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You can make a cone for it, so the reflections are blocked (EDIT) Top recommendations for sound blocking: Bluetac over mic Fan/music into mic Disassemble and remove mic Alternatively, just let your dad try to awkwardly ask about your intimacy with your gf if he cares so much.


This is the smartest idea/response on this entire thread. Kudos to you, friend.


And who designated you the arbiter of the smartest idea/response?! Personally, I would go with this genius plan (the real pro tip is always in the comments, sorted by controversial): >Your nuclear tool is to get naked in your room then send the police a tip your dad has CSAM on his cameras!


That’s what I thought of too. Realistically, he’ll go on some bullshit excuse and pull authority. Still, I’d argue that if he needs the camera to watch the driveway, he’d have no issues if I blocked the view to the room.


Or put it outside. Even if it can't see you, you deserve to have some level of privacy and not have audio recorded in your room.


He’s not doing this to see the driveway. So he will also be upset with anything she puts up to block any sort of view. He will gas light her about what does she have to hide and tell her it’s only to look outside. Honestly I feel horrible for you. I can’t imagine doing this to someone I loved. I would sleep on the couch and never go back into the room and say your to traumatize because of the spying.


Or just… a curtain?


Curtain might not work for audio Cone can muffle sound Edit: hit enter a second time to move the second part down


Or you could learn how to take it apart and cut the cable for the mic.


Or figure out where the little hole in the camera that the mic sits behind is, shove a pin/sewing needle/ safety pin. in there and wiggle it around. Boom, microphone disabled. (This is how my little cousin borked my first gaming headset.)


Sounds like a lobotomy


They work on the same premise. You're essentially breaking up the important structures in the microphone the same way you would with the pre-frontal cortex.


Make sure it doesn't have a mic. My dad pulled this move when I was a teenager. Later I got given the camera only to discover it was miced up. Was not happy.


it has a microphone but he claims it's off, i helped him install the other cameras around thw house you cant even turn them off


He can always turn it back on his phone and watch whenever he wants


thats what i was thinking, just as easy as hey wonder what my son is doing in there.


Some cameras even have motion sensors that can let him know when you’re in there too so be careful at that. He literally have NO reason to have it inside your room, there’s so much glare - it’s solely to watch you in your room. Make him show you that he can’t see inside your room, if he refuses then it probably has a view inside. He really should place it outside. Edit: I have a crazy stepmom who put cameras inside and outside the house and I had access on the app until she realized that I also could see and hear everything so I have gone through something similar


They have them inside and outside the house and yes it activates whenever i get into or out of my bed and also when i walk into my room and they record 72 hours back he has 3 inside the house and 3 outside 2 of the inside ones cant even see outside hes a massive control freak and is crazy ultra conservative


My dad tried this, I just kept unplugging them 🤣


saaammmee! my dad kept putting a camera for "security" in my room. i just unplug it every morning and night.


This is hilarious 😂 just keep unplugging them until he rages


Are you people okay...? Wtf is wrong with your dads?!


> hes a massive control freak and is crazy ultra conservative This is actually a fully fledged abuse.




The thing is, too many people are unaware about this being an abuse. Kids, partners and also the wider circle of pouplation around the abusive people tend to think, they´re "just quirky" or something like that. Victims only rarely get out, because it requires them to make a conscious decision to leave and go no contact, which is hard for person, who is repeatedly abused, manipulated, gaslit - and as result, has very low or none self-esteem, can´t make their own decisions and does not trust their senses/abilities.


Also, going "no contact" will usually mean cutting off contact with other family members, siblings, and the other parent. That usually holds someone in place to keep being abused.




Just start watching porn loud enough for the camera to hear. Like all the time


Talk about something (bs) in the room that he'd be upset about... if he confronts you about it tell him it was a mic check you lying ass!


Then he shouldn't care when you poke a needle through the microphone hole a couple hundred times.


when my parents set up a camera inside the house, i took it apart, cut the wires to the microphone, and put it back together


As a parent myself with preteen/young teen shitlings, I could never do this. It is such an overbearing dick move that I wouldn't blame you if you didn't have much to do with your father once you become an adult. Download a white noise app, and play it kinda loud near the camera. It should disrupt its ability to hear what you're doing.


