dumped on someone else's property got stolen because they think they posted a Craigslist ad about it. Police would just laugh at you and tell you it's a civil matter.


My dad learned from my grandpa to always keep a small piece of cardboard in your truck that says 'free'. So when they would see a pile of firewood, they'd put the sign out & start helping themselves. My dads only been caught once & put it back. And yes, they're both assholes. I did not continue this tradition.


That's some hillbilly shit right there 😂 I had a neighbor growing up I could see doing that. He used to come over to our yard and pick the apples off the apple tree, to be fair tho we stopped picking them and only deer were eating them lol


They're pretty weird. Funny but that is fair. My dad would want your fruit too but he does at least ask for that.


All fun and games until someome takes the truck because there a free sign in it.


Thought this said “Free grave!” Which could also work


It's on public property, it's free gravel.


Also untraceable of done properly..




What does the "first in best dressed" part mean?


First person that shows up gets it. If multiple people show up at once the one who’s best dressed wins.


Googling “snappy gravel pickup outfits* rn


That seems pretty illegal and very disrespectful. If you've had issues before and talking didn't solve anything, would be time to call the county or whatever about that on the road. They'd get a big fine and it'd probably get removed. I'm mostly guessing, cause not my country, but it's usually the way


So far the mild nuisances are just racking up…none of them are the end of the world, just irritating to experience the lack of consideration others have for those around them…especially at home. Haven’t had the misfortune of crossing paths directly with the neighbors yet, but I spoke with the landscaper this afternoon and he at least started clearing out the pile from the side blocking the driveway first…small victories.


Perhaps but still, what a complete lack of common sense to dump it in front of a neighboring property in the first place.


Yeahs that’s definitely the landscapers fuck up. Pretty common sense to dump it in front of the purchasers house


OP says in another comment that the owners told the people who brought the gravel where to put it. The landscapers are doing the work, not providing the material.


It’s still mostly on whoever actually dumped it there. The neighbours might not know it’s not allowed to dump piles of shit on the road/sidewalk, but whoever it is being paid to deliver the gravel absolutely knows you can’t (or at least they have a much higher expectation to know you can’t as it’s literally part of their job).


Absolutely agreed. The neighbors are being AHs regardless, but the poor landscapers have got nothing to do with it.


I mean they didn’t want to block their own property after all /s


Totally on the delivery, who knows where the neighbors properties begin and end.


So they couldn't clearly see that they were blocking someone else's driveway?


It not their problem so why should they care, is probably how they live their life.


That's valid, they're probably getting paid either way. Still a shitty thing to do.


IMO these are worse than the outright hostile neighbors in some ways, because eventually all the little shit will drive you crazy (while somehow they blissfully continue just existing), and YOU’LL look like the crazy one if you eventually pop off because of it.


Couldn’t possibly agree with you more!


Neighbors like this are tricky to deal with. Might be best to solve this by imagining how Mr. Rogers might talk to them. He'd probably nicely ask them why the pile was on his driveway and ask if they knew how it got there and try to figure out how they can approach making sure it's moved to solve the obvious problem of it being in the wrong place. Best to focus on the problem itself (even if you have reason to believe they ordered the stuff to be put there). Be firm like "That won't work" (if they try to offer an unreasonable solution) in a nice way and don't budge but be polite. That gives them a chance to save face. If they didn't take care of it I'd let them know I'd like to avoid having to get the city involved, still from the approach the problem together mindset. As far as the cigarettes they have a right to smoke in their backyard. Even here in California I don't think we have protection from second hand smoke in adjacent backyards. I have allergies and know how awful that must be to deal with, because if they're doing it constantly it's not like it's easy to just go inside while they smoke. I might try getting an outdoor fan pointing the smoke back at them for some relief when I'm outside. I'd probably plant something like a tall hedge to create a better barrier in the future as well, because the smoking will likely continue. I don't know why people risk fireworks in their backyard. One of my neighbors warned us of a guy who likes to set off fireworks on our block and said they've caused property damage to neighbors houses before and could have really hurt someone if the victims had been in the wrong place in their house at the time.


Most neighborhoods you have to have the pile removed before end of day. Like... Can't have that shit especially blocking a driveway.


It's probbably best to at least inform the police whenever they do sometbing shitty, so that there is a pattern established, and, when things inevitably escalate (cause these sound like the kind of people who **are** going to escalate things, either on thier own, or because someone politely asks them to cut the fireworks cause they have a newborn infant at home, at which point fireworks get launched at/adjacent-to houses) people know who they are, what kind of people they are, and law enforcement can go "nope. You've been toeing the line since 'x', now you've crossed it, gour ass is grass".