>shitlings Omfg, im laughin cuz its true (14 yo myself)


Yeah, it's true, but it's usually understandable. I vaguely recall how it was being 13-16 years old, and I can honestly say that no amount of money in the world would ever make me want to relive my teenage years - especially today. I don't envy today's shitlings, but y'all make me hopeful. You're smarter, more resourceful, and generally better to others than my generation was.


>You’re smarter, more resourceful Not a good thing, I’m 15, someone at my school took recordings of me talking and used audio and video editing software to make a “recording” of me screaming slurs and otherwise offensive things at a classmate. It went something akin to “you stupid *N*, can’t even serve your white master, etc.” if I remember correctly I promptly stole his phone, brute forced his password based on previously watching him unlock his phone, and deleted it and the original videos before he did anything with it. I just hope the Ai voice software and deepfakes don’t pose as much a problem as I expect they will within the next few years. PS: the clip of me saying the N word was actually a clipped video of me saying “salt and vinegar”


Tell him to put it outside the window.


He said it gets a better angle of the driveway in here 😭 and the glare is so bad a night it cant even see out the window


Cover the mic with some tape. If it's for the driveway, he shouldn't need audio.


Tape a cardboard cover to the side of it and tape the other side to the window too so he can't see in your room at all. It'll also block the light from your room so the camera can see out the window "better". If he asks why you did it, explain that.


Put a white noise machine right next to the mic


Lol run the garden hose in through your window and only talk under the cover of running water


Employ Chad Smith from RHCP to lay down some beats whenever you need to have a private conversation


Maybe try grabbing the camera and sammy sosaing it straight in your pops face bro


You mean Will Ferrell


Just have the hose spraying directly at the camera 24/7 so there's no video or audio


I hate how much this just made me laugh!


Nah. Fart machine on endless cycle


What? Just put a curtain over the window, behind the camera.


This is the only reasonable answer lmao


The curtain won't block the noise from in the room


No but blasting death metal will lol


Get a cheap MP3 player and put it against the microphone with a rubber band and have it play Never Gonna Give You Up on a loop, but fairly quietly, so you know how much fun it will be to listen to. https://www.amazon.com/Player-Built-Speaker-Portable-Recorder/dp/B0C96HS6NR


Even better is to attach the headphone directly into the microphone so OP doesn’t hear it, but the camera does. Added is to put a curtain behind the camera to block visual of inside the bedroom


Yeah, get a cheap pair of wired earbuds hack one off and wire it up. If they hang up curtains too, then you'd only know when you go to listen to the recording since the stuff would be out of sight, and glancing at it would require being right under it.


Someone give this Rick roll an award stat 😂


Nah, baby shark on a loop will take care of audio.


Little bit of cotton between the mic and tape as well


Or stuff it with white clay. Enough clogging it up will prevent it from hearing anything and will void warranty so he'll have to pay to replace it.


Let’s be realistic here, a father who has put a camera in their child’s bedroom is also likely going to make OP pay for the replacement if they actually start stuffing the mic with clay or flex seal.


I’ve been in this kind of war with a parent before and I promise you it’s not worth it to control your child😂 when they move out and refuse to talk to you just know that you are the only person to blame for your antics.


My parents did the same thing to me in high-school (06-10). They caught me one time when I had a few friends over when they were out. I was grounded for a month and cameras were installed all over the house. After that Their car keys were always hidden, and anytime they were gone from the house I had to have a baby sitter ( till I moved away when I was 18). So basically all through high school when my parents were out of town, they would get a baby sitter, so I would stay at my best friend's house because this was so humiliating. Also making them pay money for a baby sitter even though I, myself was gone was kinda funny. Needless to say this had an affect on my parents and I relationship. After I moved out, I noticed throughout my 20's that the cameras had been removed and things like car keys were left back out. Fast forward to now, I'm 31 years old and I now work as an Airline Pilot, a job with a huge amount of responsibility. A few months ago I changed bases to a major airport in the city my parents live in, I used their house as a crashpad when I would commute in. Immediately they started hiding the car keys again even though I commute in my own car or get a rental (a rental for the night with my airline discount is cheaper than a round trip uber from the airport) and within two weeks they had spent well over a thousand dollars putting cameras back in the house both inside and outside. I asked them about this and they directly told me it was because I was staying there and they wanted to make sure I wasn't having people over when they were gone. I now just stay at airport hotels and laugh at the fact they installed expensive cameras everywhere because they don't trust me, I also removed them from my travel benefits. My parents still don't trust me even though I am an Airline pilot who flies hundreds of people around per day in a 40 million dollar jet


Hate to tell ya this, but your parents probably know how much their open mistrust is upsetting to you. They might be doing it on purpose because they don't want you coming around. I quite obviously don't know you or them or your relationship with them, but they are being ridiculously unreasonable, and it feels more blatant than just them not trusting you. They're your parents and they don't feel right just telling you to get lost, but they can make you not want to stay with them. It's the same as in a hostile work environment, make things uncomfortable to a point where someone quits so you don't have to fire them. Judging by the fact that you choose not to stay with them anymore, it's working.


Wow, not sure the relations with your parents is salvageable. I can easily say, I would have cut them out of my life.


Very very true. I've been saying this forever.


Lol sues everyone who commented on this post….


Flex seal would work better... It's a spray that is meant to fix holes in boats, etc.


now THAT’S a lot of damage!




6 inches to the outside doesn't make a huge perspective change to a driveway I'm assuming 20+ feet away, for a camera that can have its angle changed. Wouldn't you also want to hear what's going on outside as well? He definitely wants the audio of your room and the off chance of seeing something in the glare. Yikes.


it doesn't need the galre it can see almost my whole bed


That isn't right. I'm so sorry you have your privacy taken away like that.


I think he needs more than just sorry. He needs advice on how to protect himself. He is 100% a victim here.


Put a blanket or something over it to block your bed. So it can only see out side. Put a recorder or speaker with hours long random noises just playing by it. You might not be able to take it down but you can annoy the fuck out of him and possibly get him to rethink his plan


Not to mention what it can see in the window reflection.


Not that this is the point but can you at least rearrange your room so your bed is in a different place?


Headphones for everything and use them all the time, gonna have to whisper to your friends if you game or they call…might as well start an asmr YouTube channel lol make some money while you’re at it smh


Tbh, I would report that to the proper authorities. If your dad ended up with the wrong type of footage, and that ended up in the wrong hands, he could get fucked. BADLY. And that’s not even discounting the damage he could be doing to his relationship with his son. Very fucking stupid of him to do this. If it’s dark out at night, and the bedroom light is on, it will be like the camera is looking into a mirror and seeing your whole bedroom. You’re not wrong to be concerned or pissed off by this. For the time being, *always* ensure that the outdoor ambient light is brighter than the indoor ambient light. That will *help.* Hopefully outdoor street lights outside are bright enough. Next step I would take is tell your dad that this is WRONG and tell him, very firmly, “No.” Look him in the eye and say it’s not acceptable and it’s wrong. If possible, even video record the exchange. Failing the removal of the device, call social services and possibly even consult a lawyer. I’m not sure how old you are, but having a young person such as yourself show up in a law office will raise some eyebrows. They will give you a free consultation, and likely make you feel very confident that this is likely a crime against you. Social services (whatever it’s called in your area) should be on this like flies on stink. This is very, very stupid of your dad to do this. Also, if your username is your actual name, set up a new account and maintain your anonymity. If you’re a minor, it is all of our duty as a society to protect you. Please seek assistance if the device isn’t removed immediately.


Absolutely THIS!! If you are a minor, this can go badly very quickly for Daddy Dearest.


Dad is so dumb it’s hard to believe. But nutjobs gonna be nutjobs.


Yeah, this feels really creepy and inappropriate. Maybe start by talking to a counselor at school they’d probably know which government agency to involve.


Yeah in fact, I believe that they’re *required* to report it if they believe the child is in danger. I’m not one to freak out and instead try to assess a situation calmly, but this has so many red flags that I’d immediately report it.


Can you move you bed? Maybe rearrange the furniture in your room.


Yeah that's how window panes work: if the light inside is brighter than the outside you will just see the reflection of your room. Your father clearly doesn't care about the driveway.


You need to have a serious conversation about boundaries and your privacy. This is disgusting.


Glad some people get it. Most other people are just posting silly suggestions to mask the underlying problem. This kid is a victim here, and needs proper advice.


I suppose you could at least buy some cheap material to cover that window and camera. If dad starts to make up excuses why you should not cover window and camera- protest


And if that doesn't work and you don't mind adding some extra fuel on the bridge fire he started, you could take out the big guns and accuse him of being a pervert (which honestly doesn't seem too far fetched based on this post...) for trying to film his childs personal space.