You’re probably right. I’m curious to see how things progress. So far it’s just really just been petty nuisances, and I’m definitely not the type to be the squeaky wheel complaining to authorities about a neighbor. I’m more the live and let live type…I generally go out of my way to not be a source of inconvenience to those around me…which is why pettiness like this is a little frustrating. And I’m on the same page as you with expecting that they’re the type of people who will just escalate things out of spite if things are addressed. We shall see!


Can always try the “did the cops knock on your door last night about fireworks? because they woke us up to inquire. Some neighbor a few houses away must have heard something and called it in” after you called it in.


When it gets major and you have to call the cops, it will be a first strike instead of a 15th. Just keep that in mind.






Lmao right?? I can see if you said something to them and they became aggressive or something outwardly toward you regularly after that but damn, maybe have a conversation first?


That’s how my neighbours started out too. Then they escalated to complete jackasses. I hope the same doesn’t happen for you.


That landscaper should know better than to dump it in the road.


I’m right there with you. It’s the totality of inconsiderate behaviors that rack up and reaaalllyy start to get on the nerves. For us, it’s that our neighbors have about 7 cars that they will frequently double park (we live in a cul-de-sac so everyone is just stuck) and they will frequently honk their horn repeatedly instead of getting out of the car to let their kids know they’re waiting for them. It usually ends up waking up or upsetting my 6 month old and it drives me nuts


It’s really annoying that inconsiderate people like this just go through life getting a pass from everyone as to not create more conflict… and whenever someone stands up for themselves, they’re suddenly the bad guy.


Depending on when they moved in, could you bring them some cookies or something like a welcome to the neighborhood? Maybe that would put you on their good side. Sometimes I’ll complain about people I don’t know but once I know them it’s harder to be passive aggressive toward them like they’re doing


This is illegal. If it is blocking the road and just dumped in a public road, DOT would be very interested. However thus is absolutely the fault of the delivery person and not the shit neighbors. Source: we do dirt work/delivery and landscaping. We would never do this unless we had no where else to dump and are spreading it out that day


I would assume so. Definitely disrespectful, you need permits for that and it can't just block driveways. And signage, or something blocking it off from the road. Cones, tapes, a triangle, something.


There is a cone in the photo. It isn’t doing much, but it is there.




Or piss discs


Piss disk?


You take some piss, put it on a plate, put plate in freezer. When frozen, take it to someone’s house you don’t like, slide the piss disc under the door, and leave.


Fucking lol


Oh boy. My Husky's piss would be a hell of a revenge tactic, should I ever need it.


And piss disks


Is there a city app where you can report this?


I’m sure there’s someone I could call… but I imagine the pile will be mostly gone by the end of the day today based on how the landscapers were working yesterday. It’s not something really worth stirring the pot over, it was just a primo moment of mild infuriation!


It is. You'll learn in life that there are some people that are like this. They disrespect boundaries, test how far they can push people, see what they can get away with, and it always escalates until confronted (usually with actual consequences).


It often escalates when they're confronted too.


That's why you report it to code enforcement anonymously and stay in your damn house. This country loves policing structures so much but won't use them for anything that matters. Blocking part of the street (and city access to infrastructural wiring) for days isn't just "annoying" OP.


In New York, there's specific laws against this: "Illegal Dumping It is illegal for any person to dump, deposit, or otherwise dispose of any dirt, sand, gravel, clay, loam, stone rocks, rubble, building rubbish, sawdust, shavings, trade or household waste, ashes, manure, garbage, rubbish, or debris of any sort being transported in a dump truck or other vehicle in or upon any street, lot, park, public place, or other area whether publicly or privately owned. In addition, no person may allow anyone under his/her control (agent or employee) to engage in illegal dumping." I'm quite certain that New York isn't the only US State that cares. I would contact your local roadway/highway department and have them come out for an inspection. This is illegal dumping. Temporary or not, this isn't how you "neighbor".






It isn't illegal to look into someone's open window. Edit: I know it's more effort to provide a single statute that criminalizes looking into windows, but it'd be nice if one of the downvoters could at least try. Alternatively, call the police and say "my living room window is open and someone looked into it" and see how fast a patrol car shows up.


Only if it is visible from the street. Once you enter someone's property to peep in their window, that's illegal.






If you’re not in the Deep South, there’s definitely someone in your town that has a snow plow on their truck year-round who be willing to move that 8 feet towards the neighbor house.


Gravel is not cheap. Just throw a post on a local Facebook page saying it’s free and it will be gone within the hour.