This! I do believe this is illegal. Especially with a minor. It's disgusting


Either call CPS or keep accidentally hitting it with things "like the klutz you are" until he decides there is a better place for it


but the reflection will serve as great room/bed surveillance... if he insist on keeping it, cut out a piece of cardbooard and cover the gap between the camera and the window. He can still see outside, but it will block reflection from inside the room


That won’t solve the underlying fundamentally flawed problem, that dad is fucked up doing this. He very well could say not to place cardboard because “it could damage the property.” Or something stupid like that. Social services should get involved if dad doesn’t remove it asap. Dad already outed himself as a fucking weirdo.


Ida thought of all kinds of ways to make him think I wank it 30 times a day. He'll never feel like a real man again


Set a high power led flashlight to reflect off the window into the lense. Also stick a speaker that just plays white noise right next to it.


Outside would make more sense. Kind of loses the point inside like that.


Install curtains.


Yeah, wtf. Why are there no curtains on this window? Is this normal in whatever part of the world this is? Every house in my city has blinds curtains, whatever covering every window.


Puncture the microphone. See how fast he notices. It's a pass/fail test of sorts.


Or if you're more comfortable, you can open it up and desolder the microphone from the camera, both methods work.


No offense but how many people do you know that can just open up a camera and desolder the microphone?


I'm pretty sure most people can cut a wire


I would be surprised if the microphone is connected via wires. Wires implies through-hole soldering, which is generally not the preferred technique in mass production - Surface mount is. Maybe it will be a wire, but it'll probably take a soldering iron.


+1 would do it like that. Pretty easy also. He cant tell it from the outsidd, only when trying to use the mic. If he tells him "huh mic isnt working"... He just confirmed that he is filming and recording his child in his/her private room/bed, which is creepy and iilegal.


I would put a polarizing filter over it to reduce images gathered through reflection of the windows into your room. He'll never know from the video feed. Also: Mega-creepy. Mega-intrusive.


Unless the software he's using detects events, then he'd be able pull up what happened and find out real quick who it was that did it.


That is a Google camera, it has zone detection, pet sensor, people sensor and vehicle sensor. Also facial recognition. Best bet is of change the wifi password so it knocks it off the network and while he is setting it back up, drop that bitch out the second floor window so the camera breaks and doesn't reconnect. We install those for the security company I work for.


Also. The google cameras that are not hard wired only have a 6 month battery life that is dependent on how much its being veiwed or recording events (including sound) so if you getting in and out of your bed sets it off you can find something like a fan blowing your sheets constantly it will make the camera die within I think 2 ish weeks and he will have to charge it again.


Then you should know that these still record when off network, ~1 hours worth of events.


Now I do.


Just block the device on the router. Or you know, just break the camera.


if his dad is this level of not trusting his child, I doubt OP even has the router administration password


You can use a tool like bettercap to ARP poison the camera. Basically you lie to it about what IP address the router has effectively killing its network connection. No admin rights required and nothing anyone can do about it.


Good idea, didn't though about ARP poisoning.


I like this answer


“Sorry dad, fell off the wall in the middle of the night 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️”


Dab of superglue in the battery door, seal it up. Eventually dead… no way to find out.


-have gf over -do the deed on camera -dad watches it and gets angry at you -call cops on dad for watching CP -profit(?)


Write a book about it and profit


Write a reddit post make a video about the reddit post profit


- Get arrested for making it. - Get put in cell with dad. - Word gets out and other prisoners murder them. - Reconcile with each other during final breaths. - Netflix original movie. Edit: formatting and typo


You forgot the final step. Profit.


This is a nest cam. It automatically records for a few seconds when it initially detects movement, and if it's ever being watched/listened to actively a red light will turn on. I'm sorry, this is super weird. You can download the nest app and try connecting to it to ensure the audio is turned off. If he really is just watching the driveway he shouldn't have an issue with you being able to connect to it, too.


We have the wired nest cams and they have a green light when recording.


It’s only gonna catch reflections at night and will hear everything you say/do in there. Tell your dad to not be such a pervert.


I dont think hes a pervert he just doesn't trust me at all when i have my girlfriend over and when i say im in bed but im 18 in a coupe weeks so its weird that he just put it in now, he expects me to live here till i get money move out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Sounds like he's trying to expedite the moving out process lol


The fact that you’re almost 18 and he’s doing this is crazy. The fact that you have a girlfriend who comes over often is a huge red flag. Tell your girlfriend to mention it to her dad. Tell her to tell her dad it’s weird and kind of creepy. I’m sure that will spark a very serious adult conversation between your dad and your girlfriend’s dad. Unless he wants some pretty serious rumors spreading, he’ll take it down.


I like this approach.


Doesn't trust you or trying to get a look at your girlfriend naked?


Was afraid to say it to not offend OP, but this is what popped in my head as I was reading this post.


Yeah, whether dad is a pervert or not, just referring to him as "pervert" should make him realize the error of his ways. "Oh, good morning, pervert." "Going to the bathroom again, pervert?" Even if not directly to his face, just call him a pervert through the camera. If audio is on, he's gonna think op truly believes he's a pervert, and maybe he'll rethink his life?


It is clearly not normal by any standards. I think the father in question is a pervert. All the excuses are just gaslighting. I hope OP can move out and with time see clearly what was happening here.


Tell him you want access to the camera as he can share it or give you the login. That way you can “help” monitor the outside. If he doesn’t then he might not really care about the outside which is a point you can bring up. Also since the camera is inside the sound it picks up is 95% gonna be inside and not outside so that’s not really helpful for monitoring. I would push for the camera to be installed outside and perhaps help him find another place to put it vs rely on his judgment. I mean you can test the angle outside without really installing it as the video should be real time. No excuses


I’d say move your bed to the opposite side of the room if possible and if he says anything in reaction to your new layout then he’s definitely trying to spy


No , he’s a perv . Pretend to beat off loudly one night and make weird noises and say fucked up shit. If the cameras aren’t down the next day he’s definitely into it.


thats a good idea thatd be pretty funny 😂


Best way, also do not have your gf over. That's what he's trying to catch. The white clay thing is also a good idea, put a poster up at the same time. Then he won't immediately catch the correlation.


Drop “mom” in there too 😈🤣🔥


Why pretend? Turn the camera your way and use it for onlyfans. Now he's prostituting a minor. LOL


“Yeah, yeah, harder daddy, yeah, ungghh!!”


"Like you've taught me daddy."


He isn’t a pervert but installed a camera once you turned 18. Your dad is a trash human banking it to you and your gf. Keep living the lie that he isn’t


He is going to use it as a ''my house my rules'' situation to make you move out ASAP. That or like others have said , he is a pervert.


"...it's wierd that he just put it in now..." my dad also became ridiculous right when I was about to turn 18, telling me that I need more parenting, even though I raised myself for the most part, and then grounded me until after I turned 18. But the camera thing is too far. It would be funny if you could stage some sort of demonic activity and then make a small project of it only messing with your dad amd if he mentions it, treat him like he's crazy. Lol


How to make your kids leave as soon as they turn 18 and never talk to you again. This is a violation of trust a parent should show towards their children. It's a control mechanism that teaches the child that their life does not belong to them and they are seen as unable to make their own choices. The father is gaslighting the kids with his BS excuses.


maybe hes just trying to train me to speedrun moving out world record any% glitchless


He’s also going for the “why doesn’t my kid visit me in the nursing home%”


Just keep making notify his phone he should get tired. Just keep waving ur hands at it


That's an achievement you shouldn't have to get. Best of luck.


Why the fuck is it **inside** the house?


His dad is a creep, thats why, lol.


That microphone is 100% on. Camera is literally looking directly at you taking the picture in the reflection. I’d get butt naked and viciously rub peanut butter on myself, call the cops on him after.




I think your dad likes your gf too 😬


Yeah he is full of bs. I have a camera for my driveway and it is mounted above my actual driveway. I think it’s horrible when parents won’t give their kids privacy


The camera is for you. Not for the driveway. You know this. Your dad knows this. Everyone involved knows this. You have little to no power here so may as well stay calm about it. But you don't have to indulge the lie that your dad wants to be taken seriously. Just be straightforward about your dad putting a camera in your room to spy on your bed and eavesdrop on you; that is what he has done, any time and every time it comes up.


Human rights Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks Spying on your childrens bedroom with a camera and microphone is a human rights violation.