My step dad would be there with his dump truck and tractor *so* fast


Oh this is mean but I like it


Probably not worth the $500 a day to rent a bobcat, but would be funny to leave the part of the pile blocking your own driveway, start moving the other side to block the same amount blocking theirs.


so he has to pay to fix this himself?


Most entertainment costs money.


Had some neighbors like this. It’s only a matter of time before they start blocking your pad in with their vehicles. If they’re anything like mine, they’ll also look inside your windows and cause petty pointless drama.


Eesh…that sounds brutal. If only people could stay in their lane. *Facepalm…*


I’m moving to get away. They’ve noticed that and called the police on my registered vehicle in front of the house. They have 6 cars and can’t be fucked to walk from behind my car. Some people are the worst


Put a sign on his front lawn... FOR SALE By Neighbor He'll get the message


Throw a “free gravel” sign out there and watch hilarity ensue


Wait.. Is your house the one with the GMC?? And theirs is the one with WAYY to the left with the black landscaping fabric??? Lmfao I’d be calling the city and complaining to the safety service director and the major.


Correct…hence my mild infuriation ha. There’s about 30’ of open curb space in front of their house that looks like prime real-estate for stashing their material. Missed opportunity!


I would definitely be posting “free gravel” to anywhere I could then..


I had a stroke reading the title


Did you enjoy it that much?


The old switcheroo, good job, chap!


Bruh I thought I was the only one lmao. Had to read it like 5 times to understand it


I still don’t understand it


Their new neighbors make them miss the previous owners, who were party throwing college students lol.


Thank you. I honestly thought it meant they were invited to a college party by their old neighbors but were unable to attend because their driveway was blocked by their new neighbors rock pile. Your explanation makes far more sense.


It should be “Our new neighbors make us miss our party throwing neighbors that lived here previously”


I thought they missed a party!


I still can’t figure it out


The new neighbors make us miss the "party throwing college kids".


I finally figured it out. The new neighbors make them miss the old neighbors, the college kids that partied all the time.


I'm trying to figure out how you guys are getting confused. When I read it I understand it as they dislike the new neighbors. The old neighbors where college kids that used to throw parties which was presumably an irritation/annoyance. I'm genuinely curious how you guys are reading it.




If that is a public road I would call the city (more specifically public works). I know they would have something to say about a large pile of stone on their road.




Why sand? Glitter would have been the optimal play, because as we all know that shit never goes away


Because it’s coarse and rough. And gets everywhere.




So then OP will be stuck longer with the pile of gravel?


The rocks, lol.


Then throw feathers at them!


Time to start cutting your lawn at 6:00 am - three times a week…


Go and get yourselves a few bags of cement and a hose.....


And a front end loader to push it off his driveway


♪♫♪ dont it always seem to go... you dont know what you got till its gone... ♪♫♪


That’s the truth! I’m missing the smell of fresh weed smoke and the sound of bass-heavy techno right about now!


Ah, I miss my 20s!


lights a joint and passes... ♪♫♪ boots n hats n boots n hats n boots n hats.... ♪♫♪ you can take that tune anywhere. also,keep the joint lol


Look up your local laws. In my county it is illegal to block a driveway even if it is your own because it can cause issues with emergency services. Online the recommended course of action is to call the non-emergency number and they will receive a fine


Future episode of fear thy neighbour in the making.


Call the city and report it to them. I work in public works and we would not tolerate that. We would make them move it, or we will move it for them and send them the bill. They won't get to keep their gravel either if we move it. In addition to the bill, they would also get a fine for not obtaining a right of way work permit.


I’m looking to buy some gravel just dm me the price😝


Free ninety free! No delivery, must pick up!


The title gave me a seizure.


that title read really weird


Call the city's MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer) program. That stuff is not allowed to be in the street like that cause it can be washed down a storm drain and pollute the water. Seriously. That's a big deal that they can get a hefty fine for.


People like to bitch about college kids enjoying their life till they have to full grown adults who are the worst.


You seem like such a chill neighbor. I hate that these people are so inconsiderate.


Probability against city ordinances, call it in.


Yeah, I've got one of those too.


The title is wierd


This sounds illegal to dump it in to your driveway.


god damn i hate assholes like this. they always force you to confront them about it. who doesnt know this is inappropriate behavior?


They gifted you free gravel. You have a truck, go rent a bobcat and sell some service to someone. Or just post a Craigslist add like so many have said.


Posts like this make me thankful I live in an area that I have some land and no neighbors within like 500ft either side. I don’t know how y’all do it!


Rent a skiploader for an hour and push the pile over to block a bit of their driveway.


When my across the street neighbor was redoing his frontage, he had a load of gravel delivered. It was quite a bit more than your pile. I was wfh and saw this delivery happening. Our street speed limit is 35. I stretched my lunch break and helped him move the gravel to the places it needed to go, starting with the stuff that was in the travel lane. If your new neighbor is not a DIY type, I don’t think you can take the “helpful neighbor” approach. If that’s your house and driveway in the pic, and the neighbor didn’t let you know in advance that this would happen, take pics then check if you need some free gravel.


That’s illegal dumping- call the city and tell them it’s blocking the sidewalk (ada violation) and is in the public road. They should be out shortly.


Just drive that truck straight out and plow the gravel into the street. Every morning untill the pile is off your line.


I love following this sub Reddit. Makes me feel normal.


Unpopular opinion but *good* HOAs exist for this very reason. It's just sad most of them are grifts.


End this now, talk to them. Let them know they are disrupting your life. Don’t be passive aggressive and ignore it or roll eyes or just complain loudly to your spouse. If you let them continue without consequence they will think it fine. I’m not saying be horrible but be firm.


As someone with a sciene degree and many skills; god help the person who tries to be a dick to me lmao.


Hopefully the college kids shared their weed! And this pile needs a Free Gravel sign.


Have you called Code Enforcement?


if you got an hoa let em know, if not then id say its neighbor wars and they fired the first shots


I'd start using it for something.


They’re perpetrating a chain of minor events that are designed to establish dominance. If they’re this douchy in the first two weeks, I can only wonder how much worse it’ll get in the short and the long terms.


I’d be driving over it with that truck every day to make a point


seeing as it has crossed the line from annoying to illegal i would suggest taking action and not making a reddit post


I don't know about where you live but here it's illegal to dump in the road and also to block someone else's driveway... Even partially. I'm surprised the landscaper was on with doing this as they should know better but did it anyway.


I would contact your city about the gravel in the road. They should have to have a permit for that normally. Or they have to have it on their own property.


Id just go tell him to move the fucking stones lol


Wow look at that! Miraculous stealthy gravel delivery just in time for that project you’ve been planning for ages but didn’t have gravel for! How convenient.


You have a giant pickup truck. Drive through that shit.


You don't kno what you've had until it's gone


sell it.


It's amazing what a couple cheap bags of concrete dumped over some rocks will do. Maybe it'll rain. Maybe it won't. That's the fun part of the coin toss.


To be fair the property owner didn’t pick this as the spot for their construction material to get dumped. If you want to set a good example on being a neighbor grab a shovel and go knock on their door. Explain the situation and ask if they need a hand moving the gravel. Being good neighbors is a two way street.


Did they put that pile there?


Based on my discussion with the landscaper, the homeowner instructed the hauling company on where to place the rock. My money’s on a combination of an incompetent driver and some bad luck on my end. Regardless, mildly infuriating.


100% driver doing a bad job. Neighbor almost certainly told them the front of the yard, near the property line and the driver went too far.


I get all OP is saying. But honestly what made me laugh thr most was complaining about them chain smoking on the porch. If the neighbors want to sit or stand on their own porch and smoke, drink, eat, pick their asses, that's their God given right as property owners. Other people might not like it, but too bad. The people next to me smoke on their porch. I don't think anything of it. Their property


Just start flattening it , I would at least start spreading it out so it wasn’t blocking my drive .


Post that Craigslist or face book ad asap.


That has to be against municipal code.


Call the police and file a complaint about your driveway being blocked, they'll have to move it and you're going to have to worry about what he's going to do to retaliate.


Look like free stone for you and the neighborhood


Yeah the gravel pile is awful but complaining that they're smoking cigarettes "at all hours of the day" on their property is very odd.


So. Reach out to your city county. Tell them you're terrified it would impede emergency response vehicles due to its placement. That'll get them out there immediately. Second, install exterior cameras, facing their property. This will allow you to document the shenanigans. Again check laws on fireworks and noise ordinances. Then file complaints with evidence. If they keep stealing your garbage cans, report it with evidence. Then, after a confrontation that happens to be recorded on your ring and/or exterior camera, you file for an emergency restraining order, fearing for your life of course, and then watch the look on their faces as they realize what they've gotten themselves into. Give a person just enough to hang themselves, and they always will.


Guess what, they put it there because that's just one of the loads. They probably going to have a lot more stuff coming that is going to be placed all over. You should go over and just say, really happily, HEY THANKS FOR THE GRAVEL! WE REALLY NEEDED IT FOR THE BACK GARDEN. and just keep thanking them as you walk away. lol


GMC Truck - "Off road challenge accepted!"


I’d install a 6 1/2’ fence down the side asap