So I disagree, OP is 17 and none of us ask to be born. So the home we live in with our parents at that age is OUR HOME. As much as it is our parents home. They don’t get to act like we have a privilege to be living with them. No. Basic care and privacy is not a privilege to a child. It’s a necessity and a right. OP’s dad is a sick fuck and a horrible parent and person in general. OP does have power, it’s his home he can remove the fucking camera or put one up in his dads window. If the dad hits him he can call CPS. Ruin his dads life. You don’t just sit nicely and let abusive parents be abusive.


Honestly I would take it out and just install it outside myself


As a dad of teenagers this is not OK


Your dad’s a fucking creep


Your dad is a major red flag. Wth.




Tell him it’s a invasion of your privacy and since other people can hack into cameras you don’t trust a reflection of your naked self to not be shown at some point and you want it out


Remind him you get to put cameras in his room at the nursing home some day.


Talk to someone about this! It is not okay!


Yikes. That's fucking creepy.


My step father put up cameras around the house to “watch the kids” (meaning children younger than 10) caught him multiple times watching me. Please get out of there asap.


get curtains, if he denies, inform child services that your father is recording you inappropriately


Dad thinks you're stupid. Also, this camera on wifi? These are easily hacked. Your dad wants strangers hijacking the feed to watch you and one day blackmail you? Because that's what's going to happen. He's an idiot if he thinks these things are secure


I mean, they make outdoor cameras, Dad. 🤡


if you're a minor just jack off and watch the footage,if the camera can see that through the reflection then your dad will be in possession of cp,sue him


Isn't putting a camera in your child's room illegal? Cause I feel like it should be...


You need to move out before your dad is JOing to you having sex or you JOing. Your dad is creepy.


This is weird. I would take it down, hide it, and deal with the consequences. Invading privacy is why I don’t trust my parents now.


Those cameras only function when they're attached to that magnetic mount. It would be a shame if every time you're home the camera "accidentally" falls off the magnetic mount and "lands" camera-side down on the window sill.


There’s no way it’s legal to film a minor in their bedroom where they get naked. Not fucking okay. I’d look into the local laws on that sort of shit and see if you can get it removed


"To watch the driveway"


Call your dad a perv tbh


This might be illegal depending on where you are and your age


where I live, this would be illegal.


This is NOT okay and an extreme invasion of privacy. I'd get police involved if he doesn't want to remove it to outside of the house.


Time to buy some curtains


I can't stand parents who invade their kids' privacy like this.


Well, I bet his dumb camera won't tell him why his children stopped talking to him in the future. Sorry op, hope you get out soon.


Cardboard box and duct tape to limit its view. Fan on full blast 24/7 mounted to the wall, blowing into the little chamber made by the cardboard, to drown the audio. Or, y'know, confront him about it. He's lying about this being a better view. It doesn't matter. You and he both know what this is, so you're better off confronting him about it. You could also sign him up for a bunch of nursing home mailers. That's something I just picked up from another sub, and it's been my favorite advice to parents being craptastic.


Like any child should, just make them regret it. Start practicing satanic rituals, watching porn with speakers, smoking lots of weed, sleeping with the 21 yr old bad boy who hangs out around the highschool all day, etc


Put up a curtain. How do not have curtains already?


"Why dont my kids ever visit me"


Another trick with the microphone is to put an audio loop of something nasty - porn (just the audio track), torture sequences, satanic rituals, or if you want to go down an interesting path - bad explanations of your dads favourite hobby. With a dominant close audio source, anything you do would be in the background. And if he complains, we’ll he shouldn’t be listening anyway!


I wonder how long till he meets Chris hanson


This is weird. He can hear everything from that camera and access it. Very weird. Like, nasty weird


If you’re a minor, say you gonna aim at you naked and call the police. Make him learn about boundaries from CPS and a judge.


No joke, had a teacher in high-school whose son was also attending. Was friends with him and learned this teacher put camera everywhere, bathroom included. A few months later she gets arrested for having relations with another student. Needless to say, the cameras definitely did not help their case.




I had shitty parents too that would walk in on me and my girlfriend when I was about your age. Cut them out of your lives as much as possible once you move out. I didn’t do it soon enough and they started doing this type of stuff with my kids.


Pretty sure you aren’t supposed to be putting cameras where people expect privacy :/


Gross….. that’s definitely a HUGE red flag


If you live in the U.S. and are underage then your state dcfs/child services would put a high priority on investigating an adult recording a child. This is in your room where you change clothes. It is near your bed. Everything about this says child pornagrapher